HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-01-18AJanuary 18, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjourned from January I1, 1978)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
on January 18, 1978, beginning at 3:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building~
Charlottesville, Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from January 11, 1978.
Present: Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Gerald E, Fisher, F. Anthony Iachetta,
C.~ Timothy Lindstrom and W. S. Roudabush.
Absent: Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr.
Officer Present: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr.
Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 3:10 P.M. by the Chairman,
Mr. Fisher, who announced that he had received ~rom the Virginia Electric and Power Company
a notification of application and certificationlfor approval of rebuilding the Charlottesvill(
to Remington Transmission Line. This is the first such application under a new law which
permits the State Corporation Commissi.on to have final approval of the structures a~[d in which
do not have to comply with the County Zoning Ordinance regulations. Since the line' will go
through the Rivanna District, the order was handed to Mr. Roudabus~ori~h~sinformation.
Mr. Fisher alSo noted receipt of a copy of the annual report for 1976-77 of the
Virginia Department of Taxation. This will be on file in the office of the Clerk to the
Agenda Item No. 2. Work Session: Six-Year Highway Plan. Mr. Dan S. Roosevelt, Resi-
dent Highway Engineer, was present~ Mr. Roosevelt said that under Virginia Code Section
33.1-70.01, which was adopted in 1977, the Board of Supervisors must meet with a representa-
tive of the Highway Department and prepare a Six-Year Plan for the improvement of the
secondary road system in the County. This is the subject of this meeting today. Unofficiall
the Board adopted such a plan last year and this plan to be discussed today incorporates
some of those projects, plus additional projects. The plan was prepared as ordered by the
Board by the County Planning Office and the Highway Department. Emphasis was placed on high
volume~.hard surface roads and graveled roads with a traffic count of over 50 vehicle trips
per day. A portion of funds also goes for the improvement of bridges. Mr. Roosevelt then
presented the following list which is not in priority order for the Board to review.
Route 631 (Rio Road) from the Southern Railroad tracks to the North Corporative
Limits of Charlottesville. Construct road along a new location. Mr. Roosevelt
said- a location hearing would be required on this project before it was begun.
Includes a bridge over Meadow Creek. This project is to be tied in and con-
structed wih an adjoining section of road within the City of Charlottesville
to give direct access to the Route 250 By-Pass. This project will be con-
structed by ~ontract forces. The project is being financed for construction
to begin in 1982. The improvement will be approximately one mile long.
Estimated cost $1,200,000. This project is listed in the County's Comprehensive
Route 601 from 0.1 mile southwest of Route 829 to 0.4 mile north of'Route 678 -
This project is approximately one mile long and will replace an existing truss
span bridge over, the Mechum River with a new concrete floor bridge. The new
bridge will be at a new location and the roadway work will follow approximately
the existing roadway. This work will be done by contract forces and should
begin construction in 1978. Estimated cost of construction $685,000 with
$164,325 from Federal Funds.
Route 743 (Hydraulic Road) - from Route 29 to 0.5 mile west of Route 631 -
This project is approximately 2 miles long and will involve widening and the
installation of curb and gutter along the existing alignment. The construction
will be done by contract and is anticipated to begin in 1979. This is the highest
volume hard surface road in Albemarle County. Estimated cost of construction
$1,600,000. This road is listed for improvement in the County's Comprehensive
Route 684 ~Mint Spring's Road) from .2 mile southeast of Route 788 to .8 mile
northwest of Route 788 - This project is approximately one mile long and involves
the widening og an existing surface treated road. The improvement will follow
the existing alignment and inclu~esthe replacement and widening of two narrow
bridges. This work will be done by contract forces and it is.estimated con-
struction will begin in 1978. Estimated cost of construction $480,000 of which
$173,000 has been allocated from Recreational Access Funds.
Route 665 - The approaches to and bridge over Buck Mountain Creek - This project
in~olYes the replacement of an existing truss span bridge and the widening of
approx±mately three quarters of a mile of approaches. There will be some re-
location of the roadway from its existing alignment. This work will be done by
contract forces and it is. expected construction w~ll begin in 1978. Estimated
cost $486,000 with $100,000 being taken from the District Bridge Fund.
