HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201600016 Study 2016-12-08PRPc Traffic • Transportation • Stormwater • Civil TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY WOOLEN MILLS Charlottesville, VA Prepared for: Brian H Roy BR Real Estate Development & Management PO Box 1099 Charlottesville, VA 22902 By: Jeanie Alexander, P.E. EPR, P.C. 637 Berkmar Circle Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 November 2016 EPRP(- EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Executive Summary This report provides a summary of the traffic impact analysis for the Woolen Mills Site located at the end of East Market Street (Alb Co parcel 07800-00-00-021130) in support of the rezoning package (Figure 1). It is anticipated that the project will consist of a single phase (Figure 2). While preserving the historic Woolen Mills buildings, the proposed land use includes: apartments, a brewery, a restaurant, office space, and live/work space. The live/work space concept is unique to the area and features loft style apartments that can double as office space for the tenant. The trip generation for the site is shown in the table below. (The assumptions the report and analyses are based on are outlined in the VDOT scoping form in Appendix A.) Site Trip Generation item LU unit qty daily in AM out total in PM out total apartments 220 du 100 730 11 42 53 47 26 73 light industrial (brewery) 110 ksf 40 197 34 3 37 5 34 39 high turnover sitdown restaurant 932 ksf 10.673 1357 0 0 0 63 42 105 general office 710 ksf 16.519 182 23 3 26 4 21 25 totals internal capture total new external trips 2466 109 2356 68 2 66 47 115 119 122 241 6 8 7 4 11 41 107 112 118 230 The primary access to the site will be via Broadway Street with some traffic using East Market Street. The site trip distribution agreed upon by VDOT staff is shown in Figure 7. Included within this study are analyses of existing conditions, future no build conditions, and future build conditions for the years 2018 and 2024 at the following intersections: Broadway Street and Franklin Street, Franklin Street and East Market Street, Carlton Avenue and Carlton Road, Broadway Street and proposed driveway, and Meade Avenue and East Market Street. The analyses indicate that the Woolen Mills site traffic can be accommodated with no improvements to the study area intersections. Unrelated to the Woolen Mills project, the following left turn lanes should be extended to improve traffic operations today: • East Market Street at Meade Avenue: eastbound, westbound, and northbound, and • Carlton Avenue at Carlton Road: southbound. It appears that these turn lanes can be extended with markings and no physical changes would be needed. However, removal of a few on -street parking spaces may be necessary. It should be noted that while the proposed use for the site generates more traffic than the by - right use, the traffic impacts are actually less. This is because the proposed site layout uses Broadway Street as the primary site access and East Market Street will only carry 15% of the site traffic. The by -right use would focus 100% of the site traffic on East Market and it would have a much higher percentage of trucks. EPRP(- EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................ Introduction............................................................ Existing Conditions ................................................. Existing Land Use ............................................ Existing Transportation Network .................... Existing Traffic Volumes .................................. Existing Peak Hour Traffic Operations ............ Future 2018 and 2024 No Build Conditions ........... Future Land Use .............................................. Future Transportation Network ..................... Future No Build Traffic Volumes ..................... Future No Build Peak Hour Traffic Operations Future 2018 and 2024 Build Conditions ................. Site Trip Generation ........................................ Site Trip Distribution and Assignment............ Future Build Traffic Volumes .......................... Future Build Traffic Operations ...................... Conclusions and Recommendations ...................... List of Tables 1 Existing Conditions Levels of Service, Delay, and Queues 2 2018 No Build Conditions Levels of Service, Delay, and Queues 3 2024 No Build Conditions Levels of Service, Delay, and Queues 4 Site Trip Generation 5 By -Right Trip Generation 6 2018 Build Conditions Levels of Service, Delay, and Queues 7 2024 Build Conditions Levels of Service, Delay, and Queues List of Figures 1 Site Location 2 Conceptual Plan 3 Study Intersections 4 Existing Traffic Volumes 5 2018 No Build Traffic Volumes 6 2024 No Build Traffic Volumes 7 Site Trip Distribution 8 Site Trip Assignment 9 2018 Build Traffic Volumes 10 2024 Build Traffic Volumes Appendices A VDOT Scoping Form B Traffic Counts C Existing Synchro Printouts D Existing SimTraffic Printouts E 2018 No Build Synchro Printouts F 2018 No Build SimTraffic Printouts G 2024 No Build Synchro Printouts H 2024 No Build SimTraffic Printouts I Rezoning Use Table J 2018 Build Synchro Printouts K 2018 Build SimTraffic Printouts L 2024 Build Synchro Printouts M 2024 Build SimTraffic Printouts .i 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 S S 6 6 6 8 EPRPc EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Introduction This report provides a summary of the traffic impact analysis for the Woolen Mills Site in support of the rezoning package. The site is comprised of Albemarle County parcel 07800-00- 00-021130, located at the eastern end of East Market Street along the Rivanna River as shown in Figure 1. It is anticipated that the project will consist of a single phase illustrated in Figure 2. While preserving the historic Woolen Mills buildings, the proposed land use includes: 100 apartments, a 40,000 square foot brewery, a 10,673 square foot restaurant, 7,232 square feet of office space, and 18,574 square feet of live/work space. The live/work space concept is unique to the area. The concept features loft style apartments that can double as office space for the tenant. The primary access to the site will be via Broadway Street with some traffic using East Market Street. Included within this study are analyses of existing conditions, future no build conditions, and future build conditions for the years 2018 and 2024. The intersections analyzed are shown in Figure 3 and listed below: • Broadway Street and Franklin Street, • Franklin Street and East Market Street, • Carlton Avenue and Carlton Road, • Broadway Street and proposed driveway, and • Meade Avenue and East Market Street. All of the assumptions the report and analyses are based on are outlined in the VDOT scoping form contained in Appendix A. 1 EPRPc EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Existing Conditions Existing Land Use Located in Albemarle County, previously the site was home to the Woolen Mills, however, currently the site itself has no existing development. The land uses adjacent to the site are residential and industrial (Rivanna Water and Sewer). The site is bounded on the west by the Woolen Mills neighborhood of the City of Charlottesville. To the north and east the site is constrained by the Rivanna River and to the south there are primarily industrial uses, including Rivanna Water and Sewer. The parcels on which the proposed development will be located are currently zoned LI (Light Industrial). The requested zoning action is for rezoning to C-1 (Commercial). The proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for Albemarle County. Existing Transportation Network All of the study roadways provide two lanes, have posted speed limits of 25 mph, provide inconsistent sidewalks, and some on -street parking. Noteworthy features of these roadways are discussed below. • East Market Street provides east -west access between the Woolen Mills neighborhood and Downtown Charlottesville. East of Riverside Avenue a 15 mph warning sign is posted where the road narrows to less than 14 feet. • Broadway Street provides east -west access between the intersection of Franklin Street/Carlton Avenue and the light industrial area along it. • Franklin Street connects Nassau Street to East Market Street. North of Broadway Street, Franklin Street narrows to a single lane under the railroad tracks. • Carlton Avenue provides an east -west connection between the industrial area to the east and residential areas west. • Carlton Road becomes Meade Avenue near the at -grade railroad crossing. Both travel in a generally north -south direction. Below is a summary of the traffic control at the study intersections shown previously in Figure 3. • East Market Street at Meade Avenue is