HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-17 An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held on April 17, 1974, at 4:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office
Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, said meeting being adjourned from April 10, 1974.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwi!e, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr.
Absent: None.
Officer present: County Executive.
The Chairman announced that this meeting had been called to hold a public work
session on requests for revenue sharing funds:
1) Wing between County Office Building and County Courthouse. Architectural drawings
are ~n the final stages. The project is scheduled for construction in early
summer of 1974. The cost estimated at $100~000.
Mr. Thaeker said he has talked with Judge Bermy about this addition and the
architect should be ready to proceed with the advertisement for bids within two weeks.
Mr. Wheeler said this is a top priority project and asked if this amount is sufficient.
Mr. Thacker said this is the best estimate available at this time. Mr. Wheeler asked
when the next report is due on revenue sharing expenditures. Mr. Ray Jones said the
planned use report must be advertised and back to the revenue sharing office by June 24.
This report does not have to show actual costs. Ne presented to the Board a report
showing the exact amount of revenue sharing funds received to date and said that as of
this date the County has a balance of $1,131,075.18. He also said that through his
challenges to the revenue sharing office the County has obtained an additional $247,000.
Mr. Jones presented a letter from Mr. Graham W. Watt, Director of the Office of Revenue
Sharing, pertinent to the Davis-Bacon Act. Any project undertaken by the County which
will use 25% of the~totat cost of that project out of revenue sharing money must be
in conformity with the Davis-Bacon Act. He said this one item has caused localities
problems in the use of revenue sharing monies for capital improvements. Mr. Fisher
asked what this/mean~. Mr. Thacker said this r~q~iresu%hat the Department of Labor
issue a wage scale determination for use on each specific project. This is usually the
local prevailing wage scale, however, this locality has been included in the area which
also encompasses Richmond and Northern Virginia and in most cases their wage scale is
m~ch higher than the local scale. Mr. Wheeler asked if this applies to every project
on which ~ederal money is used. Mr. Thacker said no, only if th~ falls under the
Davis-Bacon Act. Mr. Wheeler asked if there have been any projects in this area which
have come under this Act. Mr. Batchelor said everything at the Airport is included
under this. Mr. Batche!or said if the Board of Supervisors wants to spend revenue
sharing funds for the addition to the Courthouse, but feel it will cost 25% more
because of the Davis-Bacon Act, the lawsa~l~Ws the Board to spend general County funds
~h~. this addi%ion and revenue sharing funds for a project that does not require com-
pliance with the Davis-Bacon Act. Mr. Thacker said it will be necessary to obtain a
wage determination first. Mr. Jones said this would have to be determined prfor to
advertising because the contract must be advertised subject to the Davis-Bacon Act.
Mr. Wheeler said while this determination is being request, tMe Board should proceed
with this project.
New 0ffic~., County Departments. Much discussion has been given to this subject with
the first professional analysis of space needs completed in February, 1973. There
is presently a space shortage of 7000-plus square feet. The initial direction of
the study pointed to the advantages of renovating McIntire School, although no
final determination on this has been made. The estimated cost is $764;000.
Mr. Wheeler did not feel the Board should include this item at this time. Mr. Batchelor
said if the Board is considering the use of revenue sharing funds for this project, they
should be thinking about the overall cost. Mr. Jones said the planned use:report that
will be filed will include the first portion of 1975. If the Board wants to use any
part of those funds, those amounts should be included in this report. Mr. Wheeler said
he. has no objections to leaving ~his proposal in the report, but it is low priority.
Equipment for expansion of County Clerk's office. While no suitable solution for
providing additional space for the County Clerk has been reache~, money is needed
for typewriters, adding machines, file cabinets, desks and shelves for equipping
this space when available. The estimated cost i§ $4,000.
Mr. Wheeler said Mrs. Marshall has written a letter giving her space needs for the present
time. Her letter supports the request already received from the Bar Association. She
has requested use of the offices formerly used by the County Executive. He said the
Space Needs Committee should give consideration to making this space available to Mrs.
Marshall. Mr. Batchelor said the Conference Room in that office is used daily. There
is no replacement for that space. Although the employees now in that office are Federal
employees, they do a lot of work for the County. Moving these employees out of the~County~
/Building will require more money to offset the use of other space in the garages or a
nearby location. Since they are working on implementation of the Land Use ordinance,
they should be located adjacent to the Real Estate Office and also close to the Planning
and Engineering offices. Mr. Wheeler asked the cost of giving this space to the Clerk.
