HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-20 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FIN A L FEBRUARY 20, 2008 6:00 P.M. LANE AUDITORIUM COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 1. Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Moment of Silence. 4. Public Forum to receive comments on the proposed FY 2008/09 County budget. 5. From the Board: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. 6. Adjourn. Vll -- ro.' Q' LJ ......,.: 0)' ~..." "-1_.1' i -0: ~: co! V') I "a;..J i C ClJ~ E: .I-t ---: E~ E': 0: lJ: Oa'- , . ' ",- ; Vl C. 0: .1_: .1:...': ro: O)! .1.........~ .........'j -0; 0: -0' c~ ::J. LL ""Ci ~i ~' \\\;i ~, 0)' till U'........ ,....' OJ>: ~: 0: ~ 01 .-' dlJl C)l' -i-J: U)'I -," td: c: V)', -;i ro C! - ...... _! Q!)' .p: d.! 0- e: u: e~ (]): .......1 ~] V'); c;n'1 O~ tIl; (]1): U dJ 4-J. _, ~: 1.'11 i; .....,' \,\;1 "" ~, ~: >: Q: tJ:;:. .p a '___ .~! d ~, (1): ~-, ~: ~:: -..J: ro~ -. ~ I -, , ;'^',' v, sj E' 0' <:) 0: -I:-J:~. 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"" - ~)> r- o o ~ ~ ..... ..... ::T tD n ., ....11 ... _II n ~ '" '" 8~ 3:0 3:.re ~~f6 wo"" i:'"o iji;o"" "'~> tn."r- -'"'" ~zc: og ~!:l '" Cl - 'TI ~ n ... o ., '" ... ::T ~ ... .. .. ;;lC tD < tD = C tD J: ::r ,.. ~ ALBE~ECOUNTYSCHOOLSBUDGETCUTPLANS Eric Hahn 7th grade Henley Middle School · Introduction-Name-Vice president of 7th grade-student of Henley middle school RECEIVED AT BOS MEETING ~. ;/0 . i).o(J <r · We need to FULL Y fund the school budget Date: Agenda Item t#: ~ · School budget cuts-cut 6 cents tax rate last year Clerk'slnltJals: · Last year everything was fme why need to drop the tax rate to 68 cents per hundred dollars · 9.6 million lost, 6 million to schools cut over 2 million from this years budget · Next years programs threatened- strings and extra curricular programs People who don't have the money (low income families) can't provide private lessons for there kid every one should have a change to learn music and art for a college interview. Colleges are looking for well- rounded kids with all sorts of talents not just the core classes. · City has 5 Million dollars extra in there budget to spend on extra computers, Textbooks, and other item · I'm in the environmental club and we should spend money on environmental initiatives not just academic issues. We are looking for long-term issues not just short term. If we put solar panels on some part of the roof to power lights we would save money for power and use that for academic objectives, we should also change the lights to less energy consuming lights, and even install sky lights for natural light. Compost bins for food instead of throwing it away and use that compost to grow the schools own food.", ""7--7 . '?' ..r-LJ _ - , en G.../L-&-;/- / /?o'Y'Z a J v.e I~O~ ,v Lt..CA ~,1ru.-~tAG -U ,,~0/1, ~ I rj-' -1-1, , //1, LL U-~,. J^I t1l-L1 il, J~, " ' ~ , ex,/ v ur '-1;, ,'7 J' A J I ~ .N;:i.~, {z, d ~ GUt:-1 u \"JZt..,L 7 fie- (A..) {5V--L~, '.ID~7 ~-L -ft/~ S~ <i(), ~~ frvd, .. ~~ UJOV-L J JR- L " 4fput /' _, ~?V~ ~ r~ t5b ,.1 ~O{)J-C C1/l t.~r.,:.-~', LIa r ~ 1)/....1 ~/A 6.~ l~. '7 V V r [flT -- 1lt'lUIIIJtIr,u fJ fO.;,'-V. IttL:C.~Yt:d ~ u ~, VlJvl~ 7 CS--r-fttfJ;f.SJ ( ~~7 .(' '- t~ '" \J 0 ~e-I I am here tonight as a parent!a taxpayer and a teacher. rv:f.c-s.' v., ",I,! This so-called budget crisis ii; R8t nEJ\':B,~ is a sham. Anyone could have seen it coming and many, indeed, predicted it. This is an artificially created budget crisis. It was knowingly perpetrated on the citizens of Albemarle County by the Board of Supervisors. It was created when the Board caved in to the minority of voices at last year's budget meeting crying the age- old reactionary slogan of "tax oppression" (even though we have one of the lowest tax rates in the area). It was created when the Board willfully ignored the majority of voices at that same meeting who called for maintaining the 74-cent tax rate and fully funding the county's educational needs. And so here we are again. 5t\l V~1c9V e. G;CJfd Cf '18 But, look closely at what has happened in this intervening year on the Board of Supervisors itself. The makeup has changed and one of the Republican members, one of the most outspoken proponents of last year's tax rate reduction, is GONE. What does this tell us about the priorities or the citizens? Let's be clear. The citizens of Albemarle County removed a member of the Board whose ideas were not in line with their own and replaced him with someone whose ideas are. This is what representative government is all about. The duty of the Board of Supervisors is not to make decisions based on members' personal preferences or ideology; its duty is to make decisions based on the "general will" of the citizens. In this case, that will is clear - bring the tax rate back up and in line with the highest priority of those citizens, that of fully funding education and