HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-07-23 RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT ADVANCE MILLS BRIDGE REPLACEMENT WHEREAS, the existing bridge on Route 743 over the North Fork Rivanna River at Advance Mills was closed in April 2007 following a bridge safety inspection that revealed a high level of deterioration and deficiencies; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) conducted additional investigations and testing to confirm the findings of the bridge safety inspection and determined that it was neither cost effective nor prudent to repair the bridge; causing the temporary closure of the bridge to be made permanent; and WHEREAS, VDOT considered and investigated many options for the project including the use of a temporary bridge and multiple alternative alignments, and each option was evaluated based on construction time, project cost, public safety and impact to the community; and WHEREAS, VDOT held a Design Public Hearing to solicit input on the proposed replacement of the Route 743 bridge over the North Fork Rivanna River at Advance Mills as well as limited improvements to the Route 743 approaches (Project: #0743-002-282, P1 01, R201 ,C501 ,B658) (Federal Project #BR-51 04[163]), located in Albemarle County, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the public hearing was attended by approximately 59 citizens, written comments were received from 78 citizens, and recorded comments were received from seven (7) citizens, with 82 comments being in support of the project; and WHEREAS, after reviewing the options and considering all aspects of the proposed project, VDOT recommends approval of the project design as presented at the public hearing for the following reasons: · it reduces impacts to adjacent properties, reduces project cost, reduces construction time and minimizes environmental impacts; · it proposes a truss-type structure that fits within the character of the existing bridge and its role in the community; · it accommodates two traffic lanes with paved shoulders for pedestrians and cyclists; and · it meets transportation needs in this area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors does hereby support the replacement of the Route 743 bridge over the North Fork Rivanna River at Advance Mills as proposed by the Virginia Department of Transportation. ******** I, Meagan Hoy, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of 5 to 0 . as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Julv 23. 2008. ~ y(. 'II~ S ior Deputy Clerk Board of County Supervisors Mr. Boyd Mr. Dorrier Ms. Mallek Mr. Rooker Mr. Slutzky Ms. Thomas Aye Nay ----2L- _ ----2L- _ ----2L- _ ----2L- _ ----2L- _ absent BaS Meeting to adopt Advance Mills Bridge Resolution July 23,2008 at 6:30 p.m., Room 241 Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Mr. Boyd. BOS Members Present: Boyd, Dorrier, Mallek, Rooker, Slutzky BOS Member Absent: Thomas County Staff: Meagan Hoy, Larry Davis, Bob Tucker VDoT Staff: Allan Sumpter Resolution in support of the Advance Mills Bridge: Mr. Sumpter thanked the Board for their support, and for the special meeting. He updated the Board on the public comment period, and concluded that there is overwhelming support from the community to move forward with the project. He also advised that the concept of the project using a truss bridge is what is being supported at this point. Other details, such as if the bridge should be galvanized or painted will come later on in the process. He said that a comment was brought forward today about the possibility of covering the bridge, and that could potentially delay the project because it would involve the welding of steel, which could impact the overall strength of the bridge. Mr. Boyd commented that this project is very important to the Board, and they hope the project is moved along as quickly as possible. Mr. Slutzky agreed. Mr. Sumpter said that the next step will be review by the Central Office, with right of way and utility location beginning soon after. The projected completion date will be between Fall 2009 and Spring 2010, depending on the weather. At this point, the Board voted on, and approved the resolution in support of Advance Mills Bridge. Motion made by: Ann Mallek Seconded by: Dennis Rooker 1) Mr. Boyd Mr. Dorrier Ms. Mallek x x x Mr. Rooker x Mr. Slutzky x Ms. Thomas AB . .. .' .... '.' i . DESIGN PUlJLIC HEARING Advance Mills Bridge Replacement Albemarle County Albemarle County and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) welcome you to a Design Public Hearing for the proposed replacement of