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An adjourned meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia was held on March 2-1, 1973 at 4:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County
Office Building, said meeting being adjourned from March 15, 1973.
Present: Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr.~
William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Woody Jr.
Absent: None
Officers pres~ent: County Executive.
The Chairman called the meeting to order.
Mr. Batchelor stated that Dr. George Moore had asked that the Board of Supervisors
and City Council apply for Hill-Burton funds for expansion of the present Health Department
facilities. Mr. Wheeler said that there is a meeting scheduled for April 16, 1973 at
4:00 P.M. in the Board Room with Dr. Graham, Mr. Shanholtz and City Council for discussion
of the regional health concept and he asked that this item be included on the agenda at
that time.
Mr. Wheeler stated that he had spoken to Mr. Thacker, but not to Mr. Wood about the
Parks Committee, and they felt that due to the work load of the Board at this time, that
this should be a citizens committee and he asked that all Board members have names ready
for appointment to this committee on March ~8o Mr. Henley asked that the name of Roy
Harris, ~rofess~ of the Language Department at the University, be considered.
M~. Fisher gave a short report from the Landfill Committee.
On request of the Chairman, at 4:40 P.M. motion was made by Mr. Carwile, seconded by
Mr. Thacker~ to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. Motion carried
by the following recorded vote: ~
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker and Wheeler.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Wood.
The Board reconvened at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Court House.
The Chairman announced that this was the time scheduled for Annual Highway Meeting
as advertised in the Daily Progress on March 3, 1973 and March 10, 1973, and posted at
the Court House on March 8, 1973.
Mr. R. G. Warner and Mr. Richard Coates of the Virginia Department of Highways
were present for this portion of the meeting.
The following requests for improvements andlor additions were received:
(1) Route ~3 from Route 29 to Route 743 - length 2.00 miles - Richard Sambraus. -
widen and surface treatment. (Petition requesting improvements and offering
any necessary rights-of-way submitted)
(2) Route 708 from Route 627 to Route 795.-.length 3.80 miles - James Robertson -
~iden and surface treatment. (Survey to see if improvements are in order)
(3) Road in Keswick off of Route 616 North. - John Thomas - request for addition.
(Road Viewers)
(4) Route 808 - extension for approximately .15 miles - Mr.Kirby~- request for
addition. (Petition requesting hard-surfacing and offer~ing necessary rights-
of-way, free of charge, was submitted.) (Road Viewers)
3-2t -73
(5) Berwick Circle-Westmoreland Subdivision - Frank Crawford- Take into system.
Route 715 from Route 703 ~ndRoute 723 - length 0.80 miles and
Route 723 from Route 715 to Route 626 - length 3.10 mi~s - Josephine Feggans
(Petition presented asking for hard-surfacing. Widen and SOT.)
(7) Route 691 - .30 mile - Walter Young (Petition on file for new addition)
(ROad Viewers)
(8) Route 702 - length 2.$0 miles - Charlene Hurt (Widen and Sta$&ize. Request
new road count)
(9) Route 727 from Route 795 to Route 627 - length 2.90 miles - Janice Creasy
and Charlie Via (Widen and stabilize)
(10) Route 767 ~o Route 775 - .~0 miles south - Charles Vest - (Widen and Stabilize)
Mr. Vest spoke on behalf of members of the Zion Baptist Church, stati~ that
they did not feel that they had been treated fairly during the remonstruction
of Route~29 South. After a short discussion~ Mr. Fisher offered motion to
adopt the following resolution:
WHEREAS, at annual highway meeting held on March 21, 1973,
members of the Zion Baptist Church stated that they felt incon-
venienced because a crossover to their property had not been
installed during the reconstruction of Route 29 South of
Charlottesville, this being approximately 0.~O mile south of
Route 77~ in Albemarle County~
NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia that the Virginia Department of
Highways is requested to reconsider previous decision not to
install a cross over on this piece of road; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED.that if this is found to be a
reasonable request, that a cross over be installed at this
point or some point wihhin a reasonable distance to the south
of this point, for the convenience of all those citizens using
this piece or road.
Motion was seconded by~. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, 'Henley~ Thacker, Wheeler and Wood.
NAYS: None.
(11) Route t205 - length 0.~0 miles Z George Thompson - Advised~that this is
included inthe 1972-73 budget
(12) Route 7NO from Route 22 to Route ~31 - length 1.~0 miles - Ernie Chapman
(Widen and surface treat)
(13) Route 667 to Route 601 - length 2.10 miles - Mr. Haney (Widen and surface
treat~ also spot widening)
(15) Route 622 from Fluvanna County line to Route 618 - length 1.90 miles -
W. R. Kidd (Widen and surface treat) ~
(15) Route 671 from Route 601 to Route 66~ - length 2.10 miles - George Fitzhugh -
(widen and stahSize)
(16) Route 785 - length 1.20 miles (Widen and surface treat)
Upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned.