HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-10-24 ~ I Albemarle County Board of Supervisors' Strategic Plan Retreat Agenda October 24,2008 - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Virginia Department of Forestry Building Fontaine Research Park Desired Outcomes: 1. The Board discusses the County's progress, upcoming challenges and opportunities, County trends, and citizen expectations. 2. The Board has an increased understanding of the Five Year Financial Outlook and resources needed to meet County's priorities. 3. The Board provides direction to staff regarding aligning the Strategic Plan with the Five Year Financial Plan. 9:00 a.m. Welcome Ken Boyd 9:05 a.m. Overview of Today's Meeting Bob Tucker 9:10 a.m. Quick Review Highlights from Work Session Board Discussion Lori Allshouse . Strategic Plan's role in directing organizational efforts . Emerging Trends and Citizen's Views . Areas of the strategic plan showing positive progress . Areas of the strategic plan facing significant challenges 10:15 Break 10:30 a.m. Five Year Financial Outlook Resources needed to meet County's priorities Q and A Tom Foley 11 :00 a.m. Board Discussion Aligning Strategic Plan with Priorities Lee Catlin 12:00 Lunch 12:45 p.m. Board Discussion, Cont. Lee Catlin Should the County alter its approach regarding the County's Strategic Plan priorities? . Adjust timing? . Reallocate resources (within the existing budget)? . Increase resources? . Should the County consider adjustments in the CIP program? 2:45 p.m. Break 3:00 p.m. Board provides staff direction Lee Catlin How to better align the Strategic Plan with the Five Year Plan. 3:50 p.m. Wrap Up; Next Steps Bob Tucker 4:00 p.m. Adjourn "f;; oJ Cc1~ Aligning Strategic Priorities with Realities of Five Year Financial Plan Review Score Card Staff Insights October 24,2008 Strategic Plan Report Card · Objectives that could be considered "complete" or "near-complete" as the Strategic Objective Statement is worded i-~I . ~ " i'\ I - '3r~ - · Objectives in which the County is making progress, however, facing challenges 1-' . I ! -Ju/d --- · Objectives facing significant challenges r--- I -reJ - Strategic Plan Objectives Collaboration with Schools .y~ 1;B1~St~iil...-: I~~"""" . Affordable Housing I Economic Vitality ~'l.... d Public Safety Water Resources i Conservation Easements Transportation ., . --~- -- ~~~':...~.:': ~t.t~>":':\-' ~~~-<I't' '"'""';.;:;..}l.....~, .-.~="" I ~~'>~ _~~~~' \ I Rural Area Strategy! I ~ I I : I ~:,:~,',"", '~beveloP a Comprehensive~FlmdingStrategy /Plan --;{e Strategic Plan Objectives that could be considered "completed" or nearly so Collaboration I with Schools i ! Housing By June 30, 2009, the Board of Supervisors and general government employees will increase collaborative efforts with the School Board and with employees of the schools system to assist the School Division to achieve recognition as a "world class education system." Conservation Easements I-R~;;i'Area Strategy ; I . I 4.2 By June 30, 2010, increase the protection of the County's rural areas by implementing the key strategies of the Rural Area Plan. By June 30, 2010, develop a comprehensive funding strategy/plan to address the County's growing needs. ~;'i,r.' -~o;;~I~P a Comprehensive Funding'Strategy/Plan f~.'..'...'.";'~ ':':"::'';~' g."'."."';;' ,to, " .'!,;\ -.:;' " ;:, \-: ,:.. "c" ,,~ -,:." 5 Objectives "progress while facing challenges" i Affordable Housing . Economic Vitality C .~ onservatlon I' Easements I , , I I i 1fi/lt:.1 I ... ~!i Enhance Quality of Life Public Safety .~. -~ I ..i . '-7".. '__ /1;.v I-Affordable Housing! : I I ' 1 By June 30, 2010, working in partnership with others, increase affordable housing opportunities for those who work and/or live in Albemarle County Staff Insights Affordable Housing Considerations: 1. Consider City/County Task Force Recommendations 2. Reappropriate FY08 funds and establish a special fund 3. Weigh progress again next Fall and adjust goal completion or carry forward to next Strategic Plan Public Safety Enhance Quality of Life .~ By June 30, 2010 enhance the safety of our County by improving emergency response times and increasing prevention activities and services Staff Insights Public Safety ..- JI .. .,,-m; ...~ll/ ._M Considerations: 1. Exercise Option to Extend City/County Fire Services Contract 2. Open Pantops FY 2013.& Ivy FY 2014 3. Continue to increase Police staffing when financially feasible 4. Attempt to bring/keep children in care in community 5. Consider extending this objective to June 30, 2014 Enhance Quality of Life I Economic Vitality I a~..._.......