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12-15-75 CERTIFIC~Z~E AS TO DES~YRUCTION OF BONDS AND COUPONS The undersigned having been appointed to a committee of three persons to supervise and witness the destruction of bonds and coupons in accord with resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Co~uuty, Virginia, adopted ~~~/~ ~O, 1975, pursuant to the provisions of Virginia Code Section 58-919.9, do hereby certify that we did on ~~~4~ /~-~ 197% supervise and witness the de- struction of the bonds an& coupons listed on the attached Exhibit, which has been~~itiall~ed by. each~ o~s. Said bonds and coupons $ ~',z~,ooo~oo and the total of the coupons $ ~a6- (7~..~-~o , making a total of destroyed bonds and coupons of $ _ i. ~7~ 9~z. ~--o The issue, series, number and maturity date of the paid bonds and coupons is set forth in the attahhed Exhibit. ;~'itness the following signatures and seals this ~.~ day of (Si (~ed) Signed) 12-15-75 BONDS: ISSUE: Due. Fi scal Date Yr. 2-1-64 2-1 -.66 2-1 ~67 2-1.=68' 2-i -69 6-30-64. 6-30 -66 6'3o-67' 6-30-68 6-3o-69 C~OZET 2ANIT2RY DI S~tlCT - $1 50,000 COUPONS: Due Fi scal Numbers Amount Date Yr. Pal. 9'1-100 10,000 t11-120 10,.000 121-130 10,000 131 -t4-0. 10,000 14.1-150 10,000 - 2-t-4.7 Numbers 3~ount 8-1-6.3 6-: 2-I -64 6-:. 2~1 - 6-=. -8-1-66 -6- 2-1-67 6- 8-1-67 6-:. 2-1-68- 6-:. 8-1-68 6- 2-1-69 6- o-66 1-11-15'o 0-67 121-15.0 O-6U 131-1¢¢ 35.o.oo 35.o.oo. 262.5'0 262.50 175.oo -12-1-63 12-1-65 12-1-66' 12-1 ~67 t2-1'68 12-1-69 1-1 1-1-66 1-1-67 1 - 1-68 1-1-69 1-1-70 6-3o-6¢ 6-3o-66 6-30;67 6-3o-68 6-3o'69 6-3o-7o I 8STTE: 6-1-64- 51-55. 5',000 12-1-65 6-1-66 5.6-60 5', 000 12-1-66 6-1-67 61,-65 5,000:~;) 12-1-67 6-1-68 66-70 5,000 12-1-68 6-1-69 71-75 5,000. 12-1-69 ~0~ 000 SANITARY DI SI~IOT - $100,000 - 12-1 - 54. COUNTY SCHOOLS - 7-1-6.3 6-30-64- 326.3'5.0 2¢,0o0 1-1-64. 7-1 6-30-66 376-4-0o 25.,ooo 1-1-66 7-1-66 6-30-67 4.01-4.25- 25.,000 1-1-67 7-1-67 6-30-68 4.26-4.5.0 25,000 1~1-68 7-1-68 .6-30-69 4.5'1-4.75 25,000 1-1-69 7-1-69 6-30-70 4.76-5.oo 25',000 t-1-70 0-64 6-~ o-66 0-67 6- 0-6 6- o-6~ 6-~ u-69 6-=- 0-69 7-~6-69 .6-30-7o 4.1-100 46-100 5.1-1oo 5.1-1oo .56-'1oo 5.6-100 61-100 61-100 66-100 66-100 71-100 71-100 $5.00,000- 1-1-50 6_'2 6_=~ 6-=. 6_=~ 6.-~ 6_~. 6_~. 6_~. 6_~. 6-! 6_~. 6-_~. 0-64 326.'50'0 0-64. 0-66 376.-5oo o-66 376-5.oo o-67 4Ol-5.oo 0-67 4.01-500 0-68 426-500 0-68 426~500 0-69 o-6~ 45! ,o-7o ¢76=5oo ,0-70 476-500 870.oo 797.5o 725'.00 · 725..00 652.5.0 5~o .00 5'80 .oo 5'07.5'0 ~07.50 435'.00 1 1,312.5.0 937.50 937.50 75'0.00 75o.oo 5.~2. ~o 5'62.5.0 375.00 375'.oo 1 _87.5.0 187.50 BONDS: Due Date .5-'1-66 5-1-67 5-1-68 5-1-69 ISSUE: Fi scal Yr. Pd. 6-30-64 6-30'66 6-30-67 6-30.-69 6-30-69 COUNTY Numbers Amount 106-140 35,000 176-210 35,000 211-245 35,000 246-280- 35,000 281-315 -35,000 SCHOOLS - $700,000 - 5-1-60 COUPONS: Due Fi scal Date Yr. Pal; 11-1-63 6-30-64 5-1-64 " 6-30-65 11 - 1-64 " 5-1-65 " I! ti 11-1'65 " 5-1-66 " 11-1-65 ~-30-67 5-1-66 " 5-1-67 " " 6-30-68 " 6-30-69 11 - 1-67 " 5-1-68 11-1-68 " 5-1 i69 - ,, " 6-3o-7o Number s 106-y00 10 6-420 446-7OO 421 -~5 421.~5 381-385 421-44-5 491-495 611,-615 626-630 506-525 524 176-420 446-:519 521-7oo 176-3~o 36.1:3UO 386 ~2o 526-?oo ~21-44~ 3N~ -36o 3m-3~ 421 -&45 2~ ~ -?oo 2!~:350 36! 515 52a,-TQO ~ :~'~ 2~, 7O0 2~,-700 28 -~20. 63 )0 3 421 -~ (Continued) Amount 10,115 765 34O 17 8,483 8,075 442 850 8,33o 7,990 170 170 7,735 7,735 6,715 6,375 1,190 ~ 12-15-75 BONDS: ])ne Date 5-1-7o 6-1-65 6-1.-66 6-1-67 6-1-68. 6-1-69 7-1-66. ISSEE: COUNTY SCHOOLS- $700,00.0 - 5-1-60 (Continuation). Fi scal Yr. Pd. Numbers Amount 6-30-70 316-35.0 35,000 ~.,I0, 000 I SSItE: ~iLBE~APJE~ COUNTY COUPONS: 6'30-65 61-80 20,000. · 6-30-67 81~!00 '20,000 6-30-68 101,120 20,000 6-30-69 121-140 20,000 6-30-70 141-160 20,000 ~ Io~ ooo ISSUE: Ni~k-~_AP.Z~ OO~ 6-30-67. 1-50 50,000 7-i-67 6-30-68 5"1-100 50,000 7-1-68 6-30-69 101-'150 50,000 7-1-69 6-30.70 ~151-200 50,000 ~.oo. ooo Due Fi scal Da're Yr. Pal. Numbers 11-1-69 6,30-70 316,51.5 " " 517 " " 5.26-700 5-1-70 " 3'1~6-350 " " 361 '420 " " 446-490 ,, ,, 4962515 " " 526 ?00 SC.H0,0LS .- $300,000 - 6-1-61 6-1,63 6'30-64 271-280 12-1-63 " 41-300 6-1-64 " 281 ~300 6-1-65. 6-3O-65. 61-300 12-1-65. 6-3O-66 8~1-.300 6-1-66 6-30-67 U1-300 12-I -66 " 101-300 6-1-67. 6-30-68 101-300 6 " 12t-300 12-1-68 " 141-300 6-1-69 ' 6-30-70 141-300 12:1-69 '" 16i-300 3,400 17 2,975 5.695 q Z "'/gq" SCHOOLS - $1,,,0,00,,000 .,~ ?-1'6~ 162.50 4,225.00 325.00 3,900.00 3,575.00 3,575.00 3,250.00 3,250,00 2,925..00 2,925.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,27~.00. 1-1 -66 6-30-66 1 -1000 7-1-66 6-3o&67 1 " " 956-1000 1-~-67 " 51-~950 " " 956-1000 7-1-67 6'-30-68 " " 956.1000 1-1-68 " 101-950 " " 956-1000 7-1-68 6-30-69 101-950 " " 956-1000 - 1-1-69 " 201-950 " " 956-995 7-1-69 6-30-70 151-1ooo 1-1-68 " 951-955. 7-1-68 " 1-1-69 " 951 1~1-70 " 201.1000 16,000 15 52o 15,120 15,120 t4,320 t4,320 12,640 13,600 80 80 80 I2,800 I~o,o~o 12-15-75 BONDS: ISSUE: JL1-;Fm$/I'ABL~ OOUNTY SCHOOLS- $!;000,000 - 5-1-66 Due- Fi sca 1 ' Date Yr. Pd~ Numbers Amount 5-1-67 6'30-67 t 50 50,000 5-1-68. 6'-30-69 51-100 50,000 5-1-69 6-30-69 101-150 50,000 5-1'-70. 6-30-'70 1 51-200 50,000 -68 6-3o-6.~ O0~PONS: ' ~oo, oo0' Due Fi scal Date Yr. Pd. 11-1-66 6-30-67 5-1-67' " 1.1-1-66. 6-30-68 1 1 - 1 -867 30-69 5-1-6 .~ 6- 11-1-68 " 5-1-69 " 5-1-68 6' - 3o 7.o 11 -1-68 " 5-1-69 " Il Il 11-1-6) " I1 Il 5-1-70 " Number s 1-755 ' 761-920 931-1000 1'- 1000 756~760 921-93O 51-1000 5!-768 7~1-1o00 lol -768 781 -lo00 101-1 50 201-225 25i -750 -9 o i~7UO~ 22(.. 250T 951-10010 1 51-769 772-1000' 151-225 2 - 51 750 7 6-7-68' 7U1-t000' 1.1-1-69 6-30-70 OOUllTY S~H00LS- $900~000 -.11-1-66 1 '10 50,000 11 ~20 50,000 · :-1-6 ' 5 7 6-30-67 1-180 i1-1-67 6- 30-68 1-180 5-1-68 " 1'180 11-1-68 6-30,69 1-180 5-1-69 -" 21-100 ,, ,, 106.16~5 " " 171-1uo 11-1-69 6-30-70 11-18o 5'-1-70 " 21-160 " " 166-180 AmoLuqt 17,730 18,000 27O 17,100 16,884 15,984 !3,644 216 216 1,656 15,264 14,544 18,450.00 18,450.00 18,450 .'00 15,375.oo 17,425.oo 15,887.50