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A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on July
17, 1975 at 9:00 A.M. in the County Office Building Board Room, Charlottesville, Virginia.
PRESENT: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., William C. Thacker, Jr.,
and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
ABSENT: M~. Gordon L. Wheeler.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Messrs. T. M. Batchetor, Jr., George R. St. John, James Bowling, and Frederick
The meeting was called to order and began with the Lord's Prayer. Mr. Thacker chaired the
meeting in Mr. Wheeler's absence.
No~-3- The following minutes were approved by the Board with noted corrections: April 22,
1975, page 99, Mr. Fisher suggested that $142.9 be written as "$142.9 million". April 23, 1975 was
accepted as presented. May 7, 1975, page 106, Mr. Fisher suggested the per capita debt should read
"approximately $450", not .$450,000. May 14, 1975 was accepted as presented. May 15, 1975, page
113, Mr. Fisher suggested under "Daily Entry Fees", the letter "d)" be added to read "after 5:00
P.M. reduced by one-half."
Motion was made by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Carwile, to approve the minutes as presented
with noted corrections. Role was called, and motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
No. 4 a). Road Viewers Report.
the Board's acceptance.
Report of the Annual Road Viewers Committee, was submitted for
Charlottesville, Virginia
May 22, 1975 Board of Supervisors
Albemarle County, Virginia
On May 21, 1975, we the undersigned Road Viewers, visited three roads for which applications
were received for acceptance into the Secondary Road System. We were accompanied by Mr.
R. G. Warner, Resident Highway Engineer.
After visiting these roads, we wish to make the following recommendations:
Route #620 (Woodridge): Addition to the State system of existing private road from
Route #620 to .4 miles North of #620. Recommendation to accept subject to final
determination by the Highway Department and County as to whether this road was
planned as a Subdivision street or not.
Covesville: Addition to State system of existing private road from Route 837 to its
intersecvion with the Southern Railroad to .25 miles North of said intersection.
Recommendation~was to accept this, subject to final check with the Southern Railroad
as to where their right-of-way is.
Beagle Gap Road: From Route 691 to .~ miles West. Recommendation is to accept this
road into the system with Mr. Walter Young participating in a portion of the cost to
shape the road and improve the drainage and surface. This recommendation is made
since Mr. Young owns several parcels of rental property along this road. This approval
would again rest on final determination by the Highway Department and the County, as
to whether any portion had been platted as a subdivision development.
Respectfully submitted,
(signed) John O. Higginson
(signed) Edgar Paige
(signed) Franklin W. Yancey
After some discussion as to the status of the Beagle Gap Road plat, Mr. Henley offered motion
to accept the Road Viewers report, and adopt the following resolutions recommending the above three
roads be accepted into the State Highway Department's Secondary road system. Motion was seconded by
Mr.. Wood, and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler
BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation is
hereby requested to add a section of road in Woodridge Subdivision from Route 620 to
.4 miles North of Route #620, to the Secondary System of Albemarle County pursuant to
Section 33.1-229 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended.
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board does guarantee the Commonwealth of
Virginia an unrestricted right-of-way of 40 feet with necessary easements for cuts,
fills and drainage.
BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation is
hereby requested to add a section of existing private road from Route 837 in Coves-
ville to its intersection with the Southern Railroad to .25 miles North of said
intersection, to the Secondary System of Albemarle County pursuant to Section 33.1-
229 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended.
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board does guarantee the Commonwealth of
Virginia an unrestricted right-of-way of 40 feet with necessary easements for cuts,
fills and drainage.
(7-17-75 Day)
BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation is
hereby requested to add a section of road known as Beagle Gap Road from Route 691 to
.3 miles West, to the Secondary System of Albemarle County pursuant to Section 33.1-
229 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended.
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board does guarantee the Commonwealth of
Virginia an unrestricted right-of-way of 40 feet with necessary easements for cuts,
fills and drainage.
No. 4 b). Acceptance of Orchard Acres Section III, deferred until July 23, 1975.
No. 4 c). Letters accepting certain streets into the State Highway System. Mr. Batchelor
noted receipt of letters from the Virginia Department of Highways & Transportation, accepting the
following r~ads into the State Secondary System.
As requested in resolution by your Board on March 20, 1975, the
following additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are
hereby approved, effective July !, 1975.
Oakhill Drive:
Southwood Court:
From Intersection Rte. 631 to end.
From Oakhill Drive east to cu!-
0.34 Mi.
0.17 Mi.
As requested in resolution by your Board on April 17, 1975, the
following addition to the Secondary System of Albemarle County is
hereby approved, effective July t, 1975.
Georgetown Green:
From Route 743 to point where
loop connects together.
o.38 Mi.
As requested in resolution by your Board on March 20, 1975, the
~01!owing additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are
hereby approved, effective July 1, 1975.
Middlesex Drive: From Int. Route 1444 to Charlottes-
ville Corp. Limits.
King George Circle: From Middlesex Drive to
0.095 Mi.
0.04 Mi.
As requested in resolution by your Board on March 20, 1975, the
following addition to the Secondary System of Albemarle County is
hereby approved, effective July 1, 1975.
Whitewood Road:
From Route 743 to north end of
Greenbrier Drive.
O.563 Mi.
As requested in resolution by your Board on June 20, 1974, the
following additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are
hereby approved, effective July 1, 1975.
Westfield Road: From Route 29 1,060.63 feet west to
intersection of Commonwealth Drive. 0.201 Mi.
Commonwealth Drive: From Greenbrier Drive 1,300 feet
east to end of Section I of Westfield Subdivision 0.246 Mi.
As requested in resolution by your Board on May 15, 1975, the
following additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County are
hereby approved, effective July 1, 1975.
Franklin Court: From Woodhurst Road southeast to
end of Franklin Court.
Smithfield Court: From Smithfield Road south-
westerly to end of Smithfield Court.
Smithfield Road: From Westminister Road north-
w~steriv to end of Smithfield Road.
0.025 Mi.
0.052 Mi.
0.114 Mi.
(7-17-75 Day)
Westminister Road: From Smithfield Road south-
westerly to end of Westminister Road.
Woodhurst Court: From Woodhurst Road northwesterly
to ~nd of Woodhurst Court.
Woodhurst Road: From Westminister Road north to
end of Woodhurst Road.
0.268 Mi.
0.032 Mi.
0.156 Mi.
Mr. Robert Warner noted that when the request for acceptance of Canterbury Hills Subdivision
roads waa.~riginally presented to the Board of Supervisors for resolution, two roads were inadver-
tently left off, those two roads being Lancaster Court and Surrey Road. Mr. Warner asked that the
Board adopt a resolution requesting these two roads be taken into the State Secondary System. Mr.
Wood thereby offered motion to adopt the following resolution. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher,
and carried, by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
ABSTAIN: Mr. Carwile
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that
the Virginia Department of Mighways be and is hereby requested to accept into the Secondary
System of Highways, subject to final inspection and approval by the Resident Highway
Department the following roads:
Lancaster Court: (0.03 miles) from Bennington Road to Cul-de-sac in
Canterbury Hills Section Two.
Surrey Road: (0.07 miles) from Bennington Road to Cul-de-sac in
~ Canterbury Hills Section Two.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Virginia Department of Highways be and is hereby
guaranteed a 50 foot unobstructed right-of-way and drainage easements along these re-
quested additions as recorded by plat in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Albemarle County in Deed Book 392, Page 374.
No. 4 d). Mr. John'Humphrey presented a letter from Mr. Charles C. Sensabaugh, General Manager
of Charlottesville Hardware Company, Inc., requesting a road sign be erected at the intersection of
Route 29 North and out State Route 631 (Rio Road). Mr. Humphrey asked Mr. Warner if the policy would
be different since the requested sign would be at the intersection of two major roads. Mr. Warner
stated the policy was the same, the Highway Department would erect the sign, but the person requesting
the sign must pay for it.
Mr. Wood said that although the request is from Charlottesville Hardware, there are many other
companies on that road and he felt they should all share in the expense of purchasing the road sign.
Mr. Woo.d~then offered motion to adopt the following resolution. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher,
and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mesars. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler
WHEREAS, request has been received for street signs (2) to. identify Rio Road (Route
631) at its intersection with Route 29 on both the North and South bound sides; and
WHEREAS, residents on Rio Road have agreed to purchase these signs, said signs to be
purchased through the Office of the County Executive and to conform with standards set by
the State Department of Highways;
NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Virginia Department'of Highways be and is hereby requested to
install and maintain the above mentioned street signs.
No. 4 e). Highway matters not on the agenda from the Board.
to repair holes on Route 618.
Mr. Henley requested Mr. Warner
Mr. Carwile inquired if the state maintains the entrance to Montvue Subdivision. Mr. Warner
said they did not, as it was not in the "right-of-way". Mr. Carwile then asked if any progress was
being made on Old Forge Road. Mr. Warner said to his knowledge nothing had yet been done, but that
he would be glad to check.
Mr. Wood said he had asked Mr. Charles Perry of the Highway Department to check into repairing
the railroad bridge on Huntington Road, but had not heard the status. Mr. Warner said they had been
in tou~h with the Railroad, but had not gotten a response. Mr. Wood then asked Mr. Warner to look
into repairing holes in Rio Road, especially the area where the several subdivisions meet the main
road. Mr. Warner said that even though the problem lies with privately owned roads, his Department
has been filling them because the holes are right at the edge of the State maintained roads.
Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Warner to check and see that road lines are painted at the entrance of the
new Ednam Forest Subdivision. Mr. Warner said he had been in touch with the owner, and was assured
it would he done at that time, but added he would check into that matter again. Mr Fisher also
requested Mr. Warner to look into repairing holes in the road outside the Highway Research Council
Building at the University of Virginia.
No. 6. Public Hearing, Ordinance vacating a portion of the plat of Wakefield Subdivision shown
on a plat rec'orded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Deed Book 385, page 157. This
vacation for that portion of Wakefield Court lying on the northwesterly side of Wakefield Road
between Lot 1, Block C of said subdivision and Lot 6, Block A thereof. (Advertised in the Daily
Progress on June 27 and July 4, 1975)
Mr. Humphrey said the Planning Department did communicate with the City Planning staff and
Commission to receive comments. The City Planning Commission recommended vacation, but w~h~ ~
(7-17-75 Day)
plat. Mr. Humphrey added that if the Board wished to vacate this plat, he recommended some provision
be made for access along property lines to utilities. The recommended easement width was 20 feet.
Mr. Thacker asked if anyone from the public wished to speak on the subject. Mr. Lloyd Wood
said Mr. Vaughan Stewart, and Mr. Paige Lynch had spoken to him and said they would not be able to
attend the meeting, but that they were in favor of the plat vacation. Mr. Thacker closed the public
hearing since no one wished to speak.
Mr. Wood pointed out on a map the reason this vacation request was denied in 1973. He then
pointed out how a permanent cul-de-sac was now at the end of this street, and how all the utility
lines are located in that area. He added that Wakefield Subdivision can take no further development,
and offered motion to adopt the ordinance advertised for vacation with no allowance for an easement.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley.
Mr. Batchelor noted that water, sewer and gas lines have been installed in that area and that a
right-of-way should be retained. Mr. Fisher said there is no recommendation from the County Planning
Commission, and that the Planning Staff recommends against vacation. Mr. Wood noted that a petition
had been presented to the City by property owners on the City side, requesting vacation of the
Wakefield Court right-of-way. There was no further discussion, role was called, and motion to adopt
the ordinance was denied by the following recorded vote:
Mr. Wood.
Messrs. Carwite, Fisher, Henley and Thacker
Mr. Wheeler.
No. 7. Public Hearing, Ordinance to vacate a portion of plat of Park View Property, Crozet,
shown on recorded plats as Lots 23, 24, 25, 26 of Block B, including the public street lying between
Lots 23 and 24. This property is shown on a plat recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit
Court in Deed Book 369, page 415, as correcved by plat of correction recorded in the said Clerk's
Office in Deed Book 461, page 636. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on June 27 and July 4, 1975).
Mr. E. O. McCue, III, who was present representing Charles R. and Gladys R. Wesner, presented
diagrams Tn~icating location of the lots. Mr. E. E. Thompson, an adjacent landowner stated he had
no objections to the plat vacation. Mr. Thacker asked why a corrected plat had been put to record.
