HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-247-24-74 403 Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on July 24, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Virginia. Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, Gordon L. Wheeler, and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. Absent: Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr. and Mr. William C. Tha~iker, Jr. Officers present: County i~i'~xecutive and County Attorney. The Board began with discussion of amendments to Articles 15A-9-1 and 15A-9-2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. This matter was deferred from June 26, 1974. Mr Mike Gteason, Chairman of the Sign Study Commission was present to make a report. He said the committee has met a number of times and have received a variety of opinions. They have now gotten to a substantial study of the problem. The committee is concerned about the public apathy or non-concern for the situation. The committee, unanimously, feels there should be more citizen involvement. This is a problem since the Board has asked for a report in the month of August, because so many people are tied up with either work schedules or vacations. The Committee asks that the Board consider a further delay of the report until at least September so more citizens groups, both pro and con, can have input. Mr. Wheeler said Mr. Thacker is a member of the committee. He discussed this Mr. Thacker and the Chair requests that this be deferred for 90 days. This will allow the committee time to explore all avenues and hold public hearings and bring acceptable recommendations to this Board. Mr. Fisher offered motion to further defer action on this matter for 90 days. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. The Board continued with public hearings as advertised in the Daily Progress on July 3 and July t0, 1974: (..1) ZMP-304. George R. and Mary H. Jones have petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to rezone 2.034 acres from A-1 Agricultural to RS-1 Residential. Property is situated on the south side of Route 810 near Brown's Cove. Property is further described as County Tax Map 14, Parcel' 23, part thereof. White Hall Magisterial District. Mr. John Humphrey, County Planner, gave the staff's report. He said the area is rural in character with several single-family residences in the immediate area. Pasture land and tree groves are predominate in the area. A small stream traverses the property in a north/south direction. To the west of the stream, the land is relatively steep. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that this area be conserved for low density development because of its location in a mountainous area. To allow a higher density would be spot zoning and might set a precedent for future development in this mountainous area. The staff recommends denial of the request. The Planning Commission also recommends denial of the request. 4O4 0hairman Mr. Jones was present in support of the petition. Humphrey: build one more. Wheeler: Jones: Yes. Who will live in the additional house? My father-in-law. Where is your father-in-law living now? Wheeler: Jones: Wheater: Jones: Wheeler: Jones: Wood: 7-24-74 There is one existing house on the two-plus acres and he wants to That is the reason for requesting the one-acre category. Do you live in the house on this land now? Stays up above us, sir. The road up above us. Does he own the place? He does own his place. It has no bath or running water. How old is your father-in-law? Jones: 62. Wheeler: How many acres of land does your father-in-law have now? Jones: I do not know exactly. Wheeler: Let me explore this further. You say in the house where he lives now that he cannot get facilities, why not? Jones: It is not his fault. The house where he lives now is not fit for septic facilities. Fisher: If we rezone to built another house, there will still be a substandard house out there. Carwile: What will happen to your father-in-law's hous~e should he move into the new house you plan on building? Jones: I don't know exactly what he would do with his after... Mrs. Jones: The house is in no shape for remodeling. Wheeler: If you are going to build a new house on this lot, why can't that be torn down and a new house built there? Mrs. Jones: Legacy property. Wheeler: This Board is sympathetic to anyone who is trying to get a home. We have a program now that we are trying to institute that will help find homes. Also, we do have to try to follow the regulations in the Zoning Ordinance. If you have sufficient land and could use that, I would not be in favor of rezoning this. I would not mind deferring action on this. Maybe if they want to present something fU~her or look into this... Batchelor: The County Attorney has some information that might be pertinent. St. John: I don't have any information, but if you are going to have somebody look into it, I can talk to them later. I think this lady means that this place where Mr. Jones' father-in-l~w lives...she said this~is legatee property and no one of them own it and no one of them will build a house on it ... to get the title straightened out on it. Sometimes this costs more than the land. Wheeler: That is where, I hope, when we get our new committee going, will assist 405 Chairman people such as this. This is the thing I pointed out. St. John: Is there a motion before the Board to have someone look into this? Wheeler: It is not before the Board yet. Wood: I think that is a good idea. Appoint a member of the Board and a member of the Planning Staff to look at it and come back. Wheeler: I think Steve Colangelo can do this. ! request that the Board defer action on this for 30 days. While we do not have a housing committee going yet, we can look into this and make a decision and may be able to provide housing for somebody who needs housing. Mr. Wood offered motion to defer action on ZMP-304 for 30 days. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwi!e, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. 2) ZMP-305. Anne M. Carpenter has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to rezone 2.38 acres from A-! Agricultural to R-! Residential. Property is situated at the intersection of Route 637 and Route 78~6 near Ivy. Property is further described as County Tax Map 58, Parcel 97. Samuel Miller Magisterial Di'strict. Mr. Humphrey said the area is semi-rural in character with several single-family dwellings in the immediate vicinity. The property in question slopes downward in a southwesterly direction, away from the existing structures. Parcel sizes in the immediate area range from 0.9 acres to 657.05 acres. There are three lots to the north of the property ~n question,zoned R-I, which have an average lot size of 1.06 acres. The'.app!icant intends to remodel the existing barn on the subject property for rent and future sale. Whil~ the Comprehensive Plan suggests that this area be developed as medium density residential (average 2.5 dwelling units per acre), the staff recommends that one dwelling unit per acre be maintained because of the relatively steep sloping terrain of thi's parcel and the lack of public water to the area, which the staff feels is a mandatory requirement in v2~w of the problems of water supply in the Ivy area. The staff also noted that Route 637 is being considered for realignment and two of the alternatives for realignment would affect the southern portion of the parcel. Due to the lot sizes in the area, the lack of public water to serve parcels smaller than one acre, and the possibility that a portion of this parcel may be affected by the realignment of Route 637, the staff recommended RS-t zoning of this parcel in lieu of R-1. The Planning Commission also recommended approval of RS-1 in keeping with the staff's report. Fisher: In the Planning Commission recommendation for RS-i, was the assumption made that the intent of the applicant could be met basically this way? Humphrey: We have looked at the parcel to see if the intention could be met with setbacks, etc. and a brief analysis of the parcel which we have in the staff report. It could be met and I understand from the attorney representing the applicant that this would meet the needs of the applicant. 