HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD201700003 Letter of Determination 2017-02-10CDUNTY OF Al -SC M9,4RLE
Department of Commtr,ity Development
401 M G l nthe Road, N Orth WI ng
Charattesville, Virginja 22,��2-459-6
Phan -e IQ4 2H-5632 Fax 434) 972-4120
February 10, 201 7
AR S ch orn)erg
61.31 Go rdonsv0e Road
Keswick. VA 22047
Re; Official Letter of Dete rmi pati on
N onc-onf-io rmi rxg Use for 0 utdoo r ArnpMf led M U5 i i:
(LDD 2417-43) (Tax Ma 66, Parcel A at 6111 G orda n-5vi I I e Fid,)
Dear Mr Sch ornbera.
Th is I ever is i n rvs�pen ;0 you r Tette r of determ ination a ppi ic:ation for the at}ove-r- foren-cpd
prape rt -yr 1 QcafiQd a1 0131 G-Drdon5vil Ie Road (the 'Pro aerty- ). It rs my desermi nab iofl that fhOrE? is
a legally noncomforming use fo: outd oo r amplified m uric oceLrrinq in association with weddi r) 0s
on the P roperty o n S and ay eveni ngs u nt:l 11 pm. As a res u It of a recent ordin arrye -arnEm(finer' C,
unger Sestlon 6.1 2 5(e)(4) & 1 he Al be marle COLrity zon in0 o rd ri an se (he rehafte r '1 Ile ZOrii rig
ori na rFc e' ), cyj+door am pl iri-ed m us ie i s now prohi bited iot a fa rm vyi neryr f turn SU nday thio ugh
Thursday n ig tits bdtwee n the ho urs a 10 pm ;o nd 7 am the fof loud ng morni n g
Evidence re lev2nt to this dete rm i rat io q 1s outl ted t�elgw.
Si rice 2010 Keswick Virieyard!s h as been Pi o5tijig a n ave rage of 10-15 SLA -id ay
weddings par year that end s� 11 j)rn
Ke&wick Vinep rds r1 a5 sontracta for Sunday wed d[ ngs in 2017 that were
e to bll s Med prior to the and haEnce amend m ent that i rrtrod uced the o i, tdoor
pl ih-ad rr5usi c oU rfew
;• Ke Gwi ok Vi rieyard 5 has trade a $59,4x0 investrnert in s peri i;� ized eq ui pmerit
and sound a2ten cation measu res and an ann ual i nve stir int of 32M. 400 over 7
yea rs i n outd Dor venue eq ui pm ent.
Under Section 3.1 of the zoning ordi n ante, a nonco nforrn �nq use in defined a.s "'s ISLO t ?
j)(rr c pef use of the iof ... exrsfirrg on t., a effective date of the zoning rag��irrfror�s
oppfeimbly &) the drsiricf in which the Lyse rs vacated, or a mom r•csfr &od asig, Mat dries
riot =Flpfy MV? the Zippii BWe irsV regura�."ons of tat zona ng dist.r. cr. " Wedd inns are an
establMhed usua I and cuatoma ry a-ctivity at Vx-Orni a #arm wi ne ri es and are perm itted by
Kcswi ck Vineyards
February 10, 2017
Page 2
righi with u p to 200 eitendees whe n associated ,Huth a Ii ce nsed farm wi ne ry u se. Outdoo r
a m p?ifie-!� m uaio rn Rlyr occur by right in association w•th any fa rm wfnery went. As s u 01.
wed 0 ng -9 thet Occur regu Iariyr at a I icen sed farm wine ry ,h at invorue ou0no r am pl ifi ed
M S io ma yr be co nsridered a Is r:nc:i pal use of the lot for the pu rpo:�e of eStabl ish ing a
r7en cor�orrni no status.
Th a n onco rfor m ing use def in it ion fur; h er states; -A use Mar r�7 !;ea.sonaf Ori the? eh ecfrve
date of f bds c1rapt(?r Shut be e gible 10 be .9 norrevnfor+ryng v -se. In the case of weddings
at a fiRrm winery. -ever, thoug h %he eve rs m ay occur on ly betwnc n spring and fa I!. t.h By
m ay SO I be established a s a n on conFormi.nu u se bec:a use they are seaFonal in nature
A use m ust a Iso be substantia I rn order to ech ieve a noncnnfarmi ng Stas us. Jn Edmleri
v. Zo, ing Appeals Buari f (199.0, the Spol!s}Iv is C�i)u r.ty Ci rcu it CO ti rt he Id that ''Sl ij se
whic.1 is su bstantia I i h fhe ser !Se the; its termi natio n wou Id i ivo IYe srgn ifs. t ri ria n Tial,
propertV. Or other econorn io res ults M I be protected." I n the case of Keswi rik Vi neyards.
