HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-23March 23, 1977 (Adjourned from March 16, 1977)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
on March 23, 1977, beginning at 1:30 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building,
Charlottesville, Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from March 16, 1977.
Present: Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher,
J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta and W. S. Roudabush.
Absent: None.
Officer present: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr.
The meeting was called to order at 1:37 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Fisher, who announced
that the purpose of this meeting was to hold a work session on the 1977-78 County Budget.
The Board proceeded with agenda items as follows:
Agenda Item No. 1) County Attorney. (Code iH) Mr. George R. St. John was present.
Requested amount $69,420; recommended by County Executive $69,820; no changes made this date.
Agenda Item No. 2) Housing Coordinator. (Code 1K) Mr. Peter Da!y was present.
amount $28,762; recommended by County Executive, $28,762; no action taken this date.
Agenda Item No. 3) Assessment of Real Property & Board of Equalization. (Code 2) Mr.
William S. Bradshaw was .present. Requested amount $245,271; recommended by County Executive
$242,581. The following changes were suggested: li~sitem 2-A-100 be cut to $2,000; line
item 2-A-220a be cut to $300; total of this category, $241,081.
Agenda Item No. 4) Finance. (Code 3) Mr. Ray Jones was present. Requested amount
$276,764; recommended by County Executive, $270,499. No action taken this date.
Agenda Item No. 5) Engineering. (Code 10A) Mr. J. Harvey Bailey was present. Request
amount $104,464; recommended by County Executive $104,464; no action taken this date.
Agenda Item No. 8) Landfills. Mr. J. Harvey Bailey was present. Ivy Landfill. (Code
10J.1) Requested amount $120,000; recommended by County Executive $120,000. Keene Landfill.
(Code 10J.2) Requested amount $52,300; recommended by County Executive $52,300. No action
taken on these categories this date.
Agenda Item No. 6) Planning. (Code 10E) Present was Mr. Robert Tucker. Requested
amount $t3~2~recommended by County Executive $124,045; no action taken this date.
Agenda Item No. 7) Zoning. (Code 10E.1) Mr. J. Benjamin Dick was present. Requested
amount $75,090; recommended by County Executive $73,380; no action taken this date.
Agenda Item No. 9) Elections. (Code 13) Mrs. Mary Lou Matthews, Registrar, and Mrs.
Marilyn Roper, Chairman of the Electoral Board, were present. Requested amount $50,695;
recommended by County Executive $50,695. The following changes were recommended: line item
13-160 be cut to $800; tStal for this category, $50,495.
Agenda Item No. 10) Maintenance-Buildings and Grounds. (Code 14) Mr. Calvin Jones was
present. Requested amount $136,271; recommended by County Executive $129,283; no action
taken this date.
Agenda Item No. 11) Virginia Association of Counties-Dues. (Code 18A.1) Requested
amount $2,880; recommended by County Executive $2,880; mo changes made this date.
Agenda Item No. 12) Planning District Commission-Dues. (Code 18A.2) Mrs. Wayne Harbau
was present. Requested amount $9,340; recommended by County Executive $9,640; no changes
made this date.
Agenda Item No. 13) Chamber of Commerce. (Code 18A.3) Present was Mr. Fred Fergeson.
Requested amount.S1,200; recommended by County Executive $1,200; no changes made this date.
Agenda Item No. 14) Chamber of Commerce-Convention Bureau. (Code 18A.15) Mr. Fred
Ferguson and Mr. Joseph Teague were present. Requested amount $11,000; recommended by County
Executive $-0-.
Mr. Teague handed to the Board a request for an extension of the Convention Bureau
contract and request for an interim appropriation; both items having been discussed at the
November 10, 1976, meeting. Mr. Ferguson noted that there was one change proposed from the
current contract; that being appointment of an advisory committee of city/county officials.
Mr. Fisher said this contract was discussed by City Council last week. They will not
fund the Convention Buraau unless the County does likewise. Mr. Fisher said he"does not feel
the Board should approve an appropriation for the remainder of the current fiscal year unless
it intends to fund the Convention Bureau for next year. '
Mr. Teague said he fe~ls the Chamber has presented all information necessary to justify
this request. With approval of the requested appropriation, he feels the Convention Bureau
can double the funds coming into the community. Mr. Fisher said the money which the County
has spent on the Bicentennial Center and the Convention Bureau has not yet been recovered
from the transient lodging tax.
Dr. Iachetta said he has come to the conclusion, since the presentation made,at the
March 9 meeting, that the monies appropriated by the County in previous years were not used
in a logical, step-wise procedure prior to May 27, 1976, when the Board decided not to fund
the Convention Bureau for the current year. The document presented today has the activities
March 23, t977'(Adjourned from March 16, 1977)
of the Convention Bureau and the promotion of tourism intertwined to a point where they
cannot be separated. Tourism is helped by many different agencies and by of the history of
this area. The Convention Bureau has a smaller impact because there are only three places in
the County/City large enough to house a sizeable convention. Dr. Iachetta said he is willing
to consider an appropriation for tourism but does not feel the Convention Bureau is a viable
entity for public monies.