the Rte 743 Bridge over the North Fork Rivanna River at Advance Mills in Albemarle County. This project is in the approved Six- Year Improvement Program (SYIP). This meeting is being held to provide an opportunity for any person, acting on his or her own behalf or representing a group or governmental agency, to review the proposed project design and give representatives of the County of Albemarle and YDGT comments and/or suggestions on the project. All written comments received will be reviewed by YDGT personnel. Questions and concerns raised as a result of this meeting will be considered by the project designer in developing final project plans. A comment sheet is included and your input is encouraged. ..!!2ject Description The purpose of this project is to replace the existing bridge over the North Fork Rivanna River at Advance Mills as well as making limited improvements to the Route 743 approaches. The existing truss bridge was closed in April of 2007 following a bridge safety inspection that revealed a high level of deterioration and deficiencies. VDOT conducted additional investigation and testing to confirm the findings of the bridge safety inspection and determined that it was neither cost effective nor prudent to repair the bridge. Following this determination, the temporary closure of the bridge was made permanent. VDOT considered and investigated many options for the project including the use of a temporary bridge and multiple alternative alignments. Each option was evaluated (Continued on next page) Jlpical Sections 37' -, ~ II II I i 30'-0" I 15'-0" 15'-0" 'I ~ClRte. 743 I I I Truss ----:-+I I ' Traffic Data Current (2007): 1023 vehicles per day (Prior to bridge closure) Future (2022): 1530 vehicles per day f.\ ~"',. ; ! Existing Advance Mills Bridge o .f!:2ject Location CHRIS GREENE LAKE Truss Alternatives Several truss shapes are available for use on this project. Three truss variations are schematically shown below as they would appear at the Advance Mills Bridge site. I i r~+ 6~~..-.---.- ..._- -.-._. - . """-1.1 ", il L-.__________~l\ Curved Top Truss i . i \. . t:~Jr.:2b ,,--- ..m~._ -=_ .__~-~-~.--=-~-~- ~;-U\' Variable Height, Flat Top Truss I '-<':.:jJ fr.,<:,_. __._._.. ..._ . L. if. ~...:.u ' " -.. . -.---....-.----., \j '. Constant Height, Flat Top Truss Estimated Project Cost Preliminary Engineering: Right of Way / Utility Relocation: Construction: Total Project Cost 526,000 318,500 2.950.000 3,794,500 What's Next? Ten days after this meeting. ',I the public comment period ,. will close. At that time~ .~ Vl)()l'" ,.. wiR. review' andl evaluate ( aU information ~~ received asa result of the '~ meeting;, adjusting the i project as needed.: '~ '3 j "; '~ ~ i I it i ~ 1~ '~ '.~ .~ ~l ') .~ ,I '~ VOOT'sChiefEngineerwilJ then1lcaskef.tto approv, tho , desigm,., Upon approval., the project wiD progteS$. to the' right wa.~acq~ol'l' stag~ .~ ',. <, . . '.' . :-- -;" -" ,': -,. '-'- ,:::': AcqUisitiolli~'ript ot,way>' and relOcation of utilities is ex~ to begin in thcf faU of 200S;; .... ~. ,JliJ:tuary}0Q9i . aftet'. . r~w of, waYk.amt easement' pui'ci1aSes;' have' been compl~th. project;, will . '-;i, ,~~i'ii fOl' consUuctio. .~i_; ". -'/;-{.'d'" Co~* Of' tb.'. project will be ,. tb& Sprin, Qf 2~" . $ho\1l.. concJudl;:. N .' ; 20Qff ui. MarcJI~ 2010..> .,;i, . '::;: " ' ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE The following schedule has been proposed: Public Hearing - July 2008 Begin Right of Way Acquisition - September 2008 Begin Utility Relocation - November 2008 Advertisement for Construction - January 2009 Completed Construction - Nov. 2009 to March 2010 Additional Information Project information shared here is available for review after the meeting at the following offices: VDOT Culpeper District Office 1601 Orange Road Culpeper, VA 22701 (540) 829-7500 TDD: (800) 307-4630 VDOT Charlottesville Residency 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 293-0011 Written comments and other exhibits related to the proposed project may be submitted in place of or in addition to statements made at the meeting. Such information must be postmarked or delivered to VDOT within 10 calendar days of today's meeting (on or before July 18, 2008) in order to be considered in the further development of the design concepts. Please send written comments to: Virginia Department of Transportation Mr. Allan D. Sumpter Charlottesville Residency Administrator 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 Questions concerning VDOT's policy on obtaining right of way should be directed to: Virginia Department of Transportation Ms. F. M. Printz District Right of Way and Utilities Manager 1601 Orange Road Culpeper, V A 2270 I (540) 829- 770 I ~DOT Design Public Hearing Comment Sheet Advance Mills Bridge Replacement Route 743 over the North Fork Rivanna River Albemarle County Tuesday, July 8, 2008 (Please Print) NAME: ADDRESS: EMAIL (optional) ZIP CODE: 1. Prior to closure of the bridge, did you use the bridge on a regular basis? If so, how often? 2. What do you feel is the most important issues regarding this project (construction schedule, aesthetics, project cost, environmental impacts, or other?) 3. Do you support the use of a steel truss bridge for this project? YES _ NO _ Comment 4. Of the alternative truss shapes, which do you find the ~ favorable? 5. What protective coating would you prefer to see on the truss? Galvanizing (silver/gray)_ Paint If paint, what color would you prefer? 6. Do you support this project? YES _ NO _ Comment 7. Please provide us with any additional information which you feel would assist in the design of this project. 8. How did you hear about this meeting? Newspaper _County _ VDOT Roadway Signs _ Other 9. Were VDOT Representatives able to answer YOUR questions? If not, were you offered further assistance? Please leave this comment sheet at the designated location or mail your comments postmarked by July 18, 2008 to the addressee on the reverse side. Project: 0743-002-282, 8658 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMONG THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, THE VIRGINIA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER, AND THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REGARDING THE ROUTE 743 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT IN ADVANCE MILLS, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) proposes to replace the Advance Mills Bridge (VDOT Structure No. 6104) which carries Route 743 over the North Fork of the Rivanna River, in Albemarle County, Virginia (VDOT Project No. 0743-002-282; B658, C50l, Pl01, R201, UPC 77273; VDHR File No. 2007-0982), hereinafter referred to as the Project; and WHEREAS, the VDOT anticipates receiving Federal financial assistance for the Project from the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A); and WHEREAS, the FHW A has determined that the provision of financial assistance for the Project is an undertaking as defined in 36 CFR 800.16(y); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.c. 401 and 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1973 (33 U.S.c. 1344), a Department of the Army permit will likely be required from the Norfolk District Corps of Engineers (Corps), and the Corps has designated the FHW A as the lead federal agency to fulfill federal responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 US.c. 470, hereinafterNHPA); and WHEREAS, the FHW A has authorized the VDOT to conduct consultation with the Virginia State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) for the Project on its behalf pursuant to the requirements of Section 106 of the NHP A, including the initiation of the Section 106 process, identification of historic properties, and assessment of adverse effects; and WHEREAS, the VDOT, in consultation with the SHPO, has determined that the Area of Potential Effects (APE; Attachment A) for the Project is defined as the construction footprint required for removal of the existing bridge and installation of a new structure, any associated permanent or temporary easements included within a two hundred (200)- foot corridor along the existing roadway, and the area within the boundary of the Advance Mills Historic District (DHR Inventory No. 002-5024); and WHEREAS, the VDOT, in consultation with the SHPO, completed the identification of historic properties within the Project's APE based on the intensive survey provided by the Advance Mills Historic District National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) nomination and the VDOT's Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia (2008); and WHEREAS, the Advance Mills Historic District (VDHR Inventory No. 002-5024) is listed on the Virginia Landmarks Register (VLR) and the National Register of Historic MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B658, C501, PIOI, R201, UPC 77273 Page 2 of 19 Places (NRHP), and the Advance Mills Bridge (VDHR Inventory No. 002-0541) is a contributing property to the district; and WHEREAS, the VDOT, in consultation with the SHPO, has determined that the demolition of the Advance Mills Bridge will constitute an adverse effect on the listed Advance Mills Historic District, and the FHW A has consulted with the SHPO in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 D.S.C. 470) and its implementing regulations, 36 CFR Part 800, to resolve the adverse effect; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 CFR 800.6(a)(1), the FHWA has notified the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) ofthe adverse effect of the Project and the ACHP has chosen not to participate in consultation; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 CFR 800.2(c)(4), the VDOT has participated in this consultation, and the FHW A has invited the VDOT to join the FHW A and the SHPO as a signatory to this Memorandum of Agreement (AGREEMENT) pursuant to 36 CFR 800.6( c )(2)(iii); and WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 CFR 800.2(c)(3), Albemarle County (the County) has participated in this consultation, and has been invited by the FHW A to concur in this AGREEMENT in accordance with 36 CFR 800.6(c)(3); and WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 CFR 800.2(c)(5), the Friends of the Advance Mills Historic District (F AMHD) and the Advance Mills Home Owners Association (AMHOA) have participated in consultation, and have each been invited by the FHW A to concur in this AGREEMENT in accordance with 36 CFR 800.6(c)(3); and WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 CFR 800.2(c)(5), Mr. Rod Ballard, Mr. Palmer Burch, Mr. James E. Bums, Mr. Courtney Hoopes, and Ms. Jane Paden, property owners within the Advance Mills Historic District, have participated in consultation, and have each been invited by the FHW A to concur in this AGREEMENT in accordance with 36 CFR 800.6(c)(3); NOW, THEREFORE, the FHW A, the VDOT, and the SHPO agree that the Project shall be implemented in accordance with the following stipulations in order to take into account the undertaking's effects on historic properties. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B658, C501, PIOI, R201, UPC 77273 Page 3 of 19 STIPULATIONS The FHW A shall ensure that the following stipulations are implemented: I. Documentation of Existing Advance Mills Bridge (DHR Resource Inventory No. 002-0541 ) A. The VDOT shall salvage pieces of the steel truss bridge before or during demolition and will ensure that the Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) conducts an engineering investigation of the deteriorated loop-welded eye bars, a principal cause for replacing the bridge and a feature of other metal truss structures statewide. VDOT shall ensure that the VTRC investigators produce a written report of their findings within one (1) year following demolition ofthe bridge. VDOT shall provide the draft report to the FHW A, the SHPO and other consulting parties for review and comment. The SHPO and other consulting parties agree to provide comments within thirty (30) days of confirmed receipt. The VDOT shall ensure that all comments received within the thirty (30)-day comment period are addressed in the final report. The VDOT shall provide to the SHPO two copies of the final report, bound and on acid-free paper, and one electronic copy on CD and one copy to each of the consulting parties. B. The VDOT shall update the existing survey form in the SHPO's Data Sharing System (DSS) to note the current status of the existing bridge within thirty (30) calendar days after its demolition. II. Interpretation of Advance Mills Historic District (VDHR Resource Inventory No. 002-5024) A. In order to disseminate information about the historic district to the general public, VDOT shall fund the fabrication and installation of a Virginia state historical highway marker, to be located near the intersection of state routes 743 and 641. The historical highway marker shall summarize the historical significance of the village of Advance Mills and the related crossings of the North Fork of the Rivanna River. In consultation with the SHPO and consulting parties, the VDOT shall prepare draft text for the state historical highway marker. Within one (1) year of execution of this AGREEMENT, the VDOT shall submit the draft text for the state historical highway marker to the SHPO historical highway marker program. The VDOT and the SHPO shall then perform their respective roles, as prescribed by each agency's established procedures for the Virginia state historical highway marker program, to write review, and edit the text, and selection of the site and installation of the approved state historical highway marker in consultation with the consulting parties. The State Historic Resources Board is under no obligation to approve the state historical highway