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A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held at 7:30 p.m. on August 14, 1974 in the Albemarle
County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Virginia.
PRESENT: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, Jt T. Henley, Jr.,
William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
OFFICER PRESENT: County Attorney.
Also present were Fred Payne~im Bowling
from the County Attorney's office~ Robert Sampson, Assistant
to the County Executive~and Mary Joy Scala, Senior Planner
in the County Planning Department.
Mr. Wheeler announced that Mr. Batchelor had received a telegram yesterday
from President Ford inviting him to a meeting in Washington, D..C. tomorrow.
He had been excused by the Board from attending this meeting for that reason.
He is the only County Executive in the United States invited to attend that
(1) Z~P- 304.
George and Mary Jones.
from July 24, 1974.
Action on this matter was deferred
Mrs. Scala read the following memorandum into the record:
"August 7~ 1974
Board of Supervisors
Steve Colangelo, Intern and
Mary Joy Scala, Senior ~lanner
Re-Zoning Request ZMP-304
George and Mary Jones
On July 26, 1974 we met with George Jones at the site to
discuss his re, zoning request and his plans for the additional
house he wants to build on his property. The proposed site is
steeply sloped and will require considerable grading, but
Mr. Jones feels this ca~ be done in 6 to 8 hours work.
The house is intended for his wife's parents, the Howards,
an elderly couple who live nearby on a 4 acre parcel. Their present
house is an old frame construction that has no indoor plumbing,
is poorly insulated, and is heated by a wood stove.
Mr. Jones is a masonry contractor and he intends to build
the new house himself. Although the Howards will live in the
house now, it is ultimately intended for 'Jones' own children.
We suggested the possibility of his building the new home on the
Howa~ds' own land, but Mr. Jones was un~illing to do this, since
that land will eventually be divided among all of the Howard heirs and
he will be unable to give the house to his children. Building on
his own land will also enable Mr. Jones to utilize his existing
well, whereas the Howards' have no w~ll and would have to drill
a new one.
We also explained that the Howards could possibly finance the
home themselves through the Farmers Home Administration program,
but Mr. Jones was not interested in this, since it did not fit in with
his plan of eventually giving the house to his own children.
Mr. Jones could not give me any information on the Howards' income,
so I was unable to check their eligibility for the FmHA program.
Mr~ Jones was unwilling to discuss any other options for
rehousing the Howards and insisted he would 'continue to pursue
his rezoning request."
Mrs. Scala said this request is to rezone 2.034 acres to RS-1 which would allow
for one acre lots. The Planning Staff had recommended denial feeling this is spot
zoning. The Planning Commission concurred in their recommendation. Mr. Henley
said he knows this area and there would be no problem with the surrounding
properties. Mr. Wheeler said everyone knows his desire to provide housing in
Albemarle County and if there is a motion to approve this request, he will support
same. Mr. Henley said although he feels strongly about putting RS-1 zoning
on property, he realizes there are circumstances that overweigh this and he offered
motion to approve ZMP-304. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood.
Mr. Fisher said this is obviously one of those times where on a Planning
basis the recommendations received from bo~h the Planning Staff and the Planning
Commission are correct. Although, he does not like to continue expanding one acre
zoning in areas where the comprehensive plan does not recommend this zoning, he
presumes that this matter is being presented as a hardship case and as such he will
support the request. Mr. Wheeler said he also shares Mr. Fisher's feelings, but
he thinks that the Board has a responsibility to provide for all citizens. This is
an unusual circumstance and probably to provide proper homes for all citizens, the
Board will be faced with taking such action in unusual circumstances. Mr. Fisher
said he supports the motion because Mr. Howard and his wife do not have adequate
Vote was taken at this point and the motion carried by the following recorded
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(2) Public hearing on the next matter was published in the Daily Progress on
July 24 and July 31, 1974.
'2%="Theu~BoardfQf~-Supervisors~_o'fAtbemarle~County having~.received a
recommended revised ordinance from the County Planning Commission
will conduct a public hearing on said proposed revised subdivision
ordinance to be known as the Albemarle County Land Subdivision and
Development Ordinance. The subject ordinance will replace
the existing Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance adopted in
1948, and as amended thereafter, with the objective of providing
for an ordinance more in 'keeping with the objectives of the
adopted Comprehensive Plan and with modern day land practices.
The purpose of this ordinance is to establish subdivision
control standards and procedures for the County of Albemarle,
Virginia, and such of its environs as may be under the jurisdiction
of the governing body thereof.
This ordinance is to guide and facilitate the orderly, beneficial
growth of the community, to assure the orderly subdivision of land
and its development, and to promote public health, safety, convenience,
comfort, prosperity and general welfare."
Mrs. Scala said she had several amendments, from both the County Planner
and the County Attorney, to bring before the Board tonight.
(1) Since the area conservationist for the soil conservation service
is no longer the approving body for the soil erosion section of the Zoning
Ordinance, this should be changed to reflect that an official of the board
of the Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District is the body
responsible for review of soil erosion control measures and the approval
thereof. This should be changed everywhere the area conservationist is
mentioned in the Ordinance.
(2) The definition of landscape architect should be changed to read:
"That person licensed by the State of Virginia to practice as such in the
Commonwealth of Virginia."
(3) Everywhere in the Ordinance that it makes reference to a certified
professional engineer that wording should be followed by the words "to the
limit of his license."
(4) The whole section on fees should be changed as follows:
Preliminary Plat
The subdivider shall pay a fee at the time when the preliminary
of plat is filed. Such fee shall be in the form of cash or a
certified check payable to the County of Albemarle, Virginia,
the amount thereof to be determined in accordanc~ with the
following schedule:
(a) $8.00 per acre for the first 10 acres in the subdivision.
(b) $5.00 per acre for each additional acre or fraction thereof
over 10 acres in the subdivision.
(c) Each filing of a preliminary plat, whether or not a preliminary
plat for the same property has been filed previously, shall
be subject to the same requirements and fees as specified
for filing of the preliminary plat.
Final Plat
The subdivider shall pay a fee at the time the final plat is filed.
Such fee shall be in the form of cash or a certified check payable
to the County of Albemarle, the amount thereof to be determined
in accordance with the following schedule:
(a) Administrative approval - $15.00 for plats containing
three or less lots plus $10.00 for field inspection if
(b) Commission and Board of Supervisors approval $40.00
minimum for plats containing three or less lots; plus
$2.00 per lot for each lot in excess of three, to and
including 18 lots; $1.00 per lot for each lot over 18
L[ 9
(5) The section on fees for site plans has been removed since it is not
appropriate to this ordinance.
(6) Anywhere in the ordinance that it states that nine prints of the plat
shall be filed, this has been changed to ten because of the number of people
receiving copies of these plats. Also through a change in procedures, if a plat
has to be revised, the Planning Department is requesting seven copies of that revised
(7) Change section 7-9-12 to read: "The number, approximate dimensions and
area of lots."
(8) Change section 8-5-6 to read: "The location of all minimum building
setback lines specified in this and the Zoning Ordinance, with the square footage
of lots indicated on each individual parcel."
(9) The Planning Staff is not sure that the County gives final approval under
section 8A.
(10) Section 9, premature subdivisions. This section has been included
by the County ~ttorney upon recommendation of the Planning Commission.
(11) The County Attorney has ~recommended that the words Wherever practicable
be eliminated from section 4-1. This is now allowed by State Code.
(12) The County Attorney recommended that section 3-15.1, payment of sewer
and drainage costs, be added with wording as follows:
A. Each subdivider or developer of land in Albemarle County shall pay to
the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors his pro rata share of the cost of providing
reasonable and necessary sewerage and drainage facilities, located outside the property
limits of the land owned or controlled by him but necessitated or required, at least
in part, by the conatruction or improvement of his subdivision or development.
B. No such payment for sewer and drainage costs shall be required until such
time as the Albemarle County Service Authority and the
shall have established a general sewer and drainage improvement program for an area
having related and common sewer and drainage conditions and within which the land
owned or controlled by the developer or subdivider is located. The Albemarle County
Service Authority and the shall, as a part of said
program, establish regulations setting forth standards to determine the
proportionate share of total estimated cost of ultimate sewerage and drainage
facilities required adequately to serve a related and common area, when and if
fully developed in accord with the adopted comprehensive plan, that shall be borne
by each subdivider or developer within the area.
C. Such proportionate share of total estimated cost of ultimate sewerage
and drainage facilities required adequately no serve a related and common area
shall be limited to the proportion of such total estimated cost which the increased
sewage flow and/or increased volume and velocity of storm water runoff to be actually
caused by his subdivision or development bears to total estimated volume
and velocity of such sewage and/or runoff from such area in its fully
developed state.
D. Each such payment received from each subdivider or developer
shall be expended only for the construction of those facilities for
which the payment was required, and until so ex~nded shall be held
in an interest-bearing account for the benefit of the subdivider or developer;
provided, however, that in lieu of such payment the Board of Supervisors
may provide for the posting of a bond with surety satisfactory to it
conditioned on payment at commencement of such construction.
The Chairman then opened the floor for comments from the public.
First to speak was Mr. Daley Craig. Generally, he supports the ordinance as
written but is bothered by Section 9 entitled "Premature Subdivisions." He
said any subdivision could be considered premature and most~been. But there
would not be housing available at the present time if they had not been premature.
He requested the Board to delete Section 9 in its entirety.
Mr. Randy Rinehart President of the Blue Ridge Home Builders Association
read the following resolution to the Board:
"WHEREAS Section Nine of the Proposed Land Subdivision and
Development Ordinance is contrary to public policy, and
WHEREAS it~places the entire burden of the community's
lack of planning to provide local services and facilities
upon the underhoused segment of the citizenry, and
WHEREAS it is a tool which allows the people who have
adequate housing to militate against those who do not, and
WHEREAS it discourages competition, thereby increasing
the cost of housing to consumers.
IT IS THEREFORE resolved that Section Nine be deleted.
Unanimously adopted by the Board of Directors of the Blue Ridge
Home Builders Association on August 14, 1974."
Mr. Bill Roudabush said he was a member of the County Planning Commission
when this amended ordinance was first drafted. There had been amendments made
since that time with which he does not agree. He listed the following items:
Section 1-54 under the definition of a Subdivision. There is a new
State,law whic~-~equires that a..c0ndomium~be inctude~d-inthe definition-_of
a subdivision. It is included here but not mentioned in any other spot in the
ordinance. He suggested that since there are mmny state statutes governing
con~omz~a~ that this_.term be left out of this ordinance. Also, the ordinance
has been broadened to include every division of land up to five acres whereas
the previous ordinance only included those divisions up through three acres.
~ections 1-54.1 and 1-54.2 deal with situations which are exempt from the
subdivision ordinance. Previously, the division and sale of land for
agricultural purposes was exempt but are not in this ordinance. He asked that
the Board consider exempting lands that have been subdivided by highway condemnations
which would not comply with County statutues. He suggested that the title of
Section 3-13 be changed to read "Substandard Subdivisions and Nonconforming
Lots." There are tracts of land which have been created in such configurations
that it would be better to redivide them in a more realistic manner. However,
this ordinance would make this redividing subject to the zoning ordinance also.