Mr. McCue said there was a resurvey, which repositioned the lot boundaries, and their present request
is to vacate the corrected plat (Lots 23, 24 and 25).
No one else from the public wished to speak and Mr. Thacker closed the public hearing.
Henley then offered motion to adopt the following ordinance. Second was made bY Mr. Carwi!e.
was called, and motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
P~rsuant to Section 15.1-482, Code of Virginia, as amended, the following ordinance is
proposed and adopted after due notice has been given as required in Section 15.1-431, Code
of Virgmnla', as amended:
WHEREAS, a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Albemarle County in the Village of
Crozet has been heretofore subdivided under the name of Park View Property, the original
plat of which is of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle
County, Virginia, in Deed Book 369, page 415; and
WHEREAS, said plat was amended by the recording of. a certain plat of correction of
record in the said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 461, page 636; and
WHEREAS, Charles R. Wesner and Gladys R. Wesner are the owners of four (4) lots in
said subdivision, namely Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26 of Block B of said subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the said Charles R. Wesner and Gtadys R. Wesner have petitioned the Board of
Counvy Supervisors of Albemarle County that the said plats be vacated insofar as they
affect the aforementioned lots;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board oP County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, as follows:
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
That the subdivision of Park View Property shown on a plat recorded in the
Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed
Book 369, page 415, as corrected by plat of correction recorded in the said
Clerk's Office in Deed Book 461, page 636, be, and the same hereby is,
vacated as to that portion Of said subdivision shown on the said plats as
Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26 of Block B, including the public street lying between
Lots 23 and 24.
The vacation set forth in Section 1 of this ordinance shall in no way
vacate any other street, road, right-of-way or lot duly platted and recorded
on the aforementioned plats.
Pursuant to Section 15.1-485 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended,
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, shall write
in plain legible letters across the vacated portion of the aforesaid plats
the word "VACATED", and also shall make reference on the same to the volume
and page in which the instrument of vacation is recorded.
Such vacation of a portion of the aforesaid pla6 shall be effective on July
17, 1975.
(7-17-75 Day)
No. 8. Discussion of Fire Hydrants. Mr. Kelly Reynolds, County Fire Marshal, was present but
suggested the Board hear the report from Mr. E. E. Thompson of the Albemarle County Service Authority
Mr. Thompson noted his report of July 11, 1975, (copy of which is in the permanent file of the
Board of Supervisors) then said since the writing of this report, he has been able to secure the
services of two school age boys under a Federally funded program, to maintain fire hydrants and make
them serviceable. Mr. Fisher asked about hydrants located on raw water lines. Mr. Thompson said
they cannot be used because of the intense water pressure, and was not sure which alternative would
be better, removing them and try to salvage, or color code those that are unuseable. Mr. Carwile
asked about fire hydrants located in private subdivisions, on private water systems. Mr. Thompson
said these hydrants were being supplied with water by the private subdivision, and that the Albemarle
Service Authority did not.have jurisdiction. Mr. Carwile then suggested the County Attorney draft an
ordinance, requiring these private subdivisions to maintain their hydrants to County standards.
Mr. Thacker asked about ithe hydrant problem in the Scottsville area. Mr. Thompson said the
biggest problem is they are only selling about 53% of the water and cannot detect the area of leakage.
He added they have purchased a "leak detector" to hopefully locate the problem. Mr~ Thompson then
said another serious problem is the fact that the hydrants are so old they cannot be serviced without
turning o£f the entire water system, and the entire hydrant must be replaced, as parts are not
available. Mayor Ramon Thacker of Scottsville said he disagreed with one item in the report, that
being most hydrant threads were not standard size. Mayor Thacker said the hydrants in Scottsville
were all equipped with National Standard threads, and all trucks carried adaptors in case of pro-
blems. He asked what could be done to require Paulett Subdivision to install hydrants as they
develop. Mr. John Humphrey said the subdivision had been approved by the Board before hydrants were
required, and this subdivision on a well system and hydrants are not feasible.
Mr. Thompson said the Service Authority would gladly help the town of Scottsville in analyzing
their hydrant system. He added they are going to purchase a "tap valve" to aid in repairing hydrants.
This valve will make it possible to repair the hydrant without turning off the entire water system.
No. tl. Service Authority Note. Motion was offered by Mr. Carwile to defer this matter until
Wednesday, July 23, 1975, at 7:30 P.M., motion was seconded by Mr. Wood, and carried by the following
recorded wote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr.. Wheeler.
No. 5. Matters not on the agenda from the public. No one from the public wished to speak.
No. 9. Land Use. Miss Page Godsey, Administrative Assistant, reported that all field work on
land use applications has been finished with the exception of about 10 parcels she predicted that
the office will meet the 1975 deadline. Miss Godsey then requested a revision of Section 9-31(b) of
the Land Use Tax Ordinance, citing the reason being the County Ordinance compared to the State
Ordinance requires applicants to submit an application for each use on a parcel as well as a separate
application on each parcel.
Motion was offered by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Carwile to advertise for a public hearing, an
amendment to the Land Use Tax Ordinance for August 13, 1975, at 7:30 P.M. Role was called, and
motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
Miss Godsey next presented
She said this would simplify the
Article VIII, Chapter
the following resolution for the Boalrd's consideration.
application and re-application procedure.
the Albemarle County Board of SuperVisors that Section 9-33 (b)
9 of the Albemarle County Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
The application fee under the Ordinance for Special Assessments for Agricultural,
Horticultural, Forest or Open Space Real Estate (Land Use Tax Ordinance) shall be figured
at $.15 per acre on total acreage with a minimum charge of $15.00 per individual owner and
shall be paid to the Director of Finance of the County. However, where a landowner is
required to file a new application under the Ordinance for Specia! Assessments for Agri-
cultural, Horticultural, Forest or Open Space Real Estate, because the use or acreage of
such land previously approved has changed, the application fee for said re-application
shall be $15.00. These fees may be changed from time-to-time by resolution of the Board
~of Supervisors.
Mr. ~Henley offered motion to approve the resolution as presented by Miss Godsey.
seconded by Mr. Carwile, and carried by the following recorded vote:
Motion was
Messrs. Carwi!e, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
Miss Godsey next presented a request for a Land Use Classification Appeals Board to be made up
of three members. The duties would be to review land use classifications when requested to do so by
the applicant. Mr. Henley said he felt it sounded like something that was very much in need. Mr.