Mr. Batchelor said there is nothing that would be.needed unless she wants to remodel.
Mr. Wheeler suggested that this be included at $10,000 instead of the staff's proposal.
Juvenile Court Facilities. Construction drawings have been completed for
renovation of the Levy Opera House as a Juvenile Court. The County's portion of
the cost is eszimated to be $236,700.
Mr. Wheeler said he did not think the Board is ready to make a decision on renovating
the Levy Opera House. He said Juvenile Court facilities are a. top priority item and
suggested that the amount be changed to $250,000.
Fire Station. Serious consideration should be given to upgrading the level of fire
protection to the rapidly expanding urban areas surrounding the City of Charlottes-
ville. As response time is perhaps the most important factor in providing this
service, it is felt that a fire station should be constructed in the Route 29 North
sector of the County. $50,000 has already been earmarked from revenue sharing funds
for purchase of land. The staff anticipates that a structure of this type of
approximately 5,000 square feet will cost $20 a square foot. Site preparation,
architectural fees, possible additional land cost and construction, and contingencies
change this cost dramatically. The estimated cost i~ $150,000.
Equipment for Fire Station. One fire truck is needed at present. This will cost
$52,000. A new department would also necessitate an aerial ladder truck at
$100,000. Protective equipment is figured at $10,000 and communications equipment
at $10,000. Fire hose and miscellaneous gear to equip the station is $20,000.
Cost is estimated at $190,000.
7) Fire Hydrants. In the fiscal 1974-75 Budget, $10,800 has been provided for
fire hydrants. Additional requests for seven fire hydrants have been submitted.
These are estimated to cost approximately $1,800 each for a total of $12,600.
Mr. James E. Samsell and Mr. Richard Roane were present to discuss these ±±ems with
the Board. Mr. Wheeler felt the land could be purchased for $50,000 and asked Mr. Samsell's
opinion of the estimate for building costs. Both Mr. Sams:ell and Mr. Roane were of the
opinion that the building should be 6~000~8~000 square feet instead of the 5,000 square.
feet estimated. Mr. Roane said this fire house would need two trucks and a ladder truck
and room for expansion. Mr. Fisher asked what type of staff is required To man a fire
station. Mr. Roane said for a shift system, about nine men per shift. Mr. Fisher asked
the average annual salary of a fireman. Mr. Roane said the Virginia State Fire Chiefs
have recently completed a composite of starting salaries and copies of this are avail-
able. Mr. Wheeler suggested that for revenue sharing purposes, the Board include
$50,000 for purchase of land, $150,000 for construction of a building, and $200,000 for
purchase of equipment. He said a committee should be appointed to make recommendations
to the Board on building sizes, etc. He has been advised that it may be possible to
obtain this type of service on a contract basis. He said the staff should look further
into this.
In the matter of fire hydrants, Mr. Wheeler said these are a top priority item.
However, he did not feel this should be paid for out of revenue sharing funds. Mr. Thacker
said the six fire hydrants which have been included in the proposed '74-75 budget should
be moved to revenue sharing funds and have this matter referred to a committee for
recommendations as to location of same. Mr. Wheeler suggested that the amount be changed
to $25,000.
8) Purchase of land. This item is for the purchase of 303 acres of land known as
Sanitary Landfill #1 in Ivy. Estimated cost' is $200,000.
9) Purchase of equipment. For operation/purposes of a landfill. This is for purchase
of heavy equipment estimated at $t00,000.
10) Site Improvement. This category is for the construction and upgrading of buildings,
roads and grounds necessary for a landfill operation. Cost estimated at $100,000.
Mr. Wheeler said the Board would need a report from their appraiser and then discuss
purchase of this land in executive session. Mr. Allen Cooper asked if the lease arrange-
ment for the landfill site has changed. Mr. Wheeler said the Board only leases 50 acres
and since they feel they will need the entire tract over the next 20 years, they would
like to purchase this site before the price increases.
Mr. Fisher asked why the purchase:of equipment has been proposed au this time. Mr.
Batchelor said this is for planning purposes only and would be a minimum amount if the
County takes over the operation of the landfill. Mr. Wheeler felt the Board should
continue to contract this work if at all possible. He asked about the site improvements.
Mr. Batehelor said there are certain improvements/would need to be made immediately,
if the Board buys the land. Th~se have been recommended by the County Engineer and the
State Health Department.
11) Bicentennial Utility. Lines. This item is intended to provide the County's share Of
funds for placement of water and sewer lines to the site of the proposed
Bicentennial building. The cost is estimated at $20,000.
Top priority was assigned to this item.
12) Monuments - Flood Control. Surveying work is required to establish clearly
defined boundaries for flood plain areas as designated on County maps. The
cost is estimated au $25,000.
Mr. Batchelor said the Board has passed flood control ordinances bu~ there are no
monuments surveyors can work from to find the flood lines. We now have an estimate
of $25,000 from a local surveyor who would put in these markers along the rivers. The
County Engineer and the County Planner feel this will save money over a long period
of time. Mr. Wheeler said unless these markers were 40 feet high they would never be
found in just five years and he disagreed with this request. Mr. Thacker said these
could be established on bridge abutments where they would be more readily located.
It was agreed that the $25,000 request would be dropped at this time.
13) Improvements - Totier Creek. Funds are requested for construction of a comfort
station, boa~ ramp, boat dock, parking area, picnic tables and tot lot at
Totier Creek. Matching funds from the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation could lower
.... t'his~figure considerably. The cost is estimated at $30,000.
Mr. Thacker agreed that these facilities are needed and said he would like to start on
this immediately ini~.light of the statement made about matching funds. Mr. Batchelor
said this is a mistake. You cannot match Federal funds With Federal funds. He suggested
that the Board apply for Virginia Outdoor Recreation money. He said that would be
25% local money, 25% State money and 50% Federal money. Mr. Thacker asked if this is --~
a recommendation of the Parks Committee. Mr. Sampson said yes. Mr. Jones said that on
a small project of this type the Davis-Bacon Act sometim~makes the proj~ect too expensive.
Mr. Wheeler then asked for other items to be included in the revenue sharing
proposal. Mr. Fisher said he had no specific requests involving construction, however,
he felt that if the Parks Committee is to be appointed permanently they should 166k at
long-range plans for the County.
land set aside for future parks.
the cost would be too high.
He said there are parts of the County which have no
In 10 years t~ere may either be no land available or
Mr. Fisher said h~had~7oneoo~he~i½~P~ concerning the improving of an unnamed road
south of Crossroads and bringing this road into the State system. There is a buried
telephone cable which must be moved. This road would serve seven low-income families.
The cost of moving the cable is approximately $400. Mr. Wheeler asked if this could
be included in the revenue sharing proposal. Mr. Batchelor said yes. Mr. Henley said
he hated to see the Board set a precedent like this. Mr. Wheeler said every attempt
should be made to get the Telephone Company to move the cable and if they would not do
this without cost, to include the cost in the revenue sharing proposal.
Mr. Wheeler said everyone is aware that there is a problem in providing low-income
housing in Albemarle County. During the last ~ear over 150 mobile homes were moved into
the County,:-and this is probably the only means that some of these people have of getting
homes. The Community Action Organization, through F.H.A., helped 47 people buy new
homes last year. He said it is not a good idea for this county or any locality to get
into the subdivsiion business and if 100 lots were developed,in the sa~e location,this
would create another slum. Mr. Wheeler was positive that there is land available
if someone were available to go out into the County and find same. This would be land
were two or three houses could be build for low-income families. He proposed that
the Board set aside $15,000-$20,000 6f revenue sharing funds to hire someone who would
give staff assistance to a committee ~o'.be appointed by this Board to locate land and
notify developers or the Community Action Organization of this. Mr. Wheeler said he
did not know that this would be successful, however, he felt the Board should give the
proposal consideration.
· Mr. Fisher agreed that this is a serious problem and said this is a way to solve
the problem which he had not thought about. He would be willing to support the proposal.
Mr. Wheeler said the idea was not his. He had attended an open house at the Community
Action Organization and they had asked that the County help ~hem to find land for these
low-income houses. Mr. Wood said he would support $20,000 for this. Mr. He~l~y said
the Board should start out reasonablyv Mr. Thacker said he would willing to support
the proposal. Mr. Batchelor said he had discussed this with Mr. Wheeler and felt the
person hired would need skills in finding l&nd and also skills in br.qn~ng the land
to the point of development. Mr. Fisher asked if the purpose of this proposal is to find
land and make it available for direct purchase. Mr. Wheeler said yes. Mr. Wood said
this was one of the true meanin~ of revenue sharing; to return money to the local governing.
body so the money could expended where that body felt there was a high priority need.
Mr. Wheeler encouraged the Board to think about members to serve on this committee. He
said they Should be citizens with a general knowledge of their area.
Mr. Carwile said the Highway Department has plans to build an exit from the 250
By-pass at Barracks Road. At the present time, there are no plans to include sidewalks
at the underpass. The situation at this point is dangerous, even as it now exists.
If this cannot be taken care of otherwise, he suggested that revenue sharing funds be
used for sidewalks along that portion of Barracks Road.
Mr. Wood said the Board needs to think about bicycle and minibi~e trails for the
At 5:35 P.M. the Board recessed for supper.
At 7:30 P.M. the Board reconvened in the Albemarle County Courthouse for a public
hearing on the proposed 1974-75 County budget. Notice of an increase in the tax rate
was advertised in The Daily Progress on Saturday, March 30, 1974. Notice of the public
hearing on the budget was advertised in The Daily Progres on Saturday, April ~, 1974.
Mr. Wheeler said the budget presented for comments tonight was first presented to
the Board of Supervisors by members of the county's staff. Howe~er, the budget, in the
form presented tonight, is what the Board thinks is proper to efficiently operate
Albemarle County for the next year. He said if there are citizens who do noY feel
that the County is being run the way it should, they should notify the six men ~tting
at the BOam~ of Supervisors table.
They are responsible. He then introduced the Depart-
merit heads present.~He said they advise and carry out the policies set by the Board
of Supervisors. However, final policy decisions are made by the Board. He then
introduced the County Executive and asked that Mr. Batchelor make a presentation
of the proposed budget.
Mr. Batchelor said the budget presented for consideration tonight contains the
following estimates:
Local Tax Dollars
Transfer from Reserve for Capital Outlay
State Funds
Federal Funds
Self-Sustaining Funds
Miscellaneous Revenues
Administrative Services
Environmental Services
Human Services
Capital Outlay Fund
Total-General Operating Fund
School Operating Fund
Self-Sustaining Funds
Grand Total-All Funds
The proposed tax rate is $7~40 per $100 of assessed value.
$ 9,197,400
$ 1,528,700
$ 6,171,507
$ 618,573-
This tax rate applied to
the 87.3 million dollar tax base will produce the necessary revenues to fund the
expenditure estimates in the budget. This is the first proposed tax rate increase
since 1969. Real estate assessed values will be those established by the 1966 general
reassessment. Had the Supreme-Court not invalidated our assessing proded~re~ the tax
base in 1974 would have been over 115 million dollars. Had this tax base been used,
an ~increase in the rate would not have been necessary. A true tax rate has not been
determined because of the complexities involved in comparing actual sales against
assessments in light of the Perkins case. Such a calculation cannoT, at this time,
be accurately made. Mr. Batchelor pointed out that of the proposed $18,317,840 budget,
$618,573 is in the form of self-sustaining funds, in other words, these accounts are
matched with their own revenues. Also, the Building Inspections Department will receive
$120,00gin fees to compensate for their operation. The Dog Fund anticipates 817,000
in fees toward a $23,000 budget and the Parks Department will collect $30,000 toward
the operation of their summer programs. Therefore, expenditures of $7,~5,573 can be
considered as self-sustaining in nature thereby requiring $17,532,267 to be funded
by local, state, and federal sources.
Mr. Wheeler then opened the floor for comments from the pubiie.
The first to speak was Lem Coffman, 2810 Northfields Road. He raised objections
to the proposed salary of $27,000 for the.~Superintendent of Schools. He said educators
are not in this line of work' to gain wealth and 825,000 would be more than sufficient
for any public servant. He pointed out that there is a long list of people waiting for
jQbs as superintendents and any of them would be Willing to come to Albemarle County
for less money~ He also raised objections to a school psychologist program. .He felt
this type of program accomplishes very little and there are psychologists in private
practice in Charlottesville. If there is a need, parents could pay for this service.
It should not be at the taxpayers expense. Mr. Coffman continued with questions about
the Department of Social Services and a request in the budget for additional case
workers. Mr. Wood interrupted. He said Mr. Coffman had raised some very broad issues
and they should be answered by the staff present so the citizens of the County would
have no doubt why the Board had this staff. Mr. Coffman said he thought this was a
public hearing for the public to be able to express their views. Mr. Wheeler told Mr.
Coffman to continue.
Mr. Coffman said the aides requested ~n~the Department of Social Services budget
are unnecessary. Taxpayers should not have to fund this type of service. He had also
noticed a large increase in the AFDC budget. He said the Board would argue that there
is no local money involved in this program, but since every citizen is a taxpayer of
the United States, the State and locality, there is local money involved, and he asked
that the program not be carried on with his tax money. In general, he asked that the
welfare budget be reduced by $200,000.
Mr. Wheeler said the Superintendent of Schools was not present, bnt this Board
has a very capable School Board and a very able superintendent. Mr. McClure is not
overpaid, in fact he might be underpaid. He said if there are a number of persons
looking for jobs as superintendents, there must be a reason why they have noY been
successful. In reference to the School psychologist, this was discussed with the
School Board, the Blue Ridge Mental He&~th Association and Dr. George Moore of the
Health Department, to be sure this will not be a duplication of services. The School
Board felt, and they convinced the Board of Supervisors, that this is necessary in order
to carry out the General Assembly's mandate concerning quality education. Mr. Wheeler
said the County has a very able Welfare Board. While not all people like some portions
of the wel~fare programs, there is a need to provide for the needy in Albemarle County.
There are Federal and State guidelines. The General Assembly, this last session, took
steps to increase the local share of welfare, not to decrease it. He then introduced
Mr. Jim Ritchie, Director of Social Services.
Mr. Ritehie said in A~bemarle County, most of his case workers have a case load of
over 100, which is way out of line with regulations. He understands that monies have
been cut to pay the salaries of additional aides. However, he has recommended that
the Board carry this item. so the Federal government can never come back and say the
Board is at,fault.- These positions will not be filled unless the money is approved by
the State. C~ncerning the ADC budget, the General Assembly has pa~sed a flat grant law
and next year this will paid ou~ according to the number of persons in a family. At the
present, his department pays 1160 ADC cases an average of $45.00 a month. Next year
the budget provides for 1400 persons at $58.00 a month.
_'[ Next to speak was Mrs. Flora Patterson representing the League of Women Voters.
She said the L'ea~gue has for many years~ supported the Community Action Organization.
The League hopes the Board will appropriate funds to support this organziation should
their funding be cut on July 1.. They also support an appropriation to the Offender Aid
and Restoration program. They ~sk2. that the Board appropriate money to begin the review
process of the Comprehensive Plan and urged that the school budget be adopted in full.
Mr. H. H. Tiffany was next to speak. He said the Western Albemarle Taxpayers
Association wants to take care of the people in their area, but he felt the Board has
overlooked the fact that there are a lot of people who would work free of charge on a
committee to determine if someone is eligible for welfare payments. People who know the
"grassroots". Mr. Tiffany said the salaries in the proposed budget are disproportionate
with those of private enterprise. He said the Board is getting into the $30,000 range
and this is out of line. Mr. Wheeler asked which salary Mr. Tiffany was referring to.
Mr. Tiffany said he understood that Mr. Batche!or's salary would be raised another
$2500 and including $2850 for the car and gasoline which the Board furnishes Mr. Batchelor
would.make a total salary of $30,500 for the coming year. He also objected to the
School psychologist. He said this delves into the realm of the parent-child relationship.
He asked about the $50,000 proposed for a salary study. Mr. Wheeler said the study
is estimated to cost approximately $4,500. The $50,000 in the budget is a contingency
in the event the salary study shows that salaries are out of line. The State is requiring
that a salary schedule be made and that the County have grievance procedures. He has
checked with other counties and found that they have had a salary schedule made every
few years. There has never been one made during his term on the Board of Supervisors.
Mr. Tiffany said he had one further argument; that being the Board's insistence
on going for an annual tax assessment. He said this is very costly and the assessment
is not needed unless the Board is trying to raise taxes little by little without actually
raising them. He said he would not attribute this to the Board. He assumed this is
being done to keep everyone equal. The only time the inflation of real estate values
effects taxes is when there is a disproportion from one district to another district.