controlled by a traffic signal with separate left turn lanes and shared through/right turn lanes provided on each approach. • East Market Street at Franklin Street is a "T" intersection controlled by a stop sign on the Franklin Street approach with single lanes provided on all approaches. • Carlton Avenue at Carlton Road is controlled by a traffic signal. With the exception of the eastbound approach, all of the approaches provide a separate left turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane. The eastbound approach provides a single lane for all movements. • Franklin Street at its intersection with Carlton Avenue and Broadway Street is controlled with stop signs and a single lane on all four approaches. 2 EPRPc EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Existing Traffic Volumes Traffic counts were conducted on key roadways and at the study intersections. All of the counts were conducted on typical weekdays (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) in October 2016, when schools were in session and no significant weather events occurred and are provided in Appendix B. The 48-hour traffic counts conducted on Broadway Street east of Franklin Street and on East Market Street east of Franklin Street indicate that the two-way traffic volumes on these roadways are minimal, both locations carry fewer than 900 vehicles per day. Approximately 730 vehicles travel on Broadway Street, evenly split eastbound and westbound. On East Market Street the daily volumes are slightly higher with approximately 850 vehicles per day using the roadway. Intersection turning movement counts were conducted on a typical weekday from 7-9 AM and 4-6 PM. The existing traffic volumes are shown in Figure 4 and the turning movement count sheets are provided in Appendix B. Existing Peak Hour Traffic Operations The study intersections were analyzed in Synchro/SimTraffic (version 9) in accordance with the procedures stated in the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual, and then simulated in SimTraffic 9 to identify the existing levels of service, delay by movement, and queuing. The analysis results were reported from the Synchro/SimTraffic reports (see Appendix C and Appendix D), and are compiled in Table 1 located at the end of the report text. As shown in Table 1, all of the study area intersections and individual movements operate at LOS C or better during both the morning and afternoon peak periods. At both of the signalized intersections, the queues currently extend beyond the provided storage lanes. This occurs on the eastbound, westbound and northbound left turn movements at East Market and Meade Avenue and the southbound left turn movement at Carlton Road and Carlton Avenue. It should be noted that all of these turn lanes are currently less than 100 feet. 3 EPRPc EPR, P.C. `ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Future 2018 and 2024 No Build Conditions Future Land Use Knowing that the City of Charlottesville is largely built out and that the study area is constrained to the east by the Rivanna River, minimal growth is expected in the study area. This growth is accounted for with a background growth rate of 0.5% per year, consistent with VDOT scoping form assumptions. No additional developments were identified in the immediate study area for consideration in the analysis. Future Transportation Network There are currently no committed projects from either VDOT or the private sector that would affect the study area in 2018 or 2024. Future No Build Traffic Volumes The future 2018 and 2024 traffic volumes resulting from the background growth are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6, respectively. Future No Build Peak Hour Traffic Operations The study intersections were analyzed in Synch ro/SimTraffic (version 9) to identify the future no build levels of service, delay by movement, and queuing and are shown in Tables 2 and 3 located at the end of the report text. (See Appendices E, F, G, and H for the analysis printouts.) Cycle lengths and phase splits were optimized for the analyses. Nearly identical to existing conditions, all of the study area intersections are expected to operate at LOS C or better for both peak periods and most queues are expected to fit within the provided turn lanes. At both of the signalized intersections the queues are expected to extend beyond the provided storage lanes. This occurs on the eastbound, westbound and northbound left turn movements at East Market and Meade Avenue and the southbound left turn movement at Carlton Road and Carlton Avenue as in existing conditions. 