Hhacker agreed with Mr. Henley, and said the County Attorney should prepare such a resolution for
the Board's consideration. Mr. Fisher agreed, and felt it should be a citizen committee as suggested
by Miss Godsey.
Mr. Thacker said that since it was the consensus of the Board, they would place this item on
the agenda for August 13, 1975, and advised Board members to be prepared to make appointments.
No. 16. Appropriation Totier project. Mr. David Morris., Chairman of the Parks Committee, was
present and requested the Board's permission to release the Totier Creek Project for bids. He said
the project consists of construction of a comfort/maintenance structure, tot-lot play structure,
(7-17-75 Day)
delayed until some future time. Mr. Thacker said the project had been approved for revenue sharing
funds, but no appropriation has yet been made. Mr. Batchelor recommended making an appropriation of
$50,000, and if the bids are within this appropriated amount the contract can be immediately awarded.
Mr. Henley asked if things like seeding would also be bid. Mr. Morris said yes, and Mr. Henley
protested saying County employees could probably do it themselves for half the price. Mr. Fisher
said he was not inclined to appropriate more than the requested $50,000 without first viewing the
Mr. Carwile then offered motion that the Parks Committee be authorized to put the Totier Creek
project out to bid, and that it be bid in such a fashion that there be alternates in the bid so
items ~an be deleted if necessary, and that appropriation for this project be deferred until the
bids are received. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher, and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: -NOne.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
No. 12. Reports of the Department of Social Services for the months of May and June, 1975,
were received in accordance with Virginia Code Section 63.1-52.
No. 18. Restricted Roads Committee Report. Mr. William Roudabush, Chairman, presented the
following report. Other members of the committee are Mr. Charles Perry of the Virginia State Highway
Department and Mr. Ashley Williams, Assistant County Engineer.
In order to provide a program of continuing maintenance for subdivision streets created under the Subdivision
regulations of Albemarle County and assure uniform standards of design and construction as a guide for the Board
of Supervisors, Planning Commission, developers and engineers, the following policy and design standards recom-
mended adopted for subdivision streets to qualify for addition to the State Secondary Road System:
1. GENERAL POLICY: The general policy of the Board of Supervisors shall be:
That in-so-far as possible, all streets which are required to be approved under the subdivision regula-
tions shall be designed and constructed pursuant to standards which would make them eligible for addi-
tion to the secondary system.
That the d~sign standards be flexible enough to encourage meandering of residential streets with curves
and grades to fit the terrain and with as little emphasis on grade and alignment requirements as necessary,
so as to reduce residential development costs, preserve natural vegetation and discourage high traffic
c) That the safety aspects of the design and construction of the facility is not reduced.
SPECIFIC POLICY: The following design standards, both as to geometrics and base and pavement design and
other requirements are established as minimums for subdivision streets:
Current highway department policy does not provide for acceptance of streets in commercial subdivision
developments in cases of dead-end, cul-de-sac or loop streets which do not interconnect with other State
maintained roads or provide a genuine public service. In approving commercial subdivisions of this
nature the Board may make special exceptions to allow such subdivisions to be approved with "Owners
maintenance agreements" to provide for road maintenance, however, all design and construction standards
specified herein shall be adhered to in all cases. Such streets shall be designed and constructed in
accordance with (b) or (c) following. See Appendix A for standard form of owners agreement.
For subdivision streets with dead-end, cul-de-sac or loop streets having a known and fixed vehicular
demand not exceeding 210 vehicles per day and when there is absolutely no possibility'of the streets
being extended the minimum standards for pavements and geometric design specified in Appendix B shall
For all other subdivision streets the minimum standards for pavements and geometric design specified in
Appendix C shall apply.
For Townhouse streets the minimum standards for pavements and geometric design specified in Appendix D
shall apply.
Subdivision streets which do not connect directly to present State maintained roads will only be approved
with owners maintenance agreement requirements specified in (a) above to provide for private maintenance
of'all streets within the subdivision. Such streets shall be designed and constructed in accordance
with (b) or (c) above.
Pri~vate access easements may be approved only in such instances when other access to subdivided lots or
tracts is impractical or impossible. The number of lots, tracts or parcels served by a single private
access easement shall be limited to no more than two, providing a minimum width-of no less than 20 feet
for each parcel served.
Bonds required for all roads approved under (b) and (c) above. (No recommendation on Bonding made by the
Streets constructed under this policy will be recommended for acceptance in the secondary system by
adoption of a suitable resolution at such time as they are brought to proper standards and found that
they are open to the general use of the public and provide a genuine public service.
STANDARDS OF DESIGN: There are many variations of design which may be used to fit local conditions. All
reasonable requests for variations will be referred to the Virginia Department of Highways for consideration.
The following attached appendices constitute minimum standards for design of subdivision streets in Al'bemarle
County. (For the purposes of determining the traffic usage (VPD) on subdivision streets each family unit
should be multiplied by seven):
APPENDIX A: Standard form for owner's maintenance agreements for streets not eligible for secondary road
APPENDIX B: Minimum design standards for subdivision streets, dead-end streets, cul-de-sac or loop streets
with fixed vehicular demand not exceeding 210 VPD.
(7-17-75 Day)
APPENDIX C: Minimum design standards for subdivision streets other than dead-end, cul-de-sac or loop streets
and those W~th vehicular demand exceeding 210 VPD.
APPENDIX D: Minimum design standards for townhouse streets.
APPENDIX E: Base and pavement design criteria.
APPENDIX F: Geometric design standards.
The roadway shown on the attached plat is a restricted road, the maintenance of which shall no% be the responsi-
bility of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the County of Al'bemarle, or any other public body. Maintenance of the
said roadway shall be the responsibility of the owners of lots abutting thereon, each of-whom shall be responsible
for his pro rata share of such maintenance. Assessments for such maintenance shall be made whenever a majority of
the owners of lots abutting on the said roadway deem necessary, and such assessments shall constitute a lien on
all lots from the time of such assessments until paid.
1. Pavement width and right-of-way shall be: a) Without curb and gutter 20 foot minimum with 4 foot shoulder
in cut, 5 foot shoulder- in fill and 40 foot minimum R/W. (See Appendix F)
b) With curb and gutter - 24 foot minimum curb to curb with 40 foot minimum R/W and parking on one side
only. (See Appendix F).
