HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-14~-- _ N~ovemb~e~ ~ !__9_7_9 u~v da Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes: July 30, 1979, August 1, 1979 (Afternoon) t 8, 1979. Minutes for these three meetings were not read by Board members, and r suggested deferral until November 21, 1979. da Item No. 3a) Abandon portion of road off Route 602. Mr. George McCallum said to have this request deferredfor one more month. Motion was offered by Mr. seconded by Mr. Roudabush~ to defer this item until December 12, 1979. The rried by the following recorded vote: ssrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Roudabush. ne. Messrs. Iachetta and Lindstrom. da Item No. 3c) W±ndrift Subdivision. Mr. Agnor noted receipt of a letter from J. Merritt, requesting that Spring Lake Drive in the Windrift Subdivision, le, Virginia, be taken into the State System. Mr. Ashley Williams, Assistant gineer, said the road was ready for acceptance. Motion was then offered by Mr. econded by Mr. Dorrier, to adopt the following resolution; BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation be and is hereby requested to pt into the Secondary System of Highways, subject to final inspection and ap- al by the Resident Highway Department, the following road in Windrift, Section 1: Beginning at station 0-15, a point common to the edge of pavement of State Route 664 and the centerline intersection of Spring Lake Drive; thence with Spring Lake Drive in a southwesterly direction 2205.41 feet to station 21+90.41 the end of the cul-de-sac of Spring Lake Drive in Section 1 of Windrift. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways and Transpor- on be and is hereby guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right of way and drainage merit along this requested addition as recorded by plat in the Office of the Clerk he Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 625, page 175. called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: ssrs. Dorrier, Fisher and Henley. .~e. Dr. Iachetta. Messrs. Lindstrom and Roudabush. da Item No. 3d) Brookwood Subdivision. Mr. Agnor said a letter had been received ~alter A. Young, Sr. requesting that Ctaudis Court be taken into the State ~otion was then offered by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Roudabush, to adopt the resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board 'of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation be and is hereby requested to pt into the Secondary System of Highways, subject to final inspection and ap= ~1 by the Resident Highway Department, the following road in Brookwood Subdi, DR: · Beginning at station -1+25 of Claudis Court, a point common to the centerline intersection of tb~ ~nd ~f ~ m~~ ~e ~,,~ ~* ~+o.~ ~,~+~ ~oon. ~alled and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: ~srs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Liadstrom and Roudabush. ~e. ~a Item No. 17e0 Appointment: Fire-Prevention Code Board of Appeals. Mr. Fisher ~ Mr. Ronald Carter's term expires on November 2t, 1979. Motion was offered by lush, seconded by Dr. Iachetta, to reappoint Mr. Ronald Carter of Colthurst Farm, ~ville, to a second term to expire on November 21, 1984. Roll was called and the ?ried by the following recorded vote: ~srs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. ta Item No. 17i) Appointments: Thomas Jefferson Visitor's Bureau. Mr. Fisher ~ounty needs three appointees for this Bureau. He suggested representives of ~tractions", historical interests, and a citizen at large be nominated to fill ~e slots.. Mr. Fisher said he hoped to receive names for these appointments at ~er 12, 1979 meeting. la Item No. 17) Appointments: Not Docketed. Dr. Iachetta said the Parks Committee ~ially completed the task they were originally .organized to perform, and suggested formally acknowledge the Committee for their work, thank the members for their and ought then dissolve the committee. Dr. Iachetta said he would offer this ~ in the form of a motion, and that the committee be dissolved simultaneously ~nd of this calendar year. Motion w~s seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, who added that ~u letter be sent to each Committee member. Mr. Roudabush said that since of the Parks has now become a regular staff function as recommended by the it seems an appropriate time to disband the committee. Roll was then called, .tion carried by the following recorded ~ote: srs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. isher asked Mr. Henley if he would consider serving another term on the Jail ng with Sheriff George BaiZey. Mr. Henley said he would be willing to serve- rm, and added that he believed that it was required that the Sheriff be a member ard. Motion was then offered by Mr. Roudabush, seconded by Dr. Iachetta to Mr. Henley, and Sheriff Bailey to the Jail Board, said terms to expire December Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: srs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. ,e~ isher asked'if there were any appointments to the Region X Community Mental' Retardation Services Board and the Monticello Area Community Action Agency. ~rom asked if it would be possible to appoint Mr. Harold Bailes (who presently. the County on the Monticello Area Community Action Agency) as representative [ndstrom in this agency. Mr. Fisher was not certain that it would be possible ~rson to act in a double capacity in this agency. In both cases Board members check further for appointees before making a nomination. Mr. Fisher suggested ~rought back before the Board at the December meeting. November 14, 1979 (~egular Day Meeting) Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None. Agenda Item No. 12c) Transfer and appropriation for the Textbook Fund. Jones read his memorandum of November 9, 1979: Mr. Z "Attached is a letter from Dr. McC!ure describing the circumstances that have in the Textbook Rental Fund. The circumstances and conditions of the fund as November t, 1979 are as follows: The $15.00 rental fee has produced $125,050.75 from fees and the $15,000 fer (Noted in Dr. McClure's letter.) The account code, due to prices of books purchased, is over-expended by There has been $198,095 in expenditures plus $9,026 in encumbrances on o' purchase orders. The Textbook Fund balance is showing a deficit of $23,957.49. Fees collected at the schools are running at only 85%. The estimated $18,000 from the State has not been received. Based on the above, I respectfully request your approval of the followin -transactions: Transfer $32,984 (sum of the deficit and outstanding encumbrances) from School Operating Fund to the Textbook Fund. Special Appropriation from the Textbook Rental Fund to Code 150--Purchas Textbooks, $43~621. Once the State money mentioned above is received, it will be possible to the amount received back to the School Fund. Also, I would like to emphasize above two requests do not make any additional local funds available; however, impact the School Fund balance (currently $1,333,377.43) later on in the fisc year." Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, to adopt the fol resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia $32,984 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the School Operating Fu Code 150, Textbook Rental Fund. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, to adopt the fol resolution: BE ZT RESOLVED by the Board of SuperVisors of Albemarle County, Virginia $43,621 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the Textbook Rental Fun Code 150 Purchase of textbooks. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: November 14, 1979 (Regular Day Meeting) 11-49. Carnivals and circuses. A circus or carnival which is sponsored by a local non-profit organization ~ted for charitable and benevolent purposes shall be subject to a license tax of ~y-five dollars per day of operation. ~ay Jones, Director of Finance reported that collections under this ordinance to $1800 for this fiscal year. Mr. George R. St. John, County Attorney, said the could be made to be retroactive, thereby allowing a refund back to July 1, 1979, ~rd so desired. Dr. Iachetta said he wished to amend his motion making this the ordinance retroactive to July 1, 1979. Change in the motion was accepted by ~rom, and carried by the following recorded vote: ~srs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. Item No. 12a. Special Appropriation: State Fuel Assistance Program. Mr. from Ms. Karen L. Morris' memorandum of November 5, 1979, as follows: As you have already heard, this Department will be administering an expanded Assistance Program this year. Contingent upon the availability of funds, the ~am will run from December 1, 1979 through March 31, 1980. As stated in our Information Bulletin (79-171) from Commissioner Lukhard ..."The eligibility criteria for this program is that the household have an energy bill in need of fuel. Additionally, the household's income must be below 125% of ~overty level and have liquid resources less than $1,750, or $3,000 if a member le household is over 60." The program is actually a combination of two funding ~es: 1) Aid to Dependent Children Emergency Assistance Program (similar to the few years); and 2) a federal grant from the Community Services Administration lerly handled by MACAA). Commissioner Lukhard does not expect sufficient funding to meet the anticipated .ble persons statewide. We were provided with a figure of 6,200 as eligible in larle County. With a maximum of $200 per household unit, the total dollars ~d would be exorbitant. The State has allocated, therefore, a dollar amount ~gh each funding source to each locality, based on percentage of poverty popula- within the State and the actual number of dollars available. ~arle County's allocation is: o Dependent Children Emergency Assistance Program .nity Services Administration TOTAL $241,368 85,889 $327,257 200 maximum per household, this represents over 1,636 family units.) fore, I am requesting a special appropriation of $327,257 on a new line item 06C - Fuel Assitance Program. 