HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200300212 Review Comments Road Plan and Comps. 2003-11-24COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works TRANSMITTAL TO: Mr. Brian Gillespie FAX: 434.295.0343 FROM: Allan ,Schuck, County of Albemarle Engineering Dept. FAX: 434.972.4035 DATE: 24 November 2003 PAGES: 2 RE: Connor's Ridge Subdivision Road Bond Amount Mr. Gillespie, The road bond amount has been computed to be $96,110.00 for the Connor's Ridge Subdivision. Please contact Pam Shifflett with any questions or comments concerning the posting of this bond. Thanks. Allan Schuck Attachments: 24 November 2003 Road Bond amounts (1 Sheet) Copy: file 2379 File: 11-24-03, Connors Ridge Connor's Ridge Subdivision ROAD Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Item Road Name Road Bond Amount Number Total Road Bond Amounts for All Public Roads 1 Cassidy Mountain Road $82,830.00 2 Right Turn Taper (State Route 664) $13,280.00 Total $96,110.00 14/24/2003 Connor's Ridge Subdivision ROAD Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost at- Cost Rem. Number (installed Cassidy Mountain Road 0+00 to End 1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1750.0 ft L 18.0 ft W 383.33 cy $34.20 $13,110.06 115 pcf $13,110.00 2 asphalt surface 2,0 in i 1150.0 ftL 18,0 f1W 251.85 tons $78.00 $19,644.30 148 $19,644.30 3 street name sign i $65,00 $65.00 $65.00 4 traffic control sign 2 $47.00 $94.00 $94.00 5 eulveA pipe, emp (15 to 481 15.0 in d 2 ES -1,2 $250 1 EC -1 $200 44 ft $22.00 $1,668.00 $1.668.00 6 culvert pipe, cmp (15 to 48') 30.0 In d 2 ES -1,2 $250 1 EC -1 $200 52 It $47.00 $3,144.00 $3,144.00 7 modified EC -1 class 1 ditch end 1 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 8 E&S fabdc,EC-2,3 1200 ft L 4 ft W 533.33 sy $10.00 $5,333.33 $5,333.33 9 dear and grub 600.0 ft L 50.0 ft W 0.7 acre $10,000.00 $6,887.D5 $6,887.05 10 road grading (ave, and area: W- width of art, n- n:1 slopes, h -fill height) price per cy for cut or import only sta W n h area fill cul W= Road +shoulder width 1025 30 0 0 1050 30 1.5 51.75 24.0 0.0 1100 30 0 0 47.9 0.0 1150 30 -1.5 -51.75 0.0 -47.9 1200 36 3 -2 -72 0.6 -114.6 1250 30 3 -1 -33 0.0 -97.2 1300 30 0 0 0.0 -30.6 1756 30 3 0 0 0,0 0.0 1800 30 3 -3 -117 0,0 -108.3 1825 30 3 5 -225 0.0 -158.3 1875 30 3 -6 -288 0.0 -475.0 1925 30 3 -2 -72 0.0 -333.3 1950 30 3 0 0 0.0 -33.3 1975 30 3 72 33.3 0,0 2000 30 3 4 168 111.1 0,0 2050 30 3 1 33 186,1 0.0 2100 30 3 0 30.6 0.0 432.99 -1398.6 -965.63 cybal $3.00 $4,195.83 $4,195.83 11 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 1750.0 ftL 2.3 inc of 500' 3 $150.00 $495.00 $495.00 12 au -built drawings (1k+pdceper 0,1 1150.0 ftL 0.218 mi. 3 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 13 survey and layout (price per 0.1 mi.) 1150.0 ft L 0.218 mi. 3 $500.00 $2,500.00 $2,506.00 14 mobilization 1 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 15 VDOT surety (2 In rd) 1150.0 ft L 0.219 mi. $3,750.00 $3,750.00 16 VOOT maintenance fee (2 In rd, 1 yr) 1150.0 ft L 0.218 mi. $375.00 $375,00 cost sum $66,251.52 contigency 25% $16,565.38 Total $82,830 11!24!2003 Connor's Ridge Subdivision ROAD Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost Wt. %mmol. Got Rem. Number Installed Right Turn Taper (State Route 664) 0+00 to End 1 aggregate bass 8.0 In d 150.0 ft L 12.0 ft W 33.33 cy $34.20 $1,140.00 115 pcf $1,140.00 2 asphalt surface 29 in d 150.0 R L 12.0 ft W 21.90 tons $78.00 $1,708.20 145 pcf $1,708.20 3 CSR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 150.0 ft L 0.3 Inc of 500' 1 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 4 as -built drawings (1 k+price per 0.1 150.0121 0.028 ml. 1 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5 survey and layout (price per 0.1 mi.) 15D.0 ft L 0.028 mi. 1 $500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 6 VDOT surety (2 In rd) 150.0 0 L 0.028 mi. $3,75D.00 $3,750.00 7 VDOT maintenance fee (2 In rd, 1 yr) 150.0 It L 0.028 ml. $375.00 $37590 Cost Sum i $10,823.20 contlQency 25% $2,855.80 Total $13,280 11/24/2003 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works 401 McIntire Road, Room 211 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434)296-5861 0p" Ga-a� SUBDIVISION/ROAD BOND ESTIMATE REQUEST (Estimate must be requested by the Owner/Developer of the project) DATE: i 1 / ( z AAI-J--F-CT NAME: R, ,Include phase, section, and other relevant information to clearly identify the project) TAX MAP / PARCEL: S / �s 4 OWNER/DEVELOPER: v -,Sr %- CL" G" This is to request that subdivision/road bond estimates be prepared for the above project. The requested estimates include (check box): Roads & Drainage ❑ Water & Sewer ❑ Other Items requiring bonding as a condition of final plat approval (i.e. landscaping, pedestrian paths, proffers, etc). List items below: I unders1p4 that ivision plans must be approved before bond estimates will be prepared. Signature of Owner/Developer Print Name Title NOTE: Bond estimates will be prepared within two weeks of plan approval and receipt of this request. 1:1DEP11ENGINEERIFORMSVBONDStiSubdivision Bond Estimate Requestdoe October 2001 F A X !4' 41 972-4011, COUNTY OF ALBEMARLEf,11 A& Plan Review Comments Department of Engineering & Public Works (434) 296--5861 Fax (434) 972-4035 6112:ft-10 www.albemarle.orgtengineer Project: Connors Ridge Plan preparer: Mr. Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. (Fax: 434.293.4202) Owner or rep.: Brian & Jennifer Gillespie Plan received date: 29 April 2003 (rev. date of road plan 28 April 2003) Date of comments: 06 May 2003 Lead Engineer: Allan Schuck, Engineer The final road plan for Connors Ridge Subdivision received on 29 April 2003 has been reviewed. The Engineering Department recommends approval of the road plans with the revision date of 28 April 2003. A. Road plan and drainage computation comments: (Allan) 1. All previous Engineering Department comments have been addressed. 2. All previous VDOT comments have been addressed. VDOT approves the road plans. Engineering Department approval of the construction plans will be given when "all comments have been addressed" for the items above. A grading permit will be issued when approvals have been granted from all applicable departments and agencies, an erosion control bond has been posted, and a pre -construction conference held with the contractor, certified responsible land disturber, owner and county staff. Attachments: None Copy: 2379 File: SLTB-2002-199 Connors Ridge rp[2379](3) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Mr. Kesterson: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works TRANSMITTAL Jim Kesterson, VDOT Allan Schuck 06 May 2003 FAX: 434.979-3759 FAX: 434.972-4035 TOTAL PAGES: 2 Connors Ridge Road Plan Review Comments (Plans: Rev. date 28 April 2003) VDOT and the County of Albemarle Department of Engineering have approved the road plans for Connors Ridge Subdivision, with rev. date 28 April 2003. Please call me at 434.296.5861, Ext. 3069 with any comments or questions. Thanks, Allan Schuck Copy: file 2379 File: 05-06-03, Connors Ridge COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works TRANSMITTAL TO: Mr. Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. FAX: 434.293.4202 FROM: Allan Schuck, County of Albemarle Engineering Dept. FAX: 434.972.4035 DATE: 06 May 2003 PAGES: 2 RE: Connors Ridge Road Plan review comments (Plans: Rev. date 28 April 2003) Mr. Ray, The Engineering Department and VDOT have reviewed the revised Connors Ridge road plans, dated 28 April 2003. VDOT and the Engineering Department approve the road plans. Please contact me at 434.296.5861 Ext. 3069 with any comments or questions Thanks, Allan Schuck aS��ta/o3 Z9 Copy: tile 2379 File: 05-06-03, Connors Ridge Connors Ridge (REVISED AY ----'1.28, 2003) Page 1 of 1 Allan Schuck From: Kesterson, Jimmy [Jimmy.Kesterson@Virgin!aDOT.org] Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 12:34 PM To: Allan Schuck (E-mail) Subject: Connors Ridge (REVISED April 28, 2003) Allan, The above referenced plan has been reviewed and appears satisfactory. Please forward two copies for our files with your departments stamp of approval once you have granted final approval. If you are satisfied with the plan and would prefer to stamp the plans I have, please advise. 5/6/2003 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works 401 McIntire Road, Room 211 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5861 Fax (434) 972 - 4035 TRAN MITTAL TO: T�4 DATE: SUBJECT: � r,JN�. t' - . ���� The following items are being sent)<ttached ❑ Via l=ax ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Specifications ❑ Shop Drawings Plans [I Contract [I Other ❑ Plat ❑ Change Order COPIES DESCRIPTION R�.:.- UL ED GAQ PLA1 J.5 F;fz J. L;ff-TT-F—Z- F7'A)t--i A3P-i•4 'KA- y, -- — C14) v Mrd r tf a► i,+fZ. L ❑ For Approval ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ For Your Use ❑ Approved as Noted Distribution ❑ As Requested ❑ Returned for Corrections XFor Review and Comment ❑ For Bids Due 0 Prints Returned after Loan to Us 13 - Remarks: Remarks: ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval ❑ Submit Copies for ❑ Return Corrected Prints ,20 if fo closures are nc_+t as notRd- kindly notify its at once. COUNT' OF ALBElY,_ _tLE Reviev submission Form Department of Engineering &Public Worksj�� � 401 McIntire Road, Room 211 / f-� ,/� Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 y ' (434) 296 - 5861 Fax (434) 972 - 4035 Project Name: nr i4S iZr ,ix, From (Name or Firm): __ /4 C-,L/L W - 121A y a'/.} S5oC. /,4K. Date: AP/M1- Z 81 2,0 o 3 (Please separate plans for review by different individuals) ❑ EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN or PLAN AMENDMENT ❑ First Submittal ❑ Revision ❑ Additional copies only - narrative (2 copies) - narrative (2 copies) (usually after approval) - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - application and fee ❑ STREAM BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN ❑ First Submittal ❑ Revision - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - application and fee 'U STORMWATER MANAGEMENT/BMP PLAN ❑ Conceptual Plan ❑ First Submittal ❑ Revision - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - computations; water quality - computations; water quality, - computations as revised (2 copies) hydrology, hydraulics, map (2 copies) (2 copies) - application and fee ROAD PLAN LI OR PRIV (all items, 2 copies for private roads S copies for publ' ) El First Submittal ,7 Lf Revision ❑ As -built - plan -plan - plans - pavement design sheets %1R- pavement sheets - plats - computations (&; maps) computations u 1 FINAL SITE PLAN OR AMENDMENT (First Submittals are to the Development Process Manager) ❑ Revision - plans (3 copies, incl. retaining walls if applicable) - computations as revised (2 copies) ❑ CERTIFIED ENGINEERS REPORT (addressing each performance criteria of the Zoning Ordinance) ❑ First Submission Revision. - letter and documentation - plans or sketches ❑ CBR REPORTS E Public Roads 7:, Private Roads - pavement design sheets - pavement design sheets (4 copies) 0 copy) ❑ TRAFFIC STUDIES Public Roads Private Roads (2 copies) (1 copy) Roger W. Ray & Assoc., Inc. 1717 -lb Allied Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Land Surveyors Land Planners 434-293-3195 email:rwrinc@earthlink.net April 28, 2003 RE: Connor's Ridge Subdivision Road Plan Revisions Mr. Allan Schuck Dept. of Engineering 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Dear Mr. Schuck: We have received your continents dated April 4, 2003. After