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years, and that option #3 (computer assist) would probably be the best method in the years to come.
Mr. Thacker agreed that the two-year cycle is the best option because of more efficient usage of
staff personnel. Mr. Fisher stated the assessment which was just completed after an eight year
Iapse was a shock to many people and added that it should be conducted much more frequently. He
then stated option #4 would be adequate at this time, as it seemed to be the least expensive to
maintain. Mr. Carwile said he would support either Option #1 or #3, but could not support~ going
back to a general reassessment. Mr. Thacker felt the implementation of computer assistance would be
very beneficial to the assessment process. Mr. Fisher requested the exact dollar figures for each
option plan for the next fiscal year. Miss Godsey stated Option #1 totaled $200,000, Option #3
totaled $188,000; Option #4 totaled $120,000. Mr. Carwile noted the "cheapest" is not always the
best or fairest method to taxpayers in the County. He added he was not ready to decide to go-to
computer assistance, but he was ready to decide whether or not to go to general assessments or a
two-year program. Mr. Carwile offered motion that the Board adopt a policy of a two-year assessment
program. Mr. Thacker seconded Mr. Carwile's motion. Mr. Henley stated he felt property values will
not change significantly in a two-year period of time, and felt it was too early to decide on such a
matter. Mr. Fisher said he also could not support the motion.
With motion duly made and seconded, role was called, and motion to go with Option #2, "Two-Year
cycle, field review each even-number year, change values on Book each odd-number year, with com-
pletely manual system" was adopted with the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Thacker, and Wheeler.
NAYS: Messrs. Fisher and Henley.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
The meeting continued with work-session discussions on Assessment of Real Property and Social
Services Department for the 1975-76 Fiscal Year Budget.
Mr. Wheeler requested adjournment into executive session to discuss personnel matters.
was made by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Fisher, and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Executive Session ended at 4:35 P.M., and motion was made by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Henley
to adjourn to March 26, 1975 at 4:00 P.M~ Role was called, and motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, and Wheeler.
Mr. Wood.
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, scheduled for
March 26, 1975, at 4:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building was cancelled by the
Chairman early on the morning of this date with the news media being so notified. This meeting was
adjourned from March 20, 1975.
A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on March
26, 1975, at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwi!e, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., William C. Thacker,
Jr., and Lloyd F.-Wood, Jr.
Absent: Mr. Gordon L. Wheeler.
Officers present: County Executive, T. M. Batchelor, Jr., County Attorney, George R. St. John,
and Deputy County Attorneys, Frederick Payne and James Bowling. Also present, Assistant County
Planner, Robert Tucker.
The meeting began at 7:39 P.M. with Mr. William Thacker, Vice-Chairman, presiding.
The first item before the Board was discussion of a bond on Four Seasons roads. This matter
was deferred from March 12, 1975. Mr. St. John said a letter has been received from Woodlake
Corporation giving December 31, 1975, as the completion date for the roads. This ~ is unconditional.
If the roads are not finished by that time, the bond will be forfeited. This information will be
sent to the surety, Travelers Insurance Company, to be sure this date is put on the pre-existing
Mr. Carwile asked if the County has any assurance from the Highway Department that this amount
is sufficient to bring the roads into the system. Mr. Charles Perry, Assistant State Highway Engineer,
was present. He said in trying to get an estimate of the costs to bring these roads up to State
standards, it seems the best estimate would come from the man who is proposing to do the work.
Mr. Wood asked what action the Board should now take on this matter. Mr. St. John requested it
be shown in~;2~e minutes of the Board that the Board is aware of the present status of the roads and
road bond issue in Four Seasons.
The Board continued with public hearings on zoning matters as advertised in the Daily Progess
on March 5 and March 12, 1975:
ZMP-3!8. John H. Garver has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to rezone 1.0
acre from A-1 Agricultural to RS-1 Residential. Property is situated on the east side of State
Route 684 and the south side of the C & 0 Railway adjacent to Orchard Acres. P~operty is
further described as County Tax Map 55, Parcel 53B, part thereof. White Hall Magisterial
Mr. Tucker, Assistant County Planner, said this area is being developed in single-family residential
Orchard acres, which is located to the east of this property, has been developed in lots ranging
from 15,000 square feet, upward. The Comprehensive Plan suggests this property be developed in
medium density residential (2.5 d.u./acre). The applicant is requesting rezoning of one acre of
land from a 5.013 acre parcel owned by his father-in-law. A public water line is located along
Route 684 near the property. Since the rezoning would be compatible with existing zoning in the
area, and conforms with the Comprehensive Plan and the requirements of the County Land Subdivision
and Development Ordinance,~the staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval.
Mr. Garver was present in support of the petition. No one from the public spoke for or against-
the request. Mr. Henley offered motion to approve ZMP-318 as recommended by the Planning Commission.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the foolowing recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
'Mr. Wheeler
SP-448. Clifton Morris and Clifton Marshall have petitioned the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors to locate a General Country Store on 16.9 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property
is situated on the north side Of State Route 20 North at its intersection with State Route 600.
Property is further described as County Tax Map 48, Parcel !1, Rivanna Magisterial District.
Mr. Tucker said this area maintains a rural environment with several singt~-fami!y dwellings
and Stony Point Elementary School located nearby. This parcel falls within the village cluster of
Stony Point which is projected for a population of 5000 persons. Shopping facilities, schools, and
public services are suggested to be located in the village cluster. There presently exists on this
property a general store which has been closed for several years and is in disrepair. A single-
family dwelling which is occupied and in sound condition is adjacent to the west of the general
store. A large barn is located to the rear of the store and dwelling. An old grease rack and gas
pump island is located to the east of the store. The remainder of the property is open pasture.
The staff felt a commercial convenience store is warranted in this area provided that adequate
ingress and egress, parking area and proper setbacks can be maintained. Mr. Tucker said the Planning
Commission recommends approval of SP-448 with the following conditions:
Site plan approval by the County Planning Commission following
site plan submittal procedure.
Health Department approval of water and sewer facilities.
.County Building Official approval of store renovations.
Signing limited to wall signs not to exceed an aggregate
area of 30 square feet.
The applicants were present in support of the petition. Also, the owner of the property, Mr.
Gilbert Scrow. No one from the public spoke for or against. Mr. Carwile said he assumed that
Condition #3 spokagto Building Official approval under the BOCA Building Code. Mr. Tucker replied
yes. Mr. Carwile asked if this is not a standard requirement and if it is only for information of
the applicant. Mr. Tucker said yes. Mr. Carwile~then offered motion to approve SP-448 subject to
the conditions set forth in the Planning Commission's approval. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
SP-449. Snow Man, Inc. has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a
wholesaling use on land zoned M-1 Industrial Limited. Property is situated on the south side
of the C & 0 Railway in the Woolen Mills area. Property is further described as County Tax Map
77A, Parcel AT. Rivanna Magisterial District.
Mr. Tucker said there are several dwelling units in the area which are deteriorated. The
Cardinal Recycling Center is located to the west of the property. New roads have been cut near this
property for fut'ure industrial development. There is a one-story struCture on the property which is
presently being used as a garage. Snow Man, Inc. wishes to use the northern portion of the property
to park their ice cream trucks when not in use. These trucks would arrive and leave the premises at
approximately the same time each day. The~'t.~ucks are msed approximately four months out of the
year. Mr. Tucker said the Planning Commission recommends approval of SP-449 with the following
Screening of the parking area with evergreens, from the residences
to the east and along the 25 foot right of way.
The parking lot is to have a dust proof surface.
Limit number of vehicles being parked to seven.
Review by zoning inspectors to assure compliance with above conditions
prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
At this point, the public hearing was opened. No one from the public spoke for or against.
was then~ascertained that no one was present to represent the applicant. Motion was offered by Mr.
Wood, seconded by Mr. Fisher to defer this public hearing until April 9, 1975. The motion carried
by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
SP-~50. Southern Capital Fund, Inc. has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
to locate a Planned Community on 698.62 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on
the east side of State Route 601 and the south side of State Route 671 at Buck Mountain~
Property is further described as County Tax Map 17, Parcels 5, part thereof, 26, 26A, 26B, 26C,
26D, 26E, 26F, 26G, 26H, 26I, 26J, 26K, 27-1, 27-2, 27-3, 27-4 27-5, 27-6, 27-7, 27-8, and 27-
9. White Hall Magisterial District. '
Mr. Tucker said the Planning Commission has not acted on the petition as of this date. They
are waiting for ground water studies and test wells to be dug on the property~and request the
public hearing be deferred. Motion was offered by Mr. Carwile to defer this matter until the Planning
Commission has had time to act on same. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the
following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
SP-451. Crozet Moose Lodge has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate
a fraternal lodge on 8.73 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the west side
of State Route 789 near its intersection with State Route 810. Property is further described
as County Tax Map 56, Parcel 5E. White Hall Magisterial District.