Mr. Roudabush also requested that the zoning ordinance be changed to reflect
that "they may be resubdivided provided that the resubdivision results in the
general improvement of the layout of the property involved and such occupancy
would be required to meet the necessary setback lines as noted in the Zoning
Ordinance." Section 8A dealing with concurrence of the City of Charlottesville
should be changed in the first line of 8A-1 after the words "in the case of any
subdivision" by inserting the words "requiring the platting of streets for
dedication, any part of which lies within one mile of the corporate limits
of the City of Charlottesville." Mr. Roudabush agreed with remarks already
made in reference to Section 9. There is nothing cont.ained in this section
to say what is adequate or inadequate. He supports the ordinance with the changes
he has noted and asked for speedy adoption of same.
Mr. Chuck Rotgin said he is concerned with the cluster or townhouse community.
There is no reference to either of these in the proposed ordinance. The existing
townhouse ordinance is part of the existing subdivision ordinance but it appears
as an addendum to the zoning ordinance. He asked if there should not be a mention
in this proposed ordinance that Section 14 of~the existing ordinance will become
part of this ordinance until the new zoning ordinance is enacted. Mr. St. John said
that question has been raised before. Although the townhouse ordinance appears
in the zoning ordinance, it will not be repealed by the adoption of this ordinance.
However, he agreed that this matte~ should be clarified. Mr. Rotgin continued by
saying that he was not opposed to Section 9 on premature subdivisions if some
guidelines were set. There is too much leeway in the ordinance at this time.
He asked that the land subdivision and development ordinance, be adopted without
Section 9.
Mr. Dick Nunnally was next to speak. He said Section 9 disturbs him.
It leaves too much discretion to the Planning Commission. Home sites are needed
for low and middle income people. The only financing available at this time is
for modular units. Most financing comes from FHA and a person must have their
own land because FHA does not allow enough for a home site. He said his company
now has two subdivisions in the process of being built one in Louisa County and
one in Fluvanna, because it is imp'ossible to get reasonably priced land in
Albemarle County. If the conditions under Section 9 are imposed, home building
for low and middle income people would be out of the picture. The Board should
consider the needs of all the people and he felt~Section 9 would eliminate
housing for Iow and middle income people and should be deleted from the ordinance.
Mr. Henley said he was not sure the Board of Supervisors or the Subdivision
Ordinance should run up the price of land in the County. Mr. Nunnally said in
order to get people home sites they can afford, the developers will have to
go further and further out into the County where they can install wells and
septic tanks. The two acre minimum requirement runs the cost up and he can
see no need for that requirement since the Health. Department says one acre
will do.
Mr. James Fleming concurred with the statements on Section 9.
Mr. William Stevenson said to raise the minimum acreage from three acres
to five acres is discriminatory. Section 9 is indefinite since it does not
have adequate standards and is objectionable.
At this time the Chairman asked the Board for comments. "
Mr. Fisher said since some of the changes presented tonight had not been
previously presented to the public, he felt they should have an opportunity to
study these and make further comments. Mr. Wheeler suggested that the public
hearing be carried over until the next zoning meeting of the Board.
Mr. St. John said he would like to comment on several items which had been
brought up tonight. On Mr. Roudabush's suggestion to require city approval
only for subdivisions involving streets, the suggestion sounds logical and he
can understand the suggestion. However, under state law the city has an
absolute right to review any and every subdivision within a three mile radius
but they have elected not to exercise that full jurisdiction. To change this
now would require further negotiations with the city. Mr. Roudabush said he
did not mind the regulations but he felt that on small things the time consumed
was not equitable. Mr. Wheeler said it has taken, more than six months to get to
this point. If changes are made, and this section~iS taken back to the City it
will probably require another six months before the ordinance can be adopted. He
did not think the ordinance can be sacrificed at this time. If in the future
renegotiations are required, he will explore the possibility.
Mr. St. John said Section 9. is controversial. It was suggested by the
Planning Commission to be included for consideration. The County Attorney's
office does not advocate this section but submits it because other localities
have included it in their ordinances. In one.~locality it was stricken down
because it did not carry any standards. Therefore, standards have been included
in this section. There is still a possibility that Section 9 could be stricken
down by the local court if it is adopted with the ordinance. It has been said
that when something is zoned for a subdivision~ the zoning itself says that the
subdivision is not premature or it would not have been zoned that way in the first
place. Mr. St. John said the point raised about condemnations being exempted from
the subdivision ordinance is a good provision: In Albemarle County, it has already
been ruled that the ordinance does not apply to a persons property that is
condemned and which leaves just a small tip of land in violation of the Zoning
Mr. Henley asked if there would be any problem putting the agricultural subdivision_
of land back into the ordinance. Mr. St. John said there is a provision under Section
1-54.1 that the sale or exchange of parcels between adjoining landowners where
such sale or exchange does not create additional building-lots is exempt. Mr. Thacker
said that does not cover every situation because this could be two acres and' would
create an additional building site. Mr. Fisher said the Planning Commission struggled
with that section. They felt it was being abused because there were a number of exchanges
for agricultural purposes. But the outcome was not for agricultural purposes and that
is the reason the exemption was taken out. Mr. St. John said that when there is
an agricultural exemption in any ordinance, it has been abused not by farmers but by
other people who use this as a means to accomplish things other than agricultural.
