HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-16N6O
4-9-7.5 (Night)
~-16-75 (Night)
(8) Route 649- Proffit Road.
curve restricts sight distanc~.J
Two safety hazards; (1) drainage problem and (2) steep vertical
Mr. Allen Collier, Jeffer'son Village Association, read into the record a letter which was
presented to the Board on January 16, i975, and which is noted in Minute Book 12, page 436. The
letter basically mentioned a drainage problem and requested either a reduction in speed or a center
line be painted on the road. Mr. Perry sai'd the Highway Department is waiting for an Attorney
General's opinion on the drainage problem and a traffic survey will be required before any recommendatio~
can be made on a reduction of speed.
(9) Route 620. Request for new addition.
Mr. Clarence E. McKamey presented a petition asking that a road off of Route 620 be taken into
the Highway system. The request will be given to the Road viewers.
(10) Request for bicyc!..e paths along Route 29 from Woodbrook Subdivision toward the City.
Presenting the request was Richard Gregory. Mr. Thacker said the County is not ignoring this
matter and recommended that Mr. Gregory work with the County Planning Staff on his request.
(11) Route 672. Mr. Rice Green said he lives 3/10 of a mile beyond the end of State maintenance
on Route 672. He understands the road was a part of the Highway system many years ago and asked
that this 3/10's of a mile be scraped.
At 9:33 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to adjourn this meeting
until 7:30 P.M. on April 16, 1975, in the Albemarle County Courthouse. The motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Messrs. Henley and Wheeler.
4-16-75 (Night)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on
April 16, 1975, said meeting being adjourned from April 9, 1975.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., William C. Thacker, Jr.,
Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive, T. M. Batchelor, Jr. and County Attorney, George R. St. John.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse. Because Of
the large crowd expected for the annual budget hearing, motion was offered by Mr. Henley, seconded
by Mr. Fisher, to adjourn this meeting to the Albemarle High School auditorium at 8:00 P.M. The
motion was carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley and Wheeler.
Messrs. Thacker and Wood.
At 8:00 P.M. the Board reconvened in the Albemarle High School auditorium; Mr. Thacker and Mr.
Wood present at that time. This was a public hearing on the 1975-76 budget advertised in the Daily
Progress on April 8, 1975,pursuant to Code of Virginia, Section 15.1-162.
Mr. Wheeler began by stating that the department heads and agencies had submitted their requests
for the 1975-76 budget year to the County Executive and his staff in early December. These requests
were reviewed and then in the middle of February a budget was presented to the Board of Supervisors
with recommendations by the County Executive. At the time the initial budget was requested in
November, the county, the state, and the country were in an economic slowdown with the highest rate
of unemployment since World War II. This fact influenced the staff in arri~±ng at a budget. The
budget which is the subject of this public hearing is a concensus budget of the Board. Not all
areas have been agreed upon and a final decision will not be made until~-after hearing public comments.
Mr. Wheeler said this is the largest crowd at any public hearing during hiJs-eight years as a member
of the Board of Supervisors. He said in budget preparation, revenues must be considered. Most
revenues are set by law. The only variables are real estate and personal property taxes which the
Board can either raise or lower according to the wishes of the citizens. He then opened:t, he ~ftoor
for comments from the public.
Comments began with Pat Harris. Ms. Harris said she is concerned about the talk of not giving
teachers a raise. She finds it embarrassing that some teachers in Albemarle County are eligible for
food stamps and others have to "moonlight" to provide for their families. She urged that teachers
be given an increase in salary.
Next to speak was Bob Shreve. Mr. Shreve said his wife is a teacher with ten years of service.
If .she is allowed an increase in salary, she will be within $500'of what a grocery checker, at
Safeway, makes after two years experience.
4-16-75 (Night)
Allen~Freeman, representing the Albemarle Education Association, spoke next. He noted that the
Board of Supervisors has recommended a $50,000 cut in the "fixed charges" category of the School
budget. He said this would eliminate payment f~r a mandatory life insurance required by law in the
State of Virginia. Mr. Freeman said when a fringe benefit is~mandatory, it is not a benefit, but
possibly a liability. He said the budget shows that life i~surance premiums are paid for other
employees and noted several areas which could be deleted to raise th~s $50,000.