406 7-24-7a ~ Chairman Mr. Joe Richmond, Jr. was present to represent the applicant. This particular property is on 637 as it leads to Ivy. If you are fam~ar with that area, there is a cluster of some 6 - 8 houses there. At least one, if not more, are zoned R-1. To my knowledge, there is no large tract of land in this immediate cluster. Close by there are large tracts of land, as large as 600 acres. We appeared before the Planning Commission and agreed to their recommendation that we could be accommodated on a RS-1 zoning and agreed to that zoning. As stated in the staff report, the intent is t~ke an existing barn, garage-type structure that fronts on 637, and turn that into a rental unit with the possibility of future sale. We believe we can live within the confines of RS-1 zoning. It was brought out by the staff report that the new course of 637 might pass through this property. To my knowledge, no definite route has been decided upon. It is my feeling that this is not a proper matter at this time because it has not been decided upon. It could go across this property, tt could go another location. I think that is a matter for condemnation proceedings if appropriate but not for a rezoning proceeding. We will abide by the RS-! and that will be suitable to accommodate our plans. Fisher: Is the intent to construct no further'buildings, but to remodel the existing barn into a living area? Richmond: That is right. remodeling Whether an addition is proposed in addition to/that, I do not know. A separate physical structure is not c~ntemplated. Mr. Fisher offered motion to approve ZMP-305 for RS-1 zoning as recommended by the Planning Commission and Planning Staff. The motion was second.ed by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. ZMP-307. Cushman Realty and Bu±lding Corporation has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to rezone 113.15 acres from A-1 Agricultural to RS-1 Residential. Property is situated on the east side of Route 678, about 3/4 mile north of Ivy. Property is further described as County Tax Map 58, Parcel 81, part thereof. Samuel Miller Magisterial District. Wheeler: We have received a letter, addressed to the Clerk, from the attorney for Mr. Cushman, requesting that he be allowed to withdraw this petition. Whether the Board will allow Mr. Cushman to withdraw is before us at this time. This petition has and Was~c before us late last year /it is before us again. It is not my intention,as one Board member,to allow Mr. Cushman to withdraw this petition in such a manner that it will come before us again in several months. I have no objection to allowing this petition to be withdrawn with prejudice.which means that it could not Come back for one year. Cushman: This petitibn came~up the same time as another petition that has to do with 30 acres that is being handled in a different manner without rezoning. It apparently confused the public. In fact, I believe one lady wrote a letter involving this petition and we were talking about the other petition. My lawyer has gone on vacation and I am forced to represent myself, but I would like to have this petition withdrawn without prejudice while we consider the other matter. Because I will want to bring this petition back when there is no confusion about it~. But there has been confusion in the past. If you wish to hear it tonight, I will have to represent myself. Chairman Fisher: This parcel of land was before us, as you stated, for a.pub!i¢ hearing on December 5 of last fall and it was withdrawn two days before that. It is again before us and it was withdrawn four or five days before the-~haaring. There have been a number of staff report generated each time this has come up. ~here has been a great deal of citizen awareness of the issue and a large number of communications that have taken place each time. While I have no objection to allowing Mr. Cushman to withdraw it, I do feel that coming up twice within 12 months is a little much and I would hate to think that everybody is going to get stirred up again within two ar three months. It sounds like this is what is going to happen. In fact, after the letter was written Friday requesting the withdrawal of it, some citizens decided not to come to the hearing because they felt it was not going to be held tonight. I don't think we could hear it tonight, in all fairness, because of the t~tter that has come and the people who called me about it. I told them about the letter and said I thought it would not be heard. It put's us in a bad situation. Cushman: I think Mr. Fish~r'.~ has answered the question about this particular petition. Z believe the people in Ivy have every right to be her~ on this petition. On the other petition, I am not not asking for rez~ning, and that is before the Board this evening. On this petition we are asking for rezoning and I would like to have my legal counsel on tap for it. I hop that you will vote to withdraw it without pre- judice and let me bring it back to you at a later date. Wheeler: ! don't intend to vote to let you withdraw it and then bring it back in several months. Other .Board members can speak because it is nov confusing to me and I don't believe it is confusing to this Board. Whether it will be confusing to the citizens, or not, ~onight, next week, next year, ! don't know. I came:tonight prepared to act on it. The staff has to do a lot of work on one of these petitions. This is the second time the staff has had to generate all this information. This is the second time the citizens of the area have had to get out and be concerned about it. I don't intend for them to come out again in two or three months. That is my feeling. Cushman: In that case, all I can do is present it for a hearing tonight. Wood: I have to agree with Mr. Fisher. I think it would be unfair to hear it because...I even got some letters on it myself, addressed to all members of the Board. ed It was report/in the news media today that it would probably be withdrawn. Most citizens would think that it is not to heard and they are nov represented here tonight. Whether we defer it tonight, with prejudice or without, I don't think we can do it. I agree with the Chairman. I don't want this to keep coming back to us every three months, or every.two months., with the constant turmoil of the citizens up there. It is a concern. I came tonight prepared to vote on it. Wheeler: I would suggest that we either defer the public hearing until a date in August or we take action on the request for withdrawal. 4 0 8 y - ~aa~rman Fisher: I would like to state again that this is a matter that has been advertised in the media for a hearing tonight. It has gone through all the procedures for staff recommendations, input from the School Board, the Service Authority, the Soil and Water Conservation p~ople. Everybody was prepared as of Friday to take action on this tonight until the applicant asked that it be withdrawn again. It seems to me that this is putting everybody in a quandry. Wheeler: Mr. Fisher if you want to present a motion that it be allowed to be withdrawn with prejudice, suits me alri~ht. Mr. Fisher then offered motion to allow the petition for ZMP-307 to be withdrawn WITH PREJUDICE. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood. - ...... '~ ~-~ i~, · ~ Wo0d': ~'~Do w~ need to clarify "with prejudice,. Carwite: Where I had thought that we may have somewhat of a problem in that Mr. Cushman said he wanted to go ahead and have it heard, as I read the letter that we received from his counsel, it says that they wish to hereby withdraw the petition. St. John: Mr. Batchelor has asked me a question... Wheeler: Do you have any comment to the Board on the motion? St. John'~ To allow it to be withdrawn, with prejudice, to strike it from the docket. No comment. The letter you~have reviewed asking for withdrawal does not condition the withdrawal on being without prejudice. I think it is within your power. Wheeler: Call the roll. AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Wheeler: Ladies and gentlemen, the petition has been withdrawn with prejudice. It cannot be heard for one year. The next item before the Board was a request from Cushman Realty and Building Corporation for two restricted roads in Lewis Hill-West, as shown on plat drawn by William S. Roudabush, Jr. and dated May 22, 1974. Humphrey: The request is for two restricted roads stemming from Route 678; one restricted road to serve seven lots, the second restricted road to serve seven lots, as indicated on the plat. You will note also on the plat that all lots contain two acres each. Ail lots are to be served by a central water system. Driveways to Lots 1, 7, 8, and 14 must enter lots from the restricted road rather than from Route 678. Restricted road connections to Route 678 must be approved by the ol Virginia ~epartment of Highways. approved by the County Engineer. for Septic System Installation. Street plan~ drainage and erosian.cont~/plans be Each lot~must be approved by Health Department The Planning~Commission is recommending approval of these restricted roads with the standards as adopted by the Board with reference to the subject road and conditioned upon the approval of a special permit, ~hich has yet to come be£ore the Board nexv month, according to the statement on the plat that it will served by a central well. To make it clear. Basically, this is before you for a restricted road, but the plat also states that they would like