HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP199400016 Plan - Approved Stormwater Management Plan 1994-03-17APPROVAL: 1 ��L Plar�tfiBg &� m c clopmcnt pt ���"""gmcenng ' Ic County Service Audwntp " Dept. of Zoning C ty Official Virginia Dept. of Health -- - Site Development Data SITE. DATA: Tax Map 46B(2)-1, Parcel 3 OUTSIDE OF WOTMII--FINALLY Zoned: PUD (Entrance Corridor Overlay District) PALL MULCH 5" 15ACK FL'OM TPUNK. Setbacks: 50' along Route 29 and North Hollymead Drive; EJAW5101,1 MAT—Al, 20' parking and residential buffer b Location: Hollymead Subdivision, Rivanna Magisterial District PO Albemarle County, Virginia (not in Dnnlmng Watershed) OWNER: ELCA Loan Fund, 8756 West Higgins Road, Chicago, Illinois 60631 CONTRACT Peace Lutheran Church c/o: Mr. Richard E. Muller PURCHASERS: P. 0. Box 8043 Chairman, Building Comm. Charlottesville, VA 22906 EXISTING CONDITIONS: Partially 1 wooded site. al PROPOSED USE: Church and Day Care Center LAND USE: Building: (impervious) 8,090 S.F. (6.2%) DACEFILL WITH A PA-VTS Pavement: (impervious) 26,400 (20.2%) Open: 96,190 - (73.6%) Total Site Area: (3 Acres) 130 680 BUILDING CUT AND FOLD 8lIP1AP FROM TOP V5 OF QOOTDAL`L HEIGHT: One story, less than 30 Ft. V. 1141 U'T Holl (top of cross on spire is 60' above ground on North Hollymead Drive side) PARKING Required: 2142 sq. ft. -- 75 = 28.56 29 SPACES SCHEDULE: (1/75 Sq. Ft. assembly area; no fixed seating) ACCCPTADLE. Provided: 55SPACES (The "Handicap Parking Sign' shall be mounted T above ground in front of the space) . GENERAL NOTES: IIT JII JIL_ Pavement Design: 8" crashed stone, VDOT #21 or 21A IIL- =1 I1 IL TIMI- NI VDOT Type D Blotted Seal Stormwater Detention: Provided by dry pond with outflow control pipe. Water: 8" Public water main in North Hollymead Drive Sanitary Sewerage: 8" Public sewer main located at North east comer of property. Refuse: Private pick-up from 35 gallon cans stored in the building. Outdoor Lighting: Floodlights in the parking lot shall be Lithonia arm -mounted metal halide, 250W type KAR fixtures mounted 20' high on wooden poles. Fire Protection: The Building will have an automatic sprirMer system. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING GENrJAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR SITE PLANS Revised: March 1, 1992 1. Prior to c ent of any c nstruction' within any existing public right--ofcway; including to to. any existing ,,ad, a permit for said construction shall be obtained from the Virginia' Department of Transportation (hereafter abbreviated V.D.O.T.). All paving and drainage related materials and c ds[ru<tion methods shall eon£orm tote ent specifications and standards of V.D.O.T. unless otherwise noted. I1. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in ord_C with the approved e n control plan and shall bee installed prior to any clearing, grading or other ..nstruction. 4.' All slopes and disturbed areas rc to be Ecrtiliced, seeded and mulched. Maximum a1 su,lea£ill o cut slope is 2:1. whcrc r nobly obtainable lesser slopes of a:l or better c to be Dehicved. 5. All drainage inlets shall have a 2 -inch local depression. 6. Paved, rip -rap o stabilization mat lined ditch may be reguircd when inrthe opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Enq ince. Lng, or his designee,. it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage ebannel. 7. .All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual f u form Traffic Control Devic latest dition. 8 Unless th c noted all Concrete pipe shall be reinforced Concrete oncret pipets Class 1II. 9 Allexcavation £ d-rg and pipe in t ll ti n m st comply with OSHA St d d for th rth Constructi -I d try t29 CPR Part 1926) In additionto the above notes, the following statement must be �cludcd on all site plans which r quire V.D.O.T. approval. The statement must be signed by the developer of the property prior to tentative site plan approval. we the d g cd dcvcloporls). understand that approval of this pl by the County of Albemarle does not necessar,ly indicate Virginia Department of Transportation WDOT) approval of the plan. .Approval of the plan bythc ounty docs not. .in any way rclievc mcof my responsibilityCin obtaining final VDOT approvalprior to the i of building. permits and or ccrtificat. of o...P.Ocy. Q� het_ 3i 9 DEVELOPER DAT' PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH C.HAItLOTTPS\ll.i.I?, V?kGi\I TABLE 6-C GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT NTR N CO OL OpIS ES -I: Unless otherwise indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices will be constructed and mainmincd according to minimum standards and specifications of the V rynia Erosion and 8d tC lift H dl k a nd Virginia Regulations VR 625-02 -00 g g Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. ES -2: The planaPProvin authority must be nabhcd one week prior to the pre. construction conference, one week prior to the commcnccmcnt of land disturbing activity, and one wcck prior to the final inspection. ES -3: NI erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step In clearing. ES -4: A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on tile site at all times. ES -5: Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas te bother than indicated on n these plans (Including, but not limed to, off-siorrow or wast, areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving au h-fty. ES -6: 'The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. ES -7: All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final smbfli=tion is achieved. ES -8: During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device ES -9: The contractor shall inspect all erosion. com rol measures periodically and after each runoff -producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. CALF 114000 A _ Lr -- ., 'wit _ rRrcn C`g , CONTOUR INIFRVAL 20 FEET NATIONAL GEODETIC !ERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 vv„cr 3r, I 27'30" 1'23 ,w, ,, v,,,.,, ,.., 4 teaacrs v,rcr :rt5 1 ♦ >) ( '. U I l l,J 1p,,,s 1 Jr,� SITE F it Ill T r i l )S F •`� / (�l (1.