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SP201600004 BOS Presentation Special Use Permit 2016-09-07
)tograph of the surrounding area = The monopole site Development Area to the East Rural Areas to the West = The monopole site a zz w 330y O 30 300 0 60 o = =270 90 240 120 210 150 MAGNETIC DECLINATION CALCULATED ON: 01-04-16 Milestone COMMUNICATIONS SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE INFORMATION SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD 2012 VIRGINIA SFPC CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: JACK JOUETT ZONING: RA AND EC OVERLAY, AIRPORT IMPACT AREA TAX ACCOUNT ID: 06000-00-00-078AO MAP/PARCEL: 06000/0078A PARCEL SIZE / COMPOUND SIZE: 216.69 AC / 3,610 S.F. SITE COORDINATES: N 38° 04' 27.0238" (NAD 83) ANTENNA LAYOUT $ SCHEDULE W 78° 30' 10.7440" (NAD 83) GROUND ELEVATION: 569'1(NAVD 83) STRUCTURE TYPE: MONOPOLE STRUCTURE HEIGHT: 12571 AGL (TOP OF MONOPOLE) GROUND LANDLORD NAME: ALBEMARLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS GROUND LANDLORD ADDRESS: 401 MCINTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 APPLICANT: MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 APPLICANT PHONE: (703)620-2555 APPLICANT FAX: (703) 620-8889 II CODE ANALYSIS II BUILDING CODE: 2012 VIRGINIA CONSTRUCTION CODE ELECTRICAL CODE: NEC 2011 FIRE SAFETY CODE: 2012 VIRGINIA SFPC USE GROUP: U (UTILITY) CONSTRUCTION TYPE: IIB PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. INSTALL NEW 3,610 S.F. FENCED COMPOUND AND NEW 125'-0" MONOPOLE TO BE INSTALLED. 2. NEW ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO BE INSTALLED. 3. NEW TELEPHONE SERVICE TO BE INSTALLED. NEW 3,610 S.F. FENCED COMPOUND AND NEW 125'-0" MONOPOLE �g0 ROSLKN F VREST IN i r` r M "C':'1NryEl r,. 1, F 8 GHTSRP oaR ;rz v 613 P -WDOu Ri7 Ql �O4 k,C7 u YP "��;F 1.o-�N C1PK4F,DR0-Y FyT��f Kd4v 1 6FAw, RU1J (J� ryry1'y � � Oi0 F G7rf, fi;r.. AREA MAP CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1" = 2000'-O" DIRECTIONS: HEADING FROM 12110 SUNSET HILLS BOULEVARD: DEPART VA -675 WEST I SUNSET HILLS ROAD TOWARD SPRING STREET. TURN RIGHT ONTO VA -286 S I FAIRFAX COUNTY PARKWAY. TAKE RAMP RIGHT FOR 1-66 WEST. AT EXIT 43A, TAKE RAMP RIGHT FOR US -29 SOUTH. KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO US -15 SOUTH / US -29 SOUTH / LEE HIGHWAY. TURN RIGHT ONTO WEST RIO ROAD. KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO VA -631. KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO WEST RIO ROAD. ROAD NAME CHANGES TO HYDRAULIC ROAD. ARRIVE AT SITE. NOTE TO GENERAL CONTRACTOR NO WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED ON THIS SITE WITHOUT REVIEW OF THE APPROVED STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER IN WRITING. AT NO TIME WILL ANY ADDITIONAL ANTENNAS BE INSTALLED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM TOWER ENGINEER. STRUCTURAL NOTE: ADVANTAGE ENGINEERS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR STRUCTURAL CERTIFICATION OF NEW ANTENNA MOUNTS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT. PLEASE REFER TO THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS COMPLETED BY OTHERS FOR ALL STRUCTURAL INFORMATION RELATED TO THE ANTENNA MOUNTS. MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HEREBY APPROVE AND ACCEPT THESE DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORZE THE CONTRACTOR TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN. ALL DOCUMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND MAY IMPOSE CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS. MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS ZONING: DATE: MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS S.A.: DATE: MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS CONST.: DATE: MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS A&E MGR..: DATE: PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: 04 Milestone COMMUNICATIONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE(443)367-0003 www.advantageenoneers.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS D 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES NO. DRAWN BY: TA CHECKED BY: SCALE: NOTED JOB NO: M830070.00 DRAWING TITLE: TITLE SHEET DRAWING SHEET: T=1 SHEET NUMBER: 1 OF 9 SITE INFORMATION: SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY AN REW M. MILLER No. 050495 7/2,5/1C SHEET INDEX DRAWING SHEET DRAWING TITLE T-1 TITLE SHEET Z-1 SITE PLAN Z-2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN 7-3 2000' RADIUS, 10' CONTOUR MAP C-1 COMPOUND PLAN C-2 LANDSCAPE PLAN C-3 ELEVATION C-4 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS A-1 ANTENNA LAYOUT $ SCHEDULE MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HEREBY APPROVE AND ACCEPT THESE DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORZE THE CONTRACTOR TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN. ALL DOCUMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND MAY IMPOSE CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS. MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS ZONING: DATE: MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS S.A.: DATE: MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS CONST.: DATE: MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS A&E MGR..: DATE: PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: 04 Milestone COMMUNICATIONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE(443)367-0003 www.advantageenoneers.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS D 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES NO. DRAWN BY: TA CHECKED BY: SCALE: NOTED JOB NO: M830070.00 DRAWING TITLE: TITLE SHEET DRAWING SHEET: T=1 SHEET NUMBER: 1 OF 9 SITE INFORMATION: SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY AN REW M. MILLER No. 050495 7/2,5/1C GENERAL NOTES: 1. THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED USING AN APPROVED PLAN ENTITLED SURVEY BY LINCOLN SURVEYING DATED 02-11-2016 AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS 04A FULL BOUNDARY SURVEY. 2. THE PROPOSED FACILITY WILL CAUSE "DE MINIMIS" IN STORMWATER RUNOFF. ADJ O I N E R PROPERTY THEREFORE, NO DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ARE PROPOSED. Q T1 3. NO NOISE, SMOKE, DUST, OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROM THIS FACILITY. Miles one OWNER INFORMATION: 4. THE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. (THERE IS NO COMMUNICA'FIONS HANDICAP ACCESS REQUIRED). 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 5. THE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND DOES NOT REQUIRE POTABLE WATER OR RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 OWNER NAME: ALBEMARLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SANITARY SERVICE. TEL. (703) 620-2555 SETBACKS MAILING ADDRESS: 401 MCINTIRE ROAD FAX. (703) 620-8889 O CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 6. ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD DISTANCE TO NEAREST PROPERTY BOUNDARY — 207'-2" NOTE: CONTOURS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET BASED TAX ACCOUNT //: 06000-00-00-078A0 1988). ON ALBEMARLE COUNTY GIS—WEB DATA DISTANCE TO NEAREST RESIDENCE — 267'-11" 7. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DOES NOT INCLUDE STREET SIGNS OF ANY TYPE. OWNER NAME: GEORGETOWN GREEN HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 5642 8. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DOES NOT INCLUDE OUTDOOR STORAGE OR ANY O CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22905 SOLID WASTE RECEPTACLES. — N TAX ACCOUNT #: 060FO-00-00-00200 9. ACCORDING TO THE F.I.R.M. COMMUNITY PANEL #51003CO260D, DATED 02-04-2005, THE PROPOSED SITE IS NOT IN A FLOOD PLAIN. 10. A CRITICAL SLOPE WAIVER IS NOT REQUIRED. advantage engineers '7/ 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 EXISTWOODED \\\\ `'`, COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 EXISTING PHONE (443)367-0003 AREA \\\\\\ � FOOTBALL s (NOT SHOWN) www.advantageenoneers.com FIELD 2• ADJOINER PROPERTY \\�\\ SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS OWNER INFORMATION: 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS h \ 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS OWNER, OWNER NAME: CHARLES B. & SUE S. STOKE O MAILNG NAME: MARY L, & ADAM C. WYANT ADDRESS: 19 LAMBS ROAD o 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS / MAILING ADDRESS: 170 TERRELL ROAD EAST 1.1 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 `, ' O CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 REV �• \\\\ � � EXISTING � TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-076D0 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-07900 NO DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES PROPOSED 10'-0" WIDE ACCESS EXISTING BUILDING EASEMENT TERMINATING AT LAMBS LANE - \v\ � / WOODED (TYP) DRAWN BY: 7A (SEE SHEET C-1 FOR AREA TO BE GRAVEL) TTS PROPOSED 3,610 AREA r S.F. COMPOUND X 0 EXISTING OWNER NAME: DAVID G. & FORREST R. MITCHELL OWNER NAME: DANIEL G. KRASNEGOR CHECKED BY: N PROPOSED 12'-0" E �� 56 ACCESS ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: 186 TERRELL ROAD EAST MAILING ADDRESS: 25 ROSLYN HEIGHTS ROAD WIDE ACCESS ROAD/ EASEMENT I/ \ �S O CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 1S CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 SCALE: NOTED EXISTING �• TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-076D1 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-002BO BASEBALLJOB NO: M830070.00 FIELD ♦ � EES200'-0" RADIUS \ OWNER NAME: JAMES 0. & ELIZA JEAN BALLARD DRAWING TITLE: TREES TO REMAIN ♦ OWNER NAME: DAVID B. & TETI LL O KE AST MAILING ADDRESS: 262 HEBRON COURT ♦ � I MAILING ADDRESS: 190 TERRELL ROAD EAST O CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 14 MADISON, VIRGINIA 22727 SITE ♦ TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-070YO TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-004A0 i PLAN 2) ♦ OWNER NAME: SHERWIN H. & ELIZABETH M. TERRY OWNER NAME: LOAVES & FISHES FOOD PANTRY MAILING ADDRESS: 185 TERRELL ROAD EAST MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 8001 PROPOSED 125'-0" O CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 95 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22906 DRAWING SHEET: MONOPOLE TAX ACCOUNT : 06100-00-00-00500 LAT= 38.0741235 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-070X0 # — LONG= —78.5029844 6 , ♦ (APPROX.) � _ EXISTING OWNER NAME: MARY LOUISE ABIDIN OWNER NAME: WORD OF FAITH CHURCH WOODED ` MAILING ADDRESS: 320 TERRELL ROAD WEST MAILING ADDRESS: BOX 7304 AREA 'Z ♦ O CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 16 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22906 TAX ACCOUNT #: 060000-00-00-070MO TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-00600 ♦ EXISTING ` SHEET NUMBER: ' �TOWNHOUSE (TYR) `�` 2 OF 9 OWNER NAME: JAMES M. COOPER & SHAMIM V. SISSON OWNER NAME: L & M COMMONWEALTH PROPERTIES LLC. MAILING ADDRESS: 330 TERRELL ROAD WEST MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 1889 O CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 1% MIDDLEBURG, VIRGINIA 20118 SITE INFORMATION: eSITE PLAN TAX ACCOUNT #: 060000-00-00-07OM1 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-02500 SITE NAME: z1 WALE;V 200•.0•, ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL OWNER NAME: DANIEL A. JR. ROBINSON & SUSAN R. THOMPSON OWNER NAME: CARR WOOD PRODUCTS LLC. SITE ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: 10516 CEDAR AVENUE MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 5306 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD loo,g FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA 22030 18 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22905 O TAX ACCOUNT #: 060000-00-00-077A2 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-02700 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: OWNER NAME: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA OWNER NAME: YOUNG PROPERTY INVESTMENTS ALBEMARLE COUNTY MAILING ADDRESS: 701 VDOT WAY MAILING ADDRESS: 240 HYDRAULIC RIDGE ROAD #101 10 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22911 1g CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TAX ACCOUNT #: 060000-00-00-07700 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-027A1 PST H op OWNER NAME: DAVID & MELISSA SLUTZKY OWNER NAME: EISENHARDT FAIRCLOTH KANGUR & WILHELM LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 405 IVY FARM DRIVE MAILING ADDRESS: 244 HYDRAULIC RIDGE ROAD u, 11 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 811TAX ACCOUNT # 04400-00-00-034C0 TAX ACCOUNT # 06100-00-00-03600 AN REW M. MILLER 4. �I OWNER NAME: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA OWNER NAME: OLDE OAK HILL LLC No. 050495 MAILING ADDRESS: 1601 ORANGE ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: 656 EVERGREEN AVENUE 10 CULPEPER, VIRGINIA 22701 21 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 Know what's below. TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-08OD1 TAX ACCOUNT #: 061W1-01-00-00500 0 Call before you dig. 0, �<v MEET r N11rLF� 11E � EE w°reKi ° °a c OWNER NAME: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA OWNER NAME: ELIZABETH B. WATTS �S co°"s'°TR"rno P°Rsr°°ec'o°o c°"Esm P' cc MAILING ADDRESS: 1601 ORANGE ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: 1526 MINOR RIDGE COURT L 11 CULPEPER, VIRGINIA 22701 22 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 VIRGN N INEER MT OFn1970"�E TOLMPUfl1ENPNTREGULA➢pJS O TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-08OC1 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-03800 LIC N E / 0 0495 GENERAL NOTES: 1. THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED USING AN APPROVED PLAN ENTITLED SURVEY BY LINCOLN SURVEYING DATED 02-11-2016 AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A FULL BOUNDARY SURVEY. 2. THE PROPOSED FACILITY WILL CAUSE "DE MINIMIS" IN STORMWATER RUNOFF. THEREFORE, NO DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ARE PROPOSED. 3. NO NOISE, SMOKE, DUST, OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROM THIS FACILITY. 4. THE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. (THERE IS NO HANDICAP ACCESS REQUIRED). 5. THE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND DOES NOT REQUIRE POTABLE WATER OR SANITARY SERVICE. 6. ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD 1988). 7. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DOES NOT INCLUDE STREET SIGNS OF ANY TYPE. B. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DOES NOT INCLUDE OUTDOOR STORAGE OR ANY SOLID WASTE RECEPTACLES. 9. ACCORDING TO THE F.I.R.M. COMMUNITY PANEL #51003CO260D, DATED 02-04-2005, THE PROPOSED SITE IS NOT IN A FLOOD PLAIN. 10. A CRITICAL SLOPE WAIVER IS NOT REQUIRED. U 1171 iz ENLARGED SITE PLAN Know what's below. Call before you dig. Tna .—IN. DOES NOT IHl— NEO -1 CONSiRUC11ONFM ST BE DONE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE-PATON& S<FEIY AND HEALTH ACT OF9TTHMC TO-TENANTNEcuu110NS U ADJOINER PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: OWNER NAME: ALBEMARLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS OWNER NAME: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA MAILING ADDRESS: 401 MCINTIRE ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: 1601 ORANGE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 13 CULPEPER, VIRGINIA 22701 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-078AO TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-08OC1 04 Milestone COMMUNICATIONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE (443)367-0003 www.advantageenEineers.