HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-02AFebruary 16, 1977 (Regular-Night Meeting) March 2, 1977 (Afternoon Meeting-Adjourned from February 16, 1977) O7? AYES: NAYS: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $17,466 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the General Fund and transferred to Code 1K, Housing Coordinator. The foregoing motion carried by the following recorded vote: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush. None. Nat Doaketed: Mr. Agnor said he would hand out tonight the Chamber of Commerce's report on the Convention Bureau which was received late this afternoon. Accompanying this report is only one exhibit which will have to be shared amongst the Board members. Mr. Fisher said the Convention Bureau has requested a joint meeting of the Board and City Council. He asked if the Board would like to have such a joint meeting. The consensus was to try and set up a joint meeting. Claims against the County were examined, allowed and certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged to the following funds: Cafeteria Fund Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account Federal Revenue Sharing Fund General Capital Outlay Fund General Fund Joint Security Complex Fund McIntire Trust Fund School Construction Capital Outlay Fund Sehoo! Fund T~xtbook Rental Fund Town of Scottsville-l% Local Sales Tax Total 56,069.26 10,286.12 4,478.69 25,000.00 403,754.44 46,786.30 4,142.42 109,617.46 1,084,409.80 2,267.54 128.78 $1,746,940.81 At 10:55 P.M., Mr. Fisher noted that the County Executive had requested an executive session to discuss personnel matters. The Board might also need to discuss litigation and therefore he requested a motion to adjourn into executive session for these purposes. Motion to this effect was offered by Mr. Roudabush, seconded by Mr. Henley, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iaehetta and Roudabush. None. The Board reconvened at 12:00 A.M. at which time motion was offered by Mr. Roudabush, seconded by Mr. Henley, to adjourn this meeting until March 2, 1977, at 3:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County 0ffice'Building. The motion carried by the following recorded vote AYES: NAYS: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush, None. --Chairman March 2, 1977 (Afternoon Meeting-Adjourned from FebrUary 16, 1977) An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on March 2, 1977, at 3:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building, Charlottes- ville, Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from February 16, 1977. Present: Mrs. 0pal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., F. A. Iachetta, and W. S. Roudabush. Absent: None. Officer present: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr. Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 8:08 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Gerald E. Fisher. Mr. Fisher recognized that Mrs. David had been installed as President of the Central Virginia Health Systems Agency. Agenda Item No. 2. Presentation of 1977-1978 CoUnty Budget. Mr. Agnor made a formal~ presentation of the County Budget to the Board. Most of the presentation related to the budget message set out below: Submitted herewith for information and fiscal planning purposes is the proposed 1977- 1978 (FY-78) County budget. As proposed, it is balanced within current revenue resources and existing tax rates. Per your request, it has been prepared in line item form with descriptive narratives. Inventories of vehicles and summaries of personnel, salaries, travel expenses, and capita1 purchases of furniture, equipment, and vehicles are also provided. March 2, 1977 (Afterno6n Meeting-Adjourned from February 16, 1977) The five major expenditure divisions used in previous budgets have been retained, namely: 1. General Management and Support 2. Human Development 3. Public Safety and Justice 4. Capital Outlay 5. Education Requests from departments and agencies in all fi~e divisions are shown, and recommenda~r~ tions by this office for adjustments in all divisions have been included. These will be found in columns of requested and recommended figures. Summaries of the differences in the two columns are presented with this document. Details of the differences will be provided at the work sessions. 