HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201600003 Study 2016-01-19FLOOD STUDY INFORMATION BOOKLET FOR WEST GLEN SUBDIVISION EXTENSION OF CLING LANE January 19, 2016 LOCATION: TM 55C -3-A, 56 -115,55C -3 -Al, 56A9-9-25, 56A9 -9-26A White Hall District, Albemarle County, Virginia PREPARED BY: Dominion Engineering & Design, LLC 172 South Pantops Drive Charlottesville, VA 22911 P: 434.979.8121 F: 434.979.1681 INDEX Tax Map Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRMETTE) Cover Letter to Glenn Brooks, P.E., dated January 18, 2016 FEMA Summary Information for Discharges, n factors FEMA Floodway data and Flood Profiles Existing Floodplain Calculations Plan View and Summary Table Proposed Floodplain Calculations Plan View and Summary Table CH L F. P.1YFFS j No. 3302.3 .� ! Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 January 18, 2016 Glenn Brooks, P.E. County Engineer Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: West Glen Subdivision - TM 55G3 -A, 56 -115,55C -3 -Al, 56A1-1-25, 56A1 -1-26A -Flood Study/Mitigation Narrative Dear Glenn, 434.979.8121 (p) 434.979.1681 (f) DominionEng.com This letter is to provide background information on the flood study/conceptual mitigation plan for the referenced Special Use Permit Application to provide fill in the floodway and floodplain fringe for a proposed stream crossing to connect Cling Lane to Orchard Drive in accordance Z.O.30.3.11, Stream Crossings and Grading Activities, more specifically: 30.3.11 -Special Use Permit in the floodway and floodway fringe for Bridges, ferries and culverts not serving single-family dwellings" The applicant is proposing a stream crossing of Cling Lane Extended over Powell's Creek from approximate station 17+00 to 18+00. There will be a maximum fill of approximately 12'. A double 12'W x 8'H Box Culvert at approximate station 17+50 of is proposed to convey the base flood without overtopping the road and with no net rise in the base flood elevation. 30.3.11- Special Use Permit for fill in the floodway fringe far "Grading activities, including cut or fill, in compliance with the Water Protection Ordinance, but for which the floodplain administrator determines will or may cause the base flood elevation to rise or the horizontal limits of the floodplain to expand." Cling Lane Extended and associated grading encroaches into the floodway fringe from approximately station 23+40 to 25+60. The proposed fill causes no rise in the base flood elevation predicated on the attached HEC -RAS model. HEC -RAS NARRATIVE A HEC -RAS model was used to establish the existing and proposed 100 -year base flood elevations for the project area, which spanned from Jarmans Gap Road to past the subject property (FIS sections F through L). Albemarle County GIS Topographic mapping was used for the model. The 100 -year flows and n factor were taken from the FIS. As a result of the study, the proposed fill caused the base flood elevation to fluctuate but there is no rise at Section L and no offsite properties are impacted. Pertinent sheets from the HEC -RAS model are included in the flood study notebook and a CD has been included with the submission. The applicant is proposing a number of mitigation measures to offset potential impacts on environmental features as a result of the road construction within the stream buffer. These measures are described below: Page 1 of 2 Dominion 172 South Pantops Drive r Engineering Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.979.8121 (p) •�,,� �N ;_ 434.979.1681 (f) �a a s DominionEng.com 1. Removal of Existing Dam in PoweIl's Creek. The applicant is proposing to remove an approximate 5' -high concrete dam that impounds water in Powell's Creek as shown on the plans. Upon removal of the dam, the applicant proposes to restore the native stream flow patterns. This will serve to gradually restore the riparian habitat that has been altered due to the dam construction. 2. Provide armoring stabilization of the streambank with gabion baskets, cutting back of the slope, or other approved means to reduce the further displacement of soils in areas of extreme erosion along Powell's Creek. Final design to be indicated on the WPO plans for the project 3. Reforestation in areas along Powell's Creek where tree cover is sparse in locations as shown on the plan. 4. Provision of structural (Filterras, Jellyfish) and non-structural (rain gardens, dry/wet swales) BMP facilities downstream of new impervious areas to reduce the non -point solution. The proposed measures will be provide additional water quality above and beyond the minimum required. We thank you very much for your review of this project and look forward to your thoughtful review on this project Please feel free to call me with any questions or if you require additional information. Best Regards, MicjilaeI Myers, P.E., C.F.M. Cc: Charlie Armstrong Page 2 of 2 TABLE 3 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES - continued FLOODING SOURCE DRAINAGE AREA PEAK DISCHARGES (efs) AND LOCATION (s4. miles) 10 -YEAR 50 -YEAR 100 -YEAR 500 -YEAR NORTH FORK MEADOW CREEK At confluence with Meadow Creek 0.9 450 800 1,100 1,700 NORTH FORK RIVANNA RIVER At confluence with Rivanna River 178 17,700 31,900 39,700 62,700 At mouth 176 14,300 29,900 36,000 73,400 Upstream of Preddy Creek 122 14,100 24,700 30,000 47,200 POWELL CREEK At mouth 3.8 1,070 1,880 2,340 3,740 POWELLS CREEK At confluence with Lickinghoie Creek 3.88 920 1,480 1,630 2,300 Upstream study Iimits 3.08 740 1,170 1,350 1,980 RIVANNA RIVER Downstream study limits 568 35,900 71,900 93,000 157,400 Upstream of Buck Island Creek 530 35,100 67,500 86,500 146,000 Upstream of Moores Creek 472 32,800 62,200 80,000 134,000 ROCK CREEK At confluence with Moores Creek 1.9 1,200 2,000 2,600 4,100 At confluence of 5t' Street Creek 0.9 650 1,100 1,500 2,200 SLABTOWN BRANCH At confluence with Lickinghole Creek 1.21 600 1,060 1,240 1,820 Upstream study limits 0.11 70 120 150 210 SOUTH FORK RIVANNA RIVER At mouth 268 19,700 42,200 53,400 106,000 15 TABLE 4 - MANNING'S "n" VALUES - continued Stream Powells Creek Rivanna River Rock Creek Slabtown Branch South Fork Rivanna River Channel "n" Overbank "n" 0.070 - 0.100 0.060 0.060 - 0.120 0.045 - 0.060 0.045 -0.085 0.025 - 0.120 0.070-0.100 0.035 - 0.055 0.080 - 0.120 0.040 - 0.060 All elevations are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Qualifying bench marks within a given jurisdiction that are cataloged by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) and entered into the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) as First or Second Order Vertical and have a vertical stability classification of A, B, or C are shown and labeled on the FIRM with their 6 -character NSRS Permanent Identifier. Bench marks cataloged by the NGS and entered into the NSRS vary widely in vertical stability classification. NSRS, vertical stability classifications are as follows: a Stability A: Monuments of the most reliable nature, expected to hold position/elevation well (e.g., mounted in bedrock) a Stability B: Monuments which generally hold their position/elevation well (e.g., concrete bridge abutment) a Stability C: Monuments which may be affected by surface ground movements (e.g., concrete monument below frost line) a Stability D: Mark of questionable or unknown vertical stability (e.g., concrete monument above frost line, or steel witness post) In addition to NSRS bench_ marks, the FIRM may also show vertical control monuments established by a local jurisdiction; these monuments will be shown on the FIRM with the appropriate designations. Local monuments will only be placed on the FIRM if the community has requested that they be included, and if the monuments meet the aforementioned inclusion criteria. To obtain current elevation, description, and/or location information for bench marks shown on the FIRM for this jurisdiction, please contact the Information Services Branch of the NGS at (301) 713-3242, or visit their Web site at www.ngs.noaa.gov. 19 m 0 LL W w ca d ca iOC 'a f m to 0 r Q a 0 m� w a a 0 O 0 LL W LUV J W O a+ ujI Y W J J W a v w Lug F LU > � �J aZ 2 ZOWy Z W vao U Z W wao� �Z ZQ LL, gv=V W h CA OOOO N�CAQ� Oprrr r Op lu as z z O } mm� 459 cool 9 oo Owj LL OW< LLUz N W � } Q U. N h C?CiCA CR tf CLgV7gCiqIt ODphONMCR QLrf y� J LL yQ 7 O.' O4l4�h C9Lr1CACp LOpmC70�rCp�DpphON{pp*?CO� LO�Op�OC9LNCi mmi`7C? N L] O1�1� ti W C09�1[��000 �� CDCO�CD COCOhI—.hhhhh LU � LU CAO�NCpe-r0 47000hpONhONhO�N �ZUaz � W U 1ei .r a cc G m oe is ui .r ui v co �r; ui ui .r � �ci .r ui -co ; ELEVATION IN FEET INAVO $$J C" o m rm `B 0 o n o 0 g 4b o CD 0 tl NFLUENCE UR LI KINGHOLE CHEI K 0 0 1 1i ca a ►111 as= 111 mo ly �c y ► 5 1 m � tl 1 1 1 1 m 1 O 0 1 C m 1 m a tl a ATHAROSS LAN m 2 m y m m 1 O C a T m m m tl o � x r [7 2 CJ Eb x o 0 0 n m 1 1 m P 1 1 m n ► 1 1 ro 0 Is I I 1 I Na I r; 1 � x = x n x s } o v o 1 $ 1 O O O map co ca Q o o p FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD PROFILES co ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA PQWELLS CREEK 0 AND INCORPORATED AREAS AND THE INDEPENDENT CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE ELEVATION IN FEET INAVD 881 �o a o o V m O O Va 17 O m 0 4 CO2m a 0 N } Z [7 T a m m Eq m n Q 2 T r m R! Z m V2 C-1 T 2 R Z GS x 0 m m T T o O O O \ \ \ CSX RAILWAY \ TATE ROUTE 78 S I NLROAD AVENU \ 11 LIMI OF OETAILEO 81 UOY I I a 'li I I i � x c o 0 V V V V V V m m g O O co O O � FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD PROFILES rn ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA a AND INCORPORATED AREAS POWELLS CREEK AND THE INDEPENDENT CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE V V V V V V m m g O O co O O � FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD PROFILES rn ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA a AND INCORPORATED AREAS POWELLS CREEK AND THE INDEPENDENT CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE a x I w /."A G HEC -RAS Plan: Plan 02 RWar. Powells Creek Reade Main Reach Profile: PF 1 W,5 kk = IM [ielpll -' 1830.00 749.00 751.10 751.10 75230 0.0411767 9.51 243.80 92.50 0.79 1040.00 737.00 741.99 �- -...74233 0.009739 4.49 418.35 189.70 0.36 1930.00 732.30 739.30 736.70 0.02"34 832 34M59 243.96 0.59 - 1530.00 714.00 71859 718.58 719.61 0.0"708 9.89 208.07 100.06 0.80 1930.00 701.00 707.60 746.49 708.34 0.0190097.40 248.82 74.59 4.54 1&10.00 897.00 891.64 991.90 89228 0.031498 7.28 294.58 221.72 0.87 1830.00 873.00 878.40 97729 878.89 0.018188 _ 6.42 802.58 108.90 0.49 �dl�7r\/G POWELLS CREEK EX Plan- Plan 02 111MO16 NEC-RAB Alan: Plan 02 RAar Powells Creek Reale M.I. Ruch PmHle' PF 1 - .:. .. 3ero�i;.: :.RSilaf :. 'ilitptp w8 day tws ? :EQEYw Ea 41 1`JYII' '}901. "` Ivauft cw , Ranch :.. PF1 -, 1090.00 746.00 757.10 751.10 752.20 0.041787 9.51 203.80 92.50 0.79 _ Rotll �, 1630M 737.00 742.12 _ _ 742.59 0.008101 420 413.98 192.98 0.95 1630.00 --_ 732.30 736.14 _ 798.14 736.68 0.035000 7.39 299.79 241.21 0.70 - Itaw 1030.00 714.00 719.11 _ 719.74 0.022989 6.97 266.50 117.35 0.59 Refak. 4' ` a;: _ t630.00 710.30 _ 719.39 714.91 719.48 0.001106 2.42 785.58 16050 0.15 cuhmrt .• � 1 t ". � 7830.00 70&30 713A5 712.97 714.22 0.412625 9.97 77.46 0.60 RMdI :' :• I7 t t' " '.: 1630.00 701.00 _ 708.96 705.08 _ 0.030467 8.97 _194.79 203.48 85.99 0.69 Bandl 1830.00 685.00 898.98 89923 0.013431 4.42 422.94 24126 0.45 - J t 1630.00 892.00 690.14M.14 690.02 0.033003 7.03 328.34 302.04 0.07 1030.00 867.00 891.84 BB1.H0 69226 0.031498 7.28 294.58 221.72 0.87 Raadl -` yf 4 ,. .' 1890.00 673.00 678.401 677.26 876.86 0.015166 6.02 902.56 105.80 0.49