2. Base and pavement design shall conform to Appendix E.
3. Maximum degree of curvature shall be 37° or a minimum center line radius of 155 feet (See Appendix F).
4. Maximum percent of street grade shall be 15%. (See Appendix F)
5. Minimum stopping sight distance shall be 200 feet. (See Appendix F)
6. Off street parking required for 2 vehicles per residence, with or w~thout curb and gutter.
7. The use of right angle intersections with minimum 50 foot radius on pavement returns required.
8. An 80 foot pavement diameter shall be provided at the termini of dead-end or cul-de-sac streets.
9. Drainage facilities, structures, conduits etc. including drainage easements are to be designed in accordance
with criteria contained in the "Drainage Manual" adopted by the Virginia Department of Highways. Paved
ditches will not be required where ditch line velocity does not exceed 3.5 FPS. Where ditch line velocities
are between 3.5 FPS and 5.0 FPS jute matting or other approved methods may be used to stabilize ditches.
Where ditch line velocities exceed 5.0 FPS paved ditches will be required.
1. Pavement width and right-of-way shall conform to Appendix F.
2. Base and pavement design shall conform to Appendix E.
3. Degree of curvature, percent grade and stopping sight distance shall conform to. Appendix E.
4. Drainage facilities, structures, conduits etc. including drainage easements are to be designed in accordance
with criteria contained in the "Drainage Manual" adopted by the Virginia Department of Highways. Paved
ditches will not be required where ditch li'ne velocity does not exceed 3.5 FPS. Where ditch line velocities
are between 3.5 FPS and 5.0 FPS jute matting or other approved methods may be used to stabilize ditches.
Where ditch line velocities exceed 5.0 FPS paved ditches will be required.
l. TownhouSe streets must be a deadend, cul-de-sac or loop. road within a townhouse complex.
2. The maximum vehicular demand shall not exceed 3,000 VPD.
3. Pavement width and right-of-way shall conform to Appendix F.
4. Base and pavement design shall conform to Appendix E.
5- Degree of curvature, percent grade and stoppi, ng distance shall conform to Appendix F.
6. Parking bays are permitted along such streets.
7. The use of right angle intersections with minimum 35 foot radius curb returns is encouraged.
8. An 80 foot pavement diameter shall be provided at the termini of dead-end or cul-de-sac streets.
9. Drainage facilities, structures, conduits etc. including drainage easements are to be designed in accordance
with criteria contained in the "Drainage Manual" adopted by the Virginia Department of HighWays. Paved
ditches will not be required where ditch line velocity does not exceed 3.5 FPS. Where ditch line veloci~ties
are between 3.5 FPS and 5.0 FPS jlute matting or other approved methods may be used to stabilize ditches.
Where ditch line velocities exceed 5.0 FPS paved ditches will be required.
(7-17-75 Day)
For design purposes, subdivision and townhouse streets have been divided into five traffic volume categories
as follows:
Category I
Up to 250 vehicles per day
Category II
251 to 400 vehicles per day
Category III
40l to 750 vehicles per day
Category IV
751 to 3,000 vehicles per day
Category V
3,001 or more vehicles per day (l)
Typical pavement designs for each traffic volume category are included. These are to be used as a guide.
Combinations other than those given may be used. Pavement designs should fit local conditions.
In cases where the traffic volume is near the upper limit for any traffic category, consideration should be
given to using the design of the next higher category.
Local materials that normally would be considered unsatisfactory for use in construction may be acceptable
when stabilized with a stabilizing agent such as cement or lime.
Specifications for all materials can be found in the current Virginia Department of Highways' Road and Bridge
Specifications, or appropriate supplemental specifications.
"The Virginia Method of Determining CBR Values" is to be used to determine the bearing value of the soils.
Details as to this method may be obtained from any Virginia Department of Highways' District Office or the
Central Office in Richmond.
Prime and double' seal surface treatment and bituminous concrete plant-mixed surfaces ~hould be in accordance
with Virginia Department of Highways' Specifications and Standards. Equivalent thickness of bituminous
concrete in lieu of prime and double seal would be prime with cover material and 100 pounds bituminous concrete,
Type S-4 or S-5.
Aggregate base course materials should comply with the Virginia Department of Highways' current Road and
Bridge Specifications.
These are of two types and various sizes as shown below:
Type I -- Aggregate base material (crushed material only). Aggregate Size Numbers 21, 21-A or 22.
Type II -- Aggregate base material (crushed or uncrushed material). Aggregate Size Numbers 21, 21-A
or 22.
When aggregate base material, Type I, is specified, the coarser grading aggregate Numbers 20, 21 or 21-A
are preferable.
When aggregate base material, Type It, is specified, aggregate size Numbers 21 or 21-A should be selected
when a commercial material is provided.
When it is intended to stabilize a local material with cement, approximately 8% by volume should be
used. When lime is the stabilizing agent, approximately 4% by weight should be used; In all cases,
however, representative samples Of the material should be submitted for test to determine the correct
percentage of stabilizing agent.
2. Bituminous concrete base courses shall be either Type B-1 or B-3.
Several of the designs show lime or cement stabiilized subgrade. This is highly desirable when feasible.
When not feasible, an equal or greater depth of base material should be provided.
When cement stabilized subgrade is recommended, approximately I0% bY volume should be used. When lime is the
stabilizing agent, approximately 5% by weight should be used. In all cases, I~owever, representative samples
of the soil should be submitted for test.
Where it is anticipated that the traffic will include a high percentage of heavy axle load vehicles, a six-
inch depth of subbase material stabilized with approximately 4%. cement by weight wi~ll be required.
Where the subgrade support soil has a CBR value of less than 10, a four-inch depth of subbase material will
be required. As an alternate, the top six inches of subgrade shall be stabilized with cement or lime.
Approximate percentages are shown under Section D.
The concrete shall be Class A-3 paving concrete according to the current Virginia Department of Highways'
Road and Bridge Specifications or appropriate supplemental specifications. The concrete pavement shall be
plain portland cement concrete with maximum transverse joint spacings of 20 feet.
(7-17-75 Day)
Up to 250 vehicles per day
CBR value of subgrade lO or greater (2) (3)
Category I
Base - 6 inches aggregate base material 21 or 21~A.
