HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-09N5-9-73 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia was held on May 9, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. in the Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Virginia. Present' Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., William C. Thacker, Jr., Gordon L. Wheeler and Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. Absent' None. The chairman called the meeting to order and recognized Mr.Wood who in- troduced Mrs. Bill Carter who was present on behalf of citizensasking that the Board proclaim an Albemarle High Band Day. Mrs. Carter presented the following proclamation and asked that the Board adopt~;~ase. ~***'-~_.. .... ~ Motion was offered by *** Left out - see Page 60 Mr. Wood to adopt the foregoing proclamation and authorize the chairman to sign on behalf of the Board of Supervisors. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the following recorded vote: A~E~H /M~rs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. NAYS: None. ~t this time the Chairman called for a public hearing on the County of Albemarle budget for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 1973. Synopsis of said budget was advertised in the Daily Progress on May 1, 1973. He also called for public comments on revenue sharing as advertised in the Daily Progress on May 2, May 5 and May 8, 197~. Mr. Wheeler then introduced county personnel who were present and stated that the final decision on this budget lies with the Board of Supervisors and not with personnel since they ac~ in an advisory capacity only to the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Batchelor then made a presentation of the proposed 1973-74 budget. He also stated that at the end of June, 1973 the County would have received $540,257 in revenue sharing funds. During the next fiscal year they expect to receive $554,424 this being a total by the end of June, 1974 of $1,094,681. Mr. Wheeler stated that the Board has been working on this budget for over three months. One matter of concern was a salary schedule for county employees. This salary schedule was included in the budget at approximately a 6.2% increase. In talking with ~he School Board they found that some of the increases in that part of the budget exceeded 6.2%, some as high as 9%. The Board of Supervisors felt that salaries should all be on the same level, however, the ~chool ~oard felt that in order ~o maintain their pr~esent staff and to help in recruitment of teachers they needed that salary scale. He stated that this Board does not make line cuts in the school budget, but only an overall amount, therefore, it would seem there will be two levels of salary scales in county employment. In the matter of salary increases for constitutional officers, the Board requested that in next year's budget there be no recommendation put in by the County Executive. In the future, decisions on these salaries will 5-9-73 55 be made after the budget hearing. Mr. Wheeler also said that in work sessions the County Executive had requested a purchasing agent and a personnel director. The Board has eliminated the personnel director from the budget. None of the other Board members wishing to speak at this time, the floor was opened for com- ments from the public. Mr.. Philip Best cozmnended the Board for settling the salary issue and he felt the raises given are modest considering inflation. He stated that as a parent he is concerned That children receive a quality education and he felt that the increase in the school budget is small considering the increase in services that the schools will receive with the implementation of kindergarten. Mr. Roger Bain inquired as to the need for a purchasing agent. Mr. Batchelor s~a~ed that the purchasing agent was given a great deal of emphasis in this year's budget as the county purchases over 1½ million dollars in goods and services each year. At the present ~ime, the county does not have a full time person to write specifications and make sure the county receives full value for what is purchased. Mr. H.H. Tiffany asked how many original purchase orders the purchasing agent would have to write specifications on. Mr. Juul-Nielson felt that specification writing for purchase orders fell on department heads and not with a purchasing agent. He felt that the school board has a purchasing agent or administrative assistant under the Superinten- dent of Schools who delves into purchase orders for the school system and he felt there is no need for a purchasing agent if this activity were organized correctly. Mrs. James Garth inquired as to the budgeted amount for telephone, tele- graph & postage. She felt this was a high figure. She also inquired about the amount for travel & automobile expenses. Mr. Ray Jones stated that maintenance and operation o£ vehicles is included in the budget a~ between $6'00 and $1,000~each and'purchase of new,automo- biles at $3,200 each. He also stated that the county sends 'out approximately 28,000 tax bills each year and a great number of people are paying their taxes by mail which necessitates returning to them a receipt. Next year the county will offer for sale by,mail, auto tags. An increased amount of postage has been included under the finance department for this service. Marsha';~iGha~,~ from the League of Women Voters, stated that they endorse kindergartens and also the budgeted amount £or Community Action Organization. Mr. Tiffany said he realized that the Board was being advised by a county executive whom had not been hired by the Board. Mr. Wheeler interrupted Mr. Tiffany to state that Mr. Batchelor had been appointed by this Board, by vote, when they organized in January, ~972. Mr. Tiffany then said he felt this board had been unresponsive to the wishes of a large segment of Albemarle County. He then gave varying figures on per pupil costs to educate students in counties such as Augusta, Hanover and Rockingham. Mr. Wheeler stated that Albemarle County has an appointed_school board which they feel ~s doing a fine job. He stated that the budget presented by the School Board was brought to them by Mr. VanFossen, Chairman. It was not Mr. Batchelor's budge~, but was made out by the School Board working with their administrative staff. Mr. Harley Miles, President of Albemarle Education Association spoke. He felt that the two salary scales proposed were correct since teachers must continue to take college level courses in order to keep their rating as teachers. Mr. Allen Jackson stated that he felt the public had come here tonight to engage in a discussion of the 1973-74 budget and not to engage in personality clashes. He commended the school board for being progressive and he felt that they had been prudent in their budget figures. Mrs. Garth asked how many people were helped by the $1,400,000 in the Wel- fare Department budget. Jim Ritchie replied that there are approximately 1,300 children receiving~ payments averaging $42.I8 per month. This is reimbursed 100% from State & Federal monies. There are 138 receipients of ~at $83.00 per month~ 150-OA~ @ $70 per month and approximately 15 re- ceiving-A~k. In total the Welfare Department helps approximately 700 families per month, and in addition to this there.are 500 other low-income families on food stamps and medicaid. He stated that they do have a high turnover in their case load. Mrs. Mary Jo Ayers, Citizens for Superior Albemarle Schools, stated that they strongly support the school budget and she urged the Board to adopt this budget as quickly as possible, particularly in relation to kindergartens. Mr. Phillip Best stated that when the bond issue was passed a year ago ~he Board Of Supervisors had told the public there probably would have to be an increase in the tax ra:e to pay for these bonds. However, citizens, by referendum, had passed this bond issue and he felt this was a mandate to the Board of Supervisors that the citizens wanted these additional services. Mr. Wheeler stated that at the time the bonds were passed, the Board did not see how they could possibly pay for these bonds without an increase in the tax rate. However, since that time, they had been able to bring in additional money through professional licenses and the increased automobile license tax. By spreading the tax burden they have been able to hold down the tax rate. 5-9-73 A gentleman inquired as to how the revenue sharing money would be spent. Mr. Wheeler replied that the board was expecting comments on this tonight. He said that if you look at the capital improvements bu.dget and other items which are coming up in the next few weeks, there will be no problem in spending this money. The Board heard from the Library Board this afternoon requesting money for a new library site and also heard a report from the committee studying the renovation of the Levy Opera House as a juvenile courT. There is a need for more office space in the county office building and there will be requests coming from the school board for the building of new schools. Mrs. Garth asked about the appropriation in the budget for a new firehouse. Mr. Wheeler replied that the county now has an agreement with the City whereby they pay the salaries of nine men. The City has said they are unable to furnish services for the part of the county that lies to the north of Charlottesville. He also stated that the volunteers in the County and the City of Charlottesville have formed the Jefferson County Fire Association and before a final decision is made on this matter they will be invited to appear before the Board of Super- visors to make recommendations as to where this firehouse should be built. Mary Jo Ayers stated that she would like to see some of the revenue sharing money spent on a new library complex for the City and the County. Van Wilson, Citizens Association for Albemarle County, said that the gentleman who had just spoken said that the Board of Supervisors had been told they had a mandate because the bond issue had been approved by the citizens, however, the people that he represented did not feel this way. He stated that certain people only pay 1/3 of what they consume. Some people feel they have worked hard all their lives and still work hard and they do not get a 6% raise. The Board represents that person as well as others here tonight. He felt there had been quite a bit of casual spending on the part of the Board and gave as an example a $60,000 appropriation to the parks. He also mentioned the $3,300 spent for the McIntire study which he felt might have been worthwhile if it had been purchased correctly. He stated that the report gave three alternatives, however, he felt there was a fourth. He felt that the County could rent space for the amount of interest they would pay on McIntire renovations, and by doing this McIntire would still be left as a school. Landon Birckhead stated that the proposed firehouse on the north.side of town would serve him well because he lived in that area, but he wondered how this would effect the town of Scottsville. Mr. Wheeler replied that the Board has been supporting the volunteer fire companies for a number of years and that this item would need a great deal of additional study. Bob Merrill asked that the Board bear in mind the property owner and what he is paying in property taxes which he feels have become overbearing. 57 5-9-73 Joe Teague, Chairman of the Tax Revision and Spending Control sub-committee of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the CharlottesvillekAlbemarle Chamber of Commerce stat'ed that they are concerned about the possibility of revenue sharing funds being used To establish projects whose eventual cost would have ~o be borne by the taxpayer in the form of increased taxes. These funds, are merely the return of tax dollars that have already been paid and the Chamber of Commerce has become increasingly concerned about capital outlays in the City and the County. They feel ~hat major consideration should be given to reducing the bur- den already borne by the taxpayer along with the Upgrading of present necessary services. Certainly no new program should be implemented that eventually would increase the already heavy tax load on ~he home owner whether it's through increased'property taxes, tax rate, utility taxes or any special taxes. They urged the Board of Supervisors to use outstanding judgment in determining the use of our tax money. It is imperative that we receive a dollar s worth of goods and services for every dollar of expenditures. In the final analysis the Board's use of the revenue sharing funds Should have the support of the taxpayers and must appeal to both majority and minority groups. It is the Board of Supervisors who will justify to the taxpayers, the reasons for selecting specific programs and their total effect on the County. Roy Patterson stated that he shared Mr. Jackson's views that a budget hearing should be a discussion of programs and not a discussion of personality. Ail he had heard here tonight about programs had been favorable. He felt the budget is good, the Board has endorsed new programs that will cost money and will continue to cost money in the future, however, he felt the citizens do support the Board in this. Bunny Hunter stated that there is a large segment Of the county no~ being heard from tonight. They agree that both sides are a little extreme. They want quality education and would be upset to see this disturbed in any way, but they are also interested as to why'There is this large increase in the cost. This increased cost has been put on growth and she asked the Board how this problem could be dealt with. Roy Patterson again identified himself as President of Citizens for Albemarle. He stated that they had presented ~o the board a resolution several weeks ago asking that the Board not consider cutting the budget. They feel there are problems~with the tax structure and they had made recommendations on this, however, CiTizens for Albemarle do not ask the Board to cut ~he budget. 5-9-73 59 Karen Lilleleht stated that perhaps people who live in the suburbs do not pay their fair share of the tax burden proportionate on their income, however, she felt that some of those speaking in opposition To the budget tonight should go to their state senators and ask for the implementation of a local income tax. H. Staley stated that he had tried this four years ago and did not get any help. H.e also stated that the Board had said there would be no increase in the tax rate, however, they did receive approximately $700,000 increase in the tax structure in White Hall district. Mr. Staley said that in his district some pay two or three times more in taxes than others and yet receive fewer services and he asked if this was fair. Mr. Jack Marza~stated that he had heard a lot of comments from people that they were not getting the services in their district that other districts were getting and he would like to know what these services are. Mr. Wheeler replied that he did not know what this could be as he felt the Board was giving equal services in the way of education, fire protection, police protection and welfare, services available to all citizens of the county. Mr. Tiffany stated that there was raw sewage going into Lickinghole Creek in Crozet and he wondered what had been done concerning this matter since he had brought it to the Board's attention 60 days or more ago. Mr. Wheeler replied that this was not the only place in the County that was having trouble. There were septic tank problems in Westmoreland and other places. The Board has been working with the City in forming the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority and their program is now underway so that the citizens who receive the services are the people who pay for the services. Mr. Wheeler said that the Board could not build a plant of this type since the State Water Control Board had put a moratorium on this type of plant, however, the Board is working on this problem. Mr. Tiffany said he understood that the Board had sent Mr. Batchelor to Richmond this last session o£ the General Assembly to lobby for certain things and he' wondered why they had not asked the County Executive to lobby for a local income tax. Mr. Wheeler said that this Board had met with the Virginia Association of Counties and had presented their legislative program of approximately 16 items. Of these 16 about 1'3 were included in their proposed legislative program. He said that the Board of Supervisors have supported a local income tax for many years but have been unable to get this presented to the General Assembly by our local representatives. 5-9-73 AYES' NAYS; * Allen Jackson, Citizens for Superior Albemarle Schools, stated that they had also been working .with t.he legislature over t.he years trying to implement this local income tax but they also had been unable to have this local income tax ~esent.ed bef~e'.the General Assembly. ~ .. No one else from the public rising to speak, Mr. Wheeler declared the public hearing closed and asked for comments from the Board. Mr. Thacker expressed his appreciation to those attending this meeting. Mr. Fisher stated that in order for the Board to raise money, there is essentially only one way open to them that is not limited by $5 or $10 maximums and that is the property tax. He stated that he disagreed strongly with the Chairman of this Board, since he felt this tax is extremely inequitable because it is not applied in relation to people's ability to pay. He stated that he favors the local income tax, but this Board cannot adopt this tax without enabling legislation being passed by the General Assembly and this will take citizen support. Mr. Wheeler stated that in working on the salary schedule this year, the Board had a chance to work with the individual department heads. And he felt that Albemarle County has an extremely fine staff. He also stated that the County Executive serves at the pleasure of the Board and it is the concensus of this board that Mr. Batchelor is doing a satisfactory job. Motion was then of£ered by Mr. Wood to adjourn this meeting until May 16, 1973 at 7'30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse. Motion was seconded by Mr. Henley and carried by the following recorded vote' Messrs. Carwile, Fisher, Henley, Thacker, Wheeler and Wood. None. left out on page 54. WHEREAS the Albemarle High School Band was originally formed in 1953 and WHEREAS the Albemarle High School Band represents Albemarle High School in many-community 'aCtivities i. ncluding'the, Dogwood~Festi~al and WHEREAS the Albemarle High School Band has received a high rating in District V with the participation of the highest number of students from a single school in the All-Regional Symphonic Band and WHEREAS the Albemarle High School Band has spent twenty years of faithful service to Albemarle High School, Albemarle County, and the community, wearing the same uniforms and WHEREAS the Albemarle High School Band is in dire need of new uniforms Be it therefore resolved by the County Board of Supervisors~.of Albemarle County that May 12, 1973, be proclaimed Albemarle High School Band Day. By this proclamation all citizens of Albemarle County and the surrounding areas are urged to join in supporting the Albemarle High School Band. Be if further resolved, that all citizens are urged to be liberal in their contribution and active in the raising of contributions to pur- chase new uniforms. Chairman