HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-08NOctober 3, 1979 (Regular--Night Meeting)
designated as an RPN or rezoned. Mr. Roudab~sh said when the Planning Commission looks at
this plan under the RPN concept, then the shape of each lot assigned to each unit will be
taken into account. Roll was then called on the motion motion and same carried by the
following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Mr. Lindstrom felt better guidance than the Board presently has is needed; if not an
ordinance perhaps some policy and he expressed his desire that Mr. Agnor and Mr. Tucker
consider such in the next few months. Dr. Iachetta felt the policy route was the way to go
and Mr. Roudabush felt the RPN concept was better.
Agenda Item No. 8.
Other Matters Not on the Agenda.
There were no other matters
Agenda Item No. 9. At 10:27 P.M., motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr.
Dorrier, to adjourn to October 8, 1979, at 5:30 P.M. at the Sheraton Inn. Roll was called
and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
October 8, 1979 (Adjourned--Night Meeting)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was
held on October 8, 1979 at 5:30 P.M., at the Sheraton Inn, Route 250 EaSt, Charlottesville,
Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from October 3, 1979.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley,
Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta, C. Timothy Lindstrom and W. S. Roudabush.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Messrs. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; and George R. St. John,
County Attorney.
Brunton, Edwin Gatewood, Francis Buck and Thomas Albro.
CITY OFFICERS PRESENT: Messrs. Cole Hendrix, Robert Stripling, Roger Wiley, William
Mitchell and Sidney Rush.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M.,
immediately after dinner, by Board Chairman, Gerald Fisher, who announced that after
reviewing the agenda for tonight, he and Mayor Brunton have decided that agenda item #6
(Joint Parks & Recreation Operation) will also be discussed in executive session.
Agenda Item No. 2. Economic Development Commission. Mr. Fisher gave a brief history
of discussions regarding a joint economic development commission. Mr. Fisher said if the
City does not think it is feasible to join with the County in such a venture, the County
will most likely create an economic development commission on their own. Mayor Laurence
Brunton said theCity already has an Economic Development Group working and the Chamber of
Commerce is establishing a separate economic development group. Mrs. O'Brien and Messrs.
Gatewood and Albro all felt the commission should be an active organization which solicits
business to come to the area, and that the local governing bodies should be involved in
that solicitation. Mr. Fisher said that is not the Board's general view of such an organ-
ization.~ is his opinion that the Board should be more passive, not aggressively seek
business to the area, but only give interested organizations information about the area.
Mr. Roudabush said he did not feel a government official could make an unbiased decision
on a rezoning request if that official had worked to recruit the business requesting the
rezoning. Mr. Lindstrom and Dr. Iachetta said they agreed with Mr. Roudabush. Mr. Dorrier
said he would like to see a joint commission, but with government officials in a passive
rOle. Mr. Buck said with the obvious difference in opinions between the City and County
as to the role of the government official in such a commission, if the County and Cityww~e
to go into a joint commission, it would be sure to flounder. Mr. Henley said he felt
the County should do away with the idea of an economic development commission completely,
as he felt development of this type would "take care of itself" Mr. Fisher summarized
the discussion by saying there seemed to be too many philosophical differences between the
City Council and the County Board to establish a joint economic development commission at
this time.
Agenda Item No. 3. Mclntire/Rio ROad Extension. Mr. Fisher said the County is
interested in proceeding with the project as fast as it can be achieved. The County is
prepared to spend $4 Million plus to renovate the Lane building. When the building was
purchased the County agreed to dedicate right of way to the State Highway Department for
the widening of McIntire Road into a four lane highway so all the damage would take place
on the County's side and none occur to the private properties on the other side. Mayor
Brunton said this is the number one road priority in the City. The County will hold a
work session on the design of the road so when the public hearing is held next year, the
design will fit the needs of the City. Dr. Iachetta said the CATS Study that this roadway
is the only alternative to the present traffic problems in the Route 29 North areaand on
Rio Road. Mr. Fisher said the road will be four-lane, divided, with limited access. He
hopes it will have a grass median strip. The County will also consider a bicycle strip
with the design. Mrs. O'Brien asked if the County planned to pursue an eastern-by-pass
October 82 1979 (Adjourned-Night Meeting~
for the Route 29 North area. He said immediate plans have been received for Route 29
No~h,~ the possibility of an eastern-by-pass presently is only a dotted line on a mapin
the~.~o~prehensive Plan. At this time, the Board has decidedto remove the eastern-by-pass
from the Comprehensive Plan amendments because no formal proposal for such a road has been
received from the Highway Department.
Agenda Item No. 4. Watershed Management Official. Mr. Fisher said the County's
Watershed Management Committee~ which was appointed to study methods of eliminating non-
point sources of pollution from the South Fork Rivanna River Reservoir. He made a recom-
mendation that a Watershed Management Official, charged with the responsibility of edu-
cating people on ways to minimize the impact on the reservoir, be appointed. Mr. Agnor
said after study, the committee determined that a watershed management official should be
employed by the County and placed in its Engineering Department. He then presented the
following memo:
"October 8, 1979
Subject: Watershed Management Official
A review of the Watershed Management Plan and the proposed duties of a Watershed
Management Official leads to the conclusion that the recommendation that the Official
be organized in the office of the County Engineer is a valid one. The reason for
this conclusion is ths functions of 'the position which are directly related to County
government activities or to County landowners as follows:
1. To coordinate County ordinances, i.e. runoff control, soil and sedimen-
tation erosion, storm water detention, zoning, site plan, and subdivision regulations.
2. To integrate programs of highway operations, agriculture land usage, and
streambank erosion control.
3. To establish educational programs on conservation activities, best man-
agement practices, agricultural pollutants, land use management, and technical/
financial assistance programs to landowners.
4. To inspect compliance with ordinances and observe results of voluntary
The Watershed Management Official can function more effectively within the
County government organization than within the Rivanna Authority organization because
of the inherent coordination between County departments (Planning, Engineering,
Inspections, Attorney) as well as the existing direct relationship between the County
government and the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation, the Soil and
Water Conservation District, the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service,
and the United States Soil. Conservation Service. The principle functions indicate an
orientation toward several aspects of the engineering profession.
.The acceptance of the recommendation of the Committee that the Official be
organized in the County Engineer's office is recommended. The costs of the position
should be borne by the County and the City, recommended in an earlier report as being
through the Rivanna Authority's Urban Water rate structure."
Mr. Fisher recommended that everyone study the memo and then discussion be continued
at some future date.
Mr. Fisher said the Board has requested the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority to
investigate the possibility of using the Buck Mountain Creek Watershed as a potential
future reservoir site in the County. Mr. Agnor saidthe Rivanna Authority has already
held one work session on this request with additional work sessions planned. No time-
tables have yet been established, but when a report of recommendations is worked up and
received, the County can proceed further.
Agenda Item No. 5. Request from City/County Cooperation Committee. (Joint Services
Committee). Mr. Fisher read a memorandum dated October 1, 1979 from Mrs. Sally Thomas,
Chairman of the Committee:
"October 1, 1979
We understand that this committee will be discussed at your October 8 joint
session. The purpose of this memo is to put a brief status report into writing and
to share the committee's view of its most useful role and a few suggestions.
List of Committee Activities
In January of 1979, the Joint City-County Cooperation Committee was appointed,
consisting of five members, all of whom were approved by each governing body: Betsy
Rosenblum and Roy Patterson from Albemarle; John Knapp and Frank Sherwood from
Charlottesville; and a chairman, Sally Thomas from Albemarle.
We met with R. Lacey, a Virginia Community Development Extension Agent, to
-formulate a study of the joint delivery of services. We met with Messrs. Brunton,
Hendrix, Fisher and Agnor to discuss present areas of cooperation and areas of
concern. We arranged a public discussion of city-county cooperation under the new
annexation legislation by a panel of persons from Virginia Commonwealth University,
Virginia Legislative Services, the Virginia Municipal League and the Virginia Assoc-
iation of Counties.
We arranged with the University of Virginia's Institute of Government to have a
staff member study present methods used in the joint delivery of services.
We met with C. Bingman, former acting director of the Urban Mass Transportation
Agency of the Department of Transportation to discuss regional transportation issues.
October 8, 1979 (Adjourned-Night Meeting)
We studied and discussed the new annexation legislation and wrote "Report #1,
Analysis of New Annexation Legislation" and presented the report to the city and
county officials.
Present Status
We are studying 1) tax revenue sharing possibilities; 2) methods of joint delivery
of services; and 3) public transit coordination proposals. We plan to present reports
on at least the first two items.
