HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-27AMay 27, 1976 (Afternoon - Adjourned from May 26) 24~
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
on May 27, 1976, at 2:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building, Charlottesvill
Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from May 26, 1976.
Present: Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Gerald E. Fisher,
J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta and William S. Roudabush.
Absent: None.
Officers present:
St. John
County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr. and County Attorney, George R.
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Fisher, who noted
receipt of a certified letter from Virginia Stage Lines, Inc. and Winn Bus Lines, Inc.
stating that they have applied for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a
common carrier of passengers, baggage, mail, express, and newspapers. A public hearing on
this request will be held 'by the State Corporation Commission on June 21, 1976, at 2:30 P.M.
in its Courtroom, Richmond, Virginia.
Present at this meeting were members of the Albemarle County School Board: Carl Van
Fossen, Chairman, and Ronald Bauerie, Jesse Haden, and Elizabeth Rosenblum. The Superintende~
of Schools, Clarence McClure was also present.
The only scheduled item on the agenda for this date was a further work session on the
1976-77 County Budget. The Board proceeded by reviewing expenditure estimates page by page.
1) Refunds - $27,000
2) Board of Supervisors - by consensus, $102,011
3) County Executive - By consensus, salary of executive secretary to be transferred
from Code 3A to this code, making total budget $97,248
4) Personnel - By consensus, special benefits for law enforcement officers to remain
as part of this category - $294,268
5) Purchasing Department - $56,543
6) County Attorney - $69,870
7) Director of Assessments & Board of Equalization - $246,221
8) Director of Finance - after transfer of secretary's salary, $262,835
9) Engineering,S94,312
10) Planning Department - Mr. Agnor noted that the County has applied for grant funds
for updating the Comprehensive Plan, but said it would not be safe at this point to deduct
the $30,000 estimate for this expense from the budget - by consensus, $139,569
11) Zoning and Erosion Control - $77,773
12) Ivy Landfill No. 1 - $113,450
13) Keene Landfill No. 2 - $54,640
14) Elections - $48,725
15) Maintenance/Buildings and Grounds - $136,461
16) Dues-Virginia Association of Counties - $3,636
17) Dues-Planning District Commission - $9,280
18) Dues-Chamber of Commerce - $1,200
19) Economic Development Commission - $3,500
20) Bicentennial CommissiOn - $12,667
21) Soil Survey - $22,127
22) Miscellaneous Telephone Expense - $200
23) Dues-National Association of Counties - $500
24) Chamber of Commerce-Convention Bureau - Messrs. Fisher, Henley and Iachetta all
felt this was not a proper use of taxpayers money. Mr. Henley then offered motion that this
category be stricken from the budget. The motion was seconded by Dr. Iachetta. Mr. Dorrier
said he would like to talk with Mr. Fred Ferguson, Executive Director of the Chamber before
voting on this motion. Mr. Roudabush also felt the Chamber should have a chance to respond.
The motion was tabled temporarily.
25) Parks and Recreation - $124,210
26) Social Services - $2,667,107. Dr. Iachetta felt the number of new positions
requested (originally 10, seven still in the budget) should be lowered. He then offered
motion to cut three positions not funded through CETA. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henley
Mrs. ~avid offered an amended motion to cut two positions. No second was received.
Roll was called and the original motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
NAYS:~ Mrs. David.
Mr. Fisher said the Superintendent of the Social Services Department would be allowed
to decide which positions would be deleted. After this is done a dollar amount can be
established for this budget. · ·
27) Mr. Fred Ferguson having appeared at the Board m~eting, the Board returned to
discussion of the Chamber of Commerce Convention Bureau. Mr. Dottier asked what effect
deletion of'the County's contribution would have on this p~ogram. Mr. Ferguson said when the
transient occupancy tax went into effect, the motel/hotel people did not object because there
was an informal agreement that the funds derived from the ~ax would go back into promotion of
this type of business. An audit of the Convention Bureau gor the prior year shows that ~he
City contributed $20,000, the Chamber $19,000 and the County about $9,000.
Mr. Fisher said he did not remember anything about an informal agreement. When he voted
for the tax, it was to replace part of the real property tax. Mr. Henley said he did not
remember that this was to be a perpetual request. Mr. Ferguson said there is a contract for
use of Convention Bureau funds which is negotiated each year between the County Executive,
the City Manager and himself. The Convention program is a revenue producer. If the County
does not fund its portion~ re~enmes~!lldr~p. Mr. Fisher said the County is not a'cor
and is to provide only those services which cannot be provided any other way. Mr. Ferguson
said the motel/hotel people feel they are contributing to this fund by collecting the transien
occupancy tax for the County. Dr. Iachetta said they are no different from other retail
operations which collect the State sales tax. Mr. Ferguson said this is a special tax which
May 27, 1976 (Adjourned from May 26)
obligation per the prior ye~r'~ contract, the ~Board might wish to remove this from the budget
until it is time to renegotiate the contract. Motion to this effect was offered by Mr.
Henley and seconded by Dr. Iachetta.
Mr. Roudabush said he would not support the motion. He felt the Convention Bureau is
an asset to the community and the $8750 is a small price to pay for the economic benefits
derived. Mr. Dorrier felt the whole community derives benefits from the additional revenue
generated and he would not support the motion. Mrs. David said she did not question the
value of the Convention Bureau but did not want to see this request become a regular part of
the County government's responsibilities.
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Fisher, Henley and Iachetta.
Mr. Dorrier and Mr. Roudabush.
Health Department - $196,277
Mental Health & Retardation Services Board - $47,504
Piedmont Community College - $4,315
Extension Service - $44,271
Youth Employment Service - $2,000
District Home - $5~000
Jefferson Area Board on Aging - $2,280
Madison House
Community Action Agency
Regional Library - Mrs. David said she is not in favor of a_large number of public
service agencies coming in each year requesting appropriations, but Madison House is carrying
a welfare load which the County would '~ave to pay otherwise. Community Action, although they
have never used County funds before, needs this money for outreach workers who are no longer
being funded by the Federa1 government. These people help get things like JAUNT started and
once such a project has begun, they are out of it. Last winter, Community Action organized a
program to get wood delivered to people who had no way of getting heat. They now have a
program to help people get gardens started. Mrs. David then offered motion to fund the
$10,786 requested by Community Action. No second was received to the motion.
Mr. Dottier said he would support funding part of the request and offered motion to
fund $5~500. The motion was seconded by Mrs. David.
Dr. Iachetta said it is inconsistent to cut three positions from the Social Services
budget where there is an organized program run by professionals, and to then put $5,500 in
the budget for a program run by amateurs.
Mr. Roudabush said he could not support the motion. The organization has been flounderi
for several years while well funded, and he felt the Board'should wait to see if the two
persons appointed by the Board of Supervisors to the Community Action Board will be able to
get the program in order again.
Roll was called and the motion failed by the vote which follows:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier and Fisher.
Messrs. Henley, Zachetta and Roudabush.
Mrs. David then offered motion to increase the Madison House appropriation to $4,000.
The motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Dorrier noted that the statement was made at the budget hearing, that if the County
cuts its appropriation to the Library, the Scottsvilie branch will be closed. .Mrs. David
said as a member of the County's budget committee, the library budget was made following the
contract for operation, but without participation by anyone from Albemarle County. Every
party to the contract is committed to pay the same salaries that are paid in Charlottesville
for this level of activity. If the County reduces its contribution, the library can make up
this deficit by cutting out services that are funded 100% by Albemarle County, i.e., deleting
the bookmobile, the Scottsville or the Crozet libraries. Mrs. David then offered motion to
restore the library appropriation to the requested amount of $262,301. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Dorrier.
Mr. Fisher said deleting the Crozet and Scottsville libraries is not the only alternatiw
The requested increase of 24% just to maintain the current level o'f services is ridiculous
and he would not support the motion.
Mr. Henley said he could not support the motion on the floor, but could support a 15%
increase over the prior year's appropriation. Dr. Iachetta suggested that the budget be
increased by 15%, but rounded off to $240,000. Mrs. David then withdrew her previous motion
and offered motion to increase the appropriation for the library to $240,000. The amended
motion was sec.onded by Mr. Dorrier. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Mr. Fisher.
Approved amounts in the last categories were as follows:
Action Agency, -0-; and Regional Library, $240,000.
Madison House, $2,000; Communi y
Offender Aid & Restoration - 35,622
Counvy Clerk & Commissioner of Accounts - $85,922
Circuit Court - $31,606
General District Court - $7,130
Commonwealth Attorney's Office - $46,220
Juvenile Court - $15,241
May 27, 1976 (Adourned from May 26, 1976)
44) Policing and Investigating - $493,440
Motion was offered by Mr. Roudabush to support additional personnel requested
by the Sheriff only if the State Compensation B'oard participates in the salaries
of all deputies r~ested. The motion was seconded by Mrs. David and
carried by the f0~ing recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
Fire Department - $157,002
Volunteer Fire Departments - $75,600
Forest Fire Extinction Service-State - $2,800
Fire Marshal - $23,087
Inspections Department - $174,660
Protection of Livestock & Fowl (Dog Warden) - $31,289
Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad - $2,500
Highway Safety Commission - $500
Emergency Services - $6,000
Contributions to operation of Regional Jail - $37,240
Juvenile Detention Home - $1,200
Magistrate's Office - $1,250
Scottsville Rescue Squad - $2,500
Regular Debt Service - $68,475
Capital Outlay Fund - $94,300
Cafeteria Fund - $420,000
Textbook Rental Fund - $90,000
McIntire Trust Fund - $4,700
Regional Jail Fund - $684,260
Federal Education Programs - $746,352
Education - Mrs. David said there has been a good deal of community support shown
for the school budget as presented to the Board. One thing has been misleading throughout
the discussions of the budget; the question oE cutting teachers salaries. The question has
been whether or not the Board would support the increase requested and not that of cutting
current salaries. Mr. Fisher asked if the Board members wanted to adopt the School budget as
requested in the amount of $13,930,036. Dr. Iachetta offered motion to accept the School
budget as presented. The motion died for lack of a second.
Mrs. David said even though there was strong support shown at the public hearing for the
School Board and the schools, there was also a sizable amount of comment which protested the
percent of increase. Maybe the Board should decide on an amount to appropriate in terms of
how it would affect the tax rate. Mr. Fisher said in order to retain the current property
tax rate at $4.70, $288,000~will have to be cut from the budget. Mrs. David did not think it
reasonable to try and maintain the present tax rate when the cost of everything is increasing.
Mr. Fisher said the Board has proposed to increase the personal property tax rate by 25%
to $5.90. He felt the real property rate should be frozen for the coming year. If both
rates are increased, it will be difficult for the citzens to accept.
Mr. Dorrier asked if the teachers salaries would be reduced. Mr. Fisher said no. The
Board is proposing to give County employees a 5% cost of living increase and a few County
employees an additional 5% merit increase. If the School Board and the teachers agree that
merit pay cannot work, he felt the Board should take a position that only a 5% increase will
be funded until a merit pay system is put into operation.
Dr. Iachetta said he has received a lot of comments from people in his district who
support the School budget as originally presented, so his earlier motion was not made lightly
He also recognizes that the Charlottesville District probably contains the largest number of
high-priced professionals who can afford the extra taxes, but there are a lot who cannot
afford this extra burden and the ones who have contacted him are distraught. Dr. tachetta
said the County's pay scale for teachers needs to be examined closely with that of the City
because the City's scale does have an immediate impact on the quality of the County's teachin
Mr..~AgnorZ.said.the Board can_reduce the School budget by $100,000 without taking
away from salaries. There is included in the budget $50,000 for the purchase of mobile
classrooms. These can be funded from the General Fund's carry over balance. There is also
included $55,000 to pay the cost of life insurance for teachers. If the Board does not want
to fund that cost, it will not ~ffect salaries, only fringe benefits.
Mr. Fisher asked what tax rate the Board members would be willing to support. Mrs.
David indicated $4.85; Mr. Dorrier indicated $4.80; Dr. Iachetta indicated $4.85; Mr. Henley
indicated $4.85; and Mr. Roudabush indicated $4.80.
Dr. Iachetta then offered motion to reduce the total school budget by $200,000, with the
School Board making specific line item cuts and the Board reserving the right to review these
changes before making any final decision. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roudabush and
carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
66) Mr. Dorrier said the Board had made no decision on a request received from the
Alcoholism Center. Mr. Fisher felt this could be funded out of Revenue Sharing funds without
affecting the tax rate, but felt the Mental Health Board should be asked to evaluate this
request, and give a recommendation on the proposal without suggesting whether or not this
request be funded. Motion to this effect was offered by Mr. Dorrier, seconded by Mrs. David
and cayried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dottier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
The staff was directed to prepare the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for adoption at the
June 16 meeting.
2'4 4
May 27, 1976 (Adjourned from May 26)
June 2, 1976 (Afternoon-Adjourned from
At 5:33 P.M., motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. Dorrier, to adjourn
this meeting until June 2, 1976, at 3:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building
The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Mrs. David and Messrs. Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta and Roudabush.
June 2, 1976 (AFTERNOON)
(Adjourned from May 27,1976)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
on June 2, 1976, at 3:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building, Charlottesville
Virginia; said meeting being ~d~ourned from May 27 1976.
Present: Mrs. Opal D. David and Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
F. Anthony Iachetta and William S. Roudabush.
Absent: Mr. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr.
Officers present: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr.; County Attorney, George R.
St. John; and County Planner, Robert W. Tucker.
Agenda Item No. 1. ZMP-02-76. Virginia Dryden Kellogg. (Continued from May 5 and May
1976.) Mr. Fisher said discussion of this petition was deferred from May 26 at the applicant
request. Mr. Dorrier will not be present this date and has left the following statement to
be read to the Board:
"May 28, 1976
Mr. Gerald E. Fisher
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
Re: Ednam Development
I have participated in several public hearings concerning Ednam Proposed
Residential Planned Neighborhood and regret not being able to participate
in the final session. During the past hearings, I have been impressed by
the thoroughness and detail of the proposed development and the concern
evidenced by Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg to create an outstanding complex, with
concern for both the environment and the neighboring landowners. While
many of the neighbors would like to have the land remain as it is, or have
a lesser number of houses built on the tract, the present owners are entitled
to develop their land within the bounds of the zoning law as presently written.
I feel that the Ednam Proposed Residential Planned Neighborhood is a better
use of the land than building the maximum number of houses allowed under the
present zoning for the land. My only reservations are the tertiary sewage
treatment facility and the height limitation on the condominiums. I can
support the project if the Rivanna Water and Service (Sewer) Authority will
operate the tertiary sewage treatment facility and if a height limitation
of 35 to 45 feet is imposed upon the condominium structures. If these
conditions are met, I would vote to approve the petition of Mrs. Kellogg
requesting RPN-R1 zQning.
Sincerely yours,
(Signed) Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr."
Mr. Fisher said the Board had asked for a policy statement from the Rivanna Water and
Sewer Authority under which it would consider the operation of a package treatment plant as
proposed for this property. Mr. Agnor read the following into the record:
"Noted as received June 2, 1976
Statement of Policy for Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
~Should a private developer be unable to obtain public sewage service and desires
to provide a package treatment plant and further, if the proposed development is
within the area to be served by the regional sewerage system, and should the
governing body of the political subdivision desire that Rivanna assume operational
control of such a plant, the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority would be willing
to assume operational control of the plant under the following conditions:
The owner would be required to obtain the necessary design approvals inclu-
ding that of the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority and to obtain the neces-
sary NpDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit for the
operation of the plant. This would include bUt not be limited to approval
by the State Water Control Board and the State Health Department of the
design of the plant and the plans and specifications for its construction.
The owner would have to pay all costs incident to the construction, operation,
maintenance, repair, power, and if required, modification of the plant should
such be required by any appropriate regulatory authority.