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5-8-74 (night) 234 A regular meeting of the Boar~ of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at 7:30 P.M. on May 8, 1974, in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottes- ville, Virginia. Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. Absent: None. Officers present: County Executive and County Attorney. Mr. Wheeler said several members of the .Board had met with members of the School Board earlier this afternoon to discuss the preliminary plans of the western Albemarle County high school. He asked if it was the desire of the Board to pass a resolution in regard to this matter. Mr. Fisher said when he had reviewed the plans, he had basic questions about the operating efficiency of the building. He questioned whether the plans furnished the most economical answer for operating over the lifetime of the building. The engineer and the architect worked to determine if this is the case. They have.now stated that they feel the building is economical to build and operate. Mr. Fisher said he has no information on which to dispute this, except his personal feelings. He said it would be proper to tell the School Board that they have received good advice and authorize them to proceed. He then offered motion to this effect. Mr. Wood said he would like to see the motion-stated somewhat stronger so there will be no clouds hanging over the issue. There will be a space shortage soon and, if at all possible, he would like to see the Board push to have the school completed by September, 1976. Mr. Fisher said that was not his concern. His main concern was about the particular type of building and its operating efficiency. This question.has now been answered. Therefore, he restated his motion to say that, the Board of Supervisors after reviewing the plans, finds no objections and wants the School Board to proceed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by.the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Miss Page 'Godsey was present. She introduced Mr. Wagiran and Mr. Wainggai who are visiting from Indonesia on a program ~of management training~ for one month from the University of Connecticut. At this time, the Board continued with a public hearing on SP-309 for Dr. Charles W. Hurt. This public hearing was continued from April 24, 1974. (Mr. Carwile abstaining during the following discussion). Mr. Humphrey summarized the staff's report which was given on April 24. (Note: See Pages 209-217 of this minute book). He said that condition No. 7 has been clarified by No. 11 which states t~at no development shall be started until public water and sewer are available. The staff feels this request is premature because of the lack of water and sewer. The Planning 5-8-74 (night) 235 Commission did take this into consideration and placed~a limit of four years on- the approval of this request. If the applicant has not started the project before the end of four years, he will have to reapply to the Planning Commission and the Board. Mr. Humphrey said the staff does not like to have a project of this magnitude hanging over their heads for this length of time before any construction takes place. However, the Planning Commission felt the four years would be sufficent. The plans for Moores Creek are scheduled sometime between 1978 and 1980. Mr. Thacker said based on the Planning Commission's recommendations it is probable that the applicant will have to apply for reapproval before any development can take place, because there is no sewage disposal available. Mr. Humphrey said that was correct, unless the applicant were given some type of guarantee by the Rivanna Service Authority or the Albemarle County Service Authority. The applicant did state to the Planning Commission that he will need four years just for the planning stages of the project. Mr. ~enley did not think it is good planning to approve a project like this if it is not to begin for four years. He said a lot of things can change in this length of time. Mr. Humphrey said the Planning Staff did made that comment to the Planning Commission. They feel the request is premature. Mr. Wheeler called on the public for comments, but no one rose to speak. It was ascertained that no one was present to represent the applicant. Mr. Wheeler asked that the matter be deferred for a few minutes so someone could call Dr. Hurt. The next item before the Board was dicussion of the entrance to Ednam Forest. Mr. Humphrey read the following letters into the record: "April 12, 1974 County of Albemarle Planning Department 411~ E.'High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Re: Ednam Forest Sections 5 & 6 Gentlemen: Your letter of March 25 is in hand. This letter states the con- d.ihions under which 'you have approved the opening up 'of Sections 5 and 6 in Ednam Forest. I will comply with these requests in all regards. Mr. Warner-of the State Highway Department has prepared a drawing Showing his recommendations for changes to Route 250 from the Ednam Forest/Boar's Head Inn complex. After discussions with him I know I can satisfy the State Highway'Department in_their requests. Since the major portion of the problem existing at this entrance relates to traffic coming west from Charlottesville on Route 250, I would like to have you consider the Work involved at this entrance as two separate projects. The least immediate problem is the deceleration lane on the right hand side of 250 heading east. This also is by far the costliest portion of the work. I would like to request permission to immediately widen the drive to 24' as called for, ease the radius turning right, and paint the lines both white and yellow as s~ipulated. I would further ask that the deceleration lane for turning into the Boar's Head from the west be delayed until such time as traffic demands this upgrading." 236 5-8-74 (night) "Now that I have agreed to comply with the wishes of the Board of Supervisors, I would appreciate immediate action which would allow the recording of the lots in Sections 5 and 6, and I thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, (Signed) John B. Rogan" "April 15, 1974 Mr. John B. Rogan No. 2 Boar's Head Lane ~harlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Rogan: Attached, herewith, is a sketch of the entrance to the Boar's Head Inn - Ednam Forest complex on Route 250 west of Charlottesville showing recommendations which we feel ~could be carried out to improve the safety of the entrance. The areas shown in red indicate where pavement widening should be done to provide for better movement at the entrance. Also the deceleration land for eastbound traffic is shown in red. I believe the double yellow line and single white line with markings as shown will properly direct the traffic into and out of the entrance. At the present time, the heaviest traffic movement is to and from town. I think the deceleration lane should be provided to allow the eastbound traffic to turn into the entrance without impeding the through movement on Route 250. From an economic stand- point, now is the time to do this work due to spiralling construction costs. It is, however, possible that we could be receptive to doing the work in two stages to see how the traffic patterns will. be affected by the subsequent changes. If I can be of further assistance in this matter, please call on me. Very truly yours, (Signed) R. G. Warner" ..... ,Aprit~:22, 1974 Memo To: Mary Joy White From: J. Harvey Bailey Subject: Ednam Forest - Entrance to Ednam Forest Re: Sections Five & Six We have examined the sketch prepared by the Highway Department, talked with Mr. Wa~ner and carefully considered Mr. Rogan's letter. The Highway Department takes the position that the suggested improvement is not something that the Department can require of the owner but can be done through the Planning Board as their assessment of the improvements necessary for the safety and convenience of the public, taking into consideration the increase of traffic which can be expected through the develop- ment of Sections 5 & 6. It is, therefore, our recommendation that the work not be split into two separate projects, as requested by Mr. Rogan." Mr. Humphrey said the Planning Staff also feels that all of the work should be performed at one time. Mr. Wheeler said he understood from this correspondence that Mr. Rogan wishes to have the work performed in two parts. Mr. Humphrey said yes, Mr. Rogan has suggested that the deceleration lane be installed at a later date and that he is willing to bond the cost of that construction. However, with the rise in prices, the bond may not be sufficient for any length of time. 5-8-74 (night) 237 Mr. Thacker said he thought the developer was to have asked the Highway Department what should be done to the existing roads all the way back to the dam. Mr. Thacker read the following letter into the record: 5-8-74 (night) "April 19, 1974 Mr. John B. Rogan Ednam Forest Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Re: Ednam Forest, Section 5 Dear Mr. Rogan: Thank you for your letter concerning approval of your.subdivision. It is my understanding that the conditions of approval of both the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors_must be met before your plat can be signed and recorded. The Planning Commission conditions which have not been met are: 1. Review of road plans by County Engineer to make sure easements are correct along with proper sized drainage culverts. 2. The recommendations of the County Engineer regarding water pressure be incorporated into the plans. Mr. Williams, Assistant County Engineer, is now reviewing the road plans. I have notified Mr. R. O. Snow that we need "as built" water line plans. Mr. Williams said that without boosting facilities indicated, lots number 21, 15 and 16 in Section 5 would be unusable and therefore could not be recorded. I am enclosing a copy of his original comments on the water system. The Board of Supervisors conditions which have not been met are: 1. Mr. Warner, Resident Engineer, must inspect the road plans. I have notified Mr. Snow that he needs a copy of the plans. 2. The roads must be built to Virginia Department of Highway standards (excepting sight distance and slope). I assume that a bond is to be posted for the remainder of the work to be performed in lieu of actual construction prior to the signing of the plat. 3. The County Engineer must inspect the roads for compliance with approved plans. Upon his approval, the bond may be released. 4. The County Attorney must approve the documents required for restricted roads (Homeowners' Association Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and Declaration of Covenants and Deed Restrictions.) 5. The entrance from Route 250 West must be improved. The Board of Supervisors must approve the improvements required by Mr. Warner. It will be up to them if the improvements may be completed in two stages. Again, I assume a bond is necessary if the improvements have not been completed prior to the signing of the plat. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, (Signed) Mary Joy White Senior Planner" Mr. Thacker asked if Mr. Warner had been requested to inspect any further portion of the entrance drive. Mr. Wheeler said he felt the Board needed to have Mr. Warner present to discuss this matter and suggested that this be deferred until May 16, 1974. The next item before the Board was a public hearing on a resolution to provide that the County Board of Supervisors be elected biannually for four year terms. Notice of this public hearing was advertised on April 26 and May 3, 1974. There was a representative of the League of Women Voters present. She stated that the League'endorses the Board's proposal to provide for biannual election of 5-8-74 (night) · 239 Board members. L'They feel the efficient performance of the Board .will not be jeopardized by having an entirely new board elected at one time. She also asked if the Board has considered changes made by the General Assembly this year for the election or appointment of a tie breaker. Mr. Wood said he has seen a 70% turnover in elected offici, als..in.~he-State of Virginia in one year. It is possible the County could have an entire board composed of people who have no experience on the local level. This.was the reason the Board had requested this legislation. He said a 70% turnover statewide is drastic. Mr. Wheeler asked what steps the Board must take to carry this forward. Mr. St. John said they need only to adopt a resolution and the next Board will have to carry out this order. Mr. Wood then offered motion to adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, in accordance with Code of Virginia Section 24.1-8.8(b) (i), does hereby provide that the County Board of Supervisors be elected biannually for four (4) year terms beginning with the general election of Supervisors to be held in November, 1975. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that assignment of the individual terms of members shall be determined by lot by the electoral board of the County at the meeting of the Board as required by Section 24.1-146 on the second day following the election and immediately upon certificationof the results of the election. AND /FURTHER RESOLVED that since the Chairman of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors is not elected from the County at large, he will be affected in the same manner as the other supervisors. The foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Carwi.le, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. None. Mr. Wheeler asked Mr. St. John if would comment on the new legislation for a tie breaker. Mr. St. John asked that this be deferred for further study. The Board continued with their discussion of 'SP-309. (Mr. Carwile abstaining). Mr. Jim Hill was present. He said he had heard an announcement on the radio tonight tl~at this matter was to be discussed. However, Dr. Hurt's staff had thought the meeting would be held on May 22, 1974. Mr. Wheeler said since there seemed to be a misunderstanding a-bout the date the original hearing was deferred to, he asked if Mr. Hill would prefer that this matter again be deferred. Mr. Hill said it would be best since the engineer and Dr. Hurt were not present. Motion was offered by Mr. Wood to defer this matter until May 22, notify the petition in writing of the date, the public hearing to be readvertised and the advertisement billed to the petitioner. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile. 5-8-74 (night) The next item before the Board was an amendment to the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, Article 16-59, as it relates to the definition of a mobile home. Notice of this public hearing was advertised in the Daily Progress on April 18 and April 25, 1974. Mr. Humphrey said this has been suggested by the staff and recommended by the Planning Commission as an emergency measure until the new Zoning Ordinance is adopted. This amendment changes the square footage from 800 to'950. He then read.the following definition: Articlet'6--59: MOBILE HOME: A single family detached dwelling unit transported to a site as a compact unit with a gross floor area of 950 square feet or less. Mr. Wheeler then called on the public for comments. Mr. Walt Buckram asked if this applies to double-wide trailers. Mr. Humphrey said this Will have-no effect on double-wide trailers since they are referred to as modular u~its. Motion was offered by Mr. Fisher to adopt amended Article 16-59 as read by Mr. Humphrey. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Approval of the final site plan for Albemarle Square. Shopping Center was the next item before the Board. (Mr. Carwile abstaining during the following discussion). I li~-~ Mr. Aubrey Huffman was present to represent the petitioner, Mr. Bob Howerin of Virginia Lease. Mr. Humphrey said this plan has been reviewed by the Site Review Committee and was approved by the Planning Commission on May 21, 1973, subject to a landscaping plan, approved administratively, and the site plan is not to include the site of Charlottesville Savings and Loan. Mr. Humphrey said the landscaping required by the staff has eliminated about 80 parking spaces. If the Board of Supervisors approves this site plan tonight, that approval will have to be conditioned on the applicant meeting the County's present minimum requirements for off-street parking. The staff recommends 5.5, which is the national standard and which will be included in the new Zoning Ordinance, however, this stipulation is not now on the books. There is a possibility that the applicant will have to go to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance because the conditions placed by the Planning Commission might be construed~ as a hardship case. Mr. Wheeler asked what Mr. Humphrey meant by this. Mr. Humphrey .said the landscaping which has been required by the staff has eliminated about 80 parking spaces and the plan will not meet the minimum requirements of 5.5. Mr. Batchelor asked if Mr. Humphrey was recommending that the Board require the applicant to put in additional parking spaces. Mr. Humphrey said the staff is recommending that the --~ applicant adhere to'the minimum requirements of the present Zoning Ordinance. There is sufficient area for these parking spaces. ~he Planning Commission recommends approval subject to spaces being shown on a revised site plan and staff review of that plan. 5-8-74 (night) 2 4 Mr. Humphrey said the first phase of the development will be a food store, a drug store, a minor department store, and 15 small shops. The Planning Department has on file an approved site plan dated May 7, 1973, a revised site plan dated October 16, 1973, a landscape plan, an off-site drainage plan, a retaining wall plan and elevations, drainage and sewer easement plats, and the proposed cross over for Rio Road. It was noted before the Planning Commission that the Highway Department will require dual laning and raising of the southbound lane to a level where it becomes safe. He said the staff report contains a communication from the County Engineer relative to the Woodbrook Lagoon. He then read the following excerpt into the record: "We have added to the Woodbrook Lagoon Flow Study of April 8, 1974, an analysis of the requirements of the Albemarle Square Shopping Center and~a construction time table on which the Rivanna Service Authority expects to construct sewerage facilities which will .eliminate the use of the lagoon as a treatment facility altogether. In summary, we believe that although the Albemarle Service Authority has agreed to serve a total building area of 150,000 sq. ft. in the Albemarle Square Shopping Center, the restrictions which the Authority imposed will limit the waste water generated to approximately the estimated quantities we show; the total waste water load on the lagoon, taking into consideration the present loading, the estimated additions from the development of Woodbrook requested by Mr. Cotton, plus the estimated waste water generated by the Shopping Center, will not exceed the flows which have been certified by the State Water Control Board, and the planned improvements on the part of the Rivanna Service Authority will materialize in ample time to relieve the lagoon before it is fully loaded. Again, we must emphasize the economic necessity for the Albemarle and Rivanna Service Authority, respectively, to utilize their existing facilities as fully as possible." Mr. Fisher asked if the County Engineer was stating that there is sufficient capacity to hook to the Woodbrook Lagoon. Mr. Humphrey said Mr. Bailey has stated that there is sufficient capacity for this proposal. There was to have been a survey made by the State Water Control Board on the Lagoon for the period of April ~5, 1974, to May 6, 1974, to get-an average 30-day flow of effluent to the lagoon. Mr. Humphrey said expansion of Woodbrook Subdivision is tied to this report, but he has not seen a copy at this time. Mr. Wood asked if one of the original conditions of approval was that this shopping center not tie into the Woodbrook Lagoon. Mr. Humphrey said no, the intent was if the capacity was available. Mr. Wood said that was not his intent. He had made a special issue of this point. The Board has received numerous letters from the State Water Control Board, one saying there is capacity and the next saying there is not capacity. Mr. Batchelor said this point was well covered in the original hearing. One restriction given was that there be no restaurants or food facilities allowed until the shopping center can be hooked to a public sewer line. Mr. Humphrey read another excerpt from Mr. Bailey's memo: "The County Engineer has consulted with local shopping center managers in trying to arrive at a rational estimate of the average daily .waste water to be expected from this shopping center. The estimated number of employees, tabulated below, came from this source. State Health Department bulletins estimate 10 g.p.d, per pupil for grade schools without showers and 16 g,p.d, for schools with showers and cafeterias. The.se two average 13 g.p.d, for a six-hour day. We have used 20 g.p.d. per employee as a fair estimate for an eight-hour work day. In addition, a food store will use considerable water for wash up. We have, 5-8-74 (night) therefore, used the Health Department's estimate of 200 g.p.d, per 1000 sq. ft. of floor space for water requirements; 80% of which is allowed as waste water. 29,~000 x 200 x 0..80 = 4640 g.p.d. (includes 40 employees) 1000 The remaining 108 employees will use, by estimate, 20 x 108 = 2160 g.p.d. Total estimated average daily waste water 6800 gallons" "Estimated Sewage from Albemarle SqHare Shopping Center Planned Buildings - Phase I Food store 29,000 sq. ft. 40 employees est. Drug store 16,000 sq. ft. 10 employees est. Department store 30,000 sq. ft. 30 employees est. Drive-in bank 2,500 sq. ft. 4 employees est. Small shops (15) 38,000 sq. ft. 64 employees est. 115,500 sq. ft. 148 employees est." Mr. Wood cautioned the Board by. saying that the County has lived with that lagoon for a number of years and spent many dollars on aerators. The lagoon was designed to handle only the residential users of Woodbrook.. He will n©t vote for this site plan as long as the applicant intends to hook to the lagoon. He understood the applicant would make other arrangements for disposal of the waste water which will be generated. If this shopping center hooks to the. lagoon and something happens to the County's plans and the line is not .forthcoming to relieve the lagoon, the County will be stuck with this arrangement. Mr. Wood said there was to have been public sewage in this area five or six years ago and it is still not there. Mr. Thacker said he understood that the certification of the Woodbrook Lagoon requires that when the lagoon reaches 80% of its capacity for three consecutive months that plans and specifications providing for an increase in capacity be sub- mitted to the State Water Control Board. Mr. Batchelor said that is State law on all sewage disposal systems. Mr. Thacker said he had read a letter from Mr. George W. Williams, Executive Director of the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority, dated April 5, 1974, that indicates approval of this site plan will put the lagoon over its capacity. Mr. Humphrey said it is Mr. Bailey's opinion that completion of Phase I of this shopping center should coincide with completition of the public sewer lines in this area. Mr. Calvin Moyer, President of the Woodbrook Homeowner's Association, was present. He said there has been trouble with the lagoon for a number of years. Originally it was built for the residential use of Woodbrook SUbdivision. If this plan is approved.and the applicant allowed to use the. lagoon, Mr. Claude Cotton will have to be denied building permits for Phase IV of. the subdivision until the lagoon is relieved by the public sewage lines. Mr. Moyer said according to Mr. Bailey's figures', with 29 additional houses to be built, the lagoon will be 5,000 gallons a day over capacity. The homeowners in. Woodbrook feel this approval would be a misuse of the lagoon and they feel this site plan should not be approved until such time .as the County has the sewage problem solved. 3 5-8-74 (night) 243 An unidentified gentlemen asked which way. the surface water flows. Mr. Aubrey Huffman, engineer for the project, was present. He said storm water from the parking lot will go through a pipe system, in between two of the buildings, and be carried off to the rear of the property. Curb and gutter have been placed along the top of the ridge so that no water will drain toward Woodbrook Subdivision. The system has been designed to handle a 100-year flood. Mr. Fisher asked what part of the site plan presented represents Phase II. Mr. Humphrey said the ultimate development will be approximately 211,000 sq. ft. The first phase is for approximately 150,000 sq. ft. The entire development is shown on the plan before the Board tonight, however, the plan, if approved, should be conditioned on only phase I being developed and that no large users of water will be allowed to hook to the lagoon. Mr. Fisher said when the Board discussed this proposal previously, they had talked about traffic patterns and where the entrances would be placed. He said from looking at the site plan, the two large cuts are in line with what the highway department and the planning staff recommended at the time the zoning of this property was discussed, but the other two cuts shown seem to be very close to the intersection of 29 N. and Rio Road and would not generally be recommended by the highway department because they interfere with traffic flo~! at the intersection. Mr. Huffman said the .~ highway department had approved plans for the widening of Rio Road for dual laning of some 700 feet. The entrance at the top of the map has .been built and also the entrance on the border line between the conjunction with highway construction a department. At these last two points, a curb cut for a one way traffic patte~ are for entrances or exits. Mr. Huffma Mr. Fisher said he thought it had provide for service lanes. He asked iJ for service lanes, if they are found t¢ roads are fine, hut when they intersect they tend to add to the congestion. T! the immediate intersection and find a if he was speaking of service roads or were speaking of service roads. Mr. W( the highway requirement for a complete the entire width of the property on Roi two properties. These were built in nd Dll plans were approved by the highway there is no cut in the median strip, only n. Mr. Fisher asked if these last two cuts n said they are both entrances. been a long range goal of the County to there is enough setback allowed to provide be necessary. Mr. Humph~.ey said service very close 'ih~ca straight line to intersections, ~e staff's theory has been to get away from ~omewhat removed intersection. Mr.~Wood asked deceleration lanes, Mr. Humphrey said they ~od said he thought they were talking about deceleration lane and acceleration lane along [te 29. Mr. Fisher said the Planning staff and Planning Commission have issued ma~y documents o~er the last year in which they have recommended that provisions be ma~e for service roads in all future developments along major arterial highways. 244 5-8-74 (night) Mr. Wood said this recommendation will be included in the new Zoning Ordinance; it is not policy at this time. Mr. Fisher said unless the Board makes it a policy it will never happen. If the Board allows one to be built in the wrong .place, it will not work. Mr. Humphrey said it has been suggested that the County not require these parallsl roads to be built at this time, which is not good, but is acceptable. The staff does suggest that adequate setback be reserved for right of way for entrance and egress to adjacent properties. Mr. Fisher said he was satisfied on that question, but since the existing sewage facilities are somewhat in disupute, he asked where the Board stood in relation to approval of.this site plan. Mr. Wood said he.thought it stood where it did when the rezoning was requested, that the site plan be approved but the applicant find some other way to dispose of sewage and not tie into the Woodbrook Lagoon. He thought there were going to use a tank truck, and if they want to go to that expense, approval of the plan should be conditioned on the shopping center not being tied to the Woodbrook Lagoon. Mr. Humphrey said with the addition of the last phase of the Woodbrook Subdivision and the Albemarle Square Shopping Center, there will be a total estimated waste water flow into the Woodbrook Lagoon of 52,800 g.p.d. This is about 9,000 g.p.d, more than what a report of the County Engineer, dated April 15, 1974, shows. Mr. Wheeler said he felt the Board was asking Mr. Humphrey for something h.e could not give them tonight; the results of the State Water Control Board's flow survey. He said the Board needs a representative of the Service Authority present to give a repcrt so the Board members can have a complete understanding as to how this facility will be served. Mr. Wood said the Chairman could ask anyone he ~so desired to come and speak of to the Board, but he will not vote for this site plan as long as use/the ~oodbrook Lagoon is contemplated. Mr. Wheeler said the Board ~should know all the facts. Mr. Wood said he, a.s well as the Chairman, has served on this Board for six years and has received many, many letters about the problems with the lagoon. Mr. Moyer said he did not understand the County Engineer's computations. How- ever, once this site plan is approved and the lagoon is overloaded, there will be nothing that can be done. Mr. Fisher said the Board needed more information and he offered motion to defer this mattsr until such time as a report can be given by a representative of the County Service Authority on the 30-day survey just completed and an updated construction schedule for the Woodbrook sewage line. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thacker and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. ABSTAINING: Mr.. Carwile. 5~8~74 (night) 245 Mr. Wheeler said if it takes more than 30 days to complete this report, this matter should be brought back to the Board for further deferral. Request was received from the Stone-Robinson P.T.O. for a lottery permit for games to be played on May 17, 1974, between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. Motion was offered by Mr. Carwile to issue this permit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile,. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Mr. John Rogan appeared at this time. Mr. Wheeler stated that his request had been discussed earlier and the matter had been deferred until 9:15 A.M. on May 16, 1974. Mr. Wheeler said it is the responsibility of this Board to appoint members to serve on the Joint Jail Committee. He recommended that Sheriff George Ba~ley and Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr. be appointed as County representatives. He also recommended that Mrs. Marian Rabinowitz be appointed as the member at large, appointed by joint action of City Council and the Board of Supervisors. Motion to this effect was offered by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote: ~YES: NAYS: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. None. Mr. Wheeler said this Board needs to appoint a Fire Station Committee who will be responsible for gathering information for the proposed northside fire station. He asked that the Board have names ~eady for these appointments on May 16. Upon proper motion, .the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 P.M~. Chairman