HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201400022 Checklist Erosion Control Plan 2014-03-05 ilar L F�r�,,...
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2Albemarle County Engineering
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan checklist for plan reviewers
5 Mar 2014 (Use the latest checklist from the Team Services engineering forms site)
An erosion and sediment control plan is a document which illustrates the measures used to control erosion
and sedimentation during construction. All measures follow the Virginia Erosions and Sediment Control
Reference key;
[Square Brackets] are County Code references, {Curved Brackets} are policy references, and(regular
parenthesis)are explanatory. Links to reference documents are provided where possible.
Aication information:
p :
Completed WPO application and fees,with owners signature [County Code 18-,
18-32.3.9. 17-203, 17-3031 Erosion Control plans require a Water Protection Ordinance
(WPO) application and original owner's signature. No review is provided without
application, owner signature and fees. This is true even for revisions. It is important that
the owner be aware of comments and resubmittals, and this is the county assurance.
0 Copies of federal and state permits for any wetland or stream disturbance. (Army Corps,
VDEQ, etc) [17-312A,B. 17-319B,D, 17-320C.D. 18-32.1.2, 14-311]
Tie information:
/VJ Project title. Titles should be appropriate. It should be an erosion control plan, not a
stormwater plan, or site plan, etc. In some cases a WPO package will contain a
stormwater plan and a mitigation plan, but they should be on separate sheets with keys
0and page titles.
Professional seal,with original signature and date for professionally prepared plans.
Content: The erosion control plan must not contain information regarding permanent
improvements that do not also appear on other plans. Erosion control plans are
temporary documents that are discarded after projects are complete.
Existing conditions plan view information:
Gaccurate current existing topography at the time of submittal, including all existing site
features, and any recent disturbances, all at a legible scale
date and source of the topographic information: All topography should be at least visually
field verified by the designer within the last year
, WPO buffer limits; 100' from stream or wetland bank, 200' from reservoirs, or
floodplain limit if greater.
vNo buffer disturbances without WPO Program Authority approval and a mitigation plan.
floodplain limits, including 100yr flood limits for any channel with a drainage area of
50+ acres.
63 Floodplain undisturbed. Disturbances require a Special Use Permit or Floodplain
Development Permit.
all existing easements (access, drainage. sight, sanitary easements, etc.) with deed book
references, locations and dimensions
i.- all critical slope. ' �'pically shaded)
Zoning O d mar, ht -`erF showr and pro ected undisturbed. D_s uY ..r c r::tauire
<7`- Planning appr: T_ z \ ,a,,,e..
Albemarle County
Engineering E&SC Plan Checklist
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Proposed plan view information:
Grading: [18-32.6.2, 14-303]
proposed topography at minimum 2' contour intervals—tied into existing contours, as
well as all proposed site features. (Sites with less than 6' of grade change should consider
using smaller contour intervals.) These should agree with other final plans.
proposed slopes are all 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) or flatter [Design Manual, section 8}
proposed slopes steeper than 3:1 have low maintenance (not grass) ground cover
specified on the plan {Design Manual, Section 8}
existing critical slopes are not disturbed, unless a waiver or exemption has been granted
for the disturbance. [18-4.2. 14-304]
Retaining Wall Plans approved. Any walls supporting roads or necessary infrastructure
require engineered plans (not generic manufacturer's details) and computations. {Design
Manual, section 8} This will also be required where walls are close to property lines and
there is the danger of affecting neighboring property, either during construction, with
later failures, or with pedestrian or vehicle safety.
/ final contour shapes and slopes ensure no undrained pockets or stagnant pools
narrative and project title (Narratives are now optional, and not reviewed by the County,
other than noting whether they are not seriouly in error, like a boilerplate with another
County's name on it.)
o. .. .. Sv. .H111
Erosion and sediment control measures:
limits of clearing and grading encompassing all disturbances, entrances, staging and
parking areas, areas where sediment laden runoff will cross, or any construction related
activities. This must match any landscaping and conservation plans submitted with site
f� a construction entrance (CE) draining to a sediment trap or basin
- dust control symbols (DC)
temporary and permanent seeding symbols (TS, PS)
existing drainage divides
existing vegetation, with trees to be saved located by drip lines. This must match any
landscaping and conse-vation plans.
0 '7 oTe.rior p.;1 , cec 7o' all stages/phase o con. :'"2i for fr-ori1 i to P2c „r'ing t('
anh. !1a'"ci.sca,-1cs. This is our mos: .. ari: hem. Plane only
Albemarle County
Engineering E&SC Plan Checklist
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inlet protection on proposed drainage systems,which are only possible to install upon
7completion of grading, should be denied without further review.
no erosion control measures in the way of construction access or grading. Diversion
dikes or silt fence are not placed in the middle of the site, or through access or grading.
Sediment traps are not under or on top of fill material or held up by retaining walls.
Construction entrances are not on fill, etc. If the concept for site protection is not
adequate in this regard,further review of the plan may not be possible.
-,./' existing soil boundaries are shown with labels. Areas already disturbed are indicated,
with constructed fill depth or cut noted.
,/ critical erosion areas are identified; areas of constructed slopes, areas near property lines
,,/ adjacent off-site disturbances are shown with erosion control facilities
V a stockpile location.
fr where cut or fill balances have a 10,000 cubic yard deficit or more,plans should not be
approved without a waste area identified. This must a on-site, or on another approved and
permitted site. (Don't make the inspectors chase trucks to find the violation.)
a staging and parking area, or other construction related areas
diversion dikes are used to direct drainage to traps and basins
silt fence is not used across contours in place of diversion dikes.
silt fence is limited to areas of sheet flow with '/ acre per 100ft of level on-grade silt
fence. Plans showing only silt fence, without sediment trapping measures, should not be
approved unless they meet this criteria and fill dirt is minimal.
0 all swales and low points at the perimeter of the site have a sediment trap or basin. Silt
fence in swales is typically not adequate. Check dams do not substitute for traps. If the
concept for site protection is not adequate in this regard,further review of the plan may
not be possible.
temporary slope drains (TSD) or diversions are provided to prevent discharge over
disturbed or fill slopes
inlet protection (IP) on all inlets
/ culvert inlet protection(CIP) on all culvert inlets
/ outlet protection(OP) on all outlets
a all watercourses are protected and encroachments minimized
4 stream crossing(USC,SC) and diversions are provided at all stream crossings.
adequate channels (MS-19) provided for each outfall (see Design Manual for minimum
l all traps and basins are shown with proposed contours. Simple boxes or symbols are not
sufficient, in most cases, to determine layout or bond amounts.
For each trap;
drainage area is 3 acres or less
sized for total drainage area, including those for in-line upstream facilities
wet storage is 67cy or more
dry storage is 67cy or more
wet storage is 4' deep or less
wet storage side slope is 1:1 or flatter
dr storage side slope is 2:1 or flatter
s:.,TIC weir is 6ft per acre of drainage area
e: ankment and stone weir height is 5' mayim a,. :- a: oe
:,:ii;.:11e111 top width is adequate (see table ,
i:width ratio for fiov: ;Daft
Albemarle County
Engineering E&SC Plan Checklist
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For each basin; (GB 3.14)
sized for total drainage area, including those for in-line upstream facilities
wet storage is 67cy or more
dry storage is 67yr or more
wet storage side slope is 1:1 or flatter
dry storage side slope is 2:1 or flatter
embankment 15' high or less from downstream toe
principle and emergency spillways sized per handbook requirements
embankment has 1' freeboard during 25yr storm with emergency spillway
embankment has 2' freeboard during 25yr storm without emergency spillway
trash rack/anti-vortex device specified per handbook requirements
riser anchor size specified per floatation computation
dewatering device sized for 6+hr drawdown of dry storage: 3"dia. minimum
safety fence and signs stating"danger, quick sand, do not enter"provided if near any
residential properties, or public access
structures and embankment match permanent design for facilities to be converted to
permanent stormwater management facilities
embankment top width is adequate (see Design Manual reference details)
2:1 length:width ratio for flow path. If necessary, baffles specified only on temporary
structures (p.III-79)
a paved construction entrance detail (see Design Manual reference details) for projects in
the development areas over 10 acres
a typical section for each temporary channel or diversion, referenced from the plan
sheets. Existing ground should be shown at the maximum cross-slope on the plan.
details and copies of Program Authority permissions for any variances.
Mass or Early Grading:
mass grading Planning approval. (This is also called rough or early grading plans which
contain only approximate finished grades and culverts necessary to grade) Mass grading
can only be permitted within planned developments where a concept grading plan was
approved with the rezoning. The agent (Director of Planning)needs to formally
determine that the grading plan is in general conformity with the approved rezoning plan.
Otherwise, an initial site plan needs to be approved prior to issuance of a grading permit.
Issuance of a grading permit at the initial site plan stage, as apposed to after final plan
approval, requires specific approval from the County Engineer.