HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600011 Field Notes 2015-07-21 ENVIRONMENTAL "Environmental Services 4016 Hampton Drive . CONTROL , With Wayr,,,,,,,oro, Virginia 22980 OPPORTUNITIES, LLC Economical Solutions" Telephone: (540) 942-1104 July 21, 2015 Attention: Mark S. Hahn Harvest Moon Catering 940 Grady Avenue, Suite 11 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Re: Stream Categorization For Property Surrounding 3350 Berkmar Drive Tax Map Parcel 45-112G Charlottesville, Virginia Mr. Hahn: This letter is in reference to the two streams which flow through or adjacent to the above-referenced property. ECO personnel visited this site on July 21, 2015 to review the condition of this stream. We utilized the County of Fairfax Perennial Stream Field Identification Protocol(Dated May 2003) as our guide and completed the attached and related Data Sheets in the field. This was completed after walking the entire reaches on the property,probing the sub-surface soils along the sides of the channels, and taking visual observations in accordance with the protocol. Stream Number 1 is an un-named channel which is depicted on the USGS Topographical Map as an intermittent stream. It flows in an easterly direction along the western boundary of the property. Based on our field observations and review of mapping for the site;this stream has been recorded on the attached sheet as an intermittent stream. While 25 points are normally needed for a perennial stream, the score on this stream was 15.5. Stream Number 2 flows in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of the site, mostly situated just off-site. This is an un-named channel which is not depicted on the USGS Topographical Map as either a perennial or an intermittent stream. Based on our field observations and review of mapping for the site; this stream has been recorded on the attached sheet as a non- perennial stream. While 25 points are normally needed for a perennial stream, the score on this stream was only 9.5. If you should have any questions concerning our observations, please contact me. I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you as your Environmental Consultant on this project. Best Regards, ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL OPPORTUNITIES, LLC David L. Powell, CHMM, REM Environmental Scientist 1 isi-reaw jp/ Site ID: SSD o8rKr„4„. Dr'✓r Total Score: I S. Date: r7 fa i)a 01S Recorder. E co Ls-c/OL. . pn we f1 Time: 9 r 3 n AM Evaluators: Field indicators: I.)Streamflow and Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.) Presence or absence of flowing water 0 1 2 (3 and>48 hrs since last rainfall 2.)Presence of high groundwater table 0 1 2 3 or seeps and springs 3.) Leaflitter in streambed 1.51 0.5 0 4.)Drift lines 0 5 1 1.5 5.)Sediment on debris or plants 0 0.5 (]) 1.5 Total Streamflow and Hydrology Points: S•S. II.)Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.)Riffle-pool sequence 0 18 3 2.) Substrate Sorting(USDA texture in streambed) 0 1 3 3.) Natural Levees () 1 2 3 4.)Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 5.)Active or Relic Floodplain0 1 2 3 6.) Braided Channel () 1 2 3 7.) Recent Alluvial Deposits 0 (17 2 3 8.) Bankfull Bench present (Q} 1 2 3 9.)Continuous Bed and Bank 0 1 2Q 10.)2nd order or greater channel present Yes =3 No =(0) Total Geomorphology Points: F Ill.)Streambed Soils 1.)Redoximorphic features present in sides of channel Present Absent =•� _. or head cut. 2.)Chrome gleyed=3 1 =2 2 = 1 >2 Total Streambed Soils Points: 0 IV.)Vegetation Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.) Rooted AQUATIC Plants in Streambed9 1 2 3 2.) Presence of Periphyton/green algae 1 CO 3 3.) Iron Oxidizing Bacteria/Fungus (0} 0.5 1 1.5 4.)Wetland Plants in Streambed(Skip if no plants present in streambed) SAV=3 Mostly OBL= 1.5 Mostly FACW= 1 Mostly FAC=0.5 Mostly FACU, UPL, or None=0 Total Vegetation Points: 2. Comments: '-bare w c„... J'f;)) , -r:y... i:..a,'t ANN a i i'1►a t'%1....e"e a P tit -r:,'e v:t. cl...e. 1'v t,,.,r«.a) r , e.te„4'r ;„ rec_e44. ,.�.eeKr.-.however, :., .tt.er.r{{r �'. eali4..i".s ii-1,...L4'..w /-,,h.,.Y.-�.w r"t'rea.�,, 61,44,,,. z,cpLc. 'u-4_ 4.1,,,„...44 c„ v,;„4-i ':tA1IL .t�i-K�Y1c.Lk,„.. I 10.444•'T• Je- np{iGA ray' UG . ViA‘ le Jerea.r . J Front Page Total IS.-5- points V.)Benthic Macroinvertebrates Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.) Benthic Macroinvertebrates al 0.5 1 1.5 2.)Bivalves e 1 2 3 3.) EPT taxa Present =3 Absent Total Benthic Macroinvertebrates Points: 0 VI.)Vertebrates Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.)Fish 0.5 1 1.5 2.)Amphibians (Q) 0.5 1 1.5 Total Vertebrates Points: d Total Score: �S. S Benthics/Amphibians Found: Weather A4. iek:t 2 c4 - _be- ore- Rain Gauge Date of Last Rainfall Uh let a 4,,n Rainfall Amountyy ,44. 10t-At C.. wAtere. £ eo.,.._ e...{'er. -:7e. Reach Description T Orct:n crar. f -k:,1s lu t' rd-ree "-. Upstream: TRB HCT GRC 4331' POFSD ARB RPA Other: Downstream: TRB HCT GRC RCU POF SDO ARB RPA Other: Comments: Storm Network Connections and Watershed Observations Riparian Buffers Width Riparian Buffer Comments LB: Distance 4n10, 26-50 51-75 76-100 100+ Cover type: u �•c1 j Herbaceous Lawn Other: Dominant Species: L:,-:,4 t n c/roe, '1,1:10;cert, hay I.t 5c ,-W,,.t�(;A I,,� AC-e-r rkb rk 1 ' RB: Distance >25 fee 26-50 51-75 76-100 100+ Cover type: (Frees 121:4 Herbaceous Lawn Other: Dominant Species: sw,,,,t,e. a le 1:)- b a k Other Observations and Comments: Is the reach perennial? YES Photo# Direction (US,DS,LB, RB) Notes • • v.vrF °rw++ 5..k_e A *t a Site ID:33 So 0 er,J( a r,a-.�,4 Total Score: 9 .S Date: 9 a/ /al o I4 Recorder: C d t,.L C /04.v:.0 PaL.-d ii Time: 10 •'3d AM Evaluators: Field Indicators: I.)Streamflow and Hydrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.) Presence or absence of flowing water 0 r•,, 2 3 and>48 hrs since last rainfall 2.)Presence of high groundwater table 0 0 2 3 or seeps and springs 3.) Leaflitter in streambed 1.50.5 0 4.)Drift lines 0 $9 1 1.5 5.)Sediment on debris or plants 0 1 1.5 Total Streamflow and Hydrology Points: I+ 11.)Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.) Riffle-pool sequence 0 () 2 3 2.) Substrate Sorting(USDA texture in streambed) 0 Q 2 3 3.) Natural Levees 1 2 3 4.)Sinuosity 1 2 3 5.)Active or Relic Floodplain 1 2 3 6.) Braided Channel I 1 2 3 7.) Recent Alluvial Deposits 1 2 3 8.) Bankfull Bench present 1 2 3 9.)Continuous Bed and Bank 0 1 Q 3 10.)2nd order or greater channel present Yes = 3 No =(CJS Total Geomorphology Points: t'f lll.)Streambed Soils 1.) Redoximorphic features present in sides of channel Present =® Absent = 1.5 or head cut 2.)Chrome gleyed=3 1 = 2 2 = 1 >2 (0 Total Streambed Soils Points: 0 IV.)Vegetation Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.) Rooted AQUATIC Plants in Streambed 0 CO 2 3 2.) Presence of Periphyton/green algae ( 1 2 3 3.) Iron Oxidizing B acteria/Fungus 0.5 1 1.5 4.)Wetland Plants in Streambed(Skip if no plants present in streambed) SAV= 3 Mostly OBL= 1.5 Mostly FACW= 1 Mostly FAC=03 Mostly FACU, UPL, or None=0 Total Vegetation Points: I .-5- Comments:Comments: Front Page Total 9•S points • 14,00 Noose V.) Benthic MacroInvertebrates Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.) Benthic Macroinvertebrates 07 0.5 1 1.5 2.)Bivalves 1 2 3 3.) EPT taxa Present = 3 Absent (01 Total Benthic Macroinvertebrates Points: 0 VI.)Vertebrates Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1.) Fish 0.5 1 1.5 2.)Amphibians ( 0.5 1 1.5 Total Vertebrates Points: 0 otal Score: cj -S Benthics/Amphibians Found: Weather j . I e -1 3 of by Y b e . Rain Gauge Date of Last Rainfall (iLKA ow" " Rainfall Amount Reach Description Upstream: TRB HCT GRC RCU POF SDO ARB RPA Other: Downstream: TRB HCT GRC RCU POF SDO ARB RPA Other: Comments: Storm Network Connections and Watershed Observations Riparian Buffers Width Riparian Buffer Comments LB: Distance ? 26-50 51-75 76-100 100+ Cover type: rte*- ay Herbaceous Lawn Other: Dominant Species: L:r:4 d e.,d.,-0 h f-k1:10t rit,.k.) f le,f iK Y,Kr" tG:Clarib.1:1% /}'Le.. r r.b 1-4. RB: Distance 25 feet 26-50 51-75 76-100 100+ Cover type: tl *- 41Ito Q-lerbaceoJ Lawn Other: Dominant Species: Sc". e. c r a�v J t j Pv tip-4�. O.GrG.f4,Gjo,di.e.r. Other Observations and Comments: is the reach perennial? YES Photo# Direction (US,DS,LB, RB) Notes