HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-12February 12, 1976
(Adjourned from February 11, 1976)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was
held~om~FebrUarY~?!2~'~-t976, at 5:00 P.M. in the County Executive's Conference Room, County
Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from February 11,
Present: Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher,
J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta and William S. Roudabush.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive, J. Harvey Bailey; Frederick Payne, Deputy
County Attorney; and James Bowling, Deputy County Attorney.
No. 1. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Fisher, Chairman.
No. 2. Rules of Procedure. Mrs. David had presented to the Board members a revised
set of rules of procedure and these were the items discussed. Under the section entitled
"Special Meetings" it was noted that the previous rules called for a notice to be mailed
to the County Attorney and not the Commonwealth's Attorney as provided by Virginia Code
Section 15.1-538. Mr. Payne said Virginia Code Section 15.1-9.1:1 provides that the
county attorney takes over the civil duties of the commonwealth's attorney in counties
where a county attorney has been appointed. Under Virginia Code Section 15.1-608, Albemarle
County, which is under the County Executive form of government, has the option of appointing
a county attorney, therefore no notice is required to the commonwealth's attorney.
Under the section entitled "Voting", Mrs. David had recommended that the roll call be
eliminated. Mr. Payne noted that Article 7, Section 7 of the Virginia Constitution,
second paragraph states: "On final vote on any ordinance or resolution, the name of each
member voting and how he voted shall be recorded." He felt it would be unwise to eliminate
the roll call on all matters, thus leaving the Board open to procedural errors. Mrs.
David suggested that the wording be amended to read: "Ail questions submitted to the
Board for a decision shall be by a voice vote of a majority of the members present and
voting, (Virginia Code Section 15.1-540), except; (a) that on the final vote on any ordinanc,
or resolution the name of each member voting and how he voted shall be recorded (Virginia
Constitution Article 7, Section 7) and (b) that for the adoption of an ordinance or resolutio~
appropriating money exceeding the sum of $500.00, imposing taxes, or authorizing the
borrowing of money, a recorded, affirmative vote of the total membership of the Board
shall be required (Virginia Constitution, Article 7, Section 7) provided, however, that
upon the request of any member of the Board voting shall be by roll call and be recorded
in the minutes by the Clerk of the Board (Virginia Code Section 15.1-532:3) and provided
further that whenever any member wishes to abstain from voting on any question he shall so
state and his abstention shall be announced by the Chairman and recorded in the minutes."
Messrs. Fisher, Henley and Dorrier felt it would be best to have a roll call on all
matters. Mr. Bailey said he had observed that when the Board is split on any roll call,
the individual members usually take this opportunity to give their reasons for their vote.
Mrs. David asked if the Board members still wanted to require that each motion
receive a second. Mr. Payne said the Attorney General has ruled that a motion does not
require a second. Mr. Roudabush felt that any motion made by a member deserves discussion.
Mr. Dorrier felt there would be adequate discussion before the motion is made and if the
motion has merit it will receive a second. Mr. Fisher said strict parliamentary rules
require that a motion be made before any discussion is held. Dr. Iachetta felt the seconding
procedure serves a useful purpose by helping the member to determine whethe{ or not he
Wants to vote on the subject. Mr. Fisher said having motions on the floor which are not
seconded will lead to substitute motions and amended motions and further complicate the
job of the chairman. It was the consensus that this section be rewritten to include a
Mr. Payne noted that the language of F3 under "Voting" (Matters requiring pubiic
hearings shall not be subject to vote by the Board before such public hearing has been
held) makes it appear that the Board cannot take any action until the public hearing is
held. He said it should be made clear that the Board can defer or continue these public
hearings and suggested that the following language be added: "provided that nothing
herein shall be construed to permit the deferral or continuance of any matter prior to the
holding of such public hearing."
Mr. Payne noted that F5 under "Voting" reads: "Discussion of any motion may be
terminated by any member's moving the prevzous question, whereupon the Chair shall call
for a vote on that motion and, if carried by a majority of those voting, shall then call
for a vote on the original'motion under consideration." He suggested that a sentence be
added reading: "A motion of the previous question shall not be subject to debate and
shall take precedence over any other matter." He said this is general parliamentary
Mrs. David said that Virginia Code Section 15.1-541 references a semi-annual meeting
of the Board. She asked if similar language should be included in these "Rules" Mr.
Bowling said the BOard must officially accept audits of the County's books. ~ha~ audit
does not occur at the end of the fiscal year or at a semi-annual point. He recommended
that no language on this matter be included.
Mrs. David said the previous rules, under "Special Meetings", required that the Clerk
give notice to the general news media of the time, place and matters for
discussion. She asked if those notices must be sent by registered mail as is required for
those notices sent to Board members. It was noted that this statement was included as
policy by the previous Board and is not a requirement of the Code of Virginia.
Mrs. David noted F6 under "Voting": "After a vote has been taken on a matter before
the Board, any member may move for its reconsideration, provided such motion is made at
the same meeting or an adjournment thereof at which the matter was. originally acted upon.
The effect of the motion to reconsider, if adopted, shall be to place the original question
~ ~ ~ ~~n~ ~ n~,~n~d h~fnr~ it was voted uoon." Also_F7 under "Voting":
Febrnmry 12, 1976
Adjourned from February 11, 1976)
be subject to reconsideration only as above stated) and ordinances, may be rescinded by a
majority of the total membership of the Board." She said this language seems to limit
reconsideration of matters and asked if the other Board members felt this rule to be too
strict. Mr. Fisher said that on all but zoning matters, any motion may be reconsidered by
a majority vote. In his experience on the Board, this has only happened when someone
changes his mind. This procedure was used mostly to solve tie votes. Since the tie-
breaker procedure was eliminated by the Board, a tie vote now defeats the motion.
The County Attorney's office was requested to redraft the rules of procedure incor~
the changes discussed and the Clerk was ordered to include this item on the agenda of
February 19.
No. 3. Set meeting times, dates, and places for the remainder of 1976.
Motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, setting meeting times,
etc. for 1976 as follows:
First Wednesday of each month - 7:30 P.M. - Albemarle County Courthouse
Second Wednesday of each month - 9:00 A.M. - Board Room, County Office Building
Third Wednesday of each month - 7:30 P.M. - Albemarle County Courthouse
The foregoing motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
No. 4. Appointments:
(a) Equalization Board for 1976. Dr. Iachetta offered motion to appoint Mrs.
Marilyn Edmunds, a realtor, as a member of the Equalziation Board. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Henley, and carried by the vote which follows:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
(b) Parks Committee.
February 19, 1976.
The Clerk was order to include this item on the agenda for
(c) Economic Development Commission for 1976. Motion was offered by Mrs. David to
appoint Mr. David Parrish, President, Michie Company, as a member of this commission. The
motion was seconded by Dr. Iachetta and carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
(d) Advisory Committee-$ou~h'~Rivanna River Reservoir Study. Mr. RoudabUsh said he
prefers that this person be someone who is readily available to the Board and suggested
that this be the County Planning Director. Mrs. David said she is inclined to appoint
someone else because of the Planning Director's work load. There being no consensus, this
item was ordered carried over to February.19.
Not Docketed. Mr. Fisher said he had received a memorandum from Michael Carroll
concerning the vacancy on the Manpower Planning Council for Area Five. Mr. Carroll has
suggested that this person be an elected official. Mr.'Fisher said because of his concern
over things he has heard about the operation of this Council, he will serve in this capacity
Not Docketed. Mr. Fisher noted receipt of a letter from Mrs. Margaret Wood, Extension
Agent, stating that the Extension Service is sponsoring an Albemarle County Youth in
Government Day again this year. She had requested that the date for this meeting be on
May 5. Mr. Fisher said May 12 is a regular Board meeting date and he asked that the Clerk
notify Mrs. Wood that the Board will participate on May 12.
Not Docketed. Mr. Fisher noted receipt of a letter from Mr. Leigh Middleditch
concerning the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan. It read partially as follows: "At
one of the recent Board of Supervisors meeting, a lady in the audience commented about her
concern that the poor might not be represented with respect to the revision of the Comprehens
Plan. I think this zs a legitimate concern. Every time there are restrictions placed on
the use of land in the county, there is a distinct possibility that the value of the one
asset that many of our residents have is being adversely affected. BY and large, these
folks are unrepresented. While I am not sure of the solution, I suggest that you talk to
David Levy who is head of the local Legal Aid Office. I am sure he might give you some
worthwhile advise. Best Regards."
Not Docketed: Letter was received from Senator J. Harry Michael, thanking the Board
for resolutions opposing Senate Bill 37 and S. B. 38 (re: Elected School Boards) and
stating that he intends to vote against these bills.
Not Docketed: Mr. Roudabush said the Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company recently
applied for a building permit and was staggered by the cost of same. He asked if there is
any way the Board can give them some relief on the cost of this permit since they do
render a public service which is not rendered by the County itself.
Mr. Payne said he had discussed this problem with the Building Official. Mr. Clarke
has said there is no exemption in the Building Code for other than County, State and
Fernery 12, 1976~
(Adjourned from February 11, 1976) and
February 17, 1976
Dr. %achetta said since the County makes appropriations of funds to the volunteer
fire companies, a reimbursement~ could be based on this fact also tying it to the specific
purpose of building permits. Mr. Payne said the State statutes prohibit the County from
donating any funds to any church or sectarian organization and that would eliminate all of
those requests. Building permit fees occur only rarely.
Mr. Roudabush suggested that the Board consider reimbursing building permit fees and
inspection fees to those volunteer organizations in the county who are deemed to be rendering
a public service and who would be otherwise subsidized by county funds.
Mr. Payne said Virginia Code Section 15.1-25 provides for power to give money or
property or any asset to hospitals, etc., to any association or other organziation furnishing
voluntary fire fighting services and to any nonrprofit lifesaving crew, lifesaving organizati¢
or rescue squad. Mr. Dottier said he had recently read that section of the Code. He is
concerned that the .Scottsville Rescue Squad did not receive a donation from the County
last year and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad did.
Mr. Fisher asked that the County Attorney~s~office draft a resolution for consideration
by the Board on February 19 relating reimbursement of building permit fees to this section
of the Code, but only on a request basis.
At 6:25 P.M., motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Roudabush to
adjourn into executive Session at the Boar's Head Inn, Route 250 West, Charlottesville,
Virginia, for a discussion of personnel matters. The motion carried by the vote which
AYES: Mrs. David andtMessrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
NAYS: None.
The Board'reconvened at 9:00 A.M. on February 17, 1976, in the Board Room of the
County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, with the following members present at
this time:
Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dottier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher, F. Anthony
Iachetta and William S. Roudabush.
Absent: Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr.
Officers present:
St. John.
County Executive, J. Harvey Bailey and County Attorney, George R.
Mr. Fisher said the executive session which began February 12, 1976, at 6:30 P.M.,
continued for four hours at the Boar's Head Inn and again on February 14, 1976, at the
Boars-' Head Inn. Each time, one applicant for the position of County Executive was interview~
The session was then recessed to February 15, 1976, at the Boar's Head Inn, where another
four-hour interview took place. This executive session was again recessed to February 16,
1976, at 4:00 P.M. at the home of Mrs. Opal David where negotiations took place with the
candidate chosen for the position of County Executive. This session was then recessed
until 9:00 A.M., this date, February 17, 1976. -Mr. Fisher then called the executive
session closed and explained the process by which the applicants were screened and chosen
for interviews. He then announced that the Board had successfully negotiated with Mr. Guy
B. Agnor, Jr., currently Director of Public Works for the City of Charlottesville, to be
County Executive of Albemarle County. Mr. Agnor will begin work on April 1, 1976, at a
salary of $29,000. Mr. Fisher said the Board had wanted someone who is a good administrator
and someone who can work with the present county staff toward a more efficient organization.
He added that Mr. Agnor was chosen because of his present rapport with the citizens of the
Ail Board members present concurred with Mr. Fisher's statements and were unanimous
in their enthusiasm regarding Mr. Agnor's selection.
Mr. Agnor said he was honored at being selected and looked forward to working for the
Board and with County employees toward a more unified local government. Mr. Agnor then
briefly reviewed his background for the press.
At 9:20 A.M., Mr. Fisher declared the meeting adjourned.