HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201600104 Plan - Other (not approved) 2016-09-19VICINITY MAP ADJACENT OWNERS LEGEND: BG =BLACK GUM 1 "= 500' Tax Map &Parcel Owner D.B. - PG. HEM = CHERRY 161M -12-1A1 Anthonyor Ma K. Valente 1613-447 -HEMLOCK ° �61M 12-1A2 7 - - LOC =LOCUST / s is ° �KOM LLC 3 006 RO = RED OAK SIM -12-1A3 MTB Investments LLC _ 30724360 T f " 81M 12-1A4 DEMREP LLC 1793357 RM RED MAPLE Ap 61[ M 12-1A5 Stephen W or Joan B Hackett Scot[_ 1606439 VP = VIRGINIA PINE / ® 161M -12-1A6 DEMREP LLC172r 211 WAL=WALNUT 61M -13-1F1 Lawrence, or r Jean a C Mill 1521-280 WO =WHITE OAK p0 61 M 13 1 F2 Russel I L., Jr or Jeanne C —Miller 1533-295 � � • ;. / 61M-13-11`3 Kenl eta L rah _ - 2682-499 SURVEY'SLANDPREPAREDSURYS, I i Ftp 61M-13 1F4 Daniel and Graham Spencer, LTD 1528.241 LUM'S LAND SURVEYS, INC. 61M-13-1, F5 Russell L. Jr or Jeanne C Miller 1902485 P.O. BOX 154, PALMYRA, VA 22963-0154 / !y a", 13-2 2F1 Joel M Schectman or Lisa Dram. 3282-303 (434) 589-8395 K 61M 13 2F2 _ Montle A or June M Pntchett 2460-121 p . 61M -13-2F3 DEIMRE H or Devyani_D. rad 1901391 TREES SURVEYED BY: O °Oo 81M-13-2F4�DEMREP, LLC - - 1700-147 THOMAS B. LINCOLN LAND SURVEYOR INC. —_ ... \ \ NOTES: 632 BERKMAR CIRCLE a O CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 1. THE PROPERTY LIES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE CAS SHOWN -1417 °lC fl ON THE FIRM MAP PANEL NO: 51000602308. 51o / \ \ 0 2. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT HAVE ANY CRITICAL SLOPES. / / \ OO Oa / / TMP 45-26A7 � \ C9d+ \ 3. DATUM: STATE PLANE COORDINATE 1983Now — —� Now or Formerly BENCHMARK: TOP OF FHA ELEV. 566.50 / EJM GARDEN, LLC TREE INVENTORY . - / D.B. 2717 PG. 746 \ �L Key Tr Caliper Health / Zoned: C1 _ 1 Amencan Holly 12 Good Average Poor Dead J/ / Comp. Plan: Urban Density \ /\ \ 9' TO 1A Red Oak 14" X / / / Use: Commercial 15>z�s \ \ HERIT GE 2 Red Oak 2(T X 1 sr@�i / i / . / c ' \ 572 sa. HA s \ °' )ENTRAN E \ zA Walnut z' x ` / / / / s 3 Walnut 18' X 4 White Oak 18' X / / / / / / J / / �S)' /sn� sr°. GREEuaousE 4A Cedar 14' X Ryy44 M 4B Cedar 16" X se°.0 / \ sea w(j1 Cedar 10" X / 5 / scz.es /' 5 Red Oak 33" X'. / 6 Red Oak 15" 8 Rad Oak 15, X t5 \ / / 1 TO 6A Holly " X +/\11;�R ae Red oak m" x ..r..✓ / / / / / / X �J BERKMAR 6C Rod Oak '12" X3� / 58°.38 / �-- / 1A ` DRIVE& O \ 7 White Oak 42" X a White Oak afi" X / / / E / / / / +/- 259' TCi" °� \ 9 White Oak 36" x / \9- 3 ® v A �� WOQDBURN / 1 A Red Oak 24" X / / / se (S/ / 1517.1. ® A \ ` \ t0A Red Oak 20" X /' � /> / / � 1 \ RD. 108 White Oak 49' x 10C White Oak 20' X — 670— t�_�l�J \ 100 White Oak 20' _, X / / / / sea.e. / / / sena/ / i / / / / " _ / 4 `\ \\) 10E White Oak 42" X / / / \ l \ 10F Holly 15" 11 Red Oak 24" X / / / / ' / i 5 11A Red Oak 18 X / / / / / / / / \ \ / \ / ' I 118 Red Oak 18° X s&.,3 11 \ \ 11C Virginia Pine 15" X 11D Virginia Pine 16" X 11E Virginia Pine 15" X 12 White Oak 32" X 13 White Oak 20" X 14 White Oak 36" 1 1 X 14A Black Gum 15" X / / / / / 70 15 White Oak 30"I X / / / / —. 14 VA �. \ / / / / / / /y■ t''c-,15s 16 White Oak 36" X Oak / \ 17 White 42" X / / / / — 17A Herillock 8" X 18 Red Oak 36" X 19 White Oak 50" / 20 White Oak 24" X X / / / / /�14A 28 / / / / 'ELECT IC /� \ 21 White Oak 2T' X / / / / / / / i \ / / / / /EASEMENT / 21A Oak NA I X i D.B.747/ PG. 532 22 White Oak 11. 23 White Oak 20" X X 24 White Oak I., X 24A Oak NA X 24BHolly 8" X 29 25 White Oak 33" X / N N / / / / / / / 26 Wto Oak 39" X %15 A / i � 27A/ 27 White Oak 36" X W 278 Hemlock 1z" x / N / / / / 2 I TMP'45-26A/ o 23 Whit. Oak 18" x / 29 wmteoak 30" x / / / / \ I I Now OT FormeJFly O R 30 White Oak 36" x / /- \ `` ®3 1 I I OA LEIGH�ALBEMARLE, LL/C Ro TE 659 � 31 White Oak 38" X ala Holly 1. X / / D.B. 346 PG 314 / / / \ 32 White Oak 48" X / / / / / / -� 1 I I I I I j 32A White Oak 6" X / J / Z ned: NMD 326 Hemlock 6" x / / / / / / — — / - I I I Comp 7" r . Pian: Urbaaly Urban Density 323 Hemlock 4! X / 4 X 33A Holly 10 X Urban \ 33 Red Oak 44" / / / / / / �, / \ I I I I Use: Urban Mfxed Use ,Q� 336 Red 18.1 2 X / $.822 " I -C 33C Retl Oak 12" X I 34 Red Oak 24" X 34A Cedar 10" X: 348 Cedar 8° X \ ^ �.