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ZMA200500015 Traffic Study 2008-11-01
SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS FOR HOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER DEVELOPMENT AREA Al LOCATED IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA imp Prepared For HM Acquisitions Group, LLC 126 Garrett Street, Suite G Charlottesville, VA 22902 ino Prepared By Ramey Kemp& Associates of Richmond, Inc. .040 4343 Cox Road Glen Allen, VA 23060 4 , 'y leo WILLIAM W. FETTER November 2008 Lic. No.044316 % tir RKA Project#08182 '4 erg `c, 1070 SIOFAl- TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ii LIST OF FIGURES ii TECHNICAL APPENDIX ii 1. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 1 1.1. Executive Summary 1 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2 2.1. Existing Land Uses and Zoning 2 2.2. Existing Network Roadways 2 2.3. Future Network Roadways and Improvements 6 3. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 6 3.1. Existing Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 6 4. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 7 4.1. Approved Development Traffic 8 4.2. Background Traffic Conditions 10 sur 5. TRIP GENERATION 11 a.r 5.1. Pass-By Reduction 11 5.2. Primary Site Trips 11 ' 5.3. Site Trip Distribution and Assignment 12 6. COMBINED (2013) TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 17 7. SIGNAL WARRANT ANAYLSIS 18 7.1. Signal Warrant Analysis Procedure 18 7.2. Signal Warrant Analysis Results 19 two 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 21 \ i / tor LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Existing(2008)Weekday Hourly Traffic Volumes 7 Table 2 Total Adjacent Development Weekday Hourly Traffic Volumes 9 wow Table 3 Background(2013) Weekday Hourly Traffic Volumes 10 Table 4 Trip Generation 12 tap Table 5 Hourly Primary Site Traffic Volumes 13 Table 6 Hourly Pass-By Site Traffic Volumes 15 06, Table 7 Total Hourly Site Traffic Volumes 17 Table 8 Combined(2013) Hourly Traffic Volumes 18 0410 Table 9 Signal Warrants Analysis Summary 19 vow 400 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map 3 I Figure 2 - Site Layout 4 Figure 3 Existing Lane Configuration 5 Figure 4 Primary Trip Distribution Percentages 14 Figure 5 Pass-By Trip Distribution Percentages 16 t tow TECHNICAL APPENDIX siot Appendix A Existing 2008 Tube Count Data Along Town Center Drive Appendix B Approved Development Traffic Information Appendix C Hourly Distributions by Land Use Appendix D HCS + Warrant Analysis Vat ii SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS REPORT HOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER DEVELOPMENT—AREA Al ALBEMARLE COUNTY,VIRGINIA 1. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 1.1. Executive Summary This report summarizes the findings of the Signal Warrant Analysis that was performed for the proposed Hollymead Town Center Development — Area Al, located west of US 29 on the southwest corner of Meeting Street and Town Center Drive in Albemarle County, Virginia. It is our understanding that a traffic signal was previously recommended to be installed at the existing unsignalized intersection of Town Center Drive and Conner Drive. aim The purpose of this study is to determine if the traffic generated by the development will warrant the installation of a traffic signal at this intersection within 5 years. It was determined that the combined (2013) traffic conditions would need to be studied in order to accomplish the objective. It is our understanding that the Hollymead Town Center Development will consist of areas • IWO Al, A2, B, C, and D and the buildout of the areas will take place over several phases. This signal warrant analysis is primarily focused on area Al which is anticipated to be complete 'Y"'' (built-out) by 2013 and is expected to be comprised of 257,977 square feet (s.f.) of retail space. When complete area Al is expected to generate at approximately 9,430 total primary trips (4,715 entering and 4,715 exiting) during an average weekday 24-hour period. Access to area Al is provided via one full-movement driveway onto Town Center Drive, one full movement driveway along Meeting Street, and one right-in/right-out only drive onto US 29. The signal warrant analysis was conducted as outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to determine if specific warrants were met to justify the QIN installation of a traffic signal at the study intersection. This study was conducted by analyzing the combined (2013) traffic conditions. Existing traffic volumes were recorded by conducting a tube count along Town Center Drive for at least 24-hours of an average weekday. Traffic from area A2 and the Willow Glen Development were included as approved development traffic. Combined 2013 traffic was developed by totaling existing traffic, approved development traffic, and traffic from area Al. amis1 air According to the analysis results, MUTCD warrants 1, 2, and 3 were all satisfied. Based on these findings it is estimated that a traffic signal will be warranted at the intersection of Town Center Drive and Conner Drive by 2013. It is recommended that a traffic signal be installed at this intersection by this date or when warranted by actual field conditions. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Area Al of the Hollymead Town Center Development is located west of US 29 on the southwest corner of Meeting Street and Town Center Drive in Albemarle County, Virginia. wio Access to area Al is proposed via one full-movement driveway onto Town Center Drive, one full movement driveway along Meeting Street, and one right-in/right-out only drive onto US 29. Refer to Figure 1 for an illustration of the site location. Refer to Figure 2 for a conceptual sketch of the site layout. 2.1. Existing Land Uses and Zoning The existing land uses near the proposed site primarily consist of commercial development and the site itself exists as undeveloped land. A rezoning is desired as part of the development from its current designation as RA to PD-MC. Ais 2.2. Existing Network Roadways wove Existing lane configurations (number of traffic lanes on the intersection approaches), lane widths, and other intersection and roadway information within the study area was collected through field reconnaissance by Ramey Kemp and Associates of Richmond (RKAR). ttio The study area considered in this analysis consists of the intersection of Town Center Drive and Conner Drive. Town Center Drive is a median divided four lane road segment that runs east/west between areas Al and B. Conner Drive is a two lane road segment that runs north/south through areas Al and B. Refer to Figure 3 for existing lane configurations and w traffic control at the study intersection. • 2 WIIIIIIINIsii _ / i + ta 16 "fir' , C' '' fid 0.4 erO �� , . - . s‘,.., 7 //\ e G 4. Oji Js ow / ., a ' gm / — t _ an I INSET _ :— LEGEND cS 3 IMP 0 Study Intersection oJ. / r , * Site Location t U' I INSET F!' my. "� 4,. 1 RAMEY KEMP v ""'11 �j ASSOCIATES caSic V i ct,ORD HOLLYMEAD DEVELOPMENT-AREA Al SIN US! ""g' ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ax, Site Location Map UM LOCATION MAP Scale:Not to Scale Figure 1 171 1 , .1\ f1lBI " . • .t1 I ,. , i , i _ y r i1.12 . .I ..:: '.I I — I "� _. IIIII i , `�s, AM I I sz • •�_ — ._ _,,,;J 1.I 11111 Ii 1 3 (,',r , #y I' ! Y �+ t li r , . ( r Irmi- + + + , - •,, 4, i ‘ 6' • _• � t 4, yIp _ J -I I I' I 12 rill21.1 I I } f .I r 'I" I' I a —. 1 1 °S L f , a , (II x . ';':.. „ ,.___ : - •. it - -jam_ r 3, ,.jam.. -' 'F ', S' ............).A..,.--,-.- -P-1"-^ -..- . .., ,111•100. ..._,,,-,-.+,. , , ' ,IIIA I '1;. 1 I III , � � ...�. ( ~}�ti 'tea t•t — ;: 0 a. r 1' � -t, �fTotd, ,r rw,r -.....,z---, • E(; i r ya } ).i . a _ A } f 0 ' E �,, r a1 tY I ;a 3 l r 1 11 • `•' L1 r y nos 1,..f.' \' -„�i� :. tl� ifl'! `ry.a,•.yc`' r I9 r* },r.,� Ilk , 1, „ ..., -_ ._: +KSw} .- _ ...„...jx a ,n- . • 4- '.,.. t,„, .. 4„, _„,,,...,„„„..._. u, „..._ _r_ . . ,, , 1 .h}` r b , ' i}ltlii „r MP ,:,:„,,,i,i),„,,,,I,..,.,-.,,,,-A-:., ,\:;.\., ':.,!‘ I 4 � ION �'� x � �� RAMEY KEMP �' - ,.i 4 ASSOCIATES LEGEND 1 HOLLYMEAD DEVELOPMENT AREA-AI r. .41 ` ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 111 Site Location ” Area Al Site Layout am Scale:Not to Scale I Figure 2 Ira wow wag war iaw Meeting Street I 1 ' 1 1 , 1 1 1 I � I 1 iii 1 I 1 1 ' I 1 SITE Al Conner Drive I AREA B O t ' I was flaw 1 � i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 I I , I L L � US 29 LEGEND v Unsignalized Intersection —► Existing Lane Configuration E~ 01 RAMEY KEMP MIS ASSOCIATES HOLLYMEAD DEI"ELOPEIENT--AREA Al vela ALBEMARLE COUVT1 VIRGIN.IA Existing Lane Configuration Scale: Not to Scale Figure 3 ur 2.3. Future Network Roadways and Improvements It is our understanding that the different areas of the Hollymead Town Center Development will be constructed according to different schedules. Because of this, certain sections of the overall developments' transportation network will also be constructed at different times. Due to the 5 year horizon this study only focused on the areas A2, Al, and B and the traffic and roadway improvements by each at the study intersection. However, because no improvements to the study intersection are anticipated besides the installation of a traffic signal, none were included in this analysis. 3. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 3.1. Existing Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Area B of the Hollymead Town Center Development is complete at the time of this study. Atio Existing 24-hour traffic counts for area B along Town Center Drive were conducted during an average weekday by RKAR using a tube count located east of the intersection of Town Center Drive and Conner Drive. This location captured all volumes traveling through the intersection to development B since there is currently no other outlet at this intersection. aw Refer to Appendix A for a copy of the tube count data along Town Center Drive. Refer to Table 1 for the existing weekday traffic volumes. V 6 TABLE 1 EXISTING (2008) WEEKDAY HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound wvio Start Time Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left 7:00 88 77 AM 8:00 119 72 AM 9:00 124 55 AM 10:00 155 76 AM 11:00 234 101 AM 12:00 269 111 PM 1:00 257 81 ette PM 2:00 235 91 PM 3:00 241 104 PM 4:00 252 99 Imo PM 5:00 270 111 PM 6:00 287 116 PM 7:00 243 60 4,401 PM 4. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC CONDITIONS In order to account for the growth of traffic and subsequent traffic conditions at a future year, background traffic projections are needed. Background traffic is the component of traffic due to the growth of the community and surrounding area that is anticipated to occur regardless of whether the proposed development is constructed. Background traffic is comprised of projected traffic growth within the study area and additional traffic created as ago a result of nearby future developments. 7 01111 For the purposes of this analysis, existing traffic volumes are assumed to consist of traffic along Town Center Drive traveling to and from area B of the Hollymead Town Center Development. Because area B is complete at the time of this study, the existing traffic volumes are not expected to experience growth in future years. No existing traffic growth was assumed in this study. 491111 4.1. Approved Development Traffic Traffic from two approved developments was included in this study that could have an impact on the study intersection; the Willow Glen Development and area A2 of the Hollymead Town Center Development. The Willow Glen Development is located west of the Hollymead Town Center 410 Development and is proposed to consist of 34 single family homes (detached) and 200 condo/townhomes. The site is expected to be fully built by 2013 and is expected to generate approximately 1,542 total primary trips (771 entering and 771 exiting) during and average weekday 24-hour period. A traffic study for this development was conducted by RKAR in April 2007. • Area A2 is proposed to consist of 368,000 s.£ of retail space and 1,220 residential units (condo/townhomes). The expected buildout date for this part of the Hollymead Town Center Development is within 7 years. For analysis purpose, it is assumed that 75% of the total site will be constructed by 2013 and 75% of the total traffic was applied to the analysis. At full buildout, area A2 is expected to generate at approximately 11,936 total primary trips (5,968 entering and 5,968 exiting) during an average weekday 24-hour period. A traffic study was originally conducted for the total Hollymead Town Center Development by RKAR in October 2002. Traffic from areas C and D were not included in this analysis because completion of these areas is not expected before 2013. Refer to Table 2 for total adjacent development weekday traffic volumes included in the analysis. Refer to Appendix B for detailed approved development projected distributions and traffic volumes at the study intersection. 8 TABLE 2 TOTAL ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT WEEKDAY HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES l Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive toot Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left 7:00 28 14 14 196 190 28 AM 5:00 31 17 20 204 189 28 aus AM 9:00 35 21 27 219 177 28 AM 10:00 38 27 29 234 216 35 AM 11:00 40 28 32 243 223 36 AM 12:00 46 33 33 297 290 46 PM 1:00 43 32 32 267 263 42 PM 2:00 40 30 29 255 273 42 tug PM 3:00 40 28 29 255 250 39 PM 4:00 39 30 28 249 259 41 PM 5:00 43 29 27 281 311 47 WIN PM 6:00 :0 40 25 24 269 272 40 PM 7:00 PM 31 21 19 206 226 34 Wit ISO NOIN SAN 9 4.2. Background Traffic Conditions Background (2013) traffic conditions were determined by combining the existing (2008) traffic volumes (Table 1) and the total adjacent development traffic volumes (Table 2). Refer to Table 3 for background (2013) weekday hourly traffic volumes. TABLE 3 BACKGROUND (2013) WEEKDAY HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left o" 7:00 AM 28 102 91 196 190 28 00 8:00 31 136 92 204 189 28 AM 9:00 35 145 82 219 177 28 AM 10:00 AM 38 182 105 234 216 35 •mkt AM 40 262 133 243 223 36 12:00 46 302 144 297 290 46 s PM 1:00 43 289 113 267 263 42 PM sav 2:00 40 265 120 255 273 42 PM 3:00 40 269 133 255 250 39 PM 4:00 39 282 127 249 259 41 PM Gio5:00 43 299 138 281 311 47 PM 6:00 40 312 140 269 272 40 PM law 7:00 31 264 79 206 226 34 PM owx mom 10 (r 5. TRIP GENERATION QINJ The average weekday daily site trips for this study were calculated utilizing the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (7th Edition). When complete the development is expected to include approximately 257,977 sq ft of retail space. At full buildout area Al is anticipated to generate approximately 12,574 total trips (6,287 entering and 6,287 exiting) during an average weekday 24-hour period. 5.1. Pass-By Reduction MON The ITE Trip Generation Handbook defines pass-by trips as intermediate stops on the way from an origin to a primary trip destination. Pass-by trips are attracted from the traffic passing the site on an adjacent street, when the adjacent street provides direct access to the generator. These trips will not add to the overall traffic volumes on the roadway, but will add to the turning traffic at the site's driveway connections. Previous studies of the Hollymead Town Center Development conducted by RKAR assumed a 25% reduction of the retail traffic as pass-by traffic. For the purposes of this study only 25% of the retail traffic was considered pass-by trips. Pass-by traffic reductions were only applied to trips NIINN along US 29. Refer to Table 4 for a detailed breakdown of pass-by trips. 5.2. Primary Site Trips As previously indicated, not all total trips will be considered new trips to the roadway wao network. The new trips to the roadway network are referred to as primary trips. According to the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, primary trips are made for the specific purpose of visiting the generator. With adjustments made to account for pass-by trips, the development is expected to generate approximately 9,430 total primary trips (4,715 entering and 4,715 exiting) during an average weekday 24-hour period. Refer to Table 4 for a detailed breakdown of the primary trips for the proposed development. VANN QIN 11 /l I Miff TABLE 4 TRIP GENERATION Average Average Daily Land Use Daily tar (vph) (ITE Land Use Code) Size Traffic (vpd) Enter Exit utio Shopping Center(820) 257,977 sf 12,574 6,287 6,287 woo Pass-By Capture 25% -3,144 -1,572 -1,572 Total Primary New Trips 9,430 4,715 4,715 5.3. Site Trip Distribution and Assignment aim Site trip distribution for both areas Al and A2 was based on the 2002 traffic study for the Hollymead Town Center Development. Commercial trips from area Al were assigned based on the following distributions: • 37% to/from the south on Route 29 Odi • 27% to/from the north on Route 29 • • 21%to/from the west on Town Center Drive • 7%to/from area B • 8% to/from area A2 .00 Refer to Figure 4 for an illustration of primary trip distribution percentages used in the analysis. IOW Daily site trips presented in Table 5 were distributed hourly throughout the average weekday according to data collected by RKAR for retail land uses. For each land use the average entering and exiting percentages by hour were calculated and averaged. The average hourly entering and exiting percentages by land use were then applied to the daily site trips (Table 4) according the primary site trip distribution percentages to determine the USX hourly primary site trips at the study intersection shown in Table 5. Refer to Appendix C for detailed information concerning the hourly entering and exiting distribution percentages by land use. MIN 12 TABLE 5 HOURLY PRIMARY SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound v`" Start Time Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left 7:00 17 148 148 17 45 45 AM 8:00 23 206 179 20 55 63 AM 9:00 31 273 218 25 67 84 AM 10:00 34 300 277 31 85 92 s AM 11:00 37 324 288 33 88 99 AM 12:00 39 347 343 39 105 106 PM 1:00 37 324 335 38 103 99 ktor PM 2:00 33 296 312 35 96 91 PM ow 3:00 34 300 293 33 90 92 PM 4:00 33 288 308 35 94 88 tivo PM 5:00 31 277 296 33 91 85 PM emy 6:00 28 249 257 29 79 76 PM 7:00 22 199 218 25 67 61 40, PM yaw .110 t 13 Mig 21% u 3% 7Ntaro � 7% 5% Meeting Street o0 M 1� 1 1 � O 1 O 7% SITE f � ° Conner Drive '1r' (]9%) t ' (62%) L eiY1 -lij 4— 2% 27% 37% 0 US 29 l) LEGEND Unsignalized Intersection o Signalized Intersection 1 RAMEY KEMP Wig X% ► Percent of Entering Traffic 4 ASSOCIATES (Y%) Percent of Exiting Traffic HOLLYMEAD DEVELOPMENT--AREA Al Now ALBEAIARLE COUNT}; VIRGINIA Primary Trip Distribution Percentages Scale:Not to Scale Figure 4 I Hourly pass-by site trips were developed according to the daily pass-by trips shown in Table 4 and the pass-by distribution percentages are shown in Figure 5. Pass-by site trips presented in Table 4 were assigned to the intersection according to the pass-by distribution percentages shown in Figure 5. Refer to Table 6 for the hourly pass-by site trip assignment at the study intersection. TABLE 6 HOURLY PASS-BY SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left 7:00 AM 60 60 woo 8:00 AM 83 72 9:00 110 88 10:00 AM 121 112 tiogr 11:00 AM 130 116 12:00 PM 140 138 1:00 PM 130 135 2:00 PM 119 126 3:00 fewPM 121 118 4:00 PM 116 124 5:00 PM 112 119 Aor 6:00 PM 101 104 7:00 80 88 guis PM ftw 15 .01101169111111101111 SOIt N Meeting Street SITE ; • ° Conner Drive (100%)—i L US 29 a) law ^LrLr S-n a) LEGEND aj 4 0 Unsignalized Intersection olo Signalized Intersection H RAMEY KEMP X%—► Percent of Entering Traffic ASSOCIATES (Y%) Percent of Exiting Traffic HOL•LYMEAD DEr'ELOPMENTAREA Al r ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Pass-By Trip Distribution Percentages Scale: Not to Scale Figure 5 Hourly primary site trips (Table 5) and hourly pass-by site trips (Table 6) were combined to form total hourly site traffic for area A 1 and are shown in Table 7 for the study intersection. TABLE 7 TOTAL HOURLY SITE TRAFFIC VOLUMES Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive Ai* Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left opt 7:00 17 208 208 17 45 45 AM 8:00 23 289 251 20 55 63 AM 9:00 31 383 306 25 67 84 AM 10:00 34 451 389 31 85 92 AM 11:00 37 454 404 33 88 99 asto AM 12:00 39 487 481 39 105 106 PM 1:00 37 454 470 38 103 99 PM 2:00 33 415 438 35 96 91 PM 3:00 34 421 411 33 90 92 PM two 4:00 33 404 432 35 94 88 PM 5:00 31 389 415 33 91 85 PM 6:00 28 350 361 29 79 76 PM 7:00 22 279 306 25 67 61 PM 6. COMBINED (2013) TRAFFIC CONDITIONS In order to determine peak hour traffic volumes for combined (2013) traffic conditions, total site traffic volumes (Table 7) were combined with background (2013) traffic volumes (Table 3). Refer to Table 8 for the combined (2013) hourly traffic volumes at the study intersection. 17 w TABLE 8 COMBINED (2013) HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound w` Start Time Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive w Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left 7:00 28 17 102 91 196 208 208 17 45 45 190 28 AM 8:00 31 23 136 92 204 289 251 20 55 63 189 28 AM _ 9:00 35 31 145 82 219 383 206 25 67 84 177 28 AM 10:00 38 34 182 105 234 421 389 31 85 92 216 35 AM 11:00 40 37 262 133 243 454 404 33 88 99 223 36 AM w� 12:00 46 39 302 144 297 487 481 39 105 106 290 46 PM 1:00 43 37 289 113 267 454 470 38 103 99 263 42 ww PM 2'00 40 33 265 120 255 415 438 35 96 91 273 42 PM tilw 3:00 40 34 269 133 255 421 411 33 90 92 250 39 PM 4:00 39 33 282 127 249 404 432 35 94 88 259 41 PM 5:00 43 31 299 138 281 389 415 33 91 85 311 47 PM wo 6:00 40 28 312 140 269 350 361 29 79 76 272 40 PM 7:00 31 22 264 79 206 279 306 25 67 61 226 34 PM 400 7. SIGNAL WARRANT ANAYLSIS 7.1. Signal Warrant Analysis Procedure The study intersection was analyzed using the methodology outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2003 edition published by the US Department a of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. The MUTCD includes a section outlining the need for a traffic signal based on a series of warrants. 18 A computer software package, HCS+, was used to complete the analyses for the study intersection. HCS+ was developed by McTrans and allows the user to input data about the intersection and calculates whether signal warrants are met based on methodologies in the MUTCD. The signal warrants outlined in the MUTCD consider both intersection operation and safety when considering the need for a traffic signal. The warrants considered in this analysis consisted of the following: • Warrant 1 —Eight Hour Vehicular Volume • Warrant 2 —Four Hour Vehicular Volume • Warrant 3 —Peak Hour Warrants 1, 2, and 3 primarily relate to the major and minor street traffic movements at an intersection and are met if certain thresholds, as defined by the MUTCD, are achieved for a certain number of hours throughout an average weekday. Warrants 1 A and 1B require thresholds to be met for at least 8 hours, warrant 2 requires thresholds to be met for at least 4 hours, and warrant 3 requires thresholds to be met for at least 1 hour. Note that even though the MUTCD includes reductions in thresholds for warrants 1, 2, and 3 due to speed on the major street and isolated communities, these reductions were not considered in order to be conservative. Additionally, to be conservative, right turning traffic was not included in the analysis of the minor street approach, only left turning and through volumes were included. IOW 7.2. Signal Warrant Analysis Results The signal warrant analysis for warrants 1, 2, and 3 were conducted using the combined (2013) hourly traffic volumes in Table 8. According to the analysis results warrants lA was met for 11 hours, 1B was met for 10 hours, 2 was met for 10 hours, and 3B was met for 8 hours of an average weekday. A summary of the warrants and whether they were met for each hour is summarized in Table 9. Refer to Appendix D for detailed printouts of the warrants. w 19 AMIIIIMEMMINME 00* TABLE 9 SIGNAL WARRANTS ANALYSIS SUMMARY VOLUMES WARRANTS Start Time MAJOR MINOR STREET STREET 1A 1B 2 3B (vph) (vph) wir 7:00 758 119 No No No No AM 8:00 865 159 Yes No No No AM 9:00 973 176 Yes Yes Yes No PM 00 10:00 1,103 216 Yes Yes Yes No AM to 11:00 1,188 299 Yes Yes Yes Yes AM 12:00 1,370 341 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.10 PM 1:00 1,238 326 Yes Yes Yes Yes PM kom 2:00 1,196 298 Yes Yes Yes Yes PM tio 3:00 1,190 303 Yes Yes Yes Yes PM 4:00 1,168 315 Yes Yes Yes Yes PM 5:00 1,251 330 Yes Yes Yes Yes PM eat 6:00 1,147 340 Yes Yes Yes Yes PM Total Hours 11 10 10 8 Met Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied assi According to the analysis results warrants 1, 2, and 3 were all satisfied. Based on these finding it is estimated that a traffic signal will be warranted within 5 years (2013). akif 20 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This report summarizes the findings of the Signal Warrant Analysis that was performed for the proposed Hollymead Town Center Development — Area Al, located west of US 29 on the southwest corner of Meeting Street and Town Center Drive in Albemarle County, Virginia. It is our understanding that a traffic signal was previously recommended to be installed at the existing unsignalized intersection of Town Center Drive and Conner Drive. The purpose of this study is to determine if the traffic generated by the development will warrant the installation of a traffic signal at this intersection within 5 years. It was determined that the combined (2013) traffic conditions would need to be studied in order to accomplish the objective. According to the analysis results, MUTCD warrants 1, 2, and 3 were all satisfied. Based on these findings it is estimated that a traffic signal will be warranted at the intersection of Town Center Drive and Conner Drive by 2013. It is recommended that a traffic signal be installed at this intersection by this date or when warranted by actual field conditions. 000 • 21 it TECHNICAL APPENDIX ‘,...tr,„ ale 411111 b INN APPENDIX A EXISTING (2008) TUBE COUNT DATA ALONG TOWN CENTER DRIVE wit At" Project Name: Hollymead Signal Warrant RKAR Project*: 8182 Count Location: Town Center Drive Count Date: Monday, September 15, 2008 Town Center Drive wo Northbound Southbound Total 2-way Volume Volume Volume 12:00 AM 1 9 10 1:00 AM 5 3 8 2:00 AM 1 4 5 3:00 AM 2 1 3 46, 4:00 AM 5 6 11 5:00 AM 10 15 25 6:00 AM 27 41 68 40 7:00 AM 77 88 165 8:00 AM 72 119 191 9:00 AM 55 124 179 10:00 AM 76 155 231 11:00 AM 101 234 335 12:00 PM 111 269 380 1:00 PM 81 257 338 ma 2:00 PM 91 _ 235 326 3:00 PM 104 241 345 4:00 PM 99 252 351 5:00 PM 111 270 381 6:00 PM 116 287 403 7:00 PM 60 243 303 ow 8:00 PM 43 153 196 9:00 PM 25 144 169 10:00 PM 12 65 77 w 11:00 PM 5 24 29 Daily Total 4,529 r�r b... APPENDIX B APPROVED DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC INFORMATION iiiir f Mit titi Meeting Street twat -F— SITE Al -a- ±( . o � Conner Drive US 29 a) wat LEGEND g• Proposed Signalized Intersection o KEMP X% Percent of Entering TrafficloRAMEY ASSOCIATES (Y%) Percent of Exiting Traffic HOLLYMEAD DE1ELOPMENEARE1 Al miff ALBEMARLE COU:N'77; 17RGINIA Willow Glen Residential Adjacent