HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201600023 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2017-01-24 .._.---Wuve....._ 1. 6 2 >~ ---
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Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4176
January 24, 2017
Scott Collins
Collins Engineering
Charlottesville,VA 22902
RE: SP 2016-023 and SP2016-024 Arden Place II
Mr. Collins:
Staff has reviewed your initial submittal for R-15 residential and a hotel within a commercial
We have a number of questions and comments which we believe should be resolved before your
proposal goes to public hearing. We would be glad to meet with you to discuss these issues. Our
comments are provided below:
OVA A community meeting must take place with the Places29 Community Advisory Committee.
&The concept Plan for the SPs show residential densities based on the gross area of the
entire project. The density should be based on "residential area".Therefore, instead of an
area of 11.25 acres, the density (15 DUs/acre) should be based on the 9.75 acres (TMPs 61-
124G and 61-124F) shown with residential uses proposed. This would result in
approximately 145 dwelling units rather than the 168 proposed. (Ron Higgins- Zoning).
There are density bonus provisions within the R-15 that could be used iriclu ing providing
affordable housing for a bonus up to 30%. •>> -VS -4-- a -4iCVAK
//A future connection to the Albemarle Square shopping center should be shown on the
concept plan.
Staff recommends that the applicant revise the concept plan so that the residential/mixed
use buildings and density are entirely placed along the frontage of Rio Road and to leave
the rear portion open for future development based on the Small Area Plan currently being
developed for this area.
XA signal warrant analysis should be performed for the intersection of Putt Putt Place and
io Road East.The proposed entrance on Rio Road will require a right turn lane.
taff recommends that the streetscape along Rio Road be improved by moving the existing
sidewalk in the right of way from the edge of the road to allow for a planting strip between
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Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832
January 24, 2017
Scott Collins
Collins Engineering
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SP 2016-023 and SP2016-024 Arden Place II
Mr. Collins:
Fax (434) 972-4176
Staff has reviewed your initial submittal for R-15 residential and a hotel within a commercial
We have a number of questions and comments which we believe should be resolved before your
proposal goes to public hearing. We would be glad to meet with you to discuss these issues. Our
comments are provided below:
1. A community meeting must take place with the Places29 Community Advisory Committee.
2. The concept Plan for the SPs show residential densities based on the gross area of the
entire project. The density should be based on "residential area". Therefore, instead of an
area of 11.25 acres, the density (15 DUs/acre) should be based on the 9.75 acres (TMPs 61-
124G and 61-124F) shown with residential uses proposed. This would result in
approximately 145 dwelling units rather than the 168 proposed. (Ron Higgins- Zoning).
There are density bonus provisions within the R-15 that could be used including providing
affordable housing for a bonus up to 30%.
3. A future connection to the Albemarle Square shopping center should be shown on the
concept plan.
4. Staff recommends that the applicant revise the concept plan so that the residential/mixed
use buildings and density are entirely placed along the frontage of Rio Road and to leave
the rear portion open for future development based on the Small Area Plan currently being
developed for this area.
5. A signal warrant analysis should be performed for the intersection of Putt Putt Place and
Rio Road East. The proposed entrance on Rio Road will require a right turn lane.
6. Staff recommends that the streetscape along Rio Road be improved by moving the existing
sidewalk in the right of way from the edge of the road to allow for a planting strip between
it and the curb. Also, sidewalk should be added to allow entry into the new buildings from
the street.
Planning staff's comments are organized as follows:
• How the proposal relates to the Comprehensive Plan
• The Neighborhood Model analysis
• Additional comments from reviewers
Comprehensive Plan. Comments on how your project conforms to the Comprehensive Plan will
be provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report that
will be prepared for the work session or public hearing.
The property is located with in the Places29 Masterplan and is part of the Rio29 small area plan
currently being created. The land use designations for this property are as follows: 06100-00-00-
124G0: Urban Density Residential — residential (6.01— 34 units/ acre); supporting uses such as
religious institutions, schools, commercial, office and service uses; Office/R&D/Flex/Light
Industrial — commercial, professional office; research and development, design, testing of
prototypes; manufacturing, assembly, packaging; residential is a secondary use (no maximum
density); Urban Mixed Use (in areas around Centers) — commercial and retail uses that are not
accommodated in Centers and residential (3 — 34 units/ acre). 06100-00-00-124F0: Urban Mixed
Use (in areas around Centers) — commercial and retail uses that are not accommodated in Centers
and residential (3 — 34 units/ acre). 06100-00-00-124E0: Urban Density Residential — residential
(6.01— 34 units/ acre); supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools, commercial, office
and service uses.
Neighborhood Model
General comments on how well the proposed development meets the principles of the
Neighborhood Model are provided here. More detailed comments may be provided at a later date
if changes are made and/or after more detailed plans are provided.
• Existing sidewalk along Rio adjacent to the curb should be moved to allow
a planting strip and street trees along the road.
• Buildings should be placed along Rio Road
• A crosswalk should be place to cross Rio Road from Putt Putt if a light is
warranted in this location
Mixture of Uses ' • Residential, commercial, office, and retail uses are proposed. This
principle is met.
Neighborhood These parcels are adjacent to designed "centers" within the Places29
Centers Master Plan, however no civic space has been identified on the Plan in
this location.
Mixture of • Providing some affordable units within the residential proposed should
Housing Types be explored. Additional density could be obtained if affordable units are
and provided under R15.
Affordability • While a mixture of types of units are not proposed, there are different
housing types within the immediate area, and if the proposal is
redesigned, additional housing types could be located in the rear of the
property in the future.
Interconnected A future vehicular and pedestrian connection should be shown to
Streets and Albemarle Square.
Multi -modal These properties are along the CAT route and an existing stop is within
Transportation walking distance. This principle has been met.
Parks, A multi -use trail is proposed, however it should be adjusted to allow for a
Recreational future connection to Albemarle Square.
Amenities, and
Open Space
Buildings and Staff recommends that the buldings only be placed along Rio Road and as
Space of close to the road as possible while allowing for sidewalks and landscaping
Human Scale to create a pedestrian friendly streetscape along Rio Road.
Relegated I Parking is regulated behind and to the sides of the buildings. This principle
Parking is met.
Redevelopment I The corner property of Rio Road and Putt Putt will be redeveloped with
this proposal. This principle is met.
Terrain and
Careful Grading
and Re -grading
of Terrain
with the Rural
• These parcels are relatively flat. The interconnection to Albemarle Square
should be explored as grading will be somewhat extensive in this area. If
retaining walls are needed, any above six feet in height should be
Not applicable
The following comments related to zoning matters have been provided by Ron Higgins:
1. General comments.
a. Proposal: Concept of mixed uses is in general accord with the Comprehensive Plan
but may not fully meet the intent of the small area plan.
b. Required parking for uses — Calculations to be determined at the time of site plan
development, in accordance with the Albemarle County Code.
c. Building setbacks/build to lines to be determined at the time of site plan
development in accordance with Section 4.20 of the Albemarle County
Code/Zoning Ordinance.
2. Concept Plan for the SPs show residential densities based on the gross area of the entire
project. The density should be based on "residential area". Therefore, instead of an area
of 11.25 acres, the density (15 DUs/acre) should be based on the 9.75 acres shown with
residential uses proposed. This would result in approximately 145 dwelling units rather
than the 168 proposed,
3. "R & D/Flex" uses in C-1 & HC: Such uses are limited to 4,000 sq. ft. per establishment per
site in both C-1 & HC. This request includes uses that are proposed to exceed this amount,
and a Special Exception is being requested from the BOS.
Engineering and Water Resources
The following comments related to engineering and water resources have been provided by Frank
1. Suggest providing a vehicular and pedestrian connection to the shopping center to the
north, or at least plan for a future connection by dedicating R/W for a private street and
constructing the road/sidewalks to the property line, etc.
2. Existing SWM facility appears to be impacted by this development, which will require an
amendment of that plan to be submitted/approved.
3. If the SWM facility is to be a shared facility, all parties must be part of a SWM maintenance
4. This project includes developed areas, which are subject to additional phosphorus load
reductins per VSMP regulations (9VAC25-870-63).
5. There are small areas of managed slopes on the project. Impacts to these areas do not
pose a major concern for engineering since they are interior to the site and do not include
large differences in grades.
6. Refer to VSMP approval process at:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Devel
opment/forms/applications/WPO Application Process.pdf
Entrance Corridor
The following comments related to the Architectural Review Board have been provided by
Margaret Maliszewski:
1. Recommended condition of approval: The Rio Road -facing building elevations shall look
like building "fronts".
2. Provide sidewalk connections from the Rio Road sidewalk to the buildings fronting on Rio
3. Locate the new building on parcel 124F at the west end of parcel, with no parking fronting
Rio Road and any parking fronting Putt Putt Place limited to the east end of the Putt Putt
Place frontage. Revise the plan to show building and parking envelopes for the
redevelopment on this parcel.
The following comments have been provided by Adam Moore:
1. The Department recommends a signal warrant analysis be performed for the intersection
of Putt Putt Place and Rio Road East.
2. The proposed entrance on Rio Road will require a right turn lane.
Comments have not been received to date. Will forward any comments when they are received.
The following comments have been provided by Victoria Fort:
1. Capacity issues for sewer that may affect this proposal None Known
2. Requires Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Capacity Certification X* Yes No
3. Water flow or pressure issues that may affect this proposal None Known
4. "Red Flags" regarding service provision (Use attachments if necessary) None Known
*It appears from the above applications that Phase II of Arden Place will produce over 40,000
gallons per day of sewage flow, therefore requiring a flow acceptance from RWSA.
Note that any proposed connections to RWSA water facilities in Rio Road as part of Arden Place
Phase II will require review and approval by RWSA.
SP Conditions
Staff has not drafted conditions to date for this special use permit, due to the potential changes
that need to occur. Once conditions are drafted, staff will send it out to you.
Action after Receipt of Comments
After you have read this letter, please take one of the actions identified on "Action After Receipt
of Comment Letter" which is attached.
If you choose to resubmit, please use the attached form. There is no fee for the first resubmittal.
The resubmittal date schedule is provided for your convenience online at
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development
/forms/schedules/SDecial Use Permit & Zoninia MaD Amendment Schedule.Ddf
Notification and Advertisement Fees
Prior to scheduling a public hearing with the Planning Commission, payment of the following fees
is needed:
$243.00 Cost for newspaper advertisement
$215.00 Cost for notification of adjoining owners (minimum $200 + actual postage/$1 per owner
after 50 adjoining owners)
$458.00 Total amount due prior to Planning Commission public hearing
Prior to the Board of Supervisor's public hearing, payment of the newspaper advertisement for the
Board hearing needed.
$243.00 Additional amount due prior to Board of Supervisors public hearing
$701.00 Total amount for all notifications Fees may be paid in advance. Payment for both the
Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors public hearings may be paid at the some time.
Additional notification fees will not be required unless a deferral takes place and adjoining owners
need to be notified of a new date.
Feel free to contact me if you wish to meet or need additional information. My email address is
Megan Yaniglos
Principal Planner, Planning Services
enc: Action After Receipt of Comments
Resubmittal Form
Within 30 days of the date of this letter, please do one of the following:
(1) Resubmit in response to review comments
(2) Request indefinite deferral
(3) Request that your Planning Commission public hearing date be set
(4) Withdraw your application
(1) Resubmittal in Response to Review Comments
If you plan to resubmit within 30 days, make sure that the resubmittal is on or before a
resubmittal date as published in the project review schedule. The full resubmittal schedule may
be found at www.albemarle.org in the "forms" section at the Community Development page.
Be sure to include the resubmittal form on the last page of your comment letter with your
The application fee which you paid covers staff review of the initial submittal and one
resubmittal. Each subsequent resubmittal requires an additional fee. (See attached Fee
(2) Request Indefinite Deferral
If you plan to resubmit after 30 days from the date of the comment letter, you need to request
an indefinite deferral. Please provide a written request and state your justification for
requesting the deferral. (Indefinite deferral means that you intend to resubmit/request a
public hearing be set with the Planning Commission after the 30 day period.)
(3) Request Planning Commission Public Hearing Date be Set
At this time, you may schedule a public hearing with the Planning Commission. However, we
do not advise that you go directly to public hearing if staff has identified issues in need of
resolution that can be addressed with a resubmittal.
After outstanding issues have been resolved and/or when you are ready to request a public
hearing, staff will set your public hearing date for the Planning Commission in accordance with
Revised 1-29-16 mcy
the Planning Commission's published schedule and as mutually agreed by you and the County.
The staff report and recommendation will be based on the latest information provided by you
with your initial submittal or resubmittal. Please remember that all resubmittals must be made
on or before a resubmittal date.
By no later than twenty-one (21) days before the Planning Commission's public hearing, a
newspaper advertisement fee and an adjoining owner notification fee must be paid. (See
attached Fee Schedule.) Your comment letter will contain the actual fees you need to pay.
Payment for an additional newspaper advertisement is also required twenty-two (22) days prior
to the Board of Supervisors public hearing.
Please be advised that, once a public hearing has been advertised, only one deferral prior to the
Planning Commission's public hearing will be allowed during the life of the application. The
only exception to this rule will be extraordinary circumstances, such as a major change in the
project proposal by the applicant or more issues identified by staff that have not previously
been brought to the applicant's attention. As always, an applicant may request deferral at the
Planning Commission meeting.
(4) Withdraw Your Application
If at any time you wish to withdraw your application, please provide your request in writing.
Failure to Respond
If we have not received a response from you within 30 days, we will contact you again. At that
time, you will be given 10 days to do one of the following: a) request withdrawal of your
application, b) request deferral of your application to a specific Planning Commission date as
mutually agreed to with staff, or c) request indefinite deferral and state your justification for
requesting the deferral. If none of these choices is made within 10 days, staff will schedule
your application for a public hearing based on the information provided with your original
submittal or the latest submittal staff received on a resubmittal date.
Fee Payment
Fees may be paid in cash or by check and must be paid at the Community Development Intake
Counter. Make checks payable to the County of Albemarle. Do not send checks directly to the
Review Coordinator
Revised 1-29-16 mcy
Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By:
Resubmittal of information for Special Use Permit or
Zoning Map Amendment - 4.
PROJECT NUMBER: SP2016-023 and SP2016-024 PROJECT NAME: Arden Place H
❑ Resubmittal Fee is Required ❑ Per Request I Resubmittal Fee is Not Required
Ca T r10LJ_JM5>'
Name of Applicant Phone Number
Resubmittal fees for Special Use Permit -- original Special Use Permit fee of $1,075
❑ First resubmission
❑ Each additional resubmission
Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of $2,150
First resubmission
❑ Each additional resubmission
Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $2,688
$215 + actual cost of first-class postage
❑ First resubmission
❑ Each additional resubmission
Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $3,763
❑ First resubmission
❑ Each additional resubmission
❑ Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request —Add'l notice fees will be required
To be paid after staff review for public notice:
Most applications for Special Use Permits and Zoning Map Amendment require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission
and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing
a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore, at least two fees for public notice
are required before a Zoning Map Amendment may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. The total fee for public notice will be
provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body.
Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty (50) notices
$215 + actual cost of first-class postage
Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty (50)
00 for each additional notice + actual
$1.cost of first-class postage
Legal advertisement (published twice in the newspaper for each public hearing)
Actual cost
(minimum of $280 for total of 4publications)
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
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