Surface - Prime 'and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
Base - 6 inches soil cement stabilized (natural soil or borrow.).
Surface - Curing agent and double seal or equi'valent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
Base - 7 inch aggregate base material.
Surface - Prime and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
4 inches cement or lime stabilized subgrade.
Base - 3 inches aggregate base material.
Surface - Prime and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
5 inches plain portland cement concrete. No subbase.
Base - 5 inches bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 1 inch bitumTnous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
Category II
251 to 400 vehicles per day
CBR value of subgrade lO or greater
Base - 8 inches aggregate base material 21 or 21-A.
Surface - Prime and double seal or equi-valent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
6 inches cement stabilized subgrade.
Base 3 inches aggregate base material.
Surface - Prime and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
Base - l0 inches aggregate base material.
Surface Prime and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
6 inches local base material stabilized with cement.
Surface - Curing agent and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
5 inches plain portland cement concrete. No subbase.
Base - 5 inches bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 1 inch bituminous concrete, Types S-4 or S-5.
Category III
401 to 750 vehicles per day
CBR value of subgrade 10 or greater
6 inches cement stabilized subgrade.
Base - 3 inches aggregate base material.
Surface - Prime and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
6 inches lime stabilized subgrade.
Base - 4 inches aggregate base material.
Surface - Prime and double seal or equivalent th}ckness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
Base - 10 inches local aggregate base.
Top 6 inches stabilized with cement.
Surface - Curing agent and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
4 inches local aggregate base.
Base - 4 inches bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 1 inch bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
Subbase - 6 inches select material, Type I or Ill.
Base 5 inches aggregate base material.
Surface - Prime and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
Base - 10 inches aggregate base material.
Surface - Prime 'and double seal or equivalent thickness of plant-mixed bituminous concrete.
6 inches plain portland cement concrete. No subbase.
Category IV
75l to 3,000 vehicles per day
CBR value of subgrade 10 or greater.
6 inches cement stabilized subgrade,.
Base 4 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
Surface - 220 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
6 inches lime stabilized subgrade.
Base - 5 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
Surface - 220 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
6 inches select material, Type I or Ill.
Base - 5 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
Surface - 220 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
l0 inches local material.
Top 6 inches stabilized with cement.
Surface - 220 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
(7-17-75 Day)
6 inches local material.
Base - 5 inches bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 165 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
Subbase - 8 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
Base - 275 pounds bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 165 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
7 inches plain portland cement concrete.
3 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
Category V
3,001 or more vehicles per day.
CBR value of subgrade lO or greater.
6 inches cement stabilized subgrade.
Subbase - 5 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
Base - 350 pounds (3 inches) bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 165 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
6 inches lime stabilized subgrade.
Subbase - 6 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
Base - 350 pounds (3 inches) bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 165 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5'.
6 inches select material, Type I or Ill.
Subbase - 6 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
Base - 350 pounds (3 inChes) bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 165 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S~4 or S-5.
Subbase - 12 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
Base - 350 pounds (3 inches) bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 165 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
7 inches plain portland cement concrete.
4 inches aggregate subbase or base material.
6 inches local material.
Base - 6 inches bituminous concrete, Type B-1 or B-3.
Surface - 220 pounds bituminous concrete, Type S-4 or S-5.
When the anticipated vehicles per day exceed 5,500, a four-lane facility is normally required. Therefore,
the total traffic volume would be 80% in each directioni This figure would then be used for the traffic
category design.
Subgrade support soils, immediately under the pavement structure, with CBR values less than 10, will require
an additional 6 inches of subbase, base, or select material. In lieu of this, the CBR value of the subgrade
soil may be improved to a mTnimum value of 10, by other methods.
(3) Sufficient CBR tests should be run to determine the true support value of the various soils in the subgrade.
CLASS A - Subdivision streets with dead-end, cul-de-sac or loop streets with fixed vehicular demand not exceeding
210 VPD.
CLASS B - Subdivision streets other than dead-end, cul-de-sac or loop street and with vehicular demand exceeding
210 VPD.
CLASS C - Townhouse streets with dead-end, cul-de-sac or loop street with fixed vehicular demand not exceeding
3,000 VPD.
W/O W/O Max Min Fill Cut
A 0-210 20' 24'(1) 40' 40' Cat. I 30 20 37°' 15% 200' 5' 4'.'
B 0-250 20' 24'(2) 40' 40'! Cat. I 30 20 !26° 30' 12% 150' 5' 4I
251-400I 20' 30'(3) 50' 40' Cat. II 30 20 I 26° 30' 12% 150' 5' 4'
401-750 22' 36'(3) 60' 50' Cat. Ill 40 30 14° 10% 200' 6' 4'
751-3000 22I 44'(3) 60' 50' Cat. IV 50 40 8° 8% 275' 8' 6'
3001-5500 24' 48'(4) 60' 60' Cat. V 50 40 8° 8% 275' 8' 6'
68' (3) 72'
5500-UP 4~12' 52'(4) 80' 60' Cat. V 60 40 5° 30' 8% 275' 81 6'
76' (3) 80'
C 0-250 - 30'(3) - 40' Cat. I 30 20 37° 12% 200' - -
25~-400 ..... 30'(3) - 40' Cat. II 30 20 26° 30' 12% 200' - -
401-750 - 36'(3)~ - 50' Cat. III 40 30 ' 14° 10% 200' - -
751-3000 - 44'(3) - 50' Cat IV 50 40 8° ' 8%' 275' - -
(1) Parking on one side only.
(2) Parking on one side only and offstreet parking required.
(3) No parking restrictions.
(4) No parking permitted.
(7-17-75 Day)
At the conclusion of Mr. Roudabush's presentation, Mr. Carwile suggested a decision on adoption
of this report be deferred until the Board and Planning Staff have had the opportunity to read the
report in full. Mr. Carwile then offered motion to defer action on the restricted roads report
until Wednesday, July 23, 1975. Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley, and carried by the following
recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
No. 19. Earlysville Heights Subdivision, request for waiver of minimum lot size.
