HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200100093 Plan - Approved Final Site Plan and Comps. 2002-02-07Final Site Development P1..Qn GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to commencement of any construciton within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit for said construction shall be obtained from the Virgnia Department of Transportation (hereafter abbreviated VDOT). 2. All paving and drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDO T unless otherwise noted. All excavation for underground pipe installation roust comply OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CIFR Part 1926). 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved Erosion Control Plan and must be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. Ma�c�rm�na. ailowabl Jii;i, or cut slope is 2:1. Where reasonably obtainable lesser slopes of 4:1 or better are to be achieved. 5. All drainage inlets shall have a 2 -inch local depression. 6, Paved or rip -rap lined ditches may be required when n the opinion of the Director of Engineering, or his designee, it is seemed iiecessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traff is Control Devices, latest edition. 3. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shalll be reirf^reed concrete pipe - class III. 9. The location of existing utilities across or along the line of proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown ,ire only approximately correct. The contractor shall on his owil initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 10. Contractor shall verify location of boundaries, bull'uings, vegetation and other pertinent site elements. 11. Contractor shall be responsible for notifying "Miss Utility" 1-800-552-7001. 12. Contour interval = 2 foot. 13. Outdoor lighting shall be directed toward the site and away from adjacent properties and roadways. The fixtures shall be shielded with the light rays not emitting above the horizontal plane of the light fixture. Lighting spillover onto public roads and properties zoned residential or rural areas shall not exceed, 0.5 foot candle. 1 Outdoor lighting will consist of motion s�ensitiYle security lighting. 15. Intensity of the lighting measures less ithan 3000 lumens. APPROVAL BLOCK__ _ (Y) Planning and mmunity bevelopAlent Datie Department of Engineering Date Department of Zoning Date Fire Official Date Albemarle County Service Authority Daite Health Department Date VDOT Date Inspections Date URI Webland P MONK Vicinity Map 111=2000' - PARCEL DATA 1. Project Name: Webland park 2. Owner/Developer: Pierson Proper-ies 3. Prepared by: BMP, PC 4. Tax Map 61 Parcel 18c, 18d and Ic 5. Location: Rio Magisterial District Albemarle County, VA 6. Property is not located within a heal public reservoir watershed 7. Property does not lie within the 100 year floodplain as desigated on the official flood insurance maps for Albemarle County 8. Parcels 61-18c, 18d, and 19 to becombined prior to final site development plan approval 9. No critical slopes are identif ied on this parcel LAND USE DATA 1. Zoning: Residential R-10 Zoning district; EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay 2. No variances, zoning proffers or bonus factors applicable to the site 3. Present Use: vacant 4. Proposed Use: residential towns 5. Minimum building setbacks: front - 25 feet side -15 feet rear - 20 feet 6. Minimum parking :setbacks: front -10 feet side - 0 feet rear - 0 f