��%%/ll ) a/G 1 I( 1 \� -III: 'I II C/ •:1 ` I_ r . .P b.' ' 1 I H's 9j I I 1 I I n n1 w / / °'1,(`.� /( '..�t,'�irljl f,I1,; 1). '''j"� \rt/11 ' kill ,/ J.. • I 1 r. i li d I 1 I 7 / I , •, 6 1 1 enj 1\ .c .✓ 'fav \ I l%' lZr000k^`�� V1 C INITY MAP ( PLAN —CuR PACE j� 5=0" I foo LF_VJOIINT� Y L zh rsl� ASPHALT AVEL I TI ryO� r��I-Z-.11,-'I '24 pII J �,V� .IIII _ (IIII III xll 1 Illlxl IWmT� II S- , ye I111_IIIII IIIIIJ1111= ill I ITN16-, = er�ylrtLa�1' 5 CONCRETE \VALK 'I =�- ��' S r6u111 — W17n G•G 10/10WWA it J u1n z.9xRE t4t.. Z:,.N NIN " SECTION COVER =III IIII= III'l�i G SIDEWALK AND CURB 5CALE!/y= 1'-O I ENCING AND ARMORING I uxc� a—nI I I 1 I I / uu a— ruin, w+ "n n frac, CORRECT METHODS OF TREE FENCING .rI CORRECT TRUNK ARMORING .+1 r TRIANGULAR BOARD FENCE Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.38-2 �RETAIkI LEAPEQ Z'x2" MAPWOOD 5TUE-5 5[T -.—TJOLE.P JOINT Ex7AH51ON :JOINT Wok— C SHQEDD[D DAQK HULH Pu SPCCIFICATIDNS OUTSIDE OF WOTMII--FINALLY ys' IllrJ AWDUS r-YtEM0.➢E➢ PALL MULCH 5" 15ACK FL'OM TPUNK. SPACED. EJAW5101,1 MAT—Al, 6 each b A0' 0. C. PO ( I SHRUBS 41 each 6140 5' CAL.: Z 5TAKE5. b" =TCb LE7 _10I17 ALL TRLC5 WPM I V "L&I-1 15TAKE ( PLAN —CuR PACE j� 5=0" I foo LF_VJOIINT� Y L zh rsl� ASPHALT AVEL I TI ryO� r��I-Z-.11,-'I '24 pII J �,V� .IIII _ (IIII III xll 1 Illlxl IWmT� II S- , ye I111_IIIII IIIIIJ1111= ill I ITN16-, = er�ylrtLa�1' 5 CONCRETE \VALK 'I =�- ��' S r6u111 — W17n G•G 10/10WWA it J u1n z.9xRE t4t.. Z:,.N NIN " SECTION COVER =III IIII= III'l�i G SIDEWALK AND CURB 5CALE!/y= 1'-O I ENCING AND ARMORING I uxc� a—nI I I 1 I I / uu a— ruin, w+ "n n frac, CORRECT METHODS OF TREE FENCING .rI CORRECT TRUNK ARMORING .+1 r TRIANGULAR BOARD FENCE Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.38-2 �RETAIkI LEAPEQ Z'x2" MAPWOOD 5TUE-5 5[T LIST C SHQEDD[D DAQK HULH Pu SPCCIFICATIDNS OUTSIDE OF WOTMII--FINALLY PALL MULCH 5" 15ACK FL'OM TPUNK. SPACED. RO 6 each ALL IGEES 9•-5"al, : D 5TAYr5 ' PO ALL TRLCS DETWEEN 1 W" SHRUBS 41 each 6140 5' CAL.: Z 5TAKE5. ALL TRLC5 WPM I V "L&I-1 15TAKE MOUND 501E Z" ALL AQOU14D WIVE WX WITH UO IL (,ALV. WIQC. FWTCCT TRUNK WITH DACEFILL WITH A PA-VTS 2 PLY Q.UDOCE 11050. NATIVE. 501L, I PART CMNUQE. 12" BL'EAV S1PE5 OF PLANTINCT CUT AND FOLD 8lIP1AP FROM TOP V5 OF QOOTDAL`L � ! 5*.' HOLE WITH PILL. V. 1141 U'T Wt .,,'�6'r �,f INOTEr SCT PLAMT ]UCH THAT dfTCENO1C` 14aN DEG�D-[ NIQLAP �ILL r r v - SCTTLEMCNT TIIE TDP OF IZ0076dLL DC [WSH TO FINISHED GPaDe. ACCCPTADLE. - II 1 WHIM WAIIUAGE 15 POOV 5eT to,. WIRE DASKCTS, CUT Id Ili IIT JII JIL_ IIIll PLANT 5UCH THAT dFT[2 SETTLE- WIM5 IN SEVERAL It - IIL- =1 I1 IL TIMI- NI _ NENT Tt1C TOP OP 200TD&LL, WILL PLACC5 AND PULL WIQE5 INS- n. IIIIIE II U ==(1111 = DE 5L14HTLY HI, _V_ (I -Z'7 THdtJ RACK MOM QOOTDALL, fil-115HCD G7_ADE. 60"51,1_7 OW'ure:D - VEXPTATIVC For OTHER 2Et1EOIAL ACTION WHICH MIGHT D6 ECOUI12LP TREE PLANTING DETAIL 14,1.5, CUT AND FOLD DUQLAP FROM .