\...! ~..~~~. I . ' I I" . By June 30, 2010, the County will: 1) Maintain a strong and sustainable economy 2) Increase the economic vitality of the County's Development Area 3) Increase the ability of those individuals and families, who are living in lower income households, to become self-sufficient Economic Vitality Staff Insights ~;1~_ ~..~i...J il.... ! !;i...fj-;- ~.. Considerations: 1. Continue funding for Economic Opportunity Fund 2. Continue membership in Thomas Jefferson Partnership for Economic Development and Chamber of Commerce 3. Approve Guidelines for use of Economic Opportunity Fund Protect the County's Natural Resources Water Resources ~~{:~~~' By June 30, 2010, working in cooperation with Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority and others, increase the quality, supply, and protection of the County's water resources. Water Resources. Staff Insights Considerations: 1. Continue to focus efforts on storm water facility development and maintenance 2. Continue to pursue enhancement projects where possible with grant/local funding 3. Focus future Board discussion on considering an enhanced level of service and options to fund that level of service Protect the County's Natural Resources , I Conservation I Easements I By June 30,2010, increase the total combined acreage in permanent conservation easements and qualifying public parkland by 30,000 additional acres (500/0) using public and private means. Staff Insights Conservation Easements Considerations: 1. Continue -1.6 million for ACE Program each year? 2. Increase focus on partnerships and public education 3. Consider long term goals of the program and whether or not additional or new measures should be taken to fund the program 2 Strategic Plan Objectives facing Significant Challenges Transportation Master Plans Effectively Manage the County's Growth and Development Master Plans -"'--.-.-----:::.~;... -:!:,-,,-;:;::.~.. .-:/ _;;~:~S~:f~~~:('5;'~"~ ',_0_:_,,::- " ~~j~ By June 30, 2010, increase citizen satisfaction with the County's Development Areas, by completing Master Plans for all of the County's Development Areas. Master Plans Staff Insights Considerations: 1. Focus on completing master plans underway, the Crazet master plan update and implementation activities for completed plans 2. Combine southern urban area master plans into one master plan 3. Extend completion of this objective to FY 11-12 4. Continue current level of funding for urban infrastructure? Develop Policies and Infrastructure to Address the County's Growing Needs Transportation By June 30, 2010, expand regional transit opportunities, while accelerating the completion of the Meadow Creek Parkway, 2 local and 2 regional transportation projects Transportation Staff Insights Considerations: 1. Utilize current on-going source of revenue to fund road and transit priorities (equivalent to 2..cents on tax rate)? 2. Make determinations regarding: - Allocation of local funds between roads and transit - Allocation of local road funding between State road supplements and local/master plan needs - Priority road projects for use of local funds - Commitment to regional transit authority assuming no new State revenues 3. Consider extending completion date to 2012 Collaboration with Schools .--" . .~... .1...'.%-.. ...~, -: 2"lf;~: 'l.BrTgf![Jltlrs' ! . ----.;;:--... Conservation Easements Strategic Plan Staff's Score Card Affordable Housing Economic Vitality fJIt' ..j i .... .u.-"".i~""..' ~~'l.....'~..''''.~'' ~. j! ",-7 , ; Wat;;-R;sources i Rural Area Strategy , ~t~'~- Pla~;---~-! Public Safety ... , . i .. >;jfl; , ! Transportation ;f.~;Deve'oP a Comprehensive Funding Strategy/Plan \t.~ .._~,(",..."",... . ~!~(.,..,?...- e 1- co QJ S >-QJ I __ Ln> 1- >QJ 1- > ~o -- .~ ~ QJa.. 1- a.. co -- .. U QJ C +-I co co C \:J -- c..LL => u -- en OJ ...,..., co !- ...,..., ........, co U)coo (J)OJo !- .b r'J o OJ --.. -~ ~ ~ 2::enr'J OJ C !- Cl. -- OJ ::Jc...o U) C 0 \.I-cotJ o a.. 0 -0 !- co o CO ~ tt.o~. ,@ QJ ...., ta "'C Co ::) U) 5 ::1.- e U) .- U) > ::I QJ U = I.. U) C.C - .~ ~ 1: U) 0 QJ"'" ..c ...., C (/) e QJ Q) c. E ::J I .... C U) Q) C ::I ~ ta....., a: -"'C c. <( 0"\ _ 0 ta 0 >- ._.... LL U CclJ ~C\ .- 0 u-> ):U- I In ..--... C o E 0"\ ~ -YT '--'" ..--... C o . ~ -YT '--'" - - co -I-J o I- 1:J Q) -I-J U Q) .~ o 1.... CL ..--... 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