eet 7. Maximum buildings height is 35 feet 8. Minimum building separation is 30 feet SHEET INDEX Sheet 1: Site Development Plan Cover Page Sheet 2: Overview Sheet 3: Travelway IPlan Sheet 4: Site Plan amp! PC 2307 Commonwealth Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 304-242-4176 bmppc@aol.com IN A Z Q z 0 co LU U Cz UJ a Q LU SCALE N/A Lli > \ M MEET 1 OF 13 H tn E 4- Z � +- 0 ; ° - e�00 SCALE N/A Lli > \ M MEET 1 OF 13 H Final Site [)evelopment Plan GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to commencement of any construciton vwithin any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit for said construction shall be obtained from the Virgnia Department of Transportation (hereafter abbreviated VDOT). 2. All paving and drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standard's of VOLT unless otherwise noted. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CIFR Part 1926). 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved Erosion Control Plan and must be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. Max im�.im allowabl Jill- or cut slope is 2:1. Wheire reasonably obtainable lesser slopes of 4:1 or better are to be achieved. 5. All drainage inlets shall have a 2 -inch local depression. 6. Paved or rip -rap lined ditches may be required when in the opinion of the Director of Engineering, or his designee, it is (Deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition. 3. UYwless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be r e;rf^ iced concrete pipe - class III. 9. The location of existing utilities across or along thy: line of proposed work care not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown are only approximately correct. The contractor shall on his owo initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 10. Contractor shall verify location of boundaries, vegetation and other pertinent site elements. 11. Contractor shall be responsible for notifying "Miss Utility" 1-800-552-7001. 12. Contour interval = 2 foot. 13. Outdoor lighting shall be directed toward the site and away f rom adjacent properties and roadways. The fixtures shall be shielded with the light rays not emitting above the horizontal plane of the light fixture. Lighting spillover onto public roads and properties zoned residentialorrural areas shall not exceed 0.5 foot candle. _ 14 Outdoor lighting will consist of emotion lens tivie security lighting. 15. Intensity of the lighting measures less than 3000 lumens. APPROVAL BLOCK 2 ' , , •,' ' Department of Engineering Department of Zoning Albemarle County Service Authority Health Department W00 Datie Date Date bate VDOT Date Inspections Date bate Webland Park 3 MOW All PARCEL DATA 1. Project Name: W'ebland park 2.Owner/Developer: Pierson Properties 3. Prepared by: BMP, PC 4. Tax Map 61 Parcel 18c, 18d and IS 5. Location: Rio Magisterial District, Albemarle County, VA 6. Property is not located within a local public reservoir watershed 7. Property does not lie within the 100 year floodplain as desigated on the official f lood insurance maps f or Abemarle County 8. Parcels 61-18c, 18d, and 19 to becombined prior to final site development plan approval 9. No critical slopes are identif ied on this parcel LAND USE DATA 1. Zoning: Residential R-10 Zoning District; EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay Dis 7w. -t 2. No variances, zoning proffers or III; factors applicable to the site 3. Present Use: vacant 4. Proposed Use: residential townl"trr ,�. 5. Minimum building setbacks: front - 25 feet side -15 feet rear - 20 feet b. Minimum parking setbacks: front -10 feet side - 0 feet rear - 0 feet 7. Maximum building height is 35 f eet 8. Minimum building separation is 30 feet SHEET INDEX Sheet 1: Site beveliopment Plan Cmr Page Sheet 2: Overview Sheet 3: Travelway Plan Sheet 4: Site Plan BMP, PC 2307 Commonwealth flrive Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-242-4176 bmppc@aol.com rAM to H Z Z l Z 0 Co LU " LLJLIJ co SCALE N/A LIQ Q Com. a LU ar 0 w LL SHEET I F 13 Z 4- 4-M 0 m ° v 00 SCALE N/A LIQ Q Com. a LU ar 0 w LL SHEET I F 13 3 LOT I LOT LOT LOT 4 LOC gar LOT 1. R-10 Zoning District TMP 61-46 -1 STORY BRICK OPILLEPS SiERVICE INCORPORATE O ANO iMETAL A SUILOING 0�21073 P.51 D,8, 365 P. 409 PLAT LOT BIRNAM WOOL) I LOT TAX MAP # 6IW2-01-1 % Site OWNER: BIRNAM WOOD SUBUIVI510N 6" DEED: DB 700 P 392 sidewalks TAX MAP # 61W2 -01-A-4 OWNER: FARMER, COX, HUFF ASSOC, parki ng/t ravel ways DEEB: DR 1.127 P 512 TAX MAP # 61W2 -01-A-2 total impervious: OWNEPFARMER, COX, HUFF AS -,-CC, 25.2% OEED� 08 1127 P 512 open space TAX MAP # 611t 2-01-A-3 74.8% OWNER: FARMED, COX, HUFF ASSOC, total project'. I)EED� DS 1.127 P 512 TAX MAP# 61W2 --01--A-4 OWNER: FARMER, COX, HUFF A550C, DEED; �08 1127 P 512 5. Schedule of parking: TAX MAP # 61W2 -01 -BA OWNER: EICHMAN, EDWAPO L. jR Use LkEb: bB 1849 P 491 Pro'ed TAX MAP # 6JW2-014q-2 40 townhome units OWNER: GLASS,JAMES 0. 80 OE'Eb: OR 1611, P 705 (@2 spaces/unit) TAX MAP # 61W2 -01-,R-3 OWNED: IX, 3ER0,ME A JP, DFEO: IDB 1747 P 339 TAX MAP # 61W2-01-8-4 OWNER: HILLSTROM, FIR15CILLA A. C 0 C-Eb; DO 1510 P 346 TAX MAP # 61W2 -W -B-5 OWNER: MINCED, BARBARA L. OEFb; DB 1646 P 371 TAX MAP# 61W2 -01-C-1 OWNER; MURPHY, PAUL L. DEED: OB 1.477 P 633 TAX MAP # 61W2 -01-C-2 OWNER; NEMER&O'T, EOWAPO C 5R, DEU): OR 1873 P 330 TAX MAP # 61W2 -01--C-3 QWNER� ARNOLD, ELIZABETH DEEN OR 1728 P 209 TAX MAP # 61W2 -01-C-4 OWNER; HINCKLEY, ANN E. OEE[). f -)B 976 P 438 `VAX MAP # 61W2 -01-C--5 OWNER� LYNCH, CLYDE W. DEED: DB 1441 P 698 'TAX MAP # 61W2 -01-r;-1 OWNER: VELIKY, LAUPIE A. DEED: OB 1053 P 026 TAX MAP # 61W2 -01-D-2 OWNER: NEEL, ELIZABETH A. bEED8 1244 P 637 TAX MAP -# 61W2-01-0-3 OWNER: RUDD, Q-0t)NEY W. bEED: 08 1823 P 146 TAX MAP # 61W2-01-0-4 OWNER: BUPCKELL, LISA A. OEEL): D9 1777 P 234 TAX MAP # 61W2 -01--D-5 OWNER: LEWIS, THOMAS E. f3EED; bg 1569 P 174 TAX MAP # 61W2-01-0-6 OWNER: BAKER, EUGENE J11 L)EEDC OR 891 P 31� All parcels in Sirnarn Wood in R-10 Zoning District NOTE: ENCROACHES 0,18� 'F E OVE PRC PEP YL NE N R-10 Zoning District IN 1N,11 - LOT 5 I LOT I /` 04 P� 23 114 A,-- -/LOT LOT 4 8 CJ C K," z C, L,0T 5 1. Benchmark is P -K nail sett in base of powerpole "EL -66" elevation = 538.47, USG5 r)atum 2. Topographic and survey data provided by Thomas B. Lincoln Land Surveyor Inc. 3. Access will be provided through existing commercial entrance. Minimum 450' sight distance available in both directions 4. No phasing is proposed, 5. Stormwater quantity and quality will be provided by Albemarle County Byrnum Basin CIP 6. be signated public improvements (i.e., SWM basin, pedestrian/bike path, sidewalk to Hydraulic Road, 55 manhole relocation) subject to property aquisition by Albemarle County and work may be by others 7. Trash collection to be provided by curb side pick up TMP 61-17 VELIKY, LC D,B� 1962 R 306 C0. 1962 P, 304 PLAT 0.8,1095 P, 410 D.R. 1010 P, 452 D'8, 2i7 P 516 PLAT -A'f W,R. 70 R69 lz 10 Zoning District R-10 Zoning District 'T az TOWNHOCOURUSE5 PHASE III GARDEN COMMON AREA r),8, 979 P. 345 PLAT LOT I 13 k 11-11� 171% I " , V LOT 2 LOT 0 T4 TOWNWOOD L SECTION TWO COMMON OPEN SPACE 5 0,9. 795 P, 21 PLAT LOT6 N, TMP 61-18B N" ARY C. CARTER ANC-) WILL15 CARTER, JR, D.B1439 P,472 504 P. 237 PLAT to 59 PI, 356 % LOT R-10 Zoning District BENCH MARK IS P) -K NAIL, IN BASE OF POWtEP POLE ELEVATION 538.47 TMP 61-18 MARY CARTER ET At, D.B, 525 P, 581 b,14, 504 P. 239 PLAT LOT 2 z LOT 1 %N BIR!'NAM WOO S- t,) R�1,-VISION "K` \11 LOT % L01 3 -- LOT A LOT 5 LOT 0T 141� L8 COMMON OT OPEN SPACE TMP 61-15 FktG ee 20' S-ANITARY,' EA51'��MENT 0,B. 548 P, 3, 1),R. 548 P. 3i D.B. 544 P. 5t ---------- wmm ww TM 61 P 28 RA Zoning District 16 1. 40 residential townhomes are proposed (gross density = 5.9 units/acre) 2. Minimum 2,000 sf tot lot is proposed 3. No commercial or industrial uses are proposed 4. Proposed uses & maximum acreage by use: istrict 40 EDUCATION, INC. P. 171 12 PLAT 'C- FC 1way (typ) 6. Maximum impervious area = 1.71 Ac 7 No subdivision of the property is proposed at this R-10 Zoning District te. Open space is therefore all areas without i perivous cover TMP 61-10A EINSTEIN SCHO01- r),B. 1140 P.169 D,B. 706 P. 112 PLAT t T as All parcels in Wynridge in R-4 Zoning District WINP!bGF TAX MAP # 6IW2-60A OWNER: HAYES, KIM L. DEEO: 081001 P 616 R-10 Zoning District TAX MAP # 61W2 --60R OWNEPBEAN, RONALD E. OEEO: r)8 18110 P 676 TOWNWOOID TMP 61-181) LO T 61%, PIOGE approximate location public pedestrian/bike path T others) LOT 75R NOTE )ECK ENCROACHES IJ487' OVER PROPERTYLINE LOT 76L � MA NItIr --t OWNER: RAINEY, JERRY M. bEED; 08 1571 P 366 TAX MAP # 61W2-616 OWNER: JENNINGS, JULIET C C)EEL): bB 992 P 420 TAX MAP # 61W2-758 OWNER: WATSON,1AARY H., bEFb,; 08 866 P 599 "FAX MAP # 61W2 -76A OWNER: NAIL, KENNETH E. OEED, DS 1110 P 549 TAX MAD # 61W2 --76B OWNER: KOPOL, THeObOqE, H, DEED: OB 992 P 440 M2-- • •v BMS', PC 2307 Commonwealth Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-242-4176 bmppc@aol.com 0.1 SCALE III = 601 -SHEET 2 #F 13 Use Airea (Ac) % Site buildings 0.55 sidewalks 0.02 parki ng/t ravel ways 1.14 total impervious: 171 25.2% open space 5.07 74.8% total project'. 6.78 5. Schedule of parking: R-10 Zoning District Use Required Pro'ed 40 townhome units 80 80 (@2 spaces/unit) Tll,i istrict 40 EDUCATION, INC. P. 171 12 PLAT 'C- FC 1way (typ) 6. Maximum impervious area = 1.71 Ac 7 No subdivision of the property is proposed at this R-10 Zoning District te. Open space is therefore all areas without i perivous cover TMP 61-10A EINSTEIN SCHO01- r),B. 1140 P.169 D,B. 706 P. 112 PLAT t T as All parcels in Wynridge in R-4 Zoning District WINP!bGF TAX MAP # 6IW2-60A OWNER: HAYES, KIM L. DEEO: 081001 P 616 R-10 Zoning District TAX MAP # 61W2 --60R OWNEPBEAN, RONALD E. OEEO: r)8 18110 P 676 TOWNWOOID TMP 61-181) LO T 61%, PIOGE approximate location public pedestrian/bike path T others) LOT 75R NOTE )ECK ENCROACHES IJ487' OVER PROPERTYLINE LOT 76L � MA NItIr --t OWNER: RAINEY, JERRY M. bEED; 08 1571 P 366 TAX MAP # 61W2-616 OWNER: JENNINGS, JULIET C C)EEL): bB 992 P 420 TAX MAP # 61W2-758 OWNER: WATSON,1AARY H., bEFb,; 08 866 P 599 "FAX MAP # 61W2 -76A OWNER: NAIL, KENNETH E. OEED, DS 1110 P 549 TAX MAD # 61W2 --76B OWNER: KOPOL, THeObOqE, H, DEED: OB 992 P 440 M2-- • •v BMS', PC 2307 Commonwealth Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-242-4176 