Committee's Role
The role which seems most useful and reasonable for the committee is for it to
be an outside resource group looking at issues which face the area as a whole. When
an issue is identified, the committee will study it, discuss it with public officials,
organize meetings, make reports to officials and the public, utilize outside resources
etc. -- whatever methods are most appropriate for clarifying the issues an~ostering
an educated discussion amoung officials and citizens. Thecommittee may make recommendat~.
at the end of the process. The purpose of any of these activities is to facilitate
city-county cooperation.
An outline of activities given to the committee discussed only joint delivery of
services, but our study did not have to proceed far for us to realize that joint
delivery of services is only a segment of the city-county cooperation situation and
cannot be studied very productively in isolation. We have not abandoned that topic
as Item numbers 2 and 3 above attest, but we are also taking a broader look.
We would welcome an indication that both governing bodies agree with our view of
the committee's role and purpose, as well as any specific areas of concern for us to
study. It would improve communications if each governing body would delegate one of
its members to act as a liaison person, attending some of our meetings. The com-
mittee could be used as a sounding board and a resource group for any city-county
contracts or negotiations.
We would work with better morale if we had assurance that the two governing
bodies have a serious interest in the committee's purpose in facilitating city-county
cooperation. If it's "too late" in the annexation-or-immunity game to talk of
cooperation, please don't let this committee be the last to know!"
Mayor Brunton and Messrs. Buck and Lindstrom all said they felt the committee was important
for looking at such items as tax revenue sharing or methods of joint delivery of services.
Mr. Fisher added the coordination of public transit to the list of items such a committee
should help study. Mrs. 0'Brien said the committee may not be able to devise a route
system for a joint City/County transit system, but may well be a help in setting up the
policies for such a system. Mr. Fisher said a communication should be forwarded to the
committee expressing the City's and County's gratitude for services rendered to this
point, and encourage them to continue with their efforts.
Agenda Item No. 7. City/County/University Planning Activities. Mayor Brunton spoke
specifically to the University's plans for development of Birdwood. The Mayor said he
would like to see the City and County allowed to participate in discussions and planning
of this project. Mr. Brunton noted that in the past, local governing bodies had not been
invited to participate in planning discussions. Dr. Iachetta agreed, adding he felt it
should be allowed for local governments to have the same privilege in dealing with State
agencies as they have with private developers. Mrs. 0~Brien said the City and County
should jointly sponsor legislation requiring State agencies to work jointly with the local
government while projects are still in the planning stages, not to just inform localities
that a project will be placed in their community with no regard to local planning ordi~n-
Agenda Item No. 8. Central Dispatch/911 System. Mayor Brunton said he understood
that space for the equipment for a 911 system for the City/County/University, will be made
available in the Lane Building. Mr. Fisher said that is the planMr. Agnor said it is
planned to locate the central dispatch office in the basement under the gym. That is
Phase II of the Lane renovation and detailed plans for that segment will not be ready for
at least nine months. Mr. Fisher said the Board has asked the University of Virginia to
consider installing the 911 system into their new telephone system. Mr. Fisher added that
the problems of such a system are complicated by the fact that part of the counvy is
located in a different area code and serviced by a different telephone company.
Mr. Fisher said it is his personal goal to retain the Lane Auditorium as an auditorium
for the community. The Board needs a large meeting place and in working with the archi-
tects, he feels a plan has been devised for both purposes. The ~ublic meeting facilities
will be off the stage at a lower level and will not interfere with viewing of the stage by
people in the front rows. Mr. Fisher noted that the Board does not intend to restore the
stage and its fixtures to a point where it will be suitable for use in drama Productions,
but added that possibly some community group might take on such a project.
Agenda Item No. 9. Other Matters of Mutual Concern. Mr. Fisher said the Board is
considering a resolution which will be sent to the State Legislature requesting that JAUNT
vehicles be exempted from personal property taxex. Mrs. O'Brien said she was concerned
about the role of JAUNT as a transportation system within the City and the County, and
hoped that a discussion of this could take place.
Agenda Item No. 10. Executive Session. At 8:48 P.M., motion was offered by Mr.
Lindstrom, to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Roudabush and carried by the following recorded vote:
October 8, 1979 (Adjourned-Night Meeting)__
The Board reconvened into open session at 9:30 P.M. and immediately adjourned.