HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-08March 8, 1978 (Regular'Day Meeting)
A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on
March 8, 1978, beginning at 9:00 A.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building,
Charlottesville, Virginia.
Present: Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr. (arriving at 9:15 A.M.), Gerald E. Fisher,
J. T. Henley, Jr. (arriving at 9:15 A.M.), F. Anthony Iachetta, C. Timothy Lindstrom (arriving
at 9:55 A.M.) and W. S. Roudabush.
Absent: None.
Officers present:
St. John.
County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr. and County Attorney, George R.
Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 9:22 A.M.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes: April 6 (night); May 11; May 16; July 6 and
July 7, 1977. Dr. Iachetta noted misspelled word on page 172 of Minute Book 15, change word
"back" to "block" Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Roudabush, to
approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Mr. Lindstrom.
Agenda Item No. 3a. Highway Matters: Discussion: Westover Road. Mr. Robert Tucker,
Director of Planning, said at a recent meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Mrs. Barbara
Arnold made a request concerning the cul-de-sac at the end of Westover Drive (State Route 1701
It appears that when this Route was accepted into the State System on March 1, 1975, the
temporary cul-de-sac provided for an the approved plat of the subdivision had never been
constructed and therefore was not taken into the system. This is not normal procedure
followed by the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation. The staff feels that
since the plat for this subdivision has been recorded and lots are being sold, the Board of
Supervisors should declare a building permit moratorium on Sections 1 and 2 of Westover Hills
until such time as this temporary cul-de-sac has been constructed and accepted into the State
Highway System or a bond in the proper amount has been submitted to the County to insure the
construction of the cul-de-sac.
Mr. Dan Roosevelt, Resident Highway Engineer, said the problem arises by the fact that
the temporary cul-de-sac was constructed at the beginning of lots 31 and 38. When houses
were constructed on these two lots, the driveways were put at the far end of each lot,
thereby leaving a section of approximately 120 feet of unimproved road that must be travelled
in order to get to the driveways. Also, at the present time, the cul-de-sac is not construct-
ed within the easement as shown on the recorded plat.
Mr. Harley Easter and Mr. Ashby Kennon, developers of Westover Hills, were present. Mr.
Easter said the cul-de-sac was built and then approved by the State Highway Department. If
it is not constructed within the easement, he will do whatever is necessary to have it moved
to where it is shown on the plat. Mr. Fisher said that would not help the two people who are
complaining about using this ~nimproved surface to get to their driveways, however, it would
make the cul-de-sac conform to the plans which were approved by the County and the Highway
Department. Mr. Roosevelt said he could require that a standard 50-foot radius paved
cul-de-sac with proper surface and drainage be built within the recorded easement. However,
since it is expected that at sometime in the future this road will be extended and that the
temporary cul-de-sac will be removed, he would recommend that the 50-foot cul-de-sac be
gravelled and not paved. Mr. Fisher said he felt that was reasonable and the Board should
give the developers a month to work out a solution to this problem and sign a contract for
Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta to request that Mr. Easter and Mr. Kennon work
with the Highway Department to resolve the issue and that it be placed on the Board's agenda
of April 12th. The motion was seconded by' Mr. RmudabUsh and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Lindstrom.
Agenda Item No. 3b. Highway Matters: Appeal: Kirtley Realty Office Building Site Plan.
Mr. Tucker said the property in question is located on the north side of Route 250 West, just
~st~of Hillcrest Motors. The property is presently zoned M-1. On June 17, 1974, the
Planning Commission approved a site plan for the addition to the Distributing Company which is
lo6ated at the rear of this property. This site plan is for an offica~_buitding. The property
has received two variances from the scenic highway provisions of the zoning ordinance. One
variance allows for a 76-foot building setback, and the other allows parking for employees
and visitors at a 50-foot setback from the right-of-way. This proposal is to locate an office
building on 3.4 plus or minus acres off of Route 250 West. The entrance to this o£fice
building will be shared by the Distributing Company as well as Hillcrest Motors, Incorporated.
The building will be served by a well and septic system. The applicant proposes to locate
six parking spaces on the front of the property and seven spaces on the east side of the
property. Mr. Tucker said the staff noted in their report that the property does not meet
the minimum requirements of the Highway Department and should be extended to comply with those
requirements of a 200-foot deceleration lane, 12 feet in width with a 200-foot taper. This
condition is the subject of the applicant's appeal.
Mr, Tucker said, on January 31st, the Planning Commissio~ approved the .~ite plan with
the following conditions:
1. Staff approval of landscape plan.
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
3. The parking area in the front of the building must conform with the
requirements set forth in VA-77-46.
4. Approval of this plan does not speak to any sign locations or sizes.
5. Written Highway Department approval.
6. Approval of runoff control officer.·
Mr. Stuart Carwile was present to represent Mrs. Kirtley., He said they were appealing
condition number 2 regarding Highway Department approval of a commercial entrance. They
feel that there is already an existing entrance which, at the time it was constructed,
complied with existing highway standards. There is no requirement at this time that Kirtley
Realty get a new highway entrance permit or a road cut permit and therefore they do not feel
the County has the ability to require that the deceleration lane be enlarged since the
commercial entrance is already in place.
Dr. Iachetta asked if this change in use will make any significant difference in the
number ~f vehicles that presently use the entrance. Mr. Tucker said no. Dr. Iachetta
inquired if the condition were one which was put on for safety reasons. Mr. Carwile said
safety has not been a factor in any of the discussions to this point.
Mr. Dan Roosevelt said the Highway Department cannot on its own authority require an
existing commercial entrance user to upgrade ~hat entrance when there is a change in the
nature of his business. However, if required by the County, or if the~developer comes in on
his own, then the Department can require that the entrance be brought up to current standards
He disagreed that safety was not mentioned. He said that in this area the traffic is coming
out of a 45 mile per hour zone into a 55 mile per hour zone and along all primary roads that
have 45 mile per hour or greater traffic, the Department is recommending deceleration lanes
200 feet long with a 200-foot taper.
Mr. Carwile quoted State statute: "Any person desiring such an entrance shall first be
required to obtain a permit". In this case there is already an existing entrance and they
do not need a permit. The only issue is whether or not, through the site plan ordinance,
the County has the ability to require through the Highway Department an additional
deceleration lane.
Mr. Fisher said if the Board followed Mr. CarWile's argument, there could be a lot of
trouble because the first commercial entrance might not generate~much traffic but if there
were subsequent developments along an existing entrance it could create a greater impact on
traffic. Mr. Lindstrom asked to what extent the new use will,generate additional traffic at
peak hours. Mr. Roosevelt said the right turn lane is not constructed for peak hour traffic.
It is constructed to get the traffic using the high speed, high volume highway off of the
high speed section so they can slow down in an area where they are protected. Mr. Fisher
said peak hour traffic is not the consideration. If the realty company came in today and
there were no deceleration lane in place, they would have to construct a 200-foot decelera-
tion lane as required by the Highway Department.
Mrs. Kirttey said most of the traffic using this entrance for her business will be
during the middle of the day. Mr. Kirtley said this land was developed in 1969 at which
time he put in the deceleration lane. This lane is at least as big as those for other
businesses in the area and he did not see the necessity for extending same.
Mr. Fisher said he felt it was a question of whether or not the Board would support the
recommendations of the Highway Department as they have at other times. Mr. Roudabush said
he agreed to some extent with ~Mr. Kirtl~eY that when the property was developed he put in
the ist~ndard deceleration~ l~ne.i iIf the~e Were ~anY~chance ithat ~additional land coUld be
added to th~s parcel thus ~expanding the'~isite~,'.ha.ifeIt ~thare would ba ~justificatlon for
extending the deceleration lane.~ Ke 'than ~ofrer'ed mot~ion to waive Condition number' 2 ~as
required by the Planning Commission with 'the_istipulatlon~mthat if any further subdivision', on
this property should take place, or ther. e ~o~ld ha ian~ ~further ~eXpansion of' tha'development
on this site, that it be brought back for further review. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Dr. Iachetta said he was trying to look at the prOblem from a safety point and felt the
waiver should be tied to the probability that it would be required in the future if the site
becomes more intensely used. Mr. Roudabush said he was trying to do this but not be too
specific since the Highway Department might~change their standard entrance requirement later.
Mr. Lindstrom said he was reluctant to go against the Highway Department's recommendations.
Mr. Henley said he would feel more strongly about this if Mr. Roosevelt had said absolutely
the entrance was unsafe. M~. Dorrier said he wou~d also like to have Mr. Roosevelt answer
that questi~since he had not heard him say one way or .the other. Mr. Roosevelt said he
could not answer that question until the Board gave him a standard for safe or unsafe. Mr.
Dorrier said he was not convinced that the traffic increase Will be so great as to require
the addition of this deceleration lane, however, he felt the Board must work with the Highway
At this time~roll was called on the motion and the appeal was denied by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: ~ Messrs. Henley and Roudabush.
NAYS: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Iachetta and Lindstrom,
Agenda Item No. 3c. Public Hearing: 'Road Abandonment: Road off of Route 626 near
Howardsville. (Deferred from February 8, 1978.) Mr. George McCallum and Mr. Bruce Rasmussen
were present and requested deferral of this public hearing for another month. Motion to this
effect was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, and carried by the following
recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
Agenda Item No. 3~. Street Sign Request: Oak Terrace. Mr. Agnor said that Miss Joanne
Peters, a resident in Oak Terrace Subdivision has requested street name signs to identify
Inglewood Drive and Inglewood Court at the intersection on the northern side. She has also
agreed to incur the cost of the signs plus the handling charges.
Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Roudabush to adopt the follow-
ing resolution.
WHEREAS request has been received for street signs to identify the
following roads:
Inglewood Drive (State Route 1411) and
Inglewood Court (State Route 1429) at its
intersection on the northern side; and
WHEREAS a citizen has agreed to purchase these signs through the
office of the County Executive and to conform to standards Set by the
State Department of Highways and Transportation:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways
and Transportation be and the same is hereby requested to install and
maintain the above mentioned street signs.
The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Mr. Dorrier.
Agenda Item No. 3e. Letters accepting roads into the secondary system.
"February 10, 1978
~s requested in resolution by your Board on November 9, 1977, the following
additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are hereby approved,
effective January 1, 1978.
Lambs Road - Extension of Rte. 657 to end of cul-de-sac. 0.49 Mi.
Allen's Way - From: Rte. 1521; To: Rte. 1527. 0.08 Mil
Lamkin Way - From: Sourwood Place; To: Rte. 1523. 0.10 Mi.
Sourwood Place - From: Rte. 1520; To: end of cul-de-sac. 0.22 Mi."
"February 10, 1978
As requested in resolution by your Board on November 9, 1977, the following
additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are hereby approved,
effective January 1, 1978.
West Pines Drive - From: end of'~State~ Maintenance West Pines
Drive (Rte. 1610) G~..35 mile~ ~smu~h~a~t'e~ly ~to~ end of cul-de'Sac. 0.35 Mi.
Cedar Ridge Lane - From: West Pines Drive 0.20 mile northwesterly
to end of cul-de-sac. 0.20 Mi."
"February 15, 1978
Miss Lettie E. Neher, Clerk Internal Road - Housing Project
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors for Elderly in Crozet
202 County Office Building
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Dear Miss Neher:
Reference is made to your letter dated January 24, 1978, concerning the
above subject.
The Department has reviewed your request that the road serving this develop-
ment, when properly constructed, be added to the State Secondary System for
maintenance. The Department agrees that under the terms stated in your letter,
it can, be expected that the road will be used by the general public. The road
will, therefore, be eligible for addition to the State Secondary System provided
a road is constructed to the State standards for design and quality. This project
is currently being reviewed by the County Planning Office to determine the design
standards for the road as well as other features. As is usual in cases of this
nature, we will make our comments concerning the design of the road to the planning
Yours truly,
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
Agenda Item No. 3f. Nottingham Road. Mr. Agnor said that Dr. Iachetta had asked the
staff to review a certain problem with this road. Mr. Ashley Williams, Assistant County
Engineer, said in January 1969, the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution requesting
acceptance of Nottingham Road from its intersection at Westmoreland Subdivision past Berwick
Court for a length of 1180 feet. On March 9, 1970, the Highway Department indicated that
Nottingham Road had been taken in from Westmoreland Drive going in a southeasterly direction
.22 of a mile to Berwick Court. The difference in these distances is about 110 feet past
the intersection of Berwick Court. The road has been constructed back to the property line
according to a typical section. On the road plans for this subdivision, there is no temporar~
turn-around shown on the recorded plot. However, on the master plan for the subdivision a
temporary turn-around is shown in the vicinity of Lot 33. Mr. Williams says he understands
that the owners of Lot 33 have complained because snow removal stops before it gets to their
drive. Mr. Fisher asked if there were any land at this point for a turn-around. Mr. Williams
said there was none shown on the recorded plat. Mr. Fisher asked what would h~ve to be done
to get this section into the State Highway System. Mr. Roosevelt said there has been no
indication that this road will ever be extended, and he felt a permanent cul-de-sac would
need to be installed at the end of the road and then taken in as an extension of Nottingham
Road. Dr. Iachetta said this problem was caused because the subdivision was approved with
no land for a turn-around at this point, so the problem was caused by whoever approved the
plans. Mr. Agnor said if it was the Board, s wish, the staff would study this matter and
discuss it with the adjoining property owner who would have to be willing to furnish the
land for the turn-around or there is no solution to the problem. Mr. Fisher suggested that
the staff proceed with Mr. Agnor's recommendation.
Agenda Item No. 3g. Request for Road Viewers. Mr. Roudabush noted that he had requested
Mr. Roosevelt to look at a subdivision road that was platted in 1953 to see if it would be
eligible for acceptance into the State Highway System if recommended by the Road Viewers.
The only subdivision occurring along this road since 1959 has been into parcels of five
acres or greater, which are exempted from the County subdivision regulations. The property
owners have submitted their application requesting that the Road Viewers look at the road
and also have agreed to dedicate the necessary right-of-way. Mr. Roudabush then offered
motion to refer this petition to the Road Viewers. The motion was seconded by Dr. Iachetta
and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. DOrrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 3h. Other Highway Matters: Mr. Roosevelt said the Highway Department
was having a problem with the line on Route 637. The line passes through three septic tank
fields near the landfill. In discussing this with the Health Department it has been determin-
ed that the land will not support septic fields under present regulations, therefore, either
the road must be relocated in that area or damage to the properties declared to be so great
that they would have to be purchased and the families relocated. It was the consensus of
the Board that the line should be moved.
Mr. Fred Landess, representing General Electric Company, was present. He noted that
yesterday in Richmond, the Industrial Commission and Mr. Harwood, the State Highway
Commissioner, had discussed the County's resolution requesting industrial access funds. The
Highway Commission knows that General Electric has quite a bit of road frontage on Route 29
and they have not been banned from an entrance on Route 29. The Highway Commission would
like to restrict access to Route 29 in this area. General Electric is willing to restrict
access between the two cross-overs and the Highway Commissioner accepted this statement, but
thought it would be helpful if the Board of Supervisors sent a simple resolution stating
their policy on development of properties 'in that area. Mr. Fisher noted that he had made
a statement to the Highway Commissioner that ~the Alb~emarle County Comprehensive Plan
encourages the use of reverse frontage roads ~for commercial development along Route 29, and
that the Board will attempt to do whatever it can to' be sure that the land is developed in
this way. He had no problem with. adopbing such 'a resolution if it were properly worded. He
asked Mr. Landess to draft such a .resOlution'and b~i~g it backto the Board on Friday. In
the meantime he requested a resolution from the Board asking .Senator' Harry Michael''and
Delegate James B. Murray to provide input to the State Highway Department to encourage them
to approve the Board's request for industrial access funds. Motion to this effect was
off~red by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County has before it a site
plan for a General Electric Plant on Route 29 North; and
WHEREAS the Albemarle County Planning Commission in its review of this
site plan required that General Electric improve Routes 606 and 763 to
specifications recommended by the Virginia Department of Highways and Trans-
portation, thus eliminating the need for direct access to Route 29 North; and
WHEREAS the County's newly adopted Comprehensive Plan recommends that
"industrial intersections should be planned to minimize traffic confliczs with
other land use activities and with road functions"; and
WHEREAS this Board adopted a resolution on January 11, 1978, requesting
the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation to make improvements to
the access to this development'under the Industrial Access Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, does hereby petition the Honorable J. Harry Michael, Jr. and
the Honorable James B. Murray to encourage the Virginia Department of Highways
and Transportation to approve this request.
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting).
Dr. Iachetta asked about the right-of-way on Route 643.
been no change since last month.
Mr.'Roosevelt said there had
Mr. Roudabush said he saw a survey team working at the Park Street bridge. Mr.
Roosevelt said they are doing the survey work. The field work has already been completed.
They hope that this project can be scheduled in about the third year of the six year highway
Agenda Item No. 5. Report on Open Burning Procedures. Present were Mr. Edson,
Assistant Director of Forestry; Mr. Clark, Chief Forest Warden; Mr. Ward Butler, State Air
Pollution Control Board; Mr. Ira Cortez, County Fire Marshal; and Mr. Bob Vaughn, ~irector
of Inspections.
Mr. Agnor noted that a recent article in the Daily Progress advised citizens that as of
March 1, no open burning was permitted without permission of the State Air Pollution Control
Board and State Forestry Service. It also listed telephone numbers for these agencies. In
addition to this, it requested that a citizen call the County's Fire Prevention Officer when
they are going to burn so that the fire departments would not respond to false alarms. The
several agencies involved create obvious problems for the general citizens, especially for
those trying to contact a certain agency on holidays or weekends. The citizens are entitled
to a simpler procedure. Mr. Agnor said he would recommend that a single call by all citizens
be directed to the Fire Department's Central Dispatcher. The dispatcher can answer questions,
advise citizens of regulations and log the information to prevent false alarms'. The dispatch-
er is available at all times and not limited to office ~hours of the different agengies. The
State Agency regulations and telephone numbers~could be disseminated from this local number
if required by the state offices involved. After a considerable discussion among the parties
present, Mr. Fisher suggested that the staff work out a solution in line with Mr. Agnor's
Agenda Item No. 4. Mike Gleason. Mr. Gleason noted that he had talked to the Board
last week about a request received from a delegation from Italy. The Board at that time
reactivated the committee that had worked during 1976 on similar arrangements for another
delegation. It is the committee's recommendation that the City/County extend an invitation
for a group of twenty persons maximum for April 13th and 14th which would coincide with
Founder's Day at the University and the Dogwood Festival. Rooms have been found which are
available for this time. The committee will raise one-half of the money necessary to carry
out this program for two days and the other one-half will come from the City and the County.