12 EPRPc EPR, P.C. `ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Future 2018 and 2024 Build Conditions While preserving the historic Woolen Mills buildings, the proposed land use includes: 100 apartments, a 40,000 square foot brewery, a 10,673 square foot restaurant, 7,232 square feet of office space, and 18,574 square feet of live/work space. The live/work space concept is unique to the area. The concept features loft style apartments that can double as office space for the tenant. For trip generation purposes 50% of the square footage of these units (9,287 square feet) was added to the office space. The table from the rezoning application relating the building space to the uses is included in Appendix I for clarification. Access to the site is proposed via Broadway Street and East Market Street. As shown in Figure 2, there will be not an internal vehicular connection between the parking areas located on each side of the property. Based on the number of parking spaces provided and their location, Broadway Street will be the primary access point. The assumed future land use and transportation network surrounding the site are the same for the build conditions and no build conditions analyses. Site Trip Generation ITE Trip Generation 9t" Edition was used to calculate the future site trips. No pass -by trips were assumed. However, a 15% reduction in residential trips was taken for internal capture. Table 4 provides a summary of the trip generation for the development. Approximately 2,356 new daily trips, 107 morning peak period trips, and 230 afternoon peak period trips are estimated for the development. Note that no trip reductions were taken for walking or biking. Table 4 Site Trip Generation item LU unit qty daily in AM out total in PM out total apartments 220 du 100 730 11 42 53 47 26 73 light industrial (brewery) 110 ksf 40 197 34 3 37 5 34 39 high turnover sitdown restaurant 932 ksf 10.673 1357 0 0 0 63 42 105 general office 710 ksf 16.519 182 23 3 26 4 21 25 totals internal capture total new external trips 2466 109 2356 68 2 66 47 6 41 115 8 107 119 7 112 122 241 4 11 118 230 For comparison purposes, the trip generation was calculated for the by -right use and is shown in Table 5 below. Table 5 By -Right Trip Generation item LU unit qty daily AM PM in out total in out total light industrial 110 ksf 100 645 85 7 92 12 85 97 EPRPc EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Based on the two tables, the proposed use is expected to generate significantly more traffic during the afternoon peak period and throughout the day. While the specific number of trips is not quantifiable, it is worth noting that the percentage of truck traffic would be greater for the by -right light industrial land use than for the proposed mix of uses. Site Trip Distribution and Assignment The proposed site traffic assignment and distribution were developed based on an understanding of local traffic patterns, the proposed parking configuration, and discussions with VDOT staff. These assumptions are part of the agreed upon Scoping Form contained in Appendix A. As shown in Figure 2 there are two parking areas. The parking area accessed via East Market Street provides 13% of the total site parking and the area accessed via Broadway Street the remaining 87%. To simplify the assumptions and provide a more conservative estimate of traffic volumes on East Market Street, 15% of the site traffic is assumed to access the site via East Market Street and 85% via Broadway Street. Beyond the immediate site, the following traffic distribution is assumed and shown in Figure 7. • 20% to/from the north via Meade Avenue, • 5% to/from the residential area north of East Market Street, • 10% to/from the south via Franklin Street, • 5% to/from the residential area south of Carlton Avenue, • 25% to/from the south via Carlton Road, • 15% to/from the west via Carlton Avenue, • 5% to/from the west via Water Street, and • 15% to/from the west via East Market Street. Figure 8 illustrates the resulting traffic assignment through the study area. Future Build Traffic Volumes The trips generated by the proposed development, calculated and assigned to the study intersections as