Mr. ~ucker said after the Planning Commission acted on this petition, a letter was received
from the applicant asking that the petition be withdrawn wthout prejudice. Motion to this effect
was offered by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
At this time, the applicant for SP-449, Snow Man, Inc. appeared at the meeting. Motion was
offered by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Wood, to rescind the action previously taken on this matter
to defer. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
Mr. Thacker informed the applicant that the Board had already received the staff's report. Mr.
Wood asked about ingress and egress to this property. He said the present access is across the
railroad tracks, however, a new route is being constructed. Mr. Johnson said that most vehicles
will come through the new route. He realizes that crossing the railroad tracts is dangerous. Mr.
Wood said although he knows there is no way the Board can require this, he would encourage Mr.
Johnson to use the new road being constructed.
Motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to approve SP-449 as recommended by
the Planning Commission. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley; Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
UP-75-05. Amend Article 16, Definition, of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, by adding
Section 16-92.1, Warehousing, Light: Storage establishments designed to accommodate primarily
individual households, not intended for use by heavy commercial users and not involving heavy
Amend Article~7, General Business District, B-l, by adding Section 7-1-42(10), Warehousing,
Mr. Tucker said that on March 3, 1975, the Albemarle County Planning Commission suggested that
the County staff and applicant draft a new amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which would allow the
warehousing use requested by Mini-Stor Associates.under SP-460. Mr. Tucker said the Planning
Commission is recommending approval of these amendments making one change in Section 16-92.1 as
follows: "...commercial users and not involving frequent heavy trucking."
The public hearing was opened, however, no one rose to speak for or against the amendments.
Motion was then offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Henley, to adopt the amendments as recommended
by the Planning Commission. The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
(7) SP-460. Mini-Stor Associates have petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to
locate a Light Warehousing establishment on 2.55 acres zoned B-1 Business. Property is
situated on the east side of Berkmar Drive near its intersection with Rio Road. Property is
further described as County Tax Map 61, Parcel 12lA, part thereof. Charlottesville Magisterial
Mr. Tucker said much of the surroUnding area is vacant. Charlottesville Hardware's new buiding
is located on the adjacent lot to the north of this property. Various commercial establishments.are
located along the southern end of Berkmar Drive. Mini-Stor Associates intends to provide ware-
housing for storage of personal equipment, furniture, etC. for those individuals or businesseS who
have a ~pace or ~torage problem. Mr. Tucker said the Planning Commission recommends approval with
the following conditions attached:
1) Site plan approval. 2) County Building Official approval. 3) P~anting plan
submitted along with si~e plan. 4) Ail storage to be enclosed. No outside storage
will be allowed. 5) A tree buffer is to be provided along the eastern boundary
of the property for a width of ten feet. The existing vegetation may be. used.
Mr. Reid Cornwell was present to represent the applicants. Mr. Thacker said he was concerned
about ConditiOn #5. He has reservations about requiring screening one property from adjacent
properties that are zoned identically. Mr. Henley did not think the applicant should be required to
go to this expense. Mr. Wood said some of that property may need screening since there is.no way to
know how it will be used in the future. Since the Board is requiring screening in other areas, it
would be best to do it now; the Board may not be able to get it later.
Mr.. Cornwell said he has no objections to the screening shown on the preliminary site plan.
However, the Board should be aware that where this property abuts the adjoining property is swamp
land,and cannot Be easily developed. Their plan is environmentaIly sound. They do intend to have
evergreen screening to shield themselves. Mr. Thacker said he was bothered by requiring screening
on contiguously zoned properties. Mr. Tucker said there are two or three houses being occupied that
do not back up directly to this property, but are in the general vicinity. Mr. Cornwell said if he
were to bear an objection, it would be more against the outside storage than the screening.
MOtion was then offered by Mr. Carwile,.seconded by Mr. Wood, to approve SP-460 as recommended
by the Planning Commission. Mr. Thacker said he would support the motion but ~as~Stlllsconcerned
about the screening aspect. The motion passed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
SP-452. George W. Bailey has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a
central well on 16.7 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the north side of
State Route 676. Property is further described as County Tax Map 58, Parcel IA. Samuel Miller
Magisterial District.
Mr. Tucker said this request is for a cental well to service four rental units. The property
is ~out 1.5 miles north of Glenaire. The area is rural with varying topography. There are several
s~ngle-family dwellings and one mobile home in the area. The parcel is wooded in hardwoods and
evergreens. A well has been dug and provides 12 g.p.m. The Planning Commission recommends approval
with the following conditions:
Output of well must provide a minimum of one gallon per minute per unit.
Once the well completion report is finished, the applicant shall consult
with the County Engineering Department to determine the proper water
line sizes to be installed and to determine whether storage capacity
is necessary.
Site plan submittal for approval by the Planning Commission of the four
units. (Note: This was approved by the P.C. on March 17, 1975)
This special use permit is issued to serve the proposed four rental units
only. Any additional use of the well will require an additional
special use permit.
Mr. Bailey was present in support of the petition. No one from the public spoke for or against.
Mr. Fisher then offered motion to approve the petition with the conditions set down by the Planning
Commission. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
The Board continued wih a public hearing as advertised on March 19 and March 25, 1975, in the
Daily Progess. Application of Albemarle-Charlottesville Jaycees to hold a circus on April 5, 1975,
on property zoned B-1 and located on Pantops Mountain. (Mr. Carwile abstaining.) No one from the
public spoke for or against. Mr. Frederick Payne, Deputy County Attorney, said the Fire Marshal has
asked that approval of this application be conditioned upon compliance of the circus with the fire
code. Mr. Batchelor said he did not think this was necessary since the law is the law. Mr. Thacker
said he thought any such condition would be redundant because it is state statute.
Motion was offered by Mr. Wood to approve this request with the understanding that the Jaycees
will pay the cost of deputies needed for traffic control. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAINING: Mr- Carwile.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Access: McIntire School Property. Mr. Batchelor said that he and Mr. Wheeler had discussed
the traffic problems and the access to the McIntire School property occasioned by the County's
request to have this property rezoned for use as a county office building with the City Manager.
The City wants the County to draft two proposals; one for access off of the 250-Bypass and the other
proposal for use of access off of McZntire Road at Harris Street. These proposals would then be
presented to the City's consulting engineers. The County would pay the engineers for the time they
spend in reviewing same.
Mr. Thacker asked if this is not really a function of site plan approval rather than a zoning
application. -Mr. Batchelor said yes, but the City's main concern is that the zoning is going to be
a primary result of the County's ability to handle traffic. While this is a site plan problem, City
Council wants assurance that the traffic can be handled. The City Manager has said this study will
cost about $3,000. The County's other alternative would be to have the Virginia Department of
Highways make this study. Mr. Henley asked if the Highway Department would not have to review the
plans anyway. Mr. Batchelor said the City determines their own fate.
Mr. Wood asked if the City requires other property owners to pay such costs.
said they may in similar circumstances.
Mr. Batchelor
Mr. St. John said it should be pointed out that in the State Zoning legisation it says in four
different places that traffic and traffic considerations are one of the principal purposes of the
zoning function. (See Virginia Code Section 15.1-489)
Mr. Carwile asked what the proposal would contain. Mr. Batchelor said there would have to be a
deceleration lane on the 250-bypass and a synchronized traffic light with the one at McIntire Road,
a cut through in front of Sears on Allied Street, out Allied Street onto Harris Street and then onto
McIntire Road.
Mr. Thacker asked if there was not also access available from Hillcrest Road. Mr. Batchelor
said this has been checked by the staff but creates many problems. Mr. Thacker agreed that traffic
is part of zoning, however, felt a great deal of this has to do with the capability of the 250-
bypass to handle the traffic. He asked if this study has been discussed with the Highway Department.
Mr. Batche!or said no. Mr. Thacker felt the Board should have this information first. Mr. Fisher
suggested that the matter be deferred until tomorrow night. Mr. Carwile said he would not be present
at that time, but had no objection to the matter being carried over.
Mr. Wood said if the City would go ahead and connect McIntire Road out to the railroad tracts
as has been proposed, the problem would be solved. He could nov see the County spending money on
this when there is a master plan which was adopted several years ago and which has not been carried
Mr. Batchetor said a letter was received from the City stating that if the requested information
is received by April 21, 1975, they will act on the petition that night. He said the solutions to
this problem are very complicated. Since the County does not have an engineering department, he
would suggest going along with the request. Mr. Wood asked who would pay for the facilities after
the study is completed. Mr. Batchelor said the County would have to pay. It could cost anywhere
from $50,000 to $300,000. Mr. Wood said he would agree to withdraw the rezoning request before
approving this and suggested that the matter be deferred until tomorrow night so Mr. Wheeler could
be present.
