HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201500001 Presentation 2016-02-10ZMA2015-001 Old Trail Village O BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2/10/16 Proposal Request to amend the code of development, application plan, and proffers. Reduce the minimum density from 1,600 to 1,000 units to allow for market changes. Request to add Cluster Cottage unit, farm stands, and Tier I, II, and III Personal Wireless Facilities as uses. ❖ Modification of sign regulations Sign area Sign height NO Application Plan EJECT ALWAlS TO THE READ PFMENIS, lEPMS, AND PRDNSICNS- THE CODE aF CEUEtDPMENT T 5 cDNCEPTVu GFNFanL DEVELDpMENT RSHO 1HE�PCIENEAL oFNTM OF IDN cI pDNpL L015 BD l➢INGShPNOV&T - r—.E-9RAL DEVEL AN ARE IllDSIRA— ONLY --DEVELOPMENT OF I— NLWFING - E LOCATIONS PND -E 5— OF E—P. PND PARKING SHALL EE \ IERMITEN6V EU ON AN NDIwAL Wl5 THE E RME or 4J—CH PLAT AND - PLAN —M -AL AND APNDVAL FOR EACH ELDCK. THE PARAMEIERE j \ _ P TEE CEVELOPMENT OF EACH ELDCK APE CCNTNNEU ATHIN THE OCDE I _ -- CEVELOFMENT ENSLRINO THE GOALS OF DLD THAIL NLLAGE ARE REgLIZEO, ___- --- TILE ALLOWING —51—FCR INE GOMMVNItt TO EVOLVE A$ Nm. WHEN _ ,fes GRAPIRC yL' RK— AND DEMANDS CH— TE CONCERNING CONNECTION EETW N➢LUCK 22A D32: .. - 7r Block 30 .i 'T50 - \ ,A IoM renNo TBlock 16 Black 171 131OEk lflkTI B10 k10 LQ rr� RIP TG TN ` -- _ q rlSI k24 , �1 Blocls 21 vCL iqO [ m Stock .0 '-1 I - c © d p Block 33 'l J hl,ck5 ' x 34, . »L Cll- BID(.k32 ���Rmx�.ITF / i I wslrE iG�A9s€onm _ lilnt.k 2( '�. IN r_1fM 4EpR�IE9'ELUPMe�tt. Iii k ;� ✓ RT,i 7 ' \ �W r .-:h�' 11 LEGEND 0 ' Exlsrwc aRADINc WCC � � U4 1 vena FLOOD PLAN Lm LLAA6 fJI� APPRaxlunTt-uurrs OF GRowrrr J Factors for Consideration Factors Favorable: The rezoning amendment is consistent with the Crozet Master Plan. The rezoning amendment incorporates the previously approved variations that are within the blocks proposed to be amended, and simplifies and clarifies the COD and Plan so that it is easier to interpret for staff, the general public, and the applicant. The Cluster Cottage unit type allows for an additional housing type that could provide more opportunities for affordable housing. Factors Unfavorable: None identified Recommendation for Modification Requests Staff recommends the following in regards to the modifications: Modification of sign regulations: 1. Staff recommends approval of the sign modifications for area and height as shown in Attachment F of the Planning Commission staff report. Arprm. T- 5.4' 10 olwllaftrl (TM A21 soale- NITS Maximum Allowable; Sign Area Square Footage Per Monument (Subdivision and Freestanding Commercial Sign Permuted - 2 Monuments) 1.10mimem 14mcIMIM, Sign Etelnent; Square Footage; MIA waNIMI 16 61 wnieriel NI poNrn Monument theme panel Not to exceed 32 sf X 2 sides —64 sf Lt formal ionAOX t panel Not to exceed 32 sf X 2 sides = 64 sf plum/sh�ol angle dimensionol hitt Total Sigtt Area SF l>d sf (2 signs per monument) nxrcanrrr v Total Route 254 Sign Area 256 sf wood/dhpl panel This sign coneept is a square, 4 sided design. The applicant may choose to do a triangic, 3 -sided design; provided chat the total sign urea square footage Monument sirs not would remain the same. Irl nccccd IIXFaf not m exceed 37 I.S. AAmeimeai ihVmrn.npl Moi ra exceed 16 cd. % nieriet LIJI pu tem alum/shael base =,F veneer shone Dasa 4 rr. VW a A "iww d& 11— WIF PM Ifa!