Mr. Fisher said the question of separate parcels being created by condemnation
should be considered and written into the ordinance. This has created a number of
p~oblems for owners of property in the County. He asked if the Planning Commission
had asked that Section 9 be included so they would have some basis on which to
reduce the size of a subdivision in an area that was properly zoned, if someone
came in with a project with five thousand lots or more. Mr. St. John said it
was envisioned that this could happen. There is a tract of land in the southeastern
part of Albemarle County with 4700 acres. This could be subdivided on one plat
and built with either condominiums or single family residences. There are projects
like this over the country which cover 5,000 acres or more and where 5,000 houses
or more are built and people move right in. That is an extreme example but the
purpose of the prematurity clause. Mr. Fisher asked if there are any records of
court cases referring to this in the State of Virginia. Mr. Fred Payne said there
is only one case. That was in Loudoun County Circuit Court. In that case, it was
struck down because it did not have sufficient standards but the court did not
dissupport the ordinance in precedent. Mr. St. John said they did not have the
standards which have been included in this ordinance. These standards have been
included to keep from falling into that category and are about as good a set of
standards as can be included. Mr. Fisher said he would like to see this section
carried into the next public hearing and hear what courts have said about this
section. He felt that is the critical question.
Mr. Thacker said the biggest difficulty with the ordinance is Section 9.
Standards have been set. The majority of these are discretionary and he felt it
would be a mistake to place this power in the hands of the Planning Commission.
without having firm guidelines to establish prematurity. He said at this
time he can find no way to support this section but would be willing to
listen to further information.
Mr. Carwile said he also has difficulty with Section 9. Although
standards have been included, they are very subjective.and there is no
criteria for.the Board's.Of Supervisors, the Planning Commission, the staff
or the applicant to judge what is premature and what is not. This County
will constantly be approving subdivisions and he could see problems in
approving some subdivisions and turning down others as being premature.
Such action would be arbitrary and unreasonable. He can not support Section
9. Mr. Carwile suggested that Section 3,13 be amended to allow for
resubdivision of substandard lots in such a manner that they would not
necessarily have to comply with the new Subdivision Ordinance but would result
in an improvement over previous subdivisions. He said this has presented
a problem and lot owners have been unable to comply with the existing
ordinance, when the staff felt that a new subdivision would be better than an
existing subdivision. Usually this comes in the two or three acre ion
groups and. he.would like to see that section changed.
Mr. Wood said he shares everyones concern on Section 9~ He would like to
see it excluded in its entirety. He also asked that Section 3-13 be reworded.
Since this ordinance has been under consideration for a long time and has been
discussed considerably, he would like to see the Board take a vote as soon
as possible.
Mr. Wheeler said the Board has been working on this ordinance for so
long, he can not remember back that far. He felt comments made tonight
will help clear up some of the wording. In good conscience, he can not support
Section 9. Once the Board has rezoned property, the property owners should
be allowed to use that land according to that zone.
Mr. Thacker asked if the reference in Section 1-54 pertaining to
condominiums is adequate. Mr. Payne said this had been included in response
to the recent condominium statute enacted. That statute says that condominiums
can not be treated differently than what the statute terms physicall~ identical
development. Mr. Thacker asked if this provision brings the County into compliance
with state statute. Mr. Payne said the ordinance will apply to condominium
developments under the same conditions it would apply to any other development
that is physically identical. Mr. Thacker asked if a definition of a condominium
should be included. Mr. Payne said it is defined by state statute and it is not
necessary that it be in this ordinance.
Mr. Thacker asked for background on the increase of parcels falling under the
Subdivision Ordinance from three to five acres. Mr. St. John said the Planning
Commission had discussed this at length. They felt it was necessary that subdivision
control be provided for subdivisions up to five acres rather than the previous three.
Mr. Fisher asked if their thinking had any thing to do with the new five acre
minimum/sizes in parts of the County under the new Zoning Ordinance. Mr. St. John
said it may have but that did not control their thinking.
Motion was then offered by Mr. Fisher to continue the public hearing on the
Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance until August 28, 1974. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Wood. He said it is his intention to vote on the Subdivision Ordinance
on that night and not carry it any further. The motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Mr. Wheeler called for a two minute recess and asked that the Board excuse
Mr. St. John at this time.
(3) SP-364. Lucy and Thomas Mills. (Vote on this matter was deferred from
July 24 so information could be presented to Mr. Henley and Mr. Thacker.)
Mrs. Scala reviewed the request. She said the Planning Commission recommended
denial due to the prObablity of inadequate screening, the applicant does non own
the land,and there are no other mobile homes in the area.
Mrs. Mills was present in support of the request. She said the land was
given to her by her aunt. Her aunt is seventy-three years old and sick. She has
no children and Mrs. Mills wants to move her trailer to this land to be close.to
her aunt.
Mr. David Wood was present.
his objection~s to this request~
Mr. Fisher said he has been struggling with this because of the precedent of
putting a mobile home at this location~..versus the hardship and human need and~whether
it is a matter of providing a home where a home is not now available. He has viewed
the property and can not see that the mobile home will be adequately screened. It is
not creating a home for someone who does not already have a home and he has difficulty
trying to support the request.
Mr. Carwile said he had supported the request at the last hearing because
of the hardship and human needs and feels that these outweigh the other circumstances.
Mr. Wheeler said he agrees with Mr. Fisher. He has looked at the land and does
not think the trailer can be screened. Everyone knows his feelings about providing
homes but this is not the type of home he thinks about providing and he can not
He said he had mailed a letter to the Board explaining
support the petition.
Mr. Wood said he also feels the human need is the great factor. This
is a seventy-three year old lady with no children, Well-liked in the community.
He felt the conditions recommended by the planning staff would give adequate
protection for this mobile home. If the mobile home can not be screened
then it could not be put on this site, but he feit the applicant should be
granted a chance to see if she can meet the conditions.
Mr. Henley said the Board seems to worry alot about screening mobile
homes. But there are alot of shacks in the County that could bear screening.
This is one means of providing housing and he would support the petition.
Mr. Wood offered motion to approve SP-364 with the conditions outlined
by the planning staff: 1) Finalizing property transaction, 2) Building
official approval, 3) Screening provided from all roads, 4) Minimum setback
of 100 feet from all roads, 5) Skirting around mobile home from ground level
to base of mobile home, 6) Time limit of fiVe years, 7) This special permit
is issued only to the applicant and is not transferrable.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile. Mr. Fisher asked if there is an
existing mobile home permit for the mobile home where it is located now. Mrs.
Scala said she wm not sure,~ this has not been checked, Mr. Fisher asked if it
was the intent of the motion that the other permit be null and void. Mr. Wood
said he would add that as an additional condition:f~No mobile home will be
moved into the space being vacated by the Mills, without the proper permit.
Vote was taken at this point and the motion carried by the following recorded
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wood.
NAYS: Mr. Wheeler.
(4) SP-366. William Batton. (Deferced from July 24, 1974~because
the petitioner was not present at that time.)
Mrs. Scala said the area is rural in nature in the.mountainous region
of the County. Doyles River runs near the west side of the property. There
are nine single family dwellings, four mobile homes and a country store in the
immediate area. There is also a conventional single family dwelling located
on the property in question. The Planning Commission recommended approval'
with the following conditions: 1) Building official approval, 2) Screening
from Route 810, 3) Minimum setback of 100 feet from Route 810 and a minimum
setback of 25 feet from the existing structure and stream, 4) Skirting around
the mobile home from ground level to the base of the mobile home, 5) Time limit
of five years, 6) This special permit is issued only to the applicant and is
not transferrable.
Mr. Batton was present in support of the petition. Mr. Barton said his
daughter would live in the mobile home. She would take care of her grandmother
who is living in the existing dwelling and-who is blind. No one from the public
spoke for or against the petition.
Motion was offered by Mr. Henley to approve SP-386 as recommended by the
Planning Commission and with condition number 7: No mobile home will .be moved
into the space being vacated by Mr. Batton's daughter, without the proper
permit being issued. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the-following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(5) SP-368. William T. Payne. (Deferred from July 24, 1974 so Mr. Thacker
would have a chance to look at the property.) Mr. Thacker said he had not looked
at the site and would prefer that action be deferred until August 28. Motion
was offered by Mr. Wood to continue this public hearing until August 28, 1974 at
7:30 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(6) The next item before the Board was request for extension of an existing
restricted road which presently serves one twenty-three acre parcel. This request
from Richard N~ Anderson. The present restricted road was approved in 1972 and is
on a parcel of land about six miles southwest of Ivy on Route 637.. The request is
to extend the restricted road to serve a total of nine lots. Each of these nine
lots will be deeded to a member of the family. The Planning Commission recommended
approval of the extension of the restricted road to serve nine lots subject to
County standards for restricted roads and that no further subdivision can take
place without a further approval. Mrs. Scala said she understands that at this time,
Mr. Anderson wishes to request that the standards for restricted roads be waived
because of the nature of the subdivision. This was not presented to the Planning
Mr. R. O. Snow was present.to represent Mr. Anderson. He said Mr. Anderson
is an elderly man who wants to give these lots to his family but does not want to
spend $50,000 on roads in order to give his property away. This was explained to the
Planning Commission but he did not think they understand what restricted roads consist
Mr. James Anderson was present. He said it is his father's intention to give
the land to-his grandsons but does not anticipate that more than one or two will ever
occupy or elect to build homes on this property.-
Mr. Wheeler said he can understand what Mr. Anderson is trying to do.
But he feels there are too many improbabilities and that this will be
a headache for someone in future years. Mr. Fisher asked what would happen
if ten or more years from now someone wants to subdivide one of these lots
into two acre parcels. Mr. Anderson said there will be a restriction in the
deed restricting these lots to one single family dwellingS. Mr. Wood said
he was sympathetic to the request but in essence it is a subdivision over which
the Board would have no control the day after it is approved and there would
be nine lots on a substandard road. Mr. Carwile askedif it were not customary
in a situation like this that a notation be put on the plat that no further
subdivision can take place without approval of the Board of Supervisors and the
Planning Commission. Mr. Snow said that notation will be on the plat. Mr.
St. JOhn said that is a means of preventing resuhdivision and would work better
than a restricted covenant.
Mr. Carwile then offered motion to approve this request subject to the
following condition: Approved subject to the subdivisioh plat having a note
on it that there will be no further subdivision of any of this property without
it coming back to the Board of Supervisors, at which time the Board of Supervisors
could require that the road be brought up to State standards if they so desire.
Further, that the road to be constructed will ~q.t have to be currently constructed
to county restricted road standards. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker
and carried by the following recorded vote:
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
(7) UP-74-02.
Cosmopolitan Spa.has petitioned the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors to amend the Albemarle County
Zoning Ordinance, Article 7-1, to allow health spas
as a permitted use in the B 1 Business, General zone.
(Mr. Carwile abstaining during discussion of the following matter.)
