HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-27February 27, 1980 Afternoon Meeting (Adjourned from ~journed meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, ¥irginia, was ~bruary 27, 1980, at 2:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building, ~ville, Virginia; said meeting adjourned from February 25, 1980. ~nt: Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta, C. Timothy (arrived at 2:20 P.M.), and Miss Ellen V. Nash and Mr. W. S. Roudabush. None. ~er Present: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive and Mr. George R. St. John, ~orney (Arriving at 4:57 P.M.). Ia Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 2:07 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. ia Item No. 2. Work Session: 1980-81 Budget. .gnor presented the following categories of the 1980-81 budget: VACO Dues; Bicentennl ,il Survey; Surety Bonds; Miscellaneous Telephone Expenses; NACO Dues. sm Bureau. Mr. Agnor said a new budget has not been submitted. Since the Bureau d in its formation, the Bureau desired several weeks of operation to determine rograms will be next year. The Bureau has suggested that the City/County/Chamber heir support by 50%, which changes the requested amount from $10,000 to $15,000. dget is submitted and examined, he would recommend $12,500. The basis for the tion is due to the determination made by the Bureau that $3,000 of the appropriation ear will be returned to the County. Mr. Agnor suggested these funds be placed rogram next year. isher questioned the increase when the goal of the Tourism Bureau was to acquire tributions from the private sector. Mr. Agnor said the increase was for two The $40,000 appropriation last year was found to be just the cost of minimum and was not adequate. A merger with the Bicentennial staff was done to save problems. The second reason for the increase is that contributions from the ctor are not as easy to obtain as anticipated. enley suggested the funding remain at $10,000 because he felt the private sector more enthusiastic rather than the County having to increase the funding. Mr. agreed with Mr. Henley. Mr. Roudabush did not want the Bureau handicapped by not at is needed for operations because he felt there will be more competition for t dollars and more money may have to be spent because of that increased competition. felt increased competition on tourism was one of the Bureau's goals. Miss Nash chetta agreed with Mr. Roudabush. Dr. Iachetta accepted the County Executive's tion. Mr. Fisher felt the amount should remain the same. Mr. Henley suggested e amount as it currently is recommended and decide on the final recommendation udget is submitted. Mr. Fisher requested this be discussed at the end of the k sessions for further consideration. 1 Health. Mr. Jim Peterson, Director~ was present. Mr. Jesse Noel, Chairman of the JAUNT Board of Directors, was present. Mr. Fishe the labor warranty for the Federal grant application. Mr. A~nor said City Council February 27,~ =~ ~980 ~f~ter~no no M~ourned fro~ ~er for Help in Emergency. Mr. ~gnor said this was presented in detail at the -3, 1980, meeting and at that time the Board did not feel funding should be ~d. Dr. Iachetta and Mr. Lind~rom felt this should be placed at the end of the bU~gc .ons for further consideration. ~ocketed. At 4:57 P.M., Mr. St. John arrived at the meeting. Mr. Fisher said notice 'eceived that the City will not appe~lZ~he labor warranty required on the grant ~n for JAUNT and are going to sign the warranty. Mr. Agnor has stated that he does nc ~at a waiver could be obtained under any circumstances and it appears that the County alternatives: 1) Sign the warranty; 2) JAUNT find another fiscal agent; or 3) The d the entire amount out of local funds. Mr. Fisher felt contributing that much money me to JAUNT would be very difficult. He then a~ked Mr. St. John if he had changed opinion of the matter. Mr. St. John said no. Wilson said the JAUNT Board of Directors wants to have on record that they prefer with Albemarle County as their fiscal agent. She f~t JAUNT has a potential and ee the operation go down the drain. The warranty either has to be signed or moneY e found. She also noted that JAUNT does not have a chance for expansion at the isher sa~d he had received calls requesting that JAUNT remain in operation. He 's needs are imminent and felt they ¢~uld be a much larger operation and may in fact ~re revenue of its own from a fixed base operation. Mr. Roudabush asked if the at had to be local government. M~s. Wilson said according to the Federal Highway bion it does. Mr. Henley felt the program was fine but did not favor fun~g the ~ram. Mr. Roudabush agreed with Mr. Henley particularly if taxes had to be increase~ ~ystem. Mrs. ~ilson also noted that the only money available to JAUNT are the Sectio ~. John said he had not communicated with the legislators because the County was wait ~-~e City was going to do with the