maintaining the school system's "excellence." The Board has an opportunity here to learn from its mistake and to redeem itself in the eyes of this community. And what will happen if it does not? In a few years, as the pay scale of our teachers lags behind and as the gap between ours and competing cOtlnties gets larger, this system will hemorrhage good teachers. We will become simply a stepping-stone, a place where new teachers can get some experience before moving on to higher-paying jobs elsewhere. We will become a footnote in the careers of teachers, not a district in which to spend long and fulfilling careers. This will be an enormous disservice to the students and this system will ultimately lose its luster. Teachers with experience are better teachers; they've had time to refine their methods and can use their experience daily in their classrooms to inspire children. I am still working towards that point in my career. But I am thoroughly disappointed with this double-talk from the county; on the one hand extolling the virtues of our "world-class" school system and promoting educational excellence in the abstract, then refusing to adequately compensate those that dedicate themselves to it. It shows a lack of respect for teachers and has led me to seriously consider moving my family and myself from this county to one where an educational excellence is not simply a matter of idle rhetoric, but a clear priority as demonstrated by meaningful funding. Last year's 6-cent tax reduction saved me $200. I would hand it back in a heartbeat to ensure that this school system is what it claims to be and to know that teachers here are satisfied, gladly engaging in the instruction of our children, and are 100% committed to preparing those children for life as adults and for fulfilling careers of their own. Because that, in the end, is what it is all about. RECEIVED . B(YS \>,.ilEE: i;..i; ~.~ O.oq Date: (:1\'....___:..0,______.... Agenda Item #:_.._..:t._~.__.. . - '. Cler\<'s Initi::ll":,n -m1t-W To the Albemarle Board of Supervisors February 20, 2208 For the first nine years of my son's schooling, I came to these meeting in support of public education. It was when he entered high school that I found that our public education system is not one system, but many. During those first nine years, I saw a system which tried to give every child the chance to be successful. The difference in high school may be because the students were now teenagers, and the administration at Albemarle decided that part of a teenagers' education should be that life is not fair. Do not gets the wrong idea, some of my son's best and favorite teachers are at Albemarle. What I'm about to say is directed at the administration. We are in any budget crisis; any day now we'll be told that we are in a recession. Whether you are a county government, a school system, a business, or the person who works out a family's budget, when money gets tight and there is no belief that extra money will be found, the way to survive is to cut the fat! I can say that from personal experience, that the Albemarle's administration is indeed, very fat! At Albemarle there are five principle, and an athletic director within its staff. Do we need all of this top heavy, highly paid,fat administration? Here is an example: At the beginning of the swim season the head coach died unexpectedly. Some will say that the AD was supportive of the team, but I know that some of her actions, made it difficult for some children to deal with the situation. At their first meet after their coach's death, two things happened which reflects upon the AD. First, she allowed an outside group of parents to interact with the swimmers. But the bigger blunder, was that the AD left before the meet was over. While our swimmer stood in the wet swim gear, on that winter's night, the AD was not there to help the assistant coach & team parents to find a way to get the team back to AHS, since the school bus that brought them there, left and did not return. I ask that you not to penalize students or teachers but rather tell the School Board to look at the administrations and cut the wasted fat. In the PTO literature we are told that without more money, we will lose the string program and/or get larger classes. Cutting even one of the administrators could pay for these. Your decision should be, to tell the School Board to bring you a new and qualified budget where the Students and Teachers are not penalized and the fat is removed! c;:q~~ (Parent of a AHS Student) 203 Westbrook Place Charlottesville, VA 22901 (434) 309-1087 RECEIVED AT BOS MEETING Date: ~ 0 ~ () oJ 00'6 Agenda Item #: If Clerk's Initials:_~~1i Albemarle County Public Schools Parent Council- February 12,2008 http://www .acpsparentcouncil.org BACKGROUND Last year, Albemarle County reduced the real estate tax rate to $0.68 per $100 assessed, resulting in significant school budget cuts (larger class sizes, etc.). ~ Your children are going to be effected more this year due to reduced revenues. ~ This year, real estate values have not grown as expected, resulting in more losses when taking into account inflation, salaries, and health care and fuel cost increases. ~ The School Board has developed a budget to provide the world class education your students need to be successful. Anticipated revenues are $1.3 million less than the proposed budget. The budget is already "bare bones," our students cannot get the education they require and deserve for any less. WHAT IS AT STAKE? The School Board is considering these CUTS to deal with the revenue shortfall: ~ Charging to participate in athletic programs ~ Charging for school bus transportation ~ Larger class sizes ~ Elimination of new textbooks ~ Elimination of electives or under-enrolled classes ~ Elimination of Strings programs HOW YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Your support is critical! We need your help to communicate the following MESSAGE: ~ Support public education - strong public schools makes for strong communities ~ Fully fund the School Board's requested budget (knowing that significant cuts have already been made) ~ Any form of communication is better than nothing. ~ Let your supervisor know you care, and are paying attention. ~ Do the following, in order of importance: ~ EMAIL, CALL, and WRITE ALL members of the Board of Supervisors All Supervisors will receive your email if you send one email to: bos@albemarle.org Show your support before the Board of Supervisors - attend these public hearings on budget issues. We need to pack the Auditorium in support of education funding! Write letters to your media stating your concern and support for public education. To: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors February 20, 2008 From: Margie Shepherd - teacher, resident, parent of four children whoMIT~guat~g ff-om Albemarle County Schools. ',EOAT BOS I',> " ;?",,< () ~ O()~ :':'7;:::~ _ ,. f ;L~"X" ,qfil': 1Y)1J First, I want to say to the Board, and to any reporters here that the "staff' referred to on the front page of today' s Daily Progress, as in, "Recently, county staff recommended that the supervisors adopt a 68-cent tax rate for fiscal 2009" ..... well this was sort of the royal "staff." Nobody actually polled "the staff." This was Mr. Tucker or a couple of guys on the fourth floor. I dare you to actually ask "the staff," what we think about the budget. Last spring, as state money was tightening up, as the housing market slid downward, as even Ben Bernenkie was getting nervous, you all chose to lower the tax rate by six cents. What were you thinking? Six cents. It cut 9.6 million dollars and lopped something like six million just from schools. For what? When some of you were asked about the shortfalls, you blamed it on the housing crunch. It wasn't the housing crunch - it was you. The city had the same crunch and they are meeting to decide what to do with their five million dollar surplus. You must own this problem and you must fix it. You've got a chance now for a do-over. Restore the six cents. Stop the levee break that is threatening the level of excellence in our schools, and our community. A little wad of gum won't mend it. It'll take six cents. To go cheap on the people in our community, and the things that are important, the things that we hold dear - to go cheap on these is just plain folly. . I got a notice yesterday that came from Building Services. Due to the budget cuts, each teacher may now have only one trashcan in a classroom. Now, I don't use them much, I recycle as much as I can and I don't mind traipsing across the room to put something in the can - but I'm asking you - is this really who we are? Down to skimping on trashcans and trash can liners? This is Albemarle County! Albemarle County is ranked 58th in income in the whole country - right between Boulder, Colorado and Palm Beach Florida, I don't think Boulder and Palm Beach are getting chintzy with their trash liners. Weare # 9 in the state of Virginia, and we have the lowest tax rate of the nine - not even considering the ten cents that goes to the city. Last year two of the counties above us kept their tax rate, and the others raised theirs. But you wanted to cut six cents. For what? Was there a prize for being cheap? We've got people being cut, programs being cut, people who leave aren't being replaced, initiatives are going nowhere. For what? We all got sold down the river for six cents. Take the do-over option. Restore the six cents. Stop the deluge. Thank you. h;~'( y' Comments to the Board Three Focus Areas Tied Together: 1. ) Teacher and Staff Salaries 2.) Small Class Size 3.) Math Specialists Summary: William Sterrett 02/20/08 CElVED AT [- _.1, Oat.: ~ ~O':?4~ ;"-geoda Item #._" ~J ~il)rk's Initial..' 1tl tf.; TI The board's commitment to these three areas above has gotten results. I thank you for your efforts and continued commitment. Simply put, we have gotten results. The addition of our half-time specialist has strengthened our math focus and increased collaboration. Our focus on real-life application, problem solving, and inquiry-based instruction has not only increased our achievement levels (see below), but it has gotten students interested in learning math and our teachers enthusiastic about teaching math! Enclosure: The following article summarizes our efforts as a result of your commitment to bolstering math instruction across the division. 2006 2007 ~ 2008 Below 84.1 79.7 67.4 Concepts Achieved 13.6 18.6 23,3 Woodbrook Skills Achieved Honors 38.6 2.3 35.6 3.4 53.5 14 Honors 2,3 1,7 9.3 Below 59.1 61 32.6 Woodbrook NSRE . Concepts 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 o Below Achieved Honors Wood brook NSRE . Problem Solving 120 100 80 60 40 20 Below Achieved Honors Problem Solving Below Achieved Honors 95.5 2.3 2.3 91.5 8.5 0 83,7 11.6 4,7 Total Math ' .J.I. S/XO'a./t'::. f( Below Achieved ~ \'pre. -maIVl f 88.6 11,4 ~ . 88.1 11.9 69.8 30.2 ............. . 1.- ~ f# lit? math'1!,da.l1 51 cc(lct!)/}fCL'/7bu1 Wood brook NSRE . Skills 70 .~ 60 -8 50 ,. ih 40 ~ 30 , ~ 20t;'- l. 10 '. o Below Achieved Honors Woodbrook NSRE. Total Math 100 60 40 20 Below Achieved Snapshot Portraits of Math Achievement The Vital Role qf Math Exit Slips in the Elenzentary Setting William Sterrett and Peter Fiddner As an elementary principal of a diverse, Title I school of about 330 preK-5 students, I admittedly struggle to know exactly what is be- ing taught every day in every class and, more importantly, what is being learned. I have been a big proponent of the "Walk-Through" model of short, frequent classroom observations that focus on student work and engagement. How- ever, as a single administrator, I have come to the realization that my myriad responsibilities often pull me from my most important role- that of instructional leader. This year, however, we made a significant "breakthrough" in terms of better understanding what our students are in- deed learning in the math classroom. This past summer, our math specialist (who is shared with another school) and I met to discuss this very real challenge of connect- ing with every teacher, every class, and every student. I had heard principals speak to an "exit slip" approach and had mulled this over in those "slow, reflective" summer months! We came up with an approach in which teams would give several exit slips a week in math so that we could find out what was being taught, and what was being learned. In fact, this model prioritizes the three important "PLC" questions that author Rick Dufour and others have posed: I) What do we want each student to learn? 2) How will we know when each student has learned it? 3) How will we respond? First, we know what we want each student to learn in mathematics. Our school is guided by state standards, a division curriculum map, and grade-level planning objectives. For instance, M our fourth grade team begins the second quarter with a focus on rounding to mil- lions, estimat- ing and finding whole numbers sums and differ- ences, etc. But this is usually delineated in "week blocks" or even sim- ply "quarterly" segments- it is hard to distinguish what is done on a day-to-day basis. Second, we know whether or not students have learned the content based on assessment feedback. We have those "high stakes" end-of year state assessments, mid-year tests, quarterly tests, and common unit tests. However, the "turn-around" on these tests takes time and it is often hard to gain a snapshot glance of what is actu- ally being learned on a daily basis. Finally, how we respond is of the utmost impor- tance as we simply cannot wait until receiving results from a critical mid-year test to implement next steps. Our response time has to be much more fluid, flexible, and frequent as we simply do not have time to spare. We decided we need a weekly reflective look that gives us both a "snapshot" (quick, regular glance) and a "portrait" (deeper understanding) perspective of where our students are in math. Thus, in designing a Math Exit Slip Strategy for our school, Mr. Pete Fiddner, our math specialist, and I emphasized the following imp0l1ant items as we set out to improve collaboration, assessment, and instruction across the grade levels in math. Using a Weekly Chart- We collect a weekly math exit slip chart (See Table I) from each teacher which Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development simply has the student name on the left hand vertical column, and the day's math strand in the top horizontal column. Teachers simply place a "check" in the column if the students get the answer correct and an "x" if the exit slip is incorrect. They turn these in on Friday (along with a student sample from each day). We initially set the week total goal offour exit slips, but have streamlined this down to "two or three" as the goal as we have found that we are able to gain quality data from a "less is more" ap- proach. TABLE 1 Teacher Name Grade - Date Exit Slip Record: Please place a -V by students who answered the Exit Slip correctly and an "x" for an incorrect re- sponse. Please total the week's responses and submit to Mr. Fiddner by the following Monday afternoon. Please submit one student sample slip for each day (thus five samples all together can be different students). You can paperclip to this sheet and place in Mr. Fiddner's box. iShidentName l\1onday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday # correct Percent !(Last, first) Strand: Strand: Strand: Strand: Strand: L/4) correct 4.21 4.5 4.5 4.7 (aim for at (%) i least 4 per week) Amy ..J ,/ , I -V "+ 100% !April ..J -V -V x 3 75% O_"_'_~...,,,,'~,,_.. ~-_W_"~,v'~._""<,,.~_~,...~ ,~,w~, IAshlee ..J -V -V ,/ 4 100% !Beau v I x -V ,/ 2 I "00/,. l l I iJason ./ i -V ..J " 3 75% I f'~R"',' I John ..J -V J 3 75% ~"<"<<<'''''''''''.'''''>>:':''''''''''''';;'0:<<<<' ''''"':''-'O<_'_'_C<,,,-.,,, iJuwan I ..J -V ./ 1 ^, o/c 'I ! ~ v' 0 Kathie -V ' / -V ,/ 1 OO'/'o I , iKatie -V ./ ,/ -V A 100% ~ (Marcus -V -V -V -V 4 I 100% .'-=.",- """",,,,-,,^,,,,,,~,,....., ".v. ,~w "_"~__'V=_.'.~W""_'.''''''' ,_w,._ Virginia Educational Leadership - Enriching The Global Work Ethic - Vol. 5, No.1, Fall 2007 " Team Design and Implementation: We have found successful grade-level teams decide in their weekly meet- ings I) which strands were going to be taught; 2) what sort of questions would be given; and 3) then generate those questions to provide for a "common voice" approach--- this shared data has helped guide conversation in teaching and learning. Differentiation in Assessment: In today's world of standardized test questions in multiple-choice fonnat, it may seem easy (or necessary) to rely on forced-item formats to get students "test ready." Pete and I have stressed the importance, though, of incorporating problem-solving and open response format items as well. Again, the teacher simply uses the "check" or "x" method to relay if a student has "gotten it" or not. Collection and Representation of Data: We devise a simple spreadsheet and simply "plug in" the teachers' data (See Table 2). The "check" and "x" is then formatted to a simple binary code ("0" as "incorrect," "I" as "correct") to be used as categorical data. This provides a holistic perspective of a trend-line data approach that serves to see strengths in weaknesses of a particular student, class, and/or strand. TABLE 2 Ms.M 12- 4- Sep Sep SOL 4.2 4.7 Amy 0 23% April 1 0 38% Ashlee 54% Beau 62% Jason 38% John 62% Juwan 1 62% Kathie 46% Katie nla 23% Marcus 0 38% 90% Number and Number Computation and Geom- Probability and Sense Estimation ment etry Statistics " Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Reflection: Each week, Pete and I simply sit down and discuss the work we are seeing from each grade level and check on a couple of items: 1) Pacing---are teams and teachers staying consistent with our curriculum maps?; 2) Grouping---are current collaborative and grouping approaches appropriate?; 3) Success Stories--- what examples can we share out in a faculty meeting of exit slip success stories? This reflective approach helps us celebrate what is working and fine-tune what is not. The Math Exit Slip approach has encouraged dialogue and collaboration in our school and has allowed the principal and math specialist to work in a deliberate, systematic, collaborative approach with the teams. We feel that it is an important first, solid step in a deliberate, collaborative, and reflective approach in teaching and learning about mathematics at the elementary level. These "snapshot portraits" have given us the breadth and depth to better understand how our students are succeeding in math. References Dufour, R. (2004). What is a "Professional Learning Community?" Educational Leadership, 61 (8), retrieved on 1 % 1/07 from http://pdonline.ascd.org/pd_ online/secondary _reading/eI200405 _ dufour.html William Sterrett is a second-year principal with Albemarle County Schools at Woodbrook Elementary School in Charlottesville, Virginia. Aformer upper elementmy science and language arts teacher, middle school science teachel; and elementmy assistant principal, Sterrett earned his undergraduate degreefivm Asbury College in Wilmore, KY and his Ph.D, from the University of Virginia. Peter Fiddner, aformer upper grades teacher, serves as afirst-year Mathematics Specialist for Albemarle County, working closely with l1-vo schools. Peter Fiddner earned his undergraduate degree from Alfred Univer- sity and is currently working towards his math specialist certification and graduate degree. Virginia Educational Leadership - Enriching The Global Work Ethic - Vol. 5, No.1, Fall 2007 VI