HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201600230 Application 2016-10-10Application for Zonin Cleikrance CLr.#6D[Q:tr3lit O PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SIMETS check L USE01k1.v Date: � O 1Rece�P4#Jr*2YqQ- PARCEIL INFORMATION Tax Map and Pamelt / (1-- 01 —db +315'OG 1l;xtatiag /.ottswz "• � - - -.� . Pam el Orrner• L d Pared Addressdr/b 1�hr.iw% 'T i City t'iZ' State Vj Zr w1b (include suite or floor) PRIMARY CONTACT Wbe+ sbould vre ealUwrito concerning this project? tot rN A it,.,, Addresst -rQkTK �%p _Cfty T M— State_ NC--- _ P J office Phmc ?bS2--'Z-0061#7041-q&a r,, 0 APPLICANT Is'V URMATION Check! that "ply: Cba of om mershi Cbeeu a of Use Clreut c of name d--Wew bmxiueso Bushum Nonni /Type: PI c- previous Business an this site Describe the proposed budnen inoladirrg asq number of employm, nwatber of shUb, available psrking !plot, uaaiber of vehidea, and any additional intornudon that you can provide; *This Ciearanee will only be vaif d on the parcel bt whirb if is apprnvad. if You chmSe, intensify or move the —Um- to a new lmsa Q4' a new %rating t;iowmee will bomquircd. I hereby tmtify That I awn or hive the owner's peeaisston to use de spare indicated an"app[icadion. 1 odic teed#¢ that the lafbrtuatioa provided is true rand svauratc io the hest of my kncwlcdgc. I have toed tic—ndidalm of approval, and t undanietad tbem, and that 1 win abide by am. Signat�ue �'� �'' pritttsd /�Ia.-i �' �rt ..✓ APR OVAL IN)FOIiMATION Appruved IS pMposed [ 1 Appmvcd with conditions f j Ba&low preverition device aadlor eunwit test dada deeded fPbr this site. CoMact ACSA, 977-4511. X117, [ No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. Therefore, it is act a determinadca of oomplim= with the existing sift plan. [ ) ?his site complies with the site plan as of this date. Nut": BuiMing CMiml patq �& Zoning Olt dai 0Ur Offkw pato County of Alfaemarle DepaTnmcat of Community Devd9liment 401 Midntire Rosd Cbmi to tmille. VA 22M voice: (434) 5M Fax: (434) 9n 411i6 Rwvised 11/1/2015 page 2 00 to complete the Y/N Ts use InLI, U or PDIP zoning? If so, give applicant a Certified Engine&# Report (CER) Packet: Y /j% WAY be food preparrttiun? If so, give applieant a Health Department fom Zoning review can not begin until we receive approve) Dom Health Dept, FAX DATE Circle the acre that applies Is pwreel on private well or blic w Ifprvatc well. provide Hearth attment farm. Zoning r&Wew can riot begin until we receive approval from Hralth NO, FAX DATE Circle the one dot applies Ts poral on septic tar lie stwer� VYIN ill you bo putting up a new sign ofany kind? If so, obtain proper Sign permit. Permit tl wilwcre be Amy new consiew ion or "inovatioaa? If so, obtain the proper Pam it. Permit# ZQaing to com>lete the fonowimm: Reviewer to complete the following: �MiNttc d as: k� � Under Section. '2- 5�'- .�—.......... Scrpplameruary regulations section: Parking fomula: za , h- Required spaces: 1 YIN Acmt to be V1riHed In the field: l opector : Date. Paum Vialettonx Y1 Tf so, proffers: c$ rN If 10, List: Vadenet:. 60IN !f sn. L iat: SP's: N ll10, Dist —73 t.leawces: SDP's DJ- SIS Revised I I/II2035 Page 3 bf 3 CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE of THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER L torDWffMltil*Mar4pp t,*4 pWaIF4BreMdft nr*&*j #,lice 4ppUo*"is jW ghe dMxer. I ratify dint notice of the application, [Coarrty applicttm neme and nwnber) was provided to ed e,-k I Aeod�y the owm oftecmri of Tart hop (name(s) of the record owners of fhe perms VW Fail Number -- by delivering a copy of the appiicdion in the manner identified below. ;"land delivering a copy of dw application to [Nma of the record owner if the reeosd owner is a person; ifthe owner of record is an antity, identify the rodpient of the word sad the recipient's title or office for that entity] an DW R�1TA1\ Mailing a copy Of the application to r't Gf$PW1. Ioeto� — [Name of tine room owner record owner is a person; if the owner of raced Is an entry, identify the nrlpieart of the record and the radpicnt's title or + office for that radw on .. Date, to the following atddrew �— I //7 errl h f S�-. G-%y-r 10 f4Sv.-J 1 e [address: wri*n notice. mailed to the owner at the last bx4n addrea of the owner as slxwm on die airrent rcal estata tax gseiarnent books or canwt near estate ibm aoie mew nmords satisdes thla requirraneat}. Signatom oF�kpplr'ca>tt Print Applicant Name Daft i