Mr. Batchelor ~saic
and pays 40% of their
Ail employees, both te~
Mr. Charles L. Hi]
that the A.E.A. conduc
households. The major
1463 were in favor of
the State of Virginia participates in the life insurance program for ~eachers
remium. The Board of Supervisors pays 40% of the premium f~r other employees.
Lchers and regular~ao~nty~emplmyeeS, p~y~60%~o~!~.hei~l~fe~±nsmra~ue premium.
.1, President, Albemarle Education Association, was next to speak. He noted
~ed a telephone survey of County residents. They telephoned a total of 1761
[ty of the telephone calls were to parents. Of the t761_~households called,
86 were against, and 212 had no opinion. A petition
~he School Board's budget,
was circulated among sg~bol emploYees,-~with 588 signing. Three hundred twenty-nine, or 56%, indicated
that they are also Albemarle County residents. The petition stated: "As citizens we feel the
proposal to eliminate ~he salary and experience step increase and payment of mandatory life insurance
remiums is detrimenta~ to the education-~ystem~f~lb~ar~telCo~nty~" A aitizenepet~ti~o.lw~s~al~o~
irculated. This petition stated: "We believe that the 10~ savings on the tax rate would be
insignificant when compared to the damage to the school system if the budget is not restored." This
was signed by 1252 people. (These petitions were presented to the Board.) Mr. Hill said he realizes
the Farm Bureau has been arguing for no increasei~n salaries in an effort to hold down the tax rate,
however, approximately 80,000 acres, or 1800 parcels, will fall under the land use tax program and
the owner of these lands will pay about 66% less. Most of these people are farmers.
Next to speak was
is still possible to f
taxpayers, it is unwis
are no options left fo
against a hope that tkings will get better.
financial burden will not be felt as greatly.
Sue Critzer, also representing the A.E.A. Ms. Critzer said in~.a year when it
and the budget at a reasonable level, without an excessive burden on the
e to make drastic c~ts. If these cuts ere made and ~he economy worsens, there
r future cuts. The Supervisors will be bargaining the County's current situation
If cuts are not made, and the economy ~mproves, the
Ms. Courtenay Stsnley, rePresenting the Albemarle Education Association, spoke next. She said
there are some positive economic indicators such as the 5% tax r~bate being offered on new homes.
This should stimulate the county~construction industry. The Virginia Employment Commission in this
district has said tha~ unemployment peaked in March and is expected to,slowly decline. Yesterday,
VEPCO announced that he fossil fuel adjustment factor was down 13% in April and expected to be down
20% in May. The teachers will not have an opportunity to receive an additional increase for 18
months. Last year, a~d the year before, teachers were caught b~ the wage-price guidelines. After
the guidelines were t~fted, the teachers could not gain because contracts had already been issued.
Ms. Stanley said Americans react only to immediate problems. They do not plan for~the futu~e. She
asked for approval of/the School Budget as originally submitted.
Beth Cronin spok~ next. As a parent, she would like her son's education to continue at the
current high level. ~.s a school teacher, she is tired of being compared to a bag boy at the grocery
store. Her six years of education mean more than that.
Next to speak wa
in the School budget,
ben'allowed to make th~
cutting teachers sala~
School Board will haw
Ann Amrhein. She understands the Board of Supervisors can make a total cut
hut cannot cut line items. Since the School Board is appointed, they should
actual line item cuts. She understands the School Board is not in favor of
when a decision is made by the Board it will be in ~ollars and cents.
to decide where to cut items.
Elizabeth P. Ros~nblum said she has five children in County schools. The only way they can
receive a decent education is by p~ying teachers a decent wage. She has spent time at one of the
schools this year observing the teachers and is impressed by the time they,~.put in after hours. Ms.