South Rivanna River Reservoir Study, Costs: Mr. Batchelor said there are three ways to pay the
cost of this study. 1) The entire cost of the study be borne by the Rivanna Water and Sewer
Authority and included in their long term debt. In this way the people now and in the future who
will be the beneficiaries of this study will pay for the study. 2) The Rivanna Water and Sewer
Authority put into their long term debt 50% of the cost. The City and the County each pay 25%. 3)
The City and County spt~t the cost 50%-50%. Mr. Batchelor said the study is estimated to cost
$200,000. The second part of the study to pinpoint future water sources is the most important part.
These need to be pinpointed and the Board should start to protect these sources immediately.
Mr. Fisher asked if the preliminary Community Development Grant for this study was denied. Mr.
Batchelor said yes, but there will be another application made later in July. At this point, the
Board must consider that no funds will be received.
Mr. Thacker did not agree with the 50/25/25 method of funding. He felt that the County is
being asked to bail the City out again. He said although County residents have a certain stake in
this study, there are residents in the County who will never see any of this water.
Mr. Henley did not agree with making the study. He asked about an article which had appeared
in the Daily Progress about a study to be made by the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. Batchelor
said that study will mark the discharge points on the Rivanna River and is an overview of what is
already known. Mr. Henley felt it would not amount to a "hill of beans".
Mr. Thacker said it may be best to have the Rivanna Authority fund the study so the people
using the system will be the ones who pay far the study. Mr. Batchelgr said the City has felt from
the beginning that the study should be financed on a 50/50 basis. A~'first he thought the study
would be a waste of time, but the experts have convinced him that ~he study will save money by
knowing what is going to happen to the reservoir. There is a need to start adding to the filter
plants now to take care of the treatments that will be needed for the reservoir in the future. This
study will show the type of pollution and how fast it is being added to the reservoir. That
information alone will help to preserve the character of the reservoir by showing how to handle the
water that is now being treated. If the eutrophication is as fast as has been indicated the County
and City must provide facilities to make use of the water for as long as possible.
Mr. Carwile said when this matter was brought up in December, he was very skeptical. Since
that time, he has discussed this matter with people who have expert knowledge and he now feels that
the reservoir is too valuable to gamble with. Eutrophication of the water drastically increases the
costs of treatment. Anything that can be done~to reduce the costs to the Rivanna Authority should
be studied.
Mr. Henley said the small flood that occurred last week but em~mg~au~.~phication into the
reservoir to last ten years. He felt the money would be better spent on another dam. Mr. Wood
concurred. Mr. Fisher said the only other place the City and County can find the quantity of water
contained in the reservoir~ is from the James River downstream from Lynchburg. That would be
extremely expensive. If there is some means by which to slow down the eutrophication process for a
few more years, that may be in the best interests of the citizens of the County. Mr. Carwile said
the Board would recoup two-fold the costs being spoken about if the reservoir could be use~ for only
one more year.
Mr. Fisher thought since the Board did not have any concensus at this point it might be best to
have the Rivanna Authority put this cost into .their long term debt. Mr. Henley concurred. Mr.
Carwile said he did not want the Board to lose control through the study being funded by the Rivanna
Authority. Mr. Batchelor said he thought that if the Rivanna Authority funded the study, they would
be the controlling agent.
Mr. Carwile then offered motion to consent to the Rivanna Authority funding 100% of this study,
said costs to be included in their long term debt. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
~AYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Thacker noted that the Board had received an initial disaster damage assessment report from
YPI-SU Extension Division, dated March 21, 1975, for the flood damage of last week. The total shown
~as $27,485.
Mr. Thacker noted that May 7, 1975, has been set as Youth in Government Day in Albemarle County.
The Board has received a request from Mrs. Margaret Wood asking that the Board participate in some
way. He asked that the Board members give this consideration so a decision can be made at the
meeting tomorrow night.
Mr. Thacker said the Board was to have had a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 P.M. but Mr.
Wood has a meeting scheduled with Mr. John Hanna of the State Highway Commission in Richmond and
will not be back in time for such a meeting. Mr. Wood has asked that the meeting be scheduled
for another time.
At 9:00 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Fisher to adjourn this meeting
until 7:30 P.M., March 27, 1975, in the Board Room of the County Office Building for another work
session on the 1975-76 County Budget. The motion carried by the follow±ng recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on
March 27, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the County Office Building Board Room, said meeting being adjourned
from March 26, 1975.
PRESENT: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwi!e, Gerald E. Fisher, J.T. Henley, Jr., William C.
Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler, ~nd Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. T. M. Batchelor, Jr., County Executive.
The first item on the agenda was the discussion of the proposed Scottsvil!e Flood Management
and Economic Revitilization Program. Mayor A. Raymon Thacker, Council Member Thomas Bruce, and a
number of Scottsville citizens were present 'for this discussion. Mr. Thomas Bruce reviewed the
events leading to this session. Mr. Bruce specifically mentioned Mr. Batchelor's memorandum of
March 18th, showing comments and questions by the staff regarding the proposed project.
Mr. Wheeler asked Mr. Bruce if a representative of Balzer and Associates had been contacted to
procure answers to the staff's questions. Mr. Bruce stated that it was not possible for Mr. Balzer
to attend this meeting. Upon hearing that no one from Balzer and Associates could attend this
meeting, Mr. Batchelor said he had Mr. J. Harvey Ba±ley, County Engineer, contact the company and
discuss the questions as noted in his memorandum of March 18th.
Mr. Bailey stated he first spoke to Mr. Balzer and then to a Mr. Richard L. Williams, who is an
engineer consultant for the Balzer firm. Mr. Bailey then read from a letter received from Mr.
Williams which quoted some statistics concerning the reservoir capacity and the dam site. Mr.
Bailey added he was not sure he agreed with Mr. Williams' figures, but that he did agree with the
dollar amount estimated to complete Phase I.
Mr. Gerald Fisher said he was concerned about the fact that~ no planning work has been done to
begin construction phases. He then asked if the application with H.U.D. also included the detailed
planning for the construction. Mr. Bruce answered that the engineering costs for planning were
included in the funds requested from H.U.D. for this one phase.
Mr. Fisher next asked about an eariler application for E.D.A. (Economic Development Adminis-
trat~ton~ funding to do the overall planning. He added that this request would require funding by
the~ of Scottsville and the County of Albemarle, and noted this was never approved~by the Board.
Mr. Bruce stated that the E.D.A. funds would still be required to cover administrative costs for the
Mr. Wheeler asked if the location of the dam and the reservoir would effect any of the Service
Authority's utilities. Mr. Bruce said it was a natural conservation area, and that it would not
effect any. utilities.
Mr. Batchelor pointed out that his memorandum did not deal with the Mink Creek phase of the
application, but with later phases in the project. He therefore felt most of the discussion taking
place was unnecessary. Mr. Wheeler then asked Mr. Bruce if he needed approval of just Phase I or
the entire program. Mr. Bruce stated that they would like approval of the entire project as pre-
sented in the Balzer Report; but since the report was submitted to H.U.D. in a four Phase plan,
approval of Phase I would be adequate for the moment.
Mr. Thacker made a statement to Mr. Bruce that he had no objection to the project in theory,
but the problem was the County considered the Balzer Report a "Planning Report". As a planning
report it did not contain any engineering feasibility studies and cost studies. Mr. Thacker stated
he felt the County and staff's main concern is to know exactly how this plan is going to be imple-
mented and if the funds will cover all expenses.
Mr. Bruce pointed out that prior to submitting the preapplication, they asked Balzer and
Associates to review their cost estimates. He said Balzer report contains 15% for engineering and
contingencies, and after the review it was decided to raise this 15% to 20%. Mr. Bruce noted the
only thing that can be funded through H.U.Do for fiscal 1975 is Phase I of the Balzer Report. If
money is available for fiscal 1976 from H.U.D.~ then an additional application will have to be sub-
mitted to H.U.D.
At this point, Mr. Thacker offered motion to adopt the following resolution regarding the Town
of Scottsville's preapplication request of Phase I of the Balzer Report. Second to this motion was
made by Mr. Carwile.
WHEREAS, on February 28, 1975, the Town of Scottsville,
Virginia, submitted to the United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development, a preapplication for Federal ASSISTANCE
for a ~rant to implement a Flood Management and Economic