Action on this matter was deferred from July 9, 1975. Mr. Homer Chevacci of the Regional Health
Department was present at the Board's request, and read portions of a letter dated July 17, 1975, to
Mrs. Mary"Joy Scala of the County Planning staff stating the average lot size was too small for both
individual well and individual septic tank system, and that the Regional Health Department would
approve these lots on their own merit if a central water system was used instead of individual
Mr. John Humphrey, County Planner, stated this waiver would be required on Section 4. He then
clarified that the request was for a waiver of the minimum lot size to proceed with~individual wells
and septic tanks.
Mr. William M. Foster, representing Mr. Williams, owner of Earlysville Heights Subdivision,
stated they had no objections if the Board would assure them that the central well system would be
approved when the special permit came before the Board. Mr. Thacker said no such assurance could be
given, and also said the Board would probably require that design of the systembe approved by the
County Engineers office. Mr. Fisher then stated the Board has have never disapproved a central well
system which meets the Board's policy of 1 gallon per minute per dwelling unit and correct pipe
Mr. St. John said since this involved 15 lots, it would be best if handled under the State
Corporation Commission, because it would be too cumbersome for a Home Owners Association.
Mr. Fisher then offered motion to approve the waiver of the minimum lot size with the condition
that the owner apply for a special permit for a central water system for the 15 lots in this section.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Wood, and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
No. 10. Local Government Attorneys of Virginia. Mr. George St. John summarized the purpose of
the orgainzation as being representation in Richmond, reporter services, continuing education,
clearinghouse for information, research service and standing committees. He added the membership
was $300 per year for the municipal body, and that it would be worth the cost. Motion was offered
by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Carwile to join the organization, and motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
No. 13. Statement of expenses of the Director of Finance, the Sheriff's Office and the Office
of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the month of June, 1975, were presented. On motion by Mr. Wood,
seconded hy Mr. Fisher, these statements were approved as presented. The motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
No. 14. Statement of Expenses of the Regional Jail for the month of June, 1975, was presented.
Upon motion by Mr. Fisher, ~seconded by Mr~ Carwile, this statement was approved as presented. The
motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
No. 15. Joint Security Complex Report~. Statement of expenses incurred in the maintenance and
operation of the Joint Security Complex for the month of June, 1975 was presented. Also presented
was statement of the Jail Physician and statement of nurses' salaries. On motion by Mr. Henley,
seconded by Mr. Wood, all statements were approved as read. The motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
No. 17. Report: Audit of Eighth Regional Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court for the fiscal
years ending June 30, 1971, 1972 and 1973, as prepared by the Auditor of Public Accounts was marked
No. 20. Special appropriation to cover over-expenditures for the Fiscal Year ended June 30,
1975. Mr. Ray Jones, Director of Finance, presented report on over-expenditures for the Fiscal Year
1974-75. He stated the total appropriation required is $2,213,098.19, an~ then broke it down by
department and type of expense as follows:
Stationery, Printing - Co. Exec.
Dues and Subscriptions
Telephone, Telegraph & Postage - Purchasing
Jurors & Witnesses - Circuit Court
Telephone, Telegraph & Postage
Compensation-Airport Security Guards
Uniforms-Airport Security Guards
Repair & Replacement,Autos - Sheriff
Compensation-Firemen - Fire Dept.
Fire Hose & Connestions
Materials & Tools - Keene Landfill
Repair & Replacement-Bldgs & Grnds-Parks
Loan-Joint Security Complex
Compensation-Custodial Personnel Schools
Electric Current
School Bonds--1974
Interest--Literary Loan--1974
Repairs, Tires, Tubes & Parts Schools
Fringe Benefits
Insurance Premiums
Title III, Innovative Programs
Gas-Joint Security Complex
Medical Supplies, etc.
Scottsville Junior High Annex-School Construc.
Addition--Albemarle High School
Southside Junior High School
Westside Senior High
Albemarle North Elementary School
$ 811.34
$ 98,247.20
$ 2,639.19
$ 123,884.23
$ 19,351.95
$ 39,832.54
$ 11,659.10
$ 19,779.99
$ 90,478.91
19J Airport Improvements $ 74,671.00
19L Joint Security Complex 85,904.67
$ 160,575.67
180.12 McIntire Trust Fund-Walton Middle School ~ 687.69
Motion to approve the requested appropriation~was offered by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Wood,
and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
No. 21. Reappropriations for Fiscal Year 1975-76. Mr. Ray Jones explained the term reappro-
priation as a request to make monies allocated to prior years for projects not completed available
in the forthcoming year. The list of items for reappropriation are as follows:
1Al05 Bond Issuance Expense-Bd. Supr. ~ 7,149.28
1F123.1 Personnel: Emergency Job Program 26,114.29
IF250 Personnel Training Program 1,624.39
2A403 Furniture & Fixtures-Real Estate Dept. 425.75
2A405 Office Equipment 744.10
2A.1-109 Clerks & Field Appraiser-Land Use 3,100.00
2A.1-25t Computer Service Contract 1,800.00
2A.!-403 Furniture & Fixtures 239.76
6A199 !.A.C.P. Department Study-Sheriff 10,080.00
6A409 Police Equipment 471.00
10B400 Motor Vehicle Purchase-Building Inspec. 10,800.00
10B403 Furniture & Fixtures 1,557.10
10B405 Office Equipment 1,384.95
10B420 Radio Equipment--Inspectors 1785.20
10E226 Printing & Ordinance revision-Planning 4,141.50
*10L601 Improvements to sites-Parks 500.00
18B.3 Emergency Services 13,713.00
18B.61 Jefferson Area Board on Aging 1~714.61
*18C.13 Low Income Housing 19,932.21
*19-600A Land Acquisition Fire Dept. 50,000.00
*19.10L1 Capital Outlay--Totier Creek 569.56
'19.2 Juvenile Court Facilities 70,253.00
(7-17-75 Day)
Taken from Revenue Sharing Funds during the previous year. Ail others
were originally taken from the General Fund and transferred to the
General Operating Fund.
Motion to approve the reappropriations as presented was offered by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr.
Carwile, and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
No. 22. Special appropriations.
A. Mr. Ray Jones presented two items which would require special appropriations by the Board.
First was the amount of $3,022 for PEP Program. Mr. Jones stated the funds are 90% reimbursable and
will continue the PEP employees through August 31, 1975. The second amount was $3,_600 for Compen-
sation of Interns. Mr. Jones said the funds are 100% reimbursable and will finance a HUD intern for
the Planning Department from July 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976.
Motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Henley to adopt the following resolution.
was called, and motion carried by the following recorded vote:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $3,022
be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the General Fund and transferred to the
General Operating Fund and Coded 1F-123.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $3,600
be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the General Fund and transferred to the
General Operating Fund and Coded 10E-108.!.
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
B. A request, was received from Clarence McClure, Superintendent of Schools, for $16,000 for a
Work-study program. Motion was offered by Mr. Wood to adoPt the following resolution, seconded by
Mr. CarWile, and carried by the following recorded vote:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that
$16,000 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the School Operating Fund and Coded
to t762-299.
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
C. Request was received from SheriffBailey for an appropriation of $62,741 to cover cost of four
additional deputies in the Sheriff's Office. Motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Carwile
to adopt the following resolution. Role was called, and motion-carried by the following recorded
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of. Albemarle County, Virginia, that
$62,741 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the General Fund and transferred to
the General Operating Fund for salaries and other'necessary expenses occassioned by the
employment of four new deputies in the Sheriff's Department.
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr.' Wheeler.
No. 23. ' Appointments: a) Library Board--Mr. Thacker stated the appointment must come from his
district, and requested it be deferred until July 23, 1975 at 7:30 P.M.
b) Advisory Council on Aging--Mr. Carwile recommended the appointmant of Mr. John Burns of Route
1, Box 174C, Scottsville for a term of two years,, and Mrs. Imogene Bunn of Old Lynchburg Road,
Charlottesville for a term of one year. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher, and carried by the
following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
Mr. Wheeler.
c) Technical Committee-Transportation Restudy Committee; Mr. Wood stated the person he had in mind
for the appointment could not accept, and requested deferral until July 23, 1975.
d) Welfare Board--Mr. Wood-again stated he hoped to have a nominee at the July 23rd meeting.
· Mr. Thacker noted receipt of a notice from the State Corporation Commission, showing the appli-
cation of Shenandoah Tours, Inc. for a Broker's License.
At 12:40 P.M., Mr. Thacker requested the Board to adjourn briefly into an executive session for
the discussion of legal matters under litigation. Motion was made by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr.
Fisher, and carried by the following vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler
The Board reconvened at t:10 P.M.
(7-17-75 Day)
(7-22-75 Day)
No. 4. Mr. Fisher read the following resolution into the record, and made motion for
the adoption of the resolution:
WHEREAS, the South Rivanna River Reservoir is a resource of great value to the people
of Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County is concerned about the con-
tinued viability of the said Reservoir; and
WHEREAS, the Board has been presented with substantial evidence that high density
residential development adjacent to the said Reservoir is likely to result in the dim-
inution of the utility thereof and of its chances for continued viability; and
WHEREAS, there is a substantial amount of high density residential zoning in the
immediate drainage basin of the said Reservoir, which zoning was established prior to the
adoption of the County's Comprehensive Plan in 1971 and is in direct conflict therewith;
WHEREAS, the Rivanna Sewer and Water Authority has proposed that a comprehensive
study of the South Rivanna River Reservoir be undertaken to determine the effects of urban
development adjacent thereto on the quality of water contained therein;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County that
no building permit shall be issued for any development in the immediate drainage basin of
the South Rivanna River Reservoir until such time as the Rivanna Sewer and Water Authority
Dhall have determined the effect of such development on the said Reservoir.
For purposes of this ordinance, the term "immediate drainage basin of the said
Reservoir" shall be deemed to include all that portion of the County bordered on the West
~and North by the South Rivanna River Reservoir; on the South by State Route 631 on the
__W~st.~_by State Route 743 and on the East by State Route 659. An emergency being found to
exist, this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
Mr. Carwile stated that since he represents a person owning property at the reservoir who would
be effected by this resolution, he would abstain from any action and participation.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley. Mr. Wood said he felt it would be to the best interest of
the citizens in the county to delay any action on this resolution until the full Board was present.
Mr. Henley agreed with Mr. Wood that the entire Board should be present for the vote. Mr. Thacker
also agreed that action should be delayed.
Mr. Fisher said he would be willing to delay the vote if the Board instructed the Planning
Commission not to take action on approving development in the above stated area, between now and the
time the Board takes action.
At this point, Mr. Henley asked Mr. Thacker to call a short recess for the purpose of dis-
cussing the Pending resolution"with Mr. Fisher. Mr. Thacker granted his request. During their
absence, two representatives of the press, Mr. Ben Critzer of the Daily Progress and Mr. Allen
Cooper of the Richmond News Leader, protested this action claiming it violated the Freedom Of
Information Act. Mr. George St. John ruled that since a situation of this type was not specifically
outlawed in the State or County Codes, he had no basis to say the recess was illegal.
Mr. Fisher said it was the consensus of opinion to defer any action on this resolution until
the entire Board was present. Mr. Henley offered a substitute motion to defer action on the above
resolution Until the July 23, 1975, meeting. Substitute motion was seconded by Mr. Wood, and
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: Mr. Fisher.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
ABSTAIN: Mr. Carwile.
At 1:45 P.M., Mr. Thacker requested a motion to adjourn the meeting to July 22, 1975, at 11:00
A.M. in the Board Room for the purpose of receiving bids on the school bond sale. Motion was
offered by Mr. Carwile, seconded by Mr. Wood, and carried by the following recorded vote:
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wheeler.
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virg%nia, was held on
July 22, 1975, at 11:00 A.M., in the County Office Building Executive Conference Room, Charlottesville,
Virginia. Meeting was adjourned from July 17, 1975.
PRESENT: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwi!e, Gerald E. Fisher, William C. Thacker, Jr., and Gordon L. Wheeler.
ABSENT: Messrs. J. T. Henley, Jr., and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Messrs. T.M. Batchelor, Jr., and James Bowling.
Mr. Thomas Batchelor stated the purpose of this meeting was to accept an interest rate on a school
bond for the construction of West Side High School in the amount of $5,750,000. Resolution authorizing
the issuance and sale of these school bonds was adopted on July 2, 1975. Mr. Batchelor added that Mr.~
Ray Jones, Director of Finance, was at the State Treasurers Office in Richmond, and would be calling in
with bids from prospective purchasers of bonds. He said they were hoping for an interest percentage rate
of 6.1% or better.