1. GENERAL SUMMARY: As proposed, the budget totals $19,926,167, a decrease of $868,427 from FY-77, or -1.8%. Although major cuts are shown in this sugary, it is my firm belief that not a single department or agency will operate at a level below that of existing operations. Needed in- cmeases are provided whame required and many are offset in part or totally by other adjust- ments. A singular change in Human Development occurs in the Social Services Budget with a $1,200,000 reduction created by the State assuming the disbursement of funds for one program. An identical reduction occurs, howevers, in revenues. Two of four requests for expansion of personnel have been recommended, in addition to the expansion of the School division which this budget aeeomodates. Three departments are recommended for reductions in personnel by elimination of existing positions through attrition. These changes result in a net decrease of three positions, not including the school division's changes. A salary adjustment for all remaining employees of 5% ms provided and recommended effective July 1. Revenues for FY-78 are estimated to be $729,732 less than FY-77 in the General Fund and $816,699 greater than ~Y-77 in the School Fund. As proposed, the School Fund is adjusted to increase revenues to $888,500 over FY-77 which, combined with the General Fund decreases, totals a net decrease of $841,282 or -1.7%. A goal was established at the beginning of budget preparations to compile a budget with- in existing resources and rates, assigning an~ increases to necessary inflationary needs and to the School Division's need for opening Western Albemarle High School. Most people consid- ered that an unattainable goal with the opening of a new high school impacting operating costs and debt service obligations, but it was established in spite of the skepticism for the following reasons: 1. Opening a new high sch'ool had been anticipated for several years and was considered enough of an impact to absorb in one fiscal year w~thout expanding other operations, unless expansion was absolutely necessary. 2. Real estate meassessments for the calendar year 1977 had risen an average of 12%, meaning some property owners had experienced a larger increase than the average. A tax rate increase in addition to a reassessment would impose a terrific burden on some property owners. In some instances, the burden would be disastrous. 3. The tax rate on personal property was increased 25.5% in 1976 to absorb a major portion of debt service on the high school project, and plans were made last year to stabilize this rate, if possible, and not increase the burden on this source of revenue. 4. Citizens have been continually voicing concern over~the growth and costs of government, and a response to this concern ~as needed. 5. Inflationary costs of living and an extreme winter have combined to absorb citizens' financial resources. The departments under the administrative supervision of my office responded tremendously to the'goal, with a total increase requested of 2.4% over FY-77 appropriations. Reviews of their requests in consultation with the Director of Finance and inquiries of the need for each tine item revealed other reductions that are considered possible and are recommended to you. These reductions result in a decrease of 9.6% for FY-77 funding, and a savings of $859,040. Additional reductions recommended in agency budgets not under my supervision pro- vide further savings of $838,888 for a total of $692,928 reduction of recommended appropria- tions compared to requests, and $368,427 of recommended appropriations compared to FY-77 appropriations. FY-78 BUDGET SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES EXPENDITURES: General Management and Support has nine agencies or departments with reductions, and six with increases. Most reductions are aecompllshed by careful examination of needs of each line item, and by comparison of actual expenditures for several years to requested appropri- ations. Significant reductions are found in the County Executive budget by the elimination of two positions; the Personnel budget by funding CETA employees in departmental budgets; the Planning budget by completion of Comprehensive Plan Consultants Fee; and in Miscellaneous functions by completion of Soil Survey contracts and transferring Street Lighting and Road Viewers to the Engineering department budget. Significant increases are found in Purchasing from funding one CETA employee~ in Finance for funding four CETA employees; in Engineering from fully funding the Engineer's salary which formerly was divided with the Albemarle County Service Authority; and in the Housing Coordinator budget which has been transferred from Revenue SharinK to the General Fund with State Revenues paying all but $1,862 ~ the'total March 2, 1977 (Aftern-on Meeting-Adjourned from FebrUary 16- 1977) This budget division includes funds in the Personnel budget to provide merit raises throughout the year for approximately 80% of the emplOyees based on performance evaluation. Funds are also requested to review the Pay and Classification Plan, prior to the third year anniversary of the plan on November 1. The review would examine the salary scale and fringe benefits including the assignment of vehicles, consider an extraordinary sick leave policy and a provision for longevity merit raises for employees at.the top of their classified scale. The assignment of County vehicles to employees for transportation to and from work is too prolific, and reductions in these assignments with salary adjustments should be con- sidered in this review. Variations in fringe benefits between School division employees and other County employees need to be reconciled in this review, also. Human Development shows a significant drop of $1,482,140, but programs will not be reduced. Of this to~al decrease, $1,200,000 is attained as described earlier by the State disbursing~ehecks for Aid to Dependent Children in lieu of the County having to disburse the checks and apply for reimbursement from the SKate. This program was entirely funded by the 'State, and therefore revenues drop the same $1,200,000. An additional reduction of $808,198 is, however, recommended by examining program costs and eom. paring them to appropriations. This will also reduce revenue estimates from the State by $268,274, but if ~pproved, the needs for local funds will be reduced by $84,924 without affecting progr~s. The Parks and Recreation budget shows the largest increase of any agency or department other than the School Division. A requested increase of $48,207 or 84% has been recommended to be reduced to $30,047 or 24% to add the maintenance costs of one additional park (Totier Creek) and to employ a supervisor of Parks and Recreation in replacement of the part-time supervision pro- vided from the County Executive's office. Miscellaneous functions have significant increases recommended to the Community Action program (+$11,021) and the Regional Library (+$10,575) with a reduction in requested support of the Community College (-$4,815). Public Sa.[ety and JustiCe has five agencies or departments with reductions and eight with increases. Most reductions are again accomplished by examining needs in comparison with appropriations. Significant increases are provided the Clerk of the Cireui~ Court, County Fire Department, Juvenile Detention Home and Regional Jail. The Sheriff's Department is provided one additional deputy and patrol car even though the total department budget decreases $3,474. An additional employee requested by the Fire Marshal is not recommended, and an additional fire company reeommendad in~!~a recent report is also not included in this budget. Both are recommended for further consideration after examining the feasibility of a regional fire service with the City of Charlottesville. Capital Outlay has been traditionally provided for non-repetitive projects.and funded from current revenues. There are no requests for projects in the General Fund budget due to the Board's desire for a five year capital outlay budget to be prepared upon completion of the Comprehensive Plan. I believe Revenue Sharing funds and the General Fund unallocated balance are adequate sources for the first several years of a five year program and there- fore do not recommend a reserve for capital needs be provided from current revenues. Funds for improved fire hydrant systems, recreational facilities, administrative office space, and other capital needs will be included in this five year budget. Education is recommended for an adjustment totalling $182,888. This adjustment can be accomplished, in my opinion, without significant impact on the program proposed by the School Board, and can be accomplished as follows: 1. An increase in revenue account R-47, State Sales Tax, of $16,800 from more~.current projections received this month by the School Superintendent from the State Department of Taxation. 2. Funding of the purchase of a part of the start-up supplies for Western Albemarle High School, which will not be repeated in the FY-79 budget, can be provided from the carry-over balance in the School Operating Fund on July 1, 1976. The balance is $189,060~ and I would recommend that $40,000 be used to fund the increases in 17C-8-408 Instructional Supplies. 8. Funding of 17-J-299c, PREP program, is requested with Federal funding possible, but unknown at this time. I recommend this program also be fund- ed from the School Operating Camry-Over Balance w~ich will not be used if Federal funds are received. If used, the fund balance will not be dangerously low. 4. The above three revenue adjustments total $71,800, leaving a net re- duction in the School budget of $110,588. I recommend that $57,500 be removed from I?-G Fixed Charges, and the remaining reduction of $58,088 be left to the discretion of the School Board. Summary of Expenditures: Every effort had been made to recommend funds where needed and to reduce appropriations considered not to be essential to the operation of the CoUnty Government. Department budgets are therefore shown in improved perspectives and in propor- tion to their needs. Travel expenses have been reduced 20%, vehicle operations cut 7%, the number of vehicles owned by the County has been reduced~ 2.4%, personnel positions have been Cut 1.6%, and savings have been gained in five and ten dollar increments, as well as hundred and thousand dollar increments. REVENUES: Revenues are estimated as high as possible to ease the dependency on property taxes. Property taxesfcontinue to comprmse the largest percentage of revenues, ~1.7%. Gains in the tax base from reassessment and