>s / / / / / / I I I I I I I I I / I ■ 35 Red Oak 20' X / \ I OPEN PAST)1RE I I I I / 1 ci nRa G a \ 35B Red Oak V, X \ / I ' / / I I I I I I I I I / II v ,a za 356 Holly 6" X 35C Holly 8" X 35D Holly, 10" X / ®{ m 36 Walnut 27' X / / I ' I I / p�Q / \ / I I I I I I I I / / / ■ \ \ It \ 367 Cherry 8'. X ( / / ' / / ®�38 / \ I I I I I I I I I I / I� I ■ 37 Locust 18" X 38 White Oek 35" X2 ' \ 38A Cedar 6" X 3 A / -- ✓ / / 3 366 Red Maple 5 i0" X 39 White Oak 1 46" X I ■ / / / / / I I / I I I I I I I \ ■ 39A Holly 1 81 X 40 Cherry 18" X III"`° /z X35 40A Walnut 1tY' X uv cEa,ai(r,boa) I � 41 Red Oak 2T' X I I / 42 Cherry 22 X 43 Cherry 24 X I p / j, 44 Red Oak 28 X N 44ACeder 15 X ur 448 Red Oak 15 X. I �Z I / / 1EPcoaaaxyTR.wsF. 44C Cedar 12" X 44D Virginia:Pine 15" X. I I I I ■ I / / / / / / / / / / / / I I I / , 44E Coder Ii2fl" X -7 uEllG S4 4 6"49'18 / / 156zaz I / 15 ° \ 35445P. ' M 45-2 5601 TEL� Now or FormerYy MEDICAL FACILITIES OF MERICA \ \ \„s / /1515 D.B. 3678 PG. 65 ned: R6 \ \ P GEmE°Ir,.et \O\ sea. /� Gee �,r / o //// /T ° a° T— \ eP �, I \ i Comp. Plan: Urban Density \ \ \ \ moa / — / / 3 ®■ //°//// ...T a1.13�IMAR C ® Up I / Use: Resident \ \ — — — \ \ / �9' — — — ///// _ — /// I / \ s�� \ _ ■✓m � M 0 / 6. ! 1P s — a ' / 439.51 — a \ „ k 5 \ \�R> Block 6 \ \ / — — — — — —570 = — --� —/8 Blo \ / of 19 Lot 1 \ s /j — — — — — — — — — — — — — / g P 6 ru 1A6 Block Al \ / — — ss — — — — — — / / TMP 61M--12-1 ca° T P 61M-- 9 TI16,Q 6l_W-06-1 Block-� / — — _ — — — — _ _ J B AR C NG CONDOMI IUM At2ol .s / '/0B r —560— set �,z W or For erly \ \ Now or Formerly_ \ o l //_ GoNG— aI ASSOCIATIONS. ET AL �BE KMAR CROSSING CONW IN / f I/ WILLIA O AS OR CHEL PREMIL OR RANKA CETt6 -06-2 \ _( l d 1 �i ®_ _ p � _ d �P. Zon IASSOCIATIONS, E I MILa6T. CAS D. �1 PG. 36f \ No 0rm�ly� ( — . o. Plan: o rrtunity Servi a Zoned: PDMC.B. 2829 ls Zoned:R2 R RSONS REG .°. e: ffice T Comp. Plan: Community Servi a Zoned: R \ l�Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Density ( 4 4� \ / Block F1 RTMP 61 Ili 3-1 F1 thru FS E° �Oe hart .a.... / Use: Commercial -Office aM�� ( oned: R2 / TMP 1M --13-2F1 thru 2F4 » P T a See Chart . Plan: Neighbo 0o Density Use: Residential RKMAR CROSSING CONDOMINI M Use: Reside tial Co Plan: merci -Office BERKMAR ROSSING CONDOM — P' R ASSOCIATIONS, ET AL n ®e� — — I Use:ldential AS OCIATIONS, ET AL Zoned: C1 n . o l I Comp. Plan: Community Service M M IComp. Ian: Community Servi a Use: Commercial -Office ss,.. s "�°'s” ` ��F p ( Us :Commercial -Office See Chart •°1g ° s . w r— I See Chart _ —_ __ — — —INNF — I R AI O (73 aW gE �a p� �e Edwards designStudio, PLLC v E Landscape Architecture and Site Planning 4936 Old Boonsboro Road v Lynchburg, VA 24503 8 �o telel 434.531.7507 a� el steve@edwardsdesignstudio.com a E www.edwardsdeslgnstudio.com d a SCALE: V. =30"M ISSUED: 30 June 2016 rt REVISIONS: rE a� 0 LC IvrA z IK �Ib 0 IX 0 0 SHEET: W W J W 0 Z' Vz E I -- (L Existing W Conditions Plan 0 OF 6EL CODE OF DEVELOPMENT I- General Project Information(reter to Plan Sheets 1-4) A. Principles of the Neighborhood Model: • Pedestrian Orientation - Sidewalks are provided along Rio Road and Berkmar Drive, which will provide convenient access from the Oakleigh development to other nearby commercial uses, and public transportation. Within the Oakleigh development sidewalks and pathways are shown throughout the development making this a pedestrian friendly development. • Neighborhood Friendly Streets and Paths - The streets in Oakleigh are primarily designed as travelways. Slow traffic speeds, low traffic volumes, and landscaped roadways with sidewalks will help to make the streets and paths neighborhood friendly. • Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks - Interconnection is shown on the plan into the Berkmar Crossing Development. This interconnection will help facilitate the transportation network related to Oakleigh because there is a traffic signal at one of the Berkmar Crossing accesses and Rio Road. The access from Rio Road to the Oakleigh development is not proposed to be signalized. • Parks and Open Space - There will be a pocket park located in the development. This will serve as a memorial garden and buffer between the front and rear uses. In addition, several large mature trees will be preserved. Benches, paths and landscaping will help facilitate this space into a park like environment. A tot lot is not envisioned at this time to be incorporated into the park given the few residential units. • Neighborhood Centers - The commercial space within the Oakleigh development may serve as a center to area residents and surrounding area. • Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale - Limitations are placed on building sizes, heights and setbacks in Block I. • Relegated Parking - In Block I, parking is shown in front of Building B. Working with the ARB, parking spaces were removed and now satisfies their request. Additional parking has been relegated behind and off to the side of the two commercial buildings along West Rio Road. The remaining parking within Oakleigh has been minimized and buffered throughout the site using garages, topography and introducing landscaping to help minimize any parking impacts from the Entrance Corridor. Mixture of Uses and Types - This development proposes commercial uses in the two buildings located in Blocks I, II and III. Residential uses are located above and behind this commercial space in Block IV. In Block V, assisted living is proposed. Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability - The applicant proposes to provide townhouses assisted living, and either a type of apartment or condominiums/lofts above the commercial buildings in Block I. In addition a cash proffer is also provided to the County in the amount based on the County's affordable housing policy. Redevelopment - Oakleigh is an example of an infill development Site Planning that Respects Terrain - The applicant is making a large effort to preserve as many of the existing mature trees on the site and do as little grading as possible within their vicinity. • Clear Boundaries with the Rural Areas - This development is located in the development area so this principle is not applicable. II- Block Characteristics(reterto Plan Sheets 1-4) • Block I - Shall consist of a three-story commercial building facing and oriented with West Rio Road. There is proposed a sunken plaza in the front. Programming for this space is undetermined at this time and will be finalized at the time of construction. Primary access will be from the rear which will accessed at the second floor. Parking is relegated to the rear and side of this building. Integrated into the building on the third floor will be residential units. No retail is envisioned in this building. Block II - Shall also consist of a three-story commercial building. This building will be similar to the one in Block I but will include retail uses. Parking is available both in the front and rear. The parking on the front allows interconnection between Berkmar Crossing with our site for easier accessibility to the light at that development. Block III - Consist of a two story commercial building. Envisioned uses for this building include doctors, dentists and other health care professionals. Parking is relegated behind Block II from West Rio Road and accessed off Road A. • Block IV - Block IV is located off to the side of Block V behind Block I. This will consist of traditional residential townhomes. Private access off Road B is provided. A pocket park will be located in this block and overlap with Block V. This park will serve as a buffer between the front and rear of