HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200000152 Letter of Revision 2003-05-06 Lam- 0(- .11019 1 ��RGIN�P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning&Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 218 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 (434)296-5823 Ext. 3385 Fax(434)972-4035 May 6, 2003 Worrell Land and Development Company, L.C. C/O Andrew Dracopoli P.O. Box 5386 Charlottesville, VA 22905 Re: SDP 00-152 Peter Jefferson Place V Final Site Plan Letter of Revision- Landscape Changes Dear Mr. Dracopoli: This letter is in response to your request, dated March 28, to allow several changes to the approved landscape plan for Peter Jefferson Place V. Due to the simplicity of these changes, this request has been reviewed as a Letter of Revision to the most recently approved site plan for this site [SDP 00- 152 Peter Jefferson Place V Final Site Plan]. The changes being proposed in this request do not significantly affect the screening of any objectionable features, or the compliance with the parking lot landscaping and canopy requirements for this site. Therefore, the Department of Planning and Community Development has not identified any unfavorable consequences as the result of your proposal, and this request is hereby approved. As a condition of this approval the eight street trees (Willow Oaks) and the walkway adjacent to Peter Jefferson Parkway that have not been installed must be bonded prior to approval of the final Zoning inspections for this site. Please note that all other conditions of the final site plan approval are still applicable to this site. This approval is viewed as the first Letter of Revision to the above-mentioned final site plan amendment, entitled SDP 00-152 Peter Jefferson Place V Final Site Plan. Please note that a total of three(3) Letters of Revision are allowed before all changes to the plan are required to be submitted in the form of a new site plan amendment. Please retain a copy of this letter for your site plan records, and contact me if you should have any further questions. Sincerely, Stephen B. Waller, AICP Senior Planner Attachments: Request Letter and Schedule of Changes, dated March 28 (2 pages) Copy: SDP 97-008 Lisa Green, Building Code Zoning Services WORRELL LAND AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.C. POST OFFICE BOX 5386 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22905 TELEPHONE 804 977 6803 FACSIMILE 804 977 6578 March 28, 2003 Mr. Stephen Waller County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 RE: Peter Jefferson Place V Dear Mr. Waller: This letter is to request approval of a revision to the final site plan for Peter Jefferson Place V which was originally approved February 13, 2001. This is the first requested change to the approved site plan. We wish to make a number of changes to the approved landscape plan. A schedule is attached detailing all the changes requested as is a marked up copy of the original plan showing the impact of the changes. Unless otherwise stated all substitutions are of an equal or greater size than the original selection. These changes will have almost no visual impact on a site that is heavily landscaped in excess of the County's minimum requirements. I would appreciate your favorable consideration of this request. In addition, we will be posting a$6,600 site performance bond to cover the planting of eight willow oaks and the construction of a pathway on the North side of the site. As these improvements will be immediately adjacent to the extension of Peter Jefferson Parkway, they would be almost certainly destroyed during construction of the Parkway if they were to be made now. We will make these improvements immediately after the completion of this portion of Peter Jefferson Parkway. Should you have any questions about any of these matters please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Andrew J. Dracopoli Assistant Manager AJD:dtb Enclosures as stated. raRTe�-�-�� rte ., �s '`f MAR3 1 2003 PETER JEFFERSON PLACE V SCHEDULE OF CHANGES TO LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 Okame Cherry above the retaining wall replaced by 1 Redbud. 4 White Pines above retaining wall deleted. Overcup Oaks at northeast corner of building replaced by 2 Yoshino Cryptomerias.Cr t, 3 Kousa Dogwoods at northwest corner of building deleted. Natchez Crepe Myrtles in front of the building deleted. 2 Upright European Hornbeams moved away from front entrance of building and 2 5' Robusta Green Junipers added at entrance in their place. 2 Okame Cherries at the rear entrance of the building replaced by 2 Yoshino Cryptomerias. 2 Okame Cherries at rear of building moved adjacent to rear patio. 1 Legacy Sugar Maple at rear of building replaced by 1 London Plane Tree. Green Vase Zelkovas in center of parking lot replaced by 4 Legacy Sugar �Maples. 2 Red Sunset Maples on east side of parking lot replaced by 2 Green Vase Zelkovas. 1 Allee Elm in center of parking lot replaced by 1 Overcup Oak. 3 Greenleaf Hollies on south side of building replaced by 3 6' Nellie Stevens Hollies. 3 Legacy Sugar Maples in south side of parking lot replaced by 3 White Ashes. t-'<C;vercup Oak adjacent to Peter Jefferson Place Ill deleted. 3 Tulip Poplars on the south edge of the parking lot replaced by 3 Bloodgood London Planetrees. X25 White Pines on south bank replaced by 25 Leyland Cypresses. 1-Ft E `_ I . I MAR 3 1 2003 48 " Tulip Poplar cn w U w - < sz o t7 �� LU rn z U to W-4 () z //O lJ _z z z w 0 w. H W4 U co Q z i! NOTES: C^ound�cover: All oreos wPthln development ' area w1111 be covered by either mulch, grass, shrubs .or groundcover, Irrigotion: All areas within development area N'.11I be serviced by on underground pressurized irrigation system. 4 t N \ s NORTH 01 15' 30, 601 11 EXECUTIVE PARK DR. o STE 100 PLANT U5T _ _ F 404 124811092 Quanti Botanical Name Common Name Caliper height 5 rea Root Comment 2 Acer rubrum 'Frank5red Red 5un5et f,Aa le 3-3.5" 14-1 o' 7-8' 1348 5trzu ht trunk; dense, uniform branchm ; matched I I Acer rubrum'Frank5red Red Sun5etMarie 2.5-3" 12-14' G-7' 848 5Vwelht trunk; dense, uniform branching; matched 9 Acer saccharumlecjacy Legacy 5u a^ Ma le 3-3.5" 14-1 G' 7-8' B45 5trai ht trunk; dense, uniform branchm ; matched 2 Car nus betulus"Fast lata' U n ht Euro can Hornbeam 3-3.5" 14- I G' 6-T 348 Strai ht trunk; branchin be i above 5' 10 Cornus kou5a Kousa Doowcod 1.5-2" G-7' 3-4' 348 5tandard;5trai ht trunk; branching be in5 at 2'; balanced head 12 lCryptomeria japonica'Yo5hlno' YoShmo Cryptomeria 8-9' 3-4' 548 Full to round; dense foka e; 5tral ht, ti htl runed amdal form 8 Ilex a aca 'Greenleaf Greenleaf h6l 7-8' 34 1 1343 Ifuil to round; dense foha e; stray hi, ti htl runed pyramidal form 0 [A.estroemia x'Naichet Natchez Grape Myrtle 7-8' S -G' 848 Muitr-trunk (3-5 trunk-,,); well pruned (no straight—whip trunks) - 3 Uriodendron tuli ifera Tulip Tree 1.5-Z' 9-10' 3-4' 848 5trawiht trunk; dense, uniform branchia • matched 9 Ma noha randiflora 'Little Gem' Little Gem foiliqnolia 1.5-2" 7-8' 3-4' 548 Full to round; dense folia e; strai ht, ti htly prunad amidal form 25 Pinus 5trobu5 Waite Pine 4-5' 24-30 1343 Full to Arouncit dense foha e; 5trai ht, ti htly prune,1 ramidal form 23 PmuS 5trobu5 White Pine G'T 30-3G' 848 Full to round dense foha e; 5trai ht, tijhtiy prunezipyramidal form 2 ir,tacia chinen5!5 Chinese Pi5tache 2-2.5" 9-10' 4-5' 1545 5trai ht trunk; dense, uniform branching ; matched 4 Platanus x acenfoha 'BI Blood god London Planetree 5-2" 9.10' 3-4' 1343 5trai4jht trunk; dense, uniform branchm ; matched 15 Prunus x'Okame' Mame Ghcrr 1.5-z' 8-9' 5-G 848 5tandar4;5tral ht trunk; branchtnq bcjin5 at 3; balanced head 14 Quercus lymta Overcu Oak 3-3.5" 14,1 G' 7-8' 548 5trai ht trunk; den5e, uniform branchia ; matched 8 Quercus phello5 Willow Oak 3-3.5" 14-1 G' 7-8' 843 5trai ht trunk; dense, uniform branchia ; matched 9 Ulmus arvrfolia'F-mer 11' Mae Elm 3-3.5" 12-14' G -T 54B 5trai ht trunk; branching be ins above 4'; den5e 4 Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase' Green Vase 7A;kova 3-3.5" 12-14' G -T 843 5traiht trunk; branching bcgim above 5' i! NOTES: C^ound�cover: All oreos wPthln development ' area w1111 be covered by either mulch, grass, shrubs .or groundcover, Irrigotion: All areas within development area N'.11I be serviced by on underground pressurized irrigation system. 4 t N \ s NORTH 01 15' 30, 601 11 EXECUTIVE PARK DR. o STE 100 ATLANTA o GEORGIA 30329 P 404 124811960 F 404 124811092 EMAIL hgor@ hgor.com www,hgor.com REVISIONS NO, DATE ISSUE L A LNLJU z z 0 0 V od a W 4 LLs U. s® w W ce Cie� 1 LU J 16V - CL ED TITLE LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE JOB NO, 99338 DWG FILE 99338LWI DRAWN BY J A CHECKED JB3 SCALE 111 30' SHEET OF z 0 I— z O 0 t.i 0 tf) LU 0 ?-M/w