visiting the site on April 24, Jim Kesterson agreed that our initial design for the entrance would be the best. The initial design allowed adequate cover over the culvert at the entrance and flow into the existing ditch along State Route 664, while the revised design would not. Therefore, I have revised the plans to reflect the initial design, including the 15" cm pipe as requested by Mike Viar of VDOT. Please find enclosed 5 copies of the revised road plans. Please review these plans at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Thank you, Brian Ray, L.S. cc: Brian Gillespie COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE OUWPA� Department of Engineering & Public Works (434) 296-5861 Fax (434) 972-4035 www.albemarle.org/engineer Project: Connors Ridge Plan Review Comments Plan preparer: Mr. Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. (Fax: 434.293.4202) Owner or rep.: Brian & Jennifer Gillespie Plan received date: 21 March 2003 (road plan) Date of comments: 04 April 2003 Lead Engineer: Allan Schuck, Engineer A. Final plat comments: (Allan) 1. A final subdivision plat has not been received. 2. All improvements must be built or bonded prior to approval of final plats. B. Road plan and drainage computation comments: (Allan) 3. All previous Engineering Department's continents have been addressed. 4. VDOT has reviewed the revised set of plans dated 20 March 2003. VDOT's continents are Attachment 1. 5. Please revise the plan and resubmit the road plan as per VDOT comments. b. VDOT review and approval of public roads is required prior to Engineering Department approval. C. Stormwater management plan comments: (Mark Chambers, Water Resources Reviewer) 7. A stormwater management plan has not been received. D. Erosion and sediment control plan comments: (Max Greene, Erosion Control Plan Reviewer) 8. A stormwater management plan has not been received. Engineering Department approval of the construction plans will be given when "all comments have been addressed" for items A -D above. A grading permit will be issued when approvals have been granted from all applicable departments and agencies, an erosion control bond has been posted, and a pre -construction conference held with the contractor, certified responsible land disturber, owner and county staff. Attachment: (1) Copy of E-mail correspondence from J.H. Kesterson, VDOT Copy: 2379 File: SUB -2002-199 Connors Ridge rp[2379](2) Connors Ridge (revised 3-2(' '3) R' ISED COMMENTS Page 1 of 1 Allan Schuck From: Kesterson, Jimmy [Jimmy.Kesterson@VirginiaDOT.org] Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:11 AM To: Allan Schuck (E-mail) Subject: Connors Ridge (revised 3-20-03) REVISED COMMENTS Allan, I requested Mike Viar to review the revised drainage comps for the proposed 15" x 21" culvert at approx. station 10+53. He indicates that they have performed the calculations right for the 10 year storm and that's only indicating that 10" of freeboard at the low shoulder elevation. He indicates we could allow that However, the low shoulder and the top of pipe are the same elevation and therefore the pipe does not meet the 12" minimum cover requirement. The proposed culvert will need to be adjusted for the cover and will resolve your concern. Perhaps it can be lowered and shifted towards route 664 with the side ditch graded to meet the new invert. The 15" x 21" culvert is somewhat oversized and a 15" diameter culvert should be adequate. The 15" culvert will not be as prone to crushing as the elliptical culvert with only the minimum cover being provided. Please have the plan revised and either resubmit or verify that the revision is satisfactory for plan approval. J. H. Kesterson Permit & Sub. Spec. Supv. Tel # (434) 951-5428 4/4/2003 Allan Schuck From: Allan Schuck Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 8:13 AM To: 'Jim Kesterson' Subject: Connor's Ridge Road Plans Jim: I sent you three copies of the revised road plans for Connors Ridge, revised drawing date of 20 March 2003. Could you please suggest to whomever reviews the drainage computations for VDOT that another review of the computations be performed? It appears that the culvert does not leave 18" of headwater elevation at the intake end of the culvert. I wanted VDOT's opinion on the revised computations. Thanks, Allan COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works TRANSMITTAL TO: Mr. Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. FAX: 434.293.4202 FROM: Allan Schuck, County of Albemarle Engineering Dept. FAX: 434.972.4035 DATE: 04 April 2003 PAGES: 3 RE: Connors Ridge road plan review comments Mr. Ray, The Engineering Department and VDOT have reviewed the revised Connors Ridge road plans, dated 20 March 2003. Enclosed are the comments from this review. Please contact me at 434.296.5861 Ext. 3069 with any comments or questions Th s, ��C� Allan Schuck Copy: file 7.379 File: 04-04-03, Connors Ridge COUNTY OF ALBER RLE , A Revi 3ubmissionn For Department of Engineering & PubIic Works VJ e2 401 McIntire Road, Room 211 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5861 'c'"`A Fax (434) 972 - 4035 4�'3q q Project Name: n S , From (Name or Firm): _ SLG GItz. W •_ lLA y 4" A SSo C . Date: AA An, L H zo Zao Z (Please separate plans for review by different individuals) ❑ EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN or PLAN AMENDMENT ❑ First Submittal ❑ Revision ❑ Additional copies only - narrative (2 copies) - narrative (2 copies) (usually after approval) - plan (2 copies) - pian (2 copies) - application and fee ❑ STREAM BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN ❑ First Submittal ❑ Revision - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - application and fee ❑ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT/BMP PLAN ❑ ConceptuaI Plan ❑ First Submittal ❑ Revision - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - computations; water quality - computations; water quality, computations as revised (2 copies) hydrology, hydraulics, map (2 copies) (2 copies) / -� - application and fee RROAD PLAN UBLIC R PRIVAT ) (all items, 2 copies for private road �for ❑ First Submittal Y Revision ❑ As -built - plan - plan - plans - pavement design. sheets - pavcmcnt sheets - plats - computations (& maps) - computations ❑ FINAL SITE PLAN OR AMENDMENT (First Submittals are to the Development Process Manager) ❑ Revision - plans (3 copies, incl. retaining walls if applicable) - computations as revised (2 copies) ❑ CERTIFIED ENGINEERS REPORT (addressing each performance criteria of the Zoning Ordinance) ❑ First Submission ❑ Revision - letter and documentation - plans or sketches ❑ CBR REPORTS Li Public Roads = Private Roads - pavement design sheets - pavement design sheets (4 copies) (1 copy) ❑ TRAFFIC STUDIES Public Roads - Private Roads (3 copies) (1 copy) Roger W. Ray & Assoc., Inc. 1717 -lb Allied Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Land Surveyors Land Planners 434-293-3195 email:rwrinc@earthlink.net March 20, 2003 RE: Connor's Ridge Subdivision Road Plan Revisions Mr. Allan Schuck Dept. of Engineering 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia, 22902 Dear Mr. Schuck: We have received your comments dated March 6 & 7, 2003. We have revised the plans as per those comments. Please find enclosed 5 copies of the revised road pians. Please review these plans at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Thank you, -614A-Z lzzr� Brian Ray, L.S. cc: Brian Gillespie TO: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works 401 McIntire Road, Room 211 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5861 Fax (434) 972 - 4035 TRANSMITTAL i'f:!