Route 601 from Route 810 to the Greene County line - This project is 1.9 miles
long and involves the widening and hard surfacing of an existing ~ravel road. An
existing bridge along the project will be widened and strenghtened. Most of the
right~of.~way for this improvement has been obtained. The traffic count is 76
vehicles per day which makes it number 41 on the list of gravel roads in the
county. Estimated cost of construction $280,000.
Route 708 from Route 627 to Route 795 - Two-thirds of this improvement has been
completed. Approximately one mile of roadway remains to be widened and hard
surfaced. Right of~way is being obtained on this section at this time. This
project will be constructed by State Forces. The traffic count on this route
is 67 vehicles per day which makes it number 61 on the list of gravel sections.
Estimated cost of construction $275,000.
January 18, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjourned from January 11, 1978)
Route 731 at the C & 0 Railroad - This project involves the installation of
flashers and gates by railroad forces at the railroad crossing. Estimated
cost $40,000.
Route 632 at the C & 0 Railroad - 1.4 miles south of Route 29 - This project
involves the installation of~ a flashing' signal and gates at the railroad cross-
ing. This work is to be done by railroad forces. Estimated cost $40,000.
Route 633 - approaches to and bridge over the Hardware River - This project
involves improvement only in the vicinity of the river crossing. A bridge is
anticipated to go on a new alignment and will be constructed by State Forces.
The traffic count through this improvement is 57 vehicles per day. Additional
right of way for this improvement will be necessary. Estimated cost of
construction $70,000. Mr. Roosevelt said this project was included several
years ago, but there were right of way problems and the Board had dropped this
project and transferred the funds to another project. However, the bridge
improvement was set up as a Federal Safety Improvement and he felt the project
should stay in the Six-Year Plan for that reason. If for some unforeseen
reason the Highway Department is unable to obtain the right of way for the
bridge, then the project will be dropped.
Route 660 from Route 1530 to Route 662 - This project involves the widening and
relocation of the bridge and approaches over the Rivanna River. The bridge to be
replaced is a 250 foot long truss span. This project will be undertaken by
contract forces and it is anticipated work will begin in 1982. District Bridge
funds in/the amount of $100,000 are anticipated for this project. Total cost
of construction $620,000.
Route 631 (Rio Road) - approaches and bridge over Meadow Creek - This work in-
volves the replacement of the Park Street bridge. This work will be undertaken by
contract forces. Preliminary engineering is not sufficiently advanced to determine
the location of the new structure or the approaches. The project is expected to
be less than a quarter of a mile long. The work will be done by contract forces
with advertisement scheduled for 1980 or 81. Total cost $255,000. This project
is listed in the County's Comprehensive Plan.
Route 631 (Rio Road) from Route 29 to Route 743 (Hydraulic Road) - This project
involves the widening of this road along its existing alignment. It is antici-
pated that the improvement will involve curb and gutter. The work will be under-
taken by contract forces and should be advertised in 1983. Estimated cost
$900,000. This section will complete the loop from Hydraulic Road at 29 around
to Rio Road at 29. This project is listed in the County's Co'mprehensive Plan.
Route 708 from Route 710 to 1.3 miles north of Route 710 - This work involves the
widening and hard surfacing of an existing gravel road. This work will be
undertaken by State Forces. Some right of way is available along this route;
however, additional right of way is necessary. The traffic count on this road
is 225 vehicles per day and it is the second highest volume gravel road in the
county. Estimated cost $154,000.
Route 651 i(Fr:ee2State Road) from Route 1428 to a dead-end - This project is
approximately a half mile long and involves the replacement of a 200 foot bridge
over the Southern Railroad ~racks. The bridge work will be done by contract
and is tentatively scheduled for construction in 1980. The roadway work will be
done by State Forces and will involve the widening along the existing alignment
and hard surfacing. This road currently carries 649 vehicles per day and is the
highest volume gravel road in the 8ount¥. Estimated cost $315,000.
Route 712 from Route 29 to Route 692 - This improvement involves the widening
and hard surfacing of an existing gravel road and the replacement and strengthen-
ing of a bridge. This work will be undertaken by State Forces. The traffic
count oa this road is 198 vehicles per day and it is the fourth highest volume
gravel road in the county. Estimated cost $147,000.