100% of the amount actually spent will be re- 'sed by the State and Federal governments through our normal procedures. so will be reimbursed 100% for additional staff, if needed. First, we are ng at all possible means to absorb the workload. If the above figures are stic, I do not expect this to be an easy task. By the time you have received November 14, 1979 (Regular Day Meeting) Fisheries was commissioned to trap the beaver and remove them to other areas some ~ this autumn. Mr. Agnor next said many things have been tried to help control acce~ the park after dark. He said during the summer months, a deputy was assigned to t~ but this was discontinued in the fall. Mr. Agnor noted that although the gate to ~ is not always locked, many times when the Park has been closed, vandals have broke~ the fences to gain access. Mr. Agnor said this is a continuing problem for which ~ seems to be no answer at this time. Mr. Lindstrom suggested the possibility of a ~ guage chain link fence. Mr. Roudabush thought before that kind of expense is incu~ mark the trees along the park boundaries to identify the point people would be !ea~ public park and crossing onto private property~ Mr. Fisher thanked Mr. Kindrick a~ Miller for bringing these problemm to the BOard's attention, and suggested Mr. Rou~ and Mr. Henley look into the problem in greater detail and make suggestions to the at a future meeting. Agenda Item No. 8. Request for appropriation: Scottsville Rescue Squad Ambul Mr. Dorrier introduced Mr. Roger Wood, representing the Scottsville Rescue Squad, the purchase of an "advanced life support system" put the squad in a deficit finan~ position. He said fund drives have helped defer other escalating expenses, but th~ not been able to save money to purchase the necessary new equipment. Mr. Wood als~ that the call for services has increased three times over, but the amount of donat~ received has stayed the same. Mr. Fisher said the county has never participated purchase of such equipment, mainly because this would not only take in ambulances rescue squads, but also fire fighting equipment for the volunteer fire companies. Agnor said possibly a nonspecific contribution could be made to the squad. Dr. Ia~ and Mr. Lindstrom both agreed that equal contributions to each rescue squad and ea. company is not really fair, as the newer facilities have greater financial needs. was then offered by Mr. Lindstrom to advance the Scottsville Rescue Squad the amou! $8,160 out of the future years contributions to the squad. The motion was seconde, Dorrier. Roll was called, and the following resolution was adopted by unanimous BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia $8,160 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the General Fund and tral to Code 18C.8--ScoJttsville Rescue Squad. AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None. Agenda Item No. 8a. Executive Session. Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom adjourn into executive session for the purpose of discussing property acquisition personnel matters. Motion was seconded by Mr. Roudabush. At 12:34 P.M., roll was and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None. At 1:25 P.M., the meeting reconvened into regular session. Agenda Item No. 9. Quarterly Report: Albemarle Housing Improvement Project. Ann Paul, Mr. Ray Olivera, Miss Ann Diamond and Mr. Rory Carpenter, were present. sheet was presented to the Board of Supervisors concerning the Self-Help Housing P in which AHIP will serve 18 low to moderate income families who will wo~rk together build their own homes with technical assistance from AHIP and with low interest.bu loans from the Farmer's Home Administration. A slide presentation was then made b Olivera showing major improvements to several homes in Albemarle County. Mr. Fish November 14, 1979 (Regular Day Meeting) !graphy of Area: The site is not in the Mechum River's Flood Plain. There 25% or greater slopes but the proposed dwellings are not located on them. .ition of Roads Serving Proposal: Route 250 West is considered tolerable by iinia Department of Highways and Transportation with an estimated 6,000 vehicle ~s per day. rshed Impoundment: South Fork Rivanna Watershed .s: Some of this area is very steep and with shallow soils. Erosion could be a lem if not properly controlled. rehensive Plan Recommendation: Agricultural Conservation with a recommended ity of one unit per five acres. ol Impact: Total projected enrollment of one student with a slight impact. Utilities: No public facilities are available. f Comment: This site plan meets Article 17 requirements and staff recommends oval subject to: mmended Conditions of Approval: No building permit will be issued until the following conditions are met: a. Health Department approval; b. Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation approval of the commercial entrance; c. Compliance with the private road provisions, including: 1. County Engineer approval of the road.; 2. County Attorney approval of the maintenance agreement; d. Delete parcel 41G as a portion of this proposal; e. Note owner of parcel 41G. Tucker said the Planning Commission conditionally approved this site plan on 3, 1979 with the staff's conditions. He noted that the applicant was appealing s 1-b and 1-c.2. Mr. St. John said he reviewed the requirement of a maintenance for the road, and this is not required under the site plan ordinance (only under vision Ordinance)° Ben Dick, representing the applicant, said there was sufficient sight-distance in ctions at the entrance of the property. He said there has never been an accident ite. Mr. Dick said this entrance serves a very limited number of homes. Mr. ~ that Mr. Cross offered to asphalt the entrance surface, and smooth out the improve the already good sight distance, but the High~ay Department said this meet their requirements for a commercial entrance. Mr. Dan Roosevelt of the Department of Highways and Transportation, said a commercial entrance is recom- sn there are three or more users of an entrance. Also, he said Route 250 is a ~ traffic road, and there is no where to slow down to make that turn onto the Mr. Roosevelt said the recommendation was for a 200 foot deceleration lane with ~ taper. ?isher asked if anyone present wished to speak regarding this appeal. No one speak. Mr. Roudabush asked if the site distance was adequate. Mr. Roosevelt ~d meet Highway Department standards. He also noted that ~d~Ro~t~ ~50~S not a state maintained~oad. Mr. Henley asked if a 100 foot taper and turn lane ~dequate. Mr. Roosevelt said he was not in a position to waive the Highway ~'s recommendations. Mr. Henley offered motion to delete the private road main- ~reement requirement, and decrease the entrance requirements to a 100 foot taper foot turn lane. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roudabush. ~achetta said this site plan does not meet the two acre requirement. Mr. Dick would meet ordinance requirements if subdivided in the future. Mr. Fisher, Dr. ~nd Mr. Lindstrom all said they would not support reducing the Highway Department's ~d decel and turn lane requirement, since the Highwa. y Department engineers are ~s on highway safety design. Mr. Dorrier said he would support the motion as he November 14, 1979 (Regular Day Meeting) Agenda Item No. 20. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance and op~ of the Regional Jail for the month of October, 1979 along with summary statement of days and salary of the jail physician and paramedics, were presented. On mo~ion b~ Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Roudabush, these statements were approved as presented. motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Roudabush. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Dr. Iachetta. Agenda Item No. 21. Report of the County Executive for October, 1979 was pre: for the Board's information. Agenda Item No. 22'. Report of the Social Services Department for September, presented in accordance with Virginia Code Section 63.1-52. Agenda Item No. 4. Request for supplemental appropriation - Scottsville Scho~ Clarence McClure, Superintendent of Schools, presented the following resolution to Board of Supervisors from the Albemarle County School Board: WHEREAS, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors appropriated $1,400,0 all costs associated with the Scottsville Elementary School project, of which estimated $1,100,000 was for contract construction c~sts; and WHEREAS, the School Board opened bids for the contract construction of tl Scottsville School on November 1, 1979; and WHEREAS, the two lowest bids for contract construction after deducting c alternatives recommended by the architect were $1,388,240 and $1,390,836 (a c all base bids and the two lowest bids with certain deducts is attached hereto WHEREAS, ~ bid must be accepted by November 30, 1979 and is imperative t project start as soon as possible to avoid delays due to winter weather; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Albemarle County School Board tha Board of Supervisors is hereby requested at its regularly scheduled meeting o November 14, 1979 to consider the appropriation of an additional $290,000 for contract construction costs of the Scottsville Elementary School project. Mr. Robert Vickery, of The Vickery Partnership, Architects; said the two lowe were very close. He also noted that it was estimated in the original cost estimat there would be an inflation rate of 8% to 10%. He said inflation actually went up Mr. Vickery said this is going to be a quality building with excellent fire safety ventilation and lighting. He said it was a superior building without being extrav Mr. Ronald Bauerle and Mr. Dean Strong of the School Board said they supporte resolution presented. Mr. Fisher said it was his opinion that money in the Capital Improvements Pro sufficiently upgraded this past August, to allow for any inflation taking place. suggested the additional $290,000 be appropriated, but that this money be deducted some other project anticipated by the School