Mrs. Scala said the staff feels that health spas are compatible with
commerical uses and should be permitted. The proposed Zoning Ordinance for
Albemarle County indicates that health spas would be permitted by right in the
commercial limited district. The Planning Commission recommended approval
of this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance with a condition that a definition
be drawn and incorporated into the ordinance. She presented the following
wording for the Board's approval:
A health spa is an establishment which provides facilities
and personalized supervision for maintaining one's physical
fitness. Such establishment should include work out area,
steam, sauna and sun rooms, whirlpool bath and swimming
pool, and a dressing room area with shower and toilet
Mrs. Scala said when this definition was brought to the Planning Commission,
they approved same but noted that a health spa would not have to include all of
these facilities.
The petitioner was present in support of this request. Mr. Fisher asked
if the County Attorney had written this definition. Mr. St. John said no.
However, he has read it and does not see anything wron§~ with it but does not
think that a definition is really necessary.
Mr. Wood then offered motion to amend the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance
to allow health spas in the existing BI Business zone as a permitted use.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile.
(8) ZMP-308. Double C Corporation~has petitioned the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors to rezone approximately 1~ acres
from R-2 Residential to B-1 Business. Property
is situated on the north side of Route 631, (Rio Road),
west of Route 29 North. Property i~ further described
as County Tax Map 45H, Parcels 12, 13, 16, 17, and 18.
Charlottesville Magisterial District.
Mrs. Scala Said "there are two single-family dwellings located in the
immediate area of this property as well as several commercial uses. A mobile home
park is located to the north off of Greenfield Court. This property is presently
vacant and slopes down toward Greenfield Court.
If rezoned the applicant intends to locate professional offices on the property
in question, zoning presently exists across from subject property and is being
The Comprehensive Plan suggests that this area be developed as high density
residential, however, the character of this area has changed substantially
since there are two commercial uses located near the proposed site.
The proposed zoning map proposes that this area be placed in the Commercial
General District and the property further to the west as high density residential.
Should this property be developed as professional offices, it would serve as an
ideal buffer between the high density residential uses and the heavy commercial uses.
The staff recommended approval."
Mrs. Scala said the Planning Commission did recommend approval.
The applicant was present in support of the request. No one from the public
spoke for or against.
Motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr.
The motion carried by the following recorded vote:
NAYS: None.
Carwile to approve ZMP-308.
Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
(9) SP-370. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Lively~have petitioned the Albemarle
County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home
on 566.94 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural Property is
situated 1~ miles past the intersection of Route
729 and Route 53; northeast side. Property is
further described as County Tax Map 94, Parcel
17, Rivanna Magisterial District.
Mr. Wheeler said he has received a great number of telephone calls
about this petition during the last month. He had intended to view the site.
However, because of court actions, has not been able to do so. He would
like to proceed with the public hearing but will ask that action on this
petition be deferred so he can look at the property. He also said that from
the telephone calls there seems to be a dispute between neighbors and he does
not want personalities to get into the matter.
Mrs. Scala said this property is located on the south side of Route 53,
approximately two miles from the intersection of Routes 53 and 729. The Rivanna
River forms the eastern boundary and the property is approximately 1~ miles
from the Flu. vanna County line. The area is rural in character with several
dwellings located near the property. The property is farmland with the majority
being in pasture'!land. The property is owned by Mrs. Elizabeth B. Sweeney.
The applicant has presently been occupying a mobile home on this property~
under MHP-252 which has now expired. At the first Planning Commission meeting,
Mrs. Sweeney said the mobile home is not visible from the highway and her
neighbor Mr. Schuyler Harris has no objection. The Planning Commission
had deferred action at the first public hearing in order to make a sight
review of the property. At the next Planning Commission meeting, Mr. Easter
said he was not as upset with the mobile home as with the trash and suggested
that the mobile home be placed near the landlord's residence so it would not
be in view of other residents in the area. Mr. Rinehart had the same reaction
and said he would vote for the mobile home only if it were within two hundred
yards of the Sweeney residence. The Planning Commission had recommended approval
with the following conditions: 1) County Building official approval. 2)
A minimum setback of 100 feet from Route 53. 3) Skirting around the mobile
home from ground level to the base. 4) Five year time limit. 5) This permit
is issued to the applicant and is not transferrable. 6) The entrance to the
Sweeney property is to be cleaned up. 7) The mobile home is to be placed
within 200 yards of the main dwelling on the property.
Mrs. Scala said that Mrs. Ruth Miller, Zoning Administrator, was present
to speak about the zoning violation.
Mrs. Miller said she had requested that the Planning Commission incorporate
into their motion that the premises be cleaned up and the junk cars moved
before she/issue an occupancy permit for the mobile home. Mr. Wheeler asked
fi 2 8-14-74
how many mobile homes are on the~property. Mrs. Miller said there are two. One
was issued by this Board of Supervisors for a six month period several years ago.
Her file reveals that her predeccesor had written a letter to Mrs. Sweeney stating
that he had been authorized by the Board of Supervisors to grant an~extension of
the six months to a five year period which will not expire now unnil 1975. Mrs.
Miller said she had written to Mrs. Sweeney to the effect that the original
permit had expired and the trailer was to be removed. Mrs. Sweeney came to the
office and said she had received this letter from Mr. Goldsmith and consequently
a copy was found in the old file. Mr. Fisher asked if this was by action of the
Board of Supervisors. Mrs. Miller said she has been unable to find that in the
record. There was in the file a copy of a one year permit for Sam Lively. This
was also obtained from Mr. Goldsmith. Upon issuance of that permit, the Sam Lively
trailer was moved to the premises but never occupied.