Mr. Ferguson said the majority of conventions take less than 50 ~rooms. There are eight
convention facilites in the area that have medium accomodations and these can handle 85% of
the conventions that come to the City/County.
Mr. Henley said he feels the'Chamber has too large a program for What is being received
in return. He said he will not support the Convention Bureau appropriation.
Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta to not fund the Convention Bureau in the 1977-78
budget. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henley.
Mr. Agnor said he did not make his recommention to guide the Board, but rather to balanc.
Jthe budget. It is his understanding the the transient lodging tax was not enacted to offset
expenase of this program, but rather as a substitute for local taxes. He has also heard
complaints from citizens that the Convention BUreau program is mainly benefiting members of
the Chamber and is being used as a way to force them to become members of the Chamber. The
pr.esentation made on March 9 confirms that opinion.
Mr. Dorrier said the idea of having an advisory committee is good. Although he is not
willing to support the request for $11,000, the active seeking of conventions for the communi
is well worth any small investment the County can make. If the County does not fund this
operation, its future is in Jeopardy.
Mr. Roudabush said he feels some effort should be made tm attract conventions and this
is best done with public support and under the control of local government. He agreed that
funding for the Convention Bureau and tourism might be considered as two separate items.
'' Mrs. David said she remembers the conversation that took place when the Convention
Bureau was firSt funded by the County. She thought the original request was for funds to
get this program started. She is not convinved that the taxpayers money should be used for
this item.
Roll was called at this point, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote'
Mrs. David and Messrs. Fisher, Henley and Iachetta.
Mr. Dorrier and Mr. Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 15) Chamber of Commerce-Tourism.
$2,500; recommended by CoUnty Executive, $-0-.
(Code 18A15.1)
Requested amount
Mr. Fisher said he has heard some support for continuing to have brochures available for
visitors to the community. He feels elt that'S2,500 is a large amount to spend just to have
brochures which have already been developed~r~printed. He might support this item if it can
be worked out as to how this will be handled.
Dr. Iachetta agreed. He felt' the request for tourism has a more general application and
he would favor funding at a reasonable level to continue furnishing these materials.
Mr~;oFIahe~ said the Chamber has not been asked if they want to continue with this
program. Mr. Ferguson said this would have to be de~ided by the Chamber's Board of Directors
If the Board does not fund the Convention Bureau, the Chamber would'need to put together a
diff~erent proposal since $2,5'00 might not be a sufficient sum. Mr. Fisher said he felt the
Board should indicate an amount it is willing to support. Mr. Henley suggested approving a
set sum and if it is not sufficient, the Chamber can make a supplemental request. .Mr.
Ferguson said he would write a proposal on.this request. Dr. Iachetta suggested that the
Board members be furnished with a list of the materials which would be printed, the number to
be printed, and the cost of same. Mr. Fisher suggested that Mr. Teague, the Mayor and himse!
-meet for lunch in the near future to discuss this request.
Agenda Item No. 16) State Chamber of Commerce-Dues. (Code 18A.17)' Requested amount
$I00; recommended by County Executive~$-0-. Mr. Agnor noted that there was no amount ~
appropriated in the current buget for this category. At the February 2, 1977, meeting,
this was discussed and the Board decided to reconsider this during budget work sessions. Mr
Fisher said the State Chamber has supported the Virginia Association of Counties and the
Virginia Municipal League in the question of employee bargaining, but have always opposed
legislation to broaden possible tax sources. Mr. Louie Scribner said that Charlottesville
and Albemarle do get a number of good articles in "Commonwealth", the State Chamber's magaziI
At this point, Dr. Iachetta offered motion to include in the. 1977-78 budget, a $100 appropria
for code 18A.17. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dorrier, who suggested that a letter be
addressed to the State Chamber asking them to keep the County informed on all of their
activities so the Board might provide input from time to time. The motion failed by the
following vote:
Messrs. Dorrier, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Mrs. David and Messers Fisher and Henley.
March 23, 1977 (Adjourned from!~March 16, 1977)
Agenda Item No. 17) Economic Development Commission. (Code 18A.4) Mr. Louis Scribner
was present. Requested amount~$3,500; recommended by the County Executive $3,500. Mr.
Scribner said the thrust of this program is for the benefit of the County. He and other
members of the Commission spent today showing land to two foreign visitors who want to
locate a business in this area. This could not happen without this or a similar organization
Mr. Roudabush said he has served on this Commission for a number of years. The Commissi~
does not encourage growth for the sake of growth and quite often have discouraged businesses
they did not feel were right for the community. Mr. Ferguson works closely with the County's
Planning Department Staff and has compiled site data which is accurate and revealing. This
could not have been done without the backing of the County.