Sunday wedd ing s aeCxDunt For appro*n n1ely g "ria of the r wedd ng bij s mess, and a
1 Oprn outdoor am phl'ied m u s iC curfew effectively etim in ates their abil iter to co mpete with
Othe r Pndoor wedd ing ven u ins rwM no curfcw. The ref ore, the loss of S unday weddings
wo- i Id have a sign it i cant econom is i rrpact on Keswick Vmeyard's� bust n ees. I n eddil le n.
Keswick Wie} a rd's su bstaitial investme nt i n !so%j r,d egjopment end ette nu;atic n
me asures to avoid d i :tu rb �)g its neig hbors duri ng erre res is f urther eviejen Ce of its
pori corrformi rLg statue e� a vested use.
I n Burn me ry outd 00 r @ rrepIi fieri music essouiated witl, 10-15 Sunday weddi n gs per yeas that e r d
by 1 i prn is a nonco nfearn ir1g use of the P rope rty. This find ing is based 4i PM Su nday weddi ngs
bein g a pri ma ry a nd su b$tak itial us,e of the Prope riyr a nd the sign+fi pant i ovestme rpt m ade xn
sou rid atte nuabz) n mea7sures for tht--,c tvr~nts. Paease be advised that under ;unction 6.2 (g � of
the zon hng ord ina nce. a ny i rete nsificat ion of the use. such as a sign i5cant increase i r the nu m be r
of Su nda yr wedd v,igs an nua 4 y, m ay term i r. ate th is rea n conforrrei reg statu S and requ ire that a ny
cwjtdoor €m pl if ed rrusi ri com ply with the zon ing reg u latio its cu rrently i n effect. P°ease corltar°t
the zoni ng drvi ston to seek fu rthe r determi natio n s hou Id thcs us -e chang a or tarmi nata.
Anybody ag grieved by this deterrn in ati on, has a rig ht to 2sp pea I :t within 34 days of tH s floti Ce,
rn a ccord ante tri+, h Virginia Code § 15-2-2311, provided, however, that a 10 (1 etir apoeal pe nod
a ppl ies to a ppeals of decisions perte in:ng to tern pore ry of sea song I norm ersia I u$es, a n d
Won Dppears S h aI I t)e Bled with in to n 1 Q d ays afte r this decision. If yo u d o nv� file a time Iy
appea I. th-G deterinmation sha 4 be Frna I a nd una ppe ala ble
An a-Dpea I rr ay be to ke n o rLIy by f Ii no an appea I a ppl icati on with th a Zon xnQ Admit-Wraior 2nd
the B.DnFd c( Zo n ing Appeal s, i n a ccord ante with A rbemar�e County Code § 18-34.3 a Iona
with a fee of $240 p°us the a ctua I cost of advertisi ng the a ppeal fo r pu bI ie nearing.
Appli cations f r Appea I of tri a Zoni ng Ad mi ni straEtor's Determ in Vi on are avai la ble at the
cepa rtmc Rt of Commij rTty Develo prrient Iocattd at 401 Mcl nGre Rood. Cha r<ottesvi IIe, Virginia
2290 � o r onl ane at vrww. al be m a rle.ornfccl a pros This form applies to appea Is of decisions of
the zon ing ad n -r nistritor or any other ad rri nis; rativr~ offi cc r porta iq ing to t ht Zc n ing
Ordi nance.
Ke wick VI#1 eyard 5
February 10, 2017
Pale 3
.Reg ulations perta ini ng to the fill ng of @n appca I to the Board of Zon ing Appeals are outY nod in
A)&!mar�-e Counly Godo § 1$-34.3, which may be reviewed online at
www. alba rna rl�.or +Gor�k �e baa.
a nccrc Iy,
Amanda B.irbagc
Senior Plarn.2r