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 0 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES NO. OWNER NAME: GEORGETOWN GREEN HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. OWNER NAME: EISENHARDT FAIRCLOTH KANGUR & WILHELM LLC�\ MAILING ADDRESS: 244 HYDRAULIC RIDGE ROAD 23 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-03600 OWNER NAME: MARY L. & ADAM C. WYANT 2 O MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 5642 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22905 ,14 MAILING ADDRESS: 1995 LAMBS ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 O\ G� TAX ACCOUNT #: 060FO-00-00-00200 NOTED TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-08000 M830070.00 OWNER NAME: CHARLES B. & SUE S. STOKE OWNER NAME: MARY L. & ADAM C. WYANT O MAILING ADDRESS: 170 TERRELL ROAD EAST CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 75 MAILING ADDRESS: 1995 LAMBS ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-076DO CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-03800 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-07900 OWNER NAME: DAVID G. & FORREST R. MITCHELL OWNER NAME: DANIEL G. KRASNEGOR O MAILING ADDRESS: 186 TERRELL ROAD EAST CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 16 MAILING ADDRESS: 25 ROSLYN HEIGHTS ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-076D1 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-002BO OWNER NAME: DAVID B. & TETIANA V. KENDALL OWNER NAME: JAMES 0. & ELIZA JEAN BALLARD O MAILING ADDRESS: 190 TERRELL ROAD EAST CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 17 MAILING ADDRESS: 262 HEBRON COURT MADISON,VIRGINIA 22727 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-070YO TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-004AO OWNER NAME: SHERWIN H. & ELIZABETH M. TERRY OWNER NAME: LOAVES & FISHES FOOD PANTRY O MAILING ADDRESS: 185 TERRELL ROAD EAST CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 '18 MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 8001 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22906 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-070X0 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-00500 OWNER NAME: MARY LOUISE ABIDIN OWNER NAME: WORD OF FAITH CHURCH O MAILING ADDRESS: 320 TERRELL ROAD WEST CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 19 MAILING ADDRESS: BOX 7304 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22906 TAX ACCOUNT #: 060000-00-00-070MO TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-00600 OWNER NAME: JAMES M. COOPER & SHAMIM V. SISSON OWNER NAME: L & M COMMONWEALTH PROPERTIES LLC O MAILING ADDRESS: 330 TERRELL ROAD WEST CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 20 MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 1889 MIDDLEBURG, VIRGINIA 20118 TAX ACCOUNT #: 060000-00-00-07OM1 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-02500 OWNER NAME: DANIEL A. JR. ROBINSON & SUSAN R. THOMPSON OWNER NAME: CARR WOOD PRODUCTS LLC. O MAILING ADDRESS: 10516 CEDAR AVENUE FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA 22030 21 MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 5306 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22905 TAX ACCOUNT #: 060000-00-00-077A2 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-02700 OWNER NAME: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA OWNER NAME: YOUNG PROPERTY INVESTMENTS 10 MAILING ADDRESS: 701 VDOT WAY CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22911 22 MAILING ADDRESS: 240 HYDRAULIC RIDGE ROAD #101 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TAX ACCOUNT #: 060000-00-00-07700 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-027A1 04 Milestone COMMUNICATIONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE (443)367-0003 www.advantageenEineers.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 0 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES NO. DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED SITE PLAN DRAWING SHEET: Z-2 SHEET NUMBER: 30F9 11 SITE INFORMATION: SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 11 OWNER NAME: DAVID & MELISSA SLUTZKY MAILING ADDRESS: 405 IVY FARM DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TAX ACCOUNT #: 04400-00-00-034C0 OWNER NAME: EISENHARDT FAIRCLOTH KANGUR & WILHELM LLC�\ MAILING ADDRESS: 244 HYDRAULIC RIDGE ROAD 23 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-03600 LJ O r 1� rl /' DRAWN BY: TA CHECKED BY: O\ G� SCALE: NOTED JOB NO: M830070.00 DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED SITE PLAN DRAWING SHEET: Z-2 SHEET NUMBER: 30F9 11 SITE INFORMATION: SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 11 OWNER NAME: DAVID & MELISSA SLUTZKY MAILING ADDRESS: 405 IVY FARM DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TAX ACCOUNT #: 04400-00-00-034C0 OWNER NAME: EISENHARDT FAIRCLOTH KANGUR & WILHELM LLC�\ MAILING ADDRESS: 244 HYDRAULIC RIDGE ROAD 23 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-03600 LJ O r 1� rl /' O\ G� 12 OWNER NAME: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA MAILING ADDRESS: 1601 ORANGE ROAD CULPEPER, VIRGINIA 22701 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06000-00-00-08OD1 24 OWNER NAME: OLDE OAK HILL LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 656 EVERGREEN AVENUE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 TAX ACCOUNT #: 061W1-01-00-00500 AN REW M. MILLER No. 050495 OWNER NAME: ELIZABETH B. WATTS MAILING ADDRESS: 1526 MINOR RIDGE COURT 25/1-0 /- 0, ' 25 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 TAX ACCOUNT #: 06100-00-00-03800 \� S e2000' RADIUS, 10' CONTOUR MAP 7-3 SCALE- V e 200 -4 - Milestone COMMUNICATIONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE (443) 367-0003 www.advantageengineers.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS D 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV NO. DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES DRAWN BY: TA CHECKED BY: SCALE: NOTED JOB NO: M630070.00 DRAWING TITLE: 2000' RADIUS, 10' CONTOUR MAP DRAWING SHEET: Z-3 SHEET NUMBER: 4 OF9 SITE INFORMATION: SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY J � AN REW M. MILLER No. 050495 7/2,5/1-0 PROPOSED 12'-0" WIDE ACCESS DRIVE PROPOSED 12'-0" WIDE ACCESS GATE EXISTING TREE TRUNK DIAMETER: 16 IN. CANOPY DIAMETER: 8 FT. HEIGHT: 80 FT� SPECIES: LOCUST EXISTING TREE TRUNK DIAMETER: 10 IN. CANOPY DIAMETER: 10 FT. HEIGHT: 80 FT SPECIES: LOCUST IKUNK UTAMLILK: IJ IN. CANOPY DIAMETER: 20 FT. HEIGHT: 80 FT SPECIES: PARADISE f / EXISTING TREE REMOVED ' TRUNK DIAMETER:R: 200 IN. ANOPY DIAMETER: 20 FT. HEIGHT: 51 FT SPECIES: WILD CHERRY PROPOSED 3'-0" NO—BUILD ZONE PROPOSED 6 GANG METER BOARD PROPOSED 8'-0" TALL CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH SLATS TRUNK DIAMETER: 26 IN. CANOPY DIAMETER: 16 FT. HEIGHT: 80 FT SPECIES: POPLAR COMPOUND PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, ORDINANCES, LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF ALL MUNICIPALITIES, UTILITY COMPANIES OR OTHER PUBLIC AUTHORITIES. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED BY ANY FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, IN WRITING, OF ANY CONFLICTS, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF BIDS OR PERFORMANCE OF WORK. MINOR OMISSIONS OR ERRORS IN THE BID PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OVERALL INTENT OF THESE DRAWINGS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING ALL EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS FACILITY. 5. THE SCOPE OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL INCLUDE PROVIDING ALL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND LABOR REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE PROJECT SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A BID TO VERIFY THAT THE PROJECT CAN BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 7. THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED USING AN APPROVED PLAN ENTITLED SURVEY BY LINCOLN SURVEYING DATED 02-11-2016 AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A FULL BOUNDARY SURVEY. 8. THE PROPOSED FACILITY WILL CAUSE ONLY A "DE MINIMIS' INCREASE IN STORMWATER RUNOFF. THEREFORE, NO DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ARE PROPOSED. 9. NO NOISE, SMOKE, DUST, OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROM THIS FACILITY. 10. THE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION (THERE IS NO HANDICAP ACCESS REQUIRED). 11. THE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND DOES NOT REQUIRE POTABLE WATER OR SANITARY SERVICE. 12. POWER TO THE FACILITY WILL BE MONITORED BY A SEPARATE METER. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ANTENNA ELEVATION AND AZIMUTH WITH RF ENGINEERING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 14. MOUNTS AND ANTENNAS ARE DESIGNED TO MEET ANSI/TIA-222-G AS PER 2012 VCC REQUIREMENTS. 15. ALL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED STEEL. 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE A UTILITY "ONE CALL" TO LOCATE ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATING. 17. IF ANY PIPING EXISTS BENEATH THE SITE AREA, CONTRACTOR MUST LOCATE IT AND CONTACT OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. 18. CONSTRUCTION TO COMMENCE UPON COMPLETION OF A PASSING STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. 19. EXISTING FORCE MAIN PIPE AND EASEMENT HAVE BEEN LOCATED AS SHOWN ON A SURVEY BY LINCOLN SURVEYING DATED FEBRUARY 4, 2016 NOTE: LANDSCAPING NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY, SEE SHEET C-2 FOR DETAILS I Know what's below. Call before you dig. R 1 INREE WORKING DAYS NO1ME 1111 "IT NcLUDI CONS iRUCTONFMUST BE DONE IN CANPLIANCE WITH ME O FAnON& S- AND HEALTH MT OF 1970 AND TO PRUI_ES NANTREGUISNONS 04 Milestone COMMUNICATIONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE (443) 367-0003 www.advantageengineers.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS D 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES NO. DRAWN BY: TA CHECKED BY: SCALE: NOTED JOB NO: M830070.00 DRAWING TITLE: COMPOUND PLAN DRAWING SHEET: C-1 SHEET NUMBER: 5OF9 SITE INFORMATION: SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY J � AN REW M. MILLER No. 050495 7/2,5/1-0 r I ' PROPOSED GRAVEL r ' PARKING SPOT (TYR) r I I i N PLANT PALETTE Milestone s1y M 4J� a4i� EASTERN ARBORVITAE THUJA OCCIDENTALIS COMMUNICA'FIONS MINIMUM PLANTING HEIGHT = 4' — 5' 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 M , M RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL (703) 620-2555 ai \ \ 17 Z �� \r✓'' " FAX. (703) 620-8889 EXISTING ACCESS / \ f �� DRIVE 4, i u � COUNT: 34 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 / COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 / PHONE (443)367-0003 www.advantageenoneers.com PROPOSED 8'-0" i V J s 4S 1 TALL CHAIN LINK y FENCE WITH SLATS SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS FUTURE 20'-0"x12'—O" LEASE AREA z 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS M S 4.3 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 41 0 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES M NO. S b M 3 � 5 � DRAWN BY: TA tj CHECKED BY: SCALE: NOTED M 3 JOB NO: M830070.00 £ M 3S til 5 4S FUTURE 20'-0"x10'-0" DRAWING TITLE: PROPOSED 12'-0" r„1 FUTURE 10'-0"x10'-0" LEASE AREA PROPOSED AT&T WIDE ACCESS GATE LEASE AREAGENERATOR PROPOSED 12'-0" LEASE AREAFUTURE 0"x10'-0" ON CONCRETE PAD WIDE ACCESS DRIVE --- M LANDSCAPE PLAN Ir sa PROPOSED 20'-0"x 10'-0" I I —iI I I , I I I 1I 1Ir . -�--� -•�• AT&T CONCRETE DRAWING SHEET: EQUIPMENT PAD C-2 a Li I I I I I I I FUTURE I I I I I I I MESA CABINET SHEET NUMBER: St s 6OF9 SITE INFORMATION: I I I q }y 3 EXISTING TREE TO BE SITE NAME: REMOVED ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL TRUNK DIAMETER: 20 IN. CANOPY DIAMETER: 20 FT. HEIGHT: 51 FT SITE ADDRESS: SPECIES: WILD CHERRY 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD PROPOSED 125'—LE s s �y) CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA LAT= 38.0741235 22901 LONG= —78.5029844 (APPROX.) JURISDICTION: EXISTING TREE s �s M ALBEMARLE COUNTY TRUNK DIAMETER: 16 IN.�i1 CANOPY DIAMETER: 8 FT. HEIGHT: 80 FT F SPECIES: LOCUST M £ M � O / - 5 PROPOSED 6 GANG elk"- EXISTINGtz!!t�METER BOARD TREE s �' 3 PROPOSED 12'-0"x11'-5" TO BE REMOVED s 4S AT&T EQUIPMENT SHELTER TRUNK DIAMETER: 15 IN. t.1 CANOPY DIAMETER: 20 FT. LANDSCAPE PLAN W M. MILLER HEIGHT: 80 FT EXISTING TREE PROPOSED AT&T EXISTING TREE SPECIES: PARADISE TO BE REMOVED ICE BRIDGE �.z SCALE. s/1s--1 D TRUNK DIAMETER: 10 IN. (TOP OTING F TREEOOEDED LEVATIONA IN CANOPY TRUNK DIAMETER: DIAMETER:221IN. FT. . 050495 CANOPY DIAMETER: 10 FT.HEIGHT: 80 FT WOODED AREA IS t 650 AMSL) EXISTING TREE HEIGHT: 80 FTSPECIES: LOCUST TRUNK DIAMETER: 26 IN. SPECIES: MAPLE /._CANOPY DIAHEIGHT:80 FT\�`VSPECIES: POPLA16 R\\ G TOP OF LIGHTNING ROD 127'—O"± AGL TOP OF MONOPOLE / ACPS ANTENNA RAD CENTER 125'—O"± AGL AT&T ANTENNA RAD CENTER 115'-0"t AGL FUTURE ANTENNA RAD CENTER 105'-0"f AGL PROPOSED 12'-0"x11'-5" AT&T EQUIPMENT SHELTER PROPOSED AT&T GENERATOR ON CONCRETE PAD PROPOSED 20'-0"x10'-0" AT&T CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PAD PROPOSED 8'-0" TALL CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH SLATS PROPOSED 2' 4 LIGHTNING ROD (MAX DIAMETER 1") Milestone COMMUNICA'FIONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 PROPOSED ACPS RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 ANTENNA ARRAY TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 TOP POLE DIAMETER APPROXIMATELY 24" (VERIFY WITH TOWER MANUFACTURER) PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA ARRAY (SEE SHEET A-1 FOR MORE DETAILS) FUTURE ANTENNA advantage engineers ARRAY (TYP) 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE (443)367-0003 www.advantageenoneers.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS MID LEVEL POLE DIAMETER 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS APPROXIMATELY 39" (VERIFY WITH TOWER MANUFACTURER) 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 0 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES NO. DRAWN BY: TA CHECKED BY: SCALE: NOTED JOB NO: M830070.00 DRAWING TITLE: ELEVATION DRAWING SHEET: PROPOSED 125'-0" MONOPOLE, MATTE GALVANIZED STEEL FINISH C=3 SHEET NUMBER: 7OF9 ALL CONDUITS TO BE ROUTED SITE INFORMATION: THROUGH PROPOSED MONOPOLE SITE NAME: PROPOSED ICE ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL BRIDGE (TYP) SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD BOTTOM POLE DIAMETER CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA APPROXIMATELY 54" 22901 \ (VERIFY WITH TOWER MANUFACTURER) JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY J" I I II I I I I 569' GRADE AMSL eELEVATION C-3 WALE: 118". T-0" AN REW M. MILLER No. 050495 o z a II �IL'_O,. 0 OD (RIGID STEEL CONDUIT PLUG STANDARD GAUGE FOR SPARE CONDUIT) RIGID STEEL INTERMEDIATE POST CONDUIT COUPLING 3" STANDARD GAUGE CONCRETE PAD 4. TENSION BAR DE 1.5" STANDARD GAUGE PIPE 3/8 -STEEL TRUSS e 7 GAUGE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL TENSION WIRE CONDUIT SWEEP Z ELBOW THROUGH THE ENTRANCE, MAINTAINING POSITIVE DRAINAGE. PIPE INSTALLED THROUGH THE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION PJC SCHEDULE 40 RIGID STEEL TO SIZE AS SHOWN PVC ADAPTOR ON LAYOUTS CONDUIT STUB -UP DETAIL e x.r.a 3/8" -STEEL CROSSBRACING AT GATES 4" STANDARD 2" STANDARD GATE GAUGE PIPE NOTE: WEED CONTROL FABRIC SHALL BE USED UNDER ACCESS DRIVE WITH A 36" MINIMUM OVERLAP. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL FABRIC PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. MIRAFI 50OX OR APPROVED EQUAL 6'-0" � 6'-0" 2% MIN. 2% MIN. COMPACTED SUB—GRADE OR 4" OF 3A MODIFIED STONE ENGINEERED FILL. SUBSURFACE SPREAD AND COMPACT SHALL BE FREE OF ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM 95% OF MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. CROSS SLOPE SHALL APPLY TO SUB—GRADE. VINYL ACCESS DRIVE DETAIL SLATS l 1 C4 x.T.s. 10'-0" O.C. (MAX) STANDARD GAUGE 1.5" STANDARD2" GAUGE PIPE INTERMEDIATE POST 3" STANDARD GAUGE GROUND PRIOR TO PLACING STONE. CORNER AND END POST 4. TENSION BAR M830070.00 1.5" STANDARD GAUGE PIPE 3/8 -STEEL TRUSS 7 GAUGE GALVANIZED 5. TENSION WIRE �L. • .I L. • .I L. „ , FINISH GRADE i��Y`„\�j 6” MIN 57 :lI lI CLEAN STONE 1" GAP BETWEEN ' 6'-0" 6'-0" SLATS AND GRAVEL 12'-0" TYPICAL FENCE AND GATE DETAIL C4 N.T.L 10'-0" MINIMUM 5'-0" MINIMUM MOUNTABLE 3'-0" BERM (6" MIN.) l\NIEXISTING\MINIMUM 6" OF 2'-3" GROUND AGGREGATE OVER LENGTH AND WIDTH OF STRUCTURE EARTH FILI A4(PIPE AS NEC --GEOTEXTILE CLASS "C" OR BETTER 5:1 PAVEMENT 6 -0 MAX. TER TO -- CEN - CENTER 36 IN. MIN. FENCE POST LENGTH WOVEN SILT FILM GEOTEXTILE FLOW EMBED GEOTEXTILE MIN. OF 8 IN. VERTICALLY INTO THE GROUND. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE SOIL ON BOTH SIDES OF GEOTEXTILE Poncc awwm^u STEP 1 _FENCE POST 18 IN. MIN. ABOVE GROUND UNDISTURBED GROUND FENCE POST DRIVEN \—A MIN. OF 16 IN. INTO THE GROUND STEP 2 POSTS � r 1 STAPLE STAPLE STAPLE STAPLE TWIST POSTS TOGETHER STEP 3 STEP 4 ® STAPLE STAPLE 1 STAPLE STAPLE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS FINAL CONFIGURATION 1. LENGTH - MINIMUM OF 10'. JOINING TWO ADJACENT SILT 2. WIDTH - 12' MINIMUM, SHOULD BE FLARED AT THE EXISTING FENCE SECTIONS (TOP VIEW) ROAD TO PROVIDE A TURNING RADIUS FENCE POST LENGTH 16 IN. INTO GROUND 16 IN. MIN. HEIGHT OF NOVEN SILT FILM GEOTEXTILE IN. MIN. DEPTH INTO GROUND 1. USE WOOD POSTS 1 -3/4"x1 -3/4"x1/16 INCH (MINIMUM) SQUARE CUT OF SOUND QUALITY HARDWOOD. AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO WOODED POST USE STANDARD "T" OR "U" SECTION STEEL POSTS WEIGHING NOT LESS THAN 1 POUND PER LINEAR FOOT. 2. USE 36 INCH MINIMUM POSTS DRIVEN 16 INCH MINIMUM INTO GROUND NO MORE THAN 6 FEET APART. 3. USE WOVEN SILT FILM GEOTEXTILE AS SPECIFIED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES MATERIALS AND FASTEN GEOTEXTILE SECURELY TO UPSLOPE SIDE OF FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES AT TOP AND MID—SECTION. 4. PROVIDE MANUFACTURER CERTIFICATION TO THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSPECTION/ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY SHOWING THAT THE GEOTEXTILE USED MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS AS SPECIFIED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 5. EMBED GEOTEXTILE A MINIMUM OF 8 INCHES VERTICALLY INTO THE GROUND, BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE SOIL ON BOTH SIDES OF FABRIC. 