� TOP %5 OF R.00TBtd-L. NOTE: NON-PrCVAPAbLE P DUQLAP O ACCE IDDLL 4 FOR Q-0 OT 1-- D courelueQ N--—.1'. PLANT5, LUT V4 OF R.AOTS '�♦ (III r I l' li• -' � _ll I I I I i L�I 6dLK.WITH G PA4T5 NATivE SOIL, I PART Mh UE, t N ;= - IIIII-__ �_- ,1III_-I NOTC: SCT RAILIT 5UCH THAT ArTLQ. SCTTLCMCLIT THE TOP OF QOOTDdLL WILL DC PLUSNWI H FIN SHED CT2A C. WHQE DpGINAGC 15 POOQ, SCT Pld14T 5U6H THAT T L APTEQ SeTTLC I1eNT THE TOP OF ECX1 &dl WILL C D 5LICrHTLY Hl(mr 0-29 THAU 1`1051-IFD GRADE. c01-15ULT OWNC1215 zEPP.L5e NTATIVC I'm OTHEV VCMCDIAL ACTION WHICH MAY DC ECQUIVEl7 SHRUB', PLANTING DETAIL F{T5, PLANT LIST Numbet Key TREES 2 each RO 6 each DW 5 each PO SHRUBS 41 each RP Common Name size HOUWP e" ALL 4WLIUP 2" 5H2CDDEP 0A9K MULCH PFR 5PECIFICAT10)J5. PULL MULCH 3" OA,CK. FQOM STCC'1 OF NIIQUD. VIII_ _ (.' PEEP PL4NTIW6r DED -BQEAL'- 51Pe5 OF PLANTING 11OLC WITH PICK. Remarks Red Oak 1.5 to 1.75" Caliper B&B Dogwood I" to 1.25" Caliper B&B Poplar 2.5" Caliper B&B Red Photinia 18 to 30 " Tall 2 Rows, Staggered 10' between rows & 15' O.C. LEGEND: EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURAL PRACTICES Refer to Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992. Construction Entrance: (CE) Standards and Specifications 3.02. In order to develop 70 fincar feet of stone construction entrance pad, a tee shaped pad which has at least 70' of length must be constructed. Silt Fence: (SF) Standards and Specifications 3.05. Silt fence shall be installed along the entire lower perimeter of the graded site. Dust Control: (DC) Standards and Specifications 3.39. Dust Control shall be used as needed to prevent surface and air movement of dust from exposed soil surfaces and to reduce the presence of airborne substances which may be harmful or injurious to human health, welfare, or safety, or to animals or plants. ( Temporary Diversion Dike: (DD) Standards and Specifications 3.09. Diversion dike shall be constructed to divert storm runoff to the temporary sediment imp. Temporary Sediment Trap: (ST) Standards and Specifications 3.13. Temporary sediment trip shall be constructed in the stornwater detention pond for use during construction. 6TREVED WOOD Rock Check Dam: (CD) Standards and Specifications 3.20. Rock check dam shall be tEm"i Comm constructed in existing road ditch to reduce velocity below water service tap. !BR IT LONG 4 b.c. APER TIMBER) ZYP CURB DETAIL NO SCALE Survey and Topographic Information provided by Roudabush, Gale and Associates, Inc. The elevation benchmark is PK nail in a 36" Red Oak approximately centered on the frontage along North Hollymead Drive; ELEVATION 506.39, based upon USGS Datum. ,000 t I C�TE 92'809 - diel :"A313 (SNIISIX3) '0AH 3HIdr( '1•1 9222 = 2'E x 098 x 28' = IA 13A 3= 0242 = 2 x 2/(098+099t) = 2A IAK and :03NOZ d's 099 = 24x02 = 064 aav J's 9291 = 0Ex22 = 264 a 1Y 1SnHl aNb7 VINISHIA 'SO OS6b= 'A•3 061 x 'nV 96.1 VE -Z - (z)I 09b ' d ' W -1 d�e.SL 15IX3 'I'd^ ObOH 9NISS083 ObOHG i _ _ _ _._. _.•_. / A' � 11vHdstl,z � L05 ='I' OE'ZVV / M•.90,9L.5b; -- ---- -- - - - a - - /92V 6/' ANI 9NI¢v ❑ 1[wn -� - — - - ° - - - - ° 0 0 0o awY 'H' 'Ntl�S 0350 Nd / O CC' 3916 3S a31tln o o 0 0 0 o n oa ea o o � " A,- H3V3 It da � t>m ne o o y o 0 o o i� o ° I I I O d o Da Dd NOtl813S H333R12­9 SNINHtld .0 i /!- j m 31vos ❑w / 0 d3J ldA- •1 ,et I / ❑d / / 13DIOU I I 3�1tl /M 3,,4H1 M3N / db Nbo'H .1� i / ! ru o ct— / / 1b�S b3M I \ X381 O ! Al A/M I, ,� oA 3g '(db \ 11 nz \ tlb3dod.bL H81 o (SH JO AB) ro a 11 ntlwdsl , d .y '(INb \ \ \ \ 3NI 'HM ..9L i-inIA H IVM (r m / \ \ 30 \ Hel ki81 O 3NId HM f0 I I 03 Z) 99t7 dVN XVl E ��13HJ d— I � H eL / � diel dg -°- -'B- / / O z 1N3w1tl3a1 \ Lw9t d 1dOd 8 8 1d0dp; 3H d3J / 0d / I � ' \ \ Y 38A1 E-93 -13NNtlH3 I 40,0 (\/ o o JC el891 Lo Od.OL I 1 I 0 3H 3NId 'HM /0 / oo i dAl ,B1 1 \ 3NT1 33H1 X3 ° Fi81 dAl a3Qa! a3HNI1 0❑❑n 03Itl3a1 1 /X' 0 M9019 \ \ / I m h09 'A313 'd 'd ❑ B XO 9 3AIVA 31V9 .b to S 31YM A3319 ET'9LZ - 3❑ e ,9E. LES \ - a. 1 - - - - - - \ �NVO'li..Bi /� tl \ \ FJ81 l o ) 831 Ntl0'H .8i \J H81O / X' 1 \ - - _ -I- - - �f-- - - 3NId 'HM ..9T I a36 0Qd) (D \ 26 \ 3NId 'H j.zi! O (13anlvae 3hVNIVaa 3'� N081 '13 oi) ` 00 \ \ (1O310Hd) E'90 .A 19 O I F- _ —dAl Q❑Qn Q31V3a1.9X,9%,9 \ d91 / J] S3IlIN3W3 3 3!DV IV 83 N3NVW1S 25,.`` \ \ \ AVO 038 OL NI IIVN 'N'c�/: WB ! r. ¢Nf1Oi9tl 1N3W3Stl3 39tlNItl80 1N3NYW83d \ ` `q � � \ � OOOMS00.9 � 881 ° X UO3 b AV -Id \ \ \ eBl I (n j 1� m \ .95 D FJ 00 \ \ uNriQ I 3: AS Otl30 m 3S -----? J . H( d O and •03NOZ \ I �l \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ X\\ \ -- -� X Nt9vaiwtw�--- \ - ` \ \ \ `3NIJHM N ONI 'NOIlVI00SSV X' / \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _-_ - \ _W_b_0_l N_b0_l3 0 eC� \ tl3kia NOI\0310ad3tl1 \ o _ \ \ WbOI - S , N3Z I l I0 aV3WATIOH \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 13Z VH - 0 m \ 35 \ \ � � \ \ \ � _ 06E � � -----_-_- - \ a•--__--- \ Id 'HM OL o / ! m S - I - (Z) 99b d • W' 1 \ \ \ \ \ < \ \ ` —\ \ \ \ '�------ - -- -- - - - ---1--- --- T (Hld3❑ 'NIM ,E) \ dtla-d1a II Sztl�3 \ \ \ \ 06 \ '1d3Q 9NI ❑Z Afl ` � fl31�aIQ SY 0193135 \ \ \ \ \ N9IS SITS / ! 1 _ �•� on /S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �\ \ \ \ � / I 11 �•�'- 3NOHd313 Otl3 y3A ---------•-- - ----- .-_ ---'-- _ ` --- �` \ dWO-. zi ' 1SIX3 ' 9 (lbld\ 06d 1N3W3SYa AlI1Il AlNf100 , 5L \ .�" BId 0 _ ai0d _ d0li hZ 9NI1SIX3 1Itic OtivIIS - -- — _ - H01 i ;aNO SNIISIX3 \ i8•VEL lItlki 0 NI15IX3 � � � ice"/ / ('-1'9'N) 6z iiH 's 'n I'6VE=V .26'VVE=3-I 3„L5.63.VVN .,ET,T(O.LOO • hb-9t-� ,III ISS14� 3115 NO a3nNY"" SI 7!-4 CAIV in:) 9NIQ"C� 9'1tl 939 S:v3i.r.w7 na, n3e Sm3M103AXA3a i c ��,ja 4v� a 4b -hl -f 100d (z/T) 939 SA Nw03 PMA3a 8 9549 3-1VH ]NO 0330X3 ION IIVHS Sv3Hv nvand 939 S1N3wt103 AMA3a t Q A p : 3N v BBor '3' �d� p3 HO ATWIiN90IS3d 03NOZ S3IlH3dOdd ONV sovoH OI-lBnd OiNO d3A0-11IdS 9NI1H9II 319V3I-�ddV 3HV HOIHM SNOI133S H3H10 Aa why w -a uoi9w,aa Z 978 e -A -a E6i80iM4o¢ 0z = .t sR�s yyO Hy�V ��� -IAV ONV 33NVNIOHO 9NINOZ 3Hl 30 9'L's NOI103S A-1dW00 I1VHS 3Sn SIHi NVd 31IS �N11 .2 o!u!6,a!A 'a11!ASa440jX)IAJ )'d 5Uj,4@au!Gu3 puo (6o)ou�aal pa!)ddy s'9's'n NO O3SV8 SNOIIVA3�A (310N nlu!6.A1A 'ap!ASa}}o1.4oy0 L�D,4ng3 u'o Aag4-n3 aanad / � 1 92'809 - diel :"A313 (SNIISIX3) '0AH 3HIdr( '1•1 9222 = 2'E x 098 x 28' = IA 13A 3= 0242 = 2 x 2/(098+099t) = 2A IAK and :03NOZ d's 099 = 24x02 = 064 aav J's 9291 = 0Ex22 = 264 a 1Y 1SnHl aNb7 VINISHIA 'SO OS6b= 'A•3 061 x 'nV 96.1 VE -Z - (z)I 09b ' d ' W -1 d�e.SL 15IX3 'I'd^ ObOH 9NISS083 ObOHG i _ _ _ _._. _.•_. / A' � 11vHdstl,z � L05 ='I' OE'ZVV / M•.90,9L.5b; -- ---- -- - - - a - - /92V 6/' ANI 9NI¢v ❑ 1[wn -� - — - - ° - - - - ° 0 0 0o awY 'H' 'Ntl�S 0350 Nd / O CC' 3916 3S a31tln o o 0 0 0 o n oa ea o o � " A,- H3V3 It da � t>m ne o o y o 0 o o i� o ° I I I O d o Da Dd NOtl813S H333R12­9 SNINHtld .0 i /!- j m 31vos ❑w / 0 d3J ldA- •1 ,et I / ❑d / / 13DIOU I I 3�1tl /M 3,,4H1 M3N / db Nbo'H .1� i / ! ru o ct— / / 1b�S b3M I \ X381 O ! Al A/M I, ,� oA 3g '(db \ 11 nz \ tlb3dod.bL H81 o (SH JO AB) ro a 11 ntlwdsl , d .y '(INb \ \ \ \ 3NI 'HM ..9L i-inIA H IVM (r m / \ \ 30 \ Hel ki81 O 3NId HM f0 I I 03 Z) 99t7 dVN XVl E ��13HJ d— I � H eL / � diel dg -°- -'B- / / O z 1N3w1tl3a1 \ Lw9t d 1dOd 8 8 1d0dp; 3H d3J / 0d / I � ' \ \ Y 38A1 E-93 -13NNtlH3 I 40,0 (\/ o o JC el891 Lo Od.OL I 1 I 0 3H 3NId 'HM /0 / oo i dAl ,B1 1 \ 3NT1 33H1 X3 ° Fi81 dAl a3Qa! a3HNI1 0❑❑n 03Itl3a1 1 /X' 0 M9019 \ \ / I m h09 'A313 'd 'd ❑ B XO 9 3AIVA 31V9 .b to S 31YM A3319 ET'9LZ - 3❑ e ,9E. LES \ - a. 1 - - - - - - \ �NVO'li..Bi /� tl \ \ FJ81 l o ) 831 Ntl0'H .8i \J H81O / X' 1 \ - - _ -I- - - �f-- - - 3NId 'HM ..9T I a36 0Qd) (D \ 26 \ 3NId 'H j.zi! O (13anlvae 3hVNIVaa 3'� N081 '13 oi) ` 00 \ \ (1O310Hd) E'90 .A 19 O I F- _ —dAl Q❑Qn Q31V3a1.9X,9%,9 \ d91 / J] S3IlIN3W3 3 3!DV IV 83 N3NVW1S 25,.`` \ \ \ AVO 038 OL NI IIVN 'N'c�/: WB ! r. ¢Nf1Oi9tl 1N3W3Stl3 39tlNItl80 1N3NYW83d \ ` `q � � \ � OOOMS00.9 � 881 ° X UO3 b AV -Id \ \ \ eBl I (n j 1� m \ .95 D FJ 00 \ \ uNriQ I 3: AS Otl30 m 3S -----? J . H( d O and •03NOZ \ I �l \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ X\\ \ -- -� X Nt9vaiwtw�--- \ - ` \ \ \ `3NIJHM N ONI 'NOIlVI00SSV X' / \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _-_ - \ _W_b_0_l N_b0_l3 0 eC� \ tl3kia NOI\0310ad3tl1 \ o _ \ \ WbOI - S , N3Z I l I0 aV3WATIOH \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 13Z VH - 0 m \ 35 \ \ � � \ \ \ � _ 06E � � -----_-_- - \ a•--__--- \ Id 'HM OL o / ! m S - I - (Z) 99b d • W' 1 \ \ \ \ \ < \ \ ` —\ \ \ \ '�------ - -- -- - - - ---1--- --- T (Hld3❑ 'NIM ,E) \ dtla-d1a II Sztl�3 \ \ \ \ 06 \ '1d3Q 9NI ❑Z Afl ` � fl31�aIQ SY 0193135 \ \ \ \ \ N9IS SITS / ! 1 _ �•� on /S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �\ \ \ \ � / I 11 �•�'- 3NOHd313 Otl3 y3A ---------•-- - ----- .-_ ---'-- _ ` --- �` \ dWO-. zi ' 1SIX3 ' 9 (lbld\ 06d 1N3W3SYa AlI1Il AlNf100 , 5L \ .�" BId 0 _ ai0d _ d0li hZ 9NI1SIX3 1Itic OtivIIS - -- — _ - H01 i ;aNO SNIISIX3 \ i8•VEL lItlki 0 NI15IX3 � � � ice"/ / ('-1'9'N) 6z iiH 's 'n I'6VE=V .26'VVE=3-I 3„L5.63.VVN .,ET,T(O.LOO