the Oakleigh development. • Block V - An assisted living facility is envisioned for this block, or it would be developed as residential uses. III- Architectural Standards A. FORM, MASSING AND PROPORTIONS OF STRUCTURES ,In Block 1, the main mass of each building shall share the same ground floor elevation. All buildings shall relate to West Rio Road. Dormers and patio decks are permitted. n Block 2, the ground floors shall respond to the grading of the adjacent proposed paving and the existing topography in an effort to minimize land disturbance. Therefore, ground floor elevations of buildings in Block 2 will vary slightly. UArticulation of the fagade shall occur wherever three or more units are attached. The minimum articulation allowed is 4 -inches. B. PERMITTED ARCHITECTURAL STYLES ("o restrictions on architectural styles are specified in this Code of Development. However, some common elements of style, through the use of ornamentations, should blend the design of all buildinguses. Architectural designs shall be reviewed b an architectural subcommittee of the 9 Y neighborhood association for approval. Initially, the developer/owner will fulfill the role of the neighborhood association. C. PERMITTED BUILDING MATERIALS •, Exposed foundations shall be finished in stone, brick or stucco. (• Ninyl siding shall not be permitted on the 1st or 2nd floor exteriors. Masonry, wood, stucco, composites of wood and cementious fiber are permitted on facades. (.)Roofs can be architectural dimensional shingles, natural or simulated slate or shake, tile or " standing seam metal. Roofing material shall include a 25 -year, or better, warranty. D. COLORS AND FACADE TREATMENT Brick color, range and texture shall be based on the brick choices provided to, and approved by, the County's ARB for the buildings subject to ARB review. uStone (cultured or natural) color and style in Block 2 shall be based on the choices provided to, and approved by, the County's ARB for the buildings subject to ARB review. • Roo( colors shall have low or no reflectivity, with subtle tones. C jWindows in two-story buildings should be stacked or otherwise arranged in a regular and symmetrical pattern. V, Window frames may be wood, vinyl or clad -wood. Windows may be pre -finished or field painted. 7- • Windows shall be proportioned to the building massing. • Buildings with siding shall have trim boards. (�,AII garage doors shall open overhead. • Chimneys that occur on the exterior wall must be veneered in brick or stone. Chimneys that occur l in the roof facing the street must be well -detailed. Exposed concrete block foundation is prohibited. Parged or painted concrete is allowed provided it wraps to a wall not visible from any street view. Concrete foundation walls on the side or rear should be embossed. E. ROOF PITCH AND DESIGN Cs, Principal roofs will range from 6:12 to 12:12. Main roofs shall have a consistent and uniform pitch. (mvSecondary roofs may be less than 6:12 pitch, but flat roof section are only permitted in cases where parapets or other roof structures screen the flat roof from view. Railings are an acceptable technique. -j Parapet walls are permitted in Block 1 only. All Block 1 building roofs shall have dormers. IV- Table of Residential Uses by Block (refer to Plan Sheet 4) The following table establishes the permitted residential and non-residential uses, special uses and prohibited uses by block. The letter 'P' represents uses permitted by -right. The letters 'SP' symbolize uses allowed by special use permit only. Uses not designated as either'P' or 'SF are prohibited in the block. 1. Accessory apartments are permitted in single family dwellings only. 2. No contractor equipment storage yards will be permitted or allowed. 