6. WHERE TWO SECTIONS OF GEOTEXTILE ADJOIN: OVERLAP, TWIST , AND STAPLE TO POST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DETAIL. 7. EXTEND BOTH ENDS OF THE SILT FENCE A MINIMUM OF FIVE HORIZONTAL FEET UPSLOPE AT 45 DEGREES TO THE MAIN FENCE ALIGNMENT TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM GOING AROUND THE ENDS OF THE SILT FENCE. 8. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS WHEN BULGES DEVELOP IN SILT FENCE OR WHEN SEDIMENT REACHES 25% OF FENCE HEIGHT. REPLACE GEOTEXTILE IF TORN. IF UNDERMINING OCCURS, REINSTALL FENCE. e5 SILT FENCE DETAIL x.TJti Milestone COMMUNICA'T'IONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE (443)367-0003 www.advantageenoneers.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS D 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES NO. EXISTING 3. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (FILTER CLOTH) SHALL BE PLACED OVER EXISTING PAVEMENT GROUND PRIOR TO PLACING STONE. SCALE: 4. STONE - CRUSHED AGGREGATE (2" TO 3') OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT SHALL BE PLACED AT M830070.00 LEAST 6" DEEP OVER THE LENGTH AND WIDTH OF THE ENTRANCE. 5. SURFACE WATER - ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING TO OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED Z THROUGH THE ENTRANCE, MAINTAINING POSITIVE DRAINAGE. PIPE INSTALLED THROUGH THE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION g ENTRANCE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES AND A MINIMUM OF 6" OF STONE OVER `o THE PIPE. PIPE HAS TO BE SIZED ACCORDING TO THE DRAINAGE. WHEN THE SCE IS LOCATED AT A HIGH SPOT AND HAS NO DRAINAGE TO CONVEY A PIPE WILL NOT BE NECESSARY. PIPE SHOULD BE SIZED ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF 1 RUN-OFF TO BE CONVEYED. A 6" MINIMUM WILL BE REQUIRED. 6. LOCATION - A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE LOCATED AT EVERY POINT WHERE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ENTERS OR LEAVES A CONSTRUCTION SITE. VEHICLES LEAVING THE SITE MUST TRAVEL OVER THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL C-4 N.T.S. FENCE POST LENGTH 16 IN. INTO GROUND 16 IN. MIN. HEIGHT OF NOVEN SILT FILM GEOTEXTILE IN. MIN. DEPTH INTO GROUND 1. USE WOOD POSTS 1 -3/4"x1 -3/4"x1/16 INCH (MINIMUM) SQUARE CUT OF SOUND QUALITY HARDWOOD. AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO WOODED POST USE STANDARD "T" OR "U" SECTION STEEL POSTS WEIGHING NOT LESS THAN 1 POUND PER LINEAR FOOT. 2. USE 36 INCH MINIMUM POSTS DRIVEN 16 INCH MINIMUM INTO GROUND NO MORE THAN 6 FEET APART. 3. USE WOVEN SILT FILM GEOTEXTILE AS SPECIFIED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES MATERIALS AND FASTEN GEOTEXTILE SECURELY TO UPSLOPE SIDE OF FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES AT TOP AND MID—SECTION. 4. PROVIDE MANUFACTURER CERTIFICATION TO THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSPECTION/ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY SHOWING THAT THE GEOTEXTILE USED MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS AS SPECIFIED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 5. EMBED GEOTEXTILE A MINIMUM OF 8 INCHES VERTICALLY INTO THE GROUND, BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE SOIL ON BOTH SIDES OF FABRIC. 6. WHERE TWO SECTIONS OF GEOTEXTILE ADJOIN: OVERLAP, TWIST , AND STAPLE TO POST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DETAIL. 7. EXTEND BOTH ENDS OF THE SILT FENCE A MINIMUM OF FIVE HORIZONTAL FEET UPSLOPE AT 45 DEGREES TO THE MAIN FENCE ALIGNMENT TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM GOING AROUND THE ENDS OF THE SILT FENCE. 8. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS WHEN BULGES DEVELOP IN SILT FENCE OR WHEN SEDIMENT REACHES 25% OF FENCE HEIGHT. REPLACE GEOTEXTILE IF TORN. IF UNDERMINING OCCURS, REINSTALL FENCE. e5 SILT FENCE DETAIL x.TJti Milestone COMMUNICA'T'IONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE (443)367-0003 www.advantageenoneers.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS D 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES NO. DRAWING TITLE: CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DRAWING SHEET: C-4 SHEET NUMBER: 8 OF 9 SITE INFORMATION: SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY AN REW M. MILLER No. 050495 7/2,5/10 DRAWN BY: TA CHECKED BY: SCALE: NOTED JOB NO: M830070.00 DRAWING TITLE: CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DRAWING SHEET: C-4 SHEET NUMBER: 8 OF 9 SITE INFORMATION: SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY AN REW M. MILLER No. 050495 7/2,5/10 B-4 ANTENNA C-1 ANTENNA B-3 ANTENNA B-2 ANTENNA C-2 ANTENNA B-1 ANTENNA C-3 ANTENNA ANTENNA PLAN SCALE: ,^ • 2'-0^ APPROX. 28"0 ® 115' AGL (VERIFY WITH TOWER MANUFACTURER) PROPOSED 12'-6" LOW PROFILE ANTENNA PLATFORM WITH HANDRAIL KIT C-4 ANTENNA PROPOSED COMMSCOPE SBNHH-1D65B ANTENNA (TYP OF 4 PER SECTOR, 12 TOTAL) A-1 ANTENNA PROPOSED RRH (TYP OF 12) A-2 ANTENNA AT&T ANTCTOR 7 fNNA gZ,tta [v/ ANTENNA PROPOSED 125'-0" MONOPOLE PROPOSED DC6 SURGE SUPPRESSOR (TYP OF 2) A-4 ANTENNA m I N PROPOSED ANTENNA SCHEDULE LOCATION I AZIMUTH I CENTER I STATUS I TECHNOLOGY I ANTENNA MODEL # I# OF RRU I COAX SIZE I COAX LENGTH aC A-1 110' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH-1D658 2 ALL 1-1/4" 200'—D" Q 230' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH-1D65B 1 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) LUB-3 = A-2 110' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH-1D658 1 ALL 1-1/4" 200'—D" J A-3 11U 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH—iD65B 1 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) Q A-4 11U 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH—iD65B 1 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) aC B-1 230' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH-1D65B 2 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) FB-2 C-2 230' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH-1D65B 1 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) LUB-3 230' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH-1D65B 1 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) B-4 230' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNH1-1-11)658 1 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) aC C-1 350' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH-11)6513 2 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) G C-2 350' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH-11)6513 1 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) QC-3 350' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNH1-1-11)658 1 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) C-4 350' 115'-0" PROPOSED 700/1900/2100/2300 SBNHH-1D65B 1 ALL 1-1/4" (SHARED) (SHARED) PROPOSED MANUFACTURER ANTENNA MODEL # QUANTITY HEIGHT I WIDTH I DEPTH I WEIGHT ANTENNA CONFIGURATION COMMSCOPE SBNHH—iD65B 12 72.9" 1 11.9" 1 7.1" 1 49.6 LBS NOTE: ANTENNA LAYOUT IS TYPICAL FOR ALL PROPOSED AND FUTURE INSTALLATIONS. WHILE FINAL DESIGNS MAY VARY, ANTENNA PARAMETERS WILL NOT EXCEED MAX DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. 72.9„ NOTE: ALL ANTENNAS TO BE PAINTED NON—REFLECTIVE GRAY (TO BE APPROVED BY MILESTONE) ANTENNA WEIGHT = 49.6LBS. SBNHH-1D65B ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL-1D65B ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL A-, N.T.S. 04 Milestone COMMUNICATIONS 12110 SUNSET HILLS ROAD, SUITE 100 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 TEL. (703) 620-2555 FAX. (703) 620-8889 advantage engineers 7070 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVE, SUITE 150 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 PHONE (443)367-0003 www.advantagaanone rs.com SCHEDULE OF REVISIONS 2 07-25-16 REV. PER COMMENTS 1 07-15-16 REV. PER COMMENTS D 06-06-16 REV. PER COMMENTS REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES NO. DRAWN BY: TA CHECKED BY: SCALE: NOTED JOB NO: M830070.00 DRAWING TITLE: ANTENNA LAYOUT & SCHEDULE DRAWING SHEET: A-1 SHEET NUMBER: 9 OF 9 SITE INFORMATION: SITE NAME: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 JURISDICTION: ALBEMARLE COUNTY AN REW M. MILLER No. 050495 7/2,5/1-0 The Situation in the Year 2000 When personal wireless service facility sites are smaller, they aren't as easily seen, even though there may be more of them. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and State Law give localities the choice. There are five different personal wireless service facility sites in this photosimulation. Although there may never be any sites in this area, they have been photosimulated to show how they can blend with the landscape. Albemarle County requires less visible and less intrusive solutions such as those shown here. Personal Wireless Service Facilities Policy - Albemarle County - Page to Less visible & less intrusive There are over 8 light poles in the background of this picture near the proposed facility; however, nearly all of them are provided a backdrop and are not sky lit. Red lines —generally the same distance as the facility Less visible & less intrusive There are over 9 light poles in the background of this picture near the proposed facility; however, nearly all of them are provided a backdrop and are not sky lit. Red lines —generally the same distance as the facility Christopher Perez From: Dan Eggleston Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2016 4:05 AM To: Christopher Perez Cc: Doug Walker; Ron Lantz Subject: ACFR Support of ACPS Tower Site Chris, Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue (ACFR) supports the construction of the Albemarle County Public School (ACPS) Tower Site at Albemarle High School. We understand the new tower will support the school's 2.5 GHz broadband system. Public safety has access to the ACPS broadband system mainly during standbys a community events. The proposed tower at Albemarle High School would provide enhanced coverage in the north and northwest portions of the County, including adding capacity and redundancy at the Foxfield race track for public safety's use. The enhanced system could be used as an alternate or redundant system for our responders' access to the regional mobile CAD, records, and query systems. Thank you, Dan Eggleston Dan Eggleston, Chief EFO/CFO/CMO County of Albemarle, Department of Fire Rescue 460 Stagecoach Road, Suite F Charlottesville, VA 22902-6489 Voice: 434.296.5833 FAX: 434.972.4123 Mobile: 434.531.6600 E -Mail: deggleston@albemarle.org www. AC Fi re Re scu e. o rg Christopher Perez From: Ron Lantz Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2016 1:46 PM To: Dan Eggleston; Christopher Perez Cc: Doug Walker Subject: RE: ACFR Support of ACPS Tower Site Chris, The Albemarle County Police Department also supports, and I concur fully with Chief Eggleston's assessment below. Thanks, Ron Lantz Chief Ron Lantz Albemarle County Police Department 1600 5th Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 434-972-4070 From: Dan Eggleston Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2016 4:05 AM To: Christopher Perez <cperez@albemarle.org> Cc: Doug Walker <dwalker3@albemarle.org>; Ron Lantz <lantzr@albemarle.org> Subject: ACFR Support of ACPS Tower Site Chris, Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue (ACFR) supports the construction of the Albemarle County Public School (ACPS) Tower Site at Albemarle High School. We understand the new tower will support the school's 2.5 GHz broadband system. Public safety has access to the ACPS broadband system mainly during standbys a community events. The proposed tower at Albemarle High School would provide enhanced coverage in the north and northwest portions of the County, including adding capacity and redundancy at the Foxfield race track for public safety's use. The enhanced system could be used as an alternate or redundant system for our responders' access to the regional mobile CAD, records, and query systems. Thank you, Dan Eggleston Dan Eggleston, Chief EFO/CFO/CMO County of Albemarle, Department of Fire Rescue 460 Stagecoach Road, Suite F Charlottesville, VA 22902-6489 Voice: 434.296.5833 FAX: 434.972.4123 Mobile: 434.531.6600 E -Mail: deggleston@albemarle.org www. AC Fi re Re scu e. o rg W CHARLOTTESVILLE BUSINt ii►i wi�1lA�i"li0%w C J 'U N C I L Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: niantha H. McKeel, Chair Albemarle County Planning Commission 401. McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Chair J. Timothy Keller, Chair Re: Wireless Communisations Infrastructure in Albemarle County— Proposed Milestone Communications Facility at Albemarle High School Dear Supervisors and Commissior*ers: An important part of our mission at the Charlottesviile Business innovation Council is to accelerate technology innovation and entrepreneurship in the region. We strive to facilitate productive collaboration among the various segments of our region's technology community, to promote a supportive infrastructure, and to advocate for a robust, sustainable technology-based economy. We are fortunate that Albemarle County Public Schools provide top-quality education to our County's students, the innovators and business leaders of our community's future. Among its many departments and resources, the Schools' Department of Accountability, Research, and Technology (DART) provides access to a wide range of technologies and information in support of student achievement and workforce excellence. As you know, the School Board is currently working to improve its existing wireless broadband system. To that end, it has approved a partnership with Milestone Communications to construct a new facility at Albemarle High School thatwould dramatically improve wireless Internet and communications services for students and teachers at Albemarle High School, Jack Jouett Middle School, and Greer Elementary school. The CBIC would like to express its support for this proposed project. We understand that it will involve a 125' monopole set back on the AHS property, and we are aware that the monopole will be visible from Hydrau lic Road, very similar to the existing athletic field and parking lot light poles. We strongly believe that the benefits this facility will provide to the students, faculty, and administration at Greer, Jack Jouett, and Albemarle High School would outweigh any visual impacts to passing drivers. High school and middle school students take their laptops home to continue their workdays, but the signal from the existing AHS antenna does not reach all students. With an improved communications facility at AHS, the schools' free, secure and managed Internet will reach far more students. Internet is a necessity for students today to access hornework assignments, to communicate with teachers, to research and collaborate on projects virtually, and to submit homework. Internet from the AHS facility is a closed system managed by the schools, so is safe for cur students to use. In addition to improved wireless services, the Schools Board will receive P.O. Bax 303 1 C>�artottesvifle,'V rOma 22902 www.Cvdeinrcvation.org i T. 434.242.5886 CHAPLOTTESV! LLE BUSINESS I�!!�!� V T nN C 0 J Chi C 1 L. cash payments from Milestone and share in lease revenue received from commercial wireless providers. in addition, the School Board shares its wireless network with Albemarle's police, fire, and rescue personnel. We aiso acknowledge that this proposed site will provide network infrastructure for commercial carriers. Please do not discount the importance of improved wireless infrastructure to our community. Wireless data usage by mobile devices is increasing exponentially as we overate more and more wireless devices and use thein to do more tasks -- from banking, commerce, and electronic paymentsto health care information management to video calling and data streaming. In fact, mobile data traffic is expected to increase fifteen times from 2015 to 2020, U.S. mobile video traffic is expected to grow seven times during that same period, and in 2016 alone, mobile payments users are expected to increase 150% to 50 million'. Albemarle County needs a robust wireless communications infrastructure to keep up with our grooving population's increasing use of technology in our everyday lives. Since the County's Personail Wireless Service Facility Policy was adopted in 2000, the number of U.S. wireless consumers has increased from 100 million to 355.1 million, accordingto CTIA's 2014 survey. The number of wireless subscribers does not tell the whole story of increased demand because, in 2000, the smartphone was relatively new. Now, 80% of global consumers own a smartphone, an increase of 26% from 2012; ard 40% own a tablet and smartphone as well as a desktop device.' The ever-increasing number of wireless devices demand more powerful networks. Carriers need to deploy more technology than the County's preferred tree -top monopoles can realistically accommodate. Tall monopoles with full arrays are not appropriate in all locations, but this facility is ideally situated to serve numerous residential neighborhoods with minimal visibility. We hope that you will vote in favor of this proposed facility, which will accommodate the schools as well as multiple carriers in a location of minimal visual impact. Let's work togetherto advance technology in our community. Please vote "yes" and allow our community to provide a strung and effective wireless network to its future technology workers and entrepreneurs. Thank you for your consideration. Anthon el Chairman, Charlottesville Business Innovation Council 1 C IA.org 2 source: Accenture, The 2016 Accenture Screengager Report, April 2016; available at: https://www.accenture.com/screenager P_0. Box 303 1 Char ottesvil:e, Virginia 22902 ' www.Cv'!Ielnrovatio-i.org I T. 434.242.5886 TP.E H .M— ui..- .,�. i Z.i. � - "R�`R Charlottes lie tteO on a Chamber of Commerce A New Century ':.. dedicated to representing private enterprise, promoting business and enhancing the quality of life in our Greater Charlottesville communities. " cvillechamber.com • 209 Fifth Street, NE • Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Chamber Resolution (16-1): Support for Progressive Telecommunications Technologies Advancement and Revised and Aligned Local Governmental Telecommunications Policies & Regulation WHEREAS, our Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1913 and today with more than 1,200 member and affiliate member enterprises employing more than 45,000 people in our communities, representing an estimated total payroll of more than $1.75 billion a year, is dedicated to "representing private enterprise, promoting business and enhancing the quality of life in our Greater Charlottesville communities," WHEREAS, our Chamber has long -recognized and strongly supported the indispensable role of advancing telecommunications within our economy and lives, including, as stated in our 'Code of Chamber Public Policies'; Knowledge and information are the currency of today's and tomorrow's highly competitive, rapidly changing, instantaneous global economy. The American telecommunications system and infrastructure, the best in the world, has been built and maintained by a successful partnership of ingenuity and investment of private enterprise with a limited governmental role. Our Chamber believes that private enterprise should continue its leadership in telecommunications and that the governmental role – /oca/, state and federal – should be limited to ensuring full, fair competition and citizen access only in those circumstances where private enterprise cannot perform. " WHEREAS, federal and Virginia law recognize, in our rapidly -advancing national and global technology community, local governmental regulation should guide and balance, not impede, communities' telecommunications infrastructure to aid efficient and secure citizen, fire & rescue, police, education, business civic wireless and telecommunications access, connectivity and coverage; WHEREAS, local governmental telecommunications policies in some cases have not sustained pace with the rapidly evolving technological needs of citizens, businesses, schools, organizations and institutions; WHEREAS, telecommunications technological advancements in design, efficiency, operations, cost, maintenance, and the increasing demand for wireless data transmission compel reevaluation and revision of local governmental telecommunications regulations beyond previous singular or limited criteria, in balance with current and future citizen and market necessities; WHEREAS, many private enterprise telecommunications firms offer available sources of additional local governmental and citizen revenues, while meeting those current and future citizen and market necessities; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of our Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce that our Chamber supports progressive telecommunications technologies advancement and appropriately revised and aligned local governmental telecommunications policies and regulation. May 24, 2016 -C /.4d,- a-gn Felts Chairman of the Board of Directors X / nvkoth4 f IfccCbert President �. ' IbernrEe Fly h' School sm Q r Air --- --------------------- ------- Mir ..- "J �4 �. s \ ;kms �^ r E MILESTC SITE NAf HYDRAL CHARLO PROPOS VIEW #2 1 E COMMUNICATIONS : - ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL' C ROAD ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC RD. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA ESVILLE, VIRGINIA TYPE OF FACILITY: 1 25' MONOPOLE ) CONDITIONS DATE OF BALLOON FLOAT, 3/16/16 HS Photo 031) ti DISTANCE TO SITE: 1,1 05 FEET �. yy , •. :� _ yY-� �� � tel'. �� L ` '� jii� 9G W... _ �� I — j '. z _L a :: i= Y _ESTONE COMMUNICATIONS 4W • .-ice# ''�, n p: y + _ �� �• ESTONE COMMUNICATIONS NAME = ALBEMARLE 1-II:GH SCHOOL )RAULIC ROAD t , \RLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA )POSED CONDITION:' N #4 (AHS Photo 041) ---# �, 774--Fl."--kl . 4 ^- N wl; a r�^- AR- ADDRESS: 2775 HYDRAULIC RD. CHARLC TYPE OF FACILITY: 1 25',MONOPOLE� DATE OF BALLOON FLOAT: 3/16/16 DISTANCTO SITE: 1,060 FEET,, e. All Al. N --��,- . 4JV , d VIM J Mm i 'MILF.�STONE COMMUNICATIONS tSITnAME - ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL _=' � �-�►- _ ' ©,�. -HYDRAULIC ROAD ADDRESS: 2715 HYDRAULIC RD. rte- j6, C�HARI nTTFSVII I F_ VIRGINIA TYPE OF FACILITY: Y: 1 25 MONOP( Ji' Ilk, Al -90 of •G4h . -;F[ � i� ,' � _ .� t r - 111��� n L�STON: `CO_ MUNI IONS ITE IVAM- ==A BEMARLE HIGH SCHO t -- IYDRAULIC RbAD _ 6 > ADDRESS -,7.75 HYD.f��ULIC RD. CHARLC ' © - ':HARLOT E-SViLLE, VIRGINIA TYPE OF FACILITY:,"125' MONOPOLE 0�© 'ROPOSEI �C�NDITIONSf �'� DATE OF BALLOON FLOAT: 3/16/16 'iEW #14 Pian .n Photo '" � DISTANCETO SITE, 830 FEET " g) . D ur a -.a. C 4 • :� v ' ii'S . SFA- - - 3M 44� Z.� 7b IV p ph h_ Now IL VIA awl - -f© JNICAT10N _ARLE HIGH SCHOOL '`' ADDRESS: 2775 ?--I`� DRAULIC RD. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA VIRGINIA `o TYPE OF FACILITY: 1 Z5' MONOPOLE '.5 tf �� R . Sr' rJk x 4' YJ F . O AMI � y1 M. m 0 0. I7 Full, u MILESTONE CO Nt�. SITE NAME - ALBEMARLE HIGH HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA PROPOSED CONDITIONS 1 • I --�--_ ADDRESS; 2775 HYDRAULIC RD. CHP TYPE OF FACILITY: 1 25' MONOPOLE DATE OF BALLOON FLOAT: 316/16 o r • 1 • I --�--_ ADDRESS; 2775 HYDRAULIC RD. CHP TYPE OF FACILITY: 1 25' MONOPOLE DATE OF BALLOON FLOAT: 316/16 o �s •- ♦ WAr AW r� i 1 r,+ ooh `F� off •? Georgetown Green Subdivision ' Balloon visible (to a lesser degree) from these homes. Georgetown Green Subdivision Balloon highly visible & sky lit 6oF� from this area. F- o �! Ak- ♦ +� �� of �rM�A `° `�� ` oo f 4 a o oa = The monopole site ti 4 o 416 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Christopher Perez From: Bill Fritz, AICP Date: March 21, 2016 Subject: SP 2016-04 Albemarle High School Communication Facility If this application is approved it will be impacted by the FCC's action published January 8, 2015 which includes provisions addressing State and Local Review of Applications for Wireless Service Facility Modification. The FCC rule, in part, limits the ability of the County to review additional uses and modifications to wireless facilities. The County's ability to deny additional antenna, modification of antenna and increases in the tower height is limited. The County may only deny changes to the facility if- - f - The tower is increased in height by more than 20 feet; or - Antenna or other equipment would protrude more than twenty feet from the tower; or - More than four ground based cabinets are added; or - Excavation occurs outside the lease area; or - The change would defeat concealment elements. The Zoning Ordinance defines "concealment elements of the eligible support structure" (this tower if approved would be an eligible support structure): "Concealment elements of the eligible support structure: Any condition of approval, including any applicable requirement of section 5.1.40 in effect at the time of approval, established and imposed on the personal wireless service facility as a concealment technique and which includes conditions or regulations pertaining to antenna size, color of the structure and all equipment, antenna mounting techniques, including the requirement that antennas be flush mounted, maximum tower diameters at the base and top, limitations on tower height relative to a reference tree, screening by trees including the restrictions on removing trees that are screening the tower, siting towers so that they are not skylighted, requirements as to how cables should be located on a tower, and the size, location, design, and screening for ground based equipment." It is recommended that staff identify for the Board what if any features of the facility may be considered "concealment elements of the eligible support structure". If the Board of Supervisors approves this request it is recommended that they identify what, if any, conditions of approval should be considered "concealment elements of the eligible support structure". Without citing any "concealment elements of the eligible support structure" the County will be required to approve any requested changes that do not violate limitations cited above. If you would like something to be prepared as an attachment for the staff report please let me know and I will prepare something. Notes from the Community Meeting (3-21-16) Attendees: BOS Diantha McKeel — BOS Ann Mallek — BOS County Staff Christopher Perez Sarah Baldwin Schools Vince Scheivert Ben Shiver Robert Rejonis Joe Letteri Applicant Lori Schweller Kristen Stelzer (Milestone) Mike Fisher (Milestone) Citizens Ms. Cruikshank Robert Corley Barbara Corley Charles Stoke Discussion: A citizen asked where the idea for the school property to be used as a tower originated from. Mr. Letteri answered: the schools where contacted by AT&T. Citizen asked by wasn't Jack Jouett Middle School looked at as an alternative site based on the lesser effect on neighbors. Milestone is a tower developer, they only work w/ public landowners like schools. They are the middle man between AT&T. They are proposing three arrays now and are open to a fourth. Each array has its own platform. Charles Stoke was very concerned about the visual impacts from his house TMP 60-70Z and 70D (attached is a picture provided by Mr. Stokes from the balloon test). Also Richard Garrison was concerned with visibility to his home TMP 60-70Z3. Discussion was had about the number of towers within 4 square miles of the site: 32 towers (www. Antennasearch.com). A citizen asked: can the tower function without the special exception to the standoff distance/flush mounting? The answer: yes it could function but would only be able to hold 1 antenna vs 4 with the platform. Thus it would have a total of 3 antennas per array vs the 12 antennas per array as proposed now. A lengthy discussion about the science and health/safety effects of the tower and exposure followed. rr s 3e J f Y �* 10 Ap It -40 It"� ''.'• ir' Fes► f � h .�. re `r. : •fir ? %" ', v`'' .' �. t9.�� ' Oil T r r: �! � \ `r , i ...f ` rW yi.a _•Y `�, A7�ac.iW f S F 3� -i� � i . r. lk � pf• `il �'�. `',�• . + , �'i � 7 y,+!' �r IYfFlii�h n ,' � s• � �� t� � 4t r r 11�.►T_:',�t,t�. Ste. a .�vJ as e. ���l�i it ♦.;1` ,r. �.• n`#iq` ��e i %r dnnys, Mc � ij, , i ��ay .r .Y' � s �, 1 �'^r �'� � ��,ly^.. 4 ,,�"�w, . •'' .� iy OL All "'Wit IA Ar IL AL t MM��S T - t;w,. �`� U '," �" :�- Y +; yip- K. s'. •4•• s A. Y + . L�R LECLAI R*�YAN March 7, 2016 VIA U.S. MAIL RE. Balloon Test and Community Meeting for Milestone Communications Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facility (PWSF) SP201600004 Albemarle High School Dear Neighbor, Milestone Communications invites you to attend a balloon test on Wednesday March l6'" from 9:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m. at Albemarle High School, 2775 Hydraulic Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, property of County of Albemarle School Board, with current Albemarle County Tax Map parcel number 06000-00-00-078A0. The balloon test will be conducted adjacent to the baseball field at the rear of the property. In the case of rain or high winds, the test may be canceled and rescheduled for Monday, March 21" at the same time and place. On the day of the original balloon test if the weather is questionable, please call me at 804-248-8700 for a status update of the test. Milestone Communications has submitted an application for a special use permit to construct a 125 foot monopole with related equipment. The facility would serve County schools, fire, police, and rescue, as well as private wireless communications carriers. Milestone Communications has created a website to provide information to the public: w�ti,�ti,_allicmarlehs�ti irclesS.culr�. The website will be updated continually as additional information becomes available. The purpose of a balloon test is to evaluate the potential visual impact of the proposed I WSP by raising to the height of the proposed monopole a large red balloon, photographing it from neighboring roadways and properties, and creating photo simulations with computer imaging equipment. Representatives of the applicant and the County will be onsite from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. to walk the site and begin the balloon test. After 9 a.m., parties likely will be off site evaluating the visibility of the balloon. Also, on March 215 from 5:30 to 7:00 .m. a Community Meeting will be held to discuss the proposal in Room 36 at Albemarle County High School. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for residents to receive information and ask questions about the proposed project, County review procedures, and relevant regulations and policies of the County applicable to the proposed project. The applicant and County Staff will be available at the meeting to answer questions about the project and the review process. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1 WWW.LECLAIRRYAti.COM March 7, 2016 Page 2 If you have questions about the Special Use Permit process or would like to comment on the proposal, please contact Christopher Perez, Albemarle County Senior Planner at 434.296.5832 ext. 3443 or by email at coerezaalbemarle.org Please note that this project is required to have two public hearings prior to County action on the proposal. These hearings will be advertised once they are scheduled; neither the balloon test nor the community meeting is a public hearing. if you have questions, you may also call me at the numbers below. We look forward to seeing you. Very truly yours, 85ou J Lori 11. Schweller cc; Supervisor Diantha McKeel Commissioner Mac Lafferty Senior Planner, Christopher P. Perez (via email) ARB Principal Planner, Margaret Maliszewski (via email) Kristen Stelzer, Milestone Communications (via email) E-mail. Lori.Schweller@leclairryan.com Direct Phone; (434) 245.3448 Direct Fax (434) 296-0905 123 East Main Street, Suite 800 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Phone 434.245.34231 Fax 434.296.0905 CAL FORN'A . CONNECT -CVT '.MASSACHUSETTS 1 MICH GAN -NEW JERSEY NEW YORK ', PENNSYLVANIA 4 VIRGINIA 1 WASHINGTON, D.C. Much 4, 2016 Christopher Perez From: TW <twj m 2002@com cast. net> Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:32 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: Re: Cell tower behind AHS Mr. Perez, we don't live in Georgetown Green. We live at 58 Court Place, a cul-de-sac right off Georgetown Rd., behind the Barclay Apt. Thanks for your help. We are looking forward to hopefully getting better cell service with the new tower.:-) Maria Wayne On 7/26/16, 9:33 AM, "Christopher Perez" <cperez@albemarle.org> wrote: Maria, What is your address at Georgetown Green Subdivision? I would like this information for the staff report that's going to the PC on Aug 9th. Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle, Virginia 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville, VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext. 3443 From: TW [mailto:twim2002@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2016 6:47 PM To: Christopher Perez <cperez@albemarle.org> Subject: Cell tower behind AHS Dear Mr. Perez, My husband and I live off Georgetown Road, and we work at AHS and Greer Elementary, respectively. We wholeheartedly SUPPORT your project with special use permit. We want to have cell coverage at our work and home. Currently, it is nearly impossible to make or receive calls in our home or at work. I trust that the project will be done well, and the esthetics are secondary to the safety the new tower will bring with better cell phone reception to police, fire and private homes. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Maria Wayne Christopher Perez From: Schweller, Lori H.<Lori.Schweller@leclairryan.