This request has been made to City Council and they have appropriated their share of the
money which is $750. It was the general consensus of the Board that the invitation be
extended and that the $750 be taken from the Board's travel expense account. Motion to accept
the recommendation of the committee was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier and
carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 4a. Appropriation for tourist bromhure. Mr. Randy Wade was present
representing the~hamber of Commerce. He requested an appropriation of $2,000 from the County
for 60,000 brochures; the same brochure that had been used by the convention bureau. He said
this is the only sales, public relation or tourist brochure that the Chamber has and they
are no longer available. Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta to adopt the following
resolution, with a stipuation that the County pay one-third of the actual bill for the print-
ing of the brochures or a maximum of $2,000.
BE IT RESOLVED by the'Board, of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
that $2,000. be, and the same 'hereby is, appropriated from the General Fund and
Coded to 18~15.1,.~chamber of' C'o~mmerce 'Touri'sm, for prin~ing of' tourist brochures.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Lindstrom and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Mr. Fisher noted that Mr. Paul Wood, President of the Chamber of Commerce, had requested
an economic development policy from the Board and they would probably begin work on this in
Agenda Item No. 8. Lease: Communications Equipment for Sheriff. Sheriff Bailey said
that in 1976, he was awarded a federal grant to install teletype ~quipment in his office.
This request is for signing of a lease for three years on this teletype equipment. By sign-
ing a lease, it will save the County approximately $150 a year and the money for this
expense is already in the sheriff's budget. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by
Mr. Roudabush, authorizing the Chairman to sign the following agreement with Telex Terminal
Communications. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
THIS AGREEMENT, made this 8th day of March, 1978, by and between TELEX
TERMINAL COMMUNICATIONS, a division of Telex Computer Products, Inc., Less~r~
Telex Terminal Communications ("Telex") and the County of Albemarle
(the !~0ounty") agree as follows concerning an extended term plan purchase
order for a communications terminal for use by the Albemarle County Sheriff's
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
!. The original term of the contract shall be for 36 months, beginning
on April 1, 1978.
2. The County may cancel this agreement upon 30 days written notice should
(a) funds for the lease of the equipment specified in paragraph 3 below not be
appropriated by the Board of Supervisors of the County and (b) funds for the lease
or purchase of equipment that will perform substantially the same services and
functions as that performed by the equipment specified in paragraph 3 below not
be appropriated.
3. The equipment covered by this purchase order shall be one TC241, serial
number 4310.
4. The monthly charge for the equipment shall be as follows:
Maint enanc e
$ 38.00/Mo.
Maintenance will be provided on a twenty-four (24) hour/day seven (7)
day/week basis.
5. At the end of the original term of this agreement, the County may
extend the lease on an annual basis at the monthly rental stated in paragraph
4 above.
6. In lieu of paragraph 5 above, at the end of the original term of the
contract, the County may purchase any or all of the equipment in accordance with
the following schedule:
After 12 months':
After 24 months:
After 36 months:
70% of purchase price
40% of purchase price
20% of purchase price
Purchase price is $5,350.00/unit.
7. So long as no event of default hereunder shall have occurred and be
continuing, and upon 120 days prior to written notice, the County shall have
the right any time to substitute for any item of the "original equipment" one
or more items of "replacement equipment" having an aggregate Fair Market Value
as of the date of substitution not less than the original acquisition contain-
ing the items of equipment being replaced (the "original equipment") as of the
date of substitution. The County will return any original equipment so replac-
ed to Telex. In the event "replacement equipment" is installed, the purchase
option in paragraph 6 of this agreement shall apply to the replacement equip-
ment 12 or 24 months after installation of the replacement equipment.
8. The maintenance charges s~ated in paragraph 4 above shall not be in-
creased prior to April 1, 1979. Any increase in monthly maintenance charge
after that time will be limited to a percent equal to the U. S. Department of
Labor Index Ratio~.as related to the index of this date plus 10% of the resultant
increase per year.
Agenda Item No. 6. Contract: Post Office Remodeling. Mr. Agnor presented to the Board
a copy of the standard form of agre'e~ent between, an o~ner and an archi'tec't for conversion of
the Post Office Building on Market Street 'and the' McIntire Library to a Central Library
facility for the Jefferson-Madison Regional.Library, said contract with 'the' archftect'ural
firm of Williams and Tazwell and AssociateS,' IncorPorated, and Jack Rinehart, Jr. He
recommended that the contract be executed in the iform_ in w~ich it was presented. Motion to
authorize the Chairman to sign the~. con~ract was 'offered by Dr. Iachet'ta, se'con'ded bY Mr'.
Dorrier, and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 7.
June 30, 1978.
Report on Estimated Expenditures and Revenues for year ending
Mr. Agnor presented the following memorandum dated March 3, 1978.
"Per your request, the following information summarizes the unallocated
(carry over) balance in the General Operating Fund beginning with the actual
audited balance from FY-77, ending with the proposed balance for unanticipated
needs in FY-79:
General Fund Balance (Unallocated) July 1, 1977
Reserved for Cash Flow Requirements.
Reserved for Five Year Capital Program Allocations
Appropriations During FY-78 to date
Actual Balance Unallocated 3/1/78
Estimated Carry-Over Funds from F¥~78 Operations
Proposed Allocation for FY-79 School Budget
Estimated Balance Unallocated 7/1/78
Reserved for First Revision Five Year Capital Program
Estimated Balance for Unanticipated Needs FY-79
Balance as percent of FY-79 Proposed Operating Budget = 1.6%
$ 7,142,976
- 3,500,000
- 3,099,138
- 206~895
$ 336,943
+ 725,000
- 500,000
$ 341,943
The Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, and the School Operating,Textbook, Cafeteria,
and McIntire Trust Funds are not included in the above summary."
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
Not Docketed: At 12:07 P.M., Mr. Lindstrom offered motion to adjourn into executive
session to discuss legal matters. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roudabush and carried by
the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
The Board reconvened at 1:40 P.M.
Agenda Item No. 9. Curtis Crawford: Statement relating to Betz Report on the reservoi~
Mr. Crawford said although he did not wish to be the bearer of bad news, he had several
charges to make today regarding the Betz Report. First, he feels the Betz Report is
fraudulent and incompetent. Second, he feels that whatever mechanism the County and the
City had to protect the citizens against a fraudulent and incompetent report failed to
operate in this case. Third, after he had revealed what h~vfelt were fraudulent and
incompetence in regard to central matters in the report to the Rivanna Authority on December
no attempt was made to redress these defects. Mr. Crawford in particular was concerned about
the figures noted in the report for phosphorus loadings to the reservoir. He called the
figures arbitrary because he felt there was no basis for picking those particular figures
against a very large range of other figures. He called the procedure fraudulent because
instead of saying honestly to the people of the City and County that the comparative runoffs
from certain acreages are not known, table after table of figures were presented and these
figures were used in working papers by the County staff and the Planning Commission. He
suggested that the Board order members of the County administrative staff to note in copies
of the Betz Report, the following quotation. "The figures used in this table are guesses
with a margin of error~ so great that they are grossly misleading and totally unreliable for
any p~nning, administrative or legislative purposes". Mr. Crawford then proceeded to list
numerous tables in the Betz Report where he felt this should be applied. Mr. Crawford noted
that his criticisms were developed in two articles in the newspaper, one which appeared on
Thursday, February 9th under the title "Betz Report has serious de£ects" and a second article
appearing on February 10th entitled "Betz Report should be rejected", both written by himself.
Mr. Crawford said he felt that he could prove the truth of his charges in any workshop or
forum which the Board of Supervisors would care to set up. (Clerk's Note: A full copy of
Mr. Crawford's comments is on file.)
Agenda Item No. 10. Housing Survey: Mr. George Evans from the Thomas Jefferson
Planning District was present to give the results of a housing survey financed by the Board.
He said the survey was conducted in the rural magisterial districts of the County. The
total sample was 597 dwelling units. 354 responses were received; 83.3% of all units
surveyed were single family detached homes and an additional 10.25 were mobile homes. Hous-
ing comditions based on plumbing facilities show 70.9% have complete plumbing; 27.4% are
substandard or have incomplete plumbing and:there was no response received from 1.45. Review
of cross-tabulating by plumbing facilities reveals significant correlations between poor
housing and households which have low levels of education, have low incomes, have household
heads and or spouses who are unemployed, are on public welfare, live in rented units, pay low
rents, live in housing built before 1940, live in housing which lacks central heat, electric-
ity and telephones, or do not have a car or truck in running condition. Furthermore, 38% of
the respondents living in substandard units says their present housing is not satisfactory.
Of these, two-thirds would prefer to rent or buy a new housing unit rather than rehabilitate
their existing unit. The housing preference for those residing in substandard units is
for single-family or mobile homes with yards. Almost 29% of these households would like to
move closer to retail and medical services. A higher percentage of blacks (33%) then whites
(24.8%) live in substandard units. Significantly, 11.75 of all units marked sound in the
field survey, lacked complete plumbing facilities.
Based on this field survey, the' Samuel Miller District had th~ largest percentage of
substandard dwellinga (51.15) and Rivanna had the 'smallest (22.~%). Rivanna also had the
smallest percentage of units ~i~hou'tl :comPle:t'e· plumbing facilities' with 'White Hall having the
'largest number. ~ousing cost'a 'appear to be 'h~gheSt in the 'Rivanna and lowest in the Samuel
Miller, althomgh an unusually .hi'gh percentage Of units in SamueI Mill'er District are paid for
The housing stock in Scottaville .and Rivanna is ~uch inewe~ than is the case in White Hall or
Samuel Miller Districta. 0ve~ 3~% ~of'the~ hou'~e.~o.!~s 'in ~amueI Mi'll'e~ eXpresSed dissatisfac-
tion with their present home and 25.6% expressed the desire to move to another area. Just
over 24% of the households in Scottsville expressed a desire to move closer to retail or
medical services. To summarize, it appears that White Hall and Samuel Miller Districts have
the most serious housing problems, with Scottsville's problems being somewhat less serious
and Rivanna's considerably less so. At the conclusion of his presentation, Mr. Evans said
he felt this survey would be helpful to the County since there were a number of additional
cross-ref~rences made. He would give the survey to the County's housing coordinator.
At 2:34 P.M., the Board rece.ssed and reconvened at 2:40 P.M.
Agenda Item No. 11. Continuation of public hearings on SP-98-76, James N. Fleming, and
SP-77-11, Mulberry Corporation. (Deferred from March 1, 1978.) (Clerk's note: The follow-
ing discussion is set out in transcript form.)
"Fisher: As you Board members will recall, at our meeting on March the 1st,
we held the public hearing on special permit 98-76 and special permit 77-11 and'
closed~ those public hearings and deferred action until today for the purposes of
soliciting from the Commonwealth's Attorney an opinion regarding potential conflict
of interests of this Board in acting on the matters at hand and we have sent to the
Commonwealth's Attorney a letter requesting that he rule on the question of material
conflict of interest~ We received today, this morning, at nine o'clock, a letter, a
response addressed to Mr. George R. St. John, signed by Mr. James E. Treakle, Jr.,
Assistan~ Commonwealth's Attorney:
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
"I have reviewed your letter dated March 2nd, 1978, in which you
inquired as to whether there would be a conflict of interest for
the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors (hereinafter Board) in
proceeding with a zoning application filed by James Fleming. This
question has arisen because of pending litigation filed by the
applicant against the Board. In particular you inquired as to
whether a statutory conflict of interest exists by virtue of the
pending litigation against the Board."
Excuse me. Would you ask those people in the hall to move?
"After reviewing the Virginia Conflict of Interest Act, other
pertinent provisions of the Code of Virginia and the Federal Rules
of Civil Procedure, it is my opinion that the current members of the
Board should disqualify themselves from proceeding with consideration
of~'the zoning application. My analysis oft~his issue is set forth
"The initial determination must be whether any of the individual
members of the Board have a material financial interest in proceed-
ing with consideration of the application. As related to the question
presented, a material financial interest is defined as ~a personal and
pecuniary interest accrming to an officer or employee (of any govermental
or advisory agency)~. Va. Code" (what is Ann.?)
Dorrier: Annotated.
Fisher~ "Annotated, Section 2-1-348(f) 1977 supplement.
"Since the action currently pending in U. S. District Court for the
Western District of Virginia is against individual named members of
the Board and since the supervisors are not shielded by governmental
immunity therein, the question is whether these supervisors posses a
material financial interest as contemplated under the statute. As I
understand the situation, the action pending in U. S. District Court
is a contempt proceeding seeking both imprisonment of the supervisors
and a fine to be levied against each 'supervisor individually.' In my
opinion, the action contemplates a financial- interest, albeit a
negative one, for each member of the Board. Granted, the financial
interest may be a speculative one since it evolves out of pending
litigation. However, it may be no more speculative than some real
estate development ventures into which a supervisor might invest and
which might come before the Board for consideration. ~By voting for
approval of the application in question, a supervisor could negate the
threat of financial loss which the pending litigation contemplates.
"After determining that a material financial interest exists, the
question is whether such an interest disqualifies the members of the
Board involved in the pending litigation from proceeding with the appli-
cation. Disqualification on a particular issue is required as a result
of a material financial interest '...in any transaction, not of general
application, in which the agency...is or may be concerned...' Va. Code Ann.
Section 2.1-352, 1977 Supplement. It is my opinion that the area of
proposed development covered by the application is not sufficiently
substantial to affect the general welfare of the entire county. To the
contrary, the application is very specific and limited in its impact.
Since the application pertains to a specific property area and has a
limited impact, the transaction is not of general application. In
accordance with the statute, disqualification is mandated for those named
defendants who have a material financial interest~as a result of the pend-
ing litigation. In addition, any member of the current Board who ~as not
specifically named in the original cause of action as filed by Mr. Fleming,
is automatically substituted as a party thereto under the Federal Rules of
Procedure. See FRC? 25 (d) (1).
"In summary, it is my opinion that each individual member of the Board must
disclose his interest and disqualify himself from participating in considera-
tion of the application which is the subject matter of the litigation. This
disqualification is mandated by the statute because of the existence of the
material financial interest. Ail of the named defendants and their successors
in office must disqualify themselves until such time as the contempt proceed-
ing has been disposed of. .~
"I trust that my response satisfactorily clarifie~ the position that the
individual members of the Board must take regarding this application. If I~
can provide you with any additional assistance, do not hestitate to contact me."
Fisher: Further communications that we have r~ceived is this telegram which
was received at l:05~?.M, today addressed to me regarding the withdrawal of SP-98-76
application: ~
"Dear Mr. Fisher:
"I hereby withdraw my application for an amendment to special use permit
537 apProved as a PUD in May of 1976. I withdraw my application not be-
cause it is the best thing to do but becau~e~iit appears to be the appropriate
thing to do. Certainly this action sacrifices many of my interests as a
develoPer as weI1 as the related interests of thelmany good people of
Albemarle County. The amended plan is by everyon~a's admission much improved
over the origi~nal from nearly every point of view'e.g, it's impact upon~ the
ecology of the area, its physical attractiveness, the economics of its
development, etcetera. I am withdrawing SP-98-76 solely because at least my
............... , .............. IL I ......... L ........ ·
March $, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
development rights are well defined with regard to SP-537. It is an
approved plan and as soon as a final plan is approved by the Planning
Commission you have assured me that construction may ~egin. It there-
fore has some commercial worth at this time.
"I'm advising you that I intend to continue to pursue all relevant
legal claims presently before the courts. I hope however, that by
withdrawing SP-98-76, the way may be cleared to allow all of you to
begin looking more intelligently and without hysteria at the real
problems of our community. It is clear to me, for example, from what
has been said in Court this week that many other innocent property owners
have recently had their lands confiscated without due process as a direct
result of your various efforts to prevent the development of my property.
This situation is a real tragedy for now I probably enjoy a much better
position relative to the future use of my property than do most of the
other property owners in the watershed area.
"Yours truly, James N. Fleming, Ideal Realty Company."
Fisher: I received today, at 2:08 P.M., another letter from Mr. Fleming
addressed to me:
"Dear Mr. Fisher:
"I hereby withdraw my amendment to Special Permit #537 which was approved
in May, 1976 for reasons stated in my telegram of today."
Fisher: Those are the letters which we have received today. It is my
understanding of the letter from the Commonwealth Attorney that this Board may
not act on the special permit. It is my further understanding that this Board
may not act in any way on this permit. That it may not approve it, deny it, or
p~rmit it to be withdrawn; that it will stand in its present status until such
time as the contempt litigation is no longer over this Board and ~atters of
material conflict of interests are no longer present. Because of the peculiar
nature of SP-537 which was originally brought to us as a single application for
a single planned unit development and we are now faced with-a request from
another applicant to withdraw a piece of that to provide a new planned unit
development which is less than 100 acres and would therefore be non-conforming,
it is my recommendation to the Board that both of these matters should be
kept together, alive until such time as the Board can act on both of them
without material conflict of interest. I wish at this time to disqualify my-
self from action on SP-98-76 because of a material conflict of interest. The
only action I believe this Board can take is to defer action indefinitely
on both ~applications.
Gilliam: Mr. Chairman?
Lindstrom: Mr. Chairman, is it my understanding that each of us needs to make
a similar statement?
Fisher: I presume
Lindstrom: I will disqualify myself from acting on SP-98-76 because I have
been advised by the Commonwealth Attorney that t have a material conflict of
interest, a material financial interest causing a conflict of interest.
Roudahush: Mr. Chairman, I hereby disqualify myself from acting on any matter
related to this application due to the fact that I have been notified that I
have a statutory conflict of' interest.
Iachetta: Mr.~ Chairman, I herebY disqualify myself from further action on
SP-98-76 on the grounds of the Opinion given us by the Commonwealth"s Attorney
that we have a material conflict of interest, statutory.
Dorrier: Mr. Chairman, I hereby disqualify myself on any further action on
SP-98-76 because of the opinion of James E. Treakle, dated March 8, 1978, ~ay-
ing I have a material conflict of interest.
Henley: I'm gonna do the same thing, but I didn't feel that I had one because
I felt we satisfied the Court's requirements in the first trial and I couldn't
see how we could be found guilty o£ contempt, but if the Commonwealth Attorney
has said that we had one, I don't,we have an option, I think we have to disqualify
Fisher: Mr. St. John, the question of deferring action since this matter was on
our agenda. Is it appropriate for this Board to take, to vote on a motion to defer
action indefinitely until there is no longer a material conflict of interest?
St. John: That is probably the only action available to you.
Lindstrom: I so move, Mr. Chairman.
Iachet~a: Second.
Fisher: Is this motion on SP-98-76 only?
Dottier: There is another SP
Lindstrom: Well, I guess to be correct, I would have to say on SP-98-76 because
of the letter of the Commonwealth Attorney and that I include in that motion, a
motion to also defer SP-77-11 of Mulberry Corporation since it is part and parcel
of the other application and cannot be heard apparently without having both before
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
Iachetta: Second.
Gilliam: Mr. Chairman?
Fisher: Sorry, the public h~aring was closed on Wednesday night.
matter is before th~s Board.
Gilliam: You will not permit us, the attorney for the applicant to speak?
Fisher: Sir, you had your opportunity on March 1st and you were not present.
We<~have your letter requesting withdrawal that has been read into the record.
Gilliam: We take a position that there is nothing before the Board to act
on since the application is withdrawn. It is not before the Board .....
Fisher: A motion has been made and seconded to defer action on both special
permits indefinitely pending resolution of material conflict of interest.
Gilliam: Is it your position, Mr. Chairman, that you have this on 77-11.
Fisher: Mr. Gilliam, will you please? I have told you that the public hear-
ing is closed. Is there discussion by the Board members? If none, call the roll.
Clerk: Mr. Dorrier (Aye), Mr. Fisher (Aye), Mr. Henley (Aye), Dr. Iachetta
(Aye), Mr. Lindstrom (Aye), Mr. Roudabush (Aye).
Fisher: Both items are deferred indefinitely.
St. John: You have a request for that opinion. If anybody has it, it should
be made a part of the record. Mr. Fisher do you have a copy of my letter to Mr.
Treakle, Mr. Dezio? That ought to be made a part of the record.
Fisher: Will the room please come to order? Mr. St. John has suggested
that I should read i~o the record a letter dated March 2nde,. 1978, from him to
Mr. John A. Dezio, Esquire, Commonwealth's Attorney, re: James N. Fleming, et al.,
12/1/76 application: ~
"A zoning application designated SP-76-98 filed by James N.Fleming and
Flamenco Corporation is pending before the Board of Supervisors. This
permit would alter a previously granted and judicially approved permit
designated SP-537.
"There is pending in the U. S. District Court for the Western District
Court of Virginia a motion filed by Mr. Fleming in the nature of an
order to show cause why the Board should not be punished for contempt
and assessed monetary damages, for its failure to proceed with SP-76-98.
A copy of this suit and the Board,s response thereto~is on file in the
District Court Clerk's office.
"On March 1, 1978, SP-76-98 was the subject of a public hearing before
the Board of Supervisors. Members of the public raised the issue of
whether the Board members, by virtue of the pending litigation against
them, may have a statutory conflict of interest. Thereupon the Board
resolved to seek your written opinion as to whether such a conflict
exists. They must have this opinion no later than 9:00 a.m., Wednesday,
March 8.
"Your~early reply will be appreciated."
Fisher: Do you have a copy of that ~let'ter for the Board's file?
this one. Does that complete that?.
St. John: Yes"
Agenda Item No. 12. Request from City to downzone City properties in watersheds.
Fisher read into the record the following resolution from City Council.
WHEREAS, this Council has on this date adopted a resolution requesting the
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County to initiate a rezoning of certain properties
adjacent to the South Rivanna Reservoir; and
WHEREAS, the Council desires to demonstrate its good faith and belief that the
"down-zoning" of portions of the watershed of public reservoirs is a valid, lawful,
necessary and proper action to protect essential water resources; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, that the Board of
Supervisors of Albemarle County be requested to initiate action to rezone all City-
owned properties lying within the watershed areas of the Sugar Hollow and Ragged
MOuntain Reservoirs from their present classifications to the CVN-Conservation
District classification under the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance.
Adopted by the Council
October 27, 1977"
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
Mr. Fisher said the Mayor has stated that this resolution i~ still a standing request.
He has also personally contacted the University of Virginia regarding a piece of land which
they own to see if they will concur in this request. He asked if the staff would bring to
the Board any other pieces of publicly owned property which are in any of the three water-
sheds which may be rezoned to a conservation type zoning. Mr. Tucker asked if it was the
Board's~intent to wait until all publicly owned properties could be united in one application.
Mr. Fisher said the Board has this as a specific request and he had no objections to beginn-
ing this with a Board resolution. Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta to adopt the
following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
does hereby state its intent to rezone all properties owned by the City of
Charlottesville lying within the watershed areas of the Sugar Hollow and Ragged
Mountain Reservoirs from their present classifications to the CVN-Conservation
District classification under the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Albemarle CoUnty Planning Commission is
hereby directed to hold public hearings on this matter and to return a re?
commendation to the Board of Supervisors at the earliest possible date.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Lindstrom and carried ~y!i~the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 13. Set Public Hearing date on an ordinance relating to water
cross-connections and back-flow prevention and providing for a penalty for violation. The
County. Attorney briefly outlined the meaning of the ordinance and then motion was offered
by Mr. Roudabush, seconded by Mr. Henley, to advertise for a public hearing on March 29, 1978.
The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
NAYS:~ None.
Agenda Item No. 14a. -Audit of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court For the
year ended June 30, 1977, was received as information.
Agenda Item No. 14b. Audit for the General District Court for the year ended June 30,
1977, was presented as information.
Agenda Item No. 15. Lottery Permit. Request for a lottery permit was received from the
Arnold Air Society for the conduct of raffles. Motion to issue the permit in accordance with
the Board's adopted rules for issuance of such permits was offered by Dr. !achetta, seconded
by Mr. Dorrier, and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 16. Claims against the Dog Fund. Claim against the Dog Fund was re-
ceived from Mrs. Bertha D. Omohundro at Howardsville, Virginia, for seven hens killed by dogs
on November 24, 1977, and five pullets killed by. dogs on December 15, 1977. On motion by Mr.
Henley, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, Mrs..'OmohUndro was allowed $23.00 for this claim. Motion
carried by the following recorded vot'~'~
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.'
None. · ...........
Claim against th~ Dog Fund ~a~ r.e.c'eived from Mr. James Thacker of Scottsville for three
geese and one ewe killed by dogs on February 14, 1978. On motion by Mr. Dorrier, seconded
by Mr. Henley, Mr. Thacker was allowed $100 for this claim. The motion carried by the follow-
ing recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Claim against the Dog Fund was received from Mr. R. L. Bailey of Free Union for one
ewe and one buck sheep ki.lled by dogs on January 8, 1978. On motion by Mr. Henley, seconded
by Mr. Roudabush, Mr. Bailey was allowed $103 for this claim. The motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Claim against the Dog Fund was received from Mr. J. W. Shanklin from Schuyler for
three turkeys and six hens killed on November 23, 1977. On motion by Mr. Henley, seconded
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
by Dr. Iachetta, Mr. Shanklin was allowed $59 for this claim.
following recorded vote:
The motion carried by the
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindst'rom and Rmudabush.
Agenda Item No. 17.
was not complete.
Report of the Department of Social Services for January 1978
Agenda Item No. 18. Regional Jail Cost for February 1978. Statements of expenses
incurred in the operation and maintenance of the Regional Jail for the month of
February 1978, along with summary statement of prisoner days, and salaries of the
paramedics and the Jail Physicians were presented. On motion by Dr. Iachetta, seconded
by Mr. Roudabush, these statements were approved as presented. The motion carried by
the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 19. Statement of expenses: Director of Finance, Sheriff and
Commonwealth's Attorney for February 1978. On motion by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr.
Roudabush these statements were approved as read. The motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 20. Statement of Expenses: Regional Jail, February 1978. On
motion by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Roudabush, the statement was approved as read.
The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 21. Appointments.
A. Economic Development Commission. Ordered carried over.
B. Industrial Development Authority. Ordered carried over.
C. Mental Health and Retardation Services Board. Ordered carried over.
D. Jordan Development Corporation. Motion was offered by Mr. Henley, seconded
by Dr. Iachetta to appoint Mrs. Ann J. Frank as a member of the Board of Directors of
the Jordan Development Corporation. Motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
E. Watershed Management Plan. Carry over.
F. Jefferson Area Board on Aging. Motion was offered by Mr. Dorrier, seconded
by Dr. Iachetta to reappoint Mr. John O. Higginson to a new germ as a member of the
Jefferson Area Board on Aging, said term to expire on March 29, 1980. The motion
carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
G. Albemarle County Service AuthOrity. Carry over.
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
H. Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority. Carry over.
Agenda Item No. 22. Other matters which are not listed on the agenda. Mr. Agnor
noted that a bill was passed by the General Assembly two years ago allowing for
regional training centers for fire fighters. The Jefferson County Fireman's Association
has talked to directors of the Vocational Technical School to see if they can locate
a fire training center on that property. They have now been advised that there may be
an allocation in the Governor's budget for localities who set up such training centers.
If the locality intends to apply for funds in the next biennium they should write
to the Department of EdUcation fire service training in Richmond. Mr. Agnor said he
had a letter which has been signed by the Mayor and the City Manager indicating that
the County and the City would be interested in cooperating in applying for funds if
said funds become available. He asked for authorization from the Board for the
Chairman and the County Executive to sign said letter for the County. Motion in th~s
effect was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Henley, and carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Dorrier] Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
NAYS: None.
the agenda?
Mr. Gilliam, do you have a matter that is not on
George Gilliam: i guess. I would like to clarify Mr. Chairman,
of what has transpired on item No. 11 on here. This is advertised
on the agenda as a continuation of the public hearing.
Fisher: That is an e~ror. The public hearing was closed
on March 1st and deferred to today for action by the Board.
Gilliam: I can understand what occurred with reference
to SP-98-76. I do want to clarify that United Virginia Bank has
no action pending, contemplated, at present, or anything else,
against the County Board. We have withdrawn SP-77-11. It is
not my understanding that is an action that, that that is not
an action on our part that requires any action on the part of
the Board. There is either an application before you to act
upon or there isn't. Our position is that ~here isn't. It has
been withdrawn. It was withdrawn a month ago, and you stated
that something was going to be continued indefinitely and I would just
like to know what.it is that is being continued indefinitely.
Fisher: This Board has not taken action to authorize
the withdrawal of that permit.
Gilliam: Is it the Board's position that they have to p~rmit
the withdrawal or is that something that is solely under the
applicant's control.
Fisher: It is something that the Board does
Gilliam: in it's discretion?
Fisher: Yes.
Gilliam: Are there any statutes or ordinances describing how
the Board is to exercise it's discretion ....
Fisher: I can't answer that question at this point, but you
are welcome to look'
Gilliam: I have looked ..... ?
Fisher: Yes.
Gilliam: But, you are not aware of any guidelines or any authority
that describes to you how to exercise that discretion?
March 8, 1978 (Regular-Day Meeting)
St. John: I don't think the Board has to, I think Mr. Gilliam ought to be
allowed to put anything in this record that he wants to because the agenda did
say it was a continuation of a public hearing. I think as far as this matter
is concerned and because of the Commonwealth's Attorney letter, you all are a
non-Board as far as that is concerned. There 'is a
Lindstrom: Well, it seems, doesn't it seem to you though that we are pre-
cluded from acting
St. John: Yes.
Lindstrom: On that permit and an~thin~ related to it as directly as the
property the Bank has would certainly effec~ the status of that permit when it
comes back here.
St. John: Well.
Lindstrom: The intertwining of the two
St. John: I think the two are inextricably intertwined and connected and I
don't see how you can ...one with the other.
Lindstrom: What we do with the one effects the other, so to the extent that
we act on Mulberry's permit, we may have in effect acted on the other one which we
have been precluded from doing. That's the problem.
St. John: He can take the position there is nothing before you to act on and
that has been put in the record and I recommend that you do nothing.
I don't think we can deny him from
That's all you're asking for ....
I'm not a party to denying him from withdrawing. I just don't see
where you can deny him. I don't think you can take any action either on it. If he
doesn't need us to do anything to withdraw it, he is in good shape, but I don't think
we should deny him from withdrawing.
We have not.
You have not denied the withdrawal?
We have deferred action.
We're just not taking any action.
We have neither affirmed it or denied it.~
Agenda Item No. 23. Executive Session: Property Sale or Acquisition. Motion was offer-
ed at 3:29 P.M. by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, to adjourn into executive session
to discuss property acquisition. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: ~
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 24. The Board reconvened at 4:15 P.M., and motion was offered by Dr.
Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, to adjourn this meeting to March 9, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. in
the Board Room of the County Office Building. The motion carried by the following recorded
Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush.
~ Ca~g~m~n