3. Eating establishments shall be considered in this COD as "Restaurant' as defined by the Albemarle County Code. The purpose of this is to allow coffee shops, cafes, lunchrooms, luncheonettes for those within the Oakleigh project working in the commercial buildings or visiting V- Table of Non -Residential Uses by Block (refer to Plan Sheet 4) The following table establishes the permitted residential and non-residential uses, special uses and prohibited uses by block. The letter 'P' represents uses permitted by -right. The letters 'SP' symbolize uses allowed by special use permit only. Uses not designated as either 'P' or 'SP' are prohibited in the block. PERMITTED USES The anticipated street section P = PERMITTED USES will be the following: P = PERMITTED USES SP = SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED 2" of SM -9.5A Surface MAX. NUMBER OF BLANK = USE NOT PERMITTED WITHIN BLOCK SP = SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED OF 8" of VDOT #21 A Stone Base BLOCK HOUSING BLANK = USE NOT PERMITTED WITHIN BLOCK 1 II III IV V HOUSING UNITS Administrative, professional offices P P P P P 10' 10' 4' S' S' 1!3 BLOCK P P P P P HOUSING UNITS Auction houses Figure 1: Typical Street Sections t65 Barber, beauty shops P P P APARTMENT Detached single family P P P P P CONDOS Semi-detached and attached single-family dwellings such as Clothing, apparel and shoe shops P P 2 Community Center/Clubhouse duplexes, triplexes, quadraplexes, townhouses, atrium houses and P P P P P SF DETACHED patio houses P P P P P LL amusement centers, bowling alleys, pool halls and dance halls w Multiple Family dwellings P P P P P Convenience stores Rental of accessory structures P P P P P J Homes for develop entally disabled persons ref. 5.1.07 P P P P P P Boarding Houses Drug store, pharmacy P P P P P NEatingestablishment Z Tourist Lodges ref. 5.1.17 P P P P P to Home Occupation, Class A ref. 5.2 P P P P P K Home Occupation, Class B ref. 5.2 unmanned telephone exchange centers; microwave and radio wave P P P P P tele) 434.531.7507 a� transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances Accessory Apartments 1 20 P P P CONDOS Accessory uses and buildings including storage buildings P P P P P LOFTS Assisted "'A and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and P P operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage Rest home, nursin home or convalescent home I collection lines, pumping stations and appurtenances owned and P P 1. Accessory apartments are permitted in single family dwellings only. 2. No contractor equipment storage yards will be permitted or allowed. 3. Eating establishments shall be considered in this COD as "Restaurant' as defined by the Albemarle County Code. The purpose of this is to allow coffee shops, cafes, lunchrooms, luncheonettes for those within the Oakleigh project working in the commercial buildings or visiting V- Table of Non -Residential Uses by Block (refer to Plan Sheet 4) The following table establishes the permitted residential and non-residential uses, special uses and prohibited uses by block. The letter 'P' represents uses permitted by -right. The letters 'SP' symbolize uses allowed by special use permit only. Uses not designated as either 'P' or 'SP' are prohibited in the block. 1. Accessory apartments are permitted in single family dwellings only. 2. No contractor equipment storage yards will be permitted or allowed. 3. Eating establishments shall be considered in this COD as "Restaurant" as defined by the Albemarle County Code. The purpose of this is to allow coffee shops, cafes, lunchrooms, luncheonettes for those within the Oakleigh project working in the commercial buildings or visiting VI- Street Cross Sections (refer to Plan Sheet )9 PRIVATE STREETS Road 'A' and 'B' will serve as private street access to all blocks. The typical section is 24' curb to curb. Streets may have gutter pans depending on the engineering requirements. Planting strips and sidewalks are along Road 'A' but not required for Road 'B'. PERMITTED USES The anticipated street section P = PERMITTED USES will be the following: f _....._ SP = SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED 2" of SM -9.5A Surface MAX. NUMBER OF BLANK = USE NOT PERMITTED WITHIN BLOCK 16 0,1 4' 30' 5' 1/3 OF 8" of VDOT #21 A Stone Base BLOCK HOUSING 15' 0,1 4' 30' 5' 113 1 II III IV V HOUSING UNITS Administrative, professional offices P P P P P 10' 10' 4' S' S' 1!3 Antique, gift, jewelry, notion and craft shops P P P P P HOUSING UNITS Auction houses Figure 1: Typical Street Sections t65 Barber, beauty shops P P P APARTMENT Churches P P Cemeteries(only as current) exist CONDOS BLOCKI Clothing, apparel and shoe shops P P 2 Community Center/Clubhouse P P P P P Clubs, lodges, civic, fraternal, patriotic (ref. 5.1.2) P P P P P SF DETACHED Commercial recreation establishments including but not limited to P P P P P LL amusement centers, bowling alleys, pool halls and dance halls ?-,�..-e'�1� o$ Contractor's office and equipment storage yard 2 P P P N Lu Convenience stores P P 5 Day Care, child care, or nursery facility P P P J Department store 8 1= Drive-in windows serving or associated with permitted uses P P ul Drug store, pharmacy P P P P P NEatingestablishment not includingfast food restaurant a P P NJEducational, of technical and trade schools P P z Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; Edwards designStudio, PLLC a E O 2 gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances; APARTMENT unmanned telephone exchange centers; microwave and radio wave P P P P P tele) 434.531.7507 a� transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances BLOCK Ill 20 (ref. 5.1.12) 2 CONDOS Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities, excluding tower e E structures and including poles, lines, transformers, pipes, meters LOFTS and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage I collection lines, pumping stations and appurtenances owned and P P P P P SF ATTACHED operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central APARTMENT sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 16 of the Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law BLOCK IV 30 Farmer's market ref. 5.1.36 P P CONDOS Fast food restaurant P P 2- 2- Factory Factory outlet sales -clothing and fabric P P P Feed and seed stores reference 5.1.22) Financial institutions P P P Fire extinguisher and security products, sales and service P P P SF ATTACHED Florist P P P Food and grocery stores including such specialty shops as bakery, P P P candy, milk dispensary and wine and cheese shops Furniture and home appliances sales and service P P P 93 Hardware store P P P CONDOS Health spas P P P Home and business services such as grounds care, cleaning, LOFTS exterminators, landscaping, and other repair and maintenance P P P services Hotels, motels and inns P P Indoor theaters SFATTACHED Indoor athletic facilities P P Laboratories, medical or pharmaceutical P P P P P Laundries, dry cleaners(processing of garment goods off-site P P P Laundromat (provided that an attendant shall be on duty at all hours during operation) Libraries, museums P P P Musical Instrument sales P P P Newsstands, magazines, pipe and tobacco shops P P P Newspaper publishing Office and business machines sales and service P P P Optical goods sales P P P Outdoor amphitheater Outdoor storage, display and/or sales serving or associated with a by -right permitted use, if any portion of the use would be visible from SP SP 2_County designated Entrance Corridor Photographic goods sales P P P Private schools P P Professional offices, including medical, dental and optical P P P P P Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks, playgrounds and roads funded, owned or operated by local, state, or federal agencies, public water P P P P P and sewer transmission, main or trunk lines, treatment facilities, pumping stations and the like, owned and/or operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Research and development activities including experimental testing P P P P P Retail nurseries and greenhouses School of special instruction P P P Sporting oods sales P P P Stand alone parking and parking structures ref. 4.12; 5.1.41 P P P P P Stormwater management facilities shown on an approved final site P P P P P lan or subdivision plat Swim, golf, tennis or similar athletic facilities P P P P P Tailor, seamstress P P P P P Tempora construction uses (ref. Temporary non-residential mobile homes ref. 5.8 Visual and audio appliances sales P P P - Wayside stands-ve etable and a ricultural roduce ref. 5. 