bmppc@aol.com 0.1 SCALE III = 601 -SHEET 2 #F 13 %ell, _Z<17 51v 1r J k it TYPICAL ROAD SECTION (nts) 0,4' 7, Ij 6 qC.1 10 Suess /X\ N 'N N Ileo �N N 6� N - N -Curb cut to release stomwater runoff to N existing ditch N N 'j N N \&,b Cut 0 N N 10/1 I N 6 -10 N N N 0 & �9 VX < q: MATCHLINE SHEET 3 SHEET 4 MP, PC 2307 Commonwealth Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-242-4176 1 0 Com SCALE ill = 3011 SHEE.T, 3 OF 13 MWIMAT, Mmm, IrTTIT177M Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-242-4176 bm!ppc@aol.com W 1�1 300' io 0 Z63 4- im ag 00 SHEET 5 OF 13 27S«720� ,:>e<«»w. Charfottesville, VA 22901 804-242-4176 tm,.2ao».. M SCALE » SHEET : OF 1 2 � O 7 � ~ Q Q % 4— 3 w R c �� co \ SCALE » SHEET : OF 1 1992- j _ PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE E'XCA VA TED DROP INLET7- -777777777�\ ; I�j------------ 7 BMP PC 777777 j - NSEIIMEDTRAPTEMPORARY FILL Vi DRAINAW SW� TS FLSty TO 5EG AS DIVERSION y,RLaIDRSRE,I. ��„� 230Commonwealth� rive4SC now SM -2A ASPHALT TomCOURSIE Cha'Iot°ei19,/2®I zx.AfWs; A -2-I804 76 EARTHEN !&kL4ll:[ bmippc@aol.com DTHw s- A Ati�CATIE BASE 6 1 Wti SIDE ELEVATION oaOF PHUT 9 I FASit1i0 tit01Ldd1 // cr • 7 ASPHALT PA1ED fill SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF ROS4YN HELp1(S '#AS'AC1, ( AS _D PTH BELOW TOP OF INLET: 74F '[pW}tXOW �. xaeUUM s " MIN 1' MAX 2' o = 7 Source. V� DSWC I g 5GlMR i. `<- DSS. TLiG F GT. , v a w' • r .I• W MAX.N µ i,•� \ : ADW � TO SEDNW 'q TRAPPM DEVICE STORM WATER WfiH URGER PARTICLES 419, - ' FOR 14 I • Afl1ST EXPQNa FlAS. I�iH PLAN VIEW WEEP ROVED (GER ARTICLES HOLES SETTLE OUT �' WEsiFl� *�\�.,. \v� %,�! d-. 4�`, �` 1� OPMTM AMI icRr T• B,�AN tl IEYD DEWATERING O Ee0 • `6.-- s1T� ' JEFF -N TpMNE p /`l '.9 DRAIN INILET TURTLE ,\ ® �9 x'17.0y' rV t}b e ;. .� j ,� w�• i iZ° TNI. SPECIFIC APPLICATION /� `\\ ® �� \ �r ` °• ° ' THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE HEAVY FLOWS CA ARE EXPECTED AND WHERE AN OVERFLOW CAPABILITY AND EASE OF N ti a` r CL®� MAINTENANCE ARE DESIRABLE. i °\\ ♦ ,, o ®° „ SECTION A --A Source: Micligan Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Guidebook 1975, and USDA -SCS - 'Plate 3:07-4 MON MAIM AAP OF 5i4M (1') IS REWID Wf A WUN WM I" Mk OF $1W (1.51 NOW- A \ \ r1 �,a. FENCING • z \ G ANTI) ARMORING 13 a.� /FILL Divalt4flo wmoEo ... bCL CONSTRUCTION OF .A SILT FENCE � � ��\♦ � � � ��, �' j� t ✓,� /� (WITHOUT WIRE SU'F'®RZ') ✓ �/ i i ) 2. EXCAVATE A 47Y '4' TRENCH DRu� ur��\II 1. SES THE STATES. ' .,�\ � "� t I �I'MoeTm P4T94fl ALONG THE LINE OF _ IIPSLOPE SSAUS. o // ` \\\ ` \ ` Y��'vb d� �ppggy show FENCE _�'�n, `rya �\,z `, ;,t\.,� � � e� I �' � � V ! O� �� A UVOTLAAtx0 ` �\ \ now BOARD FENCE .R1NM Nip �o 3. STAPLE FILTER MATERIAL 4. I3ACKF7LL AND COMPACT FENCE _ .... . , THE EXCAVATED St)II.• � _ .- `, , TO STASES AND STD �,, ✓ - \, ,/,/ cam IT INTO THE TRENCH. J �Uh - rPusnC FENCE CORRECT METHODS OF TREE FENCING Tam **:;I0P M go Nr . i �, N►. --- .. �r D@ TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE LU Compeeted Soil ;..... ` �, _ • / ' � SHEEP E"LdIP INSTAt.LATION (PERSPECTLVE VIEW) _. __.., ..,_ IIB' min. ,: �`'.\ --_...__.___.__,_-...._.._.�_._._... ...._. «-- v� 11 P 1► I Flow e+r� 1 i A A _ ,�v CORRECT TRUNK ARMORING z _so Milli] 91-f — — TRIANGULAR BOARD FENCE (,;r. Y t _ ln . \ v \\ \ l l lv \ \ g Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.38-2 > POINTS ASHOULU BEHIGHER �TNAN POINT B. \ DRMNAGEWAY INSTALLATION11 Is - 3 _� F (FRONT ELEVATION) v Sours: Adapted from i Nnn of,Straw__ W Eabsk Epax Sbe wood and Wyant Plats 3,05-2 _ IQ" Plate 3.09-1 gy QAZLij 0 Source: Va DSWC b Uj LU— � TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP f \ , MINIMUM TOP WIDTH (WTD _. ,� x REQUIRED FOR SEDIMENr7' AND GRAVEL DROP INLET GRAVEL CURB INLET 'SEDIMENT �� ~�� '�� � TRAP EMBANKMENT'S �'� SILT FENCE DROP INLET BLOCK A \A AIME NT FILTER FILTER �,, \ `' ACCORDING TO HEIGHT t�3F PR 0 TEC.TION SE — �, 4- EMBA.NR".�fENI' (FEE YD./A= 2 % 4' WOOD FRAME' DROP INLET - CONCRETE BLOCK ^/ 07 CU. YO,/A= \ WITH GRATEMAX WIRE SCREEN /j ' \ --� FRAME �— .''_ �_-- �-.. ,.,,,/ � \ V `. r-4— - - OFKX D raTaz a.anL 1. s MAX. 1.5 0.5 2.0 ELCv. -SEE PUTS 7.73-i CQ#RSE AGGREGATE~ CLASS X ACRAP Ha H lA 3 0 N \� .. 5C5 CROSS SECTION OF OUTSET ✓ i/ _ GATHER EXCESS S;----.•. AT CORNERS :hj.:O ` ° ^�b \rc; `� � \ � �'"' EiiCAW1EG ARFA tlM5 i RLp124� � h�` � \ `� \ -• wx. uEPn+ m a �I� LarroTR Iw Fet� A. 4 ELLEV. PERSPECTIVE VIEWS DIKE $, GRAVEL FILTER 12" - '`t,Y I� i WIRE MESH � , _ r 1 / RUNOFF WATER<T V`\ \ FILTERED WATER ONELtS1p19 GRAVEL. FILITER� \ STAKE a .13-1 1 I — Source: Va C Plate � y WIRE SCREEN 4 T FILTERED WATER "c?s �t' ° I • "i r '1 C' �✓ \ e ` _ \ ��'•' II , FABRIC 1 � �NX .�.. 'I -f,,,. ..1- � ` \ \• \ G7 O �..: � 1.+ OVERFLOW I -. a — — i `\� \ �'� Cy' \ �l RUNOFF _ l' MIN. , WATER \ - /f �1� .: v �/� f `"- .�, ,` 'y.-. — IIiI SEDIMENT - o. a" — C3 • �•?- f I I j I " ?`._,•A-, ; - SEDIMENT �s1 CMRSE A6GRFGIttt b (III i i o �R CLOTH 0 0 Jv_ DROP INLET *�\\\ WITH GRATE CONCRETE GUTTER 12 ` ----CURB INLET D 4— ELEVATION OF STAKE AND SEDIRMENT 4I FABRIC ORIENTATION00 DETAIL A I SPECCIFIC APPLICATION } SPECIFIC APPLICATION \ -COARSE AGM SHALL BE VDOT #3, f357 OR ;5 SPECIFIC APPLICATION INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE F� �� \ V y I THIS METHOD OF U\ OUTLET (PERSPECTIVE VIEW) T PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE HEAVY FLOWS ARE EXPE3CTED AND WHERE AN OVERFLOW THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AOT T CURB INLETS \ THIS METHOD OF INLET VE PONDING Y TO PREVENT EXCESSI WHERE PONDING IN FRONT OF TADIACENT STRUCTURES AND UNPRHE STRU( OTECTED p INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA (SLOPE NO GREATER CAPACITY IS NECESSAR C INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE T """' ` "' '" - /u s \ THAN 5%) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT AROUND THE STRUCTUR',E.� G�0 a DgwrC Plate 5.13 2 EXCEEDING I C.F S.) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT AREAS. F.-" rI I v' f �/ n 'rr \ `�a� Source. V APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS GRAVEL SHALL HE VDOT #3, #357 OR 5 COARSE AGGREGATE. KEEP EXISTING ENTRANCE CLEAR . IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. *GRAVEL SHALL BE VDOT' #3, #357 OR #5 COARSE AGGREGATE. { �v� \ d a» t AND IN GOOD OPERATING CONDITION .30 t _ Plate 3.07-6, INSPECT FREQUENTLY DURING ROAD �� ••• _ _ _. — __d Source: N.C. Erosion -and Sediment Control Plate 3:07 3 Source: Va. DSWC Planning and Design Manual, 1988 Source: Va. DSWC CtJNSTRUCTION Plate 3.07 1 i' SHEET 7 / SHEET 4 4 Underground utility lines KEEP EXISTING ENTRANCE CLEAR ~ \ AND IN GOOD OPERATING CONDITION: MATCLI E SHEET – Underground utility lines shall be installed in accordance with the fallowing INSPECT FREQUENTLY DURING ROAD --- _ -- — — --- F ` - SHEET 4 standards in addition to other applicable criteria: CONSTRUCTION y , a) No more than 500 linear feet of trench may be opened at one time. b) Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill) side of trenches. �� c) Effluent from dewatering operations shall be fiiltered or passed through ra d �� ,� \, an approved sediment trapping device, or both, and discharged in a _r' >s <, ZA �® manner that does not adversely affect flowing streams or off-site \ �� j �II property. c} Material used for backfilling trenches shall be properly compacted in order to minimize erosion and promote stabilization. `AV F_9 d) Restabilization shall be accomplished in accordance with these regulations. t e) Applicable safety regulations shall be complied with. X J Variable Nei ht Clock ket nq Wall 1 _ / \ ontrol radices E&S Standard 3.39. Dust control practices shall be employed to prevent surface and air movement of dust from exp6sed soil surfaces and reduce the presence of airborne substances, which may be harmful or injurious to human health, or safety, v 1 /� t \ v 4 /..._ _� .- � \ �4 `, � 'a \ ` - �t or public welfare. , IN `\ � public pede'Arian/ bike path ALL VEHICLES LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION AREA MUST USE THE o / % '° \♦CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND WASH MUD. FROM VEHICLE BEFORE ENTERING y h bq other) the et location and deslgn exact PUBLIC ROAD �! \ •� of the p lie bike path is being coordinated �. with th design far the C ream Pain Pam ANY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES DISTURBED DURING J• CONSTRUCTION WILL BE RETURNED TO PROPERLY INSTLLED CONDITION PRIOR \ �! ��, ` ` \ ' ` ✓' `^ r ''' ` TO THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY . tI THIS PLAN IS ONE PART OF THE REQUIRED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL bA . � J \\\ 1 FOR THIS PROJECT. REFER TO THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT PLAN NARRATIVE FOR DESCRIPTION OF OTHER PARTS OF REQUIRED EROSION AND SEDIMENT ,_. � ._. � '• � ., `e ` � a�,���Q CONTROL. ®. 7roxira�e a 3 t �r4 a A��� so EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE PROPERLY INSTALLED BEFORE BEGINNING ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY of 2 Cat ALL MEASURES SHOWN ON PLAN ARE REFERENCED FROM THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK ('-THE HANDBOOK"} UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOW, 1. J i' ��, ` a , A MINIMUM WATER TAP .O / -�- • �- , \ ®� E OF 1 MUST BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM 1 f y,1 BALLCOCK SHUTOFF VALVE SUPPLYING A WASH HOSE WITH A DIAMETER OF ° U 1.5FOR ADE UATE CONSTANT PR �p WASH WATER MUST BE CARRIED ( t_..__ , _ \ SEDIMENT SED ME AWAY FROM THE Ei�1'RANCE TO AN APPROVED SETTLING AREA TO REMOVE ✓ V �� `\ \ � ( � � , \ ,' ALL I NT SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING STORM DRAINS, DITCHES CA WATERCOURSES. R FF 529,0 1�,. /i 1 1 J (� apprOIYe IlmltS o \ G l \a ti ♦ \ �6 oo o��R l i C b others) 1/ 1 r ( `� _ ncrete 5(idewal5: .. \ ...- \ 14 O / O 113 i1 \. � 'S . � ( a r� i e Ay' 1 f TT I v NA w. w -- G� .. f-- "^• ..;, .. 3> >�SF... J„,��\J FF ,0NA 20' travqj ti 1 lop vjt00 By 0 1A rr ✓ v° 9 s 1 der 1 r y - y. ti u w c ~ T g(! 0 — 050 - 4 \ 1 \ `n ,,` M"".,,w.,,,, -, \` .. °..,. ,,✓ i ` �AGov . 1 , ��1I��� \ j I�AI .. \ t, \ ....„, .,,._ '•. T44 +a -- \ \ `` ,moo `` •`' _... 4�+ f �" ., , `• -: 4.. - , _ r M' y� r m , � ` ti• �.,'` ^, . \•,,4p O �, _ ' •-. - -. \ \ 0X111 Ion .• r r'' 'r: '` i \ _ / 8j, 0'. Tp 1 l w""�..., `` - -p — .. pub riaii/ bilFG"paU I ✓ r ''f SEDIMENT TRAPS Ike exaCt. IOCatIQFI'and de5lgh � Y may, ,{ ° t - , , / F of the public bike nq cocr4iKated r / IC pada � I f� THREE TRAPS PROPOSED ` �`�� 1 `.- � s / f ` ih� design` for the Pirnam Pam Pam / EACH MEASURES 70 X 30 `1 STORAGE EACH 8,400 CF/ � I^. '` \ "1 \ `1 f `. ,C'"°,k.- .. ` \ J�p9�•= -ti ,..,,✓„'_. _ ..._ ., \ '(� '.• _ .._ -- -" r._----' /fs � '' s TOTAL 25,200 CF OR 933 CY lot lowto STORAGE REQUIRED THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY E&SC INSPECTOR AND CONTRACTOR WILL 134 YDS X 6.78 ACRES = 908 CY FIELD LOCATE THE NECESSARY DEDIMENT TRAPS TO MINIMIZE 1� ' _ } 1 ,•' _— =- y INTERFERENCE WITH THE BIRNAM BASIN PLANS / ' r ^--- v � • ,rte Tj rc ✓, _ 1 , g' I t a "^`` t C � .. _ ...- - _ ,,._ ""_ .. /. - - - -'^--,v.. _- SH ET 8 OF 13 0 co SH ET 8 OF 13 GENERAL WATER do SEWER CONDITIONS 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper Service Authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractor shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority on January 15,1998. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying "Miss Utility" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3 feet cover measured from the top of pipe, over the center line of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. WATER METERS WILL BE SIZED BY THE 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY 8. Valves on dead end lines shall be rodded to provide adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 19, L MAINTAIN MINIMUM 3- COVER OVER PIPE - --- -------- LP Top- 511.8 Inv In:: 506.8 Inv Out= 506.6 Inv In'= 511. Inv Ot=511 Al V11 x`57 PLAN VIEW SCALE 1"--, 50 4. + B% T p 521.2 j v n= =20' Top5 Inv Put=51311,5 Inv_ n_ j 51 Inv Out=51 .5 171— 1755 L F. 0.' o,®% 6, 93 =mom --- M000 I)P, 35 1 moon PV 30V 00 0 0 . ..... .... F* Fr Tee 4ATP- VAL-a 6 H `7- I' B 2. ti 3v Bi14ot44z --J 9. All Dog House Manholes constructed over existing sewer mains shall conform to the following notes: A) The existing sewer line shall be adequately supported during all phases of the excavation and construction to prevent damage to or deflection of the sewer main. B) All Manholes built over existing sewer lines shall be constructed in accordance with the referenced specifications and will be tested, fuilly inspected, and approved prior to the opening of the existing sewer fror acceptance 'of sewage. Sanitary Sewer Schedule REV Jan 10, 2001 17 Prop. Gd. Exposed Center Manhole TO Inv. In. Inv. Out Length A!qpe Size station MH De th Elev. Rim (ft.) Length MH 3-1 91 8.42% 8 0+20 4.74 8 0.21 41 MH 3-2 0, -A 76 16.32% 8 1+15 I 4 RADA 77 5.84% 8 1+�95 i5121i `'#itlitk F1,"1rii 93 0.86 8 2+-76 _5=9 L_ 175 0.57% 8 13+r73 W t - - 0 0.20 =9,25 0.20 �520, 0 20 .20 0 0 .2 MH 3-3 ----------- WH -3-4 1\J MH 3 MH 3-6 5+F52 7.701 1 1 in 17 in z 0 0 1\J 00 OWNER UNKNOWN CL 71 15' side Sleeve and Valve TMP 61-188 1439 P,472 B. 5 n���x�r��' ` / /—��ovpom ~ ' ' / / ,-'_~_--`__ �� � _- : � uo� ` ` -Tc __-._~`�^ / . ~ ' ) � c LOT \ LOT - t1c 51�»r *�` ) \ Lora \ LOT \ �mr� �or» � \ ` ' ��� `` / - -\ -_ ' \- _ \ .",A \ \ \ \ -_, | ."r4 / Lorn� LOT ' LoT4 "'/ .,__ ' RLOCK�r ` SCALE 111 " MAINTAIN 31 COVER OVER PIPE pONINrsa`m�s^ WEBLAND WATER LINE SHEET 11 OF/3' f 1 t ( f L 1 f ' 0 / / f / j �O lI r I 1 ,a 0/ rf J ! KAW n � VO ` f I t I S ��r/ J �,• I �� ! / f / f r/ / ��\ II � % ,\i. 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