Mr. Wheeler said Mrs. Miller had given him this information previously. He has
been on this Board for several years and he does not think the minutes will reflect
these actions and he does not remember them. He said the Board should proceed with
this appli'cation. But there is another mobile home on that property and that permit
should also be straightened out. Mrs. Miller said she needs directions of the Board
as to what she should do. Mr. Thacker asked if the mobile home is located with
utilities, etc., or just sitting on the property. Mrs. Miller said it is just
sitting on the p~operty.
Mr. Sam Lively was present in support of the petition.
Mrs. Sweeney was present. She said Mr. Lively had been working for her for
the last ten years. He was put out on the road and had no place to live. He brought
this trailer some two years ago and it was pulled into her entrance but no one has
ever lived in it. She said she owns 5'66 acres of land and there must be some place
on that property to place the trailer other than within 200 yards of her~ home.
Mr. Wheeler asked about the other mobile home on Mrs. Sweeney's property. Mrs. Sweeney
said she had a five year permit which was issued to her son by Mr. Goldsmith. She
handed same to Mr. Wheeler and he read the following letter into the record:
"May 17, 197~
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Sweeney
Route 6, Box 68
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
In re Special Permit for Robert Lively Mobile Home
Dear Mrs. Sweeney:
This letter will serve as approval to allow the Mobile Home
for Robert Lively to remain at its location for an additional
period of five (5) years. The new expiration date is June 17,
1977. You need not sign a new permit.
Please tell Mr. Sweeney "hi" for me and I hope that you
both are in good health.
(Signed) Joseph M. Goldsmith,
Zoning Administrator"
Mr. P~heeler asked if Mr. Robert Lively is living in the trailer now.
Mrs. Sweeney said yes. He feeds her cattle. There is no other help in that
neighborhood. Mr. Wheeler asked Mrs. Scala if this is the type of permit
the Planning Office issues on mobile homes. Mrs. Scala said she did not
know about the permit but it sounded rather informal. Mr. Wheeler said he ab o ut--
was not sure/the issuance of and the Board would have to look into
this matter.
Mr. Earl Martin, Jr., said he is the adjoining property owner. He did
not see how the mobile home can be lived in since it has no sewer or electricity.
There should be some place else to put this trailer.
Mr. J. L. Lively said the second mobile home was moved onto Mrs. Sweeney's
property on April 17, 1974. He has a legal right, of way to get into his farm
and the trailer is within 75 to 80 yards of his entrance. He said the traffic
and a::~ the trash piles have increased. They were not there five years ago.
Five years ago the Board of Supervisors told him that the mobile home would have
to be moved. However, it was located by Mr. Paulett and they have let it stay
there to keep from having arguments among the neighbors. He would~ object to
the mobile home being placed anywhere other than where the Planning Commission
has stated.
Mr. Wheeler asked if Mr. Lively was saying that the request was denied by
the ?.~,~ Board when it was before them five years ago. Mr. Lively said they
had legal counsel at that time. The mobile home was supposed to have been
brought back to their attention and they were never asked if they approved of the
mobile home. Mr. Wheeler asked that a copy of the old minutes be furnished to
each board member.
Mr. Wood then offered motion to defer any further discussion of this matter
until August 28, 1974. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by
the following recorded vote:
AYES- Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(10) SP-371.
Herbert McDaniel.has petitioned the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on 80:.1~
~res zoned A-1 Agricultural Property is situated
on the north side of Route 605, approximately 1~
miles northwest of Advance Mills. Property is
further described as County Tax Map 20, Parcel
1. Rivanna Magisterial District.
Mrs. Scala said this area is rural in nature with four single family
dwellings and one mobile home in the immediate area. The subject property
contains dense~ forest and pasture land. The property in question
presently contains one single family dwelling and accessory buildings.
Mr. McDaniel told the Planning Commission that. he wants to live in the
mobile home so he can repair the house, specifically the floors. But said
6 ~ 8=14- 74
he would prefer to live in the mobile home and rent the house. The Planning Commission
recommended approval with the following conditions: 1) County building official
approval. 2) Screening from Route 605. 3) Minimum setback of 600 feet from Route
605. 4) Skirting around mobile home from ground to base of mobile home. 5) Time
limit of two years, with one year administrative approval. The administrative
approval for the one additional year will be granted only if the intent is being met
at the time of review. 6) This permit is issued only to the applicant and is not
Mr. McDaniel was present in support of the petition. Mr. Wheeler asked if he
were going to live in the mobile home while he-was repairing the house and then move
into the house. Mr. McDaniel said he would rather live in the trailer and rent the
house. Mr. Wheeler said he would not support such a request. He would be happy
to help provide Mr. McDaniel with a home but he would not support trailers for rent.
He asked Mr. McDaniel if he could not continue to live in the home while it was being
repaired. Mr. McDaniel said no. He has been repairing the home ever since he bought
it ten years ago.
Mr. Thacker said he could find nothing wrong with Mr. McDaniel living in the
mobile home while repairs are being made to the house.but it has been a policy
of this Board not to grant mobile home permits for mobile homes to be rented outside
of mobile home parks.
Mr. Wheeler asked Mr. McDaniel if he understood that the Planning Commission
was recommending the permit to be approved for two years with one additional year
and at the end of that time, the trailer would have to be moved. Mr. McDaniel
said if he could not get the permit for longer than three years that he did not
want it. Mr. Thacker said the maximum length of time the Board has been granting
special permits is for five years.