to serve it by a central well system which is the subject of a different application yet to come before Chairman you, therefore, the Commission approved it in that vein. Fisher: It was the feeling of the Planning Commission that they wished to have the central well system? Humphrey: No sir, they felt that that would be considered under the special permit at the next public hearing. They made no mention as to whether they would approve it or deny it. That is yet to :be justified by the applicant. Wheelar: It seems to me that this is kind of skipping around our policy. This will serve 14 lots by using two restricted roads. Fisher: Our policy would allow that because they are connected by State roads. - ,~2Wheeler: ,I don't interpret it that way. If you interpret it this way, if you had some more lots on that acreage you would have two more restricted roads on that. I don't like restricted roads to start out with and I certainly did not~ihtend it to ever serve more than 10 lots. I did not intend for it to be handled this way. Fisher: As a practical matter, if you restrict it to only 10 lots at one time, peQple are only going to bring in subdivisions of 10 lots at a time. I think that would be inappropriate. This is perhaps a better way to go about it. If we are going to allow restricted roads at all, I believe this is in conformity with the discussion that the Board had as to what it would do with a large subdivision... that it could put a ~ant~al state road down through a large subdivision and p~t cul-de-sacs off of it, which were restricted under certain conditions. Carwit~: I agree with Mr. Fisher. I would much rather get an idea of what the developer plans at one point in time rather than to continue to get 10 lots at a time and one road at a time. ! would suggest that since it is stated that this is 4 1 0 ch.amPman conditioned upon being served by a central water system, that we defer action on the restricted road request until we take up the request fori~the central water system. Fisher: Why? Carwile: I don't see any point in approving a restricted road request if the use special/permit for the central water system is not going to be approved. Humphrey: This could be developed on individual wells. That could be taken off of the request. It would still be before you~ith individual wells. Fisher: Was it the intention of the Planning Commission that the lots that front on the State route have individual access on the restricted roads to reduce the number of cut~? Yes. Let me point out that Humphrey: /~he Commission felt it was better, if possible, if it can be proven that a central well system can serve this area. It would be better to have a central Well system~as opposed to 14 individual wells. Wheeler: ts this anywhere near our water line going through there? Humphrey: Two and one-half or three miles west~as far as transmission is concerned. Wheeler: Mr. Cushman, do you have anything you want to say about this? Cushman: I think I should say thatD[Z~>dh~ave presently a central water system for Meriwether Hills. I believe I have an agreement with you gentlemen, a matter of public record, in which if I abide by the State Health Department conditions, then you will go along with my water system. If I cannot abide b~ them, then I have to give you my water syst~, that is my agreement, a matter of public record. I think that I have sufficient water to serve these ~ots. Wheeler: You would get it out of your present system? Cushman: Yes. But, I have to do two things. I have to put in storage. ~I~am waiting for the County to offer its storage tanks for sale so that I can buy one and install it on my site. I also have to drill another Well. I have to do this in compliance with the State Health Department and they are pretty strict. I have dealt with them for a long time. That is all I can tell you about the water system. Wheeler: If it ~doesn't worm right, you are going to give it to us? Mr. Carwile offered motion to defer action on th±s request for a restricted road until such time as the Board considers the special permit for continuation of the central water system. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Woo~. NAYS: None. At this time, the Board took a short recess. with public hearings on zoning matters. 4) When they recon~ened, they continued SP-362. Joseph ~nd Virginia Marcinko have patitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on 4.06 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the south side of Route 708 and the ease side of Route 795 at Blenheim. Property is'further described as County Tax Map 114, Parcel 42. Scottsville Magisterial Distr~ct. -~-~airman Humphrey: This entire area is rur~! in nature and thickly forested. There is no house or structure in sight of this property. The applicants have indicated that this mobile home will be a temporary means of housing until a conventional singt~-family dw$11ing can be constructed. The Planning Commission recommends approval~of this petition, with the following conditions: l) 2) 3) 5) 6) 7) Building Official approval. Removal of as few trees as possible. Minimum setback of 80 feet from State Routes 795 and 708. Skirting around mobile home from ground level to base of mobile home. T~me limit of three years, with two years additiona~ approval, administratively, to be given each year for the two remaining years. Removal of the mobile home when the permanent dwelling is complete, if done before the time limit is up. This s~pecial permit is issued only to the applicant and is not- transferrable. that Fisher: These conditions are very similar to the ones Z~ c~ome up under administrative approval. Why are we hearing this? Humphrey: This was already advertised and too far along in the process to come under the new procedure. Mrs. Marcinko was present in support of the petition. No one from the public spoke for or against. Motion was offered by Mr. Fisher to approve SP-362 as recommended by the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. (5) SP-360. Vicky M. Bingler and William R. Bingler, III have petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a two-family dwelling on 2.554 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the west side of Route 706, about 1/4 mile south of its intersection with Route 631. Property is further described as County Tax Map 89, Parcel 81, part thereof. Samuel Miller Magisterial District. Humphrey: This area is semi-rural in nature and thickly forested. The area is presently being developed in single-family and rental dwellings. In the immediate area of this proposed two-family dwelling there exists one singla-family dwelling and another under construction. The proposed site for this two-family dwelling is located approximately two miles south of the urban area cluster which is the nearest village or community cluster. In the past the staff has recommended denial in those cases where it did not comply with the village or community cluster. ~_ Zr~th~B~ard sees fit to approve the application, the staff recommends the following conditions: 2) County Building Official approval. Minimum of four off-street parking spaces provided. Health Department approval. The Planning Commission does recommend denial of the application. Bingler: First off, he described where the area was. ~ could not follow all the route numbers. You go south on Old Lynchburg Road, turn right on 706, go past this big three-story geodestic dome house..4there's a big yellow house there.., on into the VEPCO power lines there about 1/4 of a mile from.., to the right as you go down 706 just across the street from my property line is the Mountain Lodge rental units referred to there. I don't know for sure, but I believe they have about 41 2 C'h~irman five people living in each rental unit. As far as i can, these are not related. The property is roughly 200 feet by 400 feet, going along Biscuit Run Creek, along the whole east side of the property. The/property is heavily wooded except for where the YEPCO right of way crosses it. The nearest house, I haven'~t measured it exactly, is about 100 yards. My house is being built about 100 yards from the highway towards the rear of the lot. There are presently two houses near my place and n~ither one of them at this time is visible from my house. This is on the north and south of me. There is no possibility that a house will ever be built on the east side because of power company right of way. Beh±nd there is the space is too limited. On the west side, because subject to any considerations to Cre~k~and~bottom,_etc., any house that would be built on that area-would be at least t00 yards from the house being built. I don't feel that putting a rental unit in the basement of this house would cause that much of an impact either to my neighbors, because they are separated from my house or on the environment. I am very environment conscious myself and I would nov be asking for this if I thought it would be a detriment to the environment. While digging up my basement I am making a conscious effort to terrace off the dirt that is being built up so it won't wash into the creek. When I dug my garden this spring first thing I did was built a retaining wall to hold th~ mud up on the hill instead of in the creek. If you ask any of my neighbors, they might accuse me of a lot of things, they would never accuse me of putting one particle of mud in the creek. When we cleared the land for the house, we only had to cut eight treeB. Some of these were design of the diseased already. The/house is~vertical in nature to take up as little area as possible in this densely woods. We are not interested in hu~ting the environment. It is too good to take advantage of. Because of the way the house is designed, the rental unit will not take up any extra land space. It is going to be the same space whether we build the one-unit dwelling or the two-unit dwelling. I want to point out that I am not applying for a rezoning. I know you are aware of this. Z understand there is a big difference between a rezoning and a special use permit. I understand that with a special use permit, if there is a special things that apply to take into consideration, if there is any special restrictions that need to be placed; these can be placed with a special use permit. The area is pretty. I have bsen in many states and Albemarle County is as pretty as any of th~m I have seen. I think someone coming to this area, renting a unit from me, when they did leave would given them a good impression of Albemarle County and the State of Virginia because is such a beautiful piece of property. I don't mean to compete with other high density rental units. I don't think I will. The people who enjoy living in this type of unit would not care to be isolated out here on Old Lynchburg Road. The people who would be interested in renting out here would not be interested in renting some of the commer6ial property that is being offered. At present, I am a renter. I know from experience that this type of rental unit ig very scarce in Albemarle County. I looked for three months before I found a place and it was marginal cost-wise and quality-wise. A house over 50 years old. If there is any objection at all that renters might cause annoyance to the neighbors, 7-24-74 413 bha~rman I would like to point out that I am the closest neighbor they have got and I have ~. to live with them. First off, I will not let a renter live there who is causing a lot of problems in the neighborhood. Lastly, the extra income would not hurt one bit. Mr. Micham: t have the property immediately adjacent to Mr. Bingter. The only road he has for access to his property is a~ right of way over my road. This is in a 25 footwide swath of property, so I would guess that it is only 11 - 12 feet wide. At present, my wife, my daughter who is working, and myself all owns cars and are using this road rather continually. Then we have the Bingler family. We did give them right of way or otherwise he said he could not get the loan to build his home. I do believe the additional traffic, the renter, plus any visitors he may have will definitely be imposing a safety hazard on my road and my property and I would like to voice an objection on these grounds. John Faulkner: We own land across the road. I would like to voice an objection to any move that would set a precedent for a higher density development in this area. This is already occurring in the rental units referred to. They can be very objection- able when there are five University students in each one and if .ny process along this line would tend to increase the density in there more than s already allowed by law, it would quite objectionable to me. Bingler: As far as the road is concerned, I talked to Mr. ~icham this afternoon, and he said this is the only objection that he does have to that He does not object to having!the people live there. It is possible that I could.., here is another road that comes in from the bottom that I could use. It is not developed right now, but it could be developed. It is a possibility that we considered w]~en I got the right of way from Mr. Micham. We decided at the time that it would be too expensive... Wheeler: The only right of way you have right now is the o~e this gentleman? Bingler: Yes. There is what used to be a fire road that c,~mes in'from the bottom that could be developed and I would be willing to put thi as a special condition on this. The other thing I would like to point out is that the people on my property would not interfere with him at all. Wheeler: That is for him to decide. Bingler: I thought it was for you to decide. Fisher: My feeling on this is~in the few cases that we have approved basement apartments in homes, but only in areas where the basic density would not be ~iolated of the zone in existence. If he had more than four acres, we would allow two families in an agricultural zone. I don't think we should take this route to increase the density when I don't think we would rezone it. Mr. Fisher offered motion to deny SP-360~as recommended by the Planning Commi~ssion. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood. Wheeler: I have only supported a two-family dwelling in those areas where it has been considerable acreage and there could be no question that it would be Chairman detrimental to the adjoining properties. I expect to support Mr. Fisher's motion. Wood: My real concern is the 25-foot easement amd the problems that could arise from that. In that particular area, which I am familiar with, the density I don't think is going to be all that great. I see the principl$ behind that. But, the easement i know can cause serious problems between neighbors~ for the second. That is my main reason The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. F~~ W~ter~a~d~W~od. ' ~ NAYS: Mr~eCarwile. (6) SP-363. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gray have petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on part of 5.23 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the east side of Route 725, and the west side Of Route 627, about 1~ miles south of Esmont. Property is further described as County Tax Map 128, Parcel 47, Scottsvilte Magisterial District. HumPhrey: This area is rural in character and is primarily wooded with several single-family dwellings in the immediate area. This property is owned by the mother of the applicant. The Planning Commission recommends approval based on the following conditions: 1) County Building Official approval. 2) Removal of as few trees as possible. S) Skirting around mobile home from ground level to base of mobile home. 4) Minimum setback from State Routes 725 and 627 of 100 feet. 5) Time limit of five years. 6) This special permit is issued to the applicant only and is not transferrable. Mr. and Mrs. Gray were present in support of the petition. No one from the public spoke~ for or against the ~ition. Motion was offered by Mr. Carwile to accept the recommendations of the Planning Commission and approve SP-363. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote: '~ AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. (7) SP-]64. Lucy and Thomas Mills have petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on two acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property i~ ~2~ituated on the south side of Route 614, about one mile west of Owensvi!le. Property is further described as County Tax Map 42, Parcel 50, part thereof. Samuel Miller Magisterial District. Humphrey: The area is rural in character with rolling, forested terrain. There is one single-family dwelling located across from the proposed site at the Mechum River. The property is wooded and slopes southward toward a stream. There is a paved road running southward and located on the western border~'.~of~'~the property. The deed is presently being transferred to Mr. and Mrs. Mills. The Planning Commission, in their consideration, did defer one public hearing and requested the staff to locate the flood plain in this area. It would appear that the southwestern portion of this property is within flood plain of Mechum River; Zeaving the higher ground out of the flood plain.. We undersSand the applicant wishes to locate the mobile home on two acres on the higher portions~.~of the area. The Planning Commission does recommend denial of the 'application. They do ~o on the basis that it has not been their policy to locate or gr~nt mobile homes in an area where none exist or where none have been allowed in the past. They feel the land is not presently owned by the applicaHt. Chairman Because of the lay of the land it would be almost impossible to screen this property from the road. There would he no way to utilize planning to do so. They feel it would be incompatible We do have a map showing relationship of the flood plain to this in this area. property. Wheeler: Humphrey: Wheeler: Humphrey: Staff and Planning Commission are both recommending denial? The Planning Commission. What does the staff recommend? We feel in many cases this is a value judgment and while we feel there is a need for housing and mobile homes are meeting this, we do not make a recommendation feeling it is a policy deciSion. Fisher: You mean you make no recommendation. Humphrey: We never make a recomme~ation on a mobile home. Fisher: On a matter of a special permit, I keep hearing that there is a regulation that4~he County has that a sign be posted on the property so you can determine the nearest point from the right of way of the State road and so on to find it. I spent Sunday afternoon driving around and I could not find two of them. County Humphrey: There is no/regulation, ordinance, or adopted policy. The staff has requested and has prepared a packet which is given to the applicant and asked him to place it on the proper~ so it will help the staff~locate the property also. Fisher: This is not true of administrative approvals? Humphrey: On administrative approvals, it must be posted 14 days prior. It has been made mandatory. Fisher: One of the ones that is up does not have any ... and I couldn't locate it. Mrs. Mills: The only thing I have to say is that we cannot afford a home right now. She ~gave us the land. My husband and I cannot afford to build a home. My aunt is $~dyears old and she has a bad heart and diabetes. Sometimes~he is sick. Her house is too ~mall for us to live in. Every night I leave my home and my husband and. go spend the night with her. Carwile: Could you orientate me a little more? If you follow that road on out to the left, where does it bring you out? Humphrey: White Hall. For those of you who are familiar with this area, Whippowill Hollow. David Wood: I am here to make a few remarks on behalf of Dr. Fox and his wife who own the land immediately across the road from this property. This property is on the main road from CharltoYesvilte to White Hall. It is seven miles from Barracks Road Shopping Center. The western boundary is about 200 feet east of the bridge over Mechum's River. It is between Owensville and White Hall. I have great sympathy for the applicant in this case. I have known Mrs. Mills' aunt, Mrs. Bea Wood for a great number of years and have represented hers But, I think that when the points are Chairman weighed, you will agree the application should be denied. First, this is probably one of the most scenic roads we have in ~lb~mar!e County. It is on this road that some of the finest estates we have in Albemarle County exist. There is not one single trailer ar mobile home on this road between Charlottesville and White Hall. Immediately west of the Mechums' River Bridge, up the hill, is Quail Ridge Farm. Immediately to the west of that is Riverdale Farm~belonging to the Palmer family. Immediately to the west of that is Ym~e~ Farm belonging to Mrs. Ralph Miller. I am sure you are familiar'-i with all of the estates between· Mechum~s~River and Charlottesville that lie along the Garth Road. The approach to the eas~tern end of the b~dge has been raised to give the bridge elevation over the river. Therefore, this property is bounded on the north by ~e road as it appreaahes the river. It is bounded on the west by the entrance to Dr. Hurt's subdivision in Whippowil! Hollow. It is bounded on the south by a stream that runs into Mechum's River immediately downstream from the property. I think you have befor-e you an estimate of the flood plain level as it refers to this property. The staff has suggested that any mobile home be located~no closer than 100 feet to the highway; no closer than !00 feet to the entrance to Dr. H~rt's subdivision; and I would seriously question whether there would be room left within this area for a septic system to service this. The next point I want to make is, as the road appraaches the bridge it is greatly elevated above the level of the stream that marks the s~uthern boundary,i%h~refore, as you look over this property, you are looking down into a draw and this mobile home would have to be located on the side of ~the fall from the road and there would be no way that you could screen it and the area is not screened now. This Mechums' River Bridge is probably about one mile from above the City Reservoir. I am sure you are aware of the problems of trying to screen the development on the Reservoir and the approaches to t~e Reservoir and the septic problems. I think that here, because of the closeness of the flood plain, we would be inviting a problem as far as p~llution is concerned. As I said, it is on the entrance to Dr. Hurt's entrance to Whippowill Hollow ~ubdivision. This subdivision has not been developed as yet. As the County grows, it stands to becem~ on~tof the more attractive subdivisions in the area ~n~ one of the more desirable areas of the County. It would seem to be improper to place a mobile home on the immediate corner as you enter the subdivision. I sympathize with the applicant. I can understand the need for a home. But, the applicant has a mo~ile home which is located at present and which she would move from that !ocat~mn to this location. I understand the need for her Aunt for attention, but Dr. Fox has a doctor living in one of his units at present so she is near medical service. I think one of the most important points is the fact that a mobile home in this are will greatly depreciate the values of the other.~~ properties in the area. When there is one mobile hom-~ it is bound to be followed bY another and I would suggest that the damage to the adjoining property owners far out- weights the benefits that would be derived by the applicant from the permit. For these reasons, we urge the Board to deny the application. 417 Chairman Wood: I would like to pass on to the Board a feeling I had Monday night when this applioation was heard. I think the Planning Commission did one of the best jobs I have ever seen them do in trying to come to a point where they could approve this application. They were very sympathetic to the points that Mr. Wood raised on behalf of Dr. Fox. Practically everyone there knew Mrs. Bea Wood and was veryccomplimentary of her over the years. I think there was a feeling that if it was at all possible they would like to have recommended approval. But due to fact...and the reason stated by most of the members on the Planning commission was one that the property had not finally been transferred to the Mills. Plus the fact that there was no other mobile home On the road and I think, after a tong discussion, they came'.'up with a recom- mendation for d~nial. I personally feel, I am very sympathetic to the fact that there is no mobile home on the road and all the points raised. On the other hand, we have a situation here whereby the applicant ~ould build a sub-standard house's, on the property as it is right now, which would be no less objectionable, as was pointed out at the Planning Commission, than a mobile home. The property has been given to Mrs. Mills by her Aunt and there seems to be no question of that. That is one of the recommendations of the Planning Commission. One of the other concerns is that this tract of land is nine acres on this side of the road and we have granted many, many mobile home permits on two acres, on three acres and nine acres is a fairly large tract of land. I find it hard tonight to deny this request when only about 30 days ago it would have been permitted by right as a lineal relative and the reason we requested these applications to come before us is so we could solve some of the problems we have had before~with lineal relatives renting out properties, etc. Here we have a situation where the lady is well respected in the neighborhood, a family that is well respected in the neighborhood, a lady that is 74 years old and needs attention, and I can't find it in my heart to deny this type of situation. Although it is on the White Hall Road,it is in a very nice district of the County, a very scenic road and I hope one day I live to be 74 years of age and have one of my children move close to me whether it be a mobile home o? what have you; Mr. Wood then offered motion to approve SP-364 with the following conditions recommended by the staff: I) Finalizing property t~an~action. 2) Building Official approval. 3) Screening provided from all roads. 4) Minimum setback ~fc~100 feet from all roads. 5) S~irting around mobile home from ground level to base of mobile home. 6) Time limit of five years. 7) This special permit is issued only to the applicant and is not transferrable. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile. Wheeler: First of all, Mr. Wood let me say I don't think &s a reason to approve th~s is sub-standard housing might be built. you stated that I can't believe that is a reason to approve anything. Second, in requesting that lineal relatives have,by right, have placed mobile home, i think that is one of the reasons it was placed under a special permit, so we would have control. ! have to be consistent in Chairman my thinking. I can be sympathetic but also I think you hav~-t~ be consistent in your thinking sometimes. There are other roads in the County, in my own district, ~ha~e there are no mobile homes and I have consistently stated that I thought it would be detrimental to property values and detrimental to others, that everyone has to be considered. This happens to be one of those cases. While I am really sympathetic, I think the ov~::~view here of the entire area has to be taken into consideration. I cannot support the motion. Fisher: I too am sympathetic to the plight of the applicant. But, Garth Road, the road to White Hall, is one &~ the few roads that does not already have a number of mobile homes and I just feel like, in this situation where it is downhill from the road, and all of the cover has been removed, that'there would be no way to screen this effectively. I do not believe this is where we ought to be guiding development of mobile homes in the County. I know we have to have them. I know people have to have places to live. I do,not think, in my judgment, that this is the place. I don't want to start the trand there. Wheeler: Fmom the comments I have heard, we are going no place fast. Is this in the White Hall District? Fisher: No. Samuel Miller. Wheeler: I think we are sort of at a stalemate. We do have two Board members absent tonight. If in order to avoid a stalemate... Carwile: The only reason I would support Mr. Wood's motion, and I say wou~d because I agree with much of what Mr. Fisher has said about the Garth Road and not wanting to start a trend, and my support of this particular site would not be construed of being indicative O~ my desire that any trend be started. The only reason I would support such a motion is because of the fact that it does have a time limitation on it and this is a trailer site that I think the applicant should know that I could certainly not support extending the time limit for this permit any point pass the time you would be taking care of your aunt that 12v~d across the road. It is only with the thought in my mind that this would be a temporary site that I could support it and hope that perhaps the gentlement sitting on either side of me might be able to support it and avoid a stalemate. Wheeler: I did not underatand the motion to be.,, the motion is and the conditions are for five yea~s and I don't believe the motion is that i~ her aunt passed on in two months that the mobile home would be moved and I think t~at would be a hardship to impose such. Carw~le: I said I would not support an extension of it past. I did not say I understood the motion to be that if the aunt died she would have to move in a year. Wheeler: I can't support it. Fisher: I can't either. I did ~ant ta question one thing that Mr. Wood stated that 2his is nine aores, but the application states two acres. Which is it? Humphrey: Fishe~ Wheeler: Fisher: ----g~-girman Well it is part of the to%al nine. So it is a two-acre lot. So they will own two acres. We have a motion on the floor, but t believe we can all see how it is going to end up. Mr] Carwite then offered a Substitute motion to defer any action on this petition until the meeting of August 14. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher. David Wood: -Dr. Fox will be on vacation at that time. Is there any possibility of deferring any further than that? Wheeler: I don't believe we are going to hear anything additional. We would fill the Board members in with the information, so I don'~t think we will hear anything further and a decision could be made-at that time. M~ Carwile's substitute motion carried by-the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler an~iWood. NAYS: None. Wheeler; We will make a decision on it on August.~14. Fisher: Because two Board members have not been here, would it be appropriate to allow both sides to meke written comments and have letters or whatever they want to do? Wheeler: Mr. Thacker and Mr. Henley are not present. send a communicati6n to those two with your comments... (8) If you would like to S?-365. Ron Chandler has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on five acres ~mned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the east side of Route 706 near its intersection with Route 631. Property is further described as County Tax Map 89, Parcel 81, part thereof. Scottsville Magisterial District. Humphrey: This area is rural in nature and thickly forested with both deciduous and non-deciduous trees. There are no structures in sight of this property; however, the area along Route 706 is being developed in single-family and rental dwellings. The applicant2is requesting a mobile home to serve as a temporary means~of ~housing until a conventional single-family dwelling can be constructed. It appears that construction has already begun. The Planning Commission recommends approval with the following conditions attached: 1) Building official approval. 2) Removal of as few trees as possible. 3) Time limit of ~hree years. 4) Mobile home is to be removed from this property within thirty days after completion of construction of a conventional dwelling. 5) This special permit is issued to the applicant and is not transferrable. Fisher: This is the same p~e~e~of property that was in SP-360. Is it possible in the future for the staff to indicate where abouts on a large parcel like this we are talking about? Humphrey: If we can locate the records. The immediate tax records do not reflect all the transfers that have taken place at this point. It'~takes some deed searching. If we can get it from the owner, we would be glad to attempt to do that. 4 2 0 Chairman Chandler: It is five acres which I do have a house under construction. We went to a sale out at Carl Barnett's and bought this trailer. It is not large. It is a 25-foot trailer. With the ~dea that by moving out there we could s.~e some money on renu while I was working on it. It is five acres of solid timber. I have cleared about an acre and a half off for a garden and the house we have under construction. No one from the public spoke for or ag~nst the petition. Motion was offered by Mr. Wood to approve SP-365 as recommended by the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: (9) Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. None. SP-366. William Batton has petitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on 2.04 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on th~ ~ast side of Route 810, ~about 1 3/~ miles north of Mount Fair. Property is further described as County Tax Map 14, Parcel 28. White Hall Magisterial District. It was ascertained that the application was not present. Mr. Humphrey stated that the?Planning Commission has recommended approval of the petiton. Motion was offered by Mr. Carwile to deferethe public hearing ~htil August 14. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. (10) SP-368. William T. Payne has ~etitioned the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to locate a mobile home on 12.63 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the west side of Route 20, about one-half mile north of the inter- section of Route 20 and Route 742. Property is further described as County Tax Map 90, Parcel 28, Charlottesville Magisterial District. Humphrey: The area is semi-rural in nature and is being developed with singt~- family dwellings with some scattered light industry~:(Wilson's Trucking Company) and commercial establishments. There appears to be several single-family dwellings on the property. The property in question is owned by the mother of the applicant. The Planning Commission, in their deliberations on this petition, did defer action for a field inspection of the site. The Planning Commission recommends by a 4/1 vote, denial of the application. They did not feel the applicant established'~a~ hardship case and there are sufficient other mobile homes in the area. They did not wish to continue the further location of mobile homes in that area. Wheeler: What are the single-family dwellings on the 12 acres now? Humphrey: There are at least two. Bob Tucker, Assistant County Planner: There was just one being occupied. There were two small, structures there that appeared to be used for out buildings. Humphrey: M-1 zoning exists to the north and RS-1 to the south and all other land is A-1. Jack Kegley: I represent Mr. Payne and will try to explain his situation. Anyone who was at the Planning Commission knows this was not a strong vote. When the Chairman of the Planning Commission called for a vote, one way or the other, it seeme~ Chairman like a long time before anyone made a motion. It has been explained that there are other residences. There are som~old buildings on here that people years ago lived in. They can hardly be called houses now. As it stands, you have one 78-year old lady on 12 acres. You have-t2 acres here to serve as a buffer. The front of this property...or to describe the location, you know where Wilson Trucking Company is as you are going south toward Scottsvit!e...this is the nexv property adjoining Wilson Trucking Company on the right. This property has 700 feet of frontage on Route 20. It goes back about !100 feet on one side and 850 feet on the other side to State Route 742. The proposed location of the trailer would probably be within 100 feet of Wilson Trucking Company property, within 200 feet of its terminal and about 250 feet off of Route 20 in the most secluded spot in the whole 1~2 acres. I will try to show you later that it is very secluded. On this side of her property she is bordered by Wilson Trucking and Snow's Nursery, both of which are zoned industrial. There are no adjoining property owners who object to this. There is a petition in these which Mr. Humphrey presented to the Planning Commission along With those plats. Humphrey: We had:~one letter from George Glass and a petitioh. Kegley: That petition was signed by 13 or 14 property owners in the area who live there. Every property owner~who has property joining hers signed saying they would like for this special use permit to'be granted. The location of this trailer is going to be practically invisible; I would say almost 99% invisible from any location. I had some pictures taken today. (Showed pictures to Board). From the standpoint of this being q~ite different from the case you heard earlier, this trailer here is not going to cause any change in the community. As a matter of fact, I do not think anybody can see. Assuming they do get a glimpse of it by stopping on the road and peering, I would like to point out the following things...I think really the main criteria in the ordinance is whether this is going to cause any change in the neighborhood. First there are eight trailers right in the immediate-vicinity. I am talking about within 600 or 700 feet. There are two spotted all the way out 20 between her house and the Gulf Station which is something 1000 feet down the road. road Almost directly across the/from her, there are six trailers on one piece of property. I don't know who that property belongs to. From this side, eight-tenths of a mile this side of that property, you have what is known as Harlow's Trailer Court which has six trailers on it which can be seen 'from Route 20. I don't think there is much, if any, ~hreenihg-~,there.~. So it is already surrounded by trailers on both sides. I don't know what you would call Wilson Trucking. I don't know that a house trailer or mobile home is any more objectionable than a tractor trailer that moves in and out and makes a lot of noise. They are coming and going all the time. I think the the crowning blow is the fact that down /~ad at the Gulf Station...Mr. Humphrey please point out Parcels 19 and 20 on that map...the last of July, 1973, to be specific, just about a-'~year ago, and this was on the unanimous recommendation of the County Planning Commission, and again by the unanimous ~ote of this Board, a special permit Chairman was granted for 40 trailers at that location to Charlottesville Oil Co.mpanY. That permit, I understand, is still a valid permit and i'f~the people who own th~ land get the water, they can install 40 trailers down there, many of which would be visible from Route 20. So I don't think the claim that it can be seen from the highway will change the character of the neighborhood. You have already discussed the fact that up until a few months ago, he would have had a right to put this trailer here without any question and as I understand it the reason you have to go through this procedure now is so that certain conditions can be added. We would be perfectly agreeable to anything that is half way reasonable. I would say,-?particularly since reading the Planning Commission minutes of a year ago when those 40 trailers went in...have also read the Board of Supervisors minutes...that not one person at either one of those meetings that had one question about those 40 trailers. I can't help but think that the objection to this is a back-lash or fallout because of the people recently getting upset when they thought they were going to have a 500 unit trailer park in there. In my way of thinking, there is a vast~ difference between 500 trailers and one trailer. I think the mamn reason this was turned down, was either they were not satisfied .... the Planning Commission, was this was not a hardship case, if in fact a hardship has to be proven. I have obtained a letter from her doctor. This lady is 78 years old, lives there by herself, and Bill Payne would like to be there c~ose to here He is not particularly anxious to live in the house and we don't think she wants anybody in the house with her because she has been living this way for over 20 years, by herself. But everybody feels like somebody should be close by. As far as conditions are concerned, I know the usual time limite.~~ .... the maximum is~five years. We don't have any objection if you put in h~r~, not to exceed heralifetime, or if she ever leaves, that this permit to be with would automatically expire. The only reason he wants to be there is/his mother. Would of one/the daughters please explain the situation as far as the home is concerned? Mrs. Mawyer: Being the age that she is and being by herself so much, I don't think she is satisfied to have anyone stay in the house with her.for any length of time. She is settled in her ways and just prefers to stay by herself. My brother is the only one who could... Lee Hall: I only met Mrs. Payne one time and I was real impressed with the lady. Mrs. Payne has been living on this land for 35 years and paying taxes. Mrs. Payne lives on 12 acres of land, which is/large amount of land.and she could not manage 12 acres of land. I have driven down 742, looked down over the hill where Mr. Payne said he is going to put the trailer and no way possible could that trailer be seen. I have driven and it is on Route 20, northland ~outh,/the same way. There are also trailers in the area,~'Wh~ch I am not personally against trailers, some trailers to be are attractive and some are an ~yesore, that is a matter of opinion. We have all heard in the City of Charlottes- ville and Albemarle County that money is ~ight, we can't have' low rate housing. Well, tra±lers are one way out. I have also found out that she is one of the most uPstanding 4 2 3 Chairman citizens in the community and I don't believe anyone on the opposition or either side of the fence will say anything against this woman:. If this is her wish in her latter years, that her son be near her to be with her in case of need, the~ I hope that when t get 78 years~.oid, ~f I do, that I will have a daughter that will be willing to give up part of her life to be near ~e. ent A. C. Watson: I own the land adjacZ to Mrs. Payne. She is a very nice woman. I am concerned about health. She has had a major operation, not too far back and somebody needs to be there and I agree with her sister that she likes to be by her'- self. I have be~n over and talked to her; I think this would be ideal to put a mobile home back there and you could not' see i~ from the road. It is a very good location and I have no objection whatsoever to it. .If you are going to do something about mobile homes, there are a bunch':.across the road from me, a bunch of maniacs that live up there. That is what we object to, not somebody trying to do something for their mother. Wheet~r: Was this request signed by Mrs. Payne also? Humphrey: It is signed by Martha H. Payne. Wheeler: Is that the mother? K~.~ey~-:~ Yes~~ Allen Desper: I live on 742. I don't think anybody objects to having a trailer added to for Mrs. Payne. We just don't want anymore trailers /: that area. I want to know where Mr. Payne is going to put a septic tank, he doesn't have any drainfield. I wokked that land 45 years ago and I know what a swamp/and how bogg~ it is down there. There's nobody out there that doesn't believe Mrs. Payne needs h~lp, but if Billy is in the trailer he is no closer to her than we are. She can call any of her neighbors and get there just as quick as BiZly. We have too many trailers our there now... Unidentified Man: What do you mean by screening when you put a restriction on a trailer? Hnmphrey: Usually in most cases it is left up to the staff to determine what screening would be necessary, if needed. Man: Are you speaking of all the way around? Humphrey: Right. Usually it is evergreen type and it has been in the past five feet high. Another unidentified man: Is it a permanent o~ temporary thing? Wheeler: Five years. In l~oking over these, is this to be hooked up to a septic system? Has any decision been made about a septic system? Humphrey: The Health Department would have to approve the septic system~for hook up. If there is one existing, it will have to be reapproved. Kegley: There is one thing I forgot to say which I think is fairly important. I asked Mr. Payne where he was going to put his septic tank'. He realizes there is a good possibility that there is not enough room here for a septic tank. He also realix~s Chairman that he may have to go to the expense~of pumping to a drainfie!d up hill. He would go to that expense. From the standpoint of screening, there is one point I forgot to mention. Mr. Rinehart, who is on the Planning Commission, make the remark that there is excellent screening, or something to that effect ....... Humphrey: The Health Department approval is tied to Building Official approval 'now. Wheeler: What this means, if this permit would be approved, a mobile would not be allowed to be put there until the Health Department approved the septic system. If the Health Department did not approve the septic system, it could not be put there. If the land won't perk, the mobile home could not be put there anyway. Mrs. Maywer: The neighbors say 6hey will come and look after my mother. Since she was operated on two months ago, nne ne~ghb~has called and maybe one other has called several times, but the other have not checked on h~r. Norman Mitchell: I have been a property owner out there for 21 years. We just think we have more trailers right now than we need in that area. There is a trailer court. If we had had a little bit of a chance at that trailer court, we would is certainly have done our very best to petition it out. But it/there. It was there before we had this new County ordinance. In all due respect to the Counsy ordinance, I think we ought to uphold that. It was originated to protect property owners of Albemarle County.in every section. This ~railer that is going to be located there... in all due respect to Mrs. Payne, I have been friends with the folkS for many years... surely in'winter time there is no evergreen that is going to screen this trailer from the road. I know some of those pictures shown up pretty good now. Take the point from Mrs. Batton's house looking in there...from Avon Street Extended looking down there. There is no way you screen that this winter when the foliage is gone. It has got to be visible. I hope we can reserve the trailers for trailer parks and let this property out there in this Jarea stay clear. Dorothy Glass: I am also a w~idow and if I was 78 years old and disabled ! would certainly want my son or daughter in the house with me. I wouldn't want a trailer in the yard .... Where I live on 742 when the leaves are off the trees, I look right down at it. Mrs. Barton: I live next door to that lunatic trailer camp and it most undesirable. Uur place almost burned .... burning ~rash and things come over there. I really think we have more than enough .... w~utdudoas~m~th±n~i~ W~a~o~d~'~ v~.ealled me and asked me to signed the petition, and I don't know how 14 people could be surrounding her property because there is only one .... and I am directly across. But, when she ask~'d this trailer me she said that they needed/to have sanitary facilities and Mrs. Payne has had bath- room facilities all her life. I thought they were needed in the house for her and not .... Mrs. Fitzgerald: ..... 7-24~74 42 Chairman Unidentified Lady: This meeting seems to be .... Scottsville road trailer courts. discuss I think the meeting was called tonight ~oJ Mrs. Payne's trailer. Ail of these things ....... ~hat my mother does not have a bathroom in the~use. She~has lived in this home, she ham finance it if she wants to, she is extremely independent and she will do as she likes. She does not want .... in her home. Wheeler: The public hearing is closed. I have one comment and request. The member of the Board of Supervisors who represents this area is not present tonight. I feel that I would like to, would ask you gentlemen?~to defer a decision on this until Mr. Thacker can get this information and participate in this decision. Fisher: I ha~na objection to that. I also would like to visit that site to see if from 742 and Route 20 before we take a vote on it. I would like to know what it looks like. Wheeler: There is a request that we not hear anything further but the Board members be given a chancre to visit and we also give Mr. Thacker a~chance to participate in the decision. Motion was offered by Mr. Wood to defer any action on this petition until August 14. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vo~e: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. (1!) SP-373. As advertised in the Daily Progress on J~'~y ~ and July l!~, 1974: Be it resolved that the Albemarle County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider SP-373 as authorized under Section 14-1-2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. The purpose of SP-373 Rivanna Water and Sewer~ZAu~hority ~s to locate an Advanced Wastewater Treatment plant on 49.52 acres zoned A-1 Agricultural. Property is situated on the north side of Interstate ~4 ~nd the south side of Moore's Creek, near its 6onfluence with the Rivanna River. Property is further described as County Tax Map 77, Parcel 38 (part thereof). Rivanna Mag~steria! District. Humphrey: This is a request to locate an advanced wastewater treatment plant in compliance with the Thomas Jefferson Planning Commission's written recommendations and with the Water Management Phase I plan. The Planning Commission 6onducted two public hearings and is recommending approval of this. They found this in keeping W~th the Comprehensive Plan for Albemarle County and the previously adopted~regional plans for s~wer. They do so with the following conditions: 3) 5) Ail facilities of the treatment facility are to be located on or ab~e the 330 fo~t contour which represents one foot above the State standard for flood plains as reported by the Corp of Engineers Study dated September 1971. County Enginee~ and the United States Corp of Engineers approval for the bridge construction onto the property. Approval of SP-373 be subject to final property condemnation proceedings. Maintain a 50-foot ~ide tree buffer around the property to serve as screening. Detailed site plan approval by the Planning Con~nission. The Planning Staff has notified all persons involved, including the condemnee. Fisher: Will they be able ~o screen that? Humphrey: At our last public hearing, it was stated that it will be so located that from 1-64 it could be reasonab!~ screened ~ith existing cover. 4 2 6 Chairman Mr. Harry Marshall, Attorney,and Mr. George Williams, Director of the Rivanna Water and S~wer Authority, were present in support of the petition. The owner of the property, Mr. Lindstrom, was also presenT. Humphrey: I would like to note for the record that we did receive another letter from Wright and Nunnally acknowledging our letter of July 3rd and referring us to his previous letter in which he stated he has no objection to the request as an adjacent owner. Fisher: The question of screening is taken care of with the site plan~ Is t~his approval for the site plan with this permit? Humphrey: The Commission did not feel this was the finalized site plan. They want to look at. It is indicated here as a 60 to 100 foot buffer strip of trees that exist along 64 at this location ..... Fisher: Where is the access from? Humphrey: The access would be developed from the City into this property ..... Fisher: Is there any residential development anywhere around there~except the property owner that has objected to it? Humphrey: The residential property is generally located in the City, and a mixture of uses, and there is transition taking place in the City along .... also Linden Street. Fisher: If we approve this, it is with the understanding that the final site plan will be ~eviewed by the Planning Comfnission for their approval? Is that the under- standing? Humphrey: That is the recommendation of the Commission.~hThey want to see the communication from the Corp of Engineers in reference to the flood plain and the effec~ the bridge constr~ct~n may have on that. Mr. Carwi!e offe.red motion to approve SP-373 with conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wood and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. At t0:00 P.M. Mr. Wood offered motion to adjourn this meeting until 9:00~A. M. on July 25, 1974. The motion was~seconded by Mr. Carwile and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. Chairman