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 9:50 AM To: Diantha McKeel; Russell Lafferty Cc: Christopher Perez; Kristen Stelzer Subject: FW: WiFi in Schools Attachments: Albemarle-wifi-letter.pdf Good Morning, Ms. McKeel and Mr. Lafferty, We have heard that citizens have raised concerns about the potential health effects of the proposed communications facility. As you know, the school already has a wireless communications antenna on the rooftop, so constructing the monopole would move the source of emissions further from the students. Regardless of location on the grounds, however, please know that the scientific community has thoroughly studied RF emissions, and the federal government has adopted maximum emissions standards, which far exceed the levels that communications facilities such as this operate within. As you can see from the emails below, the schools are fully -informed on the subject. Ms. Cruikshank apparently raised the issue with respect to a library communications facility considered by the Board last year, and the attached letter prepared by the UVA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering was sent to the School Board to support their position that the health concerns are unfounded. At Monday's community meeting, Kristen Stelzer of Milestone Communications has arranged to have a radiofrequency engineer on hand to address this subject and answer questions from the public. Thank you, Lori Lori H. Schweller Attorney at Law LECLAIRRYAN 123 East Main Street, Eighth Floor Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 245-3448 Direct (434) 296-0905 Fax (804) 248-8700 Mobile Lori. Schwel I eral ecl ai rrvan. com https://www.Ieclairryan.com Linkedln Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Rick Randolph [mailto:rrandolph@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 5:23 PM To: Schweller, Lori H. Subject: Fwd: WiFi in Schools Here is the letter from UVA. Best regards, Rick Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: Vincent Scheivert <vscheivert(a�kl2albemarle.org> Date: March 14, 2016 at 5:17:46 PM EDT To: Rick Randolph <rrandolph(a�albemarle.org> Subject: FW: WiFi in Schools I don't have one specifically about cell but this is for wifi in schools. Signed by the entire department. Vincent Scheivert, Chief Information Officer Albemarle County Public Schools From: Vincent Scheivert Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 12:15 PM To: 'John Halliday' <halliday@imrl.org> Subject: RE: WiFi in Schools From the department of Electrical Engineering at UVA. Vince Vincent Scheivert, Chief Information Officer Albemarle County Public Schools From: John Halliday [mailto:hallidav@imrl.org] Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 12:09 PM To: Vincent Scheivert Subject: RE: WiFi in Schools Vince, that letter would be helpful. Thanks. John At 11:53 AM 1/29/2015, you wrote: We had the issue come up last year at the Board of Supervisor?s meeting from a concerned older gentlemen. We presented information from the FCC, the director of electrical engineering at UVA, and others. We also spoke directly to the study that was referenced by the gentleman which was found to be flawed. I will look and see if I can?t find that letter which may be helpful for you. Vince Vincent Scheivert, Chief Information Officer Albemarle County Public Schools From: John Halliday [ mailto:halliday�rc,imrl.org] Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 9:07 AM To: Vincent Scheivert Subject: RE: WiFi in Schools Vince, thanks for your response. The libraries are not doing anything unusual. And even if we turned WiFi off we would still have signals from neighboring properties. As you know, WiFi is almost everywhere. My main question was how the schools respond to people, like the older gentleman referenced by Pam. Since the two citizens who approached the Library Board said their main concern was children, I'm surprised they didn't talk to the School Board first. John At 04:48 PM 1/28/2015, you wrote: John, The research concerning negative impacts of Wi-Fi have largely been debunked. Most of those studies have come from a case in Seattle and one in Canada. Both turned out bogus. We can certainly assist to evaluate whether your access points would be exceeding safe levels. Just so we are clear, for you to be operating in unsafe conditions, your ceilings would need to be just barely larger than the people in the room or would have a series of major hardware failures. Neither scenarios seem likely, although I?ve only been in the Crozet Library. : ) A more common concern that we hear surrounds cellular transmission and its effects on the human body. I have also included in the email Robert Rejonis, he is a wealth of knowledge about all things but in particular wireless. Please let us know how we can help. Vince Vincent Scheivert, Chief Information Officer Albemarle County Public Schools From: Pam Moran Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 6:20 PM To: John Halliday; Vincent Scheivert Subject: Re: WiFi in Schools No - we've had an occasional concern from an older gentleman. Vince Scheivert the school division CIO has done significant research - I'm copying Vince to connect you. Pam Sent from my iPhone On Jan 26, 2015, at 4:28 PM, John Halliday <halliday�ic imrl.org> wrote: Hi, Pam. I hope you're doing well. We're looking forward to sharing space with the schools at the new Northside Library (scheduled to open mid-March). Question: Has anyone complained about WiFi in the schools due to alleged dangers of electromagentic fields? Several months ago a Ms. Cruickshank asked JMRL to reduce WiFi in children's areas and last month Emerald Young asked us to minimize WiFi at the new Northside Library. We've researched studies on the topic and found no proof exposure to WiFi is dangerous. Just thought I'd check with the neighbors (you) to see if the schools have heard similar concerns from Cruickshank or Young or anyone else. If so, how have you responded? John Halliday, Library Director Jefferson -Madison Regional Library 201 East Market Street, Charlottesville Virginia 22902 Tel: 434-979-7151 ext.206; Fax 434-979-0278 grow. learn. connect. @ www.,jmrl.org * This e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail with a copy to emailadministrator@leclairryan.com and delete this e-mail and all copies and attachments. 4 July 30, 2013 Albemarle County Schools 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Attn: Ms. Eileen Gomez Dear Ms. Gomez, It's our understanding that the Albemarle County school system is being asked to remove Wi-Fi routers from buildings, primarily because of one individual's concerns for student health. It is our professional opinion as faculty members in UVa's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering that the County should not act on alarmist claims, and instead trust professional organizations that represent hundreds of thousands of engineers and scientists. For a bit of technical data, Wi-Fi access points normally emit about 0.1 watt from the antenna. This power is radiated more or less uniformly in all directions, and at a distance of say 1 meter, the power density is at most 1 microwatt/square centimeter. This is 1000 times smaller than the standard for continuous exposure to microwave radiation established by the IEEE, the leading professional organization in our field (1). Furthermore, Wi-Fi signals are intermittent, or pulsed, and the average exposure is likely a factor of 10 lower than above. Though comparisons to exposure from a typical cellular phone are difficult to make, it's clear that Wi-Fi radiation exposure is far below that encountered in ordinary cell phone usage, as these devices radiate higher power and are in close proximity to the body. In addition, we have a history of more than fifteen years of living with these devices in our homes, workplaces, coffee shops, and malls, without any substantiated evidence of their health impact. We will be pleased to provide further information if needed. 1) IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, (2005) Sincerely, Stephen G. Wilson N. Scott Barker Avik Ghosh Lloyd R. Harriott Arthur W. Lichtenberger Toby Berger COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 April 22, 2016 Kristen Stelzer Milestone Communications 12110 Sunset Hills Road, Ste, 100 Reston, VA 20190 RE: ARB -2016-18: Albemarle High School PWSF Telecommunications Facility Dear Ms. Stelzer, The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on April 18, 2016, completed a preliminary review of the above -noted request. The Board took the following actions. Regarding the visibility of the monopole:, the Board, by a vote of 3:0, forwarded the following recommendation to the Agent: The ARB does not support the requests for special exceptions and finds that: 1. The location of the facility does not serve to minimize visibility of the facility. 2. The height of the facility and the method of antenna attachment do not serve to minimize visibility. 3. The addition of the facility, as designed, does not respect existing views and vistas. 4. Telecommunications facilities to be constructed on County property should meet the County's established design standards and the Personal Wireless Service Facilities Policy, which is a component of the Comprehensive Plan. Regarding the Certificate of Appropriateness for the ground equipment and base station: The ARB took no action on this item based on the previous action. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Margaret Maliszewski Principal Planner cc: Lori Schweller, LeClair Ryan, 123 East Main Street, 8th Floor, Charlottesville, VA 22902 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 May 9, 2016 Kristen Stelzer Milestone Communications 12110 Sunset Hills Road, Ste. 100 Reston, VA 20190 RE: ARB -2016-18: Albemarle High School Telecommunications Facility Dear Mrs. Stelzer, The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on May 2, 2016, considered the proposal for ground equipment associated with the above -noted request for a 125 -tall steel monopole. The Board, by a vote of 3:1, approved a Certificate of Appropriateness for onlythe ground equipment and base station. This approval is predicated on the fact that the design and materials, as proposed and exhibited for review, will be used. he acceptance of approval implies that the applicant has agreed to execute the design as indicated on the site plan, attachments, materials, samples, and other submittal items presented. Any change in the approved design or materials will require an amendment to the plan and must be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Board. Please note the following: 1. This application is approved with the condition that mechanical equipment shall not be visible from the Entrance Corridor. 2. Certificates of Appropriateness are valid for the same period that the corresponding site plan is valid. If there is no site plan required for the proposed work, the Certificate of Appropriateness is valid for 3 years. Applicants requesting an extension of the period of validity must do so in writing. The letter must be received by the Director of Planning prior to the expiration date. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Margaret Maliszewski Principal Planner cc: County of Albemarle School Board Albemarle High School Etal 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville VA 22901 Lori H. Schweller, Le Clair Ryan 123 East Main Street, Eighth Floor Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 File ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT Project #/Name ARB -2015-18: Albemarle High School Telecommunications Facility Review Type Special Use Permit for a Personal Wireless Service Facility Parcel Identification 060000000078AO Location 190 Lambs Lane, on the west side of Hydraulic Road, south of Lambs Road, east of the baseball field and south of the football field, approximate) 1200' from the EC Zoned Rural Areas (RA)/Entrance Corridor (EC) Owner/Applicant County of Albemarle School Board/Milestone Communications (Kristen Stelzer) Magisterial District Jack Jouett Proposal To install a 125' -tall steel monopole, three arrays of platform -mounted antennas, and associated ground -equipment in a 2600 sf compound. Context A mix of institutional, residential and commercial uses is found along Hydraulic Road. Residential developments surround the school property. A view of the mountains is available from the Entrance Corridor beyond the school. Visibility The proposed pole and antennas would be visible along Hydraulic Road from approximately 200' north of the Lambs Road intersection (at the Connect Church) to the intersection with Georgetown Road. From the Hydraulic Road entrance to the school north, open views are available. From the entrance south, trees on- and off-site reduce views. ARB Meeting Date April 18, 2016 Staff Contact Margaret Maliszewski SITE HISTORY The ARB has previously completed reviews of additions, renovations, and parking lot changes at Albemarle High School. A balloon test for the current proposal was held on March 16, 2016. I9:101 BE" 817 D1ll:1lski • Install a 125' tall galvanized steel monopole. • Establish a 2600 sf fenced compound approximately 1200' from the EC accessed from Lamb's Road. • Install three antenna arrays with centers at 125', 115' and 105'. The top array would rise an additional 2' above the top of the pole. • The top antenna array is intended for county schools wireless services. It includes 4 antennas in each of 3 sectors, plus 2 distribution boxes and 2 surge suppressors. Each leg of the antenna frame measures 13' long. The tri -sector arrangement allows for future upgrades. • The second antenna array is intended for AT&T. It includes 4 antennas in each of 3 sectors. Antenna sizes for this array are shown as 72.9" x 11.9" x 7.1". • The illustrations show a third array for future use. • The height of the pole would allow for three antenna arrays in addition to those just described. • Initial ground equipment would include an equipment cabinet, an equipment shelter, generator, cabinet, and utility stand. • One tree would be removed and one utility pole would be relocated to accommodate the facility. • Virginia Pines would be planted around the compound. • 9 parking spaces would be established northeast of the facility for school use. • Special Exceptions are requested as outlined below. MIIIID177DINW1.1►181QIall) 7uRNIce)eI FCC regulations would apply to a tower constructed as proposed in this application. The regulations would limit the County's ability to review additional uses and modifications to the facility once constructed. The County may only deny changes to the facility if: • The tower is increased in height by more than 20% or • Antenna or other equipment would protrude more than 20' from the tower; or • More than 4 ground-based cabinets are added; or • Excavation occurs outside the lease area; or • The change would defeat concealment elements. Please see Attachment A for additional information on this issue. SPECIAL EXCEPTION REQUESTS Standard Requirement Special Exception Requested Applicant's Reasoning Staff Comment 5.1.40.b(2)(c) Projection shall be Permit arrays that will stand off This increases the level of coverage, The proposed facility would only no greater than 12" from facility from the monopole greater than 18". maximizes network capacity, and look like the existing ball field pole to closest point of back of antenna provides for future upgrades. This lights if the pole height matches the and no greater than 18" to furthest configuration will look like the height of the ball field poles and if point of back of antenna. existing ball field light poles. the array standoff distance matches that of the ball field attachments, which it doesn't. The special exception should be denied. 5.1.40.b.2(d) Color. Each antenna Permit monopole to retain its gray The gray galvanized steel blends with If the facility is approved at the and associated equipment shall be galvanized steel surface and color existing ball field light poles. The gray height and location proposed, there a color that matches the facility, color is consistent with the color of is no objection to the galvanized structure or building. existing ball field and parking lot pole steel color. However, the facility lights. should maintain consistency with county policy by maintaining minimal visibility, which this proposal does not. ANALYSIS REGARDING THE GROUND EQUIPMENT A Certificate of Appropriateness from the ARB is required for the base equipment portion of a proposed telecommunications facility in the Entrance Corridors. The ARB may impose conditions on the Certificate of Appropriateness, based on the EC Guidelines, and consistent with Section 5.1.40 of the Zoning Ordinance. Ref I Guideline I Issues I Recommendations Accessory structures and equipment 17 The following should be screened to eliminate The ground equipment is not expected to be visible from the Because it is not expected to be visibility from the Entrance Corridor street: Hydraulic Road Entrance Corridor due to the topography of visible from the Entrance e) Mechanical equipment the site and the location of existing buildings and vegetation. Corridor, staff recommends approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the ground U&II%IMK's;3DIM N11QIVAIJfy1:31MYM'913aIamIDoOF.To101r1 The ARB may act in an advisory capacity to the Agent as to whether the facility is being sited to minimize its visibility. Ref Guideline Issues Recommendations Development pattern 33 The relationship of buildings Traveling south to north on the corridor, drivers and pedestrians emerge from a The location of the and other structures to the stretch of road with close -placed trees and buildings to an expansive view that facility does not serve to Entrance Corridor street and opens to the west, with Hydraulic Road above the high school site, and a vista minimize visibility of the to other development within opening across the school buildings and parking lot to a clear mountain backdrop. facility. The height of the the corridor should be as This mountain view is relatively short but vastly important. facility and the method of follows: antenna attachment do f. The placement of The facility location, pole height, method of antenna attachment, and lack of tree not serve to minimize structures on the site should cover, individually and combined, would establish a facility with clear visibility visibility. The addition of respect existing views and that diminishes this important vista. The pole and antennas would be extremely the facility, as designed, vistas on and around the site. visible for approximately 800' along the EC, from the entrance to the school north. does not respect existing The pole and antennas would be intermittently visible approximately 1200' south views and vistas. of the entrance to the school. Telecommunications facilities to be The proposed tower height in the proposed location results in an extremely visible constructed on County facility. The balloon test showed that approximately the upper half of the facility property should meet the would be visible from Hydraulic Road. There is no wooded backdrop available for County's established the upper half of the facility. The lower half of the facility would have backdrop or design standards and the would be obstructed by other development. The antenna arrays would be clearly Personal Wireless Service visible from the EC. As confirmed by the photo -simulations, the number and width Facilities Policy, which is of the arrays serve to distinguish the facility from existing parking lot and ball field a component of the light poles. Flush mounted antennas have less visibility than antennas mounted on Comprehensive Plan. tripartite frames whose legs are 13' long. The method of antenna attachment increases visibility and incompatibility of the facility with the surroundings. In the review of several previous applications at other sites, the ARB has supported the addition of antenna arrays of the type proposed in this application to previously existing telecommunications facilities. The rationale for these recommendations was the fact that the facility pre -dated the establishment of the Entrance Corridor and the appearance was already so negative that an additional array could not increase the negative impact on the EC. That rationale clearly indicates a need for redesign of the current proposal as a treetop facility with concealment elements that result in an appropriate appearance for the Entrance Corridor. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Regarding the Certificate of Appropriateness for the ground equipment and base station: Because the ground equipment is not expected to be visible from the Entrance Corridor, staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness, as proposed, for the ground equipment and base station. Regarding visibility of the monopole: Staff recommends that the ARB forward the following recommendations to the Agent: The ARB does not support the requests for special exceptions and finds that: 1. The location of the facility does not serve to minimize visibility of the facility. 2. The height of the facility and the method of antenna attachment do not serve to minimize visibility. 3. The addition of the facility, as designed, does not respect existing views and vistas. 4. Telecommunications facilities to be constructed on County property should meet the County's established design standards and the Personal Wireless Service Facilities Policy, which is a component of the Comprehensive Plan. TABLE A This report is based on the following submittal items: Sheet # Drawing Name Revision Date T1 Title Sheet 3/14/16 Z1 Site Plan 3/14/16 Z2 Enlarged Site Plan 3/14/16 Z3 2000' radius, 10' contour map 3/14/16 Cl Compound Plan 3/14/16 C2 Landscape Plan 3/14/16 C3 Elevation 3/14/16 C4 Construction Details 3/14/16 Al Antenna Layout and Schedule 3/14/16 A2 Antenna Layout and Schedule 3/14/16 1-4 Site Photos - - Photosimulations (2 sets provided; one based on applicant's information prior to submittal, second set based on photos of 3/16/2016 balloon test) - 1-13 Project description and request for Special Exceptions 2/16/16 ATTACHMENT A x f- '� Counts of Albemarle Department of Community Development llemoraudum To; Christopher Perez Fmm: Sill Fritz, 3ICP Date: Nin -ch 21, 2616 Subject: SP 2016-04 Albemarle High School Communication F"ty If this application is approved it will be impacted bythe FCC's action published January S, 2015 which includes proyisiom addressing State and Local P nriew• ofApplicaticm for Wireless Senice Facility Modification. The FCC rule, in part, limits the ability of the County to review additional uses and modifications to wireless facilities_ The County's ability to deny additional antenna modification of antenna and increases in the tower height is limited. The County may only deny changes to the facility if - The tower is increased in height by more than 20 feet; or - Antenna or other equipment would promide mare than twenty feet from the tower; ot - hfore than four ground based cabinets are added; or - Excavation occurs outside the lease arra; or - The change would defeat concealment elements. The Zoning Ordinance defines --concealment elements efthe eligible support structure" (this tower if approved would be an eligible support structure): -Concealment elements of the eligible support structure: Any condition of approvaL inchtding any applicable requirement of section 5.1.4a in effect at the time ofapprocal, established and imposed m the personal wireless sennce facility as a concealment technique and which includes conditions or regulations pertaining to antenna viae, color of the sInxhue and all equipment, antenna mounting techniques, including the requirement that anteni as be flush mounted, ivaxinumr tower diameters at the base and tap, limitations on tower height relative to a reference tree, screening by trees including the restrictions on removing trees that are s reeuing the tower, siting towers so that they are not skylghted, requirements as to how cables should be located on a tower, and the size, location, design, and screening for ground based equipment.- It quipment" It is recoinmended that staff identify for the Board what if any features of the facility may be considered "concealment elements ofthe eligible support snvchtre"_ Ifthe Hoard of Snpenisors approves this request it is recommended that theyidentifywhat , if any, conditions ofapproval should be considered" oncEatment elements of the eligible support structure". Without citing any "concealcient elements ofthe eligible Rg4xni structure" the County will be required to approve any requested changes that do not violate limitations cited abotiT_ Lf you would 11T something to be prepared as an attachment for the staff report please let me know and I will prepare something. A' I ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE b. The applicant shall demonstrate that he has made a determined effort to reduce reliance on single occupancy vehicle use by putting in place incentives and/or employee programs to encourage alternatives to single occupancy vehicles. Where public transit reasonably could be made available, the applicant should demonstrate that efforts have been made to coordinate routes and times with the public transportation service and the workforce hours. C. The parking lot shall be located, designed and constructed to reduce or eliminate significant visual impacts from all public streets, private roads and adjacent properties, and to reduce or eliminate other significant impacts to adjacent properties resulting from vehicular noise, dust, artificial lighting, glare, runoff, degradation of water quality and other similar disturbances. d. The applicant shall submit a conceptual plan or a site plan with his application for a special use permit. The plan shall show the approximate location of the parking lot on the property, its dimensions, its access to a public street, its distance from the off-site parking to the industrial site, and shall identify how persons will be transported or will transport themselves from the off-site parking to the building or use. The plan shall also show all features of the parking lot, which will insure that the parking lot will not adversely change the character of, or significantly impact, the area surrounding the property on which the parking lot is proposed, and will impact to the least extent practicable the property on which the parking lot is proposed. The features which shall be shown on the conceptual plan or site plan, and which may be required as a condition of approval of a special use permit, include but are not limited to: 1. Visual or noise barriers such as earthen berms, the existing or planned terrain and/or vegetative screening; 2. Proposed construction elements, which shall include elements which will minimize noise, light pollution, dust, glare, and runoff and which will protect water quality and protect trees designated to be preserved and will result in no significant degradation to the environment; 3. A lighting plan which identifies the location and design of all outdoor light structures and fixtures, demonstrates that all outdoor lights comply with section and demonstrates that all outdoor lights will be shielded in such a manner that all light emitted from the fixture, either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture, is projected below the horizontal plane of the fixture; and 4. Changes proposed to the entrance and public road, including any necessary road -widening, or grading and removal of trees to accommodate sight distance. e. The off-site parking and loading requirements set forth in section 4.12 shall apply to the off-site parking subject to this section, except as expressly provided otherwise therein. 5.1.40 PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITIES; COLLOCATION, REPLACEMENT, AND REMOVAL OF TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT The purpose of section 5.1.40 is to implement the personal wireless service facilities policy, adopted as part of the comprehensive plan, in a manner that complies with Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7)) for new personal wireless service facilities and collocations and replacements that result in a substantial change in the physical dimensions of an eligible support structure; and to implement Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (47 U.S.C. § 1455) and 47 CFR § 1.40001 for collocations and replacements that do not result in a substantial change in the physical dimensions of an eligible support structure. Each personal wireless service facility and the transmission equipment of any other wireless service shall be subject to the following, as applicable: 18-5-20 Zoning Supplement #89,4-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE a. Application for approval: An application providing the following information shall be required for each personal wireless service facility (hereinafter, "facility") and transmission equipment that will be collocated or replace existing equipment on an eligible support structure: 18-5-21 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 Ty of A lication Application Requirements I II III C/R 1. Application form and signatures. A completed application form, signed by the parcel X X X X owner, the parcel owner's agent or the contract purchaser, and the proposed facility's owner. If the owner's agent signs the application, he shall also submit written evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. If the contract purchaser signs the application, he shall also submit the owner's written consent to the application. 2. Plat or survey of the parcel. A recorded plat or recorded boundary survey of the parcel X X X X on which the facility will be located; provided, if neither a recorded plat nor boundary survey exists, a copy of the legal description of the parcel and the Albemarle County Circuit Court deed book and page number. 3. Ownership. The identity of the owner of the parcel and, if the owner is other than a real X X X X person, the complete legal name of the entity, a description of the type of entity, and written documentation that the person signing on behalf of the entity is authorized to do so. 4. Plans and supporting drawings, calculations, and documentation. Except where the X X X X facility will be located entirely within an eligible support structure or an existing building, a scaled plan and a scaled elevation view and other supporting drawings, calculations, and other documentation required by the agent, signed and sealed by an appropriate licensed professional. The plans and supporting drawings, calculations, and documentation shall show: (a) Existing and proposed improvements. The location and dimensions of all existing X X X X and proposed improvements on the parcel including access roads and structures, the location and dimensions of significant natural features, and the maximum height above ground of the facility (also identified in height above sea level). (b) Elevation and coordinates. The benchmarks and datum used for elevations shall X X X X coincide with the State Plane VA South US Survey Feet based on the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83), and the benchmarks shall be acceptable to the county engineer. (c) Design. The design of the facility, including the specific type of support structure X X X X and the design, type, location, size, height, and configuration of all existing and proposed antennas and other equipment. (d) Color. Identification of each paint color on the facility, by manufacturer color X X X X name and color number. A paint chip or sample shall be provided for each color. (e) Topography. Except where the facility would be attached to an eligible support X X structure or an existing building, the topography within two thousand (2,000) feet of the proposed facility, in contour intervals not to exceed ten (10) feet for all lands within Albemarle County and, in contour intervals shown on United States Geological Survey topographic survey maps or the best topographic data available, for lands not within Albemarle County. (f) Trees. The caliper and species of all trees where the dripline is located within fifty X X X (50) feet of the facility. The height, caliper, and species of any tree that the applicant is relying on to provide screening of the monopole or tower. The height, caliper and species of the reference tree. The caliper and species of all trees that will be adversely impacted or removed during installation or maintenance of the 18-5-21 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE Application Requirements T e of A lication I II III C/R rfaLcility shall be noted, regardless of their distances to the facility. etbacks, parking, fencing, and landscaping. All existing and proposed setbacks, X X X X parking, fencing, and landscaping. (h) Location of accessways. The location of all existing vehicular accessways and the X X X X location and design of all proposed vehicular accessways. (i) Location of certain structures and district boundaries. Except where the facility X X X would be attached to an eligible support structure or an existing building, residential and commercial structures; and residential and rural areas district boundaries. (j) Proximity to airports. If the proposed monopole or tower will be taller than one X X hundred fifty (150) feet, the proximity of the facility to commercial and private airports. 5. Photographs. Photographs of the location of the proposed monopole or tower shall be X X provided that include, for applications for Tier II facilities, the reference tree, and for applications for Tier III facilities, the area within fifty (50) feet of the proposed monopole or tower. These photographs shall include reference points to enable the lease area, the vehicular access, the trees that will remain, and the trees that will be removed, to be identified. In addition, photographs, where possible, or perspective drawings of the facility site and all existing facilities within two hundred (200) feet of the site, if any, and the area surrounding the site. 6. Balloon tests. For any proposed monopole or tower, photographs taken of a balloon test, which shall be conducted, if requested by the agent, as follows: (a) Scheduling. The applicant shall contact the agent within ten (10) days after the X X date the application was submitted to schedule a date and time when the balloon test will be conducted. The test shall be conducted within forty (40) days after the date the application was submitted, and the applicant shall provide the agent with at least seven (7) days prior notice; provided that this deadline may be extended due to inclement weather or by the agreement of the applicant and the agent. (b) Marking key boundaries and locations. Prior to the balloon test, the locations of X X the access road, the lease area, the tower site, the reference tree, and the tallest tree within twenty five (25) feet of the proposed monopole shall be surveyed and staked or flagged in the field. (c) Balloon height. The test shall consist of raising one or more balloons from the X X facility site to a height equal to the proposed facility. (d) Balloon color or material. The balloons shall be of a color or material that X X provides maximum visibility. (e) Photographing balloon test. The photographs of the balloon test shall be taken X X from the nearest residence and from appropriate locations on abutting properties, along each publicly used road from which the balloon is visible, and other properties and locations as deemed appropriate by the agent. The applicant shall identify the camera type, film size, and focal length of the lens for each photograph. 