HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-06 Joint with School BoCOUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Compensation and Medical Insurance Report
Request approval for FY 05 Compensation and Health
Insurance Recommendations via Board of Supervisors and
School Board.
Tucker, White, Suyes, Gerome
Thursday, November 6, 2003
@ 4:30 p.m.
In November 2000, the School Board and Board of Supervisors approved a Total Compensation Strategy to target employee
salaries at 100% of market median and benefits slightly above the market at 105%. The adopted market approved by the
Boards is shown on Enclosure #1. To maintain competitive compensation based on the adopted strategy, two separate, but
related actions are required.
First, ensure a competitive salary scale, so that the County is able to attract and recruit new employees.
Second, ensure current.emplOYees are rewarded for performance by maintaining internal equity in their pay range and also
maintaining market competitiveness for similar skills.
To adhere to the Boards' adopted strategy, the following steps are implemented each year:
1) Annually survey the adopted market to determine the salary scale adjustment implemented in those localities/schools for
the current fiscal year.
2) Annually survey the adOpted market to determine the average total salary increase granted employees in those
localities/schools for the current fiscal year.
3) On a tri-annual basis, survey our adopted market, not only on scale adjustments, but gather information on ranges and
actual average salades on selected benchmark positions. This allows for a more in-depth analysis of our salades and can
identify positions that may need further review. The last benchmark survey occurred in July 2000, so this past July the
benchmark survey was completed on 67 positions.
4) The data from steps 1) ,2) and 3) is used to determine if budget actions implemented in the current year have achieved
competitive positioning.
5) The data from steps 1) ,2) and 3) is analyzed to ascertain where the salary scales (both classified and teacher) for
Albemarle County stand relative to the market and arrive at recommendations for next year's salary increases.
6) Obtain data on what other public organizations are projecting for salary increases for the next fiscal year through a
compensation database (VVorldatWork. Eastern Region), This data is used to project the merit pool increase and develop
the teacher scale (including step increase).
This report provides analysis to support recommendations based on the adopted strategy. These projections are presented to the
Boards for their consideration in providing direction to the County Executive and Superintendent for FY 04-05 budget preparation.
Additionally, this report identifies recent issues impacting the ability of the School Division and Local Government to attract and
retain a highly qualified workforce and addresses the School Board's pdority to "reevaluate the methodology used to determine
market competitiveness.'
Goal 4: Provide effective, responsive and courteous service to our customers.
Objective 4.1.3 By June 2005, the county will be recognized as a quality place of employment with a workforce of employees
continuously provide high quality, customer-focused service to its citizens.
2003-2004 plan-year. To stay within the Board's budgeted contribution and provide more options to employees, three planswith
different deductibles, co-pays, and premiums were offered for the 2003-2004 plan year, effective October 1,2003. In addition, to
accommodate the needs of our woridorce and have premiums more accurately reflect claims, a new coverage level of employee
plus children was also introduced for the 2003-2004 plan year.
FYO4-05 Plan Year Projection
Information provided by Mr. Tom Mackay, our consultant with PalmerCay, indicates medical trends will continue at 16% for 2004-
2005. This is consistent with escalating medical costs that other employers are facing nationally. As we have just started the new
plan year (OctOber lS:), staffwill, continue to monitor claims experience and develop recommendations for both plan design and
premiums as part of the County Executive's and Superintendent's budget proposals.
These projections are presented to the Boards for their consideration in providing direcl~on to both the County Executive and
Superintendent for FY04-05 budget~ preparation, tt is noted that all final funding is subject to, and based upon, available
state and local revenu~
Budget Development Projections based on adopted methodology:
1. 2% increase in the Classified Salary Scale.
2. 3% merit pool for Classified staff.
3. 2.8% funding for teacher salary increases (including step) to be distributed across the scale.
4. Continuation of a longevity increase for teachers. Explore a possible longevity step for classified employees.
An~cipate a 16% increase in medical plan costs but defer decision until budget development in December/January.
Other Recommendations:
6. Teachers-Identify competi'dve market at all school divisions in Virginia and target market position at top quartile at all steps.
7. Direct staff to identify targeted positions (bot~ Local Government and School Division) for which we recruit outside of our
adopted market and evaluate Pay to be mor~Competifive and bring recommendations back to Joint Boards.
8, Direct staffto evaluate options addressing cost of living issues and bring recommendations back to Joint Boards.
Compensation and Medical Insurance Report
Request approval for FY 05 Compensation and Health
Insurance Recommendations via Board of Supervisors and
School Board.
Tucker, White, Suyes, Gerome
Thursday, November 6, 2003
@ 4:30 p.m.
In November 2000, the School Board and Board of Supervisors approved a Total Compensation Strategy to target employee
salaries at 100% of market median and benefits slightly abOve the market at 105%. The adopted market approved by the
Boards is shown on Enclosure #1. To maintain competitive compensation based on the adopted strategy, two separate, but
related actions are required.
First, ensure a competitive salary scale, so that the County is able to attract and recruit new employees.
Second, ensure current employees are rewarded for performance by maintaining internal equity in their pay range and also
maintaining market competitiveness for similar skills.
To adhere to the Boards' adopted strategy, the following steps are implemented each year:
1 ) Annually survey the adopted market to determine the salary scale adjustment implemented in those localities/schools for
the current fiscal year.
2) Annually survey the adopted market to determine the average total salary increase granted employees in those
localities/schools for the current fiscal year.
3) On a tri-annual basis, survey our adopted market, not only on scale adjustments, but gather information on ranges and
actual average salaries on selected benchmark positions. This allows for a more in-depth analysis of our salaries and can
identify positions that may need further review. The last benchmark survey occurred in July 2000, so this past July the
benchmark survey was completed on 67 positions.
4) The data from steps 1) ,2) and 3) is used to determine if budget actions implemented in the current year have achieved
com petitive positioning.
5) The data from steps 1) ,2) and 3) is analyzed to ascertain where the salary scales (both classified and teacher) for
Albemarle County stand relative to the market an d arrive at recommendation s for next year's salary increas.es.
6) Obtain data on what other public organizations are projecting for salary increases for the next fiscal year through a
compensation database (WorldatWork. Eastern Region). This data is used to project the merit pool increase and develop
the teacher scale (including step increase).
This report provides analysis to support recommendations based on the adopted strategy. These projections are presented to
the Boards for their consideration in providing direction to the County Executive and Superintendent for FY 04-05 budget
Additionally, this report identifies recent issues impacting the ability of the School Division and Local Government to attract and
retain a highly qualified workforce and addresses the School Board's priority to "reevaluate the methodology used to determine
market corn petitiveness." :
Goal 4: Provide effective, responsive and courteous service to our customers.
Objective 4.1.3 By June 2005, the county will be recognized as a quality place of employment with a workforce of employees
continuously provide high quality, customer-focused service to its citizens.
Section 1: Board Adopted Process for Compensation Strategy: Market Analysis and Projections
Step 1: FY03-04. Survey the market to determine if the scale adjustment implemented for classified/administrator and
teacher pay scales achieved the strategy.
Classified/Administrator Scale Adiustments
The Albemarle County scale was not adjusted in FY03-04 based on data that showed our scale was 0.5% above the market. In
reviewing the salary scale adjustment data, our current scale is now slightly below market (using midpoint as the comparison
measure, below market by 1.1%). See Enclosure #2.
For classified employees, the scale adjustment impacts new hires and any employees with pay rates below the new minimums.
A competitive scale is mportant in attracting new hires.
Teacher Scale Ad/ustments
For teachers, the scale adjustment impacts actual salaries. The market survey showed our FY02-03 teacher pay scale overall
was 0.28% belowthe market median, therefore, a 4.08% increase was distributed along the scale to meet market last year. The
data from the FY 03-04 scales shows us to be at or slightly above market median at alt steps. See Enclosure #3.
Last year the School Board approved a longevity increase for teachers with more than 30 years. This longevity increase was
approved for only FY02-03 and was paid as a lump-sum. The payments were as follows:
31 years of service $200
32 years of service $400
33 years of service $600
34 years of service $800
35 years of service $1,000
35+ years of service $1,000
Step 2: FY03-04. Survey the adopted market to determine if the total salary increase implemented for classified pay
achieved the strategy.
Classified/Administrator Total Salary Increases
Based on data showing that our salaries were at market and the Worldatwork projection of 3.8%, a 3.8% merit pool was funded
by the School Division. However, due to the County's reduced revenues, the recommendation of 3.8% could not be fully funded
for General Government. The funding allowed for 2%, however, it was decided that amount was not sufficient to support a
viable merit process. Therefore, general government employees received a 2% increase above base pay, with the consideration
that if revenues improve during the year, the additional 1.8% may be given during the fiscal year to bring employees up to 100%
of market. The FY03-04 total increase from the localities/school divisions responding to the survey ranged from 1% to 6% with a
median total increase of 3.50 %. See Enclosure Ct-z,.
Step 3: Projections for FY04-05. Based on current market position and scale/salary projections, determine the
changes necessary to achieve the Board approved strategy using the WorldatWork, Eastern Region data. Refer to
Enclosure #5.
Classified/Administrator Scale Adiustments
Based on the salary scale data of our competitive market, which shows the scale is slightly below market (1.1%) and projecting
our market to increase, a scale adjustment of 2% is proposed.
Classified/Administrator Average Salary Increase (merit)
Based on survey data showing that the median increase for our corn petitive market was 3.5% and our increase was 3.8%, our
salaries for FY03-04 are slightly above market (0.3%). The WorldatWork survey for the Eastern Region includes Virginia and
this survey is projecting a salary increase of 3.3% in the Education/Public Administration sectors, therefore a 3% merit pool is
Teacher Scale and Teacher Average Salary Increase
1. The teacher scale is based on the projected total increase obtained from WorldatWork. This survey projects a 3.3 % salary
increase. Any increase would in clude the step increase. Compared to current market, the County's median teacher salary
is above market overall by 0.5%. Therefore, a 2.8% teacher salary increase is projected.
Continue longevity increases. Staff will prepare specific recommendations on the actual teacher pay scale, to include
longevity increases. Staff will also look into a possible longevity increase for classified employees.
Based on the Board adopted process and compensation strategy the following budget guidelines should achieve 100% of
adopted market for salaries and scales in FY04-05.
1) 2% increase in the Classified Salary Scale (impacts new employees).
2) 3 % merit pool for Classified staff.
3) 2.8% funding for Teacher increases (including step) to be distributed along the scale.
4) Continuation of a longevity increase for teachers and explore a possible longevity increase for classified em ployees.
Section 2: Competitive Market Methodology
The School Board adopted 2002-2004 priorities, one of which is "During the 2002-2003 budget cycle, methodology used to
analyze the division's salary and compensation structure relative to its defined market will be reevaluated". At the June 26 Joint
Board meeting, the Board of Supervisors and the School Board supported staff's recommendation to "collect and analyze data
over the summer, along with the annual salary review and bring a recommendation on the appropriate methodology for
determining market competitiveness back to the Boards." Several recent issues have impacted the ability of the School Division
and Local Government to attract and retain a highly qualified workforce. These issues include:
Recent recruitments have resulted in a shallow pool of candidates for many positions;
Top candidates declining positions;
Perceived high cost of living in area by candidates;
Growing percentage of workforce eligible for retirement;
Difficulty recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers- The impact of No Child Left Behind which mandates "highly
qualified" teachers and the increasingly aggressive market for teachers makes attracting and retaining teachers a challenge.