new construction expected in 1977 have been partially offset by a 16.5% increase in land use applications since January 1 as well as losses in revenues from Public Service Corporations of 22.8% from having to apply a 100% ratio and resultant rate to Public Service property assessed at 40% by the State Corporation Commission. Gains have also been offset by the transferring of mobile homes from the personal property assess- ment and rate to the reaI estate assessment and rate in 1977. Expressed in dollars, these changes are: O8O March 2, 1977 (Afternoon Meeting-Adjourned from February 16, 1977) March 2, 1977 (Regular-Night Meeting) Real Estate Assessment and 1977 New COnstruction Land Use Applications since January.1~ Personal Property Base Increasel Public Service Corporation Decrease Mobile Home Decrease An increase of 8.3% of total revenues. +$834,903 - 122,076 + 186,718 - 136,899 - 93,460 +$669,186 If tax rate cuts or increases are considered, each 1¢ on the Personal Property tax changes revenues $3,290 and each 1¢ on Re~l Estate rate changes the base $85,438. The 1976 rates of 5.90 on Personal Property and 72¢ on Real Estate have been used to balance the budget. ~ Ail other revenue increases are derived principally from an enlarged base orexpanding economy, and add only 1.4% to the total revenues. Reductions of $200,000 in the Use of Money and Property are caused by the use of interest earned on School Construction Funds being transferred to the General Fund in FY-77 to partially offset the debt service on Western Albemarle High School. This interes¥ is not available in FY-78 as was known and planned when the transfer was approved in FY-77. Debt Service is now being paid from current revenues. Reduction of $95,647 in Non-Revenue'sources is similar, with transfer from the carry-over balance being reduced from $124,300 to $36,487, a reduction of $87,813. The $36,487 is recommended to fund four positions in the Social Services Department if the positions are approved by the S~ate. Their approval is not anticipated and the use of these funds is doubt. ful. These positions were approved in FY-77 bY the County at the request of the State, and then were later denied approval by the State. 'A' $1,200,000 reduction in the Virginia Public .Assistance Fund was described earlier. An additional reduction of $272,855 is recommended in reducing appropriations to realistic levels. S~aD, y of Revenues: Details of revenues will be provided at budget work sessions. It seems impossible that a $341,232 reduction in total revenues from FY-77 would still provide funds for a $1,176,164 increase in education to open a new high school and mee~ other increases, but it will. Mr. Fisher announced that House Bill 855 on annexation was killed today. Agenda Item No. 3. Executive Session: Personnel and Land Acquisition: Motion to ad- journ into executive session was offered by Mr. Roudabush at 4:.01 P.M. to discuss personnel matters and land acquisition. The motion was seconded by'Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush. None. The Board reoonvened at ~;.30 P.M. and immediately adjourned. ~qla!rman MarCh 2, 1977 (Regular-Night Meeting) A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle CountY, Virginia, was held on March 2, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Virginia. Present: Mrs. 0pal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dottier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iache?ta and W. S. Roudabush. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr.; County Attorney, George R% St. John; and County Planner, Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Fisher. Agenda Item No, 2. Request from School Buildings and Facilities Committee: Present were. Mr. Carl VanFossen, Chairman of the School Board; Mr. Ronald Bauerle, member of the School Board and Chairman of the Committee; and Mr. Clarence McClure, Superintendent of Schools. Mr. McClure said a committee was formed last summer by the School Board to identify and prioritize~i~the need for updating and renovating the older buildings in the division. One project comes to the front as being needed fairly soon. It is attributed only to overcrowd- ing at this time. This project is for additional physical education facilities at Albemarle High School. The gymnasium and athletic facilities at Albemarle High School were designed for a school of 1,000 students. Currently the enrollment is about 2,200 and next year, even with the opening of Western Albemarle High SChool, the enrollment is projected to be about 2,100 students, Essentially all other vital facilities in Albemarle High School have been expanded to accommodate the increase in enrollment except for the gymnasium and support facilities for physical education. This year the tenth grade enrollment is about 780. Next year the combined ninth and tenth grade enrollments are expe~cted to be about 1,100, thus a 40% increase in the number of students must be accommodated in the Physical Education Program.