18-5-22 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE The following abbreviations are used in this table: I, II, and III: Refer to Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III facilities, respectively. C/R: Refers to exempt collocations and exempt replacements of transmission equipment. X: Refers to a requirement that applies to the corresponding facility or transmission equipment. b. Development requirements. Each facility or transmission equipment may be established upon approval as provided in subsection (c) provided that the application satisfies the applicable requirements of subsection (a) and demonstrates that the facility or transmission equipment will be installed and operated in compliance with all applicable provisions of this chapter, and the following: Development Requirements MW T e of A lication Application Requirements I III III C/R 7. Additions of antennas. If antennas are proposed to be added to an eligible support X X X X structure or an existing building, all existing antennas and other equipment on the (b) Outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting for the facility shall be permitted only during X X X structure, building, or facility, as well as all ground equipment, shall be identified by shall be fully shielded as required by section 4.17; provided that these restrictions owner, type, and size. The method(s) by which the antennas will be attached to the shall not apply to any outdoor lighting required by federal law. mounting structure shall be depicted. (c) Ground equipment. Any ground equipment shelter not located within an eligible X X 8. Site under conservation or open space easement. If the proposed facility would be support structure or an existing building shall be screened from all lot lines either X X located on lands subject to a conservation easement or an open space easement, a copy approved by the agent. of the recorded deed of easement and the express written consent of all easement (d) Whip antenna. A whip antenna less than six (6) inches in diameter may exceed the X holders to the proposed facility. X height of the facility, the eligible support structure, or the existing building. 9. Photographic simulations. At the request of the agent, photographic simulations of the X X proposed facility. 10. Statement of justification for exempt collocation. If the application is for an exempt X collocation, a statement of the justification for the application qualifying as an exempt collocation. 11. Evidence of prior approval. Approval letters or actions from the County authorizing X the initial construction of the facility and any approval letters or actions for modifications of the facility after initial construction. If no approvals were granted by the County for the facility the applicant shall provide evidence that the facility was constructed lawfully. 12. Special exception. If the proposed facility does not comply with any provision of X X X section 5.1.40, the applicant shall request a special exception in writing as part of the application. The request shall identify which regulation in section 5.1.40 for the special exception is requested and a justification for the special exception. The following abbreviations are used in this table: I, II, and III: Refer to Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III facilities, respectively. C/R: Refers to exempt collocations and exempt replacements of transmission equipment. X: Refers to a requirement that applies to the corresponding facility or transmission equipment. b. Development requirements. Each facility or transmission equipment may be established upon approval as provided in subsection (c) provided that the application satisfies the applicable requirements of subsection (a) and demonstrates that the facility or transmission equipment will be installed and operated in compliance with all applicable provisions of this chapter, and the following: Development Requirements MW Type of Application i II iii Con 1. General design. The facility shall be designed, installed, and inaintained as follows: (a) Guy wires. Guy wires are prohibited. X X X (b) Outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting for the facility shall be permitted only during X X X maintenance periods; regardless of the lumens emitted, each outdoor luminaire shall be fully shielded as required by section 4.17; provided that these restrictions shall not apply to any outdoor lighting required by federal law. (c) Ground equipment. Any ground equipment shelter not located within an eligible X X X support structure or an existing building shall be screened from all lot lines either by terrain, existing structures, existing vegetation, or by added vegetation approved by the agent. (d) Whip antenna. A whip antenna less than six (6) inches in diameter may exceed the X X X height of the facility, the eligible support structure, or the existing building. 18-5-22.1 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE 18-5-22.2 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 Type of Application Development Requirements I II III C/R (e) Grounding rod. A grounding rod, whose height shall not exceed two (2) feet and X X X whose width shall not exceed one (1) inch in diameter at the base and tapering to a point, may be installed at the top of the facility, the eligible support structure, or the existing building. 2. Antennas and associated equipment. Antennas and associated equipment that are not X X X entirely within a proposed facility, an eligible support structure, or an existing building shall be subject to the following: (a) Number of arrays. The total number of arrays of antennas shall not exceed three X X X (3). All types of antennas and dishes, regardless of their use, shall be counted toward the limit of three arrays. (b) Size. Each antenna proposed under the pending application shall not exceed the size X X X shown on the application, which size shall not exceed one thousand four hundred (1400) square inches. (c) Projection. No antenna shall project from the facility, structure or building beyond X X X the minimum required by the mounting equipment, and in no case shall the closest point of the back of the antenna be more than twelve (12) inches from the facility, structure, or building, and in no case shall the farthest point of the back of the antenna be more than eighteen (18) inches from the facility, structure, or building; and X X X (d) Color. Each antenna and associated equipment shall be a color that matches the facility, structure or building. 3. Tree conservation plan; content. Before the building official issues a building permit for X X X the facility, the applicant shall submit a tree conservation plan prepared by a certified arborist. The plan shall be submitted to the agent for review and approval to ensure that all applicable requirements have been satisfied. The plan shall specify tree protection methods and procedures, identify all existing trees to be removed on the parcel for the installation, operation and maintenance of the facility, and identify all dead and dying trees that are recommended to be removed. In approving the plan, the agent may identify additional trees or lands up to two hundred (200) feet from the lease area to be included in the plan. 4. Creation of slopes steeper than 2:1. No slopes associated with the installation of the X X X facility and its accessory uses shall be created that are steeper than 2:1 unless retaining walls, revetments, or other stabilization measures acceptable to the county engineer are employed. 5. Ground equipment shelter; fencing. Any ground equipment shelter not located within an X X X existing building shall be fenced only with the approval of the agent upon finding that the fence: (i) would protect the facility from trespass in areas of high volumes of vehicular or pedestrian traffic or, in the rural areas, to protect the facility from livestock or wildlife; (ii) would not be detrimental to the character of the area; and (iii) would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. 6. Screening and siting to minimize visibility. The site shall provide adequate opportunities X X for screening and the facility shall be sited to minimize its visibility from adjacent parcels and streets, regardless of their distance from the facility. The facility also shall be sited to minimize its visibility from any entrance corridor overlay district, state scenic river, national park or national forest, regardless of whether the site is adjacent to the district, river, park or forest. If the facility would be located on lands subject to a conservation easement or an open space easement, or adjacent to a conservation easement or open space easement, the facility shall be sited so that it is not visible from any resources specifically identified for protection in the deed of easement. 18-5-22.2 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE The following abbreviations are used in this table: I, II, and III: Refer to Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III facilities, respectively. C/R: Refers to exempt collocations and exempt replacements of transmission equipment. X: Refers to a requirement that applies to the corresponding facility or transmission equipment. S: Refers to a special exception C. Applicability of other regulations in this chapter. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, each facility or transmission equipment shall be subject to all applicable regulations in this chapter: 18-5-22.3 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 Type of Application Development Requirements I II III C/R 7. Open space plan resources. The facility shall not adversely impact resources identified il X X the natural resources chapter of the county's comprehensive plan and the parks and gree systems chapters in any county master plan. 8. Horizontal separation of multiple facilities. The facility shall not be located so that it X and three (3) or more existing or approved personal wireless service facilities would be within an area comprised of a circle centered anywhere on the ground having a radius of two hundred 200 feet. 9. Diameter of monopole. The maximum base diameter of the monopole shall be thirty X (3 0) inches and the maximum diameter at the top of the monopole shall be eighteen (18) inches. 10. Height of monopole. The top of the monopole, measured in elevation above mean sea X level, shall not be more than ten (10) feet taller than the tallest tree within twenty-five (25) feet of the monopole, and shall include any base, foundation or grading that raises the monopole above thepre-existing natural ground elevation. 11. Color of monopole, antennas, and equipment. Each monopole shall be a dark brown X X natural or painted wood color that blends into the surrounding trees. The antennas, supporting brackets, and all other equipment attached to the monopole shall be a color that closely matches that of the monopole. The ground equipment, the ground equipment shelter, and the concrete pad shall also be a color that closely matches that of the monopole, provided that the ground equipment and the concrete pad need not closely match the color of the monopole if they are enclosed within a ground equipment shelter or within or behind an approved structure, fagade or fencing that: (i) is a color that closely matches that of the monopole; (ii) is consistent with the character of the area; and (iii) makes the ground equipment, ground equipment shelter, and the concrete pad invisible at any time of year from any other parcel or a public or private street. 12. Placement of cables, wiring, and similar attachments. Each wood or concrete X monopole shall be constructed so that all cables, wiring, and similar attachments that run vertically from the ground equipment to the antennas are placed on the monopole to face the interior of the site and away from public view, as determined by the agent. Metal monopoles shall be constructed so that vertical cables, wiring and similar attachments are contained within the monopole's structure. 13. Special use permit conditions. All conditions of approval of a special use permit. X 14. No substantial change. The collocation or replacement shall not result in a substantial X change to the physical dimensions of an eligible support structure. 15. Replacement of wooden monopole with metal monopole. The replacement of a wooden monopole with a metal monopole: (a) The monopole is setback farther in distance than its height to any lot line, or is X located closer in distance than its height to any lot line and the document authorized by section 5.1.40(c)(3) exists. (b) The monopole is located closer in distance than its height to any lot line and the S document authorized by section 5.1.40(c)(3) does not exist and, for the purposes of this subsection, the monopole shall be classified as a Tier II facility. The following abbreviations are used in this table: I, II, and III: Refer to Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III facilities, respectively. C/R: Refers to exempt collocations and exempt replacements of transmission equipment. X: Refers to a requirement that applies to the corresponding facility or transmission equipment. S: Refers to a special exception C. Applicability of other regulations in this chapter. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, each facility or transmission equipment shall be subject to all applicable regulations in this chapter: 18-5-22.3 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE Applicability of other Development Requirements in this Chapter Te of Application I II III Con 1. Building site. Notwithstanding section 4.2.3(a), a facility is not required to be located X X X X within a building site. plans. The following shall be submitted with the building permit application: (i) 2. Vehicular access. Vehicular access to the facility site or tower site shall be subject to the X X X X requirements of section 4.2 and shall not be exempt under section 4.2.6(c). to determine the permissible height of the monopole; and (ii) a final revised set of plans 3. Setbacks. Notwithstanding section, the agent may authorize a facility to be X X X X located closer in distance than the height of the tower or other mounting structure to any the plans to ensure that all applicable requirements have been satisfied. lot line if the applicant obtains an easement or other recordable document showing 2. Tree conservation plan; compliance; amendment. The installation, operation, and X X X agreement between the lot owners, acceptable to the county attorney as to addressing maintenance of the facility shall be conducted in accordance with the tree conservation development on the part of the abutting parcel sharing the common lot line that is within plan. The applicant shall not remove existing trees within the lease area or within one the monopole or tower's fall zone. If the right-of-way for a public street is within the hundred (100) feet in all directions surrounding the lease area of any part of the facility fall zone, the Virginia Department of Transportation shall be included in the staff except for those trees identified on the plan to be removed for the installation, operation, review, in lieu of recording an easement or other document. and maintenance of the facility and dead and dying trees. Before the applicant removes 4. Area, bulk, and minimum yards. Notwithstanding the requirements of the district in X X X X which the facility will be located, the area and bulk regulations, and the minimum yard obtain approval of an amended plan. The agent may approve the amended plan if the requirements of the district shall not apply. proposed tree removal will not adversely affect the visibility of the facility from any 5. Required yards. Notwithstanding section 4.11, a facility may be located in a required yard X X X X 6. Site plan. Notwithstanding section 32.2, a site plan shall not be required for a facility, X X X X but the facility shall be subject to the requirements of section 32, and the applicant shall submit all schematics, plans, calculations, drawings and other information required by the agent to determine whether the facility complies with section 32. In making this determination, the agent may impose reasonable conditions authorized by section 32 in order to ensure compliance. The following abbreviations are used in this table: I, II, and III: Refer to Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III facilities, respectively. C/R: Refers to exempt collocations and exempt replacements of transmission equipment. X: Refers to a requirement that applies to the corresponding facility or transmission equipment. d. Performance standards and requirements for approved applications. In addition to the applicable development requirements in subsections (b) and (c), the following performance standards and requirements shall apply to facilities, as applicable: 18-5-22.4 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 T e of Application Performance Standards and Requirements I II III C/R 1. Building permit application; submitting certification of monopole height and revised X plans. The following shall be submitted with the building permit application: (i) certification by a registered surveyor stating the height of the reference tree that is used to determine the permissible height of the monopole; and (ii) a final revised set of plans for the construction of the facility. The agent shall review the surveyor's certificate and the plans to ensure that all applicable requirements have been satisfied. 2. Tree conservation plan; compliance; amendment. The installation, operation, and X X X maintenance of the facility shall be conducted in accordance with the tree conservation plan. The applicant shall not remove existing trees within the lease area or within one hundred (100) feet in all directions surrounding the lease area of any part of the facility except for those trees identified on the plan to be removed for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the facility and dead and dying trees. Before the applicant removes any tree not designated for removal on the approved plan, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of an amended plan. The agent may approve the amended plan if the proposed tree removal will not adversely affect the visibility of the facility from any location off of the parcel. The agent may impose reasonable conditions to ensure that the purposes of this paragraph are achieved. 18-5-22.4 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE The following abbreviations are used in this table: I, II, and III: Refer to Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III facilities, respectively. C/R: Refers to exempt collocations and exempt replacements of transmission equipment. X: Refers to a requirement that applies to the corresponding facility or transmission equipment. e. Application review and action. Each application shall be reviewed and acted on as follows: T e of Application MEPerformance Standards and Requirements I II III C/R 3. Completion of installation; submitting certifications of compliance. Within thirty (30) X X X days after completion of the installation of the facility, the applicant shall provide to the agent prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy: (i) certification by a registered X X X' surveyor stating the height of the tower or monopole, measured both in feet above ground level and in elevation above mean sea level, using the benchmarks or reference X datum identified in the application; and (ii) certification stating that the lightning rod's height does not exceed two (2) feet above the top of the tower or monopole and its width does not exceed a diameter of one (1) inch. 4. Discontinuance of use; notice thereof- removal; surety. Within thirty (30) days after a X X X tower or monopole's use for personal wireless service or any service facilitated by transmission equipment is discontinued, the owner of the facility shall notify the zoning administrator in writing that the facility's use has discontinued. The facility and any transmission equipment shall be disassembled and removed from the facility site within X X X ninety (90) days after the date its use for personal wireless service or any service S'` facilitated by transmission equipment is discontinued. If the agent determines at any time that surety is required to guarantee that the facility will be removed as required, the agent may require that the parcel owner or the owner of the facility submit a certified check, a bond with surety, or a letter of credit, in an amount sufficient for, and conditioned upon, the removal of the facility. The type and form of the surety guarantee shall be to the satisfaction of the agent and the county attorney. In determining whether surety should be required, the agent shall consider the following: (i) whether there is a change in technology that makes it likely that the monopole or tower will be unnecessary in the near future; (ii) the permittee fails to comply with applicable regulations or conditions; (iii) the permittee fails to timely remove another monopole or tower within the county; and (iv) whenever otherwise deemed necessary by the agent. The following abbreviations are used in this table: I, II, and III: Refer to Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III facilities, respectively. C/R: Refers to exempt collocations and exempt replacements of transmission equipment. X: Refers to a requirement that applies to the corresponding facility or transmission equipment. e. Application review and action. Each application shall be reviewed and acted on as follows: 18-5-22.5 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 T e of Application Application Review and Action Ir I II III C/R - 1. Nature of review and action. The nature of the review and action on submitted applications are as follows: (a) Ministerial review and approval by the department of community development to X X X' determine compliance with applicable requirements of this section. (b) Legislative review and approval of a special use permit by the board of supervisors, X subject to the applicable requirements of this section and of sections 33.4 and 33.8; to the extent there is any conflict between the time for action in this subsection and in section 33.4, this section shall prevail. 'Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an application for an exempt collocation shall not be subject to review by the architectural review board and a certificate of appropriateness shall not be required therefor. 2. Time for action. The application shall be acted upon within: (a) 60 days. X X X b 90 days. S'` 18-5-22.5 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE Application Review and Action T e of A lication I II III C/R (c) 150 days. S, X 'If the application requires a special exception, the time for acting on the special exception applies to the entire application. 3. Calculating the time for action. The time for action on an application shall be calculated as follows: (a) Commencement. The time for action on an application shall begin on: (i) The date the application is received in the department of community X X development. (ii) The submittal date established for this type of application by the director of X X planning. (b) Determination of completeness. Within thirty (30) days after the application is X X X X received, the department of community development shall determine whether the application includes all of the applicable information required by this section. If any required information is not provided, the department shall inform the applicant within the thirty (30) day period of the information must be submitted in order for the application to be determined to be complete. (c) Resubmittal. Within ten (10) days after a resubmittal is received, the department of X X X X community development shall determine whether the application includes all of the applicable information required by the initial notice of incompleteness. If any required information was not provided, the department shall inform the applicant within the ten (10) day period of the information must be submitted in order for the application to be determined to be complete. Second or subsequent notices that information is missing may not include information that was not identified in the original notice of incompleteness. (d) Tolling. The running of the time for action shall be tolled between the date the X X X X department informs the applicant that its application is incomplete and the date on which the department receives all of the required information from the applicant. (e) Extending time for action. The time by which action must be taken may be X X X X extended upon request by, or with the consent of, the applicant. 4. Notice. Notice to third parties shall be provided as follows: (a) Notice of the agent's consideration of an application for a Tier I facility with a S X special exception or a Tier 11 facility shall be sent by the agent to the owner of each parcel abutting the parcel on which the proposed facility will be located. The notice shall describe the nature of the facility, its proposed location on the lot, its proposed height, and the appropriate county office where the complete application may be viewed. The notice shall be mailed by first class mail or hand delivered at least ten (10) days before the agent acts on the application. Mailed notice shall be mailed to the last known address of the owner, and mailing the notice to the address shown on the current real estate tax assessment records of the county shall be deemed compliance with this requirement. The failure of an owner to receive the notice as provided herein shall not affect the validity of an approved facility and shall not be the basis for an appeal. (b) Notice of public hearings shall be provided as required by section 33.4(m). X 18-5-22.6 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE Application Review and Action T e of A lication I II III C/R 5. Action. An application shall be acted on as follows: (a) The application shall be approved if it satisfies all of the applicable requirements X X X of this section. (b) The application shall be acted on as provided in sections 33.4 and 33.8. X 6. Disapproval of application; appeal. If an application is disapproved: (a) If the agent disapproves an application, he shall identify which requirements were X X X not satisfied and inform the applicant what needs to be done to satisfy each requirement. The applicant may appeal the disapproval of an application to the board of supervisors. An appeal shall be in writing and be received in the office of the clerk of the board of supervisors within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the disapproval by the agent. In considering an appeal, the board may affirm, reverse, or modify in whole or in part, the decision of the agent, and its decision shall be based upon the applicable requirements of this section. (b) In lieu of the appeal provided in subsection (a), the applicant at its sole option may X X X appeal the disapproval of the application related to an alleged violation of 47 USC § 332(c)(7) or 47 CFR § 1.40001, as applicable, in any court of competent jurisdiction. (c) The applicant may appeal the decision of the board of supervisors as provided in X Virginia Code § 15.2-2285 and section 33.4. 7. Effect of failure to act within time for action. The failure to act on an application within the time for action shall: (a) Be deemed to be approval of the application; provided that the deemed grant does X not become effective until the applicant notifies the department of community development in writing after the review period has expired that the application has been deemed approved. (b) Create a rebuttable presumption that the failure to timely act was not reasonable X X X under 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7)(B)(ii). The following abbreviations are used in this table: I, II, and III: Refer to Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III facilities, respectively. C/R: Refers to exempt collocations and exempt replacements of transmission equipment. X: Refers to a requirement that applies to the corresponding facility or transmission equipment. S: Refers to an alternative review period that applies when an application for a special exception accompanies the application. Collocation or replacement that would result in a substantial change to an eligible support structure. Any collocation or replacement of transmission equipment that would result in a substantial change in the physical dimensions of an eligible support structure shall be subject to the procedures and standards for a Tier I facility. A special exception shall be required for any substantial change that does not satisfy the standards for a Tier I facility. Any collocation or replacement approved for an eligible support structure by special use permit prior to October 13, 2004 shall not reclassify the eligible support structure as a Tier I, II, or III facility. g. Removal of transmission equipment on any eligible support structure. Any transmission equipment on any eligible support structure may be removed as a matter of right and regardless of any special use permit condition providing otherwise. 18-5-22.7 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE h. Agent approval of increase in height of monopole based on increase in height of reference tree. Upon the written request of the applicant, the agent may authorize the height of an existing Tier II facility's monopole to be increased above its originally approved height upon finding that the reference tree has grown to a height that is relative to the requested increase in height of the monopole. The application shall include a certified survey of the reference tree's new height, as well as the heights of other trees to be considered by the agent. The agent shall not grant such a request if the increase in height would cause the facility to be skylighted or would increase the extent to which it is skylighted. Administration of special use permits for facilities approved prior to October 13, 2004; conditions. If any condition of a special use permit for an eligible support structure approved prior to October 13, 2004 is more restrictive than a corresponding standard in this section, the corresponding standard in this section shall apply. If any condition of the special use permit is less restrictive than a corresponding standard in this section and the applicant establishes that vested rights have attached to the approved facility, the special use permit conditions shall apply. Mobile personal wireless service facilities. Mobile personal wireless service facilities ("MPWSF") shall not be subject to any requirements of section 5.1.40, and are otherwise permitted by right in any zoning district, subject to the following: Zoning clearance required; temporary non -emergency event. The owner shall obtain a zoning clearance under section 31.5 prior to placing a MPWSF on any site for a temporary non -emergency event. The MPWSF may be placed on the site for a maximum of seven (7) consecutive days, and shall not be placed on any site for any temporary non -emergency event more than twice in a calendar year. 2. Zoning clearance required; declared state of emergency. If a state of emergency is declared by the President of the United States, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or the board of supervisors, the owner shall obtain a zoning clearance under section 31.5 within forty-five (45) days after placing a MPWSF on any site. The MPWSF may be placed on the site for the duration of the state of emergency. The County of Albemarle, Virginia and the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors reserve any and all rights that it has under the United States Constitution including, but not limited to, the Commerce Clause and the Tenth Amendment. (§ 5.1.40, Ord. 01-18(9), 10-17-01; Ord. 04-18(2), 10-13-04; Ord. 13-18(3), 5-8-13; Ord. 15-18(1), 2-11-15; Ord. 15-18(2), 4-8-15; Ord. 15-18(6), 7-8-15; Ord. 15-18(7), 7-8-15) 5.1.41 PARKING LOTS AND PARKING STRUCTURES A site plan shall be required for each parking lot and parking structure, unless the requirement is waived as provided in section 32.2.2. (Ord. 03-18(1), 2-5-03) 5.1.42 HISTORICAL CENTERS Each historical center shall be subject to the following: a. New historical center structures. Newly constructed structures for historical centers shall be limited to one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet in size, aggregate, including interpretative space and accessory uses within such structures. b. Rehabilitation or construction on historic structures or sites to be used for historical center structure. The rehabilitation of historic structures and sites to be used for historical centers shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR) as demonstrated by a letter to the county. The design and siting of any proposed accessory uses and visitor amenities at a historic structure or site shall also be approved by DHR. 18-5-22.8 Zoning Supplement #92, 7-8-15