HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201000010 Application 2010-02-12 a'xt 1ii Community Development Department moi`(t4 County o emarle 4 Intire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 '' ' oice: (434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126 Planning Application 1 PARCEL/OWNER INFORMATION TMP 03200-00-00-01000 Owner(s): CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE AIRPORT AUTHORITY Application# WPQ201000010 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description ACREAGE CH'VILLE/ALBEMARLE AIRPORT Magisterial Dist. Whitehall Land Use Primary Public Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Rural Areas APPLICATION INFORMATION House # Street Name Apt/Suite City State Zip Street Address 4000 DICKERSON RD CHARLOTTESVILLE 22911- Entered By: Todd Shiflett on 02/16/2010 Application Type Water Protection Ordinances Project: Runway 3 Temporary Offset Localizer/DME 7,192.00 Received Date 02/12/2010 Received Date Final Total Fees $600.00 Submittal Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid $ 600.00 Closing File Date Revision Number Comments: Check rcvd on 2/12/10.tshifflett Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Application Date Comments: Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Stormwater Management/BMP Plan r APPLICANT/ CONTACT INFORMATION Plan Preparer Name SUSAN WINSLOW,P.E.-DELTA AIRPORT CONSULTANTS,INC. Phone # (804) 275-8301 Street Address 9711 FARRAR COURT,SUITE 100 Fax # (804) 275-8371 City/State RICHMOND,VA Zip code 23236-0000 E-mail swinslow@deltaairport.com Cellular# ( ) - Primary Contact Name BARBARA HUTCHINSON,C.M. Phone # (434) 973-8342 Street Address 100 BOWEN LOOP,SUITE 200 Fax # (434)974-7476 City/State CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA Zip Code 22911-0000 E-mail bhutchinson@gocho.com Cellular # ( ) - Owner/Applicant Name CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE AIRPORT AUTHORITY Phone # ( ) Street Address 201 BOWEN LOOP Fax # ( ) - City/State CHARLOTTESVILLE VA Zip Code 22911- E-mail Cellular# ( ) - General Contractor Name AUSTIN ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION,INC. Phone # (540) 254-1085 Street Address P.O. BOX 398- 17566 MAIN STREET Fax # (540) 254-2729 City/State BUCHANON,VA Zip Code 24066-0000 E-mail austinel@verizon.net Cellular# ( ) - Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Application for Review of Erosion & Sediment Control Plan & Stormwater Management/BMP Plan & Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan al Erosion&Sediment Control Plan CO Stormwater Management/BMP Plan 0 Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan 0 E&S Plan Amendment 0 SWM Plan Amendment (Previous Plan N ) (Previous Plan# 0 E&S Plan with Variance 0 Request for Exception #of Variances 0 SWM Plats Resubmittal O E&S Plan Resubmittal WPO Application WPO Application# Submit 2 copies each of applicable plans/narrative/computations Project Nam_Construct Runway 3 Tatqxrary Offset LocalizeriDE Tax map end meet: T2-10 zoninv Rural AT13BS Amount of Land Disturbance: 3.0 Acro Location of property(lancintarics,intersections,or other): West of BOI*In LOOP, North of intersection of S.R. 743 • Contact Person(Who should we call/write concerning this project7): BaltOrn NOtChinSCas Address 103 BOriefl loop, Suite 20) City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22911 Daytisne Phone(434) 973-e342 Fix 1(1134 974-7476 &ma bhutchinsorOgrcho.carn owner orilteard Charlotteeville-Albemarle Airport Authority Addrcie 2at Bowen loop City Charlottesville %ate VA zip 22911 Daytime Mope(434) 973-8342 Pas (434) 974-7476 B-mali _ Contractor Austin Electrical Constnictlort. Inc. Address P. 0. Box 398, 17566 Msin Street City Buchanan State VA Daytime Phone(540) 254-1(135 Fax#(540) 254-2729 sing austineltaverizahnet Plan Preparer Sagan*nal% P.E. -lelta Airport Consultants, Inc. Address 9711 Farrar Court,Suite 1(X) City Richumd State VA 413.22226 _ Nom ptiom(ECVe) 275-f3301 Fax#(E(Y) 275-8371 &men minslatkieltasirnort.con Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign By signing this application as owner,I hereby certify that ill requirements of the approved Erosion Control Plan,Stenrivater bianagontentfliMP Plus,andfor blitIption Plan will be compiled with and I have the authority to muthorlue the land disturbing'divides and tlevri.pmc nt on the subject .perty. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to eater upon the property as required to ensure cora pace ith the appro e pt . firif fJ —Uc‘ Sre of Owner,Con; t pm-Outset Dole Barbara Hutchins:14 C.M. 434--973-8342 Print Name Daytime phone number of Sigiuttory- . FOR OFFICE USE ONLY WTO Fes Amount ( f Dete hid -nY 14 14)12, RecliPti 77•17 /3 /49 Br 171-3 A. eer 4--44-G%. Reviled September IS,200S Pigs I 01'3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN: (SUBMIT 2 COPIES) Land disturbing activity pertaining to single family dwelling unit: 1. Plan Review. ......,.................. $150 per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 2 Permit and First Year Inspection Fees $150 (TO BB PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 3. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 4. Each reinspection $150 (REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) Land disturbing activity pertaining to non-exempt agricultural hind: 5. Plan Review.. .................................... . ......... ........ ........... ... ..... $150 per review (TO BE PATI)AT TIME OP APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 6. Permit and First Year Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 7. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 8. Each reinspeotion............ . ...... ........................... . .................................,...................,,,5150 (REINS PECTION PEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) All other land disturbing activity: 9. Plan Review,Disturbed Area Less Than One Acre..,................... per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 10, Permit and First Year Inspection Fees,Disturbed Area Less Than One Acre $200 (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULINO PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) I i. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees,Disturbed Area Less Than Ono Acre $200 (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) LI=12. Plan Review,Disturbed Area One Acre or Larger $300 per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OP APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 13. Permit and First Year"Inspection Fees,Disturbed Area One Acre or Larger... $100/per disturbed acre (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 14. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees,Disturbed Area One Acre or Larger $i00/per disturbed acre (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 15. Each reinspection $250 (REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) 16. Amendment to Approved Plan $180/per plan review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OP APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 17. Variances............................ ............................................. ... $760/per request (TO BE PAID AT TIME OP APPLICATION) M 18. SUBTOTAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN, . ..,L,n,N.NIL..n.L,LM...,..,.,,.n,n.11„M,.,.,,$ 30Ddb Revisal September IS,2005 Psgo 2 of STORMWATER MANAGEMENT/BMP PLAN&MITIGATION PLAN: (SUBMIT 2 COPIES) XXXXX 19. Stormwater Management/BMP Plan $300/per plan review (T01313 PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND BACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 20. Major Amendment of Plan Ov....•••I. k •••••• •• . •$180/per plan review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OP APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 21. Request for exception , ................................... .................., $240 (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF --"APPLICATION)-- 22.Request for development in a stream buffer or for reduction or modification of stream buffer and mitigation plan(if not part of another document)—Single family dwelling unit or accessory structure $85 (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) 23.Bach inspection or reinspection............ ............... ............... $450 (INSPECTION/REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) 24. Mitigation Plan ....... ................... .. ... $860 (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) 25.SUBTOTAL SWM/1311113 PLAN $ TOTAL APPLICATION FEE: (Add lines IS and 25) $ an in THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REINSPECTION AND/OR ANNUAL RENEWAL FEES WHICH MAY BE CHARGED TO THIS PROJECT. Reviler!September 15,2008 Page 3013