HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201600012 Correspondence 2016-08-03Albemarle County
Legislation Details
File #: Version:116-471 Name:
Status:Type:Special Use Permit Public Hearing
File created:In control:7/13/2016 Board of Supervisors
On agenda:Final action:8/3/2016
Title:SP201600012 Chestnut Grove Church
Code sections:
Attachments:1. 16-471 Transmittal Summary, 2. 16-471 Att.A Resolution, 3. 16-471 Att.B Action Letter.pdf, 4. 16-
471 July_12_Staff_Report.pdf, 5. 16-471 July_12_Attach_A.pdf, 6. 16-471 July_12_Attach_B.pdf, 7.
16-471 July_12_Attach_C.pdf, 8. 16-147 July_12_Attach_D.pdf, 9. 16 471 PC 07 12 16.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Albemarle County Printed on 2/17/2017Page 1 of 1
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Johnathan Newberry
From: Johnathan Newberry
Sent: Thursday,August 04, 2016 2:39 PM
To: 'Barbara Edwards'
Cc: 'kmoran@chestnutgrovebaptist.org'; Stewart Wright; Rebecca Ragsdale
Subject: RE: FW: Chestnut Grove August 3
Attachments: Resolution to Approve SP201600012.pdf;Zoning Clearance.pdf
Hi Barbara,
The Board adopted the attached resolution last night, thereby approving your special use permit. Congratulations and
thanks again for all your patience throughout the review process.
In a few weeks,you should receive the Board's action letter from the meeting last night, which will include the new
conditions. Kris wanted to confirm the conditions as we walked out of the auditorium, so I've pasted them below(and
they're also found on page 2 of the attachment).
After you've received the action letter, you'll need to attach it to the Zoning Clearance form (see attached).There is no
fee and I've started filled it out as much as I can. Stewart (ext. 3024) and Rebecca (ext. 3226) can answer any questions
you have about it.
J.T. Newberry
senior Planner
County of Albemarle, Planning Division
434-296-5832, ext. 3270
SP-2016-12 Chestnut Grove Baptist Church —Additional Hours Special Tse Permit Conditions
1. The outside play area activities shall be limited to take place during daylight hours. Lighting of the pla!
area shall not be permitted;
2. Enrollment shall be limited to up to 50 children, or the limit approved by the Health Department
whichever is less;
3 The hours of operation for the school shall not begin earlier than 7:00 a.m. and shall not end later that
6:00 p.m.,, each day, Monday through Friday, except that occasional school-related events may occu
after 6:00 p.m., or the more restrictive hours of operation required by the Health Department.
From:Johnathan Newberry
Sent: Monday,August 01, 2016 11:59 AM
To: 'Barbara Edwards'<bedwards030@gmail.com>
Cc: kmoran@chestnutgrovebaptist.org
Subject: RE: FW: Chestnut Grove August 3
Barbara and Kris, I see now that I did not respond to your earlier 7/14 email... I apologize!
Kris, thanks for your call a few minutes ago. As we discussed, the meeting format is similar to the Planning Commission
meeting Barbara attended. Here's how the meeting goes:
1. I will present an overview of the application and the Board will ask me questions (if any);
2. Next,they will invite you to speak;
3. Then, they will open the public hearing, accept any input and ultimately close the public hearing;
4. Finally,they will discuss the application amongst themselves and a Supervisor will make a motion to take an
Here is the link to the meeting agenda. Matters from the public and four other public hearings will take place ahead of
our public hearing: https://albemarle.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=444996&GUID=A0F8F495-IAAF-485A-A04B-
I look forward to seeing you there and please let me know if you have any questions.Thank you both.
I did find a Zoning Clearance from 2008--CLE200800146.This paperwork will be amended following the meeting to
reflect the new special use permit conditions.There is no fee, but the Zoning Division may need someone to sign the
form. I'll follow-up with them to find out.Thanks again.
From: Barbara Edwards [mailto:bedwards030@gmail.com]
Sent:Thursday,July 14, 2016 11:48 AM
To:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org>
Cc: kmoran@chestnutgrovebaptist.org
Subject: Re: FW: Chestnut Grove August 3
Will it be the same format as the meeting on Tuesday? Thanks so much
On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Johnathan Newberry<inewberry a,albemarle.org> wrote:
Kris, please let me know if you have any questions ahead of the August 3rd meeting.
J.T. New jerry
Senior Planner
Comity of Albemarle, Planning Division
434-296-5832, ext. 3270
From: Barbara Edwards [mailto:bedwards030@gmail.com]
Sent:Wednesday,July 13, 2016 4:18 PM
To:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org>
Subject: Re: FW:Chestnut Grove August 3
I will be in West Virginia,but Kris Moran, our preschool director, will be there. Thanks so much.
On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 3:43 PM, Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> wrote:
Hi Barbara,
I've been in touch with the Clerk this afternoon and your application has been scheduled for the August 3`d BOS
Can I just confirm your availability to attend the meeting that night?The public hearings are scheduled to begin at
6:00pm (just like the Planning Commission's schedule last night).
Lrl'. NMI berry
Senior Planner
County Of' Albemarle, Planning Division
434-296-5832, ext. 3270
From:Travis Morris
Sent:Wednesday,July 13, 2016 3:27 PM
To:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org>
Cc:Stephanie Mallory<smallory@albemarle.org>; Elaine Echols<EECHOLS@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE:Chestnut Grove August 3
Thanks J.T. We're good for the moment but I'll let you know if anything further is needed.
-sere *dry
Johnathan Newberry
From: Bedsaul, Willis C. (VDOT)<Willis.Bedsaul@VDOT.Virginia.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:44 PM
To: 'jnewberry@albemarle.org'
Subject: SP-2016-00012 Chestnut Grove Church
Attachments: Sub-2016-00012 Chestnut Grove Church-5-24-16.pdf
Attached you'll find VDOT's comment letter in reference to the Chestnut Grove Church additional hours.
Willis C. Bedsaul
Engineer Land Use
Virginia Department of Transportation
Land Use-Charlottesville/Green
701 VDOT Way
Charlottesville Residency
Ph# 434-422-9866
Cell# 540-717-0005
NNW° '411101,
Johnathan Newberry
From: Johnathan Newberry
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 3:41 PM
To: Ann Mallek
Cc: David Benish; Barbara Edwards
Subject: RE: Community Meeting Requirement for Chestnut Grove Baptist Church SP Amendment
Great.Thank you!
From:Ann Mallek
Sent:Sunday, May 22, 2016 10:08 PM
To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org>
Cc: David Benish <DBENISH@albemarle.org>; Barbara Edwards<bedwards@chestnutgrovebaptist.org>
Subject: Re: Community Meeting Requirement for Chestnut Grove Baptist Church SP Amendment
I concur that the meeting is not needed.The letters will inform people nearby.There are so few houses, and none are
even adjacent. Barbara has spoken to the neighbor across the street who seems to have no issues.
You may add to the letter that people can reach out to me with their concerns. Include my cell number and email
Thank you.
Ann Huckle Mallek
White Hall district supervisor
On May 20, 2016,at 1:53 PM,Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org>wrote:
Hi Ann,
David and I thought we'd check-in with you about whether or not a community meeting is necessary for
Chestnut Grove Baptist Church.
They have requested to amend the hours of operation for their existing pre-school (as conditioned by
SP200300063)from 9:OOam-12:30pm to 7:OOam-6:OOpm.
We're thinking a community meeting for this request may be excessive.The typical notification area (0.5
mile radius)would notify 135 properties. We believe an early notification to the 11 adjacent properties
(as shown on the map below) without a community meeting is a more appropriate level of notice for the
scale of this request.
Can you please let me know your thoughts about the area to notify and if a community meeting would
be beneficial?
%gaol N.4001
J.T. Newberry
County of Albemarle, Planning Division
434-296-5832, ext. 3270
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
Chuck Proctor, VDOT Culpeper
Joshua Kirtley, Thomas Jefferson Health Department
Jay Schlothauer, Building Codes and Zoning Services
Alexander Morrison, Albemarle County Service Authority
Ron Higgins, Zoning
Glenn Brooks, Administration-County Engineer
Howard Lagomarsino, Albemarle County Fire and Rescue Division
Dan Mahon, Albemarle County Department of Parks and Recreation
Margaret Maliszewski, Architectural Review Board
Jennifer Whitaker, Chief Engineer, Rivanna Water Service Authority
Tim Keller, At-Large PC Member
FROM: Albemarle County Department of Community Development-Planning Division
DATE: May 4, 2016
RE: New Rezonings and Special Use Permits
This memo contains the list of special use permit and rezoning applications received on April 18, 2016,
The Review Schedule is:
-7/1?-JLo l to ,�}�,
7/2�•/L 4 - c•w�c`ECIa)
PROJECT: SP201600011 Malloy Ford Outdoor Storage&Display
PLANNER: Margaret Maliszewski
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 045000000068C1
LOCATION: 2070 Seminole Trail
PROPOSAL: Establish outdoor sales/storage/display of vehicles on 5.19 acres
PETITION: Outdoor storage, display and/or sales serving or associated with a permitted use within the
Entrance Corridor Overlay under Section 30.6.3 of zoning ordinance. No dwelling units proposed.
ZONING: HC Highway Commercial—commercial and service; residential by special use permit(15
units/acre); EC Entrance Corridor Overlay District—overlay to protect properties of historic, architectural or
cultural significance from visual impacts of development along routes of tourist access.
AIA Airport Impact Area: Yes
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Commercial Mixed Use—commercial, retail, employment uses, with supporting
residential, office, or institutional uses in Neighborhood 1 —Places 29.
PROJECT: SP201600012 Chestnut Grove Church—Additional Hours
PLANNER: Johnathan Newberry
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 01900-00-00-01700
LOCATION: 554 Buck Mountain Road
PROPOSAL: Amend special use permit to increase operating hours of day care
PETITION: Day car centers under Section of zoning ordinance. No dwelling units proposed.
ZONING: RA Rural Areas -agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density(0.5 unit/acre in
development lots)
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area—preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and
natural, historic and scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/acre in development lots)
PROJECT: ZMA201600009 Wood Von Storch Rezoning
PLANNER: Rachel Falkenstein
PROJECT: ZMA201600009
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 04500000011200, 045000000112E0
LOCATION: 3400 Berkmar Drive
PROPOSAL: Request to rezone parcels from R-6 Residential to C-1 Commercial
PETITION: Rezone 4.428 acres from R-6 Residential zoning district which allows residential uses at a
density of 6 units per acre, to C-1 Commercial zoning district which allows retail sales and service;
residential by special use permit(15 units/acre).
OVERLAY DISTRICT: Airport Impact Area; Managed Steep Slopes
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Office/R&D/Flex/Light Industrial—commercial, professional office; research
and development, design, testing of prototypes; manufacturing, assembly, packaging in the Places29
development area.
. .
Email cc: Architectural Review Board
Planning Commission
Board of Supervisors
Police Department—Steve Watson
Housing Department— Ron White
City of Charlottesville—Missy Creasy
United States Postal Service
'. �i
To: Scott Clark,Senior Planner
From: Barbara Edwards
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: Special Use Permit Application for TMP 19-17 Chestnut Grove Baptist Preschool
Attached are the required responses as noted on Section 33.4(c). Please let me know if any other
documents are required to move forward.
550 Buck Mountain Road Earlysville, VA 22936 Telephone: 434.978.3819
Chestnut Grove Baptist Church
550 Buck Mountain Road
Earlysville, VA
1. Chestnut Grove Preschool, a ministry of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, is located at
550 Buck Mountain Road in Earlysville, Virginia. The preschool currently serves a
maximum of 35 children, ages 3-5, from the hours of 9 am — 12:30 pm Monday through
Friday. The Preschool is requesting an extension in hours of operation allowing it to
open at 7 am and close at 6 pm. While school hours would remain the same (9am-
12:30pm), the expanded hours would allow Chestnut Grove Preschool to offer before-
school and after-school care for the children that attend the preschool. Currently there
are no other Christian preschools in Earlysville and families with working parents in the
community are unable to take advantage of our program due to limited hours.
Expanding the Preschool's hours of operation will enable a greater number of church
and community families to access quality preschool education for their children.
2. Proposed Project's consistency with the comprehensive plan:
Chestnut Grove Baptist Church (CGBC) has been an active church at its present
location since 1879. Our church has been and will continue to meet the needs of our
community. We provide support services and opportunities that engage our
community life for the resident s of the Earlysville area. CGBC is a neighborhood
center that brings diverse activities to Earlysville. CGBC enhances the quality of life to
our residents.
This current request for a special use permit will not require any physical
modifications to the site. We operate without the need for a public water and sewer
system and will continue to do so. The existing roads are suitable for the existing and
proposed use and will be for the foreseeable future. No changes in the discernible
traffic patterns will be made.
Chestnut Grove Baptist Church's request for a special use permit
clearly is consistent with Albemarle County's Comprehensive Plan.
February 2016
'or 'r/
3. Proposed project's impact on public facilities and public infrastructure.
This request will not have any impact on public facilities and public
On the morning of February 11, 2016 we had an onsite meeting with VDOT's
representative. At this meeting the following actions were agreed upon.
a. To improve the site distance at the Simons Gap Road entrance (1) (see attached sheet
) CGBC will cut back the vegetation on the left side of Simmons Gap Road as you exit
left from the entrance, to gain the required site distance as recommend by VDOT.
When the vegetation is cleared the site distance will be evaluated and if need be minor
road bank slope grading will be done by CGBC. The site distance to the right as you
exit right was deemed adequate and no work will be required in this direction.
b. The entrance to and from the parking lot onto Buck Mountain Road (2) (see attached
sheet ) will continue to be a right turn only exit. To improve the function ability of this
entrance CGBC will install Channelizer Posts (see attached material sheet — U. S.
Barricades) around the existing perimeter of the exiting pavement markings (2 ft. C-C)
that depict a right hand turn only exit. CGBC will also install a traffic sign in the
parking lot that reads: Right Turn Exit Only. All pavement markings will be re-painted
to improve visibility of the markings.
February 2016
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Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
To: Barbara Edwards
From: Scott Clark, Senior Planner
Date: January 27, 2016
Subject: Mandatory pre-application meeting for TMP 19-17 Chestnut Grove Baptist Preschool
The following are County staff comments regarding the above noted pre-application meeting. This
meeting satisfies the requirement for a pre-application meeting prior to submittal of your zoning map
amendment application ("rezoning")and/or a special use permit application. The purpose of for the
meeting is summarized below:
The purposes for a pre-application meeting are to: (i)provide the applicant and the county a
common understanding of the proposed project; (ii) inform the applicant about the proposed
project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, other relevant policies, and county
regulations; (iii) broadly identify the planning, zoning and other issues raised by the application
that need to be addressed by the applicant; (iv) inform the applicant about the applicable
procedure;and(v) allow the director to identify the information the applicant must submit with
the application, including the supplemental information delineated in subsection (c). Receiving
the relevant supplemental information will allow the application to be comprehensively and
efficiently reviewed.
The following are staff comments:
(ii)Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan:
• This request would increase impacts on the Rural Areas, but would be based on an existing
facilities. Overall analysis of its appropriateness under the Comprehensive Plan will be carried
out during the special use permit review.
(iii) broadly identify the planning, zoning and other issues raised by the application that need to
be addressed by the applicant
• As discussed at our meeting, the main issue raised by this request is road safety, due to higher
traffic loads during the requested hours and the insufficient nature of the current entrances.
(iv)applicable procedures
• Community Meeting —the applicant is required by ordinance to undertake a community meeting process
as part of the review of the rezoning/SP request. This meeting should be held, if possible, within 30 days
from the date the rezoning application is submitted, and can be held prior to the submittal of the rezoning
application. Adjacent property owners and neighborhoods (and the Coordinating Reviewer/planner)
should receive advance notification of this meeting (date/time/location).
(v) Identify the information the applicant must submit with the application, including the supplemental
• As covered on the attached checklist, drawings of the proposed entrance improvements should be
submitted with the special use permit application.
• Attached SP Checklist
If you have any further questions, please contact me.
Scott Clark
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