warranty. Mr. Lindstrom felt the mat~r should Miss Nash agreed. Dr. Iachetta felt nothing wm~ld be ~st by asking the congressi for help in obtaining the waiver. Mr. Fisher then suggested sending the documentati ~tors and congressmen as well as to NACO for ~heir assistance in t~s matter. Mr. ~id an attorney general's opinion can be requested and if the Attorney General says is illegal, the opinion can be taken to the legislators. However, if ~he Attorney ~s the warranty is legal, he will state that he does not agree, but the opinion has ~ed, and the Board can then sign the warranty with the opinion in the files. The agreed that the County ~ttorney should pursue this matter further by communicating ~gislators and NACO. 5 P.M., the Board recessed and reconvened at 5:35 Item No.. 3. Report: Bids on Lane Building Renovation. Mr. Fisher said a ~as adopted by the Board at its ~e~r~y 13, 1980, meeting r~questing the City tment on the McIntire Road ~r0ject. A letter has been received from the nee A. Brunton, dated February 2~,2~1980 and is set out below: clerk has sent me a copy of your~resolution Gf February 13, 1980, that ted clarification of City Council's intention regarding the McIntire roject. In response I direct your attentimnSto the enclosed certifie~ f a resolution adopted November 5, 1979, approving the project's ~d location and re~uest~ ~ ~*~+ ~ ~ ............ February 27, 1980 Afternoon Meeting (Adjourned from February 25, 1980) attorneys when~there is a large amount of money currently spent providing legal assi for the'County. Mr. Lindstrom disagreed because servicesooften available by the gov are not available to all'individuals because of certain eligibility guidelines. He number of elderly people rely on the government for assistance and are vulnerable to kind of problem. He suggested this be reexamined at the conclusion of the budget we sessions. The Board concurred. Juvenile Court. Finance, Real Estate and Purchasing. Mr. Ray Jones, Director, was present. Sheriff. Sheriff George Bailey was present. Mr. Agnor said the recommended ax a 20% increase over the prior year. The increase is due to the addition of two dep~ the costs associated with such. Mr. Agnor said the Sheriff had requested three dep~ in balancing the budget', only two were recommended. If the Michie legislation is fl the Sheriff's salaries will, be funded 100% by the State. If the Michie legislation funded, he would recommended funding three additional d~puties. Sheriff Bailey felt the County needs 'three additional deputies and noted that the Sheriff's Department total operatin~ budget will be funded by State or Federal Mr. Fisher requested the third deputy be restored to the budget and an appeal note~d State Compensation Board. Circuit Cou~t. Mr. Harry Young was present. Mr. Agnor said this budget shows of the Judge's salary which will be paid by the State through the Michie legis~atio~ Mr. Young said benches are needad in the Circuit Court waiting room. Mr. Fish, Mr. Agnor work with the Judge and Mr. Young on some temporary arrangements. District Home; Children's Home Society of Virginia; WVPT Public Television. General District Court. Mr. Steve Helvin was present. Mr. Helvin said the ef date for his appointment as the new General District Court judge will be March 1, 1 appointment replacing Judge Brian Donato. Me noted his need for office space. Mr. requested Mr. Agnor to discuss this with Jmdge Berry and Mr. Helvin. Mr. Fisher t~ extendedh~2s appreciation to Judge Donato for his years of service to the County. Refunds; Community Attention Home. Watershed Management Official. Mr. Agnor said this is a new position and the will be located on the fourth floor of the County Office Building. The expenses o~ official will be shared by the County and City. A draft of the job description fo~ watershed management official has been~p~rep~red and sent'tto the City for their app~ will then be returned for Board approval. o-~ ~=~~ ~. ~or said this is a new title for "Buildings and Ground~ February 27, 1980 Afternoon Meeting (Adjourned from February 25, 1980) RESOLVED by the~Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, that the location of the extension and improvements to Mc~ntire Road between Preston Avenue and Rio Road (Route 631) as proposed at the location public hearing held on June 2Z, 1979, is hereby approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDi~that the Virginia Department of Highways and TransportatiQn~is hereby requested to proceed with the design of such project, in consultation ~ith this Council and the City staff, at the earliest possible date." ~Mr. Fisher said he has been concerned about whether the County shouldyproceed renovation wi~hmut a firm commitment from the City. It appears such a commitment ~ to be received. Therefore, he would recommend proceeding in good faith that the C~ carry through with its part of the McIntire Road project and then consider the ques Lane Building on its merits. Dr. Iachetta felt the only way to proceed with thisi~ on its merits. He felt that after two years, it is too late to worry about any otb of the~project. Dr. Iachetta said the County has the option to b~ild the part of t Extension, which the County has chosen to call the Meadowcreek Parkway, in Albemarl He did not feel the County should be locked in by the~poss~i~y~hat that section constructed~(the section in the~City from Melbourne Road to the 250/Bypassji~s the problem). Mr. Fisher said~at the ~hr~aj~3, 1980 meeting, the question of whether or not any saving~ realized from the low bidder was discussed. The ~rchitect was requeste~ some background work on d~ermining whether deleting some items would sa~e~oney. Mr. Sample, architect ~ith Stainback and Scribner, said areas for possible~red~ been examined on an advisory nature becaus~ ~ime did not allow actual investigation point of determining authenticity on the background material. Thirteen items were which amounted to a possible savings of $300,850 or 6.7% of the total bid. The ite~ result in a ~e~s operationally efficient buildingdue to the loss of an elevator, d~ ~window, gasoline island, and certain renovations to the auditorium. Additional ma~ ~will result by changing carpet to viny~asbestos tile and the deletion of vinyl wal] .The building will be less architecturally satisfying because the largest of all the will be in not rebuilding the stage. A shed type roof over the stage womld haveZto~ provided to protectt~he stage and the rising walls would h~e'~o be treated. Mr. S~ the ~ob~would have to be rebid if this savings is desired. The~eStimate of this del a six months period of time. In~tconclusion, Mr. Sample said the low bid wasaa good fide one and recommended the base bid in the amount of $4,454,000 ~lus the added al~ of $7,600 for a total of $4,461,600 be accepted. Mr. Linds~rom said with the circumstances given by Mr. Sample of a further dels in~aase in construction costs, he would offer~ motion to accept the low bid as out] Mr. Sample. Mr. Henley seconded thei~'.~otiO~. Mr. Roudabush felt it was in the best interest of th~ County to accept the bid. that having served as a me~er of the Space Committee, the entire county had been s~ feasible location for.a county office building and this was the only feasible site. the structure meets the County's long-term needs and the potential savings on the t~ items are things that would have to be put into the building before it could be full Therefore, he could not see the del~mn of them now. Mr. Lindstrom felt revitalizing a building of this magnitude and in this locati the ~est interest, of. the County. Mr. Fisher asked the status of Phase 2. Mr. Sample said the criteria for Phase February 28, 1980 Morning Meeting (Adjourned from February 27, 1980) February 2~, 19804_ ~fternoon Meeting (Adjourned from February 25 19~ on as well. Mr. St. John needs authority to approve the contract and the bonds. Motion was then offered'by Mr. Roudabush to that effect. Dr. Iachetta e motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: rs. Fisher, Hen~y,i~aahetta, Lindstrom and Miss Nash and Mr. Roudabush. Item No. 4. Tennis Courts--Walton School. ;nor said included ~n the Capital Budget as par~of2the parks and recreation budget ~ct entitled "improvements and construction of a tennis court at Walton School". Thc I est~lmated to cost $15,000 and the low bid has been received in the amount of $19,1! ~nce date for the bid has been set for the~f~St~of March. In the capital budget, ~ mnallocated for the parks budget to be used for other school projects. Mr. Agnor ~allocated funds should be used to supplement the inflationary cost of this project ~nded that the funds be transferred from~the unallocated project to the Walton ~is court project. Dr. Iachetta then offered motion to accept the bid in the amount and sign the contract. Miss Nash seconded the motion and same carried by the ?ecorded vote: ~rs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Miss Nash and Mr. Roudabush. a was then offered by Dr. Iachett~a, seconded by Miss Nash, to adopt the following BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Com~y, Virginia, $4,197.00 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the General Fund and £erred to Code 19-10L.5 for the Walton School ~ennis Courts; with same being ferred from "Other" items in the Parks and Recreation section of the Capital vements Program. was called on the foregoing motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: srs. Fisher, Henley, IachetSa, Lindstrom and Miss Nash and Mr. Roudabush. .e. .a Item No. ~. At 6:07 P.M., motion was offered by Dr. Ia~hetta to adjourn to !8, 1980, at 9:00 A.M. in the Juvenile Court Building. Mr. Lindstrom seconded the same carried by the following recorded vote: ~srs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Miss Nash and Mr. Roudabush. ~e. February 28, 1980 Morning Meeting (Adjourned from February 27, ~