Mr. Wheeler said that the way assessments will be handled in the further will be decided
after this year. The Board had decided to assess the entire county this year in order
to get a tax base for 1975. Mr. Thacker said a good deal of this reassessment is being
handled on a contractural basis.
Mr. Tiffany also mentioned the $360,000 in architects fees for the Western Albemarl'e
high School. He said it is ridiculous to spend this much money when the County can
obtain a set of free plans from the State.
Mr. Wheeler said he feel all members of this Board agree that it is in the best
interest of the County to use the many talented citizens of the County. It was decided
this afternoon to appoint two additional committees. He said nobody realizes the number
of committees who are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Wheeler said he::~hes?almays
been concerned that thmough the years when five and one-half to six and one-half
percent was recommended as an increase for regular county employees the school side
of the budget proposed an~inemease~'~of seven, eight or nine percent for teachers.
In order to treati~all employees the same, the Board has put in the budget money for
a salary schedule study and set aside $50,000 in the event that study shows that
salaries are out of line. He said that quite often money is included in the proposed
budget and is not spent. At the end of the year, it reverts to the General Fund.
Mr. Fisher said due to a letter received by the Board about the school pyschologist
position, this matter was discussed at two separate meetings. When Mr. McClure brought
copies of the State bills to the Board, they felt there was no choice but to provide
for this in the budget or not be in compliance with State law. Mr. Fisher said he is
personally concerned about the school system becoming a treatment center for mental
illness of any type, however, he is now convinced that the Board has no choice. He
said the question of an architect was discussed at length.~.A!so the possibility of
having an architect who would work for the county on some of their proj'ee~s~ The Board
has checked into what can be done to help lower the cost of building schools. At the
moment they have not been able to find a way.
Mr. Thacker said he also has been concerned about school building plans. The Board
took actiontto have the School Board establish a study committee to study the standard-
i~ation of plans and construction methods. The Board has received a report from the
committee and although he is not 100% in eonnurrenee with the report, this is a step
in the right direction. This is a problem which the Board is aware of. This committee
will continue~to work and will help with the selection of an architect. This is the
first time in years that this matter has been handled in this way.
Mr. Coffman asked if the standard architectural fee is not seven and one-half
percent for new construction. Mr. Wheeler said the County is paying the architect for
the western Albemarle high school five percent which includes mechanical design work.
Mr. Chamlie Hill, President of the Albemarle Education Association spoke next.
He said the County does have an excellent School Board and Superintendent who have
spent long hours-.working on this budget. He said the salary increases are not in
line with inflation, however, the AEA feels that this year the raises are fair in
in~ ~ ~
relation to the counties surroun~/Al~emar±e~ Unlike most County employees who receive
a 5.5% increase, the School Board does have to attract employees from surrounding
counties and~need to be competitive. He asked that the Board pass the sehool budget
as proposed.
Mr. Wood said it is a compliment to the Scho61 Board and Mr. McClure that the
County's teachers association has appeared before this Board and said they have been
trea~ed fairly. He said he intended to vote for that portion of the budget.
Mr. Wheeler said he would support the budget as presented. He said this is a
budget which fills the needs of Albemarle County. He said the Board and the County
have had a number of pitfalls this year. He did not think that the public realizes
the number of meetings this Board attends during the year to wrestle with the problems
of the County, however, the County is in a good financial position and will move forward.
Mr. Wheeler said with all the changes and the court decision this past year the staff
has done an outstanding job. They worked extra hours to carry out the Court,s d~cision
last fa~t in order to mail out new tax tickets. In fact, they worked before the
decision came just in the event it was against the County. He said the Board has an
excellent staff. They also have excellent boards backing up the staff. He mentioned
the Planning Commission who is working on a new zoning ordinance. Mr. Wheeler invited
the public to come and spend time at some of the meetings that go on until midnight
or with some of the boards and commissions that sometimes meet two and three times
a week. He said it had been reported to the Board this afternoon by Mr. Ray Jones
that due to his work the County has received an additional $247,000 in revenue sharing
funds that they would not have received. He also mentioned Mr. J. Harvey Bailey, County
Engineer, a~'d Mr. Calvin Jones', new purchasing director. Mr. Wheeler said the citizens
do have a fine staff working for them and the staff deserves the support of the citizens.
Mr. Wheeler then thanked the members of the public who were present and invited
them to come to Board meetings more often.
At 8:25 P;M. the meeting was adjourned.
~ Chairman