Route 719 from Route 715 to Route 716 - This project ~nvolves the widening and
hard surfacing of an existing gravel road. This work will be undertaken by
State Forces. The roadway carries 89 vehicles per day and is nmmb~r'~2~highest
volume, gravel road in the county. R~ght of way for this improvement has already
been donated. This is the only link between Esnto. nt and Route 29 at Crossro.ads
which is not paved. Therefore, the justification for this item being included.
Estimated cost $107,000.
Route 651 from Route 631 to Route 1428 - This route has been included in the plan,
but it is already financed for construction. No additional financing for this
project is anticipated. Mr. Roosevelt noted that this project had been included
by error s±nce no further financing is needed.
Route 637 from Route 682 to Route 689 - This project involves the widening of an
existing gravel road along its existing alignment. The roadway will be hard sur-
faced and two bridges within the project limits will be widened and strengthened.
This work will be undertaken with State Forces. The traffic count on this route is
140 vehicles per day and it is the number 14 section in the county. Mr. Roosevelt
noted that this is the extension of the Ivy Landfill road passed the landfill for
about 1.6 miles. Estimated cost $244,000.
Route 640 from Route 20 to Route 784 - This project involves the widening and hard
surfacing of an exi-sting gravel road. The work will be undertaken by State Forces.
The traffic count on this route is 160 vehicles per day and it is the sixth highest
volume gravel road in the county. Estimated cost $246,000.
January 18, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjourned from January 11, 1978)
Route 671 - the bridge and approaches over the Moorman's River - This project
involves the replacement of an existing truss span bridge and the relocation
of the immediate approaches. The work will be undertaken by contract forces
and is currently estimated for construction in 1982. Estimated cost $410,000.
Route 600 at the C & 0 Railroad - This project will install a flashing signal
and gates at the C & 0 Railroad and will be done by railroad forces. Traffic
count 133 vehicle trips per day. Estimated cost $45,000.
Route 625 at~'~the C & 0 Railroad - This is a flashing signal and gates project
to be done by railroad forces. Traffic count 69 vehicle trips per day.
Estimated cost $45,000.
Route 744 at the C & 0 Railroad - This is a flashing signal and gates project
to be done by railroad forces. Traffic count 329 vehicle trips per day.
Estimated cost $45,000.
Route 602 at the C & 0 Railroad - This is a flashing signal and gates project
to be done by railroad forces. Traffic count 118 vehicle trips per day.
Estimated cost $45,000.
Route 627 (Warren) at the C & 0 Railroad - This is a flashing signal only
project to be done by railroad forces. Traffic ~ount 68 vehicle trips per day.
Estimated cost $30,000.
Route 642 (Adjacent to Red Hill Quarry) at the Southern Railroad - This is a
flashing signal only project to be done by railroad forces. Traffic count 54
vehicle trips per day. Estimated cost $30,000.
Route 689 from Route 250~to Route 688 - This project involves the widening and
hard surfacing of an existing gravel road. The improvement will be made along
the existing roadway alignment and includes the widening and strengthening of
a structure over Stockton Fork. Right of way for this improvement has already
been obtained. This work will be undertaken by State Forces. The traffic
count on this route is 111 vehicles per day and is the 16th highest gravel
section in the county. Estimated cost $217,000.
Route 643 from 0.5 mile east of Route 29 to 1.3 miles east of Route 29 - This
project involves the widening and hard surfacing of an existing gravel road.
Right of way for this improvement is already available. This work will be
undertaken by State Forces. The traffic count on this route is 200 vehicles
per day and is the third highest volume gravel road in the county. Estimated
cost $141,000. f
Route 727 from Route 627 to 1.0 mile south of Route 627~- This Project involves
the widening and hard surfacing of an existing gravel road. This work will be
undertaken by State Forces. Right of way has not yet been obtained. The
traffic count is 157 vehicles per day and this is the 8th highest volume gravel
section in Albemarle County.. Estimated cost $136,100.
Route 649 (Airport Road) from Route 29 to Route 606 - This improvement is .85
of a miIe long and is planned as a widening of an existing hard surface road.
Improvement will be along the existing alignment. This work will be undertaken
by contract forces and it is estimated the project will be advertised in 1983.
Traffic count 3,390 vehicle trips per day. This is the 8th highest volume hard
surface road in the county. Cost of construction $280,000.
Route 631 (Sth Street Extended) from Interstate Route 64 to south of Route 781 -
This improvement will be approximately one mile long and will be constructed along
a new alignment. The improvement will be undertaken by contract forces and is
estimated to begin construction in 1983. Estimated traffic count 3,000 vehicle
trips per day. Cost of construction $505,000. This project is listed in the
Comprehensive Plan and is ±.ncluded mainly to get rid of a hairpin curve.
Route 643 from 1.3 miles east of Route 29 to Route 649 - This project involves
the widening and hard surfacing of an existing gravel road. This work will be
done by State Forces. The traffic count on this route is 200 vehicles per day
and it is the third highest volume gravel section in the county. Estimated
cost of construction $140,000.
Route 640 from Route 641 to Route 747 - This project involves the widening and
hard surfacing of an existing gravel road. The improvement will be made by
State For~es. The traffic count on this road is 158 vehicles per day, which
is the 7th highest volume gravel road in the county. Estimated cost $85,000.
Route 656 (Georgetown Road) from Route 743 (Hydraulic Road) to Route 654 (Barracks
Road) - This improvement involves the widening of an existing hard surface
road. The project will probably include the construction of curb and gutter.
This project will be undertaken .by contract forces and will begin construction
sometime after 1985. Traffic count about 3,800 vehicle trips per day. It is
the 5th highest volume hard surface road in the county. Included in this Six-
Year Plan are only enough funds to begin preliminary engineering. Estimated
cost of construction $550,000. This project is ilisted in the County's Compre-
hensive Plan. :
Route 637 from Route 250 to Route 64~- This work involves the improvement of this
roadway along a new alignment. The improvement'will be done by contract forces
and is currently scheduled for sometime after 1985. Estimated cost of construction
jan~a.ry..-18, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjourned from January 11, 1978)
Mr. Roosevelt also listed for the Board the following County-wide items:
1. New plant mix involves allocations for plant mix on secondary roads not pr'eviously
plant mixed. Application of plant mix should be used for strengthening or correct-
ing roadway cross-sections. The Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation~
policy allows a maximum of 5% of the County's construction allocation to be set
aside in a lump sum for this item. Specific locations for the use of this fund
will be determined at the time the budge~ for the specific year is prepared.
Allocated for this purpose over the six-year period is $467,800.
2. Rural additions - The Code of Virginia allows a maximum of 2% of the County's
secondary allocation to be used for the improvement of roads which are added to
the system under the Rural Addition Policy. In the past, $20,000 hasb~al!ocated
to this item each year. If this money is not used for the improvement of rural
additions during the budget year, the fund returns to the Albemarle CoQnty Secondary
Improvement fund for reallocation the following year. Set aside for this purpose
over the six-year period is $120,000.
3. County ~de and unforeseen incidental items - Department policy allows a maximum
of 13% of the county's secondary construction allocation to be allocated to county
wide traffic services (signs and signals), new pipe installation, preliminary
engineering, seed~.ng,and fertilizing, and for unforeseen incidental construction
projects. HistOrically it has taken approximately $30,000 to cover costs of the
specific county wide items. This would leave the remainder of this money for the
unforeseen incidental items. Department policy does indicate that this money
budgeted as a Ii~mp sum in the Six-Year Plan must be allocated to specific prOjects
at such time as the budget is prepared for each specific year. Allocated for this
purpose over the six-year period is $1,110,200.
Mr. Dorrier asked why improvements to Route 717 were not included in this Six-Year
Plan. He said he had spent many hours trying to obtain the necessary rights of way. Mr.
Roosevelt Said this was because other roads in the County have a higher priority. Mr..
Fisher suggested that Mr. Dorrier continue to obtain the right of ways and i~ some other
project,for an unforeseen reason is dropped~ ROute 717 would then have a chance of re-
placing such project.
Mr. Lindstrom noted that no improvements w~re scheduled to begin on Georgetown Road
(Route 656) until after 1985. He felt because of the traffic volume that improvements are
needed much sooner than that. After a short discussion, Mr. Lindstrom offered motion to
transfer $60,000 from the last category (traffic services~)i to improvements for Route 656 so
that preliminary engineer~.ng could begin immediately. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Roudab~sh and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Iachetta, Lindstrom and R0udabush.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley.
Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Roudabush to advertise for a
public hearing on the Six-Year Highway Plan for February 22, 1978, at 7:30 P.M. in the
Courthouse. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley.
At 5:471 P.M. the meeting was adjourned.