Mr. Fisher said he agrees with the Planning Commission that this period of
time is long enough, maybe too long. Since the applicant has-stated that two years
are not going to be long enough, he feels the permit will not serve the applicant'~s
needs. He then offered motion to deny application for SP-371. Mr. Carwile said
he did not think the Board was qualified to judge the applicant's needs. Mr. Fisher
then withdrew the motion.
Mr. Wheeler said he did not mind supporting the application for the three year
limit. If Mr. McDaniel chooses not to use the permit, that is his choice.
Mr. Thacker rthen offered motion to approve SP-371 as recommended by the Planning
Commission and with the following added condition: At anytime during the three
years approval that the house is occupied, the mobile home is to be moved from the
property. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following
recorded vote~
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(11) SP-374.
T. Eugene Worrell has p~titioned the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors to locate professional offices
on 4.4 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is
situated west of Route 743 between Hydraulic Road
and the Charlottesville Albemarle Airport. Property
is further described as County Tax Map 45, Parcel 44.
Charlottesville Magisterial District.
Mrs. Scala said this petition has not been acted on by the Planning
Commission and asked that it be deferred. Motion was offered by ~. Carwile
to~earry this public hearing forward to August 28, 1974. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler. and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(12) SP-375.
Snow Man, Incorporated has petitioned the Albemarle
County Board of Supervisors to allow a wholesale
operation to be located on the northwest side
of Commonwealth Drive zoned B-1 Business. Property
is further described as County Tax Map 61W, Parcel
12. Charlottesville Magisterial District.
Mrs. Scala said this property is located on the west side of Commonwealth
Drive near the CFM Office Building. Property is presently vacant with professional
offices and an ice skating rink nearby. The property directly across from this
property is vacant. The applicant wishes to use the property for parking and
loading of ice cream vending trucks. The Planning Commission recommended
approval with the following conditions: 1) Parking area and driveway to be
covered wit~g~dust,proof su~face~ 2)~ Maximum number of trucks limited to
ten (as suggested by t~e applicant). 3) Screening from Commonwealth Drive
with two rows of evergreens six feet high on 10 foot centers. 4) County
Building Official approval of electrical outlets for refrigerated vehicles.
5) Time limit of one (1) year, after which a new special use permit must
be obtained'~ 6) This permit be issued to ~he appli6ant and is non-transferrable.
7) The operation~-muSt~he closed by 12:00 midnight.
Mr. Johnson was present in support of the request. No one from the public
spoke for or against. After a short discussion of the location of this property,
Mr. Wood said he did not object but he has received alot of complaints and would
like to make a sight review of the property before voting on this matter. Motion
was then offered by Mr. Thacker to defer action until August 28, 1974. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(13) SP-377.
James A. and Corina M. Garrison have petitioned the
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to allow a
mobile home to be located on 2.065 acres zoned A-1
Agricultural. Property is situated on th~ north
side of Route 672 about ~ mile northeast of
Doylesville. Property is further described as
County Tax Map 27, Parcel 3 (part thereof).
White Hall Magisterial District.
Mrs. Scala said this area is rural in nature with woods and~-~p~s~ure land.
There are several single family dwellings along Route 672. The Planning
Commission recommends approval with the following conditions: 1) County
Building Official approval. 2) Minimum setback of 100 feet from Route 672.
3) Screening from Route 672, approved by the Planning staff. 4) Skirting
around mobile home from ground level to base of mobile home. 5) Time limit
of five years. 6) ~,T~is permit~ i~s issued_, only ~to .thee appl~i~ant and is not
Motion was offered by Mr. Henley, seconded by Mr. Fisher to approve
SP-377 as recommended by the Planning Commission. The motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(14) SP-378. Elmer C. and Della H. Martin have petitioned the Albemarle
County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on
10.92 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated
on the northwest side of Route 618 about ~ mile east of
Woodridge. Property is further described as County Tax
Map 115, Parcel 47C. Scottsville Magisterial District.
Mrs. Scala said the area is rural in character and wooded. There are two
other mobile homes in the Woodridge area. The Planning Commission recommends
approval with the following conditions: 1) County Building Official approval.
2) Minimum setback of 100 feet from Route 618. 3) Removal of as few trees as
necessary. 4) Skirting around both mobile homes from ground level to base of
mobile home. 5) Five year time limit. 6) This permit is issued to the
applicant and is not transferrable. 7) The mobile homes are limited to the
occupancy o~ sing,~e family and the~wo trailer~should be a maximum of 16 feet
apart ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~/~z~ ~,~ ~-~ ~~
Motion was offered by Mr. Thacker, seconded by Mr. Carwile to approve
SP-378 as recommended by the Planning Commission. The motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
Charlottesville-Albemarle Jaycees have requested the Board of
Supervisors to approve a request for a carnival to be held from
August 26, 1974 through September 7, 1974 to be located on Route
250 East. Property zoned B-1 Business is described as County
Tax Map 78, Parcel 17D. Rivanna Magisterial District.
Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Progress on August
9, 1974.
(Mr. Carwile abstaining during discussion of the following matter.)
Mrs. Scala said if the petition is approved the Planning staff recommends
that ther.e be no parking on Route 250 East and a deputy be hired to help
control traffic.
Mr. William E. Lawrence was present in support of the petition. No
one from the public spoke for or against.
Motion was offered by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Henley to approve
application for a fun,,~ fair by the Charlottesville-Albemarle Jaycees
with conditions recommended by the Planning staff. The motion carried
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile.
Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:38 P.M.