1.19) P P P P- P Dry cleaning plants (processing of garment goods on-site) zw Tier I or Tier 11 Personal less Service Facilities P P P P P z 0) Retail Stores and Sho a P P J J Parking Structure / Structured Parking P P P P P z p Ac essory uses and buildings including storage buildings P P P P P O W F o vw ¢ W K 1. Accessory apartments are permitted in single family dwellings only. 2. No contractor equipment storage yards will be permitted or allowed. 3. Eating establishments shall be considered in this COD as "Restaurant" as defined by the Albemarle County Code. The purpose of this is to allow coffee shops, cafes, lunchrooms, luncheonettes for those within the Oakleigh project working in the commercial buildings or visiting VI- Street Cross Sections (refer to Plan Sheet )9 PRIVATE STREETS Road 'A' and 'B' will serve as private street access to all blocks. The typical section is 24' curb to curb. Streets may have gutter pans depending on the engineering requirements. Planting strips and sidewalks are along Road 'A' but not required for Road 'B'. Figure 2: Typical Travelway Sections Notes: Where parking occurs adjacent to travelways the sidewalk is associated with curb as shown. In other instances a 6' planting strip is proposed. VII -Affordable Housing Units by Block(refer to Plan Sheet X) A minimum of fifteen percent (15%)of the dwelling units shall be provided as affordable housing as defined by Albemarle County Affordable Housing Policy. In lieu of providing for sale or for rent affordable units, the Owner/Developer may provide a cash equivalent per unit, consistent with the Affordable Housing Policy and proffers submitted with this ZMA. AFFORDABLE UNITS BY BLOCK The anticipated street section LL will be the following: f _....._ NUMBER 2" of SM -9.5A Surface MAX. NUMBER OF Course 3" of BM 25 Base Course 16 0,1 4' 30' 5' 1/3 OF 8" of VDOT #21 A Stone Base POSSIBLE HOUSING 15' 0,1 4' 30' 5' 113 DWELLING HOUSING UNITS AFFORDABLE TYPES 10' 10' 4' S' S' 1!3 UNITS BLOCKIV HOUSING UNITS 20' Figure 1: Typical Street Sections t65 BLOCK V 50' APARTMENT The anticipated travelways and parking sections (except CONDOS BLOCKI for the porous paving areas) 0 2 will be the following: s2 0 SF DETACHED 2" of SM -9.5A Surface LL Course ?-,�..-e'�1� o$ 3" of BM 25 Base Course 8" of VDOT #21A Stone Base rd ss APARTMENT Figure 2: Typical Travelway Sections Notes: Where parking occurs adjacent to travelways the sidewalk is associated with curb as shown. In other instances a 6' planting strip is proposed. VII -Affordable Housing Units by Block(refer to Plan Sheet X) A minimum of fifteen percent (15%)of the dwelling units shall be provided as affordable housing as defined by Albemarle County Affordable Housing Policy. In lieu of providing for sale or for rent affordable units, the Owner/Developer may provide a cash equivalent per unit, consistent with the Affordable Housing Policy and proffers submitted with this ZMA. AFFORDABLE UNITS BY BLOCK MIN. / MAX. LL MIN. LOT WIDTH FRONT LOT LINES NUMBER MIN.NUMBEROF MAX. NUMBER OF 30' 16 0,1 4' 30' 5' 1/3 OF AFFORDABLE POSSIBLE HOUSING 15' 0,1 4' 30' 5' 113 DWELLING HOUSING UNITS AFFORDABLE TYPES 10' 10' 4' S' S' 1!3 UNITS BLOCKIV HOUSING UNITS 20' 0' 6' 0' 10' S' 1/3 t65 BLOCK V 50' APARTMENT 10' 10' 10' 10' S' 1/3 CONDOS BLOCKI 8 0 2 LOFTS s2 0 SF DETACHED Lu LL EW SF ATTACHED o$ rd ss APARTMENT 8d Eo CONDOS BLOCK II 8 0 2 LOFTS SF DETACHED m2 4E �P SFATTACHED Edwards designStudio, PLLC a E Landscape Architecture and Site Planning ` o APARTMENT Lynchburg, VA 24503 0 3 es tele) 434.531.7507 a� TOWNHOMES BLOCK Ill 20 0 2 CONDOS REVISIONS: W e E LOFTS n� SF DETACHED I SF ATTACHED APARTMENT TOWNHOMES BLOCK IV 30 0 8 CONDOS LOFTS SF DETACHED SF ATTACHED APARTMENT TOWNHOMES BLOCK V 93 0 10 CONDOS LOFTS SF DETACHED SFATTACHED RESTRICTIONS/REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE STANDARDS ABOVE: Refer to the Proffers for additional details. A minimum of fifteen percent (15%)of the dwelling units shall be provided as affordable housing as defined by Albemarle County Affordable Housing. Policy. In lieu of providing for sale or for rent affordable units, the Owner/Developer may provide a cash equivalent per unit, consistent with the Affordable Housing Policy and proffers submitted with this ZMA. VIII- Yard Requirements by Block (refer to Plan Sheet X) RESTRICTIONSIREQUIREMENTS/NOTES ASSOCIATED WITH THE STANDARDS ABOVE: 1. Interior lot lines will nave a u' setback along streets, roads, access easements or lot lines. 4' setbacks will be applied to the exterior lot lines. Refer to the Code of Development on Sheet 5 for details on the Permitted Uses. Curb and guter may fall into all parking setbacks. Attached units with common walls shall have a 0' Side Building Setback. Side Building Setbacks apply to exterior end units. All roads are private with public access easements over them. Architectural features and overhangs may encroach into Building Setbacks up to (4') feet. Parking Setbacks shown are only for parking lots with (5) or more spaces. Subterrain parking shall not be considered a building story. w LOT / PARKING I BUILDING REGULATIONS LL MIN. LOT WIDTH FRONT LOT LINES FRONT SIDE SIDE REAR REAR MIN /MAX MAX. PARKING BUILDING PARKING BUILDING PARKING STORIES BUILDING SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK HEIGHT BLOCK 1 125' 30' 16 0,1 4' 30' 5' 1/3 65' BLOCK H 125' 30' 15' 0,1 4' 30' 5' 113 BLOCK III 120' 80' 10' 10' 4' S' S' 1!3 BLOCKIV 16' 20' 0' 6' 0' 10' S' 1/3 t65 BLOCK V 50' 80' 10' 10' 10' 10' S' 1/3 RESTRICTIONSIREQUIREMENTS/NOTES ASSOCIATED WITH THE STANDARDS ABOVE: 1. Interior lot lines will nave a u' setback along streets, roads, access easements or lot lines. 4' setbacks will be applied to the exterior lot lines. Refer to the Code of Development on Sheet 5 for details on the Permitted Uses. Curb and guter may fall into all parking setbacks. Attached units with common walls shall have a 0' Side Building Setback. Side Building Setbacks apply to exterior end units. All roads are private with public access easements over them. Architectural features and overhangs may encroach into Building Setbacks up to (4') feet. Parking Setbacks shown are only for parking lots with (5) or more spaces. Subterrain parking shall not be considered a building story. w O LL Z O (TJ U� Z LL] Q Z Qj Z E s2 0 Lu LL EW o$ rd ss 5r 8d Eo aE m2 4E �P Edwards designStudio, PLLC a E Landscape Architecture and Site Planning ` o 4936 Old Boonsboro Road d Lynchburg, VA 24503 0 3 es tele) 434.531.7507 a� el steve@edwardsdesignstudio.com v F www.edwardsdesignstudio.com v SCALE: 1" = 30' � Z ISSUED: 30 June 2016E o REVISIONS: W e E va n� Z O U N Z O U lxO LL 0 SHEET: a W J W O Z VZ a Code of y W Development OF 6 IX IL 0Y 0 LL z 0 Q ,I e a Q z ' n � W o (/ I � z w i � Q 0 O a> � z z 0 Will N LU af F �I si e_ 0Y 0 LL z 0 Q ,I e Q z ' n W o (/ I � z w i � Q 0 O a> � z z 0 Will N LU af F �I si e_ ll gid l , 0Y 0 LL z 0 Q (B Q z ' n W o (/ :3 p U � z w � Q 0 O a> � z z 0 Q N LU af Edwards design5tudio, PLLC a E Landscape Architecture and Site Planning ' 9 4936 Old Boonsboro Road a Lynchburg,I 24503 0 t teles 434.531.7507 ro., el steve@edwardsdesignstudio.com 9 E www.edwardsdesignstudlo.com d 21 SCALE: 1" =30' ISSUED: 30 June 2016 E REVISIONS: gs aE a� z O it I_ z Z O U K O D SHEET: a W W 0 6 z z z a y W Application Plan OF 60