Board. Mr. Agnor said he. would recom that the $290~000 be transferred from some other project, until it can be reviewed next year. Mr. Lindstrom agreed with Mr. Agnor. Dr. Iachetta said he would suppo November 14, 1979 (Regular Day Meeting) Roosevelt r'e~°rt~~ that the shortage 'of funds for highway improvements has caused .qite delay ~on road improvements on Route 20 from Keene to Scottsville School. He ~s scheduled for bid this spring, but he could not say how long the deferral will Roudabmsh asked the status of the Park Street Bridge project. Mr. Roosevelt said aot yet been advertised for public hearing, but that if all goes according to hearing should be set for January 15, 1980. Mr. Roudabush suggested the Vocational- School be the site of that public hearing. ~..:.~ ~The following~ agenda items were discussed out of order, due to the absence of ~a Item No. 13. Unemployment Insurance. Mr. Agnor presented the following ~ regarding conversion of the County's method of funding Unemployment Compensa- ?ance from the insurable method to the reimbursable method to become effective on , 1980. (NOTE: Details of this item were discussed at the September 12, 1979 ~y meeting): WHEREAS, in JanUary 1978, Virginia Code SectiOn 60.1-13 made political sub- ~ions of the Commonwealth of Virginia subject to the Virginia Unemployment ~nsation Act; and WHEREAS, at that time the County of Albemarle chose the insurable method of ~age due to the uncertainty of potential claims activity, but since there have only minor claims during the past two calendar Years compared to premiums paid ~his insurance, the Director of Finance advised the Board of Supervisors that [ficant savings could be obtained by changing to the reimbursable option of ~age for Unemployment Compensation; and WHEREAS, the County employed The Gibbens Company, Incorporated, to evaluate the ~ages and disadvantages of both the taxable and reimbursable methods of unem- ~ent insurance coverage; such study recently being returned concurring with the ~sment of the Director of Finance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle ~y, Virginia, as allowed by Virginia Code Section 60.1-100(c)(ii) does hereby to convert the method of funding Unemployment Compensation Insurance- from the ~ab!e method to the reimbursable method effective January 1, 1980, and further ~ts that the Virginia Employment Commission be notified of this action immediately. then offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, to adopt the resolution ed by the County Exe'cutive. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the r~corded vote: srs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Roudabush. .e, r. Iachetta. .a Item No. 16. Report: Intergovernmental Committee. Mr. Fisher reported a .s held between representatives of the City of Charlottesville, the University of and Albemarle County. He said matters discussed included the possibility of the banning automobiles for dormitory students to help alleviate traffic problems November 14, 1979 (Regular Day Meeting) Roll was then called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vo~e: AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Roudabush. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Dr. Iachetta. Agenda Item No. 3f) Letters from the Highway Department. Mr. Agnor noted rec the following letters from the State Department of Highways and Transportation: "October 10, 1979 As requested in your resolution dated September 12, 1979, the following aband¢ from the Secondary System of Albemarle County is hereby approved, effective Oc 10, 1979. ABANDONMENT-Route 9568 ENTRANCE TO SCOTTSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LENGTH From: Rte. 20; To: End of Cul-de-sac. 0.22 M~. Sincerely, (signed) Leo E. Busser, III, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Engineer" "October 16, 1979 As requested in your resolution dated September 12, 1979, the following addit~ the Secondary System of Albemarle County is hereby approved, effective Novemb~ 1979. _ ADDITION LOFTEAN~-~.~ SUBDIVISION LENGTH Loftlands Drive - From: Rte. 660 southwesterly; To: end of cul-de-sac. 0.39 M±. Sincerely, (signed) Leo E. Busser, III, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Engineer" Agenda Item No. 3b) Designate Clearview Community: Mr. Lindstrom reported mt with the citizens of that area, and said they wished to defer this request for ano' month. Mr. Lindstrom then requested this be deferred until the December 12, 1979 I Agenda Item No. 3g) Other Highway Matters. Mr. Agnor reported that County E~ J. Harvey Bailey had been unsuccessful in getting a paving contractor to agree to · Westover Drive in Westover Hills Subdivision, and that it would probably not get p. until spring. Mr. J. Ashley Williams said he spoke with Mr. Bob Dudley and Mr. Ha: Easter, and reported that Mr. Dudley's firm would be able to do this required work Henley asked what the problem in Westover Hills was regarding the roads. Mr. Will ~ ~ w~ ~ ~o~t ~avin~ contractors were alread~ committed to more work than