HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-13 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on July 13, 1977, at 9:00 A.M. in the Board Room of the Albemarle County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia. Board Members Present: Mrs. Op.~l D'; David-and MeSsrs.~.L&ndsay G. D0rrier, Jr., Gerald Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr. and Dr. F. Anthony Iachetta. Board Members Absent: Mr. William S. Roudabush. Officers Present: County Executive, GGy B. Agnor, Jr. and County Attorney, George R. St. John. Agenda Item No. 1. Meeting was called ~to order by Chairman, Gerald E. FiSher at 9:10 Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes: June 16, 1976 (Afternoon), July 21, 1976, August 4, 1976, October 20, 1976 (Afternoon), October 27, 1976 (Afternoon), and November t0,'.~t976. June 16, 1976: July 2~, 1976: August 4, 1976: No corrections or additions. No corrections or additions. ~'~Page 328, Agenda Item #3, third paragraph, Dr. Iachetta noted the word "preparation" should be "presentation". October 20, 1976: October 27, 1976: November 10, 1976: Also in the fourth paragraph Dr. Iachetta requested that sentence read: '~Mr. Carter said the line runs by gravity through Carrsbrook and goes through the Meadowbrook Plant. The capacity is limited by the plant." No corrections or additions. No corrections or additions. Mrs. David noted on page 447, agenda item #2b. She felt the report on roads at Airport Acres from the Office of the County Engineer should be placed immediately ~after "Mr. Fisher noted the matter was deferred." Also on page 3, agenda item #2f, in the third line, it should read: "Mr. Roosevelt said the dead end has no "surface" instead of "service". Motion was then offered by Mrs. David, seconded by Dr. Iachetta, to approve the minutes with the corrections as noted. Roll was called and motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta: None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item #3. Presentation of Extension Service Quarterly Report. the presentation were Mr. Daniel Caputo and Miss Melinda Wampler. Presenv to give M~. Caputo presented an enrollment list to the Board members, showing the total enrollm~ of 4-H'ers between the ages of 9 to 19. He then presented a list of special events and activities available to 4-H members. Miss Wampler invited the Board members to visit 4-H Week at Camp Albemarle from July 15 to 23rd. Mr. Fisher commented that the work 4-H does with the County's youth is excellent, especially their Youth in Government day. Agenda Item #4b. Authorization for deed conveying certain drainage Easements. Mr. Agnor said this was a request for authorization to have the Chairman of the Board sign the granting of an easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia for a drainage on Chris Greene Lak$1 ~oad. THIS DEED made this 13th day of May, 1977, by and between PRESTON STALLINGS, INC., a VirgiNia Corporation, of the first part; STEPHEN A. MCCLELLAN and EMILIE S. MCCLELLAN, his wife, of the second part, and the COHNTY OF ALBEMARLE, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, of the third part; WITNE S SE TH : That, the party of the first part and the parties of the second part do hereby dedicate to public use, in fee simple, a strip of land, varying in width from 40 feet to 50 feet, extending from the northerly margin of State Route 606 in a northerly direction to a certain 94.78 acre parcel of land now owned by the party of the third part, formerly owned by Virginia Resorts, Inc., referred to as "50 foot Roadway Easement for Access and Utilities!' on a plat of William S. Roudabush, Jr., C.L.S., dated October, 1966, revised November, 1966, as amended by the office of the County Engineer for Albemarle County, April 25, 1977, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, including the turn around designated in detail A as shown on the Said plat. The parties of the first and second parts, and each of them, do hereby futher dedicate to public use two drainage easements of 12 feet in width as shown on the .t 2:8O In order more fully to effectuate the foregoing dedication, for and in consideration of $1.00, and the benefits to be accrued to them hereby, the party of the first part and the parties of the second part do hereby GIVE, GRANT, DEMISE and CONVEY unto the party of the third part the aforesaid strip of land shown on said plat as "50 Foo~ Roadway Easement for Access and Utilities", and an easement over the two strips shown on said plat as 12'~' drainage easement", to the extent that the same shall affect their respective lands, all as shown on the aforesaid plat. It is mutually understood and agreed that the aforesaid dedication and conveyances are made for purposes of providing for a public road over the strip of land so dedicated and conveyed, together with necessary and appurtenant surface water drainage easements, and that such road is to be made and become a part of the Virginia Secondary Hig.hway System. In addition to the foregoing, the grant of the easements aforesaid shall carry with it the right, and shall empower the party of the third part, the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation, or such other public agency as shall at any time be empowered by law to maintain the public roads within the County of Albemarle, to enter upon the properties subject to the easements aforesaid ~or purposes of constructing, repairing, maintaining and/or servicing in any other manner, the drainage facilities, if any constructed thereon; to construct, improve, supplement, or otherwise augment and/or add to the drainage facilities now on the p~em~se~ in such a manner as shall be reasonably necessary and proper to provide optimum drainage facilities for the roads aforesaid. The foregoing is conditioned upon the obligation of the party of the third part, or any agency claiming under it which actually performs the maintenance and other work as set forth herein and upon completion thereof~, Ghat the premises shall be restored and substantially similar condition to that which existed prior to the exercise of such right and that the party of the third part,~ or such other agency claiming under it, shall take all reasonable measures within its power to ensure that there be no erosion or other p~rmanent damage occasioned to the property by the exercise of rights aforesaid. WITNESS the following signatures and seals. ATTEST: (Signed) A. Bradley Peyton IV, Secretary PRESTON STALLINGS, INC. By: (Signed) (Signed) (SEAL) STEPHEN A. MCCLELLAN (Signed) (SEAL) EMILIE S. MCCLELLAN COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ATTEST: B}: (Signed) Gerald E. Fisher STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta authorizing the Chairman to sign the above deed on behalf of the Board. Motion was seconded by Mrs. David and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item 4C. R~que~t to Nave Chris G~eene Lake R~ad take~ into ~he State Secondary R~ad~},Sys~em. Mr. Agnor read the following prepared resolution to the Board: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virg{nia Department of Highways and Transportation be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary System of Highways, subject to final inspection and approval by the Resident Highway Department: Beginning at station 7~+40.26 on Chris Greene Lake Road, a point common to the centerline intersection of Chris Greene Lake Road and State Route 606; thence with Chris Greene Lake R, oad in a southwesterly direction 2,590.26 feet to station a5+50, the end of Chris Greene Lake Road to be taken into the system. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virsinia Devartment of July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) unobstructed right of way as recorded by plat in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 625, page 233. Motion was offered by Dr. !achetta, seconded by Mrs. David to adopt the resolution as read by Mr. Agnor. Roll was called and motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: M~. Roudabush. Agenda Item #4a. Mrs. Grady Covington: Discussion of Route 626. Mrs. Covington read a statement, noting that only partial repair work and resurfacing was dane by the Highway Department on Route 626. She said the six miles not done on that road were in greater need than the other 12 miles which were done. She said she had spcken to Mr. Dan Roosevelt, Resident Highway Engineer, Mr. Douglas Harwood, the Ccmmissioner of Highways, and Mr. James Murray, representative in the House of Delegates, regarding the availability of funds to improve that section of road. Sh~also requested the Highway Safety Committee to look at the unsafe bridge over Totier Creek and the bridge on the Warren Road between Scottsville and Warren. Dr. Iachetta who serves on the Highway Safety Commission took note of the requests of Mrs. Covington, and said he would bring them to the attention of other members and arrange for the committee to view the trouble spots. Agenda Item #4d. Secondary System. Request to have roads in Hollymead Subdivision taken into the State Mr. James M. Hill, Jr., representing Dr. Charles W. Hurt, requested that the Board pass a resolution to accept Derby Lane and Raven Place located in the Hollymead Subdivision into the State Secondary Road System. Mr. Fisher noted to Mr. Hill that the correct procedure had not been followed to bring this request before the Board. Mr. Roosevelt said he had inspected the roads, and felt they were ready to be accepted by the State. Mr. Fisher then suggested the matter be deferred until Mr. Hill can present all the required forms to the Board. He added that if Mr. Hill oan present the forms before the Board adjourns from this meeting they will be glad to handle the request. Agenda Item # 4e. Request to have roads in Corviile Farms taken into the State Secondary System. Mr. Agnor requested the matter be deferred as the required paperwor~ was not yet completed. Agenda Item # 4f. Authorization for Route 637 - Land and Easements Donated. Mr. Agno~ presented an option which would allow the Highway Department to acquire from the County and the City of Charlottesville properties on the Ivy Landfill for improvements to Route 637. (Highway Project 0637-002-169, M-501.) He noted that Mr. St. John has reviewed this standard legal form. Motion authorizing the County Executive to sign the option was offered by Mrs. David, seconded by Dr. Iachetta, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. (Copy of option On file in the Clerk's Office.) Agenda Item #4g. Request for appropriation on Route 637. memorandum fromm'Mr. Ray B.~. Jones, Director of Finance: Mr. Agnor read the followin MEMORANDUM TO: FRO M: DATE: SUBJE CT: Guy B. Agnor, Jr. Ray B. Jones June 23, 1977 Special Appropriation - Revenue Sharing The County has received the second invoice in the amount of 516,539.45 from the State Highway Department on Route 637; the County's share is 58,269.72. Payment requires a special appropriation from Revenue Sharing. It appears that the project will move along in~:the late summer with acquisition of rights-of-way and fence removal. Bids on construction are anticipated in late fall. Rather than request special appropriations frequently, and since the proposed project has been through the Planned"Use and Budget Hearing ~rodess, I recommend that the Board of Supervisors make the following appropriation from Revenue Sharing funds. a7-19.1 Access Road #637 Sanitary Landfill #1 $345,100 There being no questions or comments, motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta to adept the following resclution: BE IT'~ESOLVED .by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $345,100 be, and the same hereby is, transferred from Revenue Sharing Funds and coded 47-19.1, Access Road (637) to Ivy July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) Motion was seconded by Mr. Dorrier and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: N~ne. ABSENT: Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item #4i. Letters accepting roads into the State Secondary System. Mr. Agnor presented the following two letters from the State Department of Highways and Transportation accepting roads into the StaGe Secondary System: Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation 1221 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 June 13, 1977 Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Gentlemen: As requested in resolutions by your Board on January 15, 1976 and March 9, 1977, the following additions to the Secon6ary System of Albemarle County are hereby approved, effective June 1, 1977. ADDITIONS LENGTH FOUR SEASONS SUBDIVISION Four Seasons Drive - From: Rte 852; TO: Route 631. Lake Forest Drive: From: Int. Four Seasons Drive; To: Int. Monterey Drive. Lake Forest Drive: From: Int. Monterey Drive; Int. of Lake Forest Drive. Lake Forest Drive: From: End of east cul-de-sac; To: end of West cul-de-sac. Monterey Drive: From: End of west cul-de-sac; To: end of east cul-de-sac. Woodlake Drive: From: Four Seasons Drive; To: Int. Woodlake Drive (loop). Tennis Drive: From: Int. Four Seasons Drive; To: End of cul-de-sac. Lakeview Drive: From: Int. Four Seasons Drive; To: End of cul-de-sac. 0.67 Mi. 0.11 Mi. 0.06 Mi. 0.24 0 . 22 Mi, O.47 Mi. O.08 Mi. 0.10 Mi. AIRPORT ACRES SUBDIVISION Lake Road: From: N. Int. Rte. 29~ To: S. Int. Rte. 29. 0.90 Mi. Woodland Road: From: Int. Lake Road; To: End of cul-de-sac. 0.06 Mi. July 7, 1977 As requested in resolution by' your Board on June 8, 1977, the following additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are hereby approved, effective July 7, 1977. ADDITIONS LENGTH MARSHALL MANOR SUBDIVISION Forrest Road- From: Route 20, southeasterly 836 feet. o.16 M~. Lenora Road - From: Intersection of Forrest Road To:~ Intersection of David Road 0.12 Mi. David Road - From: End of cul-de-sac southeasterly To: End of cul-de-sac 0.45 Mi. Agenda Item #4j. Other Highway Matters: Mr. Roosevelt requested the Board to observe a set of plans for sidewalks and bike paths along Hydraulic Road between Route 29 and Rio Road. He sai~ at the Board's elarlier instruction, the Highway Department included these features in the%r plans to upgrade Hydraulic Road, but now finds considerable property damage may r}sult. He suggested having sidewalks, only on the apartment side (near Westgate) and sNifting the road slightly toward the single-family Sesidences, to avoid eliminating par~ing at Westgate. Mr. Fisher suggested] that in the absence of Mr. Roudabush, further discussion of this matter be put-.off until h:00 P.M. on July 20th in the County Office Building Board Room. Dr. Iachetta suggeste4 that Mr. Scott and Mr. Rodgers, property owners on Hydraulic Road and 'owners of the Hop-In Food S~ore be invited to attend that meeting. Mr. Dorrier noted that on June 13, 1977, Mr. Gene Burton and he went to Route 717 to obtain rights-of-ways.| He said some progress was made, but it is an uphill fight to get final settlements. Dr. Iachetta said he was having the same right-of-way problem on Route 643. Mr. Fisher complimented Mr. Roosevelt on the fast and ~fficient job of resurfacing Route 250 West near Bellaire. Agenda Item #4h. Roadway Lighting Policy. Mr. Agnor presented the revised roadway lighting policy, with the additions as requested by the Board at their meeting of June 8, 197 ROADWAY LIGHTING POLICY FOR THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VZRGINIA The County of Albemarle will engage in a roadway lighting program.~as defined and limited by the following conditions: 1. Existing roadway lights shall remain in use and the cost of their lighting paid for by the County until such times that , in the opinion of the Board changes in circumstances may make their removal and/or relocation desirable. New lighting shall be considered upon the request of an individual or group or on the action of the Board itself. Any such group or individual must be directly affected by the lighting requested. The requested lighting must be clearly a public necessity rather than a private or individual benefit in order to be considered by the Board, and there must be no objection to the lighting on the part of anyone who is directly affected by it. The County's financial effort towards--the roadway lighting program shall be limited to a certain percentage of the utility tax collected for the use of electrical current, the amount budgeted for any succeeding year being computed on the last year preceding for which a total may be ascertained; the percentages as shown below: For the installation and/or relocation of lights: 0.50% For electrical current used in lighting: 2.5% The County shall continue to pay the cost of electrical current used in lighting the street lights which have been accepted by the County previous to the adoption of this Street Lighting Policy and will also pay the cost of electrical current used in lighting such additional light.s as the County may from time to time accept into the~system. In such cases where there is a charge for installing a street light sub-system, the County will participate in such installation in an amount not to exceed fifty percent of the cost, provided, however, that the applicant will match this amount. The Board may waive this limitation where the Board finds that such would impose an unusual hardship on the applicant and the sub-system lighting in the opinion of the Board is of such value as to warrant the cost to the County. Lighting systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with the policy of the Department of Highways and Transportation, as set fort~ in the Department's memorandum entitled Guide Policy for Roadway Lighting Facilities an~d Security Lighting Facilities, dated July 26, 1973, as amended. The County Engineer shall review all applications forL~roadway lighting and recommend action to the Board of County Supervisors. The County Eng±neer may set rules for procedures for the processing of applications. Except in such cases where the County itself instigates the insta- llation of a roadway lighting system, the County of Albemarle shall have no part in securing or purchasing any easements which may be necessary for the installation of a roadway lighting system. AcquisitiOn of such easements shall be the responsibility of the applicant and/or the power company which will serve the system. In such cases where the County itself instigates the installation of roadway lighting and there are costs incurred for such, the County of Albemarle ~ay defray costs to the full extent of the funds provided under Item 3 of this policy. Motion was offered by Mr. Dorrier to adopt the policy as presentad. by Dr. Iachetta and carried by tha following recorded vote: Motion was seconded AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) Agenda Item #6. Request from Henry J. Carretta for one well connection on Forest Lodge Water Company. Mr. Agnor presented the following letter from Mr. Henry J. Carretta: "1505 Rugby Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 June 29, 1977 Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County Executive Office Building Charlsttesville~ Virginia Dear Sirs: I would like to apply for an exception to the ruling by the Board of Supervisors .that only 19 hook-ups be allowed to the Forest Lodge Water Company Well #9. I purchased lot #3 in the Whittington subdivision from David and Elizabeth Breeden on May 18, 1976. As part of that contract, I purchased an option on the adjoining lot #4. I am now in the process of exercising this option. This contract, a copy of w~±ch is attached, also guaranteed my access to this well system. As one of the first property owners in this sub-division, I fe~l I have some rights of access to this system even though I have as yet not applied for a building permit. I do intend to start building this year. The boards ruling to limit the number of hook-ups would leave me no recourse but b0 sue Mr. Breeden for the expense of drilling a well. The suit, I'm afraid, would be length~-~ and costly. It would be in mine and Mr. Breeden's best interest to allow two more connections. It is my understanding that the 19 connections as of June 1 cut-off date are two~less that the Engineering Departments recommended capacity of 21. It is my hope that with these facts you will accept my appeal. Thank-you for your consideration. Yours truly, (Signed) Henry J. Carretta" It was the consensus of opinion that Mr. Breeden, the owner of the well s~ystem be present during discussion of the entire matter of the Forest Lodge Water Company as there are many,'more lots ready for development than water hookups potentially available. Mr. Fisher said Sv~n if the Board granted the two additional well hookups, the Board could not legally specify that a connection must be given to Mr. ~arretta. Mr. Agnor noted that the well was tested and certified for 21 gallons per minute, and recommended that the limitations ~placed on that certification allowing .only '19 hookups be revised to 21. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta to accept Mr. Agnor's recommendation to lift the restriction of 19 dwelling units for the well system, and allow the full 21 hookups. .Motion was~ seconded by Mr. Dorrier. Mr. Fisher emphasized that this motion in no way determines to whom those additional connections will be given. R~ll was then called and motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS~ ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item .~ Z. Adoption: Criminal Justice Plan. Mr. Fisher stated that the plan has been amended since the Board's comments on it last week, and he recommendad that they~now vote to accept the plan as adopted by the Planning District Commission. Motion was then offered by Mr. Dorrier, seconded by Mrs. David, to adopt the amended 1977-78 Criminal Justice Plan. Roll was called and motion carried by the following recorded yore: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. D~vid and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item #8. Set public he~ring date to consider amendment to Section 5-6 of ~he Albemarle County Code. Mr. St. John said this section dealt with the removal and repair of unsafe buildings and other structures in the County. He said the amendment would transfer the authority to order removal of such structures fr~m the?Board of Supervisors to the Director of Inspections, and most likely expedite the procedure° Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta to set a public hearing for August 3, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. in the County Courthouse on this amendment. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dorrier and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Jul_lf_13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) Agenda Item #5. Matters from the public not listed on the agenda. Mr. Dan Parks, member of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Jaycees, sa~d~t, hsy~wishad to hold a "Fun Fair" in the County to help raise money for many of their projects. The problem is that for a six-da fair, over $700.00 is paid out in taxes to County and State for licenses to hold the fair. He noted that this equaled about 40% of the profits. Mr. St. John said he felt it would be possible to add an exemption clause to the licens ordinance but wished to review the ordinance more c&osely. Dr. Iachetta then offered motion requesting the County Attorney's office to review the license ordinance and advise the Board on ways it would be possible to waive sections, of the code for special organizations. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dottier and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David ~nd Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item #10. Request for Fire Hydrant. Mr. Agnor noted receipt of a memorandum from Fire Marshal, Kelly Reynolds, stating his concern about possible fire hazard at the Holiday Inn South. Mr. Agnor said that although there is a definite need for a hydrant at that location, it will serve only that one building, and (as noted in his memorandum to the Board of July 8, 1977) felt the owner should share in cost' of installing, the facility ($1,200). Dr. Iachetta then offered motion to accept the recommendation of the ~ounty Hxecutive to pay one-half of the installation fee for the hydrant. Motion was seconded by Mrs. David and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ~BSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item #9. dated July 8, 1977. Ednam Water System. Mr. Agnor read from his memorandum to the Board "July 8, 1977 Memo to: From: Re: Board of Supervisors Guy B. Agnor, Jr. Ednam Water System In the approval of the Ednam RPN in June, 1976, the Board included a provision that the applicant negotiate with John B. Rogan and Boar's Head Inn, Inc. to provide water facilities "as may be practicable to serve the properties of the applicant and the adjoininE properties..." The approval also required "that the water system shall be subject to final approval by this Board". Recently Mr. Rogan was an applicant for a permit to construct certain water lines and a storage tank on his properties, and it was reported to the Board at that time that negotiations between Mr. Rogan and the Ednam developer (Mrs. Kellogg) had been successful in designing a system to serve Ednam, Ednam Forest, and adjacent properties for future service by the Albemarle County Service Authority. The approval of Mr. Rogan's permit, however, did not meet the requirement for Mrs. Kellogg to return to the Board for the water system approval. Mrs. Kellogg has requested such approval and submitted the attached agreement between Ednam Forest Corporation, the Ke!loggs, and the Albemarle Service Authority for your consideration. The engineering drawings are available, if needed. Mr. Jim Bowling has participated in the drafting of the agreement, the Albemarle County Service Authority Board has approved it, and Mr. Bailey has reviewed the engineering plans and approved them. The desire of the Board for a water system to serve Eduam and the surrounding area has been met. Approval of the water system for Ednam is recommended. " He recommended the plans of the water system, as well as the written agreement between the Ednam Forest Corporation, Marion K. and Virginia D. Kellogg, and the Albemarle County Service Authority;' be approved by the Board. The County Engineer, Mr. J. Har~vey Bailey said_he.~aw ~o,.~.roblems with thee, water svstem · oj%p_ _h_~lf~ ~e .~lac~d in~ operation ~~~~~~r.~~~ ~ said the a~men~~f~e~y been smgned by all three partzes. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta to approve the Edna~ - Ednam Forest Water System Agreement between Ednam Forest Corporation, Marion K. and Virginia D. Kellogg and the Albemarle County Service Authority and plans as submitted to the Board on July 13, 1977. Plans and agreement to be made part of the records of the Board O£ Supervisors. Mrs.. David seconded the motion and same carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. 26'6 Agenda Item No. 7. Criminal Justice Plan. (Continued.) Although this matter had alrea been discussed and voted on, it was noted by Mr. Fisher that Mr. Richard Kania had just arrived. Mr. Fisher told him of the outcome of the Board's discussions, and Mr. Kania said he was present only to present corrected pages of the plan to the Board members. Mr. Fisher then requested the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission to place a central dispatch system between ~he City/ the County/ and the University as their highest priority, as it was something that would mutually benefit-everyone. Agenda Item No. 14. Lottery Permit. Mr. Agnor said the applicant, the University of Virginia Pep Band, wished to use funds acquired from the lotteries for the purchase of equipment. Mr. Agnor noted ~that there was a question as to whether or not they were eligible under State Code, this had been referred to the Commonwealth Attorney's Office. In a letter from Mr. F. Bradford Stillman, Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, da~ed June 15, 1977; Mr. Stillman gave the opinion that the Pep Band was eligible to be issued a lottery permit. Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, to grant the issuance of a lottery permit for the calendar year I977, in accordance with the Board's rules for issuance of such permits. Roll was called and motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Roudabush. At 11:55 A.M., Mr. Fisher requested a motion to adjourn the meeting for lunch, at which time he Wished to hold an executive session to discuss legal and personnel matters. Motion to this effect was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Hen~by and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. At 1:38 P.M., Mr. Fisher reconvened the meeting. Agenda Item No. 11: Presentation of Parks and Recreation Five-Year Plan. Dr. Harry Gamble, Chairman Pro-Tem of the Parks and~Recreation Commission, said the proposals were handed to Board members at the Revenue Sharing meeting last week. He said there were~three main areas of the report, first maintaining and improving the facilities already operated by the County; next a series of neighborhood and mini-parks to compliment the present system and make park facilities more available to county residents; finally, supervised park activities. He noted that money used for maintenanae and improvements of existing parks would be simply protecting an investment. As far as costs for mini-parks, these parks would be located near schools or county fire stations, and therefore would provide a double use. The supervised activities would be self-supporting. Dr. Iachetta asked if areas in subdivisions designated to be developed as parks and never constructed, would have a chance to be constructed and funded under this proposed plan. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley noted that was a matter to be handled in site plans and homeowners associations. Mr. Fisher also said since it was not in the report, he felt this was not the proper-~time to go into detailed discussion of the matter. Mr. Fisher then suggested the Board set a public hearing date where the report and other ideas could be discussed. Mr. Dorrier asked the Parks Commission to look into the possibility of installing a swimming and recreation facility at the new dam being built in Scottsville. Dr. Iachetta suggested copies of this proposed plan be distributed to members of the Planning Commission, and he then offered motion to set a public hearing for September 14, 1977, at 7:30 P.M., in the County Courthouse. Motion was seconded by Mrs. David and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dcrrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudahush. Agenda Item No. 12. Report from Committee on Sglid Waste Collection System. Mr. Denni White reviewed the report for .Board members. He st,&t~d that by dividing the county into seven districts, each approximately five miles in radius, they' were able to come up with approximate figures as to tonnage of refuse, collection schedules and equipment needed to accommodate the system. He noted that leasing of equipment was a more viable option when first starting than outright purchase. Mr. White then presented slides showing facilities presently in use in other counties. After discussion as to possible problems and advantages of a system of this type, Dr. Iachetta offered motion to set a public hearing on this matter for September 28, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. in the County Courthouse. Motion was seconded by Mrs. David and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Henley and Iachetta. None. Messrs. Fisher and Roudabush. July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) 1977 was presented in accordance with Section 63.1-52 of the Code of Virginia. Agenda Item No. 26. presented as information. Report of the County Executive for the month of May, 1977 was Agenda Item No. 27. Attorney and Sheriff's Department for June, 1977 was presented. On motion by Dr. Iachetta, these statements were approved as read. seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Dorrier and Rou~a~ush. Statement of Expenses of the Director 6f Finance, Commonwealth's The motion was Agenda Item No. 28. Statement of Expenses for the Regional Jail for the month of June 1977 was presented. On motion by Dr. Iachetta, this statement was approved as read. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Messrs. Dorrier and Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 29. Regional Jail Report (State Department of Corrections (June, 1977 Statements of costs of maintenance and operation, paramedic salaries, j~il physician and sal~ of classification officer were presented. Upon morion by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mrs. Dav~ these statements were approved as read. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Messrs. Dottier and Roudabush. Agenda Item 16. Appropriation: Preliminary Architect Fee for Albemarle High School Physical Education Facility. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, at the recommendation of the County Executive, to transfer $2,785.94 from the Western Albemarle High School construction account to pay the architect's fee for preliminary study made in refersnce to a new physical education facility at Albemarle High School. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dorrier and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: '~Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 19. Sheriff Bailey, Appeal to Compensation Board. Mr. Bailey said he r~quested three additi.onal men in the 1977 budget to help control additional break-ins in the rural and urban areas of the County. He said he received a lette from the State Compensation Board dated June 15, 1977, approving the hiring of one additional deputy. He therefore, requested the Board of Supervisors to make an appeal to the Compensat~ Board for the two other deputies requested in the 1977 budget. Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta to approve the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Compensation Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia, by communication dated July 15, 1977, notified this Board of the salaries, expenses and other allowances tentatively fixed by the Compensation Board for the office of Sheriff for Albemarle County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1978; and WHEREAS, the amounts tentatively fixed by the Compensation Board were less than the reasonable amounts requested by the Sheriff of Albemarle County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board, pursuant to the provisions of Section 14.1-51 of the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended, hereby objects to the allowance tentatively fixed by the Compensation Board as aforesaid upon the ground that the allowance is inadequate, And, this Board further requests that a hearing be held by the Compensa- tion Board on this objection after notice as provided by law, And, this Board designates Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher and F. Anthony Iachetta, two of its members, to serve as additional members of the Compensation Board with each of them having one vote as provided by law. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dorrier and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudab~sh. Agenda Item No. 20C. Appointment: Criminal Justice Advisory Council. ?y July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mrs. David, to appoint Captain James. L. Higgins as an alternate to the Criminal Justice Advisory Council. Roll was called and motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. ~' Agenda Item 17A. Appropriation: Airport. Mr. Agnor said the Capital Projects Budget lists two projects for the Airport, namely Obstruction Removal and Taxiway. The Obstruction Removal project hasBo~rd approval and is underway. It involves the lighting or removal of trees penetrating air space on approaches to the airport, including acquisition of easements for accomplishing the work. The ta×iway project involves two projects, one the construction of a taxiway south of the terminal area and parallel to the main runway and tb~a othe~ grooving of the asphalt on the main runway to prevent hydroplaning of ~aircraf% i'H weather. These two projects have not been before you for approval. He then requested a total allocation of $14,400 in County funds for the 05 Taxiway and Grooving project. Motion was offered .by Dr. Iachetta to approve an allocation of $14,400 as requested, wit the appropriation for this project being made at a later time. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dorrier and carried by the follQwing recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item 17B. Appropriation: CETA Special Project Program. Mr. Ray B. Jones read his memorandum of July 7, 1977, explaining that the program for four groundskeepers employed under Title VI CETA Special Project program has been extended through November 12, 1977, and that an appropriation of $10,785 is required from the General Fund. He added that all the money will be reimbursed. Motion was then offered by Mrs. David to adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, that $10,785 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the General Fund and trans.ferred to code 1F-123.17, Title IV Special Project. Motion was seconded by Dr. Iachetta and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item 17C. Appropriation: Request for transfers and appropriation. Mr. Ray B. Jones read his memorandum of July 7, 1977, in which he requested ~he following transfer of funds: For the Parks, costs resulted from summer help working longer hours. From 1F-199 Salary Adjustment (Personnel) $1,211.25 To 10L-199 Compensation - Summer Help (Parks) $1,211.25 School costs are mostly energy related. From School Operating Fund 17A Administration 17B1 Instruction - Regular Day School 17B2 Other Instruction Costs 17C2 Attendance and Health Service Activities 17F2 Maintenance - School Plants 17G Fixed Charges $ 1,039.92 100,842.55 ~,610.05 29,255.14 16,684.74 ~,951.67 $ 156,384.07 To 17C Attendance and Health Service lTD1 Pupil Transportation 17E Food Services 17Fl Operation - School Blants $ 7,949.00 49,063.21 12.17 99,359.69 $ 156,384.07 Mr. Jones then requested that a special appropriation in the amount of $2,907.33 for the Cafeteria Fund. He said this is a self-sustaining fund and that expenditures and receipts both exceeded the original appropriation by the amount requested. Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta to approve the transfer of funds as set out above and they~ad~pt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $2,907.33, be and same hereby is, appropriated from the Cafeteria Fund and transferred to Code 120, Cafeterias. July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) The motion was seconded by Mrs. David and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 17D. Appropriation: Data Processing Feasibility Study. presented his memorandum dated July 8, 1977: Mr. Agnor "For several months this office has been searching for a way to examine the data processing needs of the County, both current and future, through an objective approach by someone expert in the field, disconnected with equipment vendors, and at an economical cost. Discussion with the City Manager revealed a need for a similar study to relieve an overloaded equipment problem. Other discussions with Vo-Technical School officials indicated a desire for improved utilization of equipment in the computer center at the school owned by the City and County School Systems. The possible usage of staff and equipment at an existing jointly owned computer center, the City's need for examining staff and equipment needs in their own center, the County's ~ncreased reliance on contracts with service bureaus, the expended manual operations that are now being used in County offices, the data storage and collection problems that are growing ~ in both governments, all lead to a conclusion that a joint study is in order for determining the actual needs and the possible alternatives to meet these needs. The Urban Observatory considered the project and approved it as eligible for their joint studies. Proposals were solicited, and the attached proposal approved for consideration by the County and the City. Because the Urban Observatory is in its third and probably final year, HUD financial participation is relatively low. Your consideration of the proposal is requested, approval is recommended, and your authorization for the Urban Observatory to manage the study is also recommended, including an appropriation of $5,677 to fund the County's share." He stated the costs of this study would be shared between the Urban Observatory, the City of Charlottesville, H.U.D. funds and the C~unty, with ths County's share being $5,677. He concluded by saying the County's present data processing facilities are totally inadequate and are in critical need of being revised. Motion was then offered by Mrs. David to approve the study as recommended and to a~apt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $5,677 be, and the same hereby is appropriated from the General Fund and transferred to Code 1A-199, Data Processing Feasibility Study. Motion was seconded by Dr. Zachetta, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSNET: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 17E. Reappropriations. Mr. Jones read his memorandum of July 8, 1977 requesting reappropriations totalling $93,184.00. The purpose of the request being noted in paranthes~s. Motion was then offered by Mr. D~rrier to approve the following resolution: BE IT RE~0LVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $93,184 be, and the same hereby is, reappropriated from the General Fund and transferred to codes as set out below: la254.1 Space Committee ~ 5,000 2a-103 Professional Services (Wingate Appraisal) 3,925 6a-499b Radar and Teletype Equipment (Sheriff's Office) 2,750 7B Fire Department (Radio Tower) 11,200 10e-252 Professional Services (KDA-Comprehensive Plan Consultants) 5,569 10a-207 Street Lights (late May electric bill) 1,260 10a-207.1 Street Signs (Outstanding purchase) 480 10J.1 Ivy landfill-(June billing) 8,000 18a.i3 Resource Recovery Study Commission (Metcalf & Eddy) 55,000 Motion was seconded by Mrs. David and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAY S: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 18. Discussion: Reconsideration of Census Tract Establishment. Mr. Robert Tucker said he has checked further into the subjeCt of census taking in the County foz the 1980 census, and received a letter from Mr. Jacob Silver, clarifying methods used by the Department of Commerce. July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) "May 20, 1977 Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Director Planning Department County of Albemarle 414 East Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Tucker: This is in reply to your letter of March 10 and to confirm the information concerning the establishment of census tracts in Albemarle County provided by Mr. David Aultman in a recent telephone couversation. The major advantage of establishing census tracts is that data for census tracts can be easily compared from one census to another because census tract boundaries change very little. On the other hand, since enumeration districts (ED's) are primarily administrative units of the census their boundaries are subject to change between censuses making comparisons of data difficult, if not impossible. The probable use of the voting precinct boundaries as ED boundaries in Albemarle County for the 1980 census will, of course, change the 1970 ED boundaries. For these reasons, w'e~ believe that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors should reconsider and establish census trac~s for the 1980 census. In reference to your telephone conversation with Mr. Aultman, you mentioned that one of the reasons why the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors did not approve the establishment of census tracts was because they thought that tract data may reveal data that would be an invasion of privacy. This is totally untrue. The Bureau of the Census has developed a series of sophisticated da~.a suppression standards to make it impossible to disclose data that could be manipulated to show information for an individual or household. Because of these suppression standards, there is a much greater occurrence of suppressed data for ED's than for tracts because ED's usually contain a population of less than 1,500 and census tracts aImost always contain a population of over 1,5002 For the purpose of establishing tracts and other statistical areas in Albemarle County, we require that a Census Statistical Areas Committee be organized. This committee would include representatives of all organizations which would normally use census data. One member of the ~ommittee, designated as the Census Statistical Areas Key Person (CSAKP), will serve as the contact between the local area and the Census Bureau. We would appreicate receiving a list of committee members and the name of the CSAKP for our records as soon as possible. Census tracts have always been established locally on a voluntary basis. Hence, we are unable to give you any estimate as to how much it might cost to establish census tracts for your area. However, we understand~ that you already have maps showing the 1970 enumerations districts (ED's) for your area, and the population and housing~ figures for these ED's. These materials, of course, will be helpful in delineating your proposed census tracts. We have enclosed a copy of the 1970 census tracv report to illustrate the type of data that is made a~ilable by census trac$. When submitting a proposed census tract plan to the Bureau, we require that two copies of the map or maps showing the proposed census tract boundaries, 1980 population estimated for each tract, written boundary descriptions, and justification for any tract under 2,500 be included. The detailed criteria for establishing census tracts may be found in the revised sections of the Census Tract Manual, which has been sent to you. A deadline for submitting proposed census tract plans has been set at July 1, 1977. Upon reading the tract guide, should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. David Aultman on (301) 763-2364. We Hook forward to working with you in preparation for the upcoming census. Sincerely, (Signed) Silla G. Tomsi for Jacob Silver Chief, Geography Division Bureau of-the Census" Mr. T~ek~ said there was little immediate advantage to either method. He noted the main advantage to using the census tract method is that the boundaries do not change from census to census, thereby allowing comparisons from year to year. Mr. ~gnor then stated his recommendation to go with the census tract system. Mrs. David then offered motion to approve the establishment of the census tract system, and to supply Mr. Tucker with additional help to complete the project of establishing boundaries in the required amount of time. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dorrier and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. July 13, 1977 (Regular- Day Meeting) Agenda Item No. 13. Report. "May 12, 1977 Albemarle County Service Authority: Discrepancies in the McNair Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County c/o Mr. Gerald E. Fisher, Chairman Route 5, Sheffield R~ad Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 RE: Discrepancies in McNair Report Dear Mr. Fisher: This letter will address the problem caused by the discrepancies in John McNair and Associates' ~aluation of Service Authority facilities assigned to Albemarle County by agreement dated November 20, 1975. As you may remember, a joint committee for the Board and Authority used the October 1974 McNair Valuation Report in its recommendation for settlement for the Service Authority's then existing indebtedness to Albemarle County. This committee report ±n turn was the basis of the settlement of the Authority's $979,661.00 indebtedness to the County. Because of the differences ~n the McNair Valuation Report of October 1974 and a later ~aluation Report of January 1975, there is a $41,319.00 shortfall between what the Service Authority has assigned to Albemarle County in the November 20, 1975, agreement, and what the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority will actually pay Albemarle County by virtue of the assignment, pursuant to the Four Party Agreement. I have enclosed a copy of a~memorandum and accompanying documents, which set forth the problem in greater detail. The S~rvice Authority believes there are two ways to solve this shortfall. First, the Service Authority can assign to the County an additional $41,319.00 as an amendment tO the rNa?ember 20, 1975 agreement. Secondly, Albemarle County has the authority to write off the shortfall. See Code of Virginia, Sections 15.1~t250(hl), 15.1-1269, and 15.~-511.1. We believe that the latter is the fairest way to resolve the discrepancy problem. Ail citizens of Albemarle County benefited from the County's purchase of the water systems which were.later assigned to the Service Authority. Furthermore, the revenue~ from these water systems ~ave ne~er been sufficient to carry the $979,661.00 indebtedness. However, the decision is yours to make. I, as well as the other members of the Service Authority and the Service Authority staff will be happy to answer any questions the Board of Supervisors may have and to meet with you at your pleasure. Sincerely, (Signed) Myron E. Tremain Chairman, Albemarle County Service Authority" "MEMORANDUM TO: Guy B. Agnor, Jr. - County Executive E. E. Thompson - Executive Director, Service Authority RE: Discrepancies in Valuation of Service Authority Facilities to be Purchased by Rivanna Water and Service Authority Pursuant to Four Part.y Agreement (Our File #ACSA76-335) In the late 1960's the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, acting largely in response to annexation pressures, purchased several private sub- division water systems and constructed a 12 inch water ~ine (Phase I and Phase II) in the Route 29 North urban corridor and constructed a sewer system in the Town of Scottsville, By debt agreement dated August 19, 1971, the Board of Supervisors formally transferred the operation and cost of these water and-sewer facilities to the Albemarle County Service Authority. The Service Authority's debt owed the County totalled $979,661.00. On June 12, 1973, ownership of the Phase I and Phase II water ~1ne~ and Scottsville lagoon, pumping station and force main changed hands as a result of the Four Party Agreement. These facilities and other Service Authority facilities were transferred to the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA). In return, the RWSA is to pay to the Service Authority the fair value of the facilities in the manner set out in the Four Party Agreement. On August 7, 1974, the Board of Supervisors appointed a joint committee, composed of members of the Board and the Service Authority, to review the Service Authority's $979,661.00 debt. The joint committee issued its final report and recommendation for settlement of the existing indebtness on October 30, 1975. The joint committee recommended that the Service Authority assign to the Board of Supervisors its right to receive $845,032.00 from the RWSA, due at the earliest in 1983, for the fair value of the Phase I and Phase II water July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) acquire 439 acres, more or less, from the County of Albemarle, at no cost. This land, known as Mint Springs, was formerly used by the Crozet Sanitary District. The Service Authority had acquired the right to exercise this option by taking over and paying off all outstanding bonds of the Crozet Sanitary District. (See Report and Recommendation of Settlement of the Existing Note Between the Albemarle County Service Authority and the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, dated October 30, 1975.) By agreement dated November 20, 1975, between the Service Authority and the Board of Supervisors, the indebtedness of the Service Authority to the Board of Supervisors in the amount of $979,661.00 was satisfied in full. As set out in the No~ember 20, 1975 agreement, the Service Authority assigned~to the Board of Supervisors its right to receive $845,032.00 from the RWSA for the Phase I and ~hase ti water lines and the Scottsville lagoon, pumping station and ~rce main, pursuant to the Four Party Agreement. The valuation of these facilities was d~e~mined by a report entitled "V~Zua~n of Water and Sewer Facilities to be Purchased by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority from the Albemarle County Service Authority," dated Ootober, 1974, by John McNair and Associates. This valuation report was made pursuant to the Four Party Agr,eement. The report was formally presented to the Albemarle County Service Authority. The report was also used by the joi~ committee in m~king their October 30, 1975 report and recommendation for satiSfaction ~f Service Authority indebtedness. In October of this year, I discovered that there were tw~ different valuation reports of John McNair and AssociateS, on~ of which had been formally submitted to the Service Authority ~n ~974 (Dated October, 1974), and one of which has been submitted to the RWSA in early 1975, but not submitted to the Service Authority until this year (dated January, 1975). Because of the difference in methods of valuation of certain Scottsville water and sewer facilities which had been constructed partially with federal grant money, the valuation of these facilities in the October, 1974 report and the January, 1975 report differs. The October, 1974 report places the value of the Scottsville lag~om and pump station at $129,512.00. The January, 1975 report places a value of the Scottsvilte lagoon and pump station at $88,193.00. Thus, using the January, 1975 valuation report, there is a $41,319.00 short- fall between what the Service Authority has assigned to the Board of Supervisors by ~irtus o~ th$~November 20, 1975 satisfaction of indebtedness agreement and what the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority will actually pay the Board Of Supervisors by virtue of the assignment in 1983. (See Valuation of Certain Facilities to be Purchased of the Albemarle County Service Authority by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authorit±es dated January, 1975.) In addition, because of the differences in methods of valuation of those Scottsville water and sewer facilities constructed partially with federal grant money, there is a total difference between the valuation of facilities in t~e October, 1974 and January, 1975 reports of $172,925.00. (See Valuation of Water and Se~er Facilities to be purchased by Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority from Albemarle County Service Authority dated October, 1974 from McNair and Associates.) In the October, 1974 valuation report, the engineers, in arriving at the fair value of certain Sc~ttsville facilities which were partially constructed with federal grant money, did not subtract the grant amount from the adjusted construction cost prior to determining the depreciated replacement cost of the facilit~ In the January, 1975 valuation report, however, the engineers subtracted the grant amount ~rom the adjusted construction cost prior to determining the depreciated ~eplacement cost and, then, the "fair value" of the facility.i Compare the October, 197~ valuation of Scottsville grant facilities with the January, 1975 valuation of $cottsville grant facilities. (See Report on Valuation of Water and Sewer FAcilities to be purchased by Rivanna Water and~Sewer Authority from ~ity of Charlottesville ~and Albemarle County Service Authority~ January 1975, John McNair and Associates; Pau~ B. Krebs and Associates.) C~ONCLUSION Because of the difference ~n methods of valuation of Scottsville facilities, partially constru~ct~d with federal grant money, there is a $~1,319.00 shortfall between What the Service Authority has assigned to the Board of Supervisors a~d what the Rivanna Water and Sewer ~uthority will actually pay tlhe Supervisors by virtue of the assignment, pursuant to the satisfaction ,of indebtedness agreement, dated November 20, 1975. In addition, th~ Service. Authority will receive a total of $172,~25.00 less from the Rivanna Water a~d Sewer Authority if the January, 1975 valuation report is used as a basis of payment, pursuant to the Four Party Agreement. Respectfully submitted, July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) At the recommendation of the County Executive, motion was offered by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, that amount of $41,319~00 come from the County's General Fund and not from the water users, thus reducing the outstanding debt of the Albemarle County Service Authority to the County. Roll was'called, and motion carried by the fotlowin recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher and Henley. Dr. Iachett~. M~. Roudabuah. At 3:57 P.M., Mr. Fisher requested a short recess. Meeting was reconvened at 4:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 4D. (Continued from earlier discussion.) Request to have roads in Hollymead Subdivision taken into State Secondary System. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta seconded by Mrs. David to adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department of Highways and Transpor~ation be and is hereby requested to accept int~ the Secondary System of Highways, subject t~ final inspection and approval by the Resident Highway Department, the following roads in Holtymead Subdivision: Beginning at station 0+00 of Raven's Place, a point common to the centerline intersections of Raven's Place and Hollymead Drive (State R©ut~520) station 35+33.96; thence in a southwesterly direction of 940.84 f~et to station 9+40.84 the end of Raven's Place in Section 2 of Hollymead. Beginning at station 0+00 of Derby Lane, a point common to the centerline intersections of Derby Lane and Hotlymead Drive (State Route 1520) Station 27+40.62; thence in a southwesterly direction 828.63 feet to station 8+28.63 the end of Derby Lane in Section 2 of Ho~lymead. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation ~e and is hereby guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right of way and drainage easements along these requested additions as recorded by plat in the Office of the Clerk of ~e Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 531, page 311. Roll was called, and motion adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iach~tta. NA¥~: None. ABSENT: Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 15. Committee Report, Albemarle High School Physical Education Facility. Dr. Iachetta presented his report, as Chairman of the Committee, in a memorandum dated July 6, 19Z7, to the Board of Supervisors. "~UZy 6, 1977 MEMORANDUM TO: PROM: SUBJECT: Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, and Lindsay G. Dottier, Jr. F. A. Iachetta, Opal D. David, and W. S. Roudabush Physical Education Facilities for Albemarle High School The problem of needed physical education facilities for Albemarle High School was discussed at a meeting of a School Board Subcommittee and this Committee. Primary questions raised related to why a building program ~riginally estimated at approximately $500,000 had doubled in projected cost. Related question of how cost might be reduced was pursued. The major points covered may be summarized as follows: 1. Building originally proposed was a meval play space area only, without locker or classroom facilities. Proposed locker room additiom appears to be required. 2. A 25% reduction in the gym size (100' x 150' rather than 100' x 200') was discussed in detail. Such a reduction would reduce cost by an estimated $100,000. School division staff feels a size reduction would limit programs to those of ~th and 10th grades depriving llth and 12th grade students of an opportunity to participate in physical education activity. Projected enrollment appears to require the proposed space simply to meet needs of 2200 to 2400 students. 3. Elimination of ~he classroom space-gallery section was discussed. Projected saving would be less than $100,000. Albemarle High School currently has two portable classrooms and two additional units are to be moved in this fall. Elimination of second story which provides this space does not save the entire $130,000 projected cost since a roof would still~be required as would a new weight room. 4. Miscellaneous or unforeseen costs were also discussed. Architect fees, utilities relocation, access roadway and playing field relocation must all be provided. Current study does not contain hard numbers for heating July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) system extension. Architect fees will be 6.5%. add several percent more to the cost. Other costs could Recommendation: It appears the f±nal project cost could exceed $t,000,000 if not controlled. It probably cannot be reduced significantly below this figure without limiting usefulness. It is our recommendation that this project be limited to $1,000,000 maximum including all costs. Further, the ~125,000 currently unspent in the Western Albemarle High School project is to be diverted to this project." He noted that areas such as architect fees, road planning, etc. were not considered in the figures presented, but that his recommendation was to authorize the School Board $1,000,000 for the project to include all costs (architect fees, utility relocation, road access, etc.) and further that the $125,000 currently unspent in the Western Albemarle High School project is to be diverted to this pro~ct. Mr. Agnor recommended the money for the project be borrowed from the Literary Fund in the later half of 1980. He gave two reasons for this: 1) in compiling the annual budget he did not want to impact the debt service in the fiscal budget until the debt service had begun to be reduced; 2) the county has unallocated general fund monies available, and he felt it undesirable to increase taxes and place the county further in debt if not totally necessar~ Mr. Agnor then reviewed sevaral other alternative plans for allocating funds for this project. After considerable discussion as to long-range planning for other areas in the fie~d of education, Dr. Iachetta offered motion to authorize the School Board this project at a maximur of $1,000,000 with $125,000 of that to come from the unexpended Western Albemarle High School project (with the architect fee of $2,785.94 aoming from these funds), $375,000 from local funds, and ~500,000 from a Literary Fund loan. The total cost of the project not to exceed 31,000,000. Motion was seconded by Mrs. David and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Zachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Roudabush. Mr. Jones then recommended that the total $125,000 from the Western Albemarle High Schoo Account be transferred at the same time as the $2,785.94 previously approved for transfer these funds by ~he Board during the morning session of this meeting. Motion to authorize this transfer was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, and carried by the ~ottow~ recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and !achetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. At 4:47 P.M., Mr. Fisher called a short recess. Meeting reconvened at 4:50 P.M. Agenda Item No. 20. Appointments: A. Parks Committee: Dr. Iachetta said he was still looking for a qualified person to fill the position. B. BO~A Code of Appeals Board: No nominees were suggested, and Mr. Fisher suggested the appointment be carried over to the next meeting. D. Tourism Study Committee: Mr. Fisher said he had not yet received a response from all ten organizations written regarding the question of tourism. He said nine of the groups had replied, and he requested action by the Board to nominate the following: Le~gh Middleditch from the Chamber of Commerce LeRoy Herndon from the Gasoline Retailers Mary ~ay Williams from the Restaurant Association B. H. Verburg from the Lodging Association Peggy Sydnor of the Bicentennial Commission Mrs. Robert Pence of the Garden Club Council Paul Stacy of Citizens for ~lbemarle Marian Rabinowitz of the League of Women Voters He then said this group was reasonably balanced between City and County residents, and that the charge of th~s committee was handed to the Board members in writing back in May. Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mrs. David, .to appoint those people suggested by Mr. Fisher. Motion carried by the followin~ recorded vote: ~YES: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, F±sher, Henley and Iachetta. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Roudabush. Library Board: Mr. Henley nominated Mrs. Thomas E. (Maria) Thompson of Route 1, Box 155, Afton, Virginia to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Jenkins; said term expiring on June 30, 1981. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dottier, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. ~T~_ t~n~l~h~h July 13, 1977 (Regular- Day Meeting) Albemarle County Service Authority: Mr. Henley nominated Mr. Blair A. Funkhouser, of Crozet, Virginia to replace Mr. John Spencer; said term expiring on April 16, 1981. Motion was seconded by Dr. Iachetta, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Mr. Fisher presented letter from Mr. LeRoy W. Graves withdrawing his resignation from the Sign Advisory Committee. Agenda Item No. 21. Set Public Hearing date to consider amendment to Article I, Sect 2-1 of the Albemarle County Code. Mrs. David said this was a df. aft to change the method-of appointments for School Board members. No motion was offered, and Dr. Iachetta suggested the matter be deferred and discussed at a more opportune time. Not Docketed: Mr. Agnor noted that Mr. Robert Sampson, Director d£ Parks, would be leaving the County's employee on July l~th. He then recommended Mr. Thomas N. Eaton fill thc position, stating his qualifications as having a B.A. in Parks and Recreation from Clemson University, having been employed in the County's Parks Department since 2974, and being a native of Albemarle County. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mrs. David, concurring in the app of Mr. Thomas Eaton as the new Director of Parks and Recreation effective July 15, 1977. Motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 22. Report on request from Virginia Council on Health and M~dicat Inc. Mrs. David presented a letter from Mr. Arthur S. Brinkley, Jr., President of the Vir a Council on Health and Medical Care, Inc., requesting a donation of $100.00 from the County of Albemarle. Mrs. David noted that the organization is privately supported and said she does not feel it is ~ppropriate to spend taxpayers money on such a project. Motion was then offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, not to contribute funds to this org ~. Motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Agenda Item No. 23. Discussion of Pending Legislation to Offer Tax Relief for Solar Energy Heating System. Dr. Iachetta, who the Board had placed in charge of investigating possibilities of adopting this type of legislation withdrew from any future participation because of private interests possibly conflicting-with Board matters. Mr. St. John said nothing had really progressed on the matter, but the State Legislature would put nothing int¢ effect until 1978, and recommended the Board put off further discussion until then. Agenda Item No. 24. Statement: 1978 Legislation on Contract and Conditional Zoning. Mrs. David requested permission of the Board to read the following statement at the meeting of the ~ounties, Cities and Towns subcommittee at the State Capitol on July 20th. "The Board of Supervisors of Albemarle C~unty has authorized me to make the following statement in support of the draft legislation under consideration providing for c'onditional zoning. We support the concept of conditional zoning and would like to see enabling legislation enacted making the use of such zoning optional in any county, city, or town of the State. We would also like to encourage the Subcommittee to expand its study to e~compass other innovative techniques designed to provide more flexibility for dealing with land-use problems in areas where rapid growth is occurring." Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, authorizing Mrs. David to represent the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and read the above statement at the hearing in the State Capitol. Roll was called and motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and tachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Not Docketed: Mr. Fisher noted receipt of a notice of hearing of the State Corporation Commission for the application of J. Meak Barton, t/a Virginia Inspired Personalized (VIP- Tours) for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a sight-seeing carrier by motor vehicle. He stated the public hearing would be held on July 20, 1977, at 10:00 ~.M. in the Courtroom of the Blanton Building, Richmond, Virginia; the complete application will be on file in the Clerk's Office. ~ ~o}.a~ ~n~e~8 e~m~ ~m8 8m~ ~b~m m~mh~P.~ of e.h~ Rn~nd aol~]d meet with reeresent July 13, 1977 (Regular - Day Meeting) August 3rd at 3:00 P.M. would be appropriate. Mr. Fisher requested a progress report on the updating of the Comprehensive Plan. Mrs. David said a meeting of the Steering Committee was to be held on Monday, and hopefully their findings will go to the committee on Friday for presentation to the Board by July 18th. Mr. Agnor requested the Board to appoint a temporary Zoning Administrator during the absense of Mr. J. Benjamin Dick between July 18th and 27th. He recommended Mr. Andy Evans. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Zachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. Mr. Agnor requested authorization to renew the lease of the Soil Survey staff in the Soil Conservation Building. The lease would be at the same rate for a period of three years. Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, authorizing Mr. Agnor to sign said lease. Roll was called, and motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley and Zachetta. No~e. Mr. Roudabus~. ~ 5¥22'.P~M., Mr. Fisher requested a motion to go into executive session with the School Board to discuss personnel matters. Motion to this effect was offered by Dr. Iachetta seconded by Mr. Dottier, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta. None. Mr. Roudabush. At 7:40 P.M., the Board reconvened and motion was offered by Mrs. David, seconded by Mr. Henley, to adjourn this meeting until July 20, 1977, at 4:00 P.M. Roll was called, and motion carried by the following recorded vcte: AYES: NAYS] ABSENT: Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley and Iachetta None. Mr. Roudabush. ~irman