Development Distribution Scale:Not to Scale Figure B1 w TABLE B1 WILLOW GLEN ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive Time Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left 7:00 40 38 AM 8:00 29 30 AM 9:00 19 16 AM 10:00 18 17 AM 11:00 16 17 AM 12:00 31 30 PM web 1:00 PM 25 21 2:00 27 30 PM 3:00 26 26 PM arw 4:00 27 26 PM 5:00 42 49 PM 6:00 44 43 PM use 7:00 32 35 PM WM Meeting Street 1 ' , 1 (7%) (4P) SITE Al 0 Lç • t Conner Drive 1 1 M Mit 1 , 1 Gdlfr L ' a) US 29 I~ V LEGEND oProposed Signalized Intersection o X% Percent of Entering Traffic E R A M E Y K E IVI P ASSOCIATES (Y%) Percent of Exiting Traffic ROLL}'MEAD DEI ELOP.VENT-AREA Al Jaa ALBEMARLE COCA l'1; G'IRGINIA Area A2 Adjacent Development Commercial Distribution oft Scale:Not to Scale Figure B2 hiss 0.0 TABLE B2 AREA A2 ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL SITE TRIP HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES ago Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive Time mis Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left www AM 16 9 9 70 70 16 8:00 22 11 13 98 85 19 AM Nos 9:00 29 13 17 129 103 23 AM ow 10:00 32 17 18 142 131 30 AM 11:00 35 18 20 153 136 31 AM 12:00 37 21 21 164 162 37 PM 1:00 w 35 20 20 153 158 36 PM 2:00 PM 32 19 18 140 147 33 3:00 32 18 18 142 138 31 PM - 4:00 ow PM 31 19 18 136 145 33 5:00 30 18 17 131 140 32 ow PM 6:00 27 16 15 118 122 27 PM woo 7:00 21 13 12 94 103 23 PM ugim 44 l�T � Nr • Meeting Street (7%) SITE Al z 0 Conner Drive 1 0 giNIS 1 � M 1 ' L ' US 29 a) > 00, a ) LEGEND j ask Proposed Signalized Intersection o 1/ RAMEY KEMP X% Percent of Entering Traffic0.10 1 / ASSOCIATES (Y%) Percent of Exiting Traffic HOLLYMEAD DEVELOPMENT-AREA A I wow ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Area A2 Adjacent Development Residential Distribution a Scale:Not to Scale Figure[33 rr TABLE B3 ow AREA A2 ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL SITE TRIP HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES linq Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive Time vao Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left wig 7:00 12 63 59 12 AM 8:00 9 46 47 9 um AM 9:00 6 29 25 5 AM U. 10:00 6 28 26 5 AM 11:00 5 25 26 5 AM kop 12:00 9 49 46 9 PM wig1:00 8 40 33 6 PM 2:00 8 43 48 9 PM 3:00 8 41 41 8 PM wig4:00 8 42 41 8 PM 5:00 13 66 77 15 PM 6:00 13 69 68 13 PM 7:00 10 PM 50 55 11 UAW WAN • N tiati Meeting Street WNW SITE Al A o � Conner Drive rr. o 0 o � 1 M 1 , L � US 29 4110 LEGEND z o Proposed Signalized Intersection o 11•11AMEYX% Percent of Entering Traffic KEMP .10 ASSOCIATES (Y%) Percent of Exiting Traffic • HOLLY MEAD DEVELOPMENT-AREA Al ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Area A2 Adjacent Development Pass-By Distribution Scale Not to Scale Figure B4 TABLE B4 AREA A2 ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT PASS-BY HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Conner Drive Town Center Drive Conner Drive Town Center Drive aste Time Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left Right Thru Left 7:00 5 5 23 23 AM 8:00 6 7 31 27 AM 9:00 8 10 42 33 AM 10:00 10 11 46 42 AM 11:00 10 12 49 44 AM 12:00 12 12 53 52 PM " " 1:00 12 12 . 49 51 PM 2:00 11 11 45 48 ittio PM 3:00 10 11 46 - 45 PM 4:00 11 10 44 47 PM 5:00 11 10 42 45 PM 6:00 9 9 38 39 PM mw 7:00 8 7 30 33 PM mu u mu u u ikto Iwo #li Obi APPENDIX C HOURLY DISTRIBUTIONS BY LAND USE Site Description: Average Retail Entering and Exiting Percentages 400 Hourly Percentages Time In Out sow 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM 0.7% 0.6% 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM 0.6% 0.6% 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM 0.3% 0.5% 3:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0.3% 0.4% 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM 0.6% 0.4% 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM 1.1% 0.7% 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM 1.8% 1.5% 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM 3.8% 3.8% 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM 5.3% 4.6% 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 7.0% 5.6% 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 7.7% 7.1% 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM 8.3% 7.4% 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM 8.9% 8.8% wow 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM 8.3% 8.6% 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM 7.6% 8.0% 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM 7.7% 7.5% 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM 7.4% 7.9% 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM 7.1% 7.6% • 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM 6.4% 6.6% 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM 5.1% 5.6% ows 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM 3.1% 3.9% 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM 1.4% 2.3% 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM 0.8% 1.5% 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM 0.6% 0.6% 4ito tow Land Use Code: 820 Site Description: Shopping Center/General Retail Site Details: Home Improvement Center, Gas Station, 2 Restaurants vmo Location: Rocky Mount, NC Count Date: Nov-06 Hourly Volumes Hourly Percentages Time In Out In Out uu 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM 38 36 0.7% 0.6% 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM 40 37 0.7% 0.6% 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM 19 39 0.4% 0.7% uto 3:00 AM to 4:00 AM 26 38 0.5% 0.6% 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM 56 46 1.0% 0.8% 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM 62 60 1.1% 1.0% tug 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM 140 119 2.6% 2.0% 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM 338 294 6.2% 4.9% 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM 389 382 7.2% 6.4% u 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 375 380 6.9% 6.4% 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 428 465 7.9% 7.8% 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM 377 444 7.0% 7.4% 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM 416 480 7.7% 8.0% uu 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM 402 427 7.4% 7.1% 2:,00 PM to 3:00 PM 387 449 7.2% 7.5% 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM 368 439 6.8% 7.3% uu 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM 336 397 6.2% 6.6% 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM 383 439 7.1% 7.3% 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM 282 316 5.2% 5.3% um 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM 239 271 4.4% 4.5% 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM 149 205 2.8% 3.4% 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM 66 103 1.2% 1.7% 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM 54 71 1.0% 1.2% 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM 41 46 0.8% 0.8% Total: 5411 5983 use us ugu ouu um u two sto Land Use Code: 820 Site Description: Shopping Center/General Retail Site Details: Free Standing Discount Superstore, Fast Food Restaurant, vito High-Turnover Sit-Down Restaurant, Car Wash Location: Siler City, NC toso Hourly Volumes Hourly Percentages onse Time In Out In Out 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM 38 37 0.7% 0.7% 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM 31 31 0.5% 0.6% too 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM 17 18 0.3% 0.3% 3:00 AM to 4:00 AM 12 8 0.2% 0.1% 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM 13 5 0.2% 0.1% 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM 54 26 1.0% 0.5% ow 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM 52 61 0.9% 1.1% 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM • 85 77 1.5% 1.4% 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM 175 124 3.1% 2.2% osa 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 264 181 4.7% 3.2% 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 362 311 6.4% 5.5% 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM 548 383 9.7% 6.8% ow 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM 541 505 9.6% 9.0% 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM 485 519 8.6% 9.2% 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM 450 512 8.0% 9.1% kte 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM 489 463 8.7% 8.2% 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM 476 478 8.4% 8.5% 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM 409 462 7.3% 8.2% 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM 473 506 - 8.4% 9.0% 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM 329 376 5.8% 6.7% 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM 190 241 3.4% 4.3% 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM 84 167 1.5% 3.0% 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM 38 100 0.7% 1.8% 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM 23 28 0.4% 0.5% vsTotal: 5638 5619 amo e okuv Land Use Code: 820 Site Description: Retail (Home Improvement) Hourly Percentages Time In Out 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM 3.5% 5.1% 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM 5.7% 5.3% 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 9.4% 7.3% 10:00 AM to 11::00 AM 8.7% 8.0% 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM 8.3% 8.1% 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM 9.4% 9.5% 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM 8.9% 9.4% 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM 7.8% 7.5% 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM 7.5% 6.8% 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM 7.6% 8.7% 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM 6.9% 7.1% �"' 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM 5.7% 5.5% INN lie Ire oar APPENDIX D HCS + WARRANT ANALYSIS Warrants Summary Page 1 of 2 0,0 Warrants Summary Information 0"` Analyst CRE Town Center Dr and Ramey Kemp and Intersection Conner Dr Agency/Co Associates Jurisdiction Albemarle County Date Performed 10/30/2008 Units U.S. Customary Project ID Time Period Analyzed 7AM-7PM East/West Street Town Center Drive North/South Street Conner Drive File Name Warrantsl.xhy Major Street East-West me Project Description General I RoadwayNetwork Major Street Speed 0E Population < 10,000 Two Major Routes F'' (mph) Nearest Signal (ft) 0 is Coordinated Signal System Weekend Count F` tat Crashes (per year) 0 r Adequate Trials of Alternatives 5-yr Growth Factor 0 Geometry and Traffic EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT ow Number of lanes, N 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Lane usage L TR L TR LT LT Vehicle Volume Averages 37 242 85 389 247 118 83 30 380 237 31 38 (vph) 1 Peds (ped/h) /Gaps __ / / / / (gaps/h) WWI Delay (s/veh)/(veh-hr) -- / -- -- / -- -- / -- -= / - Warrant 1: Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume i= 1 A. Minimum Vehicular Volumes (Both major approaches --and-- higher minor approach) --or-- r 1 B. Interruption of Continuous Traffic (Both major approaches --and-- higher minor approach) --or-- IT 1 80% Vehicular--and-- Interruption Volumes (Both major approaches--and-- higher minor approach) 1- woo Warrant 2: Four-Hour Vehicular Volume 1FT 2 A. Four-Hour Vehicular Volumes (Both major approaches --and-- higher minor approach) Warrant 3: Peak Hour 1`` 3 A. Peak-Hour Conditions (Minor delay --and-- minor volume --and--total volume ) --or-- etw 3 B. Peak- Hour Vehicular Volumes (Both major approaches --and-- higher minor approach) Warrant 4: Pedestrian Volume I- 4 A. Pedestrian Volumes (Four hours --or--one hour) --and-- i.v Ats 4 B. Gaps Same Period (Four hours--or--one hour) 1-- Warrant -Warrant 5: School Crossing is 5. Student Volumes --and-- - 5. Gaps Same Period n Warrant 6: Coordinated Signal System - 6. Degree of Platooning (Predominant direction or both directions) 1 Warrant 7: Crash Experience 7 A. Adequate trials of alternatives, observance and enforcement failed --and-- 7 B. Reported crashes susceptible to correction by signal (12-month period) --and-- `-- 4* fla•//(_'•\Tlnriimantc anti Qattinnc\Nufattar\T neral cattinnc\Tamn\uu71(AJAC tmn 11/Fi/7(1(1R Warrants Summary Page 2 of 2 Nal 17 C. 80% Volumes for Warrants 1A, 1B --or--4 are satisfied Warrant 8: Roadway Network 8 A. Weekday Volume (Peak hour total --and--projected warrants 1, 2 or 3) --or-- 8 B. Weekend Volume (Five hours total) Copyright©2007 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.3 Generated: 11/6/2008 11:56 AM diati ONO CNN *tilt • 4111110 ANN Witit Wig "r C1A•//( •\T1noiimPntc and Cnttinrre\ zrci, tPr\T oral C'attinac\TPmn\zz771(A RC' tmn 1 1 W7(1(1R Warrants Volume Page 1 of I .411 Warrants Volume Information Analyst CRE Intersection Town Center Dr and Conner Dr Agency/Co Ramey Kemp and Associates Jurisdiction Albemarle County Date Performed 10/30/2008 Units U.S.Customary Project ID Time Period Analyzed 7AM-7PM East/West Street Town Center Drive North/South Street Conner Drive „... File Name Warrantsl.xhy Major Street East-West Project Description Warrant 1 Condition A•Minimum VellicularVolurne Condition B B.Intim u ,isti of Costimrnuslieffrc Vehicles f1 hour on *her,+.:burr chicles per hour+n Number of Isewe for 4diiel n.per hour on majorof str rninor•ire i a't>f riloh highis J4iil in ing traffic on Sacha rri p ft (total.d b>tdh tpt roc:hest >o� :for,:tn_0,.XPi i Ne nb s f I,mrr;{or 1,1des ter h me rsl E1aj r,tre shun s3w3 t b .R. n €n,)lrafh ,:0„a h::,fq r+.ic:h deir4t4 both ttprscr:ho-5i tone diretdi nriy f.l;ajt`n Steed Minor Street 100%* 801;' 709x:' 100O�4' t)0.3' /04' Ma,f btu-xi Mins besot 100,/ 8,1, ;n; 11)0T SQ"," 70'.4 i.. -......,.. 1 . 500 400 350 150 120 iti:. kz 2 ea more.. I. CM 48.0 420 19) 12t 1 105 ..,_..... 1....._....... 5t tO' 525 7 C 2 or inters:.. 2 er rn re.. 600 480 420 2000 160 140 2:4 more- 1..... . ._ _ .90,S, 720 C30 75 130 53 1............... <nr rrtxe 54)0 400 3'30 ,c4ocac.. 2 or sir., 900 7100 0'30 100 R 3 70 �� 1e1 14! 752:: 600 525 100 80 10 Warrant 2 Warrant 3 gm d- 2 OR Mt:RE LATS&2 GR MIRE LA1$�_, I = J E L. > 5€w5 .) 46'5 .20R MORE LANES 3 1 LANE .,2 DR 1F ARE LANES S a'ifi Aft?RE LANES a t 1iI vim r -G0 ,: �.7 L{WE&t LANE �, ���3 :c7R�.-,RE L41E'.;II 1 L E err 9 of aott t LANE 3 1 LANE_ J 1.15 ii 3 / •Sn _> irt6 2 Tact 400 550 coi 502 5 °&kV iwo 1100 1250 73Loa 1.140 &X, em eoiso coo we 7 ccc 1100 12:ti 730°s fa*...Hoe ions 1700 t.°.C..: MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES LL VPH MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES-VPH � A OR 1.,F. I LANES S12URhM I LANES I I I l 1 i • y} � 2 OR 1.1C RE LANES C 2 C.40 MORE LANES ii 2 3C@ _ .._..._ J.. _.. 1.. _.... j 100 —.. l • 1 i i �w rt 2 ORMI RE LANES. 1 LANE ui,.ii 1 O 51ORE LINES A I�LA245 1 t �: : _ '�, 2Cfi /.L LANE t t LANE. ar> sets / - '- . 11 ILE 8 1 LANE !. , tc� 200 - 4 Z ` 700 _^..00 40+ 541 me 7V0 coo KO 1000 107 106 stL. R-,*; 7+19 fffk 0,X, 10[4'0 17 C»3 }-$%:i+ 1:�3,t MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPRt:ACHES-VPH MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROAC:HE:`_;-VPH Volume Summary Major Street Lanes 2+ Minor Street Lanes 1 Speed 0 Population 10000+ Hours Major Minor Total 1A 1A 1B 1B 2 3A 3B Volume Volume Volume (100%) (80%) (100%) (80%) (100%) (100%) (100%) 07-08 758 119 939 No No No Yes No No No 08-09 865 159 1099 Yes Yes No Yes No No No 09-10 973 176 1241 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 10-11 1103 216 1435 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 11-12 1188 299 1608 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 12-13 1370 341 1855 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 13-14 1238 326 1705 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 14-15 1196 298 1625 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 15-16 1190 303 1616 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 16-17 1168 315 1612 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes _ 17-18 1251 330 1705 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 18-19 1147 340 1595 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Totals _ 13447 3222 18035 11 11 10 12 10 0 8 Copyright©2007 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.3 Generated 11/6/2008 11:57 AM file://C:\Documents and Settings\wfetter\Local Settings\Temp\w2kABB.tmp 11/6/2008