HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-15ADecember 15, 1976
(Afternoon Meeting)
An adjourned meeting of the A~bemarle County Board of Supervisors was held on December
15, 1976, at 2:30 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building, Charlottesville,
Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from December 8, 1976.
Present: Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrierl, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher,
J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta and W. S. Roudabush.
Absent: None.
Officers Present: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive;!Mr. George R. St. John,
County Attorney~ and Mr. Robert Tucker, County Planner.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 2:32 P.M. by
the Chairman, Mr. Fisher.
Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session: Acquisition of Property.
At the request of the Chairman, motion was Offered by Mr. Roudabush to adjourn into
executive session with the School Board to discuss acquisition of property. Mrs. David
seconded the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher~ Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
The Board reconvened at 3:45 P.M.
Agenda Item No. 3. Discussion: Service Roads.
Mr. Fisher noted receipt of a letter, as set out below, from Mr. D. B. Hope, District
Engineer for the Department of Highways and Transportation, stating their position on
service roads.
"December 13, 1976
Mr. Gerald E. Fisher
Sheffield Road, West Leigh
Charlottesville, Virginia
-Dear Mr. Fisher:
It has been several months since I had the pleasure to meet with you and
the other Supervisors relative to the Route 29 North service road issue. In
that time both your people and I have received additional information and
opinions relative to the governing bodies' responsibility in land planning and
development, and what powers they possess to insure implementation of a plan.
As I have previously stated to you, it is my opinion that the traveling
public and also the citizens of Albemarle County will benefit if the "service
road" concept is adhered to along the major highway corridors of the County.
I feel that the additional information received, especially the replies from
Mr. Rust, Fairfax County Attorney, and Ms. Prillaman, Assistant Attorney
General, supports my belief that you, as the governing body of the County,
do have the responsibility and the power for comprehensive planning and the
implementation of the adopted plan.
It is realized that your attorney, Mr. St. John, does not share my views
relative to your legal position. It would appear that his opinion is based
entirely on the "James City" case. While I have the highest regard for Mr.
St. John and respect him immensely for standing by his strong convictions
relative to thi's entire subject, I would like to convey several thoughts
that I have formulated about the difference in the "James City" case and the
situation we face in Albemarle County. They are as follows:
The James City County Board of Supervisors created a new zoning
category (B-2 - Business Tourist Entry District) and rezoned
fifty-one small parcels of land adjacent to 1.4 miles of Route
between Williamsburg and Busch Gardens. This rezoning took
place without the concurrence of nor at the request of the
property owners.
The area along Route 60 was the only location in which the
new zoning category was applied. This alone was discriminatory
as it was later proven that two other entrances to the Tourist
Entry Zone which had been established carried higher volumes
of traffic, and equal requirements were not placed on these routes.
The ordinance, as written, had several requirements that were
obviously unconstitutional, i.e., the requirement for
construction and dedication of a service drive to public use,
and at the same time, requiring the property owner to perform
the every-day maintenance of the facility. We all realize that
the developers could not be held responsible for the maintenance
of public property. The ordinance was poorly written.
In my review of the "James City" case I cannot find where
the courts ruled on the legality of the dedications of rights
of way or construction of roadway facilities. I believe Ms.
Pri!laman confirmed this in her letter to Mr. St. John.
December 15~ 1976 (After~_~_~~_=
At the time, James City County did not have an adopted
Cbm~henS~ve Pt~.--:A~m~e~om~$~ ~e~ have an adopted
plan requiring service roads along major transportation
In summation, I feel that the Code of Virginia dictates that the governing
body of the county prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan which will include
an adequate transportation plan. Further, that once such a plan is officially
adopted, no development plan should be approved until it conforms with the
adopted comprehensive plan. I cannot believe the members of the General Assembly
intended to burden the local governments with these responsibilities without
also intending to provide the necessary legal tools to carry out the implementation
and necessary police powers for enforcement.
As you can readily see, this subject is very important to me personally,
and I have strong convictions, as does Mr. St. John.
The interest you and your Board are taking in transportation matters
and how they affect Albemarle County is commendable. I appreciate your taking
the time to read and evaluate my thoughts, and I hope they may have been
helpful to you and your colleagues in coming to a decision.
Very truly yours,
D. B. Hope,
District Engineer"
Mr. D. B. Hope, District Engineer, was present.
must include a transportation plan.
He noted that the Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Roudabush was uncertain if the service road concept can ever be accomplished
since implementation of the concept would be fragmentary. Small operations would be
required to spend large sums of money on something which may never be accomplished. He
said problems exist with operations that are already developed. Mr. Robert Tucker, Director
of Planning, said this would be dependent on condemnation of needed land. Mr; Fisher felt
sufficient setback should be required on site plans. Mr. Tucker said some plans have
been approved with adequate setback, but no dedication was required for service roads.
Mr. Fisher requested the staff to present for the Board's review any approved site plans
where adequate setback is not required. Mr. Tucker noted that the P~a~ning Commission had
agreed on the third lane concept since the concept is easier to 'obtain a~d~s~m~hing could
be provided immediately.
Dr. Iachetta said something needs to be done to prevent Route 29 North from becoming
a city street. He fa~re~serv~e ~ads~only'~it is the only way to preserve the
Mrs. David supported the service road concept but felt that the impact on existing
developments should be examined first.
Mr. Dorrier questioned whether developers could be required to spend funds for service
roads. He felt the key question is whether the traffic on Route 29 North is generated by
developments along this route or the geh~al public. He was opposed to requiring the
expand~ture of funds without knowing actual costs and the consequences involved.
Mr. Fisher felt the concept would never be accomplished without requiring dedication
of the land piecemeal. Public funds are now being spent for the maintenance~ etc., of ROute
~9 North. The question does arise as to who will pay for service roads; whether it will
be from the general property tax or by property owners along the road.
Mr. Henley was opposed to the service road concept because he felt there was no way
it could ever be completed. He was in favor of a third lane concept.
Mr. Hope said if the corridor is not protected by a service road, then the only
alternative would be to widen Route 29 to provide more space. This would cause a city
Dr. Iachetta did not feel the third lane concept would provide any more safety. He
did not object to researching the matter further, but was opposed to adopting anything at
this point without knowing more about its impact. He was also interested in looking at
other alternatives.
Mr St John said the question is whethe~
· . '~e d&veloper will be required to put in a
service road that will only be partially used by.~him and yet will more directly benefit
other developers and the public.:~.aHe.strongl~, emphasized that a decision needs to be made
in the near future.
At this time, Dr. Iachetta offere~.smotion to adopt the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
· County, Virginia, hereby states its intent to amend the
Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (Section 17-5-8) and the
Albemarle County Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance,
Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code (Section 18-37(1) to
include provisions for service roads; and
FURTHER requests the Albemarle County Planning Commission
to hold public hearings on these amendments and make recommendations
on same to this Board as soon as possible.
Mrs. David seconded the motion. ~Roll was called and the motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Dec'ember 15, 1976 (Afternoon Meeting)
The Board recessed at 4:54 P.M. and reconvened at 5:00 P.M.
Agenda Item No. 4. Discussion: 1977 Legislation.
Mr. Fisher noted a meeting to be held with the local legislators, the Board, members
of City Council and four members of the Board of .Supervisors in the Planning District,
to discuss matters of legislature.
Mr. Fisher noted a letter received from Mr. Pat Janssen, representing the Albemarle
County Taxpayers Association, requesting that the~.Board ask'~h~ legislature to study the
impact of state mandated programs on localities. Mr. Fisher said the Virginia Association
of Counties has taken the position that no programs should be mandated unless funds are
provided and the fiscal impact of the program should be studied before any enactment.
Mr. Fisher also noted a letter from Mr~.~-Robert Merrill re~u~sting'~'i~'~gislatH~a to
redefine the definition of fair market value. Mr. Agnor then commented on two letters
received from the Director of Finance, Mr. Ray Jones, and from Mr. William Bradshaw,
Supervisor of Assessements. Both have pointed out that fair market value is defined by
law. Mr. Agnor felt court cases have been tried and the definition is derived from those
cases. Mr. Fisher also noted that Mr. Merrill felt income producing properties are assessed
on income basis which results in a private home paying higher taxes than the owners of
rentals and income producing properties. Mr. Fisher asked if appraising commercial property
that is leased and used for income is consistent with that of assessing agricultural land
based on its income. Mr. Agnor said yes.
Mr. Merrill was present and said that neither the State Constitution or the laws
passed by General Assembly give Real Estate assessors any authority to assess property on
its income. He felt homeowners suffer from inflation. Mr. Fisher did not feel the Board
had any grounds to reques~e~lslature to study this matter and asked the Board for their
feelings. With no response, no action was taken.
Mr. Fiah~r also noted receipt of a copy of House Bill 855, concerning annexation. He
suggested talking to Mr. George Long of the Virginia Association of Counties and also
inviting Delegate Thomas J. Michie, Jr., a sponsor of this bill, to discuss the matter
with the Board; and also requesting Senator J. Harry Michael and Delegate James Murray to
attend. Mr. Roudabush offered motion to this effect. Dr. Iachetta seconded the motion
and same carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 5. Alfred Dofflemyer - Mental Health Board.
Mr. Alfred Dofflemyer, representative from the County to the Mental Health Board, was
present, to make an informational report. He said the salary schedules for this agency
have been reviewed and a uniform schedule has been adopted which will help the morale of
the staff. Operating costs have been reviewed in the hope of Treducing same. He then
summarized the services and programs of the health center. He noted a closer relationship
is needed with the school system.
Mr'. Fisher said the Board appreciated the report, but the County is facing a shortfall
in revenues of about 8%. .The question the Board will be facing during budget work sessions
will be one of reducing appropriations or making no appropriation at all to outside agencies.