marker. The VDOT shall ensure that the state historical highway marker is installed within six (6) months after its approval by the State Historical Resources Board. If the State Historic Resources Board does not approve the state historical highway MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B658, C50I, PIOI, R20I, UPC 77273 Page 4 of 19 marker the VDOT shall consult with the SHPO and other consulting parties to determine an appropriate method to interpret the Advance Mills Historic District to the public. B. The VDOT shall replace the existing Advance Mills Bridge with a bridge having the following characteristics in order to ensure that the design and scale of the new bridge is compatible with the historic character of the Advance Mills Historic District: (1) The new bridge shall be built on the same alignment as the old bridge; (2) The new bridge shall be a prefabricated steel truss of two (2) spans with a galvanized or painted surface treatment; (3) The new bridge shall be approximately two hundred thirty five (235) feet long and thirty four (34) feet wide and will accommodate two (2) lanes of traffic with paved shoulders on each side for use by pedestrians and cyclists (see schematic of typical section in Attachment B); and (4) The new bridge shall be fitted with a steel tubular railing system to allow greater visibility for motorists to view the North Fork Rivanna River and the Advance Mills Historic District from the bridge. The VDOT bridge engineers working on the design for the replacement bridge shall consult with the VDOT district architectural historian who shall review the designs to ensure that the replacement bridge is compatible with the historic character of the Advance Mills Historic District. Five (5) calendar days after the close of the ten (lO)-day public comment period following the VDOT's Public Hearing for the Project, the VDOT shall inform the SHPO and all other consulting parties to this AGREEMENT in writing of any comments received from the public on proposed truss configurations (curved top truss, variable height flat top, or constant height flat top; see Attachment B) and steel surface treatments (galvanized or painted) for the new bridge. The SHPO and all other consulting parties to this AGREEMENT shall have fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of this information to respond to the VDOT with any comments of their own regarding these two design elements. The VDOT shall take into account comments submitted by members of the public in response to the Public Hearing and those submitted from the SHPO and all other consulting parties to this AGREEMENT within their additional fifteen (l5)-day comment period when deciding which truss configuration, surface treatment, and paint color (if applicable) will be used on the new bridge. Prior to demolishing the existing bridge, the VDOT shall notify the SHPO and all other consulting parties to this AGREEMENT ofVDOT's decision on which truss configuration, surface treatment, and paint color (if applicable) will be used on the new bridge. III. Post Review Discoveries In the event that a previously unidentified archaeological resource is discovered during ground-disturbing activities, the VDOT, in accordance with Section 107.14(d) of VDOT's Road and Bridge Specifications, shall require the construction contractor to halt all construction work involving subsurface disturbance in the area of the resource and in MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B658, C501, PIOI, R201, UPC 77273 Page 5 of 19 surrounding areas where additional subsurface remains can reasonably be expected to occur. Work in all other areas ofthe project may continue. The VDOT shall notify the FHW A, the SHPO, and the consulting parties within two (2) working days of the discovery. In the case of prehistoric or historic Native American sites, the FHW A shall also notify appropriate tribal leaders and the Virginia Council on Indians (VCI) within two (2) working days of the discovery. The VDOT shall ensure that an archaeologist meeting the Secretary ofthe Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards (48 FR 44739) shall investigate the work site and the resource, and then the VDOT, on behalf of the FHW A, shall forward to the SHPO, appropriate tribal leaders, the VCI, and consulting parties an assessment of the NRHP eligibility of the resource (36 CFR 60.4) and proposed treatment actions to resolve any adverse effects on the resource. The SHPO, tribal leaders, the VCI, and the other consulting parties shall respond within five (5) working days of receipt of the VDOT's assessment ofNRHP eligibility of the resource and proposed action plan. The VDOT, in consultation with the FHW A, shall take into account the SHPO's recommendations regarding NRHP eligibility of the resource and the proposed action plan, and the recommendations of the SHPO, tribal leaders, the VCI, and the other consulting parties, and then carry out appropriate actions. The VDOT shall ensure that construction work within the affected area does not proceed until appropriate actions are implemented. IV. Human Remains A. The VDOT shall ensure that human skeletal remains and associated funerary objects encountered during the course of actions taken as a result of this AGREEMENT are treated in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Virginia Antiquities Act, S I 0.1- 2305 of the Code a/Virginia and the Regulations Governing Permits for the Archaeological Removal of Human Remains (17 V AC5-20). In accordance with the regulations stated above, the VDOT shall obtain a permit from the SHPO for any archaeological removal of human remains. B. In the event that human remains encountered are likely to be of Native American origin, whether prehistoric or historic, the VDOT shall immediately notify the appropriate tribal leaders and the Virginia Council on Indians (VCI). The VDOT shall determine the treatment of Native American human remains and associated funerary objects in consultation with the appropriate tribal leaders and the vcr. The VDOT shall make a good faith effort to avoid disturbing Native American gravesites and associated funerary objects and to ensure that the general public is excluded from viewing any Native American gravesites and associated funerary objects. The signatories and the concurring parties to this AGREEMENT shall release no photographs of any Native American gravesites or associated funerary objects to the press or to the general public. V. Professional Qualifications and Reporting Standards A. All archaeological studies and technical reports completed pursuant to this AGREEMENT shall be conducted by or under the direct supervision of an MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743~002-282, B658, C50t, PlOt, R20t, UPC 77273 Page 6 of 19 individual or individuals who meet, at a minimum, the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards (48 FR 44738-9, September 29, 1983). B. All archaeological studies and technical reports completed pursuant to this AGREEMENT, including data recovery plans, shall be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Documentation (48 FR 44734-37) and the SHPO's Guidelines for Conducting Cultural Resource Survey in Virginia (rev. 2003), or subsequent revisions or replacements to these documents, and shall take into account the Recommended Approach for Consultation on Recovery of Significant Information from Archaeological Sites (1999; rev. 2003) and Section 106 Archaeology Guidance (June 2007). VI. Dispute Resolution A. Should any party to this AGREEMENT object in writing to the FHW A regarding any plans provided for review pursuant to this AGREEMENT, or should any party object in writing to the FHW A regarding the manner in which measures stipulated in this AGREEMENT are being implemented, the FHW A shall first consult with the objecting party to resolve the objection. If the FHW A determines that the objection cannot be resolved through such consultation, the FHW A shall then consult with all the consulting parties to this AGREEMENT to resolve the objection. If the FHW A then determines that the objection cannot be resolved through consultation, the FHW A shall forward all documentation relevant to the objection to the ACHP, including the FHW A's proposed response to the objection. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of all pertinent documentation, the ACHP shall exercise one of the following options: (1) Advise the FHW A that the ACHP concurs in the FHW A's proposed response to the objection, whereupon the FHW A will respond to the objection accordingly; or (2) Provide the FHW A with recommendations, which the FHW A shall take into account in reaching a final decision regarding its response to the objection; or (3) Notify the FHW A that the objection will be referred for comment pursuant to 36 CFR 800.7(a)(4), and proceed to refer the objection and comment. The FHW A shall take the resulting comment into account in accordance with 36 CFR 800.7(c)(4). Should the ACHP not exercise one of the above options within thirty (30) days after receipt of all pertinent documentation, the FHW A may assume the ACHP's concurrence in its proposed response to the objection. The FHW A shall take into account any ACHP recommendation or comment provided in accordance with this stipulation with reference only to the subject ofthe objection; the FHW A's responsibility to carry out all actions under this agreement that are not the subjects of the objection shall remain unchanged. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B658, C50l, P10l, R20l, UPC 77273 Page 7 of 19 B. At any time during implementation of the measures stipulated in this AGREEMENT, should a member of the public object to the FHW A or the VDOT regarding the manner in which the measures stipulated in this AGREEMENT are being implemented, the FHW A shall notify the parties to this AGREEMENT and consult with the objector to resolve the obj ection. VI. Amendments and Termination Any signatory to this AGREEMENT may propose that the AGREEMENT be amended, whereupon the FHW A shall consult with the other signatories to consider such an amendment. 36 CFR 800.6( c)(1) shall govern the execution of any such amendment. Any signatory to this AGREEMENT may terminate it in accordance with the provisions of S800.6(c)(8) of the regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 D.S.C. 470). Termination shall include the submission ofa technical report by the VDOT to the SHPO on any archaeological or other work executed pursuant to this AGREEMENT up to and including the date of termination. VII. Duration This AGREEMENT shall continue in full force and effect until five (5) years after the date of the last signature. At any time in the six (6)-month period prior to such date, the FHW A may request the signatory parties to consider an extension ofthe AGREEMENT. No Extension will be effective unless all signatories to this AGREEMENT have agreed with it in writing. If the FHW A or the VDOT decide they will not proceed with the Project, they may so notify the SHPO and the concurring parties and then this AGREEMENT shall become null and void. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B658, C501, PIOI, R201, UPC 77273 Page 8 of 19 Execution of this AGREEMENT by the FHW A and the SHPO, and its submission to the ACHP in accordance with 36 CFR 800.6(b)(1)(iv) shall, pursuant to 36 CFR 800.6(c), be considered to be an agreement with the ACHP for the purposes of Section 110(1) of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 D.S.C. 470). Execution and submission of this AGREEMENT, and implementation of its terms, is evidence that the FHW A has afforded the ACHP an opportunity to comment on the proposed undertaking and its effects on historic properties, and that the FHW A has taken into account the effects of the undertaking on historic properties. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION {\ By: ! clwMtl 'p-- (tl'.. Robert Fonseca-Martmez, Division Administrator Virgini Division Date: q fA ~ t, 2rJ6( I VIRGINIA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER Date: VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT A TION By: ~~ ~~ ~ Date: ,( 8locc:> Stephen 1. Long, Assistan: nvironmental Division Administrator (Acting Environmental Division Administrator) MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B6S8, CSOI, PIOI, R201, UPC 77273 Page 17 of19 ATTACHMENT A AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT FOR THE PROPOSED ADVANCE MILLS BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT "DOT PROJECT NO. 0743-002-282, B658, C501, PIOI, R201 :,Cem' '-", '., ",,) /) \, ) (/ - '\ ( , ,~ \ MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B658, C501, PIOI, R201, UPC 77273 Page 18 of 19 ATTACHMENT B SCHEMATIC OF TYPICAL SECTION OF REPLACEMENT FOR ADVANCE MILLS BRIDGE, ROUTE 743 1 '.0" ... .. 30'.0" ... 1'.0" ... .. 15' -0" 15'.0" .1. ,-l.l. Rte. 743 I I I........... '- .. . I : 'I L.' '- " j .. Face of Rail Truss - I MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B658, C501, PIOI, R201, UPC 77273 Page 19 of 19 ATTACHMENT B PROPOSED TRUSS CONFIGURATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT OF ADVANCE MILLS BRIDGE, ROUTE 742 ~~4~~~~~::~~,,:;-_L~~J?~\II/>I/i\.,t?i\',1~7~\T7\\\~/~IZ~;J2~r-~" :tr''F.':'.. P . ---:;.j-:,I v. '-<~~~'!... 1<:-!-l1--_.:,-,._~_:_:-- ______m___.__'L_____.__.. 'l,#~r"" .iI ..J Curved Top Truss 7:~ ~L'-:{;.~.-:~-- 'I' Variable Height, Flat Top Truss Constant Height. Flat Top Truss MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Advance Mills Bridge Replacement, Albemarle County, Virginia VDOT Project No.: 0743-002-282, B658, C50l, PlOl, R20l, UPC 77273 CONCUR: ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By: Robe Page 9 of 19 Date: 1 ~ cht-L 0 ~