HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201600067 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2016-12-30COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
December 30, 2016
Daniel Hines
28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201
Warrenton VA 20186
SDP201600067 Shops at Westfield Road - initial Site Plan
Mr. Hines:
The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Initial comments
for the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies, as
applicable, are attached:
Albemarle County Planning Services
Albemarle County Engineering Services
Albemarle County Building Inspections
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
Albemarle County Information Services (E911) [Comments pending, to be forwarded once received]
Albemarle County Service Authority [Comments pending, to be forwarded once received]
Architectural Review Board (ARB) [Comments pending, to be forwarded once received]
Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should
not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that
will be required to be resolved prior to Final Site Plan approval. Prior to initial site plan approval a
resubmittal of the plan is reauired. The annlicant shall reauest the oroiect be deferred to allow reauired
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional information.
Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
Phone 434-296-5832
To: Daniel Hines
From: Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner
Division: Planning
Date: December 30, 2016
Subject: SDP201600067 Shops at Westfield Road - Initial Site Plan
Fax 434-972-4126
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the
following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been
identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.):
[Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless
otherwise specified.]
Prior to initial site plan approval, at a minimum, comments 1— 2 shall be addressed in a resubmittal.
1. [Comment] The public notification fee of $215 was not paid prior to the SRC meeting. Please pay the fee
prior to any further review/action of the plan.
2. [32.5.2(p),] Landscape Plan. There are numerous conflicts with the required/proposed
landscaping and the 40 -foot utility easement along the lot's frontage (Rte. 29 and a portion of Westfield
Road). Prior to the initial site plan receiving conditional approval provide written authorization from the
easement holder that the proposed plantings are permitted within the easement. If authorization is not
received, then the planting strip shall be enlarged to accommodate the required plantings. Prior to the initial
site plan receiving conditional approval the plan shall be revised to address the above requirements.
3. [32.5.2(1)] Existing and Proposed Utilities. Prior to final site plan approval provide written authorization
from the easement holder of the 40 -foot utility gas easement allowing the proposed improvements and the
required grading within the easement. The easement is located along the western property line.
4. [4.12] Required Parking. Revise the parking calculations to specify how much square footage is assigned to
each use (retail and restaurant). The parking calculations provided only utilize `Retail use not otherwise
identified"; however, there is also a restaurant use associated with the site. Restaurants utilize the following
calculations: Restaurant: Thirteen (13) spaces per one thousand (1, 000) square feet of gross floor area
including areas for accessory dancing. Revise the parking calculations.
5. [4.12.16(c)] Minimum Design Requirements. Perpendicular parking spaces shall have a minimum aisle
width of 20 feet. There are 8 parking spaces along the northern property line adjacent to the drive through
that are not provided this minimum. When cars are backed up in the drive through the aisle width is truly
only 16 feet. Revise these spaces to be 60 degree angled parking so that they may take advantage of the 16
feet aisle width standards.
6. [32.5.2(n)] Proposed Improvements. Sheet 3 lists 13,420 SF dedicated to the building and the patio;
however, the rest of the site plans reference a 10,000 SF building. Depict, label, and dimension the patio
area. Is restaurant seating proposed in the patio area?
7. [5.1.60] Drive-through Windows. Depict and label the location of the drive through window ordering
8. [32.5.2(n)] Existing and Proposed Improvements. Depict and label the existing sidewalks for this property,
specifically those on Rte. 29 and Westfield Road.
9. [32.5.2(n)] Existing and Proposed Improvements. Depict and label the proposed paving materials for all
walkways, parking lots, and dumpster pads.
10. [32.5.2(n), 32.6.20),, 4.12.191 Existing and Proposed Improvements. Provide dumpster enclosure
detail. Also, dimension and label material for the dumpster pad.
11. [Comment] The topographic survey provided on sheet 4 is misleading as it appears to show existing
conditions; however, there is no existing 1 story building onsite. This sheet does not appear to be needed for
topographic purposes as sheet 5 makes note that this plan takes advantage of topography provided by the
County's GIS. Remove this sheet from the site plan.
12. [] Contents of Landscape Plan. The landscape plan shall show the size and type of all proposed
plant materials. Provide plant sizes (caliper and/or height depending on ordinance requirements for each
planting type) and plant amounts in a planting list.
13. [] Landscaping Along Streets. Street tree requirements are driven by the amount of street frontage.
Entrances are not to be excluded from frontage calculations. Revise street frontage calculations.
14. [] Interior Landscaping. Interior landscape calculations provided utilize 32,188 SF
parking/circulation area; however, the cover sheet references 34,080 SF. Assure area calculations are
consistent throughout the plan.
15. [] Interior Landscaping. Once the parking calculations are revised assure the interior landscape
calculations provided are still accurate.
16. [] Tree Canopy. Canopy calculations provided utilize 62,354 SF site area; however, the cover sheet
references the site as 62,380 SF. Assure site area calculations are consistent throughout the plan.
17. [] Tree Canopy. The canopy calculations reference a landscape schedule; however, the schedule is
not provided. Please provide the landscape schedule along with the plant canopy area calculations.
18. [32.7.9] Landscaping. All ordinance section referenced on the landscape plan are slightly incorrect and
should be revised. For example: Street Tree requirements are under, Interior landscape
requirements, and tree canopy requirements
19. [32.5.2(b)] Information Regarding the Proposed Use. On the coversheet of the plan list the maximum
amount of impervious cover on the site.
20. [] Vehicular Access to Site. Each entrance onto any public street shall be designed and constructed
as required by the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT approval of the proposed
entrance(s) to the site shall be required prior to final site plan approval.
21. [32.6.2(] & k)] ARB approval of the site plan is required. ARB comments will be provided after the January
3rd meeting.
22. [32.5.2(n)] Outdoor Lighting. Any proposed outdoor lighting must be shown on the site plan. A photometric
plan and lighting cut sheets must be provided with the final site plan. Proposed lighting must comply with
requirements of Sec. 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance.
23. [32.5.2(n)] Outdoor Lighting. On sheet 2, lighting notes #2, the various lighting types (Led, HPSL, and
MHL) all utilize various light loss factors (LLF); however, all lighting types must utilize a light loss factor
of 1.0 . Revise plan to assure a LLF 1 is utilized.
24. [32.6.2(h)] Signature Panel. Provide the required signature panel. Assure that each member of the site
review committee is provided a signature line.
Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using cperezkalbemarle.org or 434-296-5832
ext. 3443 for further information.
Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E.
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper Virginia 22701
December 15, 2016
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Christopher Perez
Re: The Shops at Westfield- Initial site plan
SDP -2016-00067
Review #1
Dear Mr. Perez:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Bohler Engineering, dated
November 11, 2016 and offers the following comments:
Land Use
I . The proposed entrance on route 29 doesn't meet current spacing standards. Please see
Road Design Manual appendix F -Access Management design standards, page, F23. The
applicant may apply for an exception to the spacing with an AM -E submission. If so
desired, we recommend a meeting to discuss the process.
2. The entrance onto Westfield Road (SR 1452) does not meet corner clearance standards as
shown in Road Design Manual appendix F. Pg. 116. As proposed this entrance will
require an approved access management exception (AM -E).
3. Please see Road Design Manual appendix F -Access Management design standards for
entrances and Intersections, figure 4-10 commercial entrance design. Single two-way
entrance with right turn and taper. Current design is proposing a 20' radii on both
entrances, the minimum should be 25'. The proposed entrance on route 29 is 24' in
width, should be a minimum of 30'. Please refer to F-109 to provide the appropriate
design vehicle and turning radius by land use.
4. Please show mill and overlay on plans in accordance with WP -2 and add the detail to the
5. The mill and overlay will require work to centerline, so flagging operation will be
6. Please provide detailed trip generation data (ITE) and provide turn lane warrant analyses
for both left and right turn lanes.
7. Proposed drainage structures tying into existing drainage structures. Please provide
drainage calculation data sheet and show that the existing system will be adequate in the
post -development condition.
December 15, 2016
Christopher Perez
Page 2
Please note that the final site plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual
Appendices B (1) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations, or other
Please provide two copies of the revised plan along with a comment response letter. If further
information is desired, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the VDOT Charlottesville Residency Land Use Section at (434)
422-9399 for information pertaining to this process
4x - P+V6t--'1
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency
Review Comments
Project Number/TypeDP01600067 Initial Site Plan
Project Name:
The Shops at Wesetfield Road - Initial
Date Completed: [Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Reviewer: Bobby Jocz
Department'Division,'Agency: CDD Engineering
Reviews Comments:
Comments for Plans Dated 1111112016
1)An approved WPO V MP submittal will be required containing ESC and SWM plans and a Svl
site plan approval [17-366, 17-301 ]. Water quantity and water quality will need to be addressed
criteria. Final site plan must be submitted separately from E, and SWM plans.
)AII topography should be visually field verified within the last year.
3)Parking areas must not exceed 5% grade anywhere, in any direction [18-4.12.15. c].
4)utter pan is required for curb with stormwater flows. [18-4.12.15. g]. It may be necessary to
another curb design in addition to the one provided. Provide equivalent VDOT standard Curb, ani
Gutter Details.
5)VD T approval of entrance on Rt.29 will be required prior to approval of final site plans. 11D '
obtained for any plan affecting public right-of-way.
6)Proposed grading seems to show runoff flowing into dumpster areas. County Code c.
runoff should drain away from dumpster areas to prevent minimize stormwater contamination.
7)Acreage used in stormwater management pollution reduction requirement calculations is larger
the total site area, please confirm correct acreages.
3)A stormwater management easement will need to be provided for proposed SWM facility.
9)Evidence of nutrient management credit purchase will needed prior to V MP approval.
10)Provide do not enter, or other related signage, to alert vehicular traffic to one-way traffic at tr
Review Comments
Project Number/TypeDP 01600067 Initial Site Plan
Project Name;
Date Completed;
Reviews Comments;
The Shops at Iesetfield Road - Initial
[aturday, December 17, 2016
Robbie Gilmer
F ri a Fescue
Based on plans dated 11/11/16.
1. Fire flow test required before final approval, please attach a copy to the final plans.
'2. Add a note requiring a Knox Box on location.
. Clarify if the line shown between the drive thru and travel lane is a curb or just paint.
Review C
Project Number/TypeDP 01600067 Initial Site Plan
Project Name;
Date Completed;
Reviews Comments;
The Shops at Iesetfield Road - Initial
Thursday, December 0, 2016
Jay Schlothauer
DID Inspections
Based on plans dated November 11, 2016.
I No comments or conditions.