A review of the 131 School Divisions indicates that Albemarle County teacher salaries have dropped in competitiveness as
the ranking among other school divisions has fallen at every step, with the exception of our minimum and step 5. In
addition, the Albemarle Teacher scale is in the second quartile at all steps, with the exception of minimum and step 5,
relative to other school divisions in Virginia. See Enclosure #6.
In light of these issues:
Consider different markets for different positions, specifically management-level and/or professional-level positions. The
adopted market may adequately represent our competition for those positions which we would generally recruit locally. This
market does not adequately represent our salary scale competitiveness for positions in a wider geographic market.
Consider different market for teachers, as adopted market of 26 other school divisions is a cross-section of localities from
across Virginia but heavily represented by surrounding school divisions (11 of 26), yet this market does not adequately represent
our teacher scale competitiveness for recruitment.
Consider cost of living. As the Charlottesville area has living costs above the average, recruiting new employees is becoming
increasingly difficult. Over the past year, final candidates for teaching positions and management positions have declined the
offer, often based on lack of affordable housing. The Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) has the 2r~ highest cost
of living of the eight largest urban areas in Virginia. Charlottesville MSA ~s second only to Northern Virginia and the cost of
(both rental and ownership) is considerably higher than the surrounding areas. See Enclosure #7
1 ) Teachers-Identify competitive market at all school divisions in Virginia and target market position at top quartile at all steps.
2) Identify targeted positions (both Government and School Division) for which we recruit outside of our adopted market ane
evaluate pay to be more competitive and bring recommendations back to Joint Boards.
3) Direct staff to evaluate options addressing cost of living issues and bring recommendations back to Joint Boards.
Section 3: Benefits Strategy: Market Analysis and Proiections for Medical Insurance Premiums
FY02-03 Plan Year (October through September)
We experienced significant increases in medical claims for our self-insured plan in the 2001-2002 year and the 2002-2003 year.
In order to maintain adequate reserves and a fully funded plan, a mid-year adjustment occurred in February 1,2003. This mid-
year adjustment and a decrease in high claims in the final months of the plan year, has resulted in medical reserves on
September 30, 2003 of $1,624,044, increased from the $1,222,455 from September 30, 2002. Total costs (claims +
administration + reinsurance) were $12,842,976.
FY 03-04 Plan Year
Our medical claims for the current year are projected to increase 16%, which is consistent with medical trends. At the June 26
meeting, the Boards approved the 2003-2004 premiums and budgeted E~oard contribution for health coverage of $4,608 for the
2003,2004 plan-year. To stay within the Board's budgeted contribution and provide more options to employees, three plans with
different deductibles, co-pays, and premiums were offered for the 2003-2004 plan year, effective October 1,2003. In addition,
to accommodate the needs of our workforce and have premiums more accurately reflect claims, a new coverage level of
employee plus children was also introduced for the 2003-2004 plan year.
FY04-05 Plan Year Projection
Information provided by Mr. Tom Mackay, our consultant with PalmerCay, indicates medical trends will continue at 16% for
2004-2005. This is consistent with escalating medical costs that other employers are facing nationally. As we have just started
the new plan year (October 1st), staff will continue to monitor claims experience and develop recommendations for both plan
design and premiums as part of the County Executive's and Superintendent's budget proposals.
These projections are presented to the Boards for their consideration in providing direction to both the County Executive and
Superintendent for FY04-05 budget preparation. It is noted that all final funding is subject to, and based upon, available
state and local revenue.
Budget Development Projections based on adopted methodology:
1. 2% increase in the Classified Salary Scale.
2. 3% merit pool for Classified staff.
3. 2;8% funding for teacher salary increases (including step) to be distributed across the scale.
4. Continuation of a longevity increase for teachers. Explore a possible longevity step for classified em ployees.
5. Anticipate a 16% increase in medical plan costs but defer decision until budget development in December/January.
Other Recommendations:
6. Teachers-Identify competitive market at all school divisions in Virginia and target market position at top quartile at all steps.
7. Direct staff to identify targeted positions (both Local Govern ment and School Division) for which we recruit outside of our
adopted market and evaluate pay to be more competitive and bring recommendations back to Joint Boards.
8. Direct staff to evaluate options addressing cost of living issues and bring recommendations back to Joint Boards.
Enclosure #1
Albemarle County
Adopted Competitive Market
Augusta County
City of Charlottesville
City of Chesapeake
City of Danville
City of Harrisonburg
City of Lynchburg
City of Roanoke
City of Staunton
City of Virginia Beach
City of Williamsburg
Buckingham County
Chesterfield County
Fauquier County
Fluvanna County
Greene County
Hanover County
James City County
Loudoun County
Louisa County
Madison County
Montgomery County
Nelson County
Orange County
Prince William County
Roanoke County
Rockingham County
Spotsylvania County
Albemarle County Service Authority
Martha Jefferson Hospital
UVA Health Systems
Enclosure #2
'. Average 2080 2080 2080 2080
Job Title . '. Minimum ': Midpoint Maximum ' 'Salary Min Mid Max Avg Min Mid Max
Account Clerk $ 21,373 $ 27,786 $ 34,198 $ 21,176 $ 27,383 $ 33,944 $ 24,471 0.9% 1.5% 0.7%
AsstPdncipal-Elementary $ 46,353 $ 60,259 $ 74,164 $ 63,6685 46,670 $ 61,938 $ 73,583 $ 55,988 (4.8%) (2.7%) 0.8%
Auto/BusEquipmentMechanicll $ 22,931 $ 29,812 $ 36,692 $ 35,277 $ 26,414 $ 31,500 $ 38,842 $ 28,667 (13.2%) (5.4%) (5,5%)
Bookkeeper $ 21,373 $ 27,786 $ 34,198 $ 28,497 $ 20,374 $ 26,813 $ 32,979 $ 25,040 4.9% 3.6% 3.7%
Building Official $ 46,353 $ 60,259 $ 74,164 $ 63,445 $ 44,221 $ 56,420 $ 68,619 $ 53,851 4.8% 6.8% 8.1%
Bus Driver $ 9.58 $ 12.46 $ 15.32 $ 12.09 $ 10.82 $ 12.93 $ 15.87 $ 14.00 (11.4%) (3.7%) (3.5%)
Bus Driver Supervisor $ 32,604 $ 42,384 $ 52,164 $ 42,4211 $ 31,533 $ 41,653 $ 51,280 $ 43,937 3.4% 1.8% 1.7%
ChiefofPolice $ 61,423 $ 79,849 $ 98,275 $ 88,419 $ 69,735 $ 91,204 $ 112,264 $ 89,227 (I1.9%) (12.5%) (12.5%)
CommercialBuiidinglnspector $ 30,387 $ 39,504 $ 48,621 $ 34,195 $ 29,989 $ 39,290 $ 46,920 $ 38,064 1.3% 0.5% (0.6%)
CommunicationsOffi(~r $ 26,399 $ 34,318 $ 42,237 $ 28,601 $ 24,587 $ 30,617 $ 37,352 $ 24,705 7.4% 12.1% 13.1%
Communications Supervisor $ 32,664 $ 42,384 $ 52,164 $ 41,791 $ 31,489 $ 39,051 $ 48,465 $ 39,982 3.5% 8.5% 7.6%
Custodial Supervisorll $ 24,603 $ 31,985 $ 39,366 $ 34,790 $ 29,498 $ 32,366 $ 36,695 $ 26,786 4.7% (1.2%) 7.3%
Custodian $ 17,077 $ 21,443 $ 25,808 $ 20,202 $ 16,778 $ 21,367 $ 26,100 $ 19,455 1.8% 0.4% (1A%)
DireetorofCurr[culumDevelopment $ 61,423 $ 79,849 $ 98,275 $ 60,059 $ 78,177 $ 93,673 $ 76,847 2.3% 2.1% 4.9%
Director of Fiscal Services $ 57,246 $ 74,423 $ 91,597 $ 81,041 $ 65,017 $ 78,177 $ 94,504 $ 79,070 (11.9%) (4.8%) (3.1%)
Director of Human Resources $ 51,423 $ 79,849 $ 98,275 $ 91,318 $ 65,017 $ 81,185 $ 96,905 $ 82,304 (5.5%) (1.6%) 1.4%
Director of Parks and Recreation $ 57,246 $ 74,423 $ 91,597 $ 83,726 $ 53,518 $ 68,276 $ 83,325 $ 67,408 7.0% 9.0% 9.9%
Director ofPlanningandCommDev $ 53,369 $ 69,371 $ 85,373 $ 84,910 $ 62,785 $ 79,541 $ 96,509 $ 82,695 (15.0%) (12.8%) (11.5%)
Director of Social Services $ 61,423 $ 79,849 $ 98,275 $ 87,722 $ 64,867 $ 84,556 $ 102,783 $ 76,294 (5.3%) (5.6%) (4.4%)
DirectorofTransportation $ 61,423 $ 79,849 $ 98,275 $ 86,334 $ 64,204 $ 77,521 $ 99,741 $ 75,760 (4.3%) 3.0% (1.5%)
El~trician $ 22,931 $ 29,812 $ 36,692 $ 28,574 $ 23,379 $ 29,779 $ 36,433 $ 30,668 (1.9%) 0.1% 0.7%
Eligibility Worker $ 28,322 $ 36,820 $ 45,317 $ 34,723 $ 25,123 $ 32,240 $ 39,501 $ 28,674 12.7% 14.2% 14.7%
Engineeringlnspector $ 30,387 $ 39,504 $ 48,621 $ 35,082 $ 31,444 $ 40,237 $ 49,211 $ 36,809 (3.4%) (1.8%) (1.2%)
Fire Captain $ 34,980 $ 45,474 $ 55,967 $ 47,428 $ 38,700 $ 46,717 $ 55,346 $ 42,836 (9.6%) (2.7%) 1.1%
FirefightedEMT $ 28,330 $ 36,816 $ 45,302 $ 31,226 $ 25,015 $ 31,314 $ 37,613 $ 33,216 13.2% 17.6% 20.4%
Food Service Asseeiate $ 8.21 $ 9.50 $ 10.78 $ 8.80 $ 7.98 $ 9.42 $ 12.28 $ 8.60 2.9% 0.8% (12.2%)
Food Service Managerl $ 11.02 $ 12.83 $ 14.64 $ 14.50 $ 9.67 $ 12.43 $ 15.38 $ 11.57 13.9% 3.3% (4.8%)
General MaintenanceWorkerl $ 17,306 $ 22,497 $ 27,688 $ 19,623 $ 19,009 $ 23,837 $ 29,702 $ 26,327 (9.0%) (5.6%) (6.8%)
GISManager $ 43,203 $ 56,I64 $ 69,1'24 $ 49,854 $ 48,850 $ 60,581 $ 72,404 $ 59,284 (11.6%) (7.3%) (4.5%)
GISSpecialistl $ 32,604 $ 42,364 $ 52,164 $ 35,327 $ 31,693 $ 38,949 $ 46,196 $ 36,878 2.9% 8.8% 12.9%
Grounds/FacilitiesMaintenanceWorkerl $ 17,306 $ 22,497 $ 27,688 $ 19,176 $ 25,288 $ 30,326 $ 20,478 (9.7%) (11.0%) (8.7%)
Human Resources Specialist lll $ 26,399 $ 34,318 $ 42,237 $ 34,036 $ 38,275 $ 64,336 $ 63,160 $ 43,846 (31.0%) (36.8%) (33.1%)
HVACMechanic $ 22,931 $ 29,812 $ 36,692 $ 29,799 $ 25,832 $ 32,731 $ 40,711 $ 36,995 (11.2%) (8.9%) (9.9%)
Instructional Coordinator $ 46,353 $ 60,259 $ 74,154 $ 60,266 $ 52,972 $ 63,354 $ 79,401 $ 61,256 (12.5%) (4.9%) (6.6%)
UaintenanceMechanic $ 21,373 $ 27,786 $ 34,198 $ 29,046 $ 21,507 $ 30,280 $ 35,980 $ 29,312 (0.6%) (8.2%) (5.0%)
Management Analyst ll $ 34,980 $ 45,474 $ 55,967 $ 43,729 $ 37,523 $ 47,514 $ 57,871 $ 50,465 (6.8%) (4.3%) (3.3%)
Office Associate ll $ 17,306 $ 22,497 $ 27,688 $ 22,376 $ 20,441 $ 26,995 $ 32,926 $ 24,750 (15.3%) (16.7%) (15.9%)
Office Associate lV $ 22,931 $ 29,812 $ 36,692 $ 31,050 $ 23,553 $ 29,926 $ 37,273 $ 27,748 (2.7%) (0.4%) (1.6%)
Parks Foreman $ 21,373 $ 27,786 $ 34,198 $ 28,452 $ 32,635 $ 44,190 $ 54,731 $ 35,745 (34.5%) (37.1%) (37.5%)
Payroll Supervisor $ 34,980 $ 45,474 $ 55,967 $ 48,662 $ 29,451 $ 38,225 $ 46,775 $ 36,022 18.8% 19.0% 19.7%
Planner $ 34,980 $ 45,474 $ 55,967 $ 38,389 $ 33,218 $ 43,081 $ 52,793 $ 36,730 5.3% 5.6% 6.0%
Police Lieutenant $ 43,203 $ 56,164 $ 69,124 $ 59,748 $ 43,605 $ 55,775 $ 69,737 $ 56,076 (0.9%) 0.7% (0,9%)
PoliceOfflcer $ 28,322 $ 36,820 $ 45,317 $ 30,736 $ 29,564 $ 36,955 $ 44,512 $ 31,878 (4.2%) (0.4%) 1,8%
Police Records Clerk $ 21,373 $ 27,786 $ 34,198 $ 22,514 $ 20,259 $ 25,335 $ 32,653 $ 24,437 5.5% 9.7% 4.7%
Police Sergeant $ 37,530 $ 48,790 $ 60,050 $ 51,708 $ 36,177 $ 47,928 $ 60,534 $ 46,366 3.7% 1.8% (0.8%)
Principal-Elementary $ 53,359 $ 69,366 $ 85,373 $ 71,948 $ 57,742 $ 70,228 $ 83,554 $ 67,178 (7.6%) (1.2%) 2.2%
PrincJpa-Hgh $ 61,423 $ 79,649 $ 98,275 $ 86,510 $ 70,368 $ 80,627 $ 99,229 $ 77,991 (12.7%) (1.0%) (1.0%)
Principal-Middle. $ 57,248 $ 74,423 $ 91,597 $ 75,969 $ 65,419 $ 74,985 $ 93,673 $ 70,502 (12.5%) (0.7%) (2.2%)
ProgrammedAnalyst $ 37,530 $ 48,790 $ 60,050 $ 46,160 $ 37,489 $ 46,672 $ 55,856 $ 41,830 0.1% 4.5% 7,5%
Real EstateClerk $ 19,921 $ 25,897 $ 31,873 $ 23,509 $ 29,627 $ 36,735 $ 25,537 (15.3%) (12.6%) (13.2%)
School Nurse $ 12.69 $ 16.50 $ 20.31 $ 15.81 $ 17.70 $ 22.23 $ 28.52 $ 21.78 (28.3%) (25.8%) (28.8%)
Senior Account Clerk $ 24,603 $ 31,985 $ 39,366 $ 26,707 $ 25,958 $ 32,704 $ 38,710 $ 31,185 (5.2%) (2.2%) 1.7%
SeniorAccountant $ 34,980 $ 45,474 $ 55,967 $ 41,351 $ 36,468 $ 46,980 $ 58,153 $ 43,946 (4.1%) (3.2%) (3.8%)
SeniorAppraleer $ 37,530 $ 48,790 $ 60,050 $ 47,968 $ 36,452 $ 45,206 $ 54,034 $ 43,636 3.0% 7.9% 11.1%
Senior Civil Engineer $ 46,353 $ 60,259 $ 74,164 $ 46,233 $ 59,260 $ 70,117 $ 53,595 0.3% 1.7% 5,8%
SeniorEligibiltyWorker $ 32,604 $ 42,384 $ 52,164 $ 42,062 $ 28,547 $ 37,304 $ 45,912 $ 39,775 14.2% 13.6% 13.6%
Senior Malntenance Mechanic $ 22,931 $ 29,812 $ 36,692 $ 27,419 $ 29,899 $ 38,168 $ 46,437 $ 34,388 (23.3%) (21.9%) (2t.0%)
SeriiorPanner $ 40,267 $ 52,348 $ 64,428 $ 45,757 $ 37,955 $ 46,980 $ 59,146 $ 46,744 6.1% 11.4% 8.9%
Sen!or Support Analyst $ 40,267 $ 52,348 $ 64,428 $ 46,591 $ 41,704 $ 54,336 $ 70,008 $ 60,480 (3.4%) (3.7%) (8.0%)
Senior Tax CIerk $ 26,399 $ 34,318 $ 42,237 $ 30,996 $ 24,451 $ 30,564 $ 36,677 $ 28,029 8.0% 12.3% 15.2%
Social Worker $ 30,387 $ 39,504 $ 48,621 $ 39,952, $ 29,441 $ 38,069 $ 45,768 $ 34,021 3.2% 3.8% 6.2%
Social Worker Supervisor $ .43,203 $ 56,164 $ 69,124 $ 54,890i $ 37,807 $ 49,518 $ 59,817 $ 47,149 14.3% 13.4% 15.6%
SupportAnalyst $ 34,980 $ 45,474 $ 55,967 $ 39,827 $ 27,581 $ 44,574 $ 61,508 $ 44,069 26.8% 2.0% (9.1%)
Systems Analyst $ 37,530 $ 48,790 $ 60,050 $ 42,529 $ 44,133 $ 54,949 $ 65,618 $ 51,599 (15.0%) (11.2%) (8.5%)
TaxClerk $ 22,931 $ 29,812 $ 36,692 $ 23,778 $ 21,528 $ 28,143 $ 53,944 $ 24,054 6.5% 5.9% 8.1%
TeadhngAssistant $ 8.93 $ 11.61 $ 14.28 $ 10.95 $ 8.23 $ 10.83 $ 14.28 $ 9.62 8.5% 7.2% 0.0%
Zoninglnspector $ 26,399 $ 34,318 $ 42,237 $ 29,022 $ 28,621 $ 36,255 $ 44,640 $ 33,980 (7.8%) (5.3%) (5.4%)
Overall Average Variance to Market: (2.6%) (1.1 %) (0.9%)
Albemarle County
2003 Compensation Survey
BA Teacher SCales
Enclosure # 3
Augusta County
Buckingham County
Charlottesville City
Chesterfield County
Fauquier County
Fluvanna County
Greene County
Hanover County
Harrisonburg City
Loudoun County
Louisa County
Lynchburg City
Madison County
Montgomery County
Nelson County
Orange County
Pdnce William County
Roanoke City
Roanoke County
Rockingham County
Spotsylvania County
Staunton City Schools
Virginia Beach City
Williamsburg-James City County
0 - 28
0 - 30
1 - 23
0 - 28
0 - 23
1 - 27
0 - 24
0 - 34
1 -21
0 - 30
0 - 28
1 -21
1 -13
$ 30,000 $ 31,468 $ 33,073 $ 34.760 $ 38,002 $ 41,957 $ 45,598 $ 46,960
$ 30,906 $ 31,706 $ 33,038 $ 34,636 $ 42,630 $ 42,630 $ 42630 $ 42,630
$ 32,252 $ 34,396 $ 37,777 $ 40.657 $ 44,653 $ 48,056 $ 52,020 $ 52,020
$ 32,300 $ 34!896 $ 38,655 $ 42,140 $ 46,514 $ 48,705 $ 53,212 $ 53,212
$ 32,824 $ 35,316 $ 37,118 $ 39,386 $ 41,624 $ 45,917 $ 50,707 $ 51,722
$ 31,000 $ 35,076 $ 39,687 $ 44,905 $ 44,905 $ 44,905 $ 44,905 $ 44,905
$ 33.310 $ 36,176 $ 38,274 $ 45,700 $ 47,741 $ 49,784 $ 51,825 $ 51,825
$ 31,563 $ 32,247 $ 33,713 $ 35,922 $ 38,947 $ 42,431 $ 48.034 $ 48,034
$ 32,558 $ 33,713 $ 35,963 $ 39,511 $ 43,410 $ 47,836 $ 53,500 $ 53,500
$ 32,450 $ 33,750 $ 35,750 $ 38.800 $ 42,150 $ 46,750 $ 49.300 $ 52,700
$ 34,742 $ 39,705 $ 47,937 $ 56,549 $ 66,195 $ 72,579 $ 72,579 $ 72,579
$ 32,500 $ 33,410 $ 36,775 $ 37.970 $ 39,204 $ 43,152 $ 43.152 $ 43,152
$ 31,000 $ 32,548 $ 34,196 $ 37,338 $ 40,067 $ 43,734 $ 52,530 $ 52,530
$ 31,600 $ 31.924 $ 32,687 $ 34,344 $ 39,257 $ 45,075 $ 45,075 $ 45,075
$ 29,000 $ 29,375 $ 31,475 $ 33,975 $ 37,375 $ 41,375 $ 45,775 $ 45,775
$ 31,128 $ 32.071 $ 33,707 $ 35,426 $ 38,164 $ 45,486 $ 45.486 $ 45,486
$ 29,800 $ 31 190 $ 32,853 $ 35,737 $ 42,099 $ 42,588 $ 43,196 $ 43,650
$ 30,000 $ 30,836 $ 32,761 $ 34,687 $ 37,525 $ 41,376 $ 45,785 $ 49,890
$ 35,455 $ 40,455 $ 47,596 $ 55.874 $ 65,471 $ 67,566 $ 67,566 $ 67,566
$ 31,679 $ 32,452 $ 34,617 $ 38,133 $ 45,176 $ 46,928 $ 49,009 $ 49,009
$ 31,000 $ 33.250 $ 35,500 $ 37,750 $ 45,500 $ 46,000 $ 46,800 $ 47,800
$ 32,000 $ 32,600 $ 34,000 $ 37,000 $ 40,500 $ 43,650 $ 46,850 $ 46,850
$ 33.660 $ 34,419 $ 36,174 $ 40.553 $ 52,418 $ 52,942 $ 55,093 $ 56,195
$ 30,000 $ 31,278 $ 33,239 $ 36,749 $ 39,043 $ 41,400 $ 43,685 $ 43,685
$ 33,069 $ 34,753 $ 40,676 $ 47,153 $ 56,535 $ 58,232 $ 58,232 $ 58,232
$ 32,000 $ 33,620 $ 38,038 $ 40.963 $ 40,963 $ 40,963 $ 40,963 $ 40,963
25th Percentile:
75th Percentile:
~.lbemarle County
Albemarle Compared to Market Median:
Albemarle Compared to 75th Percentile:
29,000 $
31,000 $
31,840 $
31,838 $
32,544 $
35,455 $
32,200 $
29,375 $
31,961 $
33,330 $
33,563 $
34,670 $
40,455 $
34,200 $
31,475 $
33,707 $
35,625 $
36,357 $
38,038 $
47,937 $
36,200 $
33,975 $
35,783 $
38,052 $
39,870 $
40,887 $
56,549 $
38,200 $
37,375 $
39,217 $
42,125 $
44,464 $
45,419 $
66,195 $
42,420 $
40,963 $
42,599 $
45,281 $
47,385 $
48,001 $
72,579 $
45,278 $
40,963 $