Mr. Fisher said he understands attempts have been made. to charge the Jail Board for services
rendered by the Mental Health Agency. Mr. Robert Lassler, Director of the Blue Ridge
Mental Health Center, said an agreement has been worked out with Mr. Pruett, Jail Administrat
Mr. Henley said a sales arrangement was discussed with~the Jail Board, but nothing~as
Mr. Dorrier expressed his appreciation for the excellent job done by Mr. Dofflemyer.
He noted the staff of the Mental Health Center will be working harder with Western State
Hospital mue^a maw recently passed requiring that all doctors be licensed, thus, the
hospital will have six doctors to handle 1,300 patients.
Upon recommendation of Mr. Dofflemyer, Mr. Dorrier offered motion to appoint Mr.
Nimrod T. Clarke to the Region X Community Mental He. alth and Retardation Services Board
for a three year term beginning January 1, 197~ and ending December 3~, 1979; sa~d term
to replace Ms. Isabal Palmer, whose term expires on December 31, 1976. Dr. Iachetta
seconded the motion and same carried b~ the.:.fellowing recorded vote:
AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Dorrier then offered motion to appoint Mr. C. Harmon Williams, Jr., to the Board
o£ Directors of the Region X Community Mental Health & Retardation Services Board for a three
y~ar term beginning January !, 1977 and ending December 31,, 1979; sa~d term to replace
Mr. WilliamtStevens, whose term expires on DecemBer 31, 1976'. Motion was seconded by
Mrs. David and carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Mr. Fisher requested letters of appreciation be sent to Mrs. Isabel Palmer and Mr.
William T. Stevens for their years of services on the Region X Mental Health Board. Dr.
Iachetta offered motion to this effect. Mr. Dorrier seconded the motion and same carried
December 15, 1976 (Afternoon Meeting)
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Not Docketed. Sheriff George Bailey was present. He stated that Mr~am Berry,~xpla~t
manager of Sperry Marine Systems, had requested his office to help study the problems
encountered by their employees in getting onto Route 29 after working hou~rs. He examined
the problem and found that most employees had to wait no longe~-than twenty minutes. Mr.
Berry has agreed to pay the salary of two off-duty officers from 4:00 P.M. to whatever
time the parking lot is empty; this to be on a one month trial period. Sheriff Bailey
said he is agreeable to the request for officers if the Board also agrees.
Dr. Iachetta said the Highway Safety Commission supports the recommendation of the
Sheriff if County funds are not involved. Motion was then offered by Mr. Henley to approve
the recommendation of the Sheriff with a report to the Board on January 12, 1977. Dr.
Iachetta seconded the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 6. Appointments: Blanning Commission. (Not Discussed)
Agenda Item No. 7. Adjournment.
At 6:15 P.M., at the request of the Chairman, motion was offered by Mr. Roudabush to
adjourn into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Dr. Iachetta seconded the
motion and same carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
The Board reconvened at 7:30 P.M. and immediately adjourned.
ii /
December 15, 1976 (Night Meeting]
A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
on December 15, 1976, at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville,
Present: Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher, J.
T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta and W. S. Roudabush.
Absent: None.
Officers Present: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; Mr. George R. St. John,
County Attorney; and Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Planner.
Agenda Item No. 1.
7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Fisher, at
Agenda Item No. 2. Public Hearing: SP-88-76. Victor R. Ray. To locate a shooting
match on 3.86 acres zoned A-1. Property on south side of Route 738 north of Ivy Pulp Wood.
Since the applicant was not present, Mr. Fisher suggested to wait until 8:30 P.M. to
conduct the public hearing.
Agenda Item No. 3. Public Hearing: An ordinance to amend certain precinct lines in
the Scottsville and White Hall Magisterial Districts as permitted under Virginia Code
Section 24.1-37 and to also amend and reenact Sections 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6 and 6-7 of
the Albemarle County Code. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on December 1 and 8, 1976.)
Mr. Robert Tucker, Director of Planning, said a request was received from the Division
of Legislative Services for all cities and counties to realign precinct and election district
lines not following an easily recognizable feature. These changes are being made for the
1980 census. Albemarle County has three precinct lines which do not follow boundaries~
between Scottsville and Porter's Precinct, Covesville and Porter's precinct line, Free
Union and Crozet lines. He then summarized the realignment as the staff had proposed.
The public hearing was opened. Ms. Ellen Nash was present on behalf of the Electoral
Board. She said the Board wanted the Covesville/Porter's precinct line to remain as existing
because it is more convenient for the voters to go to Covesville instead of to Scottsville.
With no one else present to speak for or against the ordinance, the public hearing was
Mr. Fisher said this question is complex since the state law permitting lines to be
changed expired on June 30, 1976 but.~legislature will take action at their next session to
make any actions taken between July 1, 1976 and December 31, 1976 legal retroactively. He
recommended a resolution on the matter since action is being taken on a law not existing.
Dr. Iachetta then offered motion to adopt the following ordinance and resolution as set out
below. Mr. Dorrier seconded the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: