HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600037 Plan - VSMP Grading Plan 2016-07-15Al,B V',:`r1A RIA',,�CM NTY FINAL PLAN (.ENERAL NmES' Notes jllrkm, r,".Ially collstruc0ort withirf any exisfing Public right-of-%vay, including colinectiori to mad, a perrilft, hall be oblained from the, viroinia Depaltmont of jf:ansp<,)rt1Id(m 0,11)(TI).17his plato as drawo may not accAlrately reflect the tho po'tnift, 'A"here ailly discret),11icies o1corix the of the pc� mit shall gov"eni. All arid ceiristaletioll frietlioxis shall �,jxifolart oo ctirrent specificatiODS alld VDOTimh�ss otherwise noited. Efosioll anoimlt�,tlaoio coatrot be prorvid,,�d ia accordance witil the apix0v d oro""ion com-rol plitri itrid shall be installed prio-�r tt,� arr; �,Jeitring, gradingor other -1, All slopes ard de,11irbell'aleas are, to he fertilized, seeded and ritniched, '11a" maxiolum allt)wable slope is 2:1 itic 1), Where remsomlably obtafi-lable, 0 ies-am 'dop'e,', of 11, in: better are ((,) be 6, Paved, rip -lap or ".-.1abilization mat. fimd clitch play Jx� recitlited wile.To in (lie ofstdon of the ('otrr,ir�, 1. - �jloi(IQQL oi if is decuif_�d in oirdat to stabillzc it drainit-ge 7, All traffic vt)iitrolsh�ms shall co"mfoult v,,ith the Virgirda, Marmal for Uniform "t'raffic -fll be r -ce as's 111, Uloh,�s olhel,wjie noted all ctlicrete pipe sll, 6111,o). _dcotio�ete pipe 9, All, for pipt" instailatior) ratist coniply with OSf 1A Suindards for tile Inclui-try, ('29 (TA( Pal 1 1926,� (;,enerkil Coinstruction Notes for stmts (Illr�i list is in addition to the Ckliwral Constniction I All ninter4l ajid Fruist be lested zuxl to VD(Yl' slandoirds m -rd ,�pf-,'cjficatiorts, 2� Stirl'it�,:e drairtafl",�? arid pipe di charge iroo'st bo jotained w'ithirf tire "0 1 hiol easu n fi! I Its pliol towcept A Ilce. A H dirtinageoutfall cascirelits ifralcibtextelided 1�o a botindtity lific or a oatrit"al. w-,atcre.1.mjrso,,. 3. C41ar'diad 10CMdODS, lore approxitil'afe, 111�'xiwt lollgjfj� Jocatiortand app�iqmiale end treaftrio'llts. will bo fick-1 V,_,hJ1_,d at the fiftIC OfCOITS(rUction. Additional gloardtail niay be vequired �it Ifo,"'ation", It(,)[ sliciwit �,vher, in the opititon of VVOT (for public ioads) or the Coralty F rIgineor ff(w private ro.�,Ids.), or designee, it i, deeille'd necessirry, Wlrm gmardrail is I eqtifred, it shitil fv installed kmr (4) fe�et affset frotol the edge, of payomerit to the face of ­mtri'll ail; �)rlkl ro:idway sholildcr widtlis shall be iiicreased to stweir (71, feet, to Vl)0rl'C'6 9(A, B y entf Races sliall conforni to I ote III ral c) oss sectiorls it re it), st I I le� I. a I I re�sideofi at dri�v I I n I PF,v I, with, the ritiliummir lNi"'vinew willth, ,shoulder width arid ditch siccljolis� as Alown orl tho typical 1�,)avorflent s�,,t!tjofi Avdl bc strk.aly arthere(l to, Koad pi'la appr�,,val l'or sittidivision's is subjecl, to filial subdivi"';ion pl-al vididation- Should 1 'tt, final phit for this Pj, cet expin" pri("Ir to signing and revordati(mr, dreft appwval of those T - Q) plan's shall be jaulf and void, S, AH si�on-, or other rt�ejjlatory devices shall confon-ti, Nvi(h the Virginia %fanual for Uiliform, '11'raff Cotrfroi 1)evices and the Albenetrle (.oumv Road Nanting and Prosperty Numbering Olditiance and Manual. 9- 1'raffic c0ritn-il ot other re-l-flatolv si�lirs or barocades shall be installed by the, developer jit (be opirfiorl ol dic (�otljaty 1-111,0awel", cv de6jurree, they foredei,-,mod neceswtry in orkk,r to pri,,vide sal"to :Iod conveiric I( I (), lbe slx,�ot firl-Iii to be prosted on spvcd fimit ziro 5 rnpli Ixfloltv ilic, dosj�mt slicA, or is dot,��alaincd by VD("ff for ixlads, 11, VD0T Standard (D-1, or� CD -2 cnos�-­Idrains �tre to bc installed utifdi�,r the subbase nja(crial at all o;Llt and fill trajosidorts arid );rado sag, points as shown on the wad Profiles, 12. A video cainera in�pecticiii is iequired for ali storm, sewe,�,s arid culvef ts that afe deerned to \rT)(,-)T or (_'ounv� I m,pediori--�� The video iflSpedlk)n SiKltl be COndIAC(Cd Ito accordimcc, Vvith VD01"", vid"'o, eam"n't inspection proce'dilre, (4,ricral construction itiftes for Errosion and Sediment Control plans' I The,, plall iopproving., atithodry mwl bc notified one week prior to the prc-construction. c,olifel"110"'. 011"", WUk prior to th,-, colunlencement ofland distlirbin.,- Iwvivity, and otte week pdor rl,-� doe, final ifls[xcrion, All efosion nrid sedinicat, corifrol will bo accotdirtg Lo llkini�wlm �otndards and sp�,�4Jficatiolis of the virgillin Crosiotif aad �etfinlert Control fland'hf,�ok and vil'?-inja R�,iuilatioqs VK. 625-024Y.) Frosiori and Sedinienj Control afe� to be pirwed liml. (i�o or as the, fil"M step to All cro.,,00m ai.Wsedhrtvjfl1 coliftol "(�P­ ofthe crrislcm� and sediai�mt �,()jjtrol plan shall. be, maititained atif Lho site at Al 5. Pfj,,�r to larW oh s 10 Ybi ng ao'hvitio" irt areas ollwr than iiRficotQd Ott these plarls 'i '111. subtilit a dmfifl(�, hat I'm( titiliol'o"I i'o, off-sitt, [XirmyW or waste areits), III(," iconiractorsli, -oval by the plan, 'ro�dev,,,aadfippt q)provi fl�- a utlguaily� 6, '111c is ill tallatiori (11. any ladditiortal cofltrc)l olwastiro's to pi��VeDt eroaio:;) imol as by the plan, approving 7, All distUrbed arl_%IS, are to drain, to approwed sediment comtrol measurc,.� at all Linies during, land distnibirtt, and dmin�i, site de-veh')pmeat Iriltil fi1t,,l] stahilization is achieved. S. Durim'-, dewa(crifog water will be pfirf)ped ititoan approved filtering, dovim 9- '1 lic, c�qltradorslr-ajl iastx�ct all. imosiotl. contf�ol. Irfeastiros petiodically andafter each amol"t'- tadrifid), vvent- Any tepaits or cic-'anip to atailitoirl the ol`foctjveae,�,�$ of die coullol devices siiall N., inado immediately, 10� All fill Iwacrial to bu taker, ftorti an aptnoved, oicsignawd borrow area, I I � All waste iroatcriz6 shall, be taken to an appriwed waste ar�.,a� Earth fill shall be inert naacef only. five of ro()t,,,_ .�,ttqrfps. kvood. rabhWi, and other dcbris- 12', B� �rrow or waste, areas irre to be rechoitiled within It &YF, of coolpletiorl per: 1A)IIing 0�,dioliuoc,e sccliom, 5_1,2�� 13, All, itocro! niateriak shall bi:7 ovanspoolcd ict cotrIpliance �,vith sectiort 13 -301 of the Codo (A Albellmdo" 14. Pmrruw, fill (it, waste activity iao cfIv i noi tidu,-m6,,,J -type power equipment sliall lic firnited, to tfi�, hum i ('A, 7!00ayri to l �1, , Boriivv, fill o�j v,,astc. lactivity shall be cefnthp�Acd in a safe mantlet thali lirtairitains Wait! ,,Uflport, �fr ordel to totininlizQ '11;y hl/,ard to P�nsous, Iihysicaldamage to actiaceat kind and impro�lc rrteriti�, and damage t(t ajpv, publit.,, street because o �,611kirig, or, �oLlapsa� i 6, '1110 doveloyx'f resmrve the light to irjstajl� remove cmr co it Vert to liel ma nent, stor nov�;o(ol facilifle"s whel e atilolk"able fill, erosion, colltro.q 1110'astire's vequinM hy plitif ref�mdk!�,,� (,�r the side of any lot. tuoilt� boildino or othel: portioar of theplopetty, [7� '['�,!mtiunwy stalidizalljoll ,,,hall, he so�edin, and trIujchirfL,, So_,diog is to be irt 75 lbs/itcl C, awl itt the tworalu to Fobrif',wy to coicsist, a %,150 mix of Arlm-W kyo?�,4 �iss afid ('01real Wititer Rye, or in N-larcla and April to ecarsist ol'Artflaat Ry,�_ or N'tay tIIr0LWh Aur-ust to coasi,,�t (,)I' (�Qrtljafl 'N"lillot. Straw molch. i� to be� "applied at 801bs/l OWf, Altef­jlative"� are srtt�ject I,(') applo-,""A by [tic ("mnty- eroJoil Comm], I 8'_ Fumaiiciit stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer., iser inatient ii,�Qdino, alld 111W ch. A,,�tic,tfltia,al ccatle finiestone Mitill be applied at 90lbsM1(y)0sf, incoq�oiateot iroto tile top 4�6 of ,�ojf , Feltilizel. sliall be aliplie'd al fl1j"Abs/acte atiol cufosist of a 10 -DO -10 mAdent li)ix, pil�.Irlallent sc,_idfi�o shall tx� appla'd at, and, colv�ist Kenttwkv 1I CA: Tall Fesctw and 0-51,�c, Perentrial Ryeyi-Ass or Kentricky sitaw tilutch i�� to N� appliL�d at 801h��/l 00sf, Ahermaivel, aro subjeet, toappowed by the 01ility crositg) i"'Ontm) mspo:lor, 9, All mc�:6tjies� ark� to be ifispoeted wf�ckly and aftet mh cainfiall. Any danik-oc or clo-ging to itructuml rtl,�,Iasures ii; to be repair imil-I ediately. Silt traps art, to he cleaned vilicti ")V;1(1 ol the w�m Storage "'oILIMc is fil IQd With SO(JiMent. All areas are w, he k"Olea tleoe, �ary tO ai""Itieve a '.1and of fl.�rass� Silt felice loicl diversion dykes wili�jk �,Iie collecring se(.b rile, lit to hall, theit height niust be cleaned and repaired ,10� All tewj,,orary a, - s are to be of crosion aftd scolitilout control rm"', sirrei roilloovoct within 30 da - 1, , mat C'Ak, -'.Whifi�ation, whert are rf(,� tollour noeded, ;mihject ti� approval by the Coulity cootrol iiislioctol, 21, 'Ibis plan shall tic void if the owlwr doie;, liot ej>t�jin I I)crrilit within I ,,rcar r�fthe date of arjpm.ival. �"arer protection 0i'dinattee section 17-2040-) 22� flerniancat vk.,-gctiotion shall bQ installcif on. all &nuded areas within nine (1j) nionths, afte-r the, date the tait)II, disttirbiii,,.�, activity C, orri i ne"ficed, (Water, Protection (.)rdinario�e IT 2,07 1,11 1 Gr,neM, copstrifiction, note,.-, for storinwater Nlmagc�mmf plan's 1C, I . A 11 dam�, aild com, rructk��d III] to be within 95' ofmaximum dry densily and 2% of optirrimn moistirrk� contei-a. All fill inaterii] to) ix, approved by a, elizt.,11lec1% A is, to he pieselit diarifu, constiuction of darois� 11ily", 'alid risk"rjuit)ts aro to bo watottight withi.a. stortilwater facilities, Z1, Z11 vrops, ot basims MIMI ate to be converted to perinanent storlowater 1111"MaleMilliq facflib,", frot to take phiee tirotil thic site,js st�ibflized, aird ha� beca obtailledlitoill flio CoArlity ero, ioll colitt'iA inspector, W L) 0 P -.4LAIIN S l - M I I A 99"1 DEVELOPER/APPLICANT ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY CONTROIL C/O JEREMY LYNN CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK 168 SPOTNAP ROAD 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911 WOuO, PHONE: (434) 977-4511 + 10MG0 FAX: (434) 979-0698 T/C 10&00 E-MAIL: ENGINEER TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING ii� C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. C-6 9850 LORI ROAD, SUITE 201 DRAINAGE PROFILES CHESTERFIELD, VA 23832 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE PHONE, (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 E-MAIL: BMITCHELLOCCTOWNES.COM SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY PERFORMED BY TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING DATED 04/26/2016 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RIVANNA ZONING DISTRICT RURAL AREA TAX MAP/PARCEL 03200-00-00-022EO ZONING AGRICULTURE ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 5.06 AC DISTURBED AREA ACREAGE ±3.25 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 ZONE 'X' UTILITIES CONTACT INFO: RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REC) STEVE COATES Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) C'eueral Water & Sanitary Sewer Notes Last Re-�Jscot: I`Qbruary 1-011 1. All afoaterials and tilethod"', i"I"corlstruction Fhall Comply with, the late,4t Version ortlie (;encrill Waterand Son,,�er (1:oinstruction Spt�cifrconioris its adopted by the Albematle Coitinly Scrvice AtIthority ort.lanuary If 5, 1998, except ai, modified below or aloodified in SpeJal Nore,..i. 2. 1'�WSA .;hal1 appl-twe fill art(] niethock ofcot)struction. A precortstruvioll confercoce,shall be held with RWSA prior to Ow, start of iony work. 3, Fire cotilrack,,r:4xfll be roispoinsible for notifying NAiss t ' itility (1-8,100-552 4, R,�VSA Engirieer (Victoria Fort at 434) 97 7-2970 ext. 205) shall be rikilified dro-ce btisifiess days prior to the start, orcuristructiom, 5, Ali work issubj�.�ct to inspechim.i by RWSA stiiff� No to thc cxistooj� system shall tic ,,viffiooit coordinaijoin withund flie presericQ off?,WSA staff' ' No) work shioll be, Conducted oil RWSA facilities 011,,Ve�CkCIAS or h0hdayS -Witfi()LIE speciaiwriven permissitin froni RNN'SA, 6, For sanitary sevver line co fist ruction: l6o,�SA may require hypas., pUniping R)r tic -ins w the existill-,_j sy'stem, �\tl dcfghou.�e roll"Alilf-des must be foressurt-tesicd before a comicetion is rilade w the systern, 7� 'Flw loication of existing afilifii2s as Shown on the plimis is from data av�aiiabfc at the tirile offlesign The be wsponsible for tile veri I'i c at io t I of the to Cade 11 , ;ize ,I old depi It o fa I I ex i st ing lo t it it I es, both sio rflac��, and srb,,,00fface "['he ('ontractor shall iramcdiabAy tiotify life Engineer olany discrepaticies, beovo�n the plrwis arld field corldnicms, I'lle shull rise duc diii,140ACC W IMAW all Utilities alid sIructurcs tioin damagle at III tinaes, wfiether shown oil the platis or not. l.kirriage to arly existim�, utilities Shall be rzpaired by llic Contractor to the original (ondidftl at no additional cost to the Owner, -ol faQjlitie� shall not be permitwd in the R�N,-SA casemetit xilhota 1"I"oosioll al"Idsedillwilt Conti, I special "xi-ittell pumissiort fhnm RAk�SA, No grioding, shall be pQrmilted in tire RWSA vasQlnerl( unics5 permilted othem ise by RW5,'�A in writing. 9, No Mtsflni g shmIl be pertilittedwithio 100 feet ofRWSA ficilitics �,viflroitjt written permissioto arid R\VSA approval of the blitsting plito, Grourid rtionitrifing during blastirig arid a pre-lfltus( Stirvev may be requireol, flor blasting within 100 feet of any operotivt� RWSA sewellines, bypass 1'room a licensAed professional Qligineer slatirig that file proposed blasting will not damiou any I�WSA fllcilitie�� Damage to any ritilities due to blasting shall be I-Cipflited by the Contractor to the origirial comofitiorl at no additional cost to the Owner. The� (;vniractor,4iall obsen,,a miiiinittimseFarution T"Julrooleras for taitity crossim's. When a crossirw i's milde urider- an exisling flicility'. adequate SITLICtUral RII)f)(111 sholl be provided for the exislitig pipe. Thearea ofthe cros'silig shall be backfilled -wilh compacted 57, aone, to flic, sprin;-fifle ofthe existif)-1 pipe� Nc%&,;- water maill insuillatifills lic pres.sUre tesled, clik.)rinmed, flushed and have water samplc�sfrpproved prior to mahim, any perfmariew eointlection to tile public water systern, Approvcd metho& tif lifling and flushino new water rnairls,,,vilt be reqoircd to prevent ary contamination tif the priblie%valcr iystkmi� 121, All,�aserrients for riew RWSA facilifics shall be recorded prior to pliwing the new faciNtics; into service� 13, No perrriancrit struclomal facilitics will he Im-irtifted in the R\VSA easement. Tbus imhxtiei buildino overlialigs, relainim, mills, looters for ally Strt[CILWC. drainage qrtictures, etc. f rees are not permitted in'the MySA easellivoil, CONSTRUCTION IN FILL AREAS WHERE PIPELINES ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN FILL AREAS, THE FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE OPTIMUM DENSITY, AS DETERMINED BY AASHTO T-99, BEFORE EXCAVATION BEGINS FOR THE PIPE TRENCH. CERTIFICATIONS AT INTERVALS AS DIRECTED BY THE AUTH0RITY SHALL BE REQUIRED OF ALL COMPACTION IN FILL AREAS. COMPACTION UNLESS 01-HERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS, THE BACKFILL IN ALL TRENCHES FROM TWO (2) FEET ABOVE THE TOP OF THE PIPE TO FINISH� (132RADE SHALL BE DEPOSITED AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN SIX (6) INCH LAYERS IN TRAFFIC AREAS AND TWELVE (12) INCH LAYERS IN NON -TRAFFIC AREAS. THE COMPACTING SHALL BE DONE BY SUJITABLE MECHANICAL MEANS. IN ALL CASES, SPECIAL CARE SHALL. BE TAKEN TO SEE THAT THE SPACES AT THE SIDES OF THE TRENCH ARE THOROUGHLY FILLED AND COMPACTED. IT SHALL BE REQUIRED THAT A MINIMUM OF ONE (1� COMPACTION TEST 'WILL BE CONDUCTED ON TRENCH BACKI-ILL FjLR 400 LINEAR FEET OF SEWER LINE. THE LOCATION OF' TESTS SHALL BE SELECTED IN THE FIELD BY THE ACSA AND WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE LIMITED TO REGULAR INTERVALS. COMPACTION TESTS MAY BE WAIVED BY THE ACSA ON PROJECTS LESS THAN 400 LINEAR FEET IN LENGTH. GREATER IE-ASTEIRN MANAGEMENT SHALL BEAR FHE EXPENSE OF ALL COMPACTION TEST. THE RESULTS OF ALL COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ACSA FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR 10 ACCEPTANCE OF CONSTRUCTION, THE DEGREE OF COMPACTION REQUIRED FOR TRENCHES IN STREETS AND PAVED AREAS IS 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSIIFY AND FOR TRENCHES IN ALL OTHER AREAS THE REQUIRED DENSITY SHALL BE 90% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY. IF THE TESTS INDICATED THE REQUIRED DENSITY HAS NOT BEEN OBTAINED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE, REPLACE AND RE -COMPACT THE MATERIAL TO THE SPECIFIED DENSITY, FAILURE OF ANY COMPACTION TESTS MAY RESULT IN ADDITIONAL COMPACTION TESTS BEING REQUIRED. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DAMAGE TO, OR DISLOCATION, OR DISTURBANCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE INCLUDING ITS APPURTENANCES, COVERING AND COATING, IN CONNECTION WITH ANY EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE SHALL IMMEDIIATELY STOP EXCAVATION AROUND THAT UTILITY LINE UNTIL THE IMPACIFED UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ARRIVES AND EVALUATES THE DAMAG�E OR DISTURBANCE. IMPOi�"TANT: IF A NATURAL GAS LINE IS DAMAGED RESULTING IN THE RELEASE OF NATURAL GAS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ANY EQUIPME�l AND WOVE PEOPLE TO A SAFE PLACE, THEN, IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911 AND CHARL01-FESVILLE CITY GAS AT (434) 970-3800. ROAD AND DRAINAGE CULVERT OR %TORM SEWER (WITH STRUCTLURE NO,) EXISTING CULWERT DR STORM SEWER PIPE DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. 0 PROPOSED MANIHOLE EXISTING MANFHOLE 6AXT110 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS 120400A0 MANHOLE NO, W1 STATION OR 150500,00 COORDINATE LOCATION WATER - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION 04 GATE VALVE 4**6- FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP REDUCER BORE CROSSING 1 7MBIIJ MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #XXXXXXXXXXXXX CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION '�_OCATION MAP: 1 "=2,000�' APPLICANTS NAME: ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY C/O JEREMY LYNN SPECIAL.. USE PERMIT: N/A ZONING: AGRICULTURE I= MWO APPROVALS DATE ' `* ED by i ip, ftanayle Gouniy CornnAmIl'i Development Depallment, Date File A) o L 7 JUTE MESH OR! SODDED DITCH CONTROIL EARTH DITCH - GRASS LINED CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK EXISTING CONTFOUR 100 PROPOSED CONITOUR WOuO, EXISTING SPOIT ELEVATIONS + 10MG0 PROPOSED SPOIT ELEVATIONS T/C 10&00 (T/C - TOP OFF CURB) #1 BENCH MARK &: REFERENCE NO, ii� VDOT STANDARZD STOP SIGN 6AXT110 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS 120400A0 MANHOLE NO, W1 STATION OR 150500,00 COORDINATE LOCATION WATER - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION 04 GATE VALVE 4**6- FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP REDUCER BORE CROSSING 1 7MBIIJ MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #XXXXXXXXXXXXX CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION '�_OCATION MAP: 1 "=2,000�' APPLICANTS NAME: ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY C/O JEREMY LYNN SPECIAL.. USE PERMIT: N/A ZONING: AGRICULTURE I= MWO APPROVALS DATE ' `* ED by i ip, ftanayle Gouniy CornnAmIl'i Development Depallment, Date File A) o L 7 PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTION ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH, DEPARTMENT INDEX TO SHEETS SHEET # EROSION CONTROIL EROSION EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD, & SPEC. C-2 05112116 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-3 CONSTRUCTIOIN ENTRANCE EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN C-4 SILT FENCE WSF 3.05 C-5 WIRED SILT IFENCE CIP 3.08 C-6 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE PS PERMANENT SEEDING MODIFIED MUD TRAP PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTION ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH, DEPARTMENT INDEX TO SHEETS SHEET # LATEST REVISION DATE CONTENTS OF SHEET C-1 06109116 COVER SHEET C-2 05112116 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-3 06109116 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN C-4 06109116 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS C-5 06109116 GRADING PLAN C-6 06109116 DRAINAGE PROFILES C-7 05112116 1 HYDRAULIC PLAN 0 0 C14 d .2 0 Cio .S :E 0 0 �34 10__� 0 0 '-4 0 .2 0 L. CL q) 0) REWSIONS C DATE ITEM 06109116 PER Ca MEE �U) NO SCALE PR0JE&T__mA_XA_G_E_R_____'\ 1 0 MONA R. GABRIEL, P.E. 1.5, L �) 6 I IN MOINA R, GABRIEL Lica No, 048206 1- 06-09-16 , EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK OR AS NOTED STD. & SPEC, 3,a� 0E CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE � *::: SF SILT FENCE WSF WIRED 3,075 SILT FENCE CIP CULVERT INLET PROTECTION 3,f7B DV TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE a'S PERMANENT SEEDING 3<32 MMT MODIFIED MUD TRAP {SEE DETAILS ON SHEET is -4) CFS COMPOST FILTER SOCK (SEE DETAILS ON SHEET C-4) LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION nes SITE ENGINEERING, June 9, 2016 MT. Frank Pohl County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: Hall Grading Plans ,'NVP0201600037) -- Variance Request to Utilize Modified Mud Traps Dear Mr. Pohl, Please consider the following variance request to allow the use of modified rnud traps. Ili place of temporary sediment traps, specification 3,13 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control handbook, two modified mud traps are proposed in order toeonserve space and limit grading within managed critical slopes. Retails for the modified mud traps, as well as associated, grading, have been provided on the WPC plan by'Townes Site 1?ngineenrig titled "Hall Property Grading Plans" dated June 9, 2016. Your consideration and approval of this request would be greatly appreciated. If you have :ar y questions or Beed additional infornrati.ozr regarding tlr s request, Tease feel free to contact me at 804-748-901.1. Sincerely, Brian C. hlitcliell, P.E. Principal u 9950 Lori R,.Yd, Suite 201 C'liesterfitld VA 23832 80-748-9011, Fax 804-748-21590 iv " c.ctownes,c.oin REVISIONS DA TE IE 6109116 PER CO. MEETING a> h2 0 4 CL 2 61"16 SCALE 1 �� 66 0 PROJECT AGER MA�N '1�, LANA. a I ,P.E. DESIGNED ICY � CM MSG CHECKED B Y� L316L16 ',� T SCalRC&, CDNWED PLASTICS SOURCE: Adapted froze btsllation of Straw d.Etnc Filter •erre for dlzaent Control ,YA D51IC PIATE. 3.65-2 bDDT ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS Sherwood and T VA. DSWC TABLE 3.31--C TEMPORARY f SFEDlNG PLANTMATERIALS, SEEDING RATES, AND DATES _ SEEDING RATE NORTH'SOUTH' SPECIES 3/1 5/1 8/15 zf16 5t1 9%1 Acre 1000 ft2 to to to to to to 4/30 8/15 11/1 11/15 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS i- a 31< 3 bu, (up to 100 lbs„ 2 leas. X - a r ) not less than 50 lbs,) X Material Type Use spring varieties (e.g. Noble), 5 mil HOPE EC -3 MAT TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL SLOP STEEPER THAN ............. . - X Use for late fall seedings, winter `VI no a cu a ereai•? not less than .SCr lbs.) i! ., ..,3., .. tar ,,. t ,.',.'� ,+, ,, ,•.;s ,, 1 OF PIPE TYPICAL INSTALLATION AT STAKIING DETAIL SOk STABLIZATON: cover. tolerates cold and low cover. moisture. „ .. 1,,., ..^. .. <.,... ,,,rJR 50 lbs, epprax. 1 lbs, - X - X - arm -season annual. Dies at first FPP <& 11+,€ i R`"i E4 t A ,; Material frost. May be added to summer j :'t fFl tEti C.t€ I'ftoto mixes. C haracter€sacs � ^�s. J ZD .®.._.m.m dec raadaable c 60 lbs, 1 h lbX -- N l � TNI.- RY GRA"SS M May be added its mixes, SII mow out of most stands. r. �l EE:�'il Ea3.rlti--frcr�arl; 1 1 r tw 15 lbs, 5 a s. - X NG ♦ Warm -season perennial. Way 18' END i . Diameters bunch. Tolerates hot, dry slopes and acid, infertile soils. May be 24' {cvvgevstl ca Ovula) 24" added to mixes. 25 lbs, approx. 1 Yz IIs. X X r STAKES I 8 • -•• w WYCIIf1YiY Warm seasonal annual legume. ! { ^ii y jj '. 31 >.. �, . -,-�_ _. Ar '1 # i i i w ;: iN' ♦ ,.....1 .. � aY».. f.- l - `�,�r„ Tolerates 9ls, May be Vii! n �� ,�- uo :PP,c •., r �1i�w�. li I ".>` iii � 111 III 1• • , III' Tensile ' - �w'�^'.''. �'*}ryY li � 1 � 1 . ,W�MR�IO• i!. M •r#� - x Y.-y-K��'•-e! :� ��#Yt l,.ralthern Pledi-nont and Mountain region. See fiats 3,22-1 and 3.22-2. 44 psi 202 isi Ultrarvlolet: ',–lou hern Pier:arrt and Coastal Plain. r 11 111 II 11 11• Stability 'rt. May be used as a graver crap vitt fail seeding. •,1 Ora anal M ay be planted between +Mesa dates, r Of a' lil •iii : 1 • li 1100% at Me not be picanted between these dates, +R r 10, 00 t1~ I DOO hr. 1000 hr- CHECK SLO7 2V IDC, ASTI •1a5° i ♦ # tea'INTRANSVERSE Minimum, CLOSED Cf LOT Functional 6 tr on`h£ 9 mcafat is €; rear nih : f year 511 OVERLM Lon evtt . =, � � r Two-ply s sterais. HDPE bl axial nee Cttrrtinui u,slr Tarp€Intel Int,erCcnit finunantNetting Fusion -welded itinctures • ' ri� err � rsri* Nle .� � 34 X 344 Max. a perture size Ccaunp ositer Pc lypropylene Fabric t oven l.ty,�r and ricin ciioves tlelece Quiler Flltratkm fol.*tr IIVV i��i!lia� ' �Y�r7r ?r'ita" Niax. a iertur"p size 4a It ii #nisi€ irar r��at f buirla 3 may be used on xr�oecis lasting 6 rric)nths or lessor HECK SLOT TO K a� w��v. Imo+• �l �l�Mu Llli�i Ill a. FOR EC ter. py e., r.l-'— I I io w+�►' .,. !.I :t�) I I 1 111111 �F illi 1� ,a' .-.ter., ,�!,; • � ' MI .. ����. ,, wr• �c.� .,,» ,L�.; �` �` � s �' � X � ,mss TRANSVERSE- -- / '-. � -- OPEN CHECK SLOT V DITCH 14� � • �I rr .1. r- - _ , � �.,� lit y:��.� • : fit.... +� v� 1 ... � >. . frim 1 s.■I r N J'%' 2. OFr IN LENGTK IN SNOY SMS METAL STAKES A Wa" OF 19" N LENGTH MALL K 1030. +, •,, a-0' f r ;. r _ - THE - F HOULDER ry � 'K&L_ w r i . SOL STABLIZA7M MAT SHO" K EMTNO W4" TALLED • � l • i:- • • M 1. IP rvrr~i 4.�.✓:. %�•p"� __,_ ., �, .rir r#MTHENTO � .1.��.. �1� r • F THE rMULLED THE SAME .,. MATERAL ON . ♦ r • # 4 Q #- R ` R 1#r Y#R Yfi##:R1f if i�liiN1!E Y V 4 N t MY 1 # r� #i #� r f l #♦# # # R ! bRY"iR##Yrs##Yrlk!*iiR#RYY rf#M#`r##.✓ifMYrrtY r#/M#�#t a.t ._ r ... „ .:. ., ,, t�� Vii" , i' 1A::��Ii1� � � r.... �y � r�M h« ��W; —_ wr, �l+R st {E ir�l!�n _,��. 1'� r ,. ��.....r„ IIrfM � R*#: Ri#f: #1M I#iMM{Y# � w#�♦ii1RRii#i###Y#�#t,Owi,. .. ,' ,: . •. .. s. -r • r ...,' ] 1 M 1 -rY • 1 ]' • a M '', ,. , iffM#YMRMR M# �r~R #�rrR##r#:RR#iY�R�#�. � ,,., 1 i • f ,, � i�� ... �, ' :• "; : . .-, ,.,., i#� # tri • # # � R ♦�#�i �4 ♦ � Y#� R#►####R## fR#iM' iNR i##R#..{r*.{R,w. , - � ' .gaga: ' ., ., ,..:.... +., ». ;.: ', ' '. � , M r R M M # • r r # M M r Iv r r #R♦#ft#s3���yy�µ,M{#tYy. ## r�.:{ .q.. _ �#fir #*�fRM#Y+iysAiia iiis#+iia!�r#'MAI ,: ; 7 F '. rat WJRCES OF .... . -. ] SEE VOOT'S• - . • ID PRODIXTS LST FOR STV. EC -3. UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM - 1 ■ �. i 'fir ! � O STABILIZATION �� ..rY'R y.' L # [.r t; DITCH INSTALLATION ■ OR 1 i E SCalRC&, CDNWED PLASTICS SOURCE: Adapted froze btsllation of Straw d.Etnc Filter •erre for dlzaent Control ,YA D51IC PIATE. 3.65-2 bDDT ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS Sherwood and T VA. DSWC r TABLE 3.31--C TEMPORARY f SFEDlNG PLANTMATERIALS, SEEDING RATES, AND DATES _ SEEDING RATE NORTH'SOUTH' SPECIES 3/1 5/1 8/15 zf16 5t1 9%1 Acre 1000 ft2 to to to to to to 4/30 8/15 11/1 11/15 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS i- a 31< 3 bu, (up to 100 lbs„ 2 leas. X - a r ) not less than 50 lbs,) X Material Type Use spring varieties (e.g. Noble), 5 mil HOPE ;Yri -{ 2 bu. (up to 110 lbs„ 2.S lbs. X _ X X - X Use for late fall seedings, winter `VI no a cu a ereai•? not less than .SCr lbs.) i! ., ..,3., .. tar ,,. t ,.',.'� ,+, ,, ,•.;s ,, :.. cover. tolerates cold and low cover. moisture. „ .. 1,,., ..^. .. <.,... ,,,rJR 50 lbs, epprax. 1 lbs, - X - X - arm -season annual. Dies at first FPP <& 11+,€ i R`"i E4 t A ,; Material frost. May be added to summer Photo -Elim- :'t fFl tEti C.t€ I'ftoto mixes. C haracter€sacs � ^�s. J ZD .®.._.m.m dec raadaable c 60 lbs, 1 h lbX -- N l � TNI.- RY GRA"SS # X - X May be added its mixes, SII mow out of most stands. ( �l EE:�'il Ea3.rlti--frcr�arl; 1 1 Sock 15 lbs, 5 a s. - X NG - X - Warm -season perennial. Way 18' ✓_ l € GRASS I Diameters bunch. Tolerates hot, dry slopes and acid, infertile soils. May be 24' {cvvgevstl ca Ovula) 24" added to mixes. 25 lbs, approx. 1 Yz IIs. X X - X X - Warm seasonal annual legume. 32" 31 Mesh Opening Tolerates 9ls, May be S. uo :PP,c addedto mixes. Tensile Strength 26 psi l,.ralthern Pledi-nont and Mountain region. See fiats 3,22-1 and 3.22-2. 44 psi 202 isi Ultrarvlolet: ',–lou hern Pier:arrt and Coastal Plain. 'h .ay be rased as a cover crap with spring seeding. Stability 'rt. May be used as a graver crap vitt fail seeding. Ora anal M ay be planted between +Mesa dates, 23°a'a at 1100% at Me not be picanted between these dates, strength 10, 00 t1~ I DOO hr. 1000 hr- _ ASTI •1a5° r 80'"fra !100% td'rj 'rt'F•Igtl, b.7 15; .. .. ....... i- a PH 'a Material Type .l E 5 mil HOPE .- ,. ,. ,r', r ,. ,. , K" i, _,,,, rr, ,, 5, r. „. r ... Multi -Filament R `VI r.;, i! ., ..,3., .. tar ,,. t ,.',.'� ,+, ,, ,•.;s ,, :.. i",", , ,r,, ,1i,.. „ .. 1,,., ..^. .. <.,... ,,,rJR r CL FPP PLATE. 3.7-1 Modified Mud Trap ,1 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION f Rock Filteir 0040t's .. R,3 ROCK AAAI PHCSSJFEGTI0N V,t{iDi POSTS" * 1I1.TR 1i.1 Ir ^ HEIGMT OF ROCK FILT'FIR ° a 3° IN # AASHTG r.fil 7 $16 HEIGHT Of FILTER FAOAtbFIE N"— UP-SLOPE FACE et irtrerr"t. Must be rerircovcxd whom Pece.amulatiCins math V5 the helght of the oui#et., (Juideii_ es for rriodi ed mud trip design. WritWn request fbr variance is reclrrired. Please explain the reason Virginia `state approved IASC methods will not adecpua:cly protect tate site and hoax a variance for modifzc d scdirnstit trap will help protect tiler site. 1) ivtodificd mud traps, .shall not have as drainage, area in excess of`3 acres during any part of the construc=tion. process 2) Drainage areas over l acre shall have as wet storage pit excavated its font of the stone weir outlet equal to the rcguirc,rt ca a;; liar temporary sediment traps (Std, & Spec, 3.13) (i,etil orbic yards of storage per draainage, trio, not to exceed 4' in depth, with side slopes; not to exceed 2;1) 3) 114odilled traps shall not be, used in areas where rock or some other heard s rfiace prevents the full and uniform depth anchoring of the balm tor, 4) An c,fftrrt shall be nae de; to locate the barrier at least 5 to 7 rcet (,cyond the base of slopes with grades greater than.. T%,- 5) Wire fc;nctr reinforcement for silt fence. shall be ar, mininaunt of 1A gauge; and shall have a maxiiaamnl niesh spacing of 6 inches, ti) "IThe., wire shall extenda, inininauna 4 inches into the ground and must be fastened securely to the up5lopC side of the, posts using heavy € uty wire staples it least one inch long;, lye wires or hog rings. 7) If wooden stakes are Utilized fior modified naud trap construction., they must !targe fa inhiir mini diameter of 3 inches when oak is used and 5 inches; when price is used. Wooden sltakca, must have <a. mminium length of 5 filet. 8) Ifsteel pests (standard "€,:< or 1iT" section) are utilized for the tiodilied.. mud trap constructiont they insist have a 1'rumattuni, weight of 1,33 pounds per linear- fiiot and shall have a mirannurn length 0175 recti, 9) Support pests lir stakes for this type of application. sltaall be placed as Macy inium 1,04 (saa: Plate 3,05-1 ) except within the wet storage area, 'I'he wel storage area shall have IIIc; posts or stakes placed <a,. ~F1aviniuni 3 _fcct apiAf;t for added support. 10) silt (enol Shall conform to the construction specifications for "xtra strength" found in table 3,05-E3 and shall lel✓ carat ri- m a continuous roll, to avoid joints. 1 1) The liabrit shall be entrenched a axainimuna tag° in depth and hack: fitted with clean soil. The soil shall be compacted to 95 0,',T over the filt1 r fabric. 12) °1'ha laeipht ofthe silt fence shall be a minimum of34 inches above: the original gTOUnd and shall not exceed 48 inches above ground elevation: l3) [The outlet for the modified mood trap shall consist ofaa stone section ofthe wire -supported silt rence located at the leach point or pot tit of concontraation: for storm, flows, For drainage aareas less III all. arae acres, the ineaasure Shall consist (A ire -supported silt, tern.c:e installed ars a continuous structure with class At stone caarefudly placed crit either side' of thea fines fiat' outlet stability, too filter° storm required, For drainage ata'extas from I to 3 acres, the measure :shall consist oftlic wire-supportcd silt fe orris installed with an opening front 4 to S f*ec;t wide located ' it) the; low, point or point ofc;oncentrati:on. for a torrrra, flown The opening shall have as combination ofcourse aggregate. anti, riprrap installed to provide #.`era" li lterira'cictcrition as well as outlet stability. 'l°lie smaller stone; shall be `v°DUI' d :3, 057 or ,t5 Course se <Agg egaate (lima terr astatic sizes will enhance filter efficiency) and riparatp shaatl be `Clas,s I." Irilter cloth which ineets the physical requirements noted in Std, & Spec. 3_19, ffilPl~:.A P shall be placed at the stone -soil interface to act as a "Separator," The crest orthe; stone outlet i mist beat least 1,0 foot below the tc)p ofIheWire-surrrrcrrted silt fence to ensure that the flow will travel t};ser the: sto€ae oriel not over the. tense, The outlet =shall be configured as noted in Plate 3" 13-2, 14) vlaintcn{ancc: (aa) Silt fence shall be inspected imraaccliately after each rainfall andat least daily during prolonged rainfall. Any required repairs shall be made iminediately. (b) Close attention shalt be paid to the repair ofclaatu aged silt: fence resulting Wg froom end arils and undercutting, (c) Should the fabric on as silt Prance decompose or become ineffective prior to the end of'the expected usable life and the; barrier is still necessary, the fabric shall be replaced promptly. (d) Sediment shall be removed and the trap restored to its original dimensions when the sedinient has accumulated to one halfofthee design volume' of the; valet storage or eridrient failure is evident, Secititc t reicwal from rthe arca shall he cleytrnsltedel in a writable area and in saacli a araaac;r Haat it va'ilt not creels -and cause seciitarintatrr.' nTar°ghlems: (c) Stone shall be ae ga aarts checked to c.nstrrc; that. fiitraticari; : eat'tcarrxaziitce is siaaails€taiaaeci. Stone choked with sediracrit shalt be removed and cleaned. or replaced. (f) `l'h.c strtrlvturc shoal! bechecked regularly to e;Itstrrc that it is structurally scivaael and has not been dlanlaped by erosion or construction ecpuipincrat, "I"he height of flit stone outlet shall be checked to ensure: that its center is at least I foot below the: trip of the fct.ic€s. (g) 'Temporary structures Shall be removed when they have served their useful purpose, but not before upslopes area has bcen permanently stabilized. TABLE 4A G'nlrxrsrsc:t Cnr+lt i=nhrrn i<.Ainima:rets Cn�rr#rtnna TABLE 4,2 i'.rs-rtar5 ra et .•r�nrr arras Organic Matter Cuntent 80'"fra !100% td'rj 'rt'F•Igtl, b.7 15; t .clanic Portion Fibrous ari s elomgared PH Heavy batty Material Type 3 trill HDPE. 5 mil HOPE 5 mil R.DPE Multi-Fillament Multi -Filament 1-- Polypropylene Polypropylene \\ 41 CL FPP (11DMFPP Material Phot - Photo -Elim- I'ftoto P110to- C haracter€sacs degradableftgradabile J ZD rJegradabie dec raadaable tit;, radabfie PROJECT MANAGER AG R ") t'' 1 1 Sock 12" ;aa' 18", 18' 13" Diameters fr" 24' 2.4" 24" 24, ,L., 32" 2" Mesh Opening 3�iW S. 3d81 1 t » Tensile Strength 26 psi 26 psi 44 psi 202 isi Ultrarvlolet: Stability 'rt. Ora anal 23% at 23°a'a at 1100% at .00''>'rl at strength 10, 00 t1~ I DOO hr. 1000 hr- 100 httr- ASTI •1a5° Minimum, Functional 6 tr on`h£ 9 mcafat is €; rear nih : f year 2 years Lon evtt . Two-ply s sterais. HDPE bl axial nee Cttrrtinui u,slr Tarp€Intel Int,erCcnit finunantNetting Fusion -welded itinctures 34 X 344 Max. a perture size Ccaunp ositer Pc lypropylene Fabric t oven l.ty,�r and ricin ciioves tlelece Quiler Flltratkm fol.*tr mecha nically fused via s1eedba-punch) ?r'ita" Niax. a iertur"p size 4a It ii #nisi€ irar r��at f buirla 3 may be used on xr�oecis lasting 6 rric)nths or lessor TABLE 4,2 i'.rs-rtar5 ra et .•r�nrr arras Organic Matter Cuntent 80'"fra !100% td'rj 'rt'F•Igtl, b.7 15; t .clanic Portion Fibrous ari s elomgared PH 5-, r o Iv Cil tr e o tent. 36% S% PL 'i C r� .�iz9 98% t7as Ihrrxtrdh f reFil Solub e Asst Concentza€icer 5.0 dS,r : r=mho_;t mr Maximum Fdtrexx �I�T1ND bLtrtT�tJlaS ' r iiTtiflra4 x� � AREA f 2"3t,OSN S1,v frPafC7aT' PLt<Ca 8' O.C. AREA 1=LA 1 F"tltrexx NTS Sock fabric shall meet standards of Table 4.1.: Com oSt Aalll Meet the $tandarda' fTil' 4,2 Compcli st filter sock shall be placed at existing level grade. Both ends of the sock shall be extended at least 8 feet up slope at 45 degrees to the main sock alignment; (Figure 4{1) Maximum slope length above any sock alhall not exceed hat shown on Figure 4. 2.1 Stakes may be installed immediately downslope of the sock if so specified by the manufacturer. Traffic shall not be permitted to cross filter socks, Accumulated sediment shall be removed when it reaches half the aboveground height of the sock al gid disposed In the manner described elsewhere in the plan. Socks shall be inspected weekly and after each runoff e'ven't. Damaged socks shall be repaired according t4 manufacturer's specifications ifcaticn or replred within 24 hours of inspection. Biodegradable :ridable filtersock shall be replaced after r�rth:ph foda rodable sock after 1 year. Pal rr lene socks shall be replaced aiccordiiin�! to manufacturer's recommendations. yl� py p Upon stabilization of the area tributary to the sock, stakes shall be removed. The sack may be left in (lace and vegetated or removed., In the latter case the mesh shad[ be colt open and the � ,t l mulch, spread as a sail' supplement. REVISIONS SATE I' 06109116 PER CO. MEETING 0:+ by �z _ �1 1-- 0 \\ 41 CL ' 0 CL 7JA '. .21 . J ZD GIt�:CAL� �A (:::N 0 PROJECT MANAGER AG R MONA R. GA. G. x P.E. DESIGNED BY AGM ,G 41 C:7E_CA'ED PROD a REVISIONS SATE I' 06109116 PER CO. MEETING �z _ 1-- 4- 0 CL 0 CL 7JA '. .21 . GIt�:CAL� �A (:::N 0 PROJECT MANAGER AG R MONA R. GA. G. x P.E. DESIGNED BY AGM ,G C:7E_CA'ED PROD a 20160064 C::: :SHE 4= MONA R. GABRIEL L1, NO, 048206 06-09-16 , SHEEN �s �a 0 04 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SUMMARY , TYPE LENGTH DIA i INV IN J SLOPE % INOSE STIR HEIGHT COMMENTS STEPS 1 MOD. EW -1 420.00 / % r J , 130.00 30.00 RCP CLASS V 420.00 414.20 4.46% 3 MOD. EW -6S I 414.20 4 .. „ e , { g i _. J 1 430.95 2.90% INV IN TO MATCH CONNECTING EX36" PIPE INVERT 5 MH -1 RCP CLASS V 438.50 430.95 430.85 7.65 ST -1 MONA R. GABRIEL L1, NO, 048206 06-09-16 , SHEEN �s �a 0 04 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SUMMARY STIR # TYPE LENGTH DIA MATERIAL TOP ELEV INV IN INV OUT SLOPE % INOSE STIR HEIGHT COMMENTS STEPS 1 MOD. EW -1 420.00 2 PIPE 130.00 30.00 RCP CLASS V 420.00 414.20 4.46% 3 MOD. EW -6S 414.20 4 PIPE 9.84 431.17 1 430.95 2.90% INV IN TO MATCH CONNECTING EX36" PIPE INVERT 5 MH -1 RCP CLASS V 438.50 430.95 430.85 7.65 ST -1 6 PIPE 182.72 36.00 RCP CLASS III 430.85 416.50 7.85% 7 MH -1 431.00 416.50 416.40 14.60 ST -1 SL -1 8 PIPE 110.08 36.00 RCP CLASS III 416.40 414.20 2.00% MONA R. GABRIEL L1, NO, 048206 06-09-16 , SHEEN �s �a 0 04 STORM I PROFILE 445 435 Im m 450 Ll< 0 00 N, 0 (N n 6 �� V- N. N STORM 2 PROFILE C14 0 C'4 FUTLIRE 4- 0 12" SAN, in 7 SEWER 430 ALS SLHOWN FILL PROJECMAER T PRO CT NAG . GABRI. I MONA L, P.E. C C14 —DEOS�IGNED�BY��" .0 04 425 �CHEC�KED �BY PROJ.11 20160064 --) T —T # F--SHEE C 6 C— 440 IN 420 CD 0 (D n 0 ri K o 415 9 '� ;� �\ g' V\FILLII EL >: CLASS I RIBAP 410 co D=2'? b=-3V,....W.=VA.,RIES 435 W/ FILTER FABRIC UNDERLAYMENT: 405 1000 11 x-00 11+88 Im m 450 Ll< 0 00 N, 0 (N n 6 �� V- N. N STORM 2 PROFILE c" 41 4- 0 D 0 CL 0 Q e .2 CL 41 41 REWSIONS c DAT ITEM Ld 06109116 PER CO.MEETING 0 4- 0 V) in 445 ALS SLHOWN PROJECMAER T PRO CT NAG . GABRI. I MONA L, P.E. C —DEOS�IGNED�BY��" B C M M CM MRG RG �CHEC�KED �BY PROJ.11 20160064 --) T —T # F--SHEE C 6 C— 440 IN CD 0 (D n 0 ri K o V\FILLII EL >: co V) 435 N" Lj- N CUSStie IR 430 4 L=9.836 Go S=2.90 0=36" ROP CLASS Ill 425 . .. . .. .... ch in V) Z ..... ... . . cy 420 ...... ...... 415 S-2'0 oo-!�o P cL sill CLASS I RIPRAP 410 D=2', L=33', W=VARIES VNI FILTER FABRIC UNDERLAYMENT 405 1000 11+00 12100 13100 14100 1090 c" 41 4- 0 D 0 CL 0 Q e .2 CL 41 41 REWSIONS c DAT ITEM Ld 06109116 PER CO.MEETING 0 4- 0 �ATE ALS SLHOWN PROJECMAER T PRO CT NAG . GABRI. I MONA L, P.E. C —DEOS�IGNED�BY��" B C M M CM MRG RG �CHEC�KED �BY PROJ.11 20160064 --) T —T # F--SHEE C 6 C— \P,UT H 67N , / MONA R. GABRIEL Lic, No. 048206 06-09-16 , 9