Mr. Fisher said 'he will support this request, but requested that the Commission make a
public presentation in the near future so the citizens will know what is being done with
public funds.
~Motion was offered by Mr. Roudabush, seconded by Dr. Iachetta to fund the Economic
DevelOpment Commission in the amount of $3,500 for the 1977-78 fiscal year. The motion
carried by the following recorded vote:
MrS. David End Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 18) Bicentennial Commission. (Code 18A.5) Requested amount $9,282;
recommended by the County Executive $9,282. Motion to approve an appropriation of $9,282
for the 1977-78 fiscal year was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mrs. David, and carried
by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 19) Soil Survey. (Code 18A.6) Requested amount $12,648; recommended
by County Executive $12,648. Mr. Agnor said this amount will complete payment on the contrac'
for the soil survey. Mr. Fisher asked if Soil Conservation Service is near to completion of
this work. Mr. Agnor said no, completion date is not until 1981 or 1982. Mr. Fisher asked
if the County must pay the total contract amount before the work is completed. Mr. Agnor
said no, but if the County completes payment on the contract this year, their only obligation
will be for clerical work. He talked with Mr. Gordon Yaeger who said that after this final
payment, the County will have no further financial obligation, other than the furnishing of
clerical help. Motion was then offered by Mrs. David, seconded by Dr. Iachetta, to fund
this category in the 1977-78 fiscal year. The motion carried by the following recorded
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 20) Miscellaneous Telephone Expense. (Code 18A.I1) Requested amount
$200; recommended by County Executive $200. Motion was offered by Mr. Roudabush, seconded
by Mrs. David, to approve this category. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 21) Resource Recovery Study Commission. (Code 18A.13) Requested
amount $1,500; recommended by County Executive $-0-. Dr. Iachetta said this Commission has
just recently found that the Environmental Protection Agency will share in the cost of the
first phase of this project; therefore no appropriation is needed. Motion to concur in the
County Executive's recommendation was offered by Dr. I'achetta, seconded by Mrs. David,
and carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 22) National Association of Counties-Dues. (Code 18A.14) Requested
amount $500; recommended by County Executive $500. Motion to approve this request for the
1977-78 fiscal year was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier and carried by the
following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
~genda Item No. 23) WVPT Public Television. (Code 18A.18) Requested amount $4,500;
recommended by County Executive 3-0-. Mr. Agnor said that each year the Board receives a
request from WVPT for an appropriation calculated on 105 per capita. The State pays the
Richmond Public television station an amount per pupul for educational programs broadcast to
the schools and Albemarle County is assigned to that station. In the past year, the
station has put a relay on Brown's Mountain, and greatly improved Albemarle's reception.
March 23, 1977 (Adjourned from March 16, 1977)
The appropriation requested by WVPT would be used to enhance their general programming and
would not be used basically for school programming. Mr. Agnor said a Mr. Parker, the Vice
President of WVPT,has requested tha~ he be allowed to appear before the Board and appeal Mr.
Agnor'S recommendation on this request. Mr. Fisher said he did not feel this~station is
received by the general public in Albemarle and there is no need to discuss the matter
further since the educational television recePt±~n:~being received by the County has been
Motion to not fund this category was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier,
and carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Not Docketed: Mr. Agnor said he had mailed a memorandum to the Board explaining how
savings in the Social Services budget were made. He has also met with the Welfare Board to
explain the savings.
Mr. Fisher said a great effort has been made to cut the smaller departmental budgets by
looking at actual expenditures over a number of years. The School Board presented no such
documentation with their budget request. He felt the same kind of review should be made of
the School's expenditures and if their staff does not have the time to make such an extensive
review, the Board should offer the services of the Director of Finance. (Note: Mr. Dorrier
left the meetZng at 4:55 P.M. to attend a meeting of the Bicentennial Commission.) Dr.
Iachetta agreed with Mr. Fisher. Mrs. David offerad motion to request the School Board to
provide this Board with the same kind of budget information that has been provided by other
County Departments in terms of expenditures for a four- years period and also offering the
services of Mr. Ray Jones in accumulating this data; same to beapresented to this Board on
April 4, 1977. The motion was seconded by Dr. Iachetta and carried by the following
recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs Fish~r~ Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush'
Mr. Dorrier.
Rann Preserve: Mr. Robert Sampson was present to request approval of a site plan for
the Rann Preserve Property. This site plan was approved by the joint City/County Committee
and City Council. Mr. Sampson said in accordance with instructions from the Committee, the
staff drew this plan and tried to keep 70% of the area as natural as possible by developing
only one segment of the property. The plan itself is inexpensive in terms of the facilities
planned. The entrance road will be relocated because of a conflict with existing structures.
The parking lot is planned for a minimum of 30 cars. Mr. Sampson said City Council approved
a plan showing restroom facilities as the plan to be submitted to the Bureau of Outdoor
Recreation for funding.
Mrs. Katie Burney, Chairman of the C~unt~'Parks Commission, was present. She felt the
site should be analyzed, then a basic philosophy developed as to how the park will be
managed before any plans are finalized. Mr. Fisher said his goal is to do as little as
possible to the property. Dr. Iachetta felt the property should~e kept as natural as
possible. Mrs. Burney said in order to keep the property in its natural state it will take ~
a 1.ot of good planning. She said this plan has not been submitted to the Parks Commission
for its review.
Dr. Iachetta asked why the spit O£~:!and in the Reservoir, owned by the City, is not a
part of the plan submitted. Mr. Sampson said Mr. Gene German, City Parks Director, said
that piece of property was not to be considered as part of this plan. Mr. Fisher said that
statement is contrary to the action taken by this Board when funding for the Rann Preserve
was implemented on November 17, 1976. The Board agreed to the purchase of the property
only on the condition that this would be a unified park which included that spit of land.
Mr. Roudabush said it has been his understanding from the beginning that the County only
looked favorably on the request to purchase the Rann property because the City already owned
a number of acres contiguous to this property that could be incorporated into the park. Dr.
Iachetta said that point needs clarification.
Mrs. David said at the last meeting of the joint committee, she was the only County
representative present. The Committee agreed that a plan should be presented to the Bureau
of Outdoor Recreation as part of the funding request and that discussion should begin
in the near future on the mechanism by which this property will be managed.
Mr. Fisher said he did not want County staff discussing this proposal further with City
staff until the joint committee has settled the question of the use of that piece of propert~
He would no~ vote to go any farther with this project until that question is settled. Dr.
Iachetta said he thought this question had been settled in earlier discussions by the joint
committee and he never understood the problems that arose when he made the proposal in
public. He said it is unnatural to talk about a park which leaves out a good piece of land
which has access only through the park. Mr. Fisher said he had told the Mayor that he
wanted a written report from the committee and he was reemphasizing that point. At this
point, Mr Henley offered motion to table this discussion until April 6, at which time a
written committee report should be presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roudabush and
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Dorrier.
Agenda Item No. 24) At 5:40 P.M., the Board recessed for dinner. The meeting reconven,
at 7:47 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse with Mr. Dorrier present.
March 23, 1977 (Adjourned from March~16, 1977)
The Daily Progress on March 9 and March 16, 1977.) After Mr. Fisher had made his opening
remarks, he introduced. Mr. D. S. Roosevelt, Resident Highway Engineer, who in turn introduced
the Assistant Resident Highway Engineer, Mr. Bryan Coburn. Mr. Roosevelt read portions of
Virginia Code Section 33.1-70 which sets out the procedure for holding the annual highway
hearing. He noted that the Board must make written recommendations to the Highway Department
on expenditure of funds for work in the County. Mr. Roosevelt said he had recommendations
to make for the 1977-78 year, based on the following four classifications:
Hard-surface roads of inadequate width, strength or alignment
for the traffic volume served;
Non hard-surfaced roads of inadequate, width, strength or alignment
with a traffic count of over 50 wehicle trips per day.
Non hard-surfaoed roads of inadquate strength with traffic counts
under 50 vehicle trips per day; and
Bridges of less than standard width or capacity.
Mr. Roosevelt said 1973 was the last year in which a thorough survey was made. of Seconda~
System needs in Albemarle County. It was determined that 419 miles of the 717 miles of
Secondary System roads which fall in the above four categories are in need of improvement.
There are also 185 bridges that need improvements. In 1973 it was estimated that these
needed improvements would cost $57,000,000. This coming year the County will be allocated
about $2,000,000 for the Secondary System. Of that total, $1,000,000 will be needed for
maintenance, leaving about $900,000 for improvements. Therefore, priorities for work must
be set. The Department gives priority to high volume hard-surfaced roads and non- hard-surfa~
roads with a count of 50 vehicle trips per day. Emphasis is also given to improvement of
bridges. For low-volume hard-surfaced roads, they intent to use traffic signing and pavement
markings to make these roads safer until money is available for improvements. Roads with a
count under 50 vehicle trips per day will be strengthened with additional stone which is
basically maintenance. There are no low-volume hard-surfaced roads or low-volume non-
hard-surfaced roads in the plan to be presented.
Mr. Roosevelt then recommended allocations be made in the next fiscal year as follows:
Route 631 North (Rio Road) from the Southern Railway Tracts
to the City limits; a length of about one mile. This would
allocate funds for preliminary engineering on the project.
This road has a vehicle count of 3,400 per day and is the
third highest volume road in the Secondary System in Albemarle
Route 743 (Hydraulic Road) from Route 29 North to 4/10th of
a mile west of Route 631. A length of 2.25 miles. The
allocation this year will fund the project adequately so
construction can be started. It is expected to be advertised
in mid-summer of 1978. The road will be four-lanes with
curb and gutter and is to follow the existing roadway.
Route 684 (Mint Springs Road; a length of one mile.) This
allocation will fund the access road to the park and it is
anticipated that construction will begin this year, however,
no rights of way have been obtained.
Route 665 between Free Union and Earlysville. This project
is at the intersection of Route 667 and is a bridge replacement
over Buck Mountain Creek. With previous allocations and
funds from the district bridge fund, it is anticipated that
the project will be advertised later this year.
Route 633 off of Route 29 South. This project is from one
and one-half miles east of Route 29 South to two and one-
half miles west of Route 29 South. This allocation will
fund a continuation of an improvement project on Route 633
which will eventually end at Route 712. This work will be'
undertaken by State Forces and depends on right of way being
donated. The traffic count is 57 vehicle trips per day. The
road will be taken from non-~hard~u~fac~dr~to hard-surfaced.
Route 601 from Route 810 to Mission Home at the Greene
County line. This allocation will supplement funds already
allocated in the current year's budget. The road will be
hard-surfaced and a bridge which is presently rated at
seven tons will be brought to standard. The vehicle count is 79
vehicles per day.
Route 643 from one-half mile east of Route 29 to one"~and
three-tenths miles~east of Route 29 South. This allocation
supplements previous allocations for a project which will be
completed by State Forces and is dependent on donated rights
of way. This road carries 200 vehicles per day and is the
third highest non-surface road in the County.
Route 708 from Route 627 to Route 795. This allocation
supplements a previous allocation in the current year's
budget. The project will be completed by State Forces and
is dependent on donated rights of way. This road carries 67
vehicles per day.
March 23, 1977 (Adjourned from March 16, i977)
Route 636, a bridge over Mechum River. This allocation will
finance the upgrading of the bridge from its present rate of
seven tons. Traffic count is 92 vehicles per day. The
additional allocation will be made to a county-wide fund for
installation of new pipes, signs, seeding and preliminary
engineering on the project to which allocations have not
been made, plus allocations to the rural additional fund for
upgrading of roads which meet the viewer laws.
Mr. Roosevelt said the total of the above projects is about $900,000. Dr. Iachetta
asked if construction on Hydraulic Road is anticipated to begin in 1978. Mr. Roosevelt said
the Department is currently working toward an advertising date of June, 1978. However, a
public hearing has not been held and the comments received during that hearing will determine
how soon rights of way can be obtained and what line the road will follow. It is hoped the
public hearing can be held by July, 1977.
Mr. D0rrier asked how many of the roads recommended for the 1977-78 year will be hard-
sufaced. Mr. Roosevelt said four. Mr. Henley said some of the persons present might have
questions which would be answered if they knew the six-year plan for improvements. Mr.
Roosevelt said the items in the plan are based primarily on traffic counts since it is felt
that the roads~wi~h the highest traffic counts are more deserving of improvements. Both Rio
Road and Hydraulic Road appear in the six-year plan. The non- hard-surface roads appearing
in the plan are the ones based on traffic counts taken last summer. Mr. Roosevelt then
~listed the following items:
Route 601, the road from Charlottesville to Free Union goes
across a long truss span. There has already been some money
allocated to that project, but it is felt that this project
can be deferred until additional funds are allocated in some
future year because of a slow-down in planned development.
Improve railroad signals on Route 731 in Keswick and Route
632 sO~th of Covesvi!le.
Route 660, bridge. There is a 260 foot long truss span on
this road which goes to Earlysville.
Rio Road (Route 631). There will be an allocation in next year's budget
for this project which will hopefully follow a new alignment so as to
bypass the curves. However, even when this project is completed, the
bridge known as the "Park Street Bridge" will need improvements because of
the amount of local traffic using same. As a separate project, the bridge
will be widened and strengthened.
Rio Road (Route 631) west of Route 29 North around to Hydraulic Road (Route
Route 708 from Route 710 northward is a non- hard-surfaced road which
carries~225 vehicles per day and is to be hard-surfaced.
Route 651 is a non- hard-surfaced road that goes across the railroad trac~s
north of Charlottesville. It is the highest volume non- hard-surfaced
carrier in the County with 649 vehicle trips per pay.
Route 712 from Route 29 South to Route 692. This is the fourth highest
volume non- hard-surfaced traffic carrier in the county.
Route 719 carries 89 vehicles per day and although not among the highest
volume non- hard-surfaced carriers in the County, it is one the few roads -~
on which rights of way have already been donated.
Route 651 east of the railroad tracks runs through a subdivided area and
is a gravelled road which carries 148 vehicles per day. It is presently
the tenth highest volume non- hard-surfaced carrier in the County.
Route 637 (South of 1-64) from the end of the hardsurface west toward
Batesville. This is the eighth highest volume non- hard-surfaced
carrier in the CoUnty and should be improved as should two bridges which
are of a very low capacity.
Route 640 from Route 20 northwest is a gravel road which has a traffic
count of 160 vehicles per day. This is the fifth highest volume non-
hard-surfaced carrier in the County.
Route 671, a truss span at Millington. This bridge had to be closed
earlier this year because of a collapse. The vehicle count is about
350 per day.
At this time, the public hearing was opened.
Route 717 (Sand Road) - Speaking were Mrs. Glenn Carter, Mr. A. P. DeBenedictis, Mr.
Walter Waynes, Mr. Alonzo Jones, Mr. Gene Burton, Mr. Rey Barry and Ms. Sharon White. Ail
agreed that the road is narrow, thus making it difficult for cars to pass. Such a narrow
road is dangerous for school buses, and the road is extremely rough. Mr. Burton handed to
the Board a petition signed by 108 persons asking that the road be hard-surfaced. A questior
was raised as to how the Highway Department could spend so much money on small maintenance
projects for this road, but could not use that same money for hard-surfacing. Mr. Fisher
said he would ask~r. Roosevelt to answer that question later.
Route 708. Speaking were Ruth and Paul Robertson and Mr. Leslie Jones. Mrs. Robertson
asked why the planned improvements start at Carter's Bridge, which is a much better section,
instead of starting at Blenheim which is very hazardous. Mr. Roosevelt said in order for
March 23, 1977 (Adjourned from March 16, 1977)
this to be a proper improvement, it should start near Route 20 because that is where the
road leads. Mrs. Robertson said she thinks the southern part of the County is always
neglected when it comes to highway work and that is one of the reasons people are not moving
to this part of the County. There were monies in the 1976-77 budget with which to finance
improvements on Route 708. Mr. Roosevelt said the Department has been unable to obtain the
necessary rights of way. Mrs. Robertson asked if the Department could not move past this
bottleneck to another section of Route 708. Mr. Jones said if the Department has 95% of the
necessary rights of way, something should be done about the other 5%. Because of the bad
condition of dirt roads in the County, he would recommend that the Board ban speculative
construction on these dirt roads. Mr. Fisher said the Board cannot deny citizens the right
to use their property in the way it is zoned. The Highway Department will not use any
Secondary funds to acquire rights of way and the County will not use property taxes to buy
rights of way.
Route 666. Speaking was Ted Morris. He asked that the present road be taken care of
since it has been impossible to get it hard-surfaced. Mr. Merrill Runquist said the road is
mo~e mmd than gravel. It is only 3/4 mile long and he asked that the road at least be
maintained. Ms. Doris Wilson said this road has not had a full gravel treatment for years.
Mr. Don Wrightly also asked how the Highway Department can continually spend money for
maintenance and not put that same money into hard, surfacing. Mr. Roosevelt said it is a fact
that it is cheaper to maintain a hard-surfaced road. The Highway Department's policy for
when a road should be hard-surfaced is based on this fact. They feel that when the road
carries 50 vehicles per day it is cheaper over a period of time to hard~suH£ace. At one
time, the Highway Department allowed the Resident Engineer to have roads hard-surfaced
exactly as they lay on the ground. This is one of the reasons why some hard-surfaced roads
are now in their present condition. A few years ago, the Highway Department changed this
policy to say that this policy could not be continued when there is bad alignment, the road
is narrow and there is little or no base. A hard~smH~aoed road costs about $100,000 per
mile to construct. If his Department used its total $2,000,000 allocation to improve 20
miles of road a year and did not maintain the other 700+ miles in the County, all of the
roads would eventually look like Route 666 is described. The $1,000,000 set aside by the
Highway Department for maintenance is to keep the roads at their current status.
Route 601. Ms. Carah Johnson asked that the road be hard-surfaced between Mission Home
and the Church. She indicated that one property owner will not give the right of way
necessary and the Highway Department has said they will not hard-surface this road from
Route 810 to Mission Home so she is requesting only this small piece. Mr. Fisher said this
road is slated for improvement in the next year, but it will not be improved if the necessar~
rights ~f way are not donated. Mr. Roosevelt said it has not been decided that this road
will not be built. He is recommending that an additional allocation be included in the
budget for next year. They will try to get the necessary right of way from the property
owner on the opposite side of the road.
Route 618. Virgil Harris. He said there are drains that need opening up. A subdivisio
is also being built on this road. He is presently collecting names on a petition requesting
that the road be hard-surfaced.
Route 727. John H. Monroe. He said this road is the wash-board type and in need of
repairs. Mr. Roosevelt said this road carries 157 vehicles per day. Last fall, because the
Highway Department was unable to obtain rights of way on another project, money was transferr~
to a project on the first mile of Route 727, however, the Highway Department has been
unsuccessful in getting the necessary right of way.
Route 743 (Hydraulic Road). Speaking was A. L. Scott representing the Hydraulic
Neighborhood Association. He said they are concerned that during the reconstruction of this
road, their homes are not put out in the middle of road or that traffic disturbs them to the
extent that their homes are unlivable. He requested a traffic light at the corner of
Hydraulic and Georgetown Road. Mr. Fisher said the Board has also been concerned about the
alignment of this road and the disruption of private property. Mr. Roosevelt said the plans
presently show this reconstruction for a four-lane road with curb-and gutter. The road will
be built following the present alignment. The Highway Deparmtent is presently attempting to
obtain an easement from Exxon in order to set a pole for the requested traffic light.
Route 719. William P. Heath said he represents four people requesting that the one
mile section of~.Route 719 between Route 715 and Route 716 be improved immediately. The
necessary right of way has been donated by the owners on both sides of the road. He was led
to believe that this construction could begin in the Spring and now understands that it will
no~ ~Mr. Roosevelt said this improvement to Route 719 was discussed last spring. At that
time, the question of rights of way was brought up and t~e people on the road donated the
rights of way~ However, all of his correspondence indicates only that the project would be
considered. If the Highway Department is unable to obtain right of way on the five projects
currently funded, they will be looking for other areas and this might be considered at that
time. Mrs. Marian Jessup said she has the longest road frontage on Route 719. She helped
to get the right of way and understood the work would have begun last fall or this spring.
This is a dangerous, treacherous short distance of road. (Mr. Dorrier thanked Mrs. Jessup
for her donation of land to the health center in Esmont.)
Mr. Gene Burton asked why Route 717 is not in the six-year plan. Mr. Roosevelt said
the current traffic count for that road is 69 vehicles per day. There are 2.3 miles in other
parts of the County which have more than 100 vehicles a day. Mr. Burton asked if he could
help get the necessary rights of way'. Mr. Roosevelt said he would stake out the right of
way. If the citizens want to go house to house, obtain the right of way and have this
recorded, he will consider the project, but he is not sure when.
Four Seasons. D. L. Hake. Dr. Iachetta said this matter came up at the March 9, 1977,
meeting and Mr. Roosevelt showed a number of photographs. As a result of this, Mr. Roosevelt
met with the County Egnineer and Dr. Iachetta to view the roads ~on the ground. The roads
are definitely not built to State standards. Dr. Iachetta noted that the bond covering
March 23, 1977 (Adjourned from March 16, 1977)
construction of these roads was called by the County and the work which had been outlined
by the Highway Department was done in the summer of 1975. Last year, Robert Warner, the
previous Resident Highway Engineer, felt the roads were up to standard and in January,
1976, the Board adopted a resolution asking for their acceptance into the State System.
They are still not in the system and after field inspection, definitely not built to
adequate State standards. Dr. Iachetta quoted from the August 11 minutes of the Board, at
which time Mr. Roosevelt had indicated that the Highway Department would take the roads
into the System exactly as they lay on the ground and with no bond. Mr. Roosevelt said
the paragraph in the minutes which indicated that the District Engineer had determined
that the roads would be taken into the System without a bond was in error. This was
determined from Mr. Charles Perry who said he had disucssed this with Mr. Hope. Mr. Hope
now says that he had agreed that if the streets had been in use for one year and were
still up to standard, they would be accepted. However, someone would have to certify that
the streets are up to standard and he cannot do that. Since March 9, he has written a
letter to the County stating that he will go back to a letter of February 26, 1976, which
said someone would need to post a $10,000 bond. Everything else from that letter is
finished. Mr. Roosevelt said he has made it clear to the County in earlier conversations
that he intended to call that bond sometime during the first year in order to make repairs
to these streets. Mr. Iachetta said what is actually needed is $10,000 cash. Woodlake
CorPoration is in receivorship. The whole history of this project shows bad surveillance
from the government for a project which they approved.
Mr. Roudabush asked if Woodlake Corporation has any assets left. Mr. Dorrier said
the County might go to the bankruptcy trustee and appear before the judge to put in a
Mr. Hake said he was the first president of the Townhouse Association. He has
friends who live in Georgetown Green and he was aware that Mr. Daley Craig never finished
those roads and the owners had to pay to have the road upgraded. During the early years
when Four Seasons was under construction, Mr. Craig said many times that finishing the
roads was of primary concern. The residents began attending Board meetings when Mr. Craig
came to the Board to get the bond extended each year. Citizens in Georgetown Green and
Hessian Hills also appeared to say that Mr. Craig had never finished their roads.
Mr. Fisher said the Board had called the bond, completed the work required by the
Highway Department and indicated that the roads must be accepted. He thought the Highway
Department had agreed and feels that in this instance the Board has been betrayed. Mr.
Roosevelt said he feels the Highway Department has some responsibility in this matter, as
does the County, and his correspondence on this matter will show the Highway Department's
acceptance of its responsibility.
Mr. Agnor said he was concerned when he learned that additional funds would be
needed for the roads. He thought a compromise had been reached and the Highway Department
had waived the requirement for a bond. The County was not betrayed by the withdrawal of
the compromise since Mr. Roosevelt must certify that the roads are up to State Standards
and he cannot do that-. Mr. Agnor said he believes the County has some responsibility in
this matter and asked that the Board consider, in this instance, even though a precedent
may be set, furnishing the Highway Department with a $10,000 guarantee; ~he~m~ey
being taken from Revenue Sharing Funds and the County then trying to recover the funds
from the receivorship.
A Mr. Wright said, as a taxpayer he would object to this arrangement. If the State
undertook to upgrada his road, he would be required to donate the necessary right of way.
He felt the homeowners in Four Seasons should contribute to this cost. Mr. Fisher said it
would be difficult for him to consider such an arraagement. Mr. Henley said he is sympathet~
but would have a problem explaining this to people in Sunrise Acres who have no roads.
Mr. Roudabush said the people in Airport Acres just raised $13,000 to have their road
repaired as people in Georgetown Green did earlier. Dr. iachetta said Airport Acres was a
different situation. Seventeen years ago when the subdivision first began, the roads were
not planned to be taken into the State System and over the years the property owners
changed their minds.
Mr. Jim Hill said a similar problem occurred in Berkely when that developer went
bankrupt. He felt the Board could go to the receivorship and put a lien on something in
the name of the citizens.
Mr. Agnor said he was not suggesting that the County spend public money to get the
road into the system, only that the money be posted to get this problem resolved and then
the County try to recover the funds.
It was ordered that this matter be included on the agenda of April 13 for further
Mr. Dorrier said five out of the eight requests received tonight were from the
southern part of the County. He Wanted the Board to know that this area has been neglected
in the past and said some positive changes should be made in the Six-year plan. Mr.
Fisher said if any changes are made in the plan, something will have to be deleted in
order to make that change. Mr. Roosevelt has based his proposals on traffic counts and
safety needs. (Note: This matter also to be discussed again on April 13.)
At 10:45 P.M. the Board recessed and reconvened at 10:52 P.M.
Agenda Item No. 26) Request for approval of central well - West Woods Subdivision.
The following memorandum, dated March 22, 1977, was received from Mr. J. Harvey Bailey,
County Engineer:
~a~c~ 23, 1977 [Adjourned from March 16, 1977)
March 28, 1977 (Adjourned from March 23, 1977)
"This letter is in response to Mr. James M. Hill's request dated March 16,
1977, addressed to Miss Estelle Neher, Secretary to the Board of Supervisors,
County of Albemarle, Virginia, asking for approval of a well water system
for West Woods Subdivision.
The well for which approval is requested was drilled and tested on August 3
and 4, 1976. The well depth is 400 feet and the stati~ water level was
nine feet below ground surface. Drawdown stabilized at 329 feet and the
pumping rate was 20.6 g.p.m, for the final four hours. Although this
flow is 0.4 g.p.m, shy of the 21 g.p.m, required to serve the 42 connections
which Mr. Hill requests, we recommend 42 connections be allowed.
The mechanics of the water system have been reviewed and approved by this
office. Approval of sanitation by the Department of Health has not been
given, as far as we have been informed."
Mr. Jim Hill was present and said the well had been tested for 72 hours. Motion was
then offered by Mr. Roudabush, seconded by Dr. Iachetta, to accept the County Engineer's
recommendations. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 27) Appropriation - Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Agnor noted that there
is $30,000 appropriated in the current budget for update of the Comprehensive Plan. The
County will also receive a $23,000 grant from HUD. The contract with Kamstra, Dickerson
and Associates totaled $47,000. There has also been $1,500 spent for mapping services,
etc. Therefore, an appropriation of $18,500 is needed to cover the cost of updating the
Comprehensive Plan. Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mrs. David, to
adopt the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $18,500 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from
the General Fund and transferred to Code 10E-252, Planning Department.
The foregoing motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 28) Resolution: Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire Company. Motion was
offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mrs. David to adopt the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, qhat the Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire Company is hereby
recognized as an integral part of the Official Safety Program of
Albemarle County, Virginia, pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.1-136.2.
The foregoing motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 29) On motion by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mrs, David, the Seminole
Trail Volunteer Fire Company was issued a lottery permit for the calendar year 1977
conditioned on the adopted rules of the Board. The motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Agenda Item No. 30) At 11:00 P.M., on motion by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Roudabush
this meeting was adjourned until March 28, 1977, at 1:30 P.M. in the Board Room of the
County Office Building. The motion carried by the vote which follows:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
March 28, 1977 (Afternoon-Adjourned from March 23, 1977)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
on March 28, 1977, beginning at 1:30 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office~Building,
Charlottesville, Virginia; said meet%ng being adjourned from March 23, 1977.
Present: Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., .Gerald E./Fisher,
J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta and W S. Roudabush.
Absent: None.
Officer present: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr.