HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201600014 Code of Development Zoning Map Amendment 2016-06-20 GRANGER NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL ZONING MAP AMENDMENT CODE OF DEVELOPMENT Submission Date: June 20, 2016 6/20/2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 Purpose and Intent 4 1.2 Existing Conditions 4 2. CODE OF DEVELOPMENT 5 2.1 Application Plan 5 2.2 Land Use 5 2.3 Land Use by Block 8 2.3.1 Neighborhood Density Residential with a Service Center or Civic Area 8 2.3.2 Neighborhood Density Residential 8 2.4 Building Form Standards 9 2.4.1 Density 9 2.4.2 Lot Regulations and Setbacks 10 2.5 Greenspace and Amenities 10 2.5.1 Greenway 11 2.5.2 Parks & Civic Spaces 11 2.5.3 Stormwater Management 11 2.6 Grading 12 2.7 Transportation 12 2.7.1 Street Network 12 2.7.2 Pedestrian Network 12 2.8 Parking 13 2.9 Floodplain 13 2.10 Trailways 13 2.11 Utilities 14 3. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE STANDARDS 16 3.1 Architectural Standards 16 3.2 Landscaping Standards 17 3.2.1 Street Trees 17 3.2.2 Tree Preservation Guidelines 17 3.3 Streetscape Treatments 17 LIST OF TABLES & FIGURES Table 1: Existing Parcel Information 5 Table 2: Land Use Areas 6 Table 3: Characteristics of Neighborhood Density Residential 8 Table 4: PeHuitted/Prohibited Uses by Block 9 Table 5: Density Regulations 10 Table 6 Lot Regulations 10 Table 8: Street Network Chart 12 Table 9: Relegated Parking Guidelines 13 21P tge ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 Figure 1: Granger Block Development Plan 7 Figure 2: Garage and Driveway Exhibit 15 31 Page ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 1 . INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Intent In accordance with the requirements of the Neighborhood Model District ("NMD") and the regulations contained in 18-20.A.4 and 20.A.5 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (the "Zoning Ordinance"), this "Code of Development", together with the General Development Application Plan, entitled "Granger Development Rezoning Application Plan" ("Application Plan"), shall serve as the guidelines and regulations for the development of Granger. The intent of the Code of Development and Application Plan is to provide a framework for the development of Granger that is in accordance with the principles of the Neighborhood Model, Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan, and Albemarle County Zoning regulations, while allowing for maximum flexibility and creativity in the establishment of the Application Plan, mixture of uses, building locations, street networks, densities within the property, and overall design of the project. 1.2 Existing Conditions The Granger property, as shown on the Application Plan, is located within the Southern Urban Neighborhoods Master Plan Development Area of Albemarle County. The property, totaling 68.96+/- acres and consisting of(1) parcel, was surveyed by Roudabush, Gale, and Associates in March, 2001. The survey is shown on the Existing Conditions Plan of the Granger Development Rezoning Application Plan. Table 1 on page 5 of the COD includes the existing property information for the Granger parcel. The property is located at 400 Stribling Avenue Extended. It is bordered to the north by the Southern Railroad line and to the west by Interstate 64. Sunset Avenue Extended and Morey Creek/Moores Creek are located along the south and east property lines, respectively. The surrounding neighborhoods and adjacent property owners are shown on the Existing Conditions plan sheet. The current zoning of the (1) parcel within the Granger property is R-1 Residential zoning. Under this zoning, a maximum of 66 residential dwelling units can be developed by-right on the property. The topography of the Granger property is primarily rolling wooded terrain, and slopes towards Moores Creek and Morey Creek, which converge and flow through the site. One dwelling exists on the property; however the remainder of the parcel is currently vacant. The parcel is located in Comprehensive Plan —Neighborhood 5, and is primarily Neighborhood Density Residential land use surrounded by Parks and Greenspace system along the creeks and waterways within the property. The community's design will minimize impacts to waterways by preserving buffers in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance. Moores Creek and Morey Creek will have a 100 foot buffer preserved around the stream Wage ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 corridor, and this protective corridor, known as the Greenway, is shown on the Application Plan. Environmentally sensitive steep slopes on the property, both managed and preserved, as identified by Albemarle County are provided on the Existing Conditions plan. Table 1:Existing Parcel Information Tax Parcel I.D. Current Number Owner Acres Zoning Comprehensive Plan Designation Stribling Neighborhood Density 07600-00-00-02400 Holdings, 68.96 R-1 Residential, Parks & Green LLC Systems TOTAL 68.96 +1- 2. CODE OF DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Application Plan The Application Plan lays out the framework for the development of Granger, while incorporating the flexibility necessary to adapt to changing needs in the future. The Application Plan illustrates the Development areas and Greenway areas all within the property, along with the environmentally sensitive areas that will remain outside the Development Areas. The Application Plan also shows the proposed alignment of the connector road through the property, and the connection to the Development Areas. 2.2 Land Use The Application Plan has been segmented into two (2) land bays or blocks, Block 1 & Block 2, based on existing site conditions of the property. The blocks are classified into two different land use districts, which derive from the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for the property. The two land use districts are: Neighborhood Density Residential, and Neighborhood Density Residential with a Service Center. The Neighborhood Service Center will provide either office space in scale with the adjacent properties or shall provide a civic use such as a park. The Neighborhood Density Residential area will be primarily single-family dwellings. A summary of the Land Use Areas can be found on Table 2. The Land Use Table lists the total acreage of each block along with the acreage in each block that is included as development area and Greenspace/Amenities. The Greenspace areas include the Greenway and Park areas. Over 50% of the Granger property will be included within the Greenspace areas. Block sizes are flexible in size, and may adjust as the site plans and subdivision plats are developed and finalized; however, all the requirements of this Code of Development and County Ordinances must be met for each block. The proposed density of each block will be determined by both the acreage and land use of the block. No block size shall be modified more than fifteen percent (15%) of the gross land area listed in Table 2 on page 6 of the Code of Development. 51 Page ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 Figure 1 on page 7 in the Code of Development provides the location of the development blocks within Granger and identifies the land uses for each block. Table 2: Land Use Areas Development Greenspace/Amenities (ac) Land Use District Block Area Area (Roads, Total (ac) Lots, Buildings, Civic/ Greenway Open Buffers Green Parking lots) Parks Space space Neighborhood Density 1 50.89 24.89 0.0 21.46 4.54 0.0 26.0 Neighborhood Density 2 18.07 7.14 0.0 8.90 2.03 0.0 10.93 with a Service Center TOTAL 68.96 32.03(48.5%) 0(0%) 35.50(51.5%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 36.93 Note: 1. The development areas and greenspace areas may change within each block; however, the total minimum Greenspace/Amenities area will be met throughout the development. 2. Additional Greenspace may be added or expanded during the design phases to allow for additional area to accommodate utilities,stormwater management, recreational areas, and erosion control measures as necessary for the development. 3. No block size shall be modified more than 15%of the gross land area as listed in this Table 2. Wage ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 �\ \ — _ - J .�\ a '0 t k i _..._ ______ _ „.... _____, �.J ' _ •OSSIBLE CONNECTION �= - .....r.IPIW. TO STRIBLING AVENUE nA'�r��----~ - S'i '- 4A1 I -� +fit..... w;„•,_,.,..,---„,,.._ ily_ ._..• ... , . .. • _• . . „,.•.• , \. . . .•. .,-;0•.- ------ ‘‘, ..... ,, � ... xt •• . . N -------7 .' . •-. , , _ „_• ., , _ ..... , . , _ .„, .... , ,, ,______ .....___. ,_ , , A 7„ , ..,,,i_____ \ . ,,, ..,______ ,., ___ ____14, ,......„___ \ , . _ , _ ,.,,,,,,, ) , 10,,,, \\ ,‘ L 4 BLOCK 1 .:\ 111 kIIIIP8* \ ti, AIN , I . lit-- . ' . ,.: ,._ • _ ....._ q . ........v&, LEGEND: y/ - REZONING PARCEL BOUNDARY ••1 BLOCK LINE - PRIMITIVE TRAILWAY rl ••-�-.•• t00'WATER PROTECTION BUFFER 1� J,,,.--rTh 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN I/ R?GSEFEED\PROPOSED GREENWAY SRVICECENTSSITYSERVICE CENTER e---- \ , Figure 1: Granger Block Development Plan 71Pagc ZMA—Code of Development Granger • 6/20/2016 2.3 Land Use by Block 2.3.1 Neighborhood Density Residential with a Service Center or Civic Area The Neighborhood Density Residential area with a Service Center district is shown on the Application Plan as Block 2. The Service Center shall include office space or a community park area. 2.3.2 Neighborhood Density Residential The predominant land use characteristic of Granger shall be Neighborhood Density Residential, consisting primarily of single family, detached dwellings. The Neighborhood Density Residential blocks consist of Block 1 and Block 2 as shown on the Application Plan. These blocks may provide a mixture of housing types throughout this district to create an overall variety of residential housing throughout Granger. All proposed uses within these blocks will be consistent with Table 4 below. Table 3: Characteristics of Neighborhood Density Residential Characteristic Description Notes Block Size Between 600 and 700 feet Block lengths based on site design and development area Civic Space 0 to 100,000 sf Recreational Amenities,tot lots,and/or office space- See Section 2.5.2 of the Code for details Bicycle Racks Optional Bike rack spaces may be provided at the location of the public plaza/meeting areas,open spaces,and/or recreational amenities. Uses Primarily Residential uses only See Table 5 for minimum and maximum uses within the blocks Building Entrances Primary entrance located on the front or side Houses shall primarily face the public streets or public of the building amenity areas Roadway Network Irregular Grid pattern Interconnected streets within an irregular grid pattern. Cul-de-sacs shall not be utilized in Residential areas unless it is not feasible to connect streets due to existing environmentally sensitive areas,stormwater management facilities,steep terrain,grade separations, and/or street design requirements that prohibit a grid form or connections as determined by the Director of Planning in consultation with VDOT,Fire/Rescue,and County Engineer when appropriate Relegated Parking Parking shall be relegated from the public See Section 2.8 of the Code for details on the streets Relegated Parking Lot Regulations See Table 6 ... 81 Pq .``. e ZMA—Code of Development Granger • 6/20/2016 Table 4: Permitted/Prohibited Uses by Block RESIDENTIAL USES NEIGHBORHOOD DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Block 1 Block 2 Detached Single-Family Dwelling units X X Attached Single-Family Dwelling Units X X Multiple-family dwellings X X Accessory uses and buildings,including storage buildings X X Accessory Apartments(in single family detached dwellings only) X X Home Occupation Class A X X Home Occupation Class B X X Accessory Tourist Lodging X X Group Homes X X Family Day Homes X X NON-RESIDENTIAL USES NEIGHBORHOOD DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Block 1 Block 2 Administrative professional offices X Clubs,lodges,civic,fraternal,patriotic(reference 5.1.02) X Community Center X X1 Commercial recreation establishments X1 Water,sewer,energy&communications facilities X X Professional offices,including medical,dental and optical X Public and private utilities and infrastructure X X Public uses and buildings,including temporary or mobile facilities including schools, X X offices,parks,playgrounds and roads Stormwater management facilities on an approved final site plan or subdivision plat X X Swim,golf,tennis or athletic facility X X Temporary construction uses(reference 5.1.18) X X Temporary nonresidential mobile homes(reference 5.1.40) X X Tier I&Tier II personal wireless service facilities(reference 5.1.140) X X Note:(X)designates the use as permitted"By-right"within the block as shown. Footnotes: 2.4 Building Form Standards The Granger community is designed in accordance with the principles of the Neighborhood Model, while maintaining a level of flexibility in the product type and density of the community to adapt to current and future market conditions. 2.4.1 Density Allowable densities within Granger have been arranged in accordance with the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan to establish a compact form of development within the County's designated Development Area, thus protecting the surroundings. Table 5 lists the allowable 9IPage ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 density range for each block (not including the acreage of the Greenway) based on unit type and mixture of uses. Table 5: Density Regulations Maximum/Maximum Use Regulations per Rezoning Plan 1 cu Residential Uses Non-Residential Uses 3 Block Areal z Dwelling V (acres) Density Range Unit Dwelling Unit Minimum Non- Maximum Non- m (units/acre) Minimum Maximum Residential (SF) Residential (SF) 1 24.89 2—6 du/ac 49 192 0 0 2 7.14 0—6 du/ac 0 42 0 100,000 Total Min.&Max.Allowed Density 49 234 0 100,000 1. Block areas are exclusive of Greenway area. A total of 36.93 acres is not included in the Density calculations for Granger. 2.4.2 Lot Regulations and Setbacks The setbacks, lot sizes, and lot coverages listed in the tables below shall establish the minimum separation and building requirements for Granger within the blocks as indicated. Note in the charts below that SFD= Single Family Detached and SFA= Single Family Attached. The setbacks shall be consistent with the residential (non-infill) and commercial setbacks and stepbacks as outlined in Sections 4.19 and 4.20 of the zoning ordinance. Neighborhood Density Residential Table 6 Lot Regulations Requirement Minimum Maximum Notes Front Setback 8'minimum 25' maximum 1.Maximum setback does not apply to cul-de-sac lots Porches 5' minimum 25' maximum 2. Exceptions to the maximum setbacks shall be considered during the site plan process Side Setback 5' No maximum Side,Corner Lot Setback 5' No maximum Rear Setback 10' No maximum 5' min.setback for carriage units Garage Setbacks See Figure 2 See Figure 2 Figure 2 is located on Sheet 15 of the Code of Development Height No minimum 3 stories/40' Lot size No Minimum No maximum Building Footprint No minimum 30,000 SF Maximum office footprint 2.5 Greenspace and Amenities Granger will feature over 50% of Greenspace. This Greenspace includes the Buffer areas, the Greenway and stream buffers, parks and civic amenity areas, and general open space. The Greenspace will not only provide a linear trail system throughout the community, but shall also preserve environmentally sensitive areas such as steep slopes, streams, and stream buffers. All 10IPaj ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 of the Greenspace areas shall be located outside of private lots and right-of-way. All Greenspace within Granger, with the exception of the Greeenway, will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. Establishment of the buffers, trails, and amenities within the Greenspace will be the responsibility of the developer. 2.5.1 Greenway The proposed Greenway within Granger serves a dual purpose of both protecting the environmentally sensitive areas along creeks and providing pedestrian access through the community. The Greenway encompasses the land within the 100 foot stream buffer along the creeks and all land located within the floodplain. This Greenway area will be a public space, dedicated to Albemarle County. The Greenway features primitive nature trails through-out the stream corridors, which will be primarily located over the existing sanitary sewer easements as shown on the Application plan. The Application Plan also shows the proposed impacts to the stream buffer associated with the connector roadways through the development. Exclusive of primitive trails, pedestrian bridges, and sanitary sewer utility connections, no other impacts are proposed to the stream buffer corridor, and all Stormwater Management facilities and Erosion and Sediment Control facilities shall be located outside of the stream buffer corridor. 2.5.2 Parks & Civic Spaces The Application Plan shows the approximate location of the Civic Spaces to be located within the Granger Neighborhood, which are in addition to the trailways and passive recreational spaces provided along the streams within the Greenway areas. These spaces are designed to provide recreational and civic amenities to the community. The Civic Spaces shall include parks, pocket parks, and recreational amenities for Granger residents and visitors. 2.5.3 Stormwater Management All designs and engineering for improving Granger will adhere to Virginia Stormwater Management regulations and the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance. A master stormwater management plan shall be completed and submitted to Albemarle County for review and approval, prior to the approval of the first initial site plan or subdivision plat. Stormwater management facilities shall be located outside of the buffer areas, development lots, preserved slopes, greenway areas, steam buffers, floodplain on the property. Additional protective measures for erosion and sediment control shall be installed along the limits of the greenway to protect the existing perennial streams on the property. Additional measures may include, but not be limited to, installation of silt fence with wiring backing along the stream buffers, usage of filter socks and floc logs for added protection measures along the stream buffers, providing additional wet and dry storage area in sediment basins below the disturbed areas, or installation of erosion control matting for all slopes with the use of tackifiers in seeding and soil stabilization applications. 11 ' e ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 2.6 Grading The vision for Granger is to respect the existing topography and natural landscape wherever possible. A general grading plan shall be reviewed and approved in conjunction with the master stormwater management plan for the development. In addition, each site plan or subdivision plat application shall include an overlot grading plan that shows the grading of streets, lots, and open space, and the grading plan shall be subject to the approval of Albemarle County Community Development Department. Retaining walls will be included within the site and subdivision development plans for Granger. 2.7 Transportation 2.7.1 Street Network In accordance with Albemarle County's Neighborhood Model for Development, Granger is designed to facilitate multi-modal transportation, with an emphasis on pedestrian usage, bicycling, and transit. These modes of transportation have been contemplated in the design of the streets, streetscape, and transportation infrastructure within the community. The design of the streets will comply with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Standard Street Requirements. Roadways shall include sidewalks and street trees in accordance with Albemarle County regulations. Alleys shall be allowed within each block of the development, and shall meet the requirements of Albemarle County standards. Any alley providing access to a carriage unit shall have a minimum clear travel lane width of 20 feet. Table 7: Street Network Chart Roadway Travelway Bike Parking Sidewalk Speed Notes lanes & Street Limit Trees (max.) Neighborhood 2-way No Yes Yes 25 mph 1. Parking one side only to Streets—Public traffic w/ maintain minimum VDOT Roads curb/gutter Fire/Rescue travelway Sunset Avenue 2-way Yes No Yes 30 mph 1. Lots fronting on connector Extended— traffic w/ road shall have driveway Public VDOT curb & access from an alley. Roads gutter 2. Optional landscape median 2.7.2 Pedestrian Network Granger will feature an extensive pedestrian network, including sidewalks and trails, as depicted on the Application Plan and noted in this Code of Development. In addition to providing recreational opportunities, the pedestrian network will provide routes for residents to walk between neighborhoods and to public places such as the parks, community areas, and the service center. Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance to VDOT and Albemarle County standards, and will either be located within public access easements or public right-of-way. 12J ' : <2e ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 2.8 Parking All parking throughout Granger shall be provided in accordance with Section 18.4.12 of the Albemarle County Code. Parking lots shall be relegated and screened from the streets by buildings, landscaping, walls, fences, or a combination of various practices. Screening may include landscaping screening, shrubbery, fencing, decorative walls, or other vegetative screening alternatives. All tree canopy landscaping requirements within the parking areas shall conform to the landscaping standards as specified in the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance Section 32.7.9. See Figure 2 on sheet 15 of the Code of Development for parking and garage setbacks. Table 8: Relegated Parking Guidelines Type of Relegated Minimum Setback Location Notes Parking Parking as an 6' side and rear Service Center 1. Parking lot to be located in the side or rear Accessory Use parking setback of the primary structure and shall not extend from r/w. Front past the front of the building setback established 2. Parking lots shall be screened from public by the primary r/w with continuous evergreen shrubs or 4' structure max. height opaque wall. 3. Walls or fences used to augment screening shall be a minimum of 42" in height. Parking as a 10' front parking Service Center 1. Parking lots shall be screened from public Primary Use setback from r/w. r/w with continuous evergreen shrubs or 4' (Stand Alone 6' side and rear max. height opaque wall. Parking) parking setback 2. Walls or fences used to augment screening from r/w. shall be a max. of 42" in height. Front Loaded 3' behind the front Neighborhood 1. Garages shall be stepped back from the Garages building face of the Density Area front of the residential homes for relegated house or porch parking. 2. See Figure 2 on page 15 of the Code of Development for setbacks from sidewalks and public streets 2.9 Floodplain A 100 year floodplain currently exists on the property, according to FEMA floodplain maps. The current floodplain mapping is based on updated topography for the Granger property. 2.10 Trailways Granger shall include a trailway network through the Greenway area as shown on the Application Plan, connecting the areas of development throughout the property and providing a pedestrian connection. All the trailways proposed within the Greenway shall be classified as primitive nature trails and will be designed in accordance with the primitive nature trailway design specifications as outlined in the Albemarle County Engineering Design manual. The primitive trails shall run along the stream corridors throughout the property, and allow for tie-in 13Page ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 connections from the various development areas, streets, and cul-de-sacs, providing access down to the Greenway and trail amenities. These primitive trailways within the Greenway will primarily be located within the existing sanitary sewer easements, as shown on the Application Plan. All trailway connections from the development areas down to the Greenway trail shall be installed and completed with the development of the specific block. These trailway connections to the Greenway trail may be a primitive nature trail, a high maintenance stone dust or gravel pedestrian path, or a low maintenance asphalt path. Trailways may be extended into future blocks within the property, but at a minimum, the trailway connections from each block to the Greenway trail must be established at the time that each block is developed. 2.11 Utilities Sanitary sewer main lines currently extend though Granger along the stream corridors to serve this community. These sewer mains were sized for the future development of Granger. A hydraulic analysis has been performed on the existing sanitary sewer, and the sewer mains are adequate to service the proposed build-out of Granger and remaining area within the current sanitary sewer drainage service area. A flow capacity certification will be requested from RWSA during the review and approval process for each proposed phase of development. Currently, there is an existing waterline that extends along Sunset Avenue Extended. Adequate water exists within the service district for water and fire flow service for the development of the property. A utility master plan shall be submitted to the Albemarle County Service Authority for review and approval, prior to the approval of the first initial site plan or subdivision plat. 141' ; . ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 PUBLIC ROAD OR GREENSPACE SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 a CAR �- GARAGE 28' MZI a8' � 9' 9' PARKING MIN 6, MIN MIN MIN / _ SPACE a CAR m3 GARAGEa 1SURFACE--SII 'z Z SURFACE PARKING z °�f 2! PARKING %(2'1 PARKING SPACE S'' SPACES SPACES -r-r I I L ' LL PRIVATE ALLEY OR STREET z act MINIMUM TRAVELWAY PAVEMENT WIDTH Z 2cj ` �� F W PUBLIC ROAD NOTES: a, EACH SINGLE FAMILY LOT WILL HAVE A MINIMUN SIDEWALK OF a OFF STREET PARKING SPACES. 5'MIN 28' _ I a. OFF STREET PARKING SPACES WILL BE LOCATED MIN EITHER IN DETACHED GARAGES,ON PARKING a CAR PADS OR A COMBINATION OF BOTH. GARAGE 3 GARAGES WILL BE A MINIMUM OF 28'DEEP AND I PAR K NG LOCATED EITHER 5'FROM OR GREATER THAN 26. SPACES __... FROM REAR PROPERTY LINES ADJACENT TO THE PRIVATE ROAD OR ALLEY. 4. GARAGES WILL BEA MINIMUM OFT FROM THE a CAR EDGE OF PAVEMENT OF PRIVATE ALLEY, GARAGE 5• ASPHALT PARKING PADS WILL BE BUILT WITH A PARKING MINIMUM DEPTH OF if FROM REAR PROPERTY SPACES LINES ADJACENT TO THE PRIVATE ROAD OR ALLEY.EACH PARKING SPACE WILL HAVE A MINIMUM WIDTH OF 9'. 6 DRIVEWAY GRADES MUST BE 816OR FLATTER. THE GRADE TRANSITION BETWEEN THE PRIVATE ALLEY AND DRIVEWAY,BETWEEN THE DRIVE AN( GARAGE OR PARKING PAD(OR ANYWHERE IN THF SCENARIO 4 SCENARIO 5 DRIVEWAY)SHALL NOT EXCEED 2,344 GRADE DIFFERENCE. IN THE CASE WHERE THE PROPERTY LINE IS NOT: FEET OR MORE FROM THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT OR FACE OF CURB OF THE ALLEY,THE GARAGE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 7 FEET FROM THE ALLEI EDGE OF PAVEMENT OR FACE OF CURB. Figure 2: Garage and Driveway Exhibit 151 Pagc ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 3. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE STANDARDS 3.1 Architectural Standards The standards provided in this Code of Development are intended to define the elements of architecture that will ensure a high quality development of varied styles that still complement one another. An architectural review board will be established for the community of Granger at the time of the first subdivision plat approval and recordation of covenants and restrictions. All structures will be subject to review by the Granger Architectural Review Committee to ensure that conformity with the architectural and landscaping guidelines is achieved. Portions of Granger shall also be subject to review by the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, which has purview over the County's Entrance Corridors. Route 64 is considered an Entrance Corridor; therefore, buildings and site development within the Route 64 viewshed and overlay district shall be subject to review under the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Certificate of Appropriateness process. As specified in section 18-20A.5.g of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the following standards are established for various elements of architecture and streetscapes. The Architectural Review Committee may allow modifications or variances from the Architectural Design Guidelines, as listed below. These modifications shall be made on a case by case basis. Below are a number of standards intended to address the Architectural form, massing, proportions of structures, and Architectural Styles for the development 1. Building facades shall include breaks across the façade at a minimum of every 80 linear feet in order to vary the form and features of the building. Building step backs, entrances, windows, changes in building material, and other architectural elements all can be utilized to achieve breaks within the building façade. 2. Primary entrances for all non-residential buildings shall be located either on the front of the building or side of the building facing the public right of way or civic greenspace area. Additional secondary entrances may be utilized in the rear of the buildings. 3. Parking shall be relegated, see Parking specifications with the Code of Development, Section 2.8. 4. Building heights shall vary throughout Granger. As density decreases, the building heights and number of building stories shall decrease as well. 5. Porches or the front of single family detached houses shall face the public streets or greenspaces. Porches may project up to 3' within the required front yard setback, but in no case shall they be closer than 2 feet to any property line. 6. Architectural features and overhangs shall be permitted to project up to 1' within any required yard setback. 161r ag ZMA—Code of Development Granger 6/20/2016 3.2 Landscaping Standards The standards provided in this Code of Development are intended to define the elements of the landscaping, screening, and buffering for the project. All landscaping shall conform to the landscaping standards as specified in the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance Section 32.7.9. 3.2.1 Street Trees Street trees will be provided throughout Granger, in planting strips, as specified in the transportation section of the Code of Development. The street trees shall be in accordance with the approved VDOT street trees as outlined in the VDOT design manual and regulations. Spacing of street trees shall be planted in accordance with Section 32.7.9 of the Albemarle County Code for Landscaping and Screening requirements. All other landscaping shall be subject to Section 32.7.9 of the Albemarle County Code for landscaping and screening requirements. 3.2.2 Tree Preservation Guidelines Preservation measures shall be administered to trees within wooded areas to be maintained within the Greenway areas and Open Space areas as delineated in the Application Plan, with enhanced preservation efforts directed toward trees with trunk diameters greater than 18 inches at breast height. Tree preservation shall be in accordance with the Albemarle County Conservation Plan Checklist and Tree Preservation & Protection, chapter 3.38 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. 3.3 Streetscape Treatments Within the Neighborhood Service Center district, a significant amount of street furniture, signage, and lighting will be provided, including trash receptacles, benches and bicycle racks. These amenities will foster a pedestrian-oriented streetscape. All outdoor lighting throughout Granger shall be subject to the lighting regulations found in Section 18-4.17 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Bicycle racks will be located throughout the Neighborhood Service Center areas, as well as the civic spaces to promote alternative transportation to these areas. All signage within Granger shall conform to the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance Section 4.5.11. 17 I P {u ZMA—Code of Development Granger