Rosenblum suggested t~at there are other places in the budget that can be Cut. She asked the cost
of printing t~e Count~ budget. Mr. Batchelor said 300 copies of the 1974-75 budget were printed for
$1,082.05. For 600 ci~pies of the 1975-76 budget, the cost was $2,642.00.
~Ms. Rosenblum st~owed a copy of the previous years budget which she described as~.~being only 38
pages long but having
long and she felt tha
Wheeler said the Boar
enough information, t
is said it cost too m
Ms. Rosenblum sa
is present tonight be.
not the Board's fault
not rewarding personn,
budget; that for soil
unemployed, on fixed
the property tax. It
and it is also ruinin
money into the County
Bob Merrill ~sPok
having each departmen'
employees within theil
a rather elaborate printing. She said this years budget was over 200 pages
copies for distribution should have been kept to just the l~ne items. Mr.
tries to give the citizens the information they request. If they do not give
~e citizens say something is being hidden. If they do g~ve the information, it
~ch to print the budget. There has to be a middle line somewhere.
id she feels most citizens do not need this much2information. The large crowd
~ause citizens let things get to accrisis point before coming forward. Thi~ is
but the fault of the citizens, however, she opposes attacking t~e problem by
~1 who work for the County. She does support one item in the supplemental
erosion control. The tax rate is the greatest problem to those who are
incomes, or farmers in the County. Some type~of taxation is needed other than
is unfair to the citizens Who live on their land to put this burden on them
the land. She said pressure needs to be put on the legislature to get more
to help build schools.
next. He said he feels money could be saved in the personnel department by
head do their own evaluation training and recommendations for~promotion of
own departments.
4-16-75 (Night)
A. P. Janssen, Albemarle County Taxpayers Association, spoke next. Mr. Janssen said this group
was formed as a way to help communicate thoughts of the citizens to their elected representatives.
tt is an organization of all people. There are 680 members at this time. A survey was made and 403
replies were received Go the following questions:
Are you for or against the budget proposal to provide total travel costs (Conventians,
conferences, etc.) of $30,380? ($10,000 for Board of Supervisors, $3,000~for County
Executive, $3,500 Director of Finance, etc.)
For: 1% Against: 98% No Opinion: 1%
Are you for or against a proposal to eliminate the $50,000 "Annexation and Program
Development" item from the Board of Supervisors category?
For: 9% Against: 87% No Opinion: 4%
Are you for or against a proposal to provide the increase in the County~Attorney's
Office? ($39,850 budgeted for 1974-75; $65,621 revised expenditure for 1974-75;
$68,470 proposed for 1975-76.)
For: 3% Against: 94% No Opinion: 3%
Are you for or against a proposal for expanded mental health and retardation services?~
($43,027 recommended as Albemarle County's share.)
For: 15% Against: 78% No Opinion: 7%
Are you for or against a proposal for the adoption of a "split tax rate" which would
reduce the proposed rate on real property and raise the proposed rate on personal
For: 42% Against: 48% No Opinion: 10%
Are you for or against a salary increase for county employees?
For 6~% increase: 3% or 4% increase: 18% or 2% increase:
Against: 0% increase: 55% No 0~inio~: 10%
Are you for or against the proposed budget of $17,665,5027 If against, should it be
cut 5%, 10%, or some other amount?
For: 0% cut 1% Against: 5% cut: 31% or 10% cut: 48%
or Other: 12% and 10% cut No Opinion: 8%
Mr. Janssen said this poll had nothing to do w~th the schools or school teachers. He then read
numerous comments made by the members'of the Taxpayers Association, a copy of which is fite.dfin the
permanent file of the Board of Supervisors.
Mr. Thacker said he agreed with the concept of the organization, however, he did not feel if
someone,_~came and asked h~m.-if':he~wanted to~'spend~mon~ytthat~:heLWould~agree.
Mr. Wheeler said any organization that collects information is good. He noted that travel
expenses have been cut back to last years level. Regarding the Board's travel expenses, this County
is lucky by having one member on the Board of the Virginia Association of Counties and another on
the Board of the National Association of Counties. Mr. Wheeler noted that he has been serving on
t~e Virginia Association of Counties committee which has helped save the County $150,000 this year
on their electric rates with the Virginia Electric and Power Company. The category of annexation-
development in the Supervisors budget has been cut back to $10,000. He feels the citizens will want
the County to be protected in event of an annexation fight. Personally, he would not serve on the
Board of Supervisors without a County Attorney being present. Concerning the question of a split
tax rate, this Board has had a number of differences on this question. As far as the salaries of
County employees are concerned, he feels it is easy to pick on one group. He does not think the
members of the Albemarle County Taxpayers Association know that much about County employees or their
duties. He asked why they did not take a stand on teachers salaries. Mr. Wheeler said that most of
the emp!oyees~added to the County payroll during~the last 18 months have been a result of legislation
passed by the General Assembly. He asked that any organization when starting out get some background
information first.
Kathy Gilman was present to speak for the League of Women Voters and read the following statement:
"Members of the League of Women Voters have reviewed the proposed budget for the coming
fiscal year. We appreciate the ~fforts of the County staff to present a~hudget which is
both informative and frugal. The League is firmly committed to the necessity for proper
planning ~o foster an optimum balance between human needs and environmental quality~
The County has recently put a great deal of time and effort into planning for the areas
physical growth. Ordinances dealing with zoning, soil erosion, and site development are
presently being reviewed. If these ordinances are to be effective, it will be essential
to provide funding for the personnel to enforce them. To this end, we strongly support
the Board's addition to the budget for a soil erosion control item for $20,122.
We also urge the Board to appropriate the funds requested for an assistant engineer to
make hydrologic studies which will help in gathering information necessary for proper site
development control. The League regrets the continuing delay in beginnimg the Rivanna
Reservoir study. As you are well aware, recent growth in the County has been concentrated
in areas that rely on the reservoir as a water source and this growth trend is likely to
continue. Therefore, we very much regret that you have not seen fit to fund a share of this
study and we request that you reconsider this decision.
In addition, we endorse continued support of the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission
to consider physical and social programs that are of a regional, instead of a strictly local,
character. The economic situation has placed a severe burden on the Social Services Depart-
ment, but now is the time that these services are most urgently needed. Most of the increased
costs will be borne at the State and Federal levels. We ask that Albemarle County accept
its share of the cost.
The League of Women Voters is particularly concerned with quality education. Certainly one
dimension of a quality system is its ability to attract and retain experienced teachers.
At issue is whether the County supports a program to retain experienced teachers, as well as
other County employees, in the system by offering a competitive salary scale. We urge the
Board of Supervisors to accept the School Budget as proposed by the School Board.
Finally, we support the requested funds for the Offender Aid and Restoration Program rather
4-16-75 (Night)
David Rogers spoke in support of the School budget as presented by the School Board. He has
been a teacher in Albemarle County for three years during which time the focus has been on reading
skills. It ~as recently r~eported in the Daily P~ogress that according to S.A.R. tests for Grades 4,
6, 8, and 11, that scores were improved over previous years. If all of the grades were averaged,
they would rank 6.75% higher than the State aMerage and 3.75% hi~her than the national average. The
school system is presently trying to improve math skills They expect success with the program
unless something happens to the productivity
Mr. Robert Humphris said he is a member
most of the work sessions held by the Board.
can be made, namely: Mental health' He feels this is a program which will come back to the locality
for full support at the end of seven years.
granted a 5.5% increase in July, 1974, and ar
was adopted in November, he feels another in¢
Mr. Humphris said it has been stated that th~
however during one work session it was stated
said the 11.5 figure should be used since it
reduce the tax rate by 105 before any cuts a~
Mr. Humphris also suggested that the Bos
benchmarks and study of watersheds. He said
not be approved unless a percentage of this z
the Area V Manpower Board. He suggested thai
cut back, that dues and subscritpions be cut
Iithe educational system.
the Albemar!e~County Taxpayers Association and attended
He commented on several areas of the budget where cuts
Salaries of county employees. Since employees were
other increase when the County pay/classification plan
tease is out of line at this time. Land Use Taxation:
s program will reduce the tax base by 14.5 million dollars
that this figure is actually 11.5 million dollars. He
will raise the tax. base by $3 million and could
e made.
rd not approve items in the supplemental~budget for
~herS~iff's request for six.additional deputies should
s picked up by either the State Compensation Board or
the proposed license bureau of the Finance Department be
and that new radar equipment for the Sheriff's Office is
a £rill. Mr. Humphris recommended that radios for parks vehicles be eliminated, along with purchase
of a new ca~? for the County Engineer and expenses, of the personnel department. He said the hiring of
full time county attorney and one full time assistant would be less expensive and felt travel expenses
of the Board should be cut another 10%. Mr. Humphris ended by stating that adoption of a split tax
rate would be a relief to the real property owner who has just. been hit with a new assessment.
Charlotte Hogue said she does not feel teachers should be given a raise at this time. They
should be willing to bear their share of the burden of the recession as everyone else is doing. She
said increases have been given in the past based on having quality education but in spite of this
quality has been going down. Ms. Hogue felt the tax rate should be lower than the proposed
$4.88/hundred because of the new assessment.
Karen Lilleleht said she supports the school system. She suggested that amounts included for
partial funding of the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Commission be cut. As a
taxpayer she feels no obligationl to provide funds for these items.
Phil Dunkl, President, Woodbrook Parent Teachers Organization, spoke next. Ms. Dunkl said this
organization adopted a resolution supporting the School Board's proposal for a 6.7% increase in teache~
salaries and opposing the Board of Supervisors proposal for a $300 bonus. They feel the teachers do a
fine job.
Natalie Jahrsdoerfer spoke representing CitiZens for Superior Albemarle S'chools. She said there
is no higher priority in the future of the County than its children. The County must have outstanding
teachers and must pay teachers a salary they can ~ive with. She asked the Board of Supervisors to
consider adopting the School Board's budget in its original form and in this way recognize the schools
for an outstanding job.
Lindsay Dorrier, Jr. said he is concerned with the plight of teachers and quality education. He
also knows that. the brunt of the high property tax rate is felt by the farmers and they have a lot to
complain about. He appreciates the efforts of the Board to keep the budget low, but did not feel
teachers salaries or the School budget should be
Paul Cale-said he is a counsellor at Albemar
comment was often made that teachers work only 7
The time off is non-voluntary and teachers are nc
the County. It was found that the average teach~
actually working 12 months a year while being pa~
cut .
le High School. During the telephone campaign, the
1/4 hours a day and have two months off each year.
t paid for that time. A poll was made of teachers im
r works 13 hours above their contract each week, thus
d for only 10 months.
George Barlow, President of the Chamber of Gommerce, was present. He said the County now has a
2% transient room ~tax that is estimated to retur~ $27,000 a year to the County. Albemarle County was~
one of'only two counties given permission by the~legislature to have have such a tax. This is not ju~
another so~rce of revenue for t~e county, but mo~ey allowed because a bicentennial center will be
located here. The Chamber of Commerce, for many years, has favored holding the line on government
spending, but now is the time to act if this area to to get a share of Virginia's convention revenue.
He asked support of the convent~n~bu~eauv.
Col. Carrol Smith was present on behalf of ~he Farm Bureau. He noted that Mr-. Charles Hill had
said the Farm Bureau is opposed to increases in reachers salaries. He said the Farm Bureau~is no mor~
opposed to these increases than others during a lear of recession. They feel every effort should be
m~de to keep the budget down tO at least the level of the present year. Mr. Hill had also pointed ou~
that the county has a land Use tax progam. Col.~Smith said this is a credit to the County. This has
helped farmers to stay out of bankruptcy and to keep producing food.
Bill Steigman, President, Albemarle County ~rincipal's Association, spoke next. He said the
principals were shocked by the Board of SupervisOrs reluctance to support the School budget. They
hope the.Board will reconsider this portion of the County's responsibility and make it clear that
quality education will receive a higher priority and allocation of Albemarle County resources. He
said they are confident they the appointed School Board has asked for miminum needs to fully support
quality education in Albemarle County.
Ms. Rosenblum asked for a clarification of questions raised about salary increases for County
4-16-75 (~ight)
4-17-75 (Hay)
Thacker said the funding for this pay plan was included in the 1974~75 budget adopted last year. The
aatual increase was appr.oxim~tely $15,000 less than the amount appropriated. Mr. Wheeler said a
pay/classification plan was mandated by State law. Although there was one in effect, it was out of
date and this was a new plan.
Willis Carson said the budget message included a statement that this budget contained only a 12%
increase, or enough to cover the cost of inflation. He feels the Board should be able to adopt a
budget in a lesser amount. He mentioned other areas of concern such as, repair and maintenance of
equipment in the Finance Department, attorney's fees, salaries of supervisors and other personnel in
the Planning Department. Mr. Carson said a study was made several years ago which showed that each
house built in the County costs the taxpayer several thousand dollars a year. He asked why the Board
has not passed an ordinance to get more money from the developers to help alleviate this problem. Mr.
Carson said the teachers have been lobbying strongly tonight and he has heard only one comment against
an increase in teacher salaries. The teachers have had a yearly increase for the past 11 or 12 years
and they should be parsimonious in their demands, although he did not mean to indicate they should
receive no increase.
Allen Freeman said it is true that teachers have received an increase for the past 11 years, but
it is also true that a teacher can work in Albemarle County for 10 years and make barely over $10,000.
This is not considered a large salary. He also mentioned that some neighboring localities pay life
insurance premiums for their employees.
Mr. Walter Young said the County is building a school which will cost 6.5 million dollars or $6,500
per pupil for a school housing 1000 pupils. A neighboring county is building schools for $!,000 a
pupil. He mentioned the fact that McIntire School is presently vacant and suggested that Burley is
only being used to one-half capacity.
Mr. Charles Hill said the western Albemarle h~gh school is to house 1350 students. You cannot
compare City and County school systems. There are too many variables. The petitions signed by
teachers indicated that 56% of those Sighting live in the County. Therefore the other 44% must live
in the City and they have to pay the same expenses as other residents of the City, ~lus extra travel
expenses to get back and forth to work.
Sam Paige said he is a farmer and his income last year was 60% less than the previous year. He
supports Ms. Rosenblum in her statement that other sources of revenue are needed other than the real
property tax.
Willis Williams said he is an election official. He suggested that the money spent to feed and
pay election officials for their services be deleted. He asked how many times a month the Board of
Supervisors eats on County money. Mr. Wheeler said he was not sure, it might be two times a month.
Mr. Williams said it does not sound like much, but soon the bucket is full. He feels the County
should be run more efficiently.
Marian Marshall said she is a high school drop out and makes more than most of the teachers.
is employed by Safeway.
Mr. Wheeler then closed the public hearing and asked for comments from Board members.
Mr. Henley said his horoscope today said to be diplomatic and a good listener.
That's his
Mr. Thacker said it was a pleasant change to see so many people take an interest in the budget.
Mr. Carwile said with respect to teachers salaries, the Board is dealing with the most important
resource in Albemarle County, its children. The teachers mold the future of the children and this
must be taken into account when looking at the School Board's budget.
Mr. ~ood said there have been many work sessions held on this budget and he is prepared to
vote on it as presented.
Mr. Wheeler said he appreciated comments on the budget procedure. He said the Board
should have made some drastic recommendation before. H~e said it is the desire of the Board to
represent the true feelings and thoughts of the citizens. A vote will be taken on the budget next
week and the Board will try to provide the citizens with a budget that will give ample services.
At 10:15 p.m., the meeting was
adj ourn~
4-17-75 (Day)
A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on
April 17, 1975, at 9:00 A.M. in the Board Room of the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., William C. Thacker, Jr.,
Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Absent: None.
Officers present: County Executive, T. M. Batchelor, Jr.; County Attorney, George R. St. John;
Deputy County Attornies, Frederick Payne and James Bowling.
No. 1 and No. 2.
The meeting was called to order and'began with The Lord's Prayer led by Mr.