HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-15January 15, 1979 ~Adjourned from January 10, 1979)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
on January 15, 1979, at 5:30 P.M. at the Ramada Inn on Route 29 North in Charlottesville,
Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from January 10, 1979.
Present: Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.',
F. Anthony lachetta, C. Timothy Lindstrom and W. S. Roudabush.
Officers present:
St. John.
County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr. and County Attorney, George R.
Also present were members of Charlottesville City Council: Messrs. Thomas Albro,
Laurence Brunton, Francis Buck, Edward Gatewood, and Mrs. Nancy O'Brien.
City staff members: City Manager, Cole Hendrix; Assistant City Manager, Robert Stripling
City Attorney, Roger Wiley; and Clerk of Council, J. Sidney Rush.
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 P.M. by the Chairman and Mayor.
this meeting was to discuss matters of mutual concern.
The purpose of
Item No. 1. Future of Tourism. Mr. Fisher noted that the final report of the Tourism
Committee has been received although same was not formally presented at a public meeting.
The report provides no clear cut answers to the questions the committee was asked to study.
Dr. Iachetta said the report talks about money, but does not set goals and objectives. Mr.
Hendrix felt the Board and Council needs technical help from people who are experts in the
tourist business and suggested hiring a consultant. Mr. Lindstrom was of the opinion that
using public funds for tourism promotion is subsidizing business with tax dollars. It was
agreed that Mr. Hendrix would draft a report giving cost estimates and procedures for hiring
a consultant for a short study of this question.
Item No. 2. Handling of Rann Preserve. Mr. Agnor noted that the Directors of Parks and
Recreation for the City and County are working together to complete a site plan and a written
long-range management plan for the Rann Preserve Property. The site plan will be completed
within a month and must be approved by the two governing bodies before being returned to the
State. The management plan will take much longer to finish. If the Boar'd and Council do not
object, he and Mr. Hendrix will present the site plan to the governing bodies at separate
meetings. If too many different ideas are received, the site plan may have to be presented
at a joint meeting of the two bodies. It was the concensus to follow Mr. Agnor's suggestion.
Item No. 3. Charge to Joint Committee on City/County Relations.
the following charge which has been presented to the committee:
Mayor Brunton read
PURPOSE: To study existing and future service delivery in Charlottesville and
Albemarle and to recommend the appropriate services to be offered jointly and
the best structure through which the services can be provided.
SCOPE OF STUDY: 1. In-depth look at present system.
2. Recommend possible areas for joint delivery.
3. Recommend alternative structures for effective, efficient deIivery.
4. Will not be limited to existing state law.
?OSSIBLE AREAS FOR DISCUSSION: (including, but not limited to)
1. Police, fire and recreation, plus any others deemed appropriate
by the committee.
2. Contractural arrangements between jurisdictions.
3. Special districts or authorities (taxing and non-taxing).
4. Joint Services Board.
5. Restructuring existing government
a. Urban Council (directly or indirectly elected)
b. Through Planning District
c. Incorporation of both jurisdictions
d. Becoming one county
Effect on service being delivered.
Accountability to taxpayer for fiscal and policy decisions.
Is it just another layer of government?
Effect on diffusion of government.
Visibility and ease of access for citizens served.
Centralized control.
Mr. Fisher said this is a high priority item with him and he would like to spend some
time working with this committee. Mayor Brunton said he also would work with the committee.
It was agreed that clerical assistance would be sought from the Planning District Commission
Item No. 4. New Jail Legislation. Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr.
Roudabush, to adopt the following resolution:
WHEREAS, an amendment to Section 53-168 of the Code of Virginia, to be
effective July 1, 1979, casts doubt upon the legislative authority for the
continued operation of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Joint Security Complex
as a regional jail pursuant to Chapter 7.1 (Section 53-2'06.1 et seq.) of
Title 53 of the Code of Virginia; and
WHEREAS, such regional jail operation has, since its inception in 1974,
proven to be an effective and efficient method of operating such jail facility
which is owned jointly by the City of Charlottesville and County of Albemarle;
January 15, 1979 (Adjourned from January 1~0, 1979)
RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville and Board of
Supervisors of Albemarle County that the General Assembly of ¥irgina is requested
further to amend Section 53-168 of the Code of Virginia to preserve the authority
of cities and counties jointly to operate regional jail facilities under the
existing legislative authority and administrative structure established in
Chapter 7.1 (Section 53-206.1 et seq.) of Title 53 of the Code of Virginia;
and be it further
RESOLVED that our representatives in the General Assembly be requested to
sponsor and support such legislation.
The foregoing motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
City Council also adopted the same resolution.
Item No. 5. Levy Opera House, Future Use as Court Building.
should be discussed in executive session.
Mr. Hendrix felt this item
Item No. 6. Improvement of Timetable for Rio/McIntire Road Project. Because of the
recent publicity given this project by the news media, it was agreed that the County would
write the State Highway Commissioner to see if there is anyway to speed up this highway
project without eliminating other priority items in the County's Six-Year-Highway Plan.
Item No. 7. Local Funding for the Rivanna AWT Plant Final Filters. Mr. Hendrix said
funding of the polishing filters and other appurtenances which make the new plant a tertiary
treatment plant has been deleted from the grant funds. Without these filters, the plant
cannot meet EPA standards. This problem has been discussed by the Rivanna Authority Board of
Directors and they do not feel the Authority should finance the filters with local funds
unless this concept is supported by the Board and Council since such funding would add 4 1/25
a thousand gallons to the bills for City customers and 8 1/25 a thousand gallons to the bills
for County customers. If the plant cannot meet water quality standards, the Authority would
be subject to a Consent Order from the State Water Control Board. Total cost of the filters
is estimated at $1,500,000.
Mr. Lindstrom asked how long it would be before the funds are restored. Mr. Agnor said
it may be 10 years. Dr. Iachetta said if treatment of wastewater is the responsibility of
the locality, then the Users should pay for the treatment. Mr. Dorrier felt that if the
Federal government mandates certain standards, they have a responsibility to help pay the
Mr. Buck asked if going from a secondary to a tertiary treatment plant has a real
impact on life downstream. Mr. Agnor said the ~Z~ect of the Clean Water Act is to bring
streams back to a pristeen state to make the streams useful for recreation and drinking
water. The new plant, although it will not have tertiary capability, will be an improvement
over the present plant, but not enough to meet the standards of the Clean Water Act.
After a short discussion, it was decided that the Rivanna Authority Board should make a
recommendation to the Board and Council, furnishing technical computations based on popu-
lation projections through the period of time funding Of the filters will be delayed.
Item No. 8.
Future of CETA.
No new information was forthcoming.
Item No. 9. Funding of Rivanna Reservoir Watershed ~m~ Control) Ordinance. Mr. Agno
said several months ago there was a committee of Board and Council members studying this
question. No decision was made although it was recommended by the County that the cost of
administering the ordinance and paying for the Watershed Management Plan should be borne by
the consumers through the rate structure of the Rivanna Authority. After some discussion, it
was agreed that Mrs. O'Brien and Mr. Lindstrom would draft a report on this question before
the next meeting with Council.
Item No. 10. City/County Fire Service Contract. Mr. Agnor said after several attempts,
a contract o.n this question will be presented to the Board at their February 14th meeting.
Dr. Iachetta noted that nothing has ever been done with the study made on a 911 emergency
telephone system. Mr. Hendrix noted that he and Mr. Agnor had just signed a letter asking
for specific cost information from the telephone company. Mr. Fisher noted that there will
be space in the Lane Building for a central dispatch center for a 911 system. Mr. Agnor said
it will be 1983 before that space will be available at Lane, but the localities should be
ready for bidding procedures in 1981 because of the lag time with the telephone company. Mr.
Hendrix said the three police agencies (County/City/University) are committed to this concept.
The only problem at this time is space.
Mr. Fisher said the County is presently working on a revision of the Zoning Ordinance.
As soon as. it is ready, a copy will be submitted to the City for review.
At 9:05 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Dorrier, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to adjourn
into executive session with City Council to discuss property acquisition and personnel matters
The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Lindstrom.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Roudabush.
The Board reconvened into open session at 9:50 P.M. and adjourned.