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February 24, 1978 (Adjourned from February 22, 1978) March 1, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjourned from February 24, 1978) The Board urges the Company to continue working with the County towards Highway Commission approval of Industrial Access funds, as this solution appears to be in the best interest of all parties." Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session· At 1:19 P.M., motion was offered_by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr.?Roudabush to adjourn into executive session to discuss legal matters. Also entering with the Board was Mrs. Opal David, Mr. William Poff, Mrs. Strickland, Mr. Frederick Payne, Mr. Agnor and Mr. St. John. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Ro~dabush. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Dorrier. The Board reconvened at 1:50 P.M. Not Docketed: below: Claims against the County for the month of February, 1978, are set out General Fund ~. School Operating Fund Cafeteria Fund Textbook Rental Fund Joint Security Complex Fund Federal Revenue Sharing Fund School Construction-Capital Outlay Fund Commonwealth of Virginia-Current Credit Account Town of Scottsville-l% Local Sales Tax Total 340,673.78 1,171,214.72 33,962.28 889.28 49,202.09 22,203.73 36,775.74 3,725.73 137.84 $ 1,658,785.19 .... ~genda {te'~ No'%'i.~3~' ~otion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Henley, to adjourn this meeting until March 1, 1978, at 1:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building· The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush. None. March 1, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjmurned from February 24, 1978) An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on March 1, 1978, beginning at 1:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from February 24.., 1978. Present: Messrs. Lindsay G. Dottier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta and C. Timothy Lindstrom. Absent: Mr. W. S. Roudabush. Officer Present: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr. Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 1:14 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Fisher, who announced that this was the first work session on the 1978-79 County Budget. Mr. Agnor then summarized the budget for the Board as follows: "Submitted for information and fiscal planning purposes is the proposed FY-79 County budget. It totals $21,917,515, an increase of $1,833,208 or +9.1% over FY-78. As proposed, it is balanced within existing tax rates. It is summarized in six major expenditure divi- sions, five of which have been used in previous budgets. Debt Service of the School Fund and the General Fund have been combined into a single Debt Service Fund for the first time, a recommendation of the County's auditor and the State Auditor of Public Accounts. The ex- penditure divisions are: 1. General Management and Support 2. Human Development 3. Public Safety and Justice 4. Capital Outlay 5. Education 6. Debt Service All requests from departments and agencies are shown, and recommendations by this office for adjustments of these requests are indicated. Requests totalled $22,249,809, with reduc~ tions of $331,574 recommended. Details of these requests are provided for your review, and explanation of the adjustments will be provided at your work sessions. The staff ~as requested by this office to prepare their budget requests with a goal of "Conservation of Resources"~ The selection of this goal is interrelated with the conservatio~ of resources the citizens of Albemarle County have 'been called upon to conserve in recent times, namely energy and water. It was emphasized to the staff that the severe cold winter and dry summer of 1977 impacted many citizens, and recovery from that impact may require several years, particularly in the agricultural economy. The continuing problems of inflatio~ with its effect on all citizens, especially those with fixed incomes, requires, in my opinion that conservation of financial resources be added to the conservation of other resources. The staff was therefore called upon to prepare budget requests~within our financial means. The budget has been balanced within that goal, and appreciation to department heads for their efforts in reaching that goal i~ gratefully acknowledged. March 1, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjourned from February 24, 1978) The FY-79 proposed budget is hereby presented for your review. REVENUES Revenues by source and fund are shown on pages 7 - 11. They are estimated to increase $1,876,255 or 9.4%, with 93% of the increase or $1,346,330 in the General Fund, and $529,925 or 7% of the increase in the School Fund. The increase in the General Fund provides a 6.1% increase in revenue sources for the FY-79 budget. Although all revenues originate locally, even those returned to the localities from the State and Federal governments, those that are attributable directly to local sources increase $1,255,134 or 10.3% over FY-78, and represent 67% of the additional revenues available. Local sources are projected to provide $13,428,800 for FY-79, or 61% of the total proposed budget. Property taxes, sales taxes, and utility taxes will provide the bulk of the increase. Property taxes are projected to provide $9,090,950, an increase of $720,434 or 8.6% over FY-78. Sales taxes will bring $1,050,000 into the General Fund, an increase of $100,000 or 10.5%, and $1,405,000 in the School Fund, an~increase of $63,658 or 4.7%. Utility taxes are estimated to be $1,650,000, an increase of $225,000 or 15.8% over FY-78. Property taxes and rates by source are as follows: Source % of Ail % of Rate Revenue Property Taxes Total Budget Real Estate $0.72 Personal Property $5.90 Machinery and Tools $5.90 Public Service Corporation $0.72/4.80 Mobile Homes $0.72 $5,821,524 65.8 26.5 2,194 , 800 24.8 10 . 