documented above, were added to the no build traffic volumes and are shown in Figures 9 and 10 for years 2018 and 2024, respectively. It should be noted that the distribution of traffic for the by -right use varies significantly compared to the proposed use. Based on the site configuration 100% of the trips would travel East Market Street compared to only 15% assumed for the proposed use. Future Build Traffic Operations The study intersections were analyzed in Synch ro/SimTraffic (version 9) to identify the future build levels of service, delay by movement, and queuing. Any traffic signals analyzed are assumed to operate in coordination with one another and the timings and phasing are optimized to maximize travel capacity, minimize queuing, and minimize delays through the study area. The results of the analysis with the site traffic are shown in Tables 6 and 7 (located at the end of the report text). (See Appendices J, K, L, and M for he analysis printouts.) Z EPRPc EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 For both 2018 and 2024 Build conditions the analysis results are nearly identical to all scenarios analyzed and all intersections continue to operate at LOS C or better overall and for all movements. The locations previously identified continue to have queues that extend beyond the provided storage lane lengths. However, the future build conditions queues do not increase in any location by a full car length when compared to either no build year or existing conditions. Beyond the typical traffic operations considered (level of service, delay, and queuing), concern has been raised about emergency response on East Market Street. While East Market narrows near the site, this condition does not currently prohibit emergency vehicles from accessing the site and there are no plans to change East Market Street as part of this project. The additional traffic on East Market Street due to the Woolen Mill project is minimal, 16 trips during the morning peak and 35 during the afternoon peak and should not make access to the site more challenging for emergency vehicles. Details related to how emergency vehicles will maneuver in and out of the site will be addressed in the site plan phase of the project. 7 EPRPc EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Conclusions and Recommendations The traffic associated with the Woolen Mills project will have a minimal impact on the surrounding transportation network. The preceding analyses indicate that the Woolen Mills site traffic can be accommodated with no improvements to the study area intersections and that all of the study area intersections will operate at overall LOS B or better and all movements will operate at LOS C or better during both future build years analyzed. Unrelated to the Woolen Mills project, the following improvements are needed and will improve traffic operations at the study area intersections. East Market Street at Meade Avenue — Extension of the left turn lanes on the eastbound, westbound, and northbound approaches is needed to accommodate the existing queues. It appears that the turn lanes can be extended with markings and no physical changes would be needed. However, removal of a few on -street parking spaces may be necessary. Carlton Avenue at Carlton Road — Extension of the southbound left turn lane is needed to accommodate the existing queues. It also appears that this improvement is possible with markings only. It should be noted that while the proposed use for the site generates more traffic than the by - right use, the traffic impacts are actually less. This is because the proposed site layout uses Broadway Street as the primary site access and East Market Street will only carry 15% of the site traffic. The by -right use would focus 100% of the site traffic on East Market and it would have a much higher percentage of trucks. EPRpc. EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Table 1 Existing Conditions Levels of Service, Delays, and Queues Street Movement Existing Storage g AM PM LOS Delay Queue LOS Delay Queue 1. East Market Street/Meade Avenue E Market EBL 60 B 14.9 90 B 14.8 90 E Market EBT/EBR B 15.5 97 B 16.1 142 E Market WBL. 45 B 15.6 61 B 15.8 60 E Market WBT/WBR B 19.2 122 B 18.1 93 Meade NBL. 90 A 8.9 139 A 9.0 115 Meade NBT/NBR B 12.7 238 B 13.3 233 Meade SBL 110 A 9.4 91 A 9.1 101 Meade SBT/SBR B 13.3 168 B 13.2 227 Intersection B 12.9 B 13.5 2. East Market Street/Franklin Street E Market NBL/NBR A 9.4 59 A 9.6 66 E Market EBT/EBR A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Franklin WBL/WBT A 2.9 25 A 2.8 30 Intersection A 3.8 A 5.0 3. Carlton Road/Carlton Avenue Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR C 26.7 98 C 24.7 80 Carlton Ave WBL 65 C 22.0 66 C 21.5 66 Carlton Ave WBT/WBR C 21.7 103 B 19.5 109 Carlton Rd NBL 60 A 7.5 46 A 9.1 31 Carlton Rd NBT/NBR B 12.4 288 B 10.7 174 Carlton Rd SBL 80 A 8.1 101 A 7.6 119 Carlton Rd SBT/SBR A 7.5 158 B 11.2 267 Intersection B 12.3 B 12.5 4. Franklin Street/Carlton Avenue/Broadway Street Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR A 7.9 60 A 8.4 65 Broadway WBL/WBT/WBR A 7.3 64 A 8.3 62 Franklin NBL/NBT/NBR A 7.4 39 A 8.2 39 Franklin SBL/SBT/SBR A 7.6 42 A 8.2 63 Intersection A 7.5 A 8.3 5. Broadway Street/Site Driveway Broadway EBT/EBR A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Broadway WBL/WBT A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Site NBL/NBR A 8.6 18 A 8.7 30 Intersection A 0.7 A 4.6 EPRpc. EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING H. PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Table 2 2018 No Build Conditions Levels of Service, Delay, and Queues Street Movement Existing Storage AM PM LOS Delay Queue LOS Delay Queue 1. East Market Street/Meade Avenue E Market EBL 60 B 14.9 88 B 14.9 90 E Market EBT/EBR B 15.6 84 B 16.2 149 E Market WBL. 45 B 15.7 66 B 15.9 56 E Market WBT/WBR B 19.4 127 B 18.2 99 Meade NBL. 90 A 8.9 139 A 9.0 108 Meade NBT/NBR B 12.7 237 B 13.4 234 Meade SBL 110 A 9.5 105 A 9.2 107 Meade SBT/SBR B 13.3 207 B 13.2 226 Intersection B 12.9 B 13.6 2. East Market Street/Franklin Street E Market NBL/NBR A 9.4 64 A 9.6 67 E Market EBT/EBR A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Franklin WBL/WBT A 2.9 21 A 2.8 32 Intersection A 3.8 A 5.1 3. Carlton Road/Carlton Avenue Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR C 26.9 82 C 24.8 94 Carlton Ave WBL 65 C 22.1 66 C 21.7 65 Carlton Ave WBT/WBR C 21.8 97 B 19.6 115 Carlton Rd NBL 60 A 7.5 37 A 9.1 31 Carlton Rd NBT/NBR B 12.5 251 B 10.7 182 Carlton Rd SBL 80 A 8.1 97 A 7.6 120 Carlton Rd SBT/SBR A 7.5 136 B 11.2 263 Intersection B 12.3 B 12.5 4. Franklin Street/Carlton Avenue/Broadway Street Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR A 7.9 72 A 8.4 67 Broadway WBL/WBT/WBR A 7.3 66 A 8.3 58 Franklin NBL/NBT/NBR A 7.4 44 A 8.2 37 Franklin SBL/SBT/SBR A 7.6 40 A 8.2 68 Intersection A 7.5 A 8.3 5. Broadway Street/Site Driveway Broadway EBT/EBR A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Broadway WBL/WBT A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Site NBL/NBR A 8.6 24 A 8.7 30 Intersection A 0.7 A 4.6 10 EPRpc. EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING &PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Table 3 2024 No Build Conditions Levels of Service, Delay, and Queues Street Movement Existing Storage AM PM LOS Delay Queue LOS Delay Queue 1. East Market Street/Meade Avenue E Market EBL 60 B 15.1 81 B 15.1 93 E Market EBT/EBR B 15.8 77 B 16.5 139 E Market WBL 45 B 15.8 60 B 16.1 57 E Market WBT/WBR B 19.6 136 B 18.5 99 Meade NBL 90 A 8.9 139 A 9.1 130 Meade NBT/NBR B 12.9 250 B 13.7 257 Meade SBL 110 A 9.5 102 A 9.2 105 Meade SBT/SBR B 13.4 200 B 13.4 k_214 Intersection B 13.1 B 13.8 2. East Market Street/Franklin Street E Market NBL/NBR A 9.4 64 A 9.7 68 E Market EBT/EBR A 0.0 2 A 0.0 0 Franklin WBL/WBT A 2.8 25 A 2.7 26 Intersection A 3.7 A 5.1 3. Carlton Road/Carlton Avenue Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR C 27.6 90 C 25.4 88 Carlton Ave WBL 65 C 22.6 66 C 22.1 66 Carlton Ave WBT/WBR C 22.4 103 C 20.1 118 Carlton Rd NBL 60 A 7.5 29 A 9.2 31 Carlton Rd NBT/NBR B 12.7 257 B 10.8 184 Carlton Rd SBL 80 A 8.3 101 A 7.6 119 Carlton Rd SBT/SBR A 7.5 175 B 11.3 272 Intersection B 12.5 B 12.7 4. Franklin Street/Carlton Avenue/Broadway Street Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR A 8.0 63 A 8.4 65 Broadway WBL/WBT/WBR A 7.3 62 A 8.3 64 Franklin NBL/NBT/NBR A 7.4 46 A 8.3 43 Franklin SBL/SBT/SBR A 7.6 43 A 8.2 72 Intersection A 7.6 A 8.3 5. Broadway Street/Site Driveway Broadway EBT/EBR A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Broadway WBL/WBT A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Site NBL/NBR A 8.6 15 A 8.7 32 Intersection A 0.7 A 4.6 11 EPRpc. EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Table 6 2018 Build Conditions Levels of Service, Delay, and Queues Street Movement Existing Storage AM PM LOS Delay Queue LOS Delay Queue 1. East Market Street/Meade Avenue E Market EBL 60 B 15.0 86 B 15.3 87 E Market EBT/EBR B 15.8 86 B 16.8 139 E Market WBL 45 B 15.7 64 B 16.3 59 E Market WBT/WBR B 19.6 138 B 19.1 114 Meade NBL 90 A 9.0 139 A 9.2 115 Meade NBT/NBR B 13.1 278 B 14.1 265 Meade SBL 110 A 9.5 88 A 9.3 109 Meade SBT/SBR B 13.5 211 B 13.6 261 Intersection B 13.1 B 14.1 2. East Market Street/Franklin Street E Market NBL/NBR A 9.6 67 B 10.1 62 E Market EBT/EBR A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Franklin WBL/WBT A 2.4 28 A 1.7 32 Intersection A 3.6 A 4.6 3. Carlton Road/Carlton Avenue Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR C 28.9 101 C 26.9 112 Carlton Ave WBL 65 C 23.3 68 C 23.4 67 Carlton Ave WBT/WBR C 22.7 119 C 20.6 152 Carlton Rd NBL 60 A 7.9 54 A 9.9 65 Carlton Rd NBT/NBR B 13.4 267 B 12.3 219 Carlton Rd SBL 80 A 8.7 105 A 8.2 119 Carlton Rd SBT/SBR A 7.7 179 B 11.9 331 Intersection B 13.5 B 14.0 4. Franklin Street/Carlton Avenue/Broadway Street Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR A 8.2 83 A 8.8 98 Broadway WBL/WBT/WBR A 7.6 86 A 9.0 82 Franklin NBL/NBT/NBR A 7.5 50 A 8.4 47 Franklin SBL/SBT/SBR A 7.8 38 A 8.5 76 Intersection A 7.8 A 8.7 5. Broadway Street/Site Driveway Broadway EBT/EBR A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Broadway WBL/WBT A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Site NBL/NBR A 8.8 36 A 9.4 60 Intersection A 3.1 A 4.8 12 EPRpc. EPR, P.C. "ENGINEERING & PLANNING RESOURCES" 637 BERKMAR CIRCLE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 Table 7 2024 Build Conditions Levels of Service, Delay, and Queues Street Movement Existing Storage AM PM LOS Delay Queue LOS Delay Queue 1. East Market Street/Meade Avenue E Market EBL 60 B 15.2 87 B 15.5 92 E Market EBT/EBR B 16.0 104 B 17.2 142 E Market WBL 45 B 15.9 66 B 16.5 55 E Market WBT/WBR B 20.0 128 B 19.4 122 Meade NBL 90 A 9.1 139 A 9.2 132 Meade NBT/NBR B 13.3 259 B 14.4 261 Meade SBL 110 A 9.5 105 A 9.4 109 Meade SBT/SBR B 13.6 222 B 13.9 233 Intersection B 13.3 B 14.4 2. East Market Street/Franklin Street E Market NBL/NBR A 9.6 65 B 10.0 68 E Market EBT/EBR A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Franklin WBL/WBT A 2.3 27 A 1.8 37 Intersection A 3.5 A 4.6 3. Carlton Road/Carlton Avenue Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR C 29.6 93 C 27.7 114 Carlton Ave WBL 65 C 23.7 68 C 24.0 65 Carlton Ave WBT/WBR C 23.3 133 C 21.0 162 Carlton Rd NBL 60 A 7.9 42 A 10.0 54 Carlton Rd NBT/NBR B 13.9 325 B 12.3 215 Carlton Rd SBL 80 A 8.8 115 A 8.2 120 Carlton Rd SBT/SBR A 7.7 186 B 12.0 323 Intersection B 13.8 B 14.2 4. Franklin Street/Carlton Avenue/Broadway Street Carlton Ave EBL/EBT/EBR A 8.2 80 A 8.9 96 Broadway WBL/WBT/WBR A 7.6 83 A 9.1 92 Franklin NBL/NBT/NBR A 7.5 48 A 8.4 48 Franklin SBL/SBT/SBR A 7.8 40 A 8.5 76 Intersection A 7.8 A 8.8 5. Broadway Street/Site Driveway Broadway EBT/EBR A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Broadway WBL/WBT A 0.0 0 A 0.0 0 Site NBL/NBR A 8.8 39 A 9.4 58 Intersection A 3.1 A 4.9 13 Co Akr\ 5. a, h ZZ� Zr At •' Al IQ Nk pit 41, 't e,cr_estrd'9.' 1 -M,Oar-es-Creep N Figure 2 Conceptual Plan SITE -PLAN of POTENTIAL KAYAK AREA \\ EXISTING 1 STONE STRUCTURE O \ E1i` • ` w • /1 �.. *w S '*will* 41 , CIO �.ILI r Ir i Qf� /PR (� lo ii / _ - 'V�'dfp� ''� �,%. �> • -� Fes' d; � ,��, _ �idgeerest�p� '�•Sf OWL 1 i� o -r --e s -C reeN Figure 4 Existing Traffic Volumes XX/XX/ AM/PM Figure 5 2018 No Build Traffic Volumes XX/XX/ AM/PM Figure 6 2024 No Build Traffic Volumes XX/XX/ AM/PM Figure 7 Site Trip Distribution 41 1 -*-0 #r-0 5 � Lo o 0 °' 85 v N XX(%) XX/XX Inbound/Outbound Meade �12 0 ~8 X15 E Market 2 E Market (wI �1 ("r �8—► r- 00 o 0 0 15� Y 7 10 � � L LL ' lkl— 20 0 0 X15 2 A) 25 Carlton Ave 3 0 �1 0 0 � Carlton R • o 5 1" 140 a r *11-10 0 0 44 65 �10 4 Carlton Ave 0 0 0 0 65-----P- S 0� Y LL -*-0 #r-0 5 � Lo o 0 °' 85 v N XX(%) XX/XX Inbound/Outbound Meade �12 0 ~8 X15 E Market 2 E Market (wI �1 ("r �8—► r- 00 o 0 0 15� Y 7 10 � � L LL ' lkl— 20 0 0 X15 2 A) 25 Carlton Ave 3 0 �1 0 0 � Carlton R • o 5 1" 140 a r XX/XX AM/PM Figure 8 Site Trip Assignment XX/XX Inbound/Outbound Figure 9 2018 Build Traffic Volumes XX/XX/ AM/PM Figure 10 2024 Build Traffic Volumes XX/XX/ AM/PM