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May 26, 1976 (Afternoon and Night) An adjourned meeting ~f.:th~'Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County-, Virginia, was held on May 26, 1976 at 3:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia. Said meeting being adjourned from May 24, 1976. Present: ~ M~'~ Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Absent: Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Gera~ E~ F~h~r, J~i~T.~Hen~ey, Jr., F. An~h0~Y Iachetta and W. S. Roudabush. Mr. Dorrier said this meeting had been c~ll~ to h61~ a work session o~ ZMPL76-02,' Virginia Dryden Kellogg, but for lack of a quorum he hereby deciared t~ejpu~tic_~heari~g on ZMP-76-02 carried forward to June 2, 1976 at 2:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the ~ounty Office Building. He also declared today'~s~me~t~ng-~adjourned~to~7:~30.~.M~.~at_Jack Jouett Junior High School for an advertised public hearing on the 1976-77 County Budget. An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on May 26, 1976, 7:30 P.M., at Jack Jouett Junior High School, Charlottesville, Virginia, said meeting being adjourned from 3:00 P.M. this date. (The display of the proposed b~dge~was adM~r~ised~ in the~Da~ly~Progr~s~ on May I1, 1976, pursuant to Code of Virginia, Section 15.1-162. The change of meeting place for the public hearing was advertised in the Daily Progress on May 12, 1976 and May 19, 1976.) Present: Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta and W. S. Roudabush. Absent: None. Officers Present: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr. and County Attorney, George R. St. John. Mr. Fisher welcomed the public to the mg~tSng,~4 noted.the p~rpqse of this public hearing is to establish the expenditures for the County~f~r~1976-77~ H~ introduced~the members of the Board and Mr. Agnor. After introducing members of the staff and giving an introductory speech, Mr. Agnor showed slides which summarized revenues and expenditures. At 8:12 P.M., the public hearing was open~d~~ Th~fi~s~'-ca~g0ry discussed-was General Management and Support. First to speak was Colonel Carroll B. Smith supporting this category. He felt this set an example of how-thebudget could be reduced~(reduced 2.16%). Next to speak was Bob Merril~l. He suggested that the real estate and land use categories could be reduced after this fiscal year by not reassessing the County until ~h~a~e~requires reassessment; every six years. H~f~-th~.S~would mean a significant reduction in this category. The next category discussed was Human Development. Mr. Bob Stroh, member of the Board of Trustees for the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library, noted that the Board of Supervisors proposes to cut from the library budget 11.5% of the requested amount~. After serious consideration of the proposal, the Board of Trustees finds it unacceptable. He said all assessments for the support of the library are in proportion to the use by each participating jurisdiction. If a cut of this magnitude is distributed to all the branches of the library partially or fully funded by Albemarle County, the effects on appropriations of other jurisdictions will result in a reduction of $65,127 in the total library budget. This would mean the McIntire Library, etc. He felt this would be unacceptable to the 11,000 users of the library. The only alternative, if this cut is not applied across the board to all the functions, would be to reduce the branches in Crozet or Scottsville or eliminate the bookmobile which travels exclusively in the County. He said the.budget was calculated with the best information available. NO~t year, library funds will be kept in a special account, and this will afford a better accountability and-guarantee a return of' any unuSed portion of the 'previous year's appropriation to each~jurisdiction. He p~esented a sheet which explained the major increases in the budget. (Copy on2p~rm~nen6-file in Clerk's Office.) He also presented a sheet showing effects of the proposed cuts. Next to speak was David Lewis. He questioned a significant change_in codes 109 and 109A the Social Services Budget. Mrs. Karen Morris,"Dire6~6r 0f~Soc~al-Servic~s,~s~id -~ seven additional positions have been requested from the State. She noted two of the positions are now funded by CETA. Seven positions were requested next year since the CETA programs may not be funded again. The positions are eligibility workers who determine eligibility for public assistance programs, an additional social worker, an administrative manager who will be assistant to the Director of the department, and three additional clerical positions. Vivian Gordon, speaking for the Monticello Area Community Action Agency, was next. She noted th~t~'sh8 and'Hal Brindley,~alS© a ~&pregentati~ve from the County on the Board of Directors of MACAA, have reviewed the activities and found no duplication or .any competition with existing programs..' They requested financial assistance. Mr.~ Hal Brindley said the Board of Directors is aware of an impending crisis of the agency; through loss of services previously given and low morale among staff members~'due to. loss of benefits .and a frozen budget over the past years. They felt it is necessary to ask for funding from all the areas served. Mr. Rick Noble of Madison House was next to speak. He was representing 1,100 volunteers They ask to be allowed to have the opportunity..,t9 work in this come. unity with those citizens that need help. The volunteers wan~.to help me~ha~s and~consumers.~- Thus,~financia! support is needed from the county. He noted that the county started supporting Madison House in 1973 at a level of $4,0O0Ji00 Last yea~, funding was back to $2,000.00. He noted that Madison House wants to maintain t.heir current level of