0 235,941 2.7 1.1 558,224 6.3 2.5 36,962 0.'4 0.16 $8,847,451 100.0 40.36 The Real Estate base is estimated to total $987 million, an increase of $26.4 million or 2.7% over FY-78. The base will be diminished by Land Use Deferments totalling $130 million (13.7% of total base) an increase of $5 million over FY-78. Tax Relief for the Elderly and Disabled will further diminish the base by $5.9 million (6% of total base) an increase of ~-' 1/2 million over FY-78. The Personal Property base is projected to increase $2.9 million or 7.6% over FY-78, with $2.2 million of the zncrease projected to be derived from vehicles, and $0.7 million from business property, machinery and to~ls. Other sources of revenues show changes generally indicative of changes in the economy. It is recommended that $50,000 be appropriated from the Unallocated Balance to fund two expenditures in the School Division budget, which is explained in the expenditure summary. If the property tax adjustments are considered, each 1¢ of Personal Property rates~ changes revenues $4.119, and each 1¢ of Real Estate rates changes revenues $86,367. EXPENDITURES Expenditures requested and recommended by departments and agencies are shown on pages 4 6 and 155, 167, 247, 294 - 301. Similar to the FY-78 budget, funds are recommended where deemed to be needed, and appropriations reduced where it was considered not to be essential. Additional personnel were requested for the Sheriff's Department, Housing, Pa~ks and Recrea- tion, and Commonwealth's Attorney. Funds are recommended for the Sheriff's and Commonwealth's Attorney, and a part of the Parks and Recreation request. Regional agencies (Jail, Library, and Health Department) also requested additional personnel'. Recommended reductions in their requests may or may not result in the funding of' the 'additional perso%nel'. Expanded programs are funded in Engineering, Landfills, Parks and Recreation. Funds for Engineering programs include Subdivision Street Inspection ($9200), Runoff Control Ordinance ($5825), and Street Lights ($4830), the first two being recovered in Revenues. Landfills in- clUde the addition of the collection station in the Cismont area ($9295). Parks and Recrea- tion programs consist of year around programs of various types (deScribed on page 136) esti- mated to cost $28,981 with recommended reductions to $.24,699, partially offset by revenues estimated to increase $5000 from some fee based programs. Departments without a need for additional personnel and no new or expanded programs re- fleet inflationary increases. Significant increases in costs will be found in the Personnel budget (+9.2%) to fund Social Security, Unemployment and Workman's Compensation Insurance; the Ivy Landfill budget (+15.5%) to fund equipment,increase in hospitalization insurance costs,and to catch up the funding for salaries resulting from an additional 2% increase grant- ed by City Council during the budget year; Volunteer Fire Companies contributions (+17.3%) to partially fund their request (+55%); the Dog Warden budget (e9.~7%) to fund increased payments to the SPCA and purchase additional dog licenses resulting from more effective license checks and Piedmont Community College to reinstate an annual contribution to the Board's budget (requested $5178, recommended $4495). Employee positions carried in the County Pay and Clas- sification Plan are funded for a 5% increase on July 1. Funds for merit increases for 30% of these positions during the fiscal year are also provided. The School Division budget was received on February 22, too late to complete a detailed analysis before printing the proposed budget on February 23. Their request for a budget in- crease of $1,642,066 (+12.6%) exceeded available funds by $168,800 and appeared excessmve in relationship to other departments and agencies. Having recommended reductions of $212,774 in all other agency and department requests representing a cut of 37.6% of their requests, and providing increases of 7.1% or $361,201, it ms my recommendation that a reduction of $118,800 be made in the School Division request, representing a cut of 7.2% of their request and pro- viding an increase of 11.7% or $1,523,266. The adjustment can be made as follows: March 1, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjourned from February 24, 1978) Appropriate $50,000 from the Unallocated Balance to fund the $i$,000 bus purchase in Category 17C2 (Item 400) ~nd $35,000 for alterations to Old Buildings in Category i?K (Item 603). The bus purchase is a one time cost, and the alterations to bu&tdings could be limited to a repeating appropriation of $357000 in future budgets for unanticipated alterations, with anticipated alterations being funded annually in the Five Year Capital Improvements Program budget. Recycle bus replacement purchases (Category l?D2, Line 400) and eliminate the necessity for annual approval of bus purchases prior to budget approval by funding from the Unallocated Balance the $170,000 for the 1978 replace- ments, carried in the FY-?9 budget, and appropriate from FY-?9 current rev- enues $150,000 to category 17D2 for 1979 bus replacement purchases. The Superintendent of Schools has indicated that $150,000 would be adequate for 1979 purchases. Placing bus purchase and delivery dates in cycle with the annual budget will result in a $20,000 reduction zn the FY-79 School budget. Reduce the School budget $98,800 in categories determined by the School Board. ($168,800 deficit less $$0,000 from carry-over balance less $20,000 reduction in l?D2 = $98,800 remaining adjustment.) The result of these three recommendations would be: TKe utilization of $220,000 ~om a carry over balance in the General Fund to meet School Division requests, leaving the remainder of a General Fund FY-?8 carry-over balance for use in the Capital Improvements Program budget. (Remainder estimated to be $500,000.) Require a 7/10 of 14 cut in the School budget, providing a budget increase for School Division operations and capital outlay of $1,523,266 (+11.74) over FY-78, with $529,925 of the increase possibly being derived from State funds (depending upon where adjustments are made) and $993,341 from the General Fund representing 74% of the additional revenues available in the General Fund in FY-79. The percentage increase in the local fund~, ex- clusive of the Debt Service, would be 13.64. With an imbalance of increased funds being proposed for School Division requests, as com- pared to other department and agency requests, consideration of shifting funds among agencies may be desirable in the budget work session." GENERAL. S~Y REVENUES Increased (Decrease) .Actual Estimated Projected Over FY-78 FY-77 FY-78 FY-79 $ % Property Taxes 8,058,500 8,370,516 9,090,950 720,434 8.6 Other Local Taxes Licenses and Permits 2,641,650 2,558,000 2,946,000 388,000 15.2 1,157,039 1,067,500 1,206,10© 138,600 13.0 Fines 42,492. 40,000 45,000 5,000 12.5 Current Services Sub-Total Local Sources Use of Money and Property 135,217 12,034,898 457,066 137,150 12,173.,166 400,000 140,250 3,100 2.3 13',428,300' 1,255,134 10.3 ' 425,000' 25,000 6.3 State Supplements Miscellaneous Refunds 672,277 111,330 704',628 34,571 7'54,275 49,647 7.0 65,'945 31,374 90.7 Non-Revenue 184,424 95,312 73,175 (22,137) (23.2) Virginia Public Assistance 1,388,987 921,688 929,000 7,312 0.8 Sub-Total Other Sources 2,816,084 2,156.,199 2,247,395 '91,196 4.2 Total General Fund 14,850,982 14,329,365 15,675,695 1~i3~6,330 9.4 State School Funds 5,129,997 5,570,795 6,096,220 ~525,425 9.4 Other School Funds 106,657 141,100 145,600 4,500 3.2 Total School Funds 5,236,654 5,711,895 6,241,820 529,925 9.3 Total Revenue 20,087,636 20,041,260 21,917,515 1,876,255 9.4 March 1, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjourned from February 24, 1978) General Management GENERAL SUMMARY EXPENDITURE REQUESTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FY-78 FY-79 Increase (Dec) FY-79 Increase (Dec Approp. Request Over FY-78 Recommenda~'~n~©ver Requests $ % $ Increase (Dec) Over FY-78 $ % and Support Human Development Public Safety and Justice Capital Outlay- General Fund Refunds Sub-Total General Fund School Operations Capital Outlay- School Fund Sub-Total School Fund Debt Service GRAND TOTAL 1,737,167 Ji1,873,553 1,912,603 2,165,772 136,386 7.9 1,817,813 (55,740) (29.8) 253,169 13.2 2,024,433 (141,339) (65.3) 1,393,487 1,573,907 180,420 12.9 1,558,212 (15,69'5) (1.0) 0 0 ...... 0 -- 35,800 39,800 4,000 11.2 39,800 0 5,079,057 5,653.032 12,737,364 14,387,730 573,975 11.3 5,440,258 (212>,'77~) (37.6) 1,650,366 13.0 14,268,9~0 (118,800) (7.1) 289,800 281,500 (8,300) (2.9) 281,500 0 0 1,642,066 12.6 14,550,430 ~118,800) (7.2) (51,259) (2.6) 1,926,827 0 0 2,164,782 10.8 21,917,515 (331,574) (14.9) 13,027,164 14,669,230 1,978,086 1,926,827 20,084,307 22,249,089 80,646 4.6 111,830 5.8 164,725 11.8 4,000 11.2 361,201 7.1 1,531,566 12.0 (8,300) (2.9) 1,523,266 11.7 (51,259) (2.6). 1,833,208 9.1 Agenda Item No. 2. Agenda Item No. 3. ~he compensation of the County Executive for the next fiscal year at $33,'$00. carried by the following recorded vote: Board of Supervisors. County Executive: Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by lit. Lindstrom, to set The motion AYE S: NAYS: .~BSENT: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Lindstrom. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 4. Personnel. Agenda Item No. 5. Purchasing and Maintenance of Buildings and. Grounds. 2alvin Jones, Director of Purchasing. County Attorney. Housing Coordinator. Present was Mr. Russell Otis. Circuit Court. Present was Mr. Harry Young. Assessment of Real Property and Board of Equalization. 3i~1 Bradshaw, Director of AsseasmeKts. Agenda Item No. 6. Agenda Item No. 8. Agenda Item No. 7. Agenda Item No. 9. Commissioner of Accounts. Fire Prevention and Extinction. Virginia Aasociation of Countie~D.ue~.- Planning District Commission. Chamber of Commerce - Dues. Agenda Item No. 12. Agenda Item No. 16. Agenda Item No. 17. Agenda Item No. 18. Agenda Item No. 19. Present was Mr. Present was Mr Agenda Item No. 20. Economic Development Commission. Mr. Fisher noted that there had been some dissatisfaction expressed concerning the purpose of the' Economic DeveIopment Commission. He said he had received a request that the 'Board adopt an.Economic Development policy similar to that adopted by the City. The' Board wfll have ±o ~consider this at a later date. Mr. Fisher suggested that the title of this category be changed to just "Economic Development" Dr. Iachetta offered motion to this effeem. The mot~ion was seconded by Mr. Lindstrom and carried by the following recorded vote: ~YES: ~AYS: IBSENT: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Lindstrom. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 11. County Clerk's Office. Present was SheIby Marshall, Clerk. Agenda Item No. 13. Social Services. Present was Karen Morris, Director. Agenda Item No. 14. General District Court. Present was Judge Brian Donato, who request- ~d additional funds for rental of a xerox machine for his operation. It was the consensus that zhis would be discussed again at a later meeting after firm figures are drawn. March 1, 1978 (Afternoon-Adjourned from February 24, 1978) March l~_1978~_QRe~ular-Ni~ht Meeting~ 098 Agenda Item No. 15. Engineering and Landfills. Present was J. Harvey Bailey, County Engineer. Mr. Bailey had prepared the landfill budgets in two ways; first to continue with the present operations at Ivy and Keene landfills, or as an alternative, continue the present operation at the Ivy landfill, change the Keene landfill by removing household waste to the Ivy landfill or such other designated place as the County directs, and also locating a roll-of station in the Cismont area. The alternate proposal was drafted as a means of implementing the recommendations of the Solid Waste Committee. Motion was offered by Mr. Dottier, seconded by Dr. Iachetta, to go with the alternative proposal, which includes a roll-off station at Cismont. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Lindstrom NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 21. Bicentennial Commission. category be changed to Bicentennial Center. Agenda Item No. 22. Agenda Item No. 23. Agenda Item No. 24. Agenda Item No. 25. Agenda Item No. 26. It was suggested that the title of this Miscellaneous Telephone Expenses. National Association of Counties - Dues. WVPT Television. (Mr. Lindstrom left the meeting at 4:04 P.M.) District Home. Involuntary Commitment. The Board also discussed the following items which had not been listed on the agenda. 1. Soil Survey. 2. Children's Home, Incorporated. 3. Albemarle Housing Improvement Program. 4. Charlottesville/Albemarle Airport. At 4:15 P.M., the Board recessed and reconvened at 4:31 P.M. the meeting and Mr. Dottier left.) (Mr. Lindstrom returned to Agenda Item No. 2?. Volunteer Fire Companies. (Mr. Dottier returned at 4:46 P.M.) There were several people present from the volunteer fire companies requesting that they be given the amount of money requested, or $20,000 per fire company. (Mr. Lindstrom ~eft the meeting at 4:50 ~P.M.) After a short discussion, Mr. Henley offered motion to accept the recommendation of the County Executive in reference to fire companies for an appropriation of $15,000 per company. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dottier. After further discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Henley to amend his original motion to allow the fire companies $16~000 each. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dorrier and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 28. At 5:10 P.M., Mr. Fisher requested a motion to adjourn into executive session to discuss legal matters. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: MessrS. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Roudabush. The Board reconvened into open session at 7:30 P.M. and immediately adjourned. March 1, 1978 (Regular-Night Meeting) A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on March 1, 1978 at 7:30 P.M., in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Virginia. Present: Messrs. Lindsay G. Dottier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony I~achetta and C. Timothy Lindstrom (apriving at 7:47 P.M.) Absent: Mr. W. S. Roudabush. Officers Present: Messrs. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; George R. St. John, County Attbrney; and Robert W. Tucker, Jr.,County Planner. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. Mr. Fisher, Chairman, called the meeting to order at ?:35 P.M., and requested a brief moment of silence. Agenda Item No. 2. SP-77-45. Dr. Charles W. Hurt. Mr. Fisher noted that the Board had received a letter on February ??_ ]~7R ~m ~ m~+~o =++ ............. ~-- ~ .......