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A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held on June 12, 1974, at 7:37 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse,
Charlottesvi!te, Virginia.
Present: Messrs. Stuart~F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.,
William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. (Mr. Wood
arriving at 8:00 P.M.)
Absent: None.
Officers present: County ExeCutive and County Attorney.
Mr. Wheeler called the meeting to order. He stated that the Board had discussed
with their attorney the order which ~the Circuit Court has issued revelant to the
landfill trial. The Board has received a request from the City to hold public
hearings on both SP-203 and SP-281. He recommended that the Board set the hearing
dates as follows: SP-203, July 30, 1974, 7:30 P.M., Jack Jouett Jr. High School;
SP-281, July 31, 1974, 7:30 P.M., Jack Jouett Jr. High School. Motion was offered
by Mr. Thacker to advertise for the public hearings on the dates recommended by
the Chairman. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Mr. Wheeler stated to the press that this complies with the Court Order. The
City has requested these hear±ngs and anyone present at same will be allowed to
present evidence.
The Chairman then called for a public hearing on Revenue Sharing proposals.
Notice of this public hearing was advertised in the Daily Progress on May 25 and
June 1, 1974.
Mr. Ray B. Jones, Assistant Director of Finance, was present. He said the
net amount available through the end of June, 1975, from Revenue Sharing Funds,
will be $1,826,543. There is a section in the Revenue Sharing Act ~hich states
that.-within 24 months of the time the money is received, or the end of the entitle-
ment period, an allocation must be used, obligated or appropriated. The County
must allocate an additional $40,000 by June 30, 1974, in order to comply with the
Act. Ail but $40,000 of the $206,633 received for the first entitlement period
has been allocated or obligated in the 1973-74 County budget.
Mr. Jones read the following list of items presented tonight for public
1. Wing, County Office Building-Courthouse $ t00,000
2. Renovations-Office of the Clerk'of Circuit Court 10,000
3. Space for Juvenile Court 250,000
4. Fire Station 150,000
5. Fire Station Equipment 200,000
6. Fire Hydrants 25,000
7. Purchase - Ivy Landfill site 200,000
8. Site improvements - Landfill 100,000
9. Bicentennial Util±ty Lines ~20,000
10. Moving of telephone cable 400
11. Low Income Housing Program 2Q,000
12. Purchase of Equipment - Landfill Operation 100,000
13. County Office Building 764,000
14. Improvements - Tot~ier Cr~eek 30,00~
Total $1,969,400
Mr. Wheeler said the Board has received a letter from the Chamber of Commerce
in which they state their concern about the use of Revenue Sharing Funds as seed
money for projects whose cost may later have to be. borne by local taxpayers in the
form of increased taxes. He then opened the floor for comments from the public.
Mr. Laurence C. Pettit, Jr., President of the Berkeley Community ~Association
presented the following:
"The Berkeley Community Association respectfully requests a change
im allocation of the General Revenue Sharing Funds to include a sufficient
amount of money to provide for recreational facilities in the Berkeley-
Westfield area.
Adequate space is now available at the unused 23 acre elementary school site
on Whitewood Road, within an area of high density development, both existing
and proposed.
We propose this recreational outlet to meet the needs for open space and
recreational requirements for this section of Albemarle County.
Initially we would propose relatively low cost improvements consisting of
playing fields, bicycle trails and picnic areas. Later improvements could
include tennis courts and swimming facilities.
The School Board's need for this property has apparently diminished for the
foreseeable future and therefore we believe the best intermediate use of this
easily accessible property would be for recreation. To further facilitate
the easy implementation of this request we suggest use of the serivces of
the summer intern landscape architect presently employed by the County Parks
If, for some unexplainable reason, the School Board would object to this use,
we request that additional funds be made available to acquir~e a similar
property in the same vicinity."
Next to speak was Mr. Robert Huskey, President of the Georgetown Green Home-
owners Association. He said they are in favor of the proposal just presented.
This part of the County has Four Seasons, Berkeley, and Georgetown Gr.een with a high
concentration of families. They are interested in a recreation area.
6-12-74 (night)
Mrs. ~Marcia S. Mashaw presented the following on behalf of the League of
Women Voters:
"June 12, 1974
To: Board of Supervisors
Re: Revenue Sharing Funds
As you know, the League is very pleased that you are planning
to use $20,000 of the County's Revenue Sharing funds for a low-cost
housing program. We supported such a commitment at the Revenue
Sharing public hearing in September 1973, and we support it now.
In recent years it has become increasingly necessary for local
governments to move into the area of housing, and we commend the
Board for taking this step.
Also, we would like to comment on another item on your "Planned
Use Report". It is our underst~anding that the $300,000 under
Environmental Protection-is for purchase of the Ivy landfill and
needed improvements to the site. In light of Judge Berry's recent
decision regarding a city landfill and considering the desirability
of a joint city-county operation, we urge you to leave your options
open regarding the Ivy site until these other matters have been
worked out. Regardless of where the landfill is located, we hope
that you will use part of the $300,000 for an analysis of the
waste that is received at the site. Such an inventory is necessary
to determine the economic feasibility of future solid waste programs,
whether they be simple resource recovery efforts or a more
sophisticated steam-generating incinerator."
Mr. Calvin Moyer, President of the Woodbrook Homeowners Association, said the
items relating to fire protection are of the highest priority.
Mr. Peter Daly said he works in Greene County on low-income housing and he
supports Mr~ Wheeler's proposal. He understands the Chamber's concern, but feels
this can be.~.self-supporting and would also provide a way to generate revenue for
the County. He asked that the Board also consider running water and sewer lines
to properties that may be suitable for such housing.
Mrs. Karen Lilleleth said there is a need for low-cost housing. Even though
this may not reach the poorest citizens, this may help and she urged the Board to
support Mr. Wheeler's suggestion.
An unidentified lady asked if the addition to the.Courthouse is a high
priority. Mr. Wheeler explained what this additional wing will provide in space.
He sa~id that' everyone in the County, of the City, who has an interest in Court
-Square has had a say in this matter.
Mr. Henley asked how binding these proposals are on the Board. He did not
think that some of the items included will ever be accomplished. Mr. Jones said
the Revenue Sharing Act states that you must go through the same procedure for
expenditure of these funds that is used for all local monies. Mr. Henley said the
Board should not do. anything about appropriations for a juvenile court or a fire
station until they have received reports from the committees appointed to study
and ~make recommendations on these two items.
Mrs. Mashaw said there have been several Planned Use Reports published in the
last two years and she asked if there are items, not included on the list tonight,
which have not been accomplished. Mr. Batchelor said $50,000 was set aside for
~-12£~7 4 _('nigHt ) ......
purchase of a site for a fire station and this has ~been done. Mr. Carwile
said almost the total amount of the first Planned Use Report was based on renova-
tions of McIntire School as a county office building. Mr. Wheeler said the schools
have not moved out of McIntire, the Board has been unable to get the proper zoning
from the City for the use of that property, and it is now included as a low priority
item. However, in the next few months the Board will be completing the wing to
the Courthouse. The Clerk's Office will be moving and the utility lines for the
Bicentennial Commission will be completed. Mr. Wheeler said he' would like for the
Board to appropriate the $20,000 needed for the low-income housing program so this
can get started.
Mr. Carwile offered motion to adopt the following resolution.:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that $70,0-00 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated
from Revenue Sharing Funds-and $50,000 is transferred to the General
Operating-Capital Outlay Fund for renovation and addition to
the Courthouse and $20,000 is transferred to the General Operating
Fund for a low, income housing project, and expenditure of these
funds is hereby approved.
The foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher.
Mr. Henley asked how the money for the low-cost housing project would be spent.
He said no definite plan has been presented to the Board at this time. Mr. Wood
said he wouZd prefer to see a plan before voting to appropriate the money. Mr.
Wheeler said there would be a person hired who would go out.in the County and look
for land. 'He would work with a committee to be appointed by this Board. This
person would probably need a secretary and transportation. Mr. Wheeler said the
Board has made this request to other sources of revenue, such as manpower. If
that money is obtained, this may not be needed;
Mr. Henley asked what happens if~.the money is appropriated and not used. Mr.
Batchelor said the Board is not obligated to go ahead with the project and may
substitute programs. Mr. Wood said he would like to support the program, but the
Board has not been presented with a plan. He felt the Board might be critized for.
appropriating money to something that "might happen" He said he will vote for
this program at the appropriate time.
Mr. Wheeler said this appropriation will be used to hire a man to look for
land, hire a secretary and purchase an automobile. How the program will be imple;
mented will be decided later. Mr. Wheeler said he feels there is land available
in Albemarle County for low-income housing. At the moment there are probably 250
applications pending approval of FHA. Part o~ these applicants could be taken
care of if someone could find the land needed.
An unidentified gentlemen said the housing foundation has found it necessary
to hire a consultant to determine if land is suitable for development, and to pay
options to reserve the land. He felt $20,000 would b'e well spent in an investigative
Mr. Daly said this has been his Job for the last two years. Finding the land
is tim~-consuming. He said this person might also find sites for small devel,opments
and arrange for £inancing through FHA.
Mr. Thacker said he is willing to support the program, but feels t~e Board
may be premature in appropriating money before seeing more information as to who
will be hZred, what the salary of that person will be, and the requirements for
setting up this type of program.
Mr. Wheeler said this is his recommendation. He has also recommended that a
housing board be appointed. Th~ Board would be in charge of hiring this person
and would work out a plan for this. Mr. Wheeler said he could see no reason to
hesitate. The Board either supports the program or they do not support the program.
Mr. Thacker said he would not support the program until he knows what the costs
will be. Mr. Wheeler said it could not be more than $20,000. Mr. Thacker said
that is true, bu~t it could be less than $20,000.
Mr. Wheeler called for a vote on the motion and the motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwite, Fisher, Henley and Wheeler.
NAYS: Mr. Thacker and Mr.. Wood. (Mr. Wood prefaced his vote by stating that he
was not voting for the motion because Mr. Wheeler had earlier in the day told him
to go out and get some figures and come back~and he felt this same logic should
apply here. Mr. Wood said he would vote for the appropriation when the figures
are presented and the Bo~ard knows what the County taxpayers are spending their
money for.)
Mr. Henley asked about the purchase of the Ivy landfill site. Mr. Wheeler
said he did not feel the Board is ready to take any action on that matter.
Mr. Wheel.er recommended that the request received from the Berkeley Community
AssociatZon regarding recreational faci-lities be turned over to the Parks Committee
for study.
Mr. Wheeler said the Board needm to charge the Fire Station Committee with
their duties. He recommended that this committee be invited to the Board meeting
of June 20, ~97~, at 4:00 P.M.
. (Not.e: Mr. Carwile abstaining during discussion and vote on the following
The next item before the Board was request for approval of Albemarle Square
Site Plmn. Mr. Humphrey said this matter had been deferred from May 8, 1974, in
order to obtain a report from the State Water Control Board relative to the flow
and capacity of the Woodbrook Lagoon. He presented the following communications:
"20 May 1974
Mr. Ray B. Jones, Executive Dir.ector
Albemarle County Service Authority
County Office Building
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Dear Mr. Jones:
Please find attached a tabulation of the Woodbrook Lagoon flow
survey performed for the period 5 April-4 May 1974. Comparison of
our results for the period 5 April to 30 June to the data submitted
by the Rivanna Water and Se'wer Authority for the month of April
indicates that the plant's flow recorder may 'be indicating high
measurements. In making this comparison, appropriate deletions of
our data was made in accordance with those days on which the
Authority made no flow measurement.
It is apparent that the high flow measurement reported in the
special survey of 30-31 October 1973 can be attributed to increased
flow during a wet weather period. It should be noted, however,
that the certificate limit for the Woodbrook facility is 55,000
gpd as a monthly average. The facility should be closely monitored
to assure that addit~ona! loading to the facility does not exceed
the 80% and 95% levels referenced in our letter to you on 10 April
For your further information, the special survey of 30'31 October
1973 also indicated BOD5 and suspended solids strength, parameters
to be within certificated limits, i.e., 15 mg/1 BOD5. versus a
48 mg/t l~mit and 35 mg/1 ~suspended solids versus a 48 mg/1 limit.
Again, as additional loading is placed on the Woodbrook facility,
the effluent parameters should be monitored closely to assure
certificate limits are not exceeded.
If we can be of further assistance in any matter, please feel free
to contact us.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Larry M. Simmons
Pollution Control Engineer
State Water Control Board"
April 5 .0598 .7
April 6 .0382 .12
April 7 .0346 trace
April 8 .0490 0
April 9 .0421 .38
April 10 .0374 0
April 11 .0270 0
April 12 .02Z7 0
April 13 .0277 .03
April 14 .0310 0
April 15 .0252 .32
April 16 .0230 0
April 17 .0230 0
April 18 .0230 0
April 19 .0230 0
April 20 .0227 0
April 21 .0220 0
April 22 .0252 0
April 23 .0270 .24
April 24 .0220 0
April 25 .0205 0
April 26 .0280 0
April 27 .0234 0
April 28 .0245 0
April 29 .0260 0
April 30 .0252 0
May 1 .0227 0
May 2 .0260 0
May 3 .0288 .51
May 4 .0263 0
Average Daily Flow .0287; Maximum Daily Flow .0598; Total Flow for Month .8620
Rainfall from McCormick Observatory at CharlottesVille
"June 3, 1974
Memo To:
Mary Joy White
J. Harvey Bailey
Woodbrook Sewage Lagoon
Pursuant to your request for a clearer description of the con-
ditions of operation of the Woodbrook sewage lagoon and the
anticipated additional loading from the development of additional
lots in Woodbrook plus the development of the Albemarle Square
Shopping Center, we submit the attached report.
This report is compiled from data appearing in our memos to you,
dated April 15 and April 24, 1974, respectively, together with Mr.
Larry M. Simmons' letter, dated May 20, 1974, addressed to Ray B.
Office of the Engineer - Albemarle County, Virginia
May 31, 1974
This facility is being affected by the Rlvanna Water and Sewer
Authority pursuant to the provisions of'the Four-Party Contract
involving the City of' Charlottesville, County of Albemarle,
Albemarle County.Service Authority, and-Rivanna Water and Sewer
Authority. Conditions of operation are stated in Certificate
No 1319, which was issued by the State Water Co~ntrol Board.
The greatest single-month f,tow of effluent into the facility,
subsequent to the installation of a flow meter, was 34,700
gallons per day, for the month of January 1974.
The average flow per residential unit is-calculated to be
216 gallons per day. A total of 50 residential units (sections
9 and 10 of Woodbrook) will be added. The average daily load
from these is calculated to be 10,800 gallons per day.
The projected use of the Woodbrook .Lagoon by the proposed
Albemarle Square Shopping Center is estimated to be 6,800
gallons per day.
Therefore, the total estimated future loading on the Woodbrook
Lagoon is estimated as follows:
Present loading
Development of Woodbrook
Albemarle Square
Total future loading
34,700 gallons per day
10,800 gallons per day
6,800 gallons per day
52,300 gallons per day
The provisions of~the certificate which call for review,
analysis of projected loadings, etc. have already been met
in the plans of the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority. Capacity
for treating additional waste water is expacted to be available
in the Madow Creek plant through a plant expansion program
which is now in progress.
Mr. J. Harvey Bailey, County Engineer, was present. He said these, figures
had been developed by the Rivanna Authority, verifi~ed and'reduced by,the State
Water Control Board. At ~present, the Lagoon meets all the requirements of the State
~ater Control~ Bo~ard certification. The projection of 10,800 gpd flow for the 50
houses sti-ll to be connected to the lagoon, is based on the performance of the present
houses connected to the lagoon. The County Engineering Department had~wo~ked with
the manager of the proposed shopping center to arrive at the 6,800 gpd, which was
later modified by wording of the Albemarle County Service Authority. In granting
sewer services to the shopping center they stated that no establishment such as a
restaurant, beauty parlor, laundry, or any heavy contributor, could be placed on
the lagoon.. The Albemarle .County Service Authority Board feels it is re-asonably
safe to allow this connection at this time.
Mr. Fisher said the Board had received a copy of a letter dated April 5,
from Mr. George Williams, Director of The Rivanna Authority, in which he stated
that during three rainy days in March, the average daily flow was 68,000 gpd.
Since the lagoon is certified for only 55,000 gpd, Mr. Fisher asked what happens
when that capa~it'y is approached. Mr. Bailey's projections show the lagoon is
approaching 90% ~of its certified ~apacity without heavy rainfall.
Mr. Bailey said the lagoon provides a holding basin of sufficient size to
allow the time necessary for digestion of the matter to take place. It has been
concluded that when there is rainfall on the two and one-quarter surface of the
lake, there is essentially a 100% run-off. The rain water does not require any
treatment. The only objection is that the rainwater may carry off some sewage.
However, this is not serious enough to endanger streams in the area. Mr. Bailey said
the State Water Control Board says the flow shall not be more than 55,000 gpd
averaged ov~r~..-a 30-day period. There may be a number of individual days which exceed
that total. The certification of the lagoon requires that when 80% of capacity
is reached, you must begin to pr-epare plans for expansion of the facility. When
95% of capacity is reached, no more connections can be obligated to the lagoon.
The general plan of the Rivanna Authority provides for the elimination of this
lagoon. Plans are in the process of being prepared, some parts are ~e!l advanced.
Mr. Thacker said the report from the State Water Control Board dated May 20,
1974, indicated an average daily flow of 287700 gpd; If thins is taken as a
realistic figure, and the future development of Woodbrook and the Albemarle
Square Shopping Center are added, the total will be about 46,300 gpd. This
would be over 80% of the certified limit of the lagoon. He asked how this fits
into present plans. Mr. Bailey--said the plans of the Rivanna Authority are in the
advanced period of the design state. These plans have been accepted by the
S.W.C.B. Plans for the interceptor line which will be involved are ~in Richmond
being reviewed at this time.
Mr.. Ray Jones said the Service Auth~rity,~when they initially considered
this request, had limited the commercial area of the shopping cent.er to 150,000
sq. ft. and did not allow any large users of sewage services such ~as car washes,
beauty parlors, restaurants, and laundromats. Mr.~Wheeter asked the s~uare footage
being requested at this time. Mr. Humphrey said. the total plan is for 211,250
sq. ft. The applicant would like to have approval for the entire area, however,
for planning purposes, the issuance of building permits can be tied to square
footage, ba~ed on capabilities of the Woodbrook Lagoon and what the Albemarle
County Service Authority will approve.
Mr. Bailey said he was given p~ans to review that showed llS,~00~square
feet. Computations were made on the basis of the type of store and ~.he n~umber
of employees. .~ ~.~:~_
Mr. Aubrey Huffman was present to represent the petitioner. He said the
only plan ever submitted ia the one before SKe Bo. ard tonight showing atotal of
215,000 square feet. Mr. Fisher said with all the variances in the square footage
of this request, he di~ not feel the Servi~e Authority, the~County Engineer, the
Board of Supervisors, or the State Water Control Board are all working in the
same direction. He said the Board may be laying themselves open for criticism
if they approve something that may possibly take them over 95% of the certified
capacity of-the lagoon.
Mr. Wheeler said he was willing to approve a plan for no more than~tt5,000
squar~e feet, the figure Mrs. Bailey had used for ~his projections.
Mr. Bob Howerin, one of the developers of Albemarle Square, was present.
He said the plan before the Board tonight is the only plan ever submitted. There
was a hearing by the Planning Commission, it was deferred and there was another
hearing and ~he plan~ was approved subject to the Planning Staff's approval of
the landscaping. There was never any discussion of anything less than 225,000
square feet. There was no mention in the letter from the Albemarle County Service
Authority of any restriction except no heavy users of sewage services. The
letter was addressed to Mr. Wendell Wood and has since been assigned to the
developer. The letter they received on approval, of the rezoning did not list
any conditions other than approval by the Service Authority. They have ~st&lled
two entrances based on this approval by the County. This cost about $47,000 and
they have also spent $100,000 for site preparation.
Mr.~Jones sai~ the Service Authority initially acted on a letter from Mr.
Wendell Wood dated August 30, 1972~, At that time, they put on a restriction of
150,000 square.feet. ~'Mr. Howerin asked if the agencies involved would recheck
all figures on sewage before the matter goes any further. - The developer does
not expect te build 215,000 square feet until the new sewer line is available.
They expect to build only 91,000 square feet in the next year. Mr. Fisher said
he felt all parties should get together and work out something that is~reasonabte.
He did not think the Board should approve this until they have better information.
Mr. Calvin Moyer, President, Woodbrook Homeowners Association, spoke next.
He sa~d there hav.e been serious troubles, in the past, with the Woodbrook lagoon
and sewerage system. Back: in 1970 they came to the Board and the County agreed
to install aerators to help eliminate the odor. At ~hat time, the State Water
Control Board said. they had been aware f~r some time of the condition of the
lagoon. They believed this to be partly from the cl~imate and because the lagoon
was bu~tt in a high area and this limited aerat~on~ This was the explanation
given as to why the lagoon did not operate properly, although not heavily over-
loaded. Since the lagoon has a long history of malfunctions, the Homeowners
Associat,~on requests that the Board not-bring the'lagoon toga 55,000 gpd..capacity.
Mr. Norman Phi.llips, a sanitary engineer from Richmond, said the aerators should
not be install.ed with the idea of making continued, unlimited numbers of connections
6-12-74 (night)
to this raw sewage system~ In April, 197'4, the State Health Department said
that since the aerators were installed they had not received a complaint and
would recommend further hookups. At the same time, Mr. Phillips restated that
the installation of th~ aerators should.not be used to justif~ further-connections
to the lagoon. Although~tha Rivanna Author,ity has presented a plan in which
they say one impro~ement~ to the system will be completed b~ December 1974, and
other improvements will be scattered along until 1979, this is only.a target
date. The Homeowners do not believe this is enough of a plan to go over the
55,000 gpd figure. Mr. Moyer reiterated that this Lagoon was orginally built to
service only the subdivision of Woodbrook. .It was not built to a capacity to go
outside of that area and take in commercial properties. He asked that the
lagoon be limited to use by Woodbrook, including the 50 additional homes which
Mr. Claude Cotten proposes to build in the last phase of Woodbro0~.. Mr. Moyer
also questioned Mr. Bailey'~s projections. (See memo in minutes of May 8, t974,
and set out on Pages 241-2~2 of this minu~te book~) Mr. Moyer said once the system
is overloaded, there is nothing'than can be done. He also said that in order
to connect to the lagoon the developer would have to traverse private p~aperty.
He summarized by asking that the Board deny this application or defer action
until the sewage problem is resolved.
At this time, the Board took a recess. When they reconvened, Mr. Wheeler
asked the County Attorney for an opinion of what had been presented. Mr. St.
John said he understands that the site plan calls for more square footage or
building space than can be serviced by the Albemarle County Service Amthority.
The Service Authority is prepared to commit themselves to a certain number of
connections or cap~acity for a certain number of gallons attributable to a smaller
site than tha~ shown on .the site plan. The question before t.he Board now is
whether or not the Board is justified in denying a site plan this large because
the Service Authority is unable to service that large an area. Mr. St. John
said the Board would be justified in limiting the size of the site plan at .this
time to such a size as can be serviced by the capacity which the Service Authority
says it has available. The Service Authority is a different governmental unit
from the Board of Supervisors, but he feels the Board is entitled to and should
consider the capacity the Service Authority says they can provide.
Mr. Fisher said the Board now has two figures before them. One of those is
based on the most recent technical information available to the County Engineer.
That figure says there is less capacity now than ~what the Service Authority said
they could handle in December 1972. Mr. St. John said as a general rule, the
Board should accept the statement from the Service Authority as to what they can
provide in the way of sewage services. Mr.~ Jones said the Service Authority had
originally said they could service 150,000 square feet, now they have taken into
consideration the actua~ type of facility that will be built and have restated
this as 115,000 square feet. Mr. St. John said the Board can approve the whole
plan, but~ with the approval place a condition that building permits will not be
issued~for anything above the 115~,~000 square feet.
Mr. Wood said the County~Attorney had just said it is within the Board's
power to either approve the site ptan in total, approve the site plan subject to
not hooking to the lagoon, or impose certain limitations. The Board realizes
that the laggon~should' not have been built closer to a single-family residence
than 600 feet and there are now residences within~50 feet. In 1970 the County
installed at a cost of $10,000, aerators to eliminate a health hazard in that
area. Now, the Board is about to approve an outside use of commercial intent,
when they are already operating in violation because of the closeness of these
homes. Mr. Wood said he could not find anything wrong with the Shopping Center
and has stated_many times that such a facility is needed in this area. But, to
expand the use of the Woodbrook lagoon, with its long history of malfunctions,
is beyond his comprehension.
Mr. Wood then offered motion to approve the Shopping Center site plan based
upon all conditions previously imposed and with the added condition that it not
hook to the Woodbrook lagoon. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henley.
Mr. WheeZer said he would not vote to approve a 215,000 square foot site
plan, but would support a site plan that does not exceed 115,000 square feet,
or_~something more in line with the reoommendations of the Service Authority and
the County Engineer.
Mr. Fisher said the information presented tonight, and over the last several
years, is Self-contradictory to such an extent that it is almost unbelievable.
He said ~he__Board would be doing an injustice to the people who have to continue
to use the lagoon when they do not know when the sewer interceptor line will be
available. He said there are other alternatives available to the developer.
Mr. Wheeler asked if Mr. St. John had a legal opinion on the motion. Mr.
St. John said the Service Authority owns the lagoon and has said they are ready
to service the developer. If the Service Authority is willing to do this, he
did not think the Board of Supervisors can impose a condition on the developer
that he cannot use the capacity which the Service Authority is willing to let
him have. That option is not open to the Board. Mr. St. John said the problems
with the Lagoon have been ably stated on behalf of the citizens and these should
be brought to the attention of the Service Authority Board. The Board of Supervisors
could request them not to issue this coramitment to the developer.
Mr. Fi~sher said when this property came up for rezoning, at least two
members o£ thais Board made strong statements to the developer that he would be
~-~-~ (night)
well advised not to consider the use of the lagoon because of the problems that
had existed, and will continue to exist, until this facility is phased out. It
seems that the Service Authority has decided to go ahead and make a commitment
and although this is in their power, he did not feel it is in the best interest
of the public.
Mr. Thacker said he is in sympathy with the Woodbrook Homeowners Association
but questioned whether this Board has the right to deny approval of this site
plan. He was willing to support approval of a sit'e plan for 115,000 square
feet, showing all other square footage as later expansion. This would be in
line with what the Service Authority has said they can service.
Mr. Wood asked if the Service Authority Board. had discussed why the aerators
were installed on the lagoon. He said if they had, he did not understand why
they were making further commitments for off-site connections of this type. He
felt the Board should vote on the motion which was on the floor, then ask the
Service Authority to consider the history of the lagoon back to 1970. He said
they may have based their considerations on some recent acts that may be error.
They should also consider the health hazard in this area.
Mr. St. John said the Service Authority is not bound to do anything more
for the Board of Supervisors than for any other citizen. The only remedy is ~O
either approve a site plan that is limited to the size that can now be serviced
by the Service Authority or to ask the Service Authority to reconsider this
approval based on all factors presented. Mr. Thacker asked if it would be
proper to defer action at this time and make such a request to the Service
Authority. Mr. St. John said yes, the Board cannot do what they first intended,
to deny the use of the Woodbrook lagoon. This is a matter for the Service
Authority to consider; not this Board. Mr. Wood said in light of that statement,
he would withdraw his motion. Mr. Henley also withdrew the second.
Mr. Wood then offered motion that the Board of Supervisors defer this
matter, that the Service Authority be requested to consider all the information
presented tonight, that the Service Authority be requested to review the history
of the tagomn back to 1969 as far as health hazards and the original intent of
the lagoon, and that the~Board of Supervisors act on this matter when that
report is received from the Service Authority. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Mr. Thacker asked Mr. Humphrey how long the Board has to act on this site
plan. Mr. Humphrey said it is not tied to any time limit, but final approval
for the last section of Woodbrook Subdivi'sion is tied to the capacity of the
lagoon. Mr. Wheeler said this is not before the Board. Mr. Henley said he had
seen a letter from the State Water Control Board in which they stated that if
the lagoon~becomes overloaded, housing permits, will be denied. Mr. Humphrey
said after the Shopping Center is hooked to the lagoon, the developer of Woodbrook
may be denied permission to hook to the lagoon. Mr. Fisher said when the Service
Authority reviews their commitments, they should look.at the entire problem.
The Chairman called for a vote on the motion and the motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Thacker, and Wood.
NAYS: Mr. Wheeler.
ABSTAINING: Mr. Carwile.
The next item before the Board was a request for a restricted road for
Eve L. Wright. Such road located/o~ State Route 674, near White Hall, Virginia,
and shown on site plan drawn by Thomas D. Blue, dated 12/10/72 and revised
1/1/73, 4/1/74, and 4/15/74. The property is shown on County Tax Map 26 as
Parcel 17. The restricted road is to serve six lots. Mr. Humphrey said there
are two lots shown on the site plan as having access off of Route 674. The six
lots will have a 50-foot restricted road and it was the intent of the Planning
Commission that Lots 1 and 6 also have their entrance off of this restricted
road instead of Route 674. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the
request subject to the policy and guidelines adopted by the Board in reference
to restricted roads. Motion was offered by Mr. Henley to approve this request.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the followSng recorded
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, FSsher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 P.M.