•Yrs .. Wr, Old Trail Proposed Sign Regulation Modifications 1 per street frontage, or 2 per entrance, per lot with 100 or more -64 square feet per sign, plus bonus tenant feet of continuous provided in street frontage plus 1 per lot if the lot is greater than 4 acres and has more than 1 approved entrance on its 2 per entrance per subdivision section 4.15.16(b) 64 square feet Zoning Ordinance NMD Sign Regulations Sign Type lumber of Signs Allowed Sign Area Sign Height Sign Setback (Maximum} (ll�Zaxilnllm) s, �, la (Maximum) (Minimum) 1 or more per Iiirectional' establishment, as authorized by z0111112achniuistrator 24 square feet 6 feet feet 1 per street frontage, or 2 per entrance, per lot Aith 32 square feet, plus bonus 100 or more feet of tenant panels; if more than 1 Freestanding2-1 corntmuous street frontage sign at an entrance, no single 12 feet 5 feet plus 1 per lot if the lot is sign shall exceed 16 square greater than 4 acres and feet leas more than 1 approved entrance on its frontage 30 feet, but not to Projecting 1 per Street frontage 24 sgmre feet exceed the tap of the fascia or Not applicable mansard 24 square feet per entrance; if llbclli'1SlOn' per entrance thaln. 1 sign no single sign shall exceed 12 square sign 6 feet 7 feet feet 12 feet, if freestanding sign; 20 feet. if per eet 1 pstreet residential wall Temporal -VII, Temporal-VII,7 finer str per establishment 24 square feet sign: 30 feet if 5 feet nonresidential v all sign. but not t0 exceed the £o1n1£e line Action for Rezoning Request U* Motions for the Rezoning Request Should a Board Member choose to approve this zoning map amendment: I move that the Board adopt the ordinance for ZMA2015-001 Old Trail Village. Should a Board Member choose to deny this zoning map amendment: I move for denial of ZMA 2015-001, Old Trail Village, based on the following reasons. Should a board member motion for denial, he or she should state the reason(s). Action for Special Exception: --------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Motions: Signs Should a Board Member choose to approve this special exception: I move that the Board adopt the resolution for the sign special exception associated with ZMA2015-001. Should a Board Member choose to deny this special exception: Move to deny the sign special exception based on the following reasons. Should a board member motion for denial, he or she should state the reason(s). White Black Blue PMS 2955C Gold PMS 80040 Green PMS 586 q, 20"square `lantern see below 28'x 56"panel "►p cut from existing sign 48'x 56"panel wl average hieght of logo's and shop names approx. 4" Existing brick columns m to remain 110 16''x 56" panel Lighting and Landscaping at base ofsign to remain as existing per previously approved permit. "ite border to match existing —� Non -Illuminated "Lantern" .080 Aluminum Structure 3116" Ivory Acrylic 1/4" Aluminum Custom Cut '/z" Komatex (PVC) Cap & Base 44GOLF OLD TRAIL 5'-0" r of Existing Brick Columns -� Signs are 12 Komatex (PVC} "moi Flat Non -Dimensional Faces 'colors noted above* Digital Print using 3M IJ180C & 8.519 Laminate Angle Iron Bracing - Black Galvanized Steel Hardware Ant da Luta � : k.p `, 91-KoaBar rrs GP•❑� l �nd�Pin�.�M C9 �BB ;.carpe 3uesa MQ or K -in LIRma —� Non -Illuminated "Lantern" .080 Aluminum Structure 3116" Ivory Acrylic 1/4" Aluminum Custom Cut '/z" Komatex (PVC) Cap & Base 44GOLF OLD TRAIL 5'-0" r of Existing Brick Columns -� Signs are 12 Komatex (PVC} "moi Flat Non -Dimensional Faces 'colors noted above* Digital Print using 3M IJ180C & 8.519 Laminate Angle Iron Bracing - Black Galvanized Steel Hardware ZMA2015-001 Old Trail Village O PLANNING COMMISSION 12/15/15 Proposal Request to amend the code of development, application plan, and proffers. Reduce the minimum density from 1,600 to 1,000 units to allow for market changes. Request to add Cluster Cottage unit, farm stands, and Tier I, II, and III Personal Wireless Facilities as uses. ❖ Request modifications: Private Street authorization Modification of street standards for amenity oriented lots Curb, curb and gutter Sidewalks Planting strips Modification of sign regulations Sign area Sign height M Application Plan NOTE: A SUBJECT ALWAYS TO THE :RECUIREMENTS, TERMS, AND PROVISIONS pF THE CODE OF DEVELOPMENT, THIS CONCEPNAi GENERAL DEVELOPMENT - PLAN SHOWS THE POTENTIAL OEV0.0PMENT DF INDIVIDUAL LOTS, EWLOINGS. AND- 'PANN:ING, HOWEVER THESE EL. SNTS PECIOF hEE CONCEPTUAL GENERAL INCLUDING -lYi PLAN ME ARE IJTON SAND DI ONLY. SOF BUILhINC LUPD A KI LOTS, INCLUE -� '.THE LOCATIONSAND DIMENSIONS OF BUILDINGS AND PARKING, SHALL DE "_ DETERMINED ON AN INDIVIDUAL OASIS AT THE TIME OF 5UDDINSI ON PLAT AND \ \ - r] SITE PLAN SU[MITTAL AND APPROVAL FOR EACH "LOCK. THE PARAMETERS - ! '-1 ! KC FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EACH DLOCK ARE CONTAIN" THE THE CODE _ J-_ OF L AHUPMENT, ENSURING THE GOALS OF NIT TRAIL NILLAGE ARE REAIJZEE, _ - MARK TS AND MANN ELIT'T FOR THE COMM UNIN TO EVOLVE A$ NLEpE6 WHEN - - I CRAPHTC 5C MARKETS AND 6EMAN05 CHANCE. � �� A - ,>_ - iX-HNC ��6 Ta EAM n f.q BloCk 31 F i o' - _ plNg MA PAYED SIDRY�_4LOK TE, ! :! - F31oek 30 �Ea ITT--T— Bloc nCN -- 91 UFFER l T Na s cvy ee6 xa eqs. Block 16 Block 17 Block i8 :' ® re I+NI�ONI—ID"mscl�w-i,s-�l.`� 1 _ Block IO NGORESTPU ANEW N THE h'IREAN LLFFFR5 r "io'6 PflEBE DTA NAERAII80 9TAEET TREEg TO , . h` E➢LANTPO ALQryN OkM TRAk S � APPLICANTI—PO SHSLEFOROOMPLETKRI OP UNITS Or - T THEMTIGATION OF GLtl YC oxry BREAM g11FFEx /R I `} HH—IN THIMLOC PN I F T. Lplx, Block L) / a C. 4 Block 24 Block � ryf � 19 ti I � Block 2l� � \ � N Block i ^' i. .� �I Block 33 � B lock 5 �` EE s 3P 1 Block" Block 32 � �� R f M 0.OtlTEY1HEEOYdlimwrf HUP R —J ,.J. rvi'ialp{ 1i8"E6INTINO FOREBT£D MAINTA�IEOQ TME3&Atj WHCry PRE �{a AN 6956Np1,I111IIRFEEAYEO ANO �. 0. Block 7 \: ruiwENfiLV OfIF�aRESTFiiIA'•TWENTY 1mi. �= C uE00T, OEEPRE 9NAI3C®E i A '„ 89N�'OIAS8v agEg 10' 26; �\ 1NTIIPCgpE9FbE4ELAPME�. i Block 22 l' lock 27 +oa srREAm . su FER 9 yo TH - ! t /'�\ � _ i � .I :x � ✓✓ p � � i Phu I V ` - i „�LEGEND0 \. � t EXISTINGGRADING l i -i. .- `-- i - - 1�, .-'r - �` - • e i e TOO YEAR FLOOD PLAIN L.I. Application Plan WJNTY TO MI.vE AS IXEDE0 WHEN - - GRArHIC E:CS[3 / %�' ��`� ,■,-,� : fir' '�- n's wr I I,RPwrP . 4w n Apt lilnrk 31ecpH Errrw ro EF81eYO MY�eloe[YRiEK 4lONG �1 Block 30= ?' a*.M-OR OGp0 00MECT*113 't PAT.—I'T CONNEC11— - y.:: •'y maLmoou lo•neN[!E. [ANeeCAPEAwR9e - - - - cwrotlro� E�mnr.a .krxa. i3lock 17 '' , Block 18 Block 10': Block 16 P}nlzrR:nooNwECTlollmsc�pp�s. '� �$-�. @esriNo Pd1ERiO AIliA, nl TfE aiRFrllEilFFMa '.• r - ''�! ���l ARfihERY604A MAMiAElERf, eiRRTTAxea� 9E PCANr® ALONG PLA TAWLGNAIE. APPLICANT Aw REss'PIL°ABLE rOH COWLFTIOU OF THE Nr[IOAnCw OFO!D T bTRFAAf ANfPEEN - MPACTS M ­55UDCA LaCAT%111 �' �feFY _ _ • r' I l3kl k G 20 F ` /i •, knock 7 Black 26 lock 27 • =�•d ., tip �:: r r '7�� dpP' Block 19 [Ita� 1 1, 'Ck24 "ice BIL><k ? 5 Block 2 1. z� R n► i- I ., I Block Bloch 33 J Block 5 `i B 34'; #4P ++grrrE aroc&1llmaR a�li-Ea` .ARREB eNRIM TAS.. �EISnNa iLkiFJ' t reNrrAeNeo. M mESE nxe0 xwKH as (J .. etimeENn.v �NRORESi(4,.E TwENrY (: ,'��I WO'r PFEP 1lpGgRq�y 54NLi �E i � 1 .PiANnfu%,N9 LVNTiM.E0.A33PECil1 f f Block 22 _ IH THE CCoE or Pi4ELP~W1. I I'H'v 'H iPl:R ILLSfR�p. IHl: PI4.H ARI /f�,1( - •Y514�. _feel ,R.w • Hs irµc [Elio of � ` � +�=. •ti f' k. W4Lg})I�45TNfCIfA 1. t ![uYLk RY-H'r1Pk5 TNY.RN:H1'Ri nrM[-1.1111{a1116W AL>lYlt'AI LEGEND — — Factors for Consideration Factors Favorable: The rezoning amendment is consistent with the Crozet Master Plan. The rezoning amendment incorporates the previously approved variations that are within the blocks proposed to be amended, and simplifies and clarifies the COD and Plan so that it is easier to interpret for staff, the general public, and the applicant. The Cluster Cottage unit type allows for an additional housing type that could provide more opportunities for affordable housing. Factors Unfavorable: Changes are needed to the Code of Development and the Application Plan to allow each to be in final form for Board approval. Recommendation for ZMA Staff recommends approval of this rezoning amendment ZMA201500001, Old Trail Village with amended code of development and application plan and provided revisions are made as indicated in Attachment G prior to the Board of Supervisors meeting. M Recommendation for Modification Requests Staff recommends the following in regards to the modifications: Private streets: 1. The portion of Street B located behind Block 6 be revised in the Plan and COD to be shown as a public street. 2. Denial of the request for a portion of Street H as a private street. 3. Denial of the request for additional private street approval for those streets not shown on the Plan or COD. 4. Approval of private streets serving amenity oriented lots. 5. Approval of Streets T, L, N, P, and the portion of B that serves Blocks 5 and 20 as private streets. Modification of street standards: 1. Curb and Gutter: Staff recommends that curb only be provided along the private streets serving amenity oriented lots. 2. Sidewalks: Staff recommends approval of the sidewalk exception for the private streets serving amenity oriented lots only with the following condition: o A five foot sidewalk across the length of the amenity area shall be provided for access to and from the lots and connect to the sidewalk network along the public and private streets. 3. Planting strips: Staff recommends approval of the planting strip exception for the private streets serving amenity oriented lots only. Modification of sign regulations: 1. Staff recommends approval of the sign modifications for area and height as shown in Attachment F. Action for Rezoning Request Motions for the Rezoning Request - 0 Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend approval of this zoning map amendment: I move that the Commission recommend approval of ZMA 2015-00001 Old Trail Village, with the revised proffers dated November 2, 2015 as set forth in Attachment D, the proposed amendments to the code of development as set forth in Attachment B, and the proposed amendments to the application plan, last revised November 2, 2015, subject to any minor technical revisions recommended by staff before the matter is scheduled for consideration by the Board of Supervisors. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend denial of this zoning map amendment: I move that the Commission not recommend approval of ZMA 2015-00001 Old Trail Village for the following reasons: state the reason(s) for recommending denial. Action for Private Street Authorization #1 Motions: I move that the Commission authorize private streets as follows for the reasons stated in the staff report and in Attachment H: The portion of Street B located that serves Blocks 5 and 20; provided that the portion of Street B located behind Block 6 be designated on the application plan and in the code of development as a public street. Streets T, L, N, and P and those serving amenity -oriented lots. I move that the Commission deny the applicant's request to authorize any portion of Street H as a private street because the applicant has failed to identify which portion it has requested to be private, and for the additional reasons stated in Attachment H. I move that the Commission deny the applicant's request to authorize other streets not shown on the application plan or referred to in the code of development as private streets, for the reasons stated in Attachment H. Action for Street Standards: curb and gutter Motions: I move that the Commission grant an exception from the requirement to install gutters on private streets that serve amenity -oriented lots, for the reasons stated in Attachment H. I move that the Commission deny an exception from the requirement to install curbs on private streets that serve -amenity oriented lots, for the reasons stated in Attachment H. Action for Street Standards: sidewalks Motions: I move that the Commission grant an exception from the requirement for sidewalks on those private streets that serve amenity -oriented lots, for the reasons stated in Attachment H, subject to the following condition: 1. A five-foot wide sidewalk across the length of the amenity area shall be provided for access to and from the lots and shall connect to the sidewalk network along the public and private streets. I move that the Commission deny the applicant's request for an exception from the requirement for sidewalks on those private streets that serve amenity - oriented lots, for the following reasons: state the reason(s) for denial. M Action for Street Standards: planting strips Motions: I move that the Commission grant an exception from the requirement for planting strips on those private streets that serve amenity -oriented lots, for the reasons stated in Attachment H. I move that the Commission deny the applicant's request for an exception from the requirement for planting strips on those private streets that serve amenity - oriented lots, for the following reasons: state the reason(s) for denial. Action Motions: or Special Exception: freestanding sign area --------------- 0 --------------- I move that the Commission recommend approval of a special exception to increase the maximum sign area for monument -style freestanding signs using multi -sided theme panels as depicted in Attachment F from 32 square feet to 64 square feet per sign, plus bonus tenant panels as provided in County Code §18-4.15.1o(a)(8), for the reasons stated in Attachment H. I move that the Commission recommend denial of a special exception to increase the maximum sign area for monument -style freestanding signs using multi -sided theme panels as depicted in Attachment F from 32 square feet to 64 square feet per sign, plus bonus tenant panels as provided in County Code §18-4.15.1o(a)(8), for the following reasons: state the reason(s) for denial. M Action Motions: or Special Exception: freestanding sign heightOO I move that the Commission recommend approval of a special exception to increase the maximum sign height for monument -style freestanding signs using multi -sided theme panels as depicted in Attachment F from 12 feet to 16 feet, for the reasons stated in Attachment H. I move that the Commission recommend approval of a special exception to increase the maximum sign height for monument -style freestanding signs using multi -sided theme panels as depicted in Attachment F from 12 feet to 16 feet, for the following reasons: state the reasons) for denial. M Action Motions: I r Special Exception: subdivision sign area --------------- 0 --------------- I move that the Commission recommend approval of a special exception to increase the maximum sign area for monument -style subdivision signs using multi -sided theme panels as depicted in Attachment F from 24 square feet to 64 square feet, for the reasons stated in Attachment H. I move that the Commission recommend denial of a special exception to increase the maximum sign area for monument -style subdivision signs using multi -sided theme panels as depicted in Attachment F from 24 square feet to 64 square feet, for the following reasons: state the reason(s) for denial. M Action Motions: I r Special Exception: subdivision sign height -------------------- f_ -N 1111��Ij -------------------- I move that the Commission recommend approval of a special exception to increase the maximum sign height for monument -style subdivision signs using multi -sided theme panels as depicted in Attachment F from 6 feet to 16 feet, for the reasons stated in Attachment H. I move that the Commission recommend denial of a special exception to increase the maximum sign height for monument -style subdivision signs using multi -sided theme panels as depicted in Attachment F from 6 feet to 16 feet, for the following reasons: state the reasons) for denial. M