- I? S0a.Q L DATE: The following items are being sent ❑ Attached ❑ Via Fax ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Specifications X) Plans ❑ Contract ❑ Plat ❑ Change Order SUBJECT: ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Other ❑ For Approval ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval ❑ For Your Use ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution ❑ As Requested ❑ Returned for Corrections ❑ Return Corrected Prints 4 For Review and Comment ❑ For Bids Due X20 ❑ Prints Returned after Loan to Us ❑ Remarks: 5 r f': v � C� u�.? �' % V M fr... :� IF Copy: Signed: 0.'Y' �s ercloa _'-5 a.e nnt as noted- kindiv notifv us at once. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE �A� Plan Review Comments Department of Engineering & Public Works (434) 296-5861 Fax (434) 972-4035 www.albemarle.org/engineer Project: Connors Ridge Plan preparer: Mr. Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. (Fax: 434.293.4202) Owner or rep.: Brian & Jennifer Gillespie Plan received date: 23 Jan 2003 (road plan), Date of comments: 06 Mar 2003 Lead Engineer: Allan Schuck, Engineer A. Final plat comments: (Allan) 1. A final plat has not been received. 2. All improvements must be built or bonded prior to approval of final plats. B. Road plan and drainage computation comments: (Allan) 3. Dimension width of taper and turn lane improvements at State Route 664. 4. VDOT review and approval of public roads is required prior to Engineering Department approval. 5. VDOT review comments have not been received. C. Stormwater management plan comments: (Mark Chambers, Water Resources Reviewer) 6. A stormwater management plan has not been received. D. Erosion and sediment control plan comments: (Max Greene, Erosion Control Plan Reviewer) 7. A stormwater management plan has not been received. Engineering Department approval of the construction plans will be given when "all comments have been addressed" for items A -D above. A grading permit will be issued when approvals have been granted from all applicable departments and agencies, an erosion control bond has been posted, and a pre -construction conference held with the contractor, certified responsible Iand disturber, owner and county staff. Attachment: (none) Copy: 2379 File: SUB -2002-199, Connors Ridge(1) COMMONWEALTH of VIRGrINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 701 VDOT WAY PHILIP A. SHUCET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911 JAMES L. BRYAN OOMMISSIONER RESIDENT ENGINEER March 7, 2003 Mr. Allan Schuck Dept. Of Engineering 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Connors Ridge Subdivision Dear Mr. Schuck: The above referenced plan dated January 23, 2003 has been reviewed. All of the roadway and drainage design appears satisfactory except for the landing. To alleviate drainage from the entrance landing and the taper from sheeting across route 664 the landing should be revised. A slight vertical curve revision to the landing should correct this concern. The existing 50' and variable access easement will require a private street entrance design as shown on pg. 29 of the Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways. (see attachment) Please have the plan revised and resubmit for approval. Sincerely, lT '. H. Kesterson Per. & Subd. Spec. Supv. JHKlsml Attachments TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY N �D -4 R1 z D M M 0 v 0 ro r D n z 0 ro M C z v M m m z DDS L rn C i I I i I I I � 9 s n g c CL n , n T n N O a t 4 .Rc 3 O I� 'N PRIVATE ENTRANCE T Q�' a n1w o� 2; &4 z� � o u ' o � a n Q I/►c C r 7 r 1 1 7 7 o°;•� z n ra ng pn ar oa o''-�• o °CL 96 0 z� � o u ' o � Z•Av tv 1 1 1�1 z COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works TRANSMITTAL TO: Mr. Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. FAX: 434.293.4202 FROM: Allan Schuck, County of Albemarle, Engineering Dept. FAX: 434.972.4035 DATE: 06 March, 2003 PAGES: 2 RE: Connors Ridge road plan review comments Mr. Ray, I have performed the initial review of the road plans for Connors Ridge. These comments are shown on Page 2 of this fax. I have not received VDOT's comments for these plans. Please contact me at 434.296.5861 Ext. 3069 with any comments or questions Thanks, Allan Schuck a�at�,�b3 Copy: file 2379 File: 03-06-03, Connors Ridge COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works TRANSMITTAL TO: Mr. Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. FROM: Allan Schuck, County of Albemarle, Engineering Dept. DATE: 07 March, 2003 RE: Connors Ridge road plan review comments Mr. Ray, Enclosed are comments from VDOT for the road plans. FAX: 434.293.4202 FAX: 434.972.4035 PAGES: 3 Please contact me at 434.296.5861 Ext. 3069 with any comments or questions ,Thanks`, ti Allan Schuck Copy: file 2379 File: 03-07-03, Connors Ridge 03/07/2003 13:47 FAX 804+979+3759 VDOT CVILLE 4 ALB CO ENG IM 001 Virginia Deparfinent of Transportation Charlottesville Residency 701 MOT Way . Charlottesville, VA 22911 Phone (434) 293-0011 Date: 31-7102, To: 4 sE4ctr- FAX (434) 979-.3759 From • Phone: FAX: I FAX: (434)979-3759 - r Number of Pages (including Cover Sheet) If you have any trouble receiving this information, please call VDOT at (434) 293-0011. i'lftGiY�' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering & Public Works 401 McIntire Road, Room 211 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5861 Fax (434) 972 - 4035 TRANSMITTAL TO: i #MI pc J .� DATE: SUBJECT. The following items are being sent ❑ Attached ❑ Via Fax ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Specifications ❑ Shop Drawings Plans [3Contract ❑ Other ❑ Plat ❑ Change Order COPIES DESCRIPTION ��'.�� 1 '�y �•t�, � �'�{ .. �y...•�% fir r 1p* � r�_,� ,yrs t1 J�;, ::: � �.,�-:..'�A !'� % y �*. ❑ For Approval ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval ❑ For Your Use ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution ❑ As Requested ❑ Returned for Corrections ❑ Return Corrected Prints For Review and Comment ❑ For Bids Due ,20 ❑ Prints Returned after Loan to Us ❑ Remarks: s Co Signed:A,-444,,,,j •��. r . '0, ,d 0, If enclosures are not as noted; kindly notify us at onde. COUNTY OF ALBEMARiu.,, Department of Engineering & Public Works pg Al p Review Su,,mission Form 401 McIntire Road, Room 211 M Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5861 Fax (434) 972 - 4035 Project Name: [... o N,v onS %Z) Z> 6. Z_ From (Name or Firm): _ _ 12461,n_ W. /'L/I V d' A,_S SO C. /.v C_ Date: 3A -J. Z7 Zoa 1 - (PIease separate plans for review by different individuals) ❑ EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN or PLAN AMENDMENT ❑ First Submittal ❑ Revision ❑ Additional copies only - narrative (2 copies) - narrative (2 copies) (usually after approval) - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - application and fee ❑ STREAM BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN ❑ First Submittal ❑ Revision - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - application and fee ❑ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT/BMP PLAN ❑ Conceptual Plan ❑ First Submittal ❑ Revision - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - plan (2 copies) - computations; water quality - computations; water quality, - computations as revised (2 copies) hydrology, hydraulics, map (2 copies) (2 copies) - application and fee ROAD PLAN(1UBLI R PRIVATE) (all items, 2 copies for private roads, 5 copies for public) R'First Submittal ❑ Revision ❑ As -built -­ plan plan - plans ', - pavement design sheets - pavement sheets - plats ✓ - computations (& maps) - computations ❑ FINAL SITE PLAN OR AMENDMENT (First Submittals are to the Development Process Manager) ❑ Revision - plans (3 copies, incl. retaining walls if applicable) - computations as revised (2 copies) ❑ CERTIFIED ENGINEERS REPORT (addressing each performance criteria of the Zoning Ordinance) ❑ First Submission ❑ Revision - letter and documentation - plans or sketches ❑ CBR REPORTS D Public Roads ❑ Private Roads - pavement design sheets - pavement design sheets (4 copies) (1 copy) ❑ TRAFFIC STUDIES 0 Public Roads =i Private Roads (2 copies) 0 copy) Firm: fic�,,-Oz �,J ' P\A Y ��SS°e . , �N C The following checklist will assist applicants with the preparation of a public and private road plans in accordance with the ordinance. All items will be shown and labeled unless otherwise stated. References: (in addition to the County Code and the Design Standards Manual) (1) 1996 VDOT Subdivision Street Requirements (2) 2000 VDOT Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia (3) VDOT Minimum Standards of Entrances to State Highways, 1998 ed. (4) VDOT Road Design Manual & supplements (5) VDOT Road and Bridge standards General Plan Items Pi 1. Road alignments and intersections will be in general accord with the approved preliminary plat. 2. VDOT review and approval of public roads is required prior to Engineering Department approval. N 3. Design speed or design ADT for each road [ref. 1, 24 VAC 30-90-380 Table 1]. ZD MP4 r'71 YN 4. The Albemarle County Engineering - General Construction Notes for Public or Private Roads (as applicable). 5. VDOT pavement design worksheets for the pavement designs and specifications for each road in the development [ref. 2, App. IV]. Sheet Data 06. Cover sheet with key or overall road network for plans with more than two roads. Z 7. Plan title, plan preparer, and name of firm. 1Z 8. Revision dates and sheet numbers. I I September 2002 1 of 3 CD-xx 9. Minimum Scales: 1"=50' H and 1"=10' V (1" =20' H prefered) 10. Road names and route numbers. Plan. View ® 11. Show 50' Stationing and label the stations at 100' intervals. 12. Show and label street name and traffic control signs (e.g. stop, speed limit, end of state maintenance, etc.) 13. Horizontal curves: Show and label fle, PI, F -T, R [ref 1, 24 VAC 30-90-380 Table 1]. 14. Label the curb or edge of , ft-dnsifioas, and iatw4 [ref. 3]. Provide sight distance easements at intersections or horizontal curves, where applicable [ref. 1, 24 VAC 30-90-380 Table 1]. An.e_-Mr—, , NEzPE-D 0�16. Label Super -elevation (where applicable per VDOT) and dimension transitions [ref. 4]. C f'� DDimension length and width of taper d turn lane improvements. [ref. 3]. 18. Pavement markings where applicable [ref 4]. 019. Temporary cul-de-sacs for phased streets of >300' or 4 residences. [14-512]. 20. Walls, where used in the right-of-way [ref. 5]. �9 Road Profiles 21. Existing and proposed road centerlines with geometric data provided at the stations. �22.�ertical curves: Show and label the es lu�, � [ref 1, 24 VAC 30-90-380 Table 1, ref. 41' [� 23. A 4% or flatter vehicle landing of 40 length at intersections must be provided. 24. Show and label (including diameter) culverts and other utility crossings. 25. Show and label road intersections. 26. Maximum 6% grades in cul-de-sacs. 11 September 2002 2 of 3 CD-xx 7:ipical Sections 27. Right-of-way width with the centerline matched with the road centerline. 28. Show and dimension the road pavement width, design and specifications, [ref 2.] 29. Show and dimension the width, pavement design and specifications for medians & sidewalks. R 30. Shoulder widths and slopes. [ref. 1, ref 5] IK 31. Maximum 2:1 slope on either side. [ref 1., ref 5] &32. Provide a pavement section for turn Iane improvements on existing roads. [ref. 5, ref. 1] 33. Show guardrail where applicable inaccordnace with the Design Manual, jj 34. Curb and gutter [ref. 1, ref. 5] 35. Roadside ditches; 4' to the centerline, 8' width total, and 1' depth [ref. 1, ref. 5] Additional engineering details may be required upon re nest 91 September 2002 3 of 3 CD-xx