45,178 $
47,442 $
49,750 $
52,403 $
72,579 $
49,ooo $
Enclosure # 4
Total Average Salary Inc. %
Augusta County Schools
Buckingham County School Board
Charlottesville Schools
Chesapeake Public Schools
Greene County Public Schools
Harrisonburg City Public Schools
Loudoun County Public Schools
Louisa County Public Schools
Montgomery County Public Schools
Orange County Public Schools
Roanoke County Public Schools
Staunton City Schools
Chesterfield County
City of Charlottesville
City of Chesapeake
City of Danville
City of Hardsonburg
City of Lynchburg
City of Roanoke
City of Staunton
City of Virginia Beach
County of Augusta
County of Louisa
County of Roanoke
Fluvanna County
Hanover County
James City County
Montgomery County
Nelson County
Pdnce William County
Spotsylvania County
Median Increase 3.50%
Enclosure #5
Worldatwork Salary Data
2003 Actual (FY 03/04)
Proj. (FY 04/05)
Enclosure #6
Losing Ground
Albemarle's Rank vs. 131 VA School
I--*--FY 98199
-- FY 02~03;
rain 5 19 15 I20 25 30 max
58 40 I 27 25 34 48 40 48
28 34 42 39 48 57 48 49
Step.years of service
I--~- F Y 98199]
--~- F Y 02103
Losing Ground
Albemarle teacher scale com pared to other School
Divisions n Virginia:
Top quartile at steps 0 and 5
Second quartile at all other steps
~ FY 02~03
-,- FY 02~03 Top
Quartile (32nd)
FY 02103
A bemarle
Enclosure #7
Cost of Living Urban Index Data
Professional / Managerial Household
2003 2"d Quarter
Percentage (%) Difference Compared to Charlottesville MSA
Avg. Avg.
MSA Total Groceries Housing Utilities Transp. Health Misc. Rent Home
Northern Va. +19.2 -1.3 +62.6 -5.9 +15.0 +33.9 -3.8 +105.7 +51.2
Hampton/S.E. Va. -13.6 -13.0 -23.3 +11.5 +0.5 , +1.5 -18,1 -11.3 -28.4
Richmond -8,7 -0.6 -17.3 -3.5 -3.5 -10.8 -7.2 -10.5 -20.9
Roanoke -15.3 -16.6 -22.4 -12.8 -9.9 -7.4 -11.7 -31.4 -20.0
Source: ACCRA (formerly Amedcan Chamber of Commerce Reseamhers Association)
Cost of Living - Home Prices
Residential Statistics from the Multiple Listing Service
September 2001 2002 2003
# Closed Median Compared To # Median Compared To # Closed Median ComparedTo
Price Albemarle Closed Price Albemarle Price Albemarle
Albemarle 83 $210,037 101 $227,000 105 $275,450
charlottesville 22 $132,250 -37.0% 25 $161,825 -40.2% 23 $178,500 -35.1%
Fluvanna 26 $129,000 -38.6% 41 $167,650 -35.4% 65 $169,900 -38.3%
Greene 7 $124,950 -35.6% 16 $127,550 -77.9% 26 $169,550 -38.4%
Louisa 7 $124,950 -40.5% 9 $149,250 -52.0% 20 $171,500 -37.7%
Nelson 19 $140,000 -33.3% 37 $145,450 -56.0% 38 $189,700 -31.1%
Average $132,280 -37.0% $172,500 -31.6% -32.4%
Source: Charlottesville / Albemarle Area Realtors (CAAR)
Albemarle County
Joint Board
Compensation and
Benefits Strategy
(Budget Guidance),
November 2003
~]~ ~:' ?,. '.:,,
, ,6,/~.,,J survey data from adopted market
.~, Identify where we are relative to market
,[, ['~ecorn '~,e~ :1 Salary and Scale Increases for
buag,,~,t pi,~.mmng
~ Jdec~tJ'[y other issues
4, P rovid e choices
Jf;'R;8~6~mend direction
,.,, · . · , ...,,
/.:,,d opted M ~ rket
- Counties and Schools of'similar size within the State of
.... Counties and Schools in the same geographic region of
- Local private employem
Ba~:;e Sala~:y
. At market level~ (i,e,, ~ O0u' pementile of.market median)
inierr~al Equity
2erie fits
8lightly abo~e mar~at level~ (i.e., ~0~m percentile)
Analy/e data- '
do ~ e lead,
J~t~, or IllCCt
Woi'ldat work
· Ih'ojecl'scale
& salary
I I'lC 1?(2as~.h
Compensation Strategy
July 2003-Steps Taken To Achieve Strategy
~ No scale salary adjustment
~ School Division-Merit pool increase amount 3.8%
¢ Government-Base pay increase of 2%, effective
November 1, 2003,1.8%
4, Adjusted scaie and built in projected 4.08%
average increase
" " .... ....,I-, I,'. Jrnl:~ortarri'
Why ,c..,.~ary ...........
,~i~, Corrlp(..'.::l;J'[Jw.'-'~ il'l re.c. rlJitrileFri'
.,~, Imp~:~c, New Hires .'-~rld
........ " .., I' I 1 j..,,. ~ .r ~::;' ~':; ~-'-'
iL}6' ~.,?¢ r'l('YW r'f'Jif~,Jrl'll,.!lT'l
Review of Adopted iVlarket
Market Salary Survey - July 2003. Scale
0.5% '
What we did - 0% scale
Where we started
-1. 1%
Where we are now
..,~1,1~ "'~r&~..:
f: ~aCf', ~,~ ,.'.
Review of Adopted ~larket
Market Salary Survey - July 2003 Salaries
What we did
Where we started
What they did
Where are we now
Review of Adopted IVlarket
Market Salary Survey - July 2003 Salaries
What we did ~
Where ~.{r'e we now
Where we started
Review of Adopted Bari(et
Albemarle Teacher
Review of Adopted iVlarket
Classified Employees' Triannual Survey
~, Benchmark 60+ positions
e identify positions 10% or more below
market median for analysis
~, Budgetary implications
,\ hal?. c
ti() wc lc:M,
.lag, or nleol
ITlfll'kC[? '
· , 'Proiect scale ',.
& salary
Joint Board's Process for
EstabliShing Salary Increase
. WorldatWork (American Compensation
. Geographic Region: Eastern
. Scope Measure: Educational
Services/Public Administration
,. Projected 04/05 WorldatWork Total
Salary Increase: 3.3%
Benefits Strategy
Target slightly above market levels (i.e., 105th
,, Medical Insurance benefit design and premiums are
strength in benefit plan
FY 03/04-offering choice, 3 plans with different
premium amounts
-94% Employees opted for High option
FY 04/05 - Anticipate a 16% increase
Compensation Strategy
S urvcx..;
,\nil yzc al:da-
'-. do wc lead,
Worlda lwUrk
pro. icctions
' projcc~ scab
FY 04]05 Piannin~ Projections Based
Joint Board Adopted Methodology
Staff Recommendations:
~ Project 3% Merit Pool -based on Worldatwork
projected 3.3%, and adjusted for salary 0.3% above
e Project 2% classified salary scale adjustment based
on survey data of below market 1.1% and projecting
scale increase in adopted market
FY 04105 Pianninfl i'~rc, jectiom,~ 8asr:,!d
Joint Board Adopted l~?lethodology
-1' E/\C H
~t,, Project 'T',~achew Salary Ir,:.',reas~y; ..,::,f
"' ........ ~' ]"i' t-¢.~ ·
"'./...o°"~z;o ('to irmh..rde ,'.:;'l.e p ii ,.,,
based on WorM atwork r)rojec, ted
'.: ~%. and adjus(ed for owara!l
,.), ,. I ,
0.5% ;:~bove rno. rl.,'et
C'¢) ',~: '~ I :.'~ ' ..~'~ ,"," ~'¢~':" '~.~,' ,.
,~, ........ nL.(, .ur.,[.~-,:,,,h. ~,a~,l ..... h')r~q6~vity
FY 04~05 Planning Projections Based
Joint Board Adopted Elethodology
Staff Recommendations:
Plan on approximate 16% increase in
medicat insurance plan; continue to
monitor claims and reevaluate
· Review survey data from adopted market
, Identify where we are relative to market
e Recommend Salary and Scale Increases for
budget planning
~ Identify other issues
~ Provide choices
, Recommend direction
Summary- PAP, TI
FY 03/04 budget projections based on
adopted methodology:
· 3% merit pool for classified
,2% classified scale increase
· 2.8% teacher increase, step and scale
, Continue lump-sum teacher longevity
, Defer on medical contributions
Recent Issues
,..Shallow pool of candidates for several
f..)o.:d[io r.~s
~ "T"ol:; cai",did~l:e:..} declir'ling r:;c.;si'!.i,:~'ls
.,. F:t~:::c,')gnized high cost o'i: livir~,g ir'~ ar,?,::~ by
c8 nd ici~.:.'~ i:es
, Ai.h'ac:ting and retaining Clualii:ie.d
c a n dM.a tes
.,. 'nc.'.rc.-,'.:~sin9 F',er'.r;en'Ir.'~f]e of wor'l.'.for'c,?.~
eligible for retiremer~t
Recent Issues
Based on these issues, at the June 26
meeting, the Joint Boards directed staff to
collect and analyze data and bring a
recommendation on the appropriate
methodology for determining market
Albemarle's Rank vs. 131 VA School
Losing Ground
Albemarle teacher scale compared to other School
Divisions in Virginia:
Top quartile at steps 0 and 5
Second quartile at all other steps
FY 02/03 Top
Quartile (32nd) I
FY 02~03
Performance Among Virginia
School Divisions
I,,,.,, ~L>,:~ Of Virginia School Divisions with
High,:~;r otanford 9 Scores
Grade 4 Grade 6 Grade 9
~:" ',-"~ ,-,', 3 5 9
Ma'tll 16 6 14
~~ o, ,.~:! :.,, ,-:,,.:.j, :, 9 4 7
taking SAT
8 I%
-I 8%
..Mbcmurle \,'A ' Nation:ti
SAT Scores
Cost of Living Issues:
Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area
(MSA) has the 2nd highest Cost of Living of
the 8 largest urban areas in Virginia
Charlottesville MSA is second only to
Northern Virginia
Limited affordable housing
Top candidates for Albemarle positions have
declined due to cost of liVing relative to salary
;Roanoke : ; Richmond
Rent ' '
Rent Rent
$895 $1,000
30 yr. Employee
$ i 93,000.
Median I..louse-$275,450
of Living in Albemarle
1 yr Employee
Median rental-$1000
!~'~ · ....... [!:2~.&.2; .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Recognize C'ville MSA cost of living and consider
evaluating options to address this pressing issue
Choose not to recognize C'ville MSA cost of living when
considering compensation
,:.~la y ',,¥ith market for all positions
Mentifv p,L~si,'ions hired from outside the adopted market
a~ t,., evr:~!uai, e, pay to be more competitive
Recogmze C'ville MSA. cost of living and consider
evaluating options to address this pressing issue
Choose not to recognize C'ville MSA cost of living when
considering compensation
Recommend the Joint Boards direct staff to
develop strategies that would:
~ Target teacher salaries to Virginia's top quartile
. Identify targeted positions (both government
and school) for which we recruit.outside of our
adopted market and evaluate pay to be more
, Evaluate options to address co/st of living