HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201700006 Review Comments Miscellaneous Submittal 2017-03-14 APPLICATION REVIEW HISTORY
ARB #/Name ARB2017-6 Bo jangles' Restaurant - Sign
County received application 1/23/17
Corresponding submittal 1/23/17
deadline/ARB meeting date
Transfer from intake to ARB Staff 1/24/17
First ARB staff review 2/2/17 Complete enough, but issues with many
(Completeness) items provided
First ARB staff review (full 2/6/17—2/10/17
Comments to applicant 2/10/17
Resubmittal received by staff 2/21/17
Resubmittal reviewed by staff 2/28/17-3/1/17
No No easements lines shown& close to or in I
Were all comments addressed? easement. Need Brick sample or
confirmation as same as building.
Comments to applicant 3/1/17
Resubmittal received by staff 3/8/17
Resubmittal reviewed by staff 3/14/17
Were all comments addressed? Yes, but Requested an updated coversheet that
includes submission and revision dates.
Approval letter sent 3/14/17
Applicant Survey Included?
ARB meeting date
ARB action
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
DATE: February 10, 2017
Rev. 1: March 1, 2017
Jeffery Adinolfe
Atlas Sign Industries of Florida, LLC
1077 W. Blue Heron Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33404
RE: ARB -2017-6: Bojangle's Restaurant - Signs
Dear Mr. Adinolfe,
I have reviewed the above -noted sign application. The following revisions are requested to make the
proposal consistent with the Entrance Corridor Sign Guidelines.
The sign plan must include all of the information required. Include all of the information you have
previously submitted and the additional information requested in this letter. The sign plan must include:
1. All text on the individual sheets must be legible at the scale provided. The Specifications and
Electrical Detail sheets have text that cannot be read. Ensure that all text on all sheets can be
read. Once the text is legible those portions of the sign plan will be reviewed.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The "Structural" section of the Specifications sheet
is still not able to be read when printed on letter size paper, which is the submission format.
Even when viewed on a computer screen some portions are not able to be read. Also, it
appears that the dimensions show in the two different pictures and in the notes area do not
appear to agree with each other. The dimensions for the footing are shown as both 5' x 3' x
2' and 5' x 6' x 2'. Ensure that the diagrams and text are consistent.
2. No external lighting appears to be proposed for either the wall signs or the free standing
monument sign. If any extenial lighting is to be utilized for these signs the lighting must be
shown in the sign plan and all required information for the lighting included.
Rev. 1: Comment sufficiently addressed. Aesponse to comment was that there will be no
exter.ral lighting for the sins.
3. No directional signs have been included in this sign plan. If directional signs will be installed
within the site they must be reviewed. If directional signs are to be utilized either add them to
this sign plan on the next submission or submit them as part of a separate application and sign
Rev. 1: Comment sufficiently addressed. Response to comment was that no directional
signs are proposed.
Wall Signs:
4. Include an overall height of the Channel Letters including the highest point of the star on the
"LL -42 Channel Letters" sheet.
Rev. 1: Conim.ent Addressed.
5. Include a dimension for the sign height, measured from the ground to the top of the wall sign, on
the "Elevations" sheet.
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed.
6. Provide a dimension, or provide a note, on the "Elevations" sheet that specifies that the Channel
Letters sign will be centered in the sign area and between the pilasters.
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed.
7. Expand the wording next to.the color of the Channel Letters raceway to state "i-natches building".
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed.
8. Since LED lights are being used within these wall signs add a note that states, "The level of
illumination provided by the LED lights will not exceed the illumination produced by a single
stroke of 30 milliamp (ma) neon." to the "LL -42 Channel Letters" sheet.
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed.
9. Specify on sheet "LL -42 — Channel Letters" that the gap between the letters and the two things
above the letters (the star and the apostrophe) are "Aluminum "jumps" finished in the same color
as the raceway".
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed.
Free Standing Sim
10. In the approved final site plan the monument sign appears to be located within the edge of an
existing drainage easement. The submitted sign plan, currently under review, appears to show the
sign just outside of that easement. However, the new location may have the sign's foundation
conflicting with the storm drain inlet at the comer of the drive thru aisle. Confirm that the sign,
and its foundation, will be outside of any existing or proposed easement and will not conflict with
any proposed or existing structures. Provide enlargement of the area in the sign plan that shows
these details and ensure that these conflicts are avoided.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The easement lines do not appear to be shown on the
Site Map sheet. Show all easements within the property, in the vicinity of the free standing
sign, in both the main view and in the expanded view of that sheet. Ensure that the siLn is
not within any easement or provide documentation that give permission from the owner of
the easement for the sizn to be allowed within it.
11. The landscaping shown in the "Site Map — Landscaping" sheet appear to be in a different location
then what is shown on the approved final site plan, the landscaping has been moved to wrap
around the monument sign. However, the fountain grass that was shown near the monument sign
on the approved final site plan is not an appropriate planting for the base of the monument sign.
Additional evergreen shrubs, with or without ground cover, should be proposed at the base of the
monument sign in this sign plan in order to integrate it into the landscaping, the site, and to ensure
an attractive appearance all year round. Incorporate evergreen shrubs, from Albemarle County
Recommended Plants List, at the base of the sign and provide a landscaping schedule for the
proposed plantings in this sign plan.
Rev. 1: Comment sufficiently addressed.
12. Since LED lights are being used within this freestanding sign add a note that states, "The level of
illumination provided by the LED lights will not exceed the illumination produced by a single
stroke of 30 milliamp (ma) neon." to the "Monument Sign" sheet.
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed.
13. On the "Specifications" sheet there is a table for the light output for the monument sign. It shows
lumens of as much as 4,536. The ordinance does not allow light fixture, which are not full cut
off, to emit more than 3,000 lumens. The design of this illuminated sign does not meet the fill]
cut off design requirement and therefore cannot emit more than 3,000 lumens. Revise the sign
plan such that it specifies that the LED lights that will be within the monument sign will not emit
more than 3,000 lumens.
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed.
14. The PMS 107 equivalent yellow, utilized in the opaque portion of the sign, is not in the color
range normally accepted by the ARB and should be replaced. Consider replacing it with the
opaque PMS 109 equivalent yellow utilized for the approved Boj angles sign at Pantops.
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed...
15. Provide on the sign plan the maximum width of the outline/shadow around the `Bojangles" text.
Rev. 1: Comment does not appear to be addressed. Either provide the maximum width of
the outline/shadow around the `Bolangle's" text or explain where such a note is already
shown on the sign plan.
16. Provide on the sign plan the material of the Pole Cover.
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed.
17. [NEW COMMENT] Provide a note or dimension that specifies the height of each line of
text on the free standing sign.
18. [NEW COMMENT] Either add note that specifies that the bricks of the free standing sign
are to match the bricks of the Bojangle's building or provide a brick sample for another
type of bricks to be used. The approved ARB plans for the building specify "Old South
Handform" bricks.
Please respond by email within 15 days of the date of this letter indicating whether you will or will not
proceed with these revisions. Your decision to make the revisions will suspend the 60 -day review period
associated with your original submittal. If you choose to complete the revisions, please email the revised
drawings to me. If you choose not to proceed with these revisions, staff will be unable to approve your
application. Failure to respond to this letter shall be presumed to be a request to proceed to action on the
application without further revisions.
If you have any questions about this action, please contact me as soon as possible. I look forward to
receiving your revisions and completing this review with an approval letter.
Paty Sate e
Senior PI
cc: Hollymeade/29, LLC
ARB File
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
February 10, 2017
Jeffery Adinolfe
Atlas Sign Industries of Florida, LLC
1077 W. Blue Heron Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33404
RE: ARB -2017-6: Bojangle's Restaurant - Signs
Dear Mr. Adinolfe,
I have reviewed the above -noted sign application. The following revisions are requested to make the
proposal consistent with the Entrance Corridor Sign Guidelines.
The sign plan must include all of the information required. Include all of the information you have
previously submitted and the additional information requested in this letter. The sign plan must include:
I. All text on the individual sheets must be legible at the scale provided. The Specifications and
Electrical Detail sheets have text that cannot be read. Ensure that all text on all sheets can be
read. Once the text is legible those portions of the sign plan will be reviewed.
2. No external lighting appears to be proposed for either the wall signs or the free standing
monument sign. If any external lighting is to be utilized for these signs the lighting must be
shown in the sign plan and all required information for the lighting included.
3. No directional signs have been included in this sign plan. If directional signs will be installed
within the site they must be reviewed. If directional signs are to be utilized either add them to
this sign plan on the next submission or submit them as part of a separate application and sign
Wall Signs:
4. Include an overall height of the Channel Letters including the highest point of the star on the
"LL -42 Channel Letters" sheet.
5. Include a dimension for the sign height, measured from the ground to the top of the wall sign, on
the "Elevations" sheet.
6. Provide a dimension, or provide a note, on the "Elevations" sheet that specifies that the Channel
Letters sign will be centered in the sign area and between the pilasters.
7. Expand the wording next to the color of the Channel Letters raceway to state "matches building".
8. Since LED lights are being used within these wall signs add a note that states, "The level of
illumination provided by the LED lights will not exceed the illumination produced by a single
stroke of 30 milliamp (ma) neon." to the "LL -42 Channel Letters" sheet.
9. Specify on sheet "LL -42 — Channel Letters" that the gap between the letters and the two things
above the letters (the star and the apostrophe) are "Aluminum "jumps" finished in the same color
as the raceway".
Free Standing Sim
10. In the approved final site plan the monument sign appears to be located within the edge of an
existing drainage easement. The submitted sign plan, currently under review, appears to show the
sign just outside of that easement. However, the new location may have the sign's foundation
conflicting with the storm drain inlet at the corner of the drive thru aisle. Confirm that the sign,
and its foundation, will be outside of any existing or proposed easement and will not conflict with
any proposed or existing structures. Provide enlargement of the area in the sign plan that shows
these details and ensure that these conflicts are avoided.
11. The landscaping shown in the "Site Map — Landscaping" sheet appear to be in a different location
then what is shown on the approved final site plan, the landscaping has been moved to wrap
around the monument sign. However, the fountain grass that was shown near the monument sign
on the approved final site plan is not an appropriate planting for the base of the monument sign.
Additional evergreen shrubs, with or without ground cover, should be proposed at the base of the
monument sign in this sign plan in order to integrate it into the landscaping, the site, and to ensure
an attractive appearance all year round. Incorporate evergreen shrubs, from Albemarle County
Recommended Plants List, at the base of the sign and provide a landscaping schedule for the
proposed plantings in this sign plan.
12. Since LED lights are being used within this freestanding sign add a note that states, "The level of
illumination provided by the LED lights will not exceed the illumination produced by a single
stroke of 30 milliamp (ma) neon." to the "Monument Sign" sheet.
13. On the "Specifications" sheet there is a table for the light output for the monument sign. It shows
lumens of as much as 4,536. The ordinance does not allow light fixture, which are not full cut
off, to emit more than 3,000 lumens. The design of this illuminated sign does not meet the full
cut off design requirement and therefore cannot emit more than 3,000 lumens. Revise the sign
plan such that it specifies that the LED lights that will be within the monument sign will not emit
more than 3,000 lumens.
14. The PMS 107 equivalent yellow, utilized in the opaque portion of the sign, is not in the color
range normally accepted by the ARB and should be replaced. Consider replacing it with the
opaque PMS 109 equivalent yellow utilized for the approved Bojangles sign at Pantops.
15. Provide on the sign plan the maximum width of the outline/shadow around the `Bojangles" text.
16. Provide on the sign plan the material of the Pole Cover.
Please respond by email within 15 days of the date of this letter indicating whether you will or will not
proceed with these revisions. Your decision to make the revisions will suspend the 60 -day review period
associated with your original submittal. If you choose to complete the revisions, please email the revised
drawings to me. If you choose not to proceed with these revisions, staff will be unable to approve your
application. Failure to respond to this letter shall be presumed to be a request to proceed to action on the
application without further revisions.
If you have any questions about this action, please contact me as soon as possible. I look forward to
receiving your revisions and completing this review with an approval letter.
Department of Community Development
This form must be returned with your revisions to ensure proper tracking and distribution. County staff
has indicated below what they think will be required as a resubmission of revisions. If you need to submit
additional information please explain on this form for the benefit of the intake staff. All plans must be
collated and folded to fit into legal size files, in order to be accepted for submittal.
PROJECT NAME: ARB -2017-06: Bojangle's Restaurant - Signs
Submittal Type Requiring Revisions () indicates submittal Code County Project Number
# Copies
Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (E&S)
Submittal Code
Mitigation Plan (MP)
Distribute To:
Waiver Request (WR)
Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)
Road Plan (RP)
Private Road Request, with private/public comparison (PRR)
Private Road Request — Development Area (PRR-DA)
Preliminary Site Plan (PSP)
Final Site Plan (or amendment) (FSP)
Final Plat (FP)
Preliminary Plat (PP)
Easement Plat (EP)
Boundary Adjustment Plat (BAP)
Rezoning Plan (REZ)
Special Use Permit Concept Plan (SP -CP)
Reduced Concept Plan (R -CP)
Proffers (P)
Bond Estimate Request (BER)
Draft Groundwater Management Plan (D-GWMP)
Final Groundwater Management Plan (F-GWMP)
Aquifer Testing Work Plan (ATWP)
Groundwater Assessment Report (GWAR)
Architectural Review Board (ARB) ARB2017-6
Other: Please explain
